Power bank fits all phones. What to look for when choosing a power bank. External battery capacity - what does it mean?

According to the unwritten law of meanness, a mobile phone always runs out of charge at the most inopportune moment. As a rule, a smartphone loses all its charge when you urgently need to find something on the Internet, call someone, or receive an important message. It’s good if you have a power outlet or laptop at hand, from which you can recharge at least a little. But what if such a nuisance occurs far from stationary energy sources? Fortunately, developers of portable electronics have found a way out of the situation by releasing external batteries (also called Power Bank). There are several types of such batteries, each of which is designed to recharge a specific device: smartphone, tablet, e-reader. However, in this review we will talk about how to choose an external battery specifically for a smartphone, because it is these gadgets that most often “betray” their owner at inopportune moments.

What is an external battery and what types are there?

In my own way Power device Bank is a portable lithium-ion or lithium-polymer battery with a certain capacity. Such batteries transfer charge to the batteries mobile devices(in our case, smartphones). Their main feature is that they are able to store a charge over a long period of time. Another unifying factor is compactness. similar devices. You can easily carry them with you to work, take them on long trips and hikes. Modern market has the most different models external batteries, which may differ from each other:

  • capacity;
  • forms;
  • interface;
  • dimensions;
  • color;
  • material;
  • the presence of additional design elements.
As for the material, everything is simple here. As a rule, the devices in question are made of metal, plastic or polycarbonate. Sometimes there are also combined models. If we talk about external performance, we can distinguish two large groups portable batteries:
  1. Individual boxes- the most common design option. Such devices always have a nice design and compact dimensions. The main advantage of boxes of any shape is that they can have a solid capacity, which is enough to completely replenish the charge of several phones at once (their exact number depends on the battery capacity of the smartphones themselves).
  2. Wrist bracelets- a modern and truly unique design option. Such devices are easier to carry (no need to allocate a separate place for them in your bag or pocket). Moreover, such technical innovations look quite stylish. However, they have one significant flaw: low battery capacity. Thus, such models are designed to partially replenish energy reserves so that the user can perform several important operations on the phone. Such products will not be able to completely “feed” the battery of modern mobile devices (unless you are charging a rather old smartphone model).
The operating principle of any Power Bank is clear: it connects to the device, and it begins to replenish its charge. But how to charge the external batteries themselves? There can be three ways here.
  1. From a wall outlet or laptop. Models charging using this method are the most common. The operating principle is as simple as possible. The user connects the Power Bank to the network or laptop via a USB cable. Over a certain period of time, the battery draws energy from the connected source. When the energy reserve is completely restored, a special light comes on (although there may be other types of signal).
  2. From a built-in dynamo. Without exaggeration, this is a rather unusual way of charging. With this device, the user rotates a special handle, which produces electricity. The main disadvantage of such devices is noise: during rotation there will be a strong buzzing noise, distracting others. Among the advantages are a decent battery capacity, long charge retention and, of course, a positive effect on the small muscles of the arms (a Power Bank of this kind will replace a wrist expander).
  3. From the sun. This is probably the most modern option for replenishing energy reserves. Such batteries play the role of a miniature solar station equipped with special lenses. These lenses capture the rays and convert them into electricity. Such models are very popular in hot countries where the scorching sun is commonplace. Almost any Power Bank this kind It has a solid capacity that allows you to charge both smartphones and tablets from it. Moreover, the presence of such external battery saves significantly home electricity. The only negative is that the catching lenses require close care, otherwise the device will stop working.

What to look for when buying a Power Bank?

There are many factors to consider when purchasing an external battery for your smartphone. We will look at 5 fundamental aspects that will help you make the right choice.
  1. Battery capacity- this is, without exaggeration, the most important indicator of the quality of such products, affecting their practicality and, accordingly, price. To measure capacity, a special unit is used - milliamp hours. The modern market is filled with batteries of various capacities: from several hundred to several tens of thousands of milliamp hours. Choice specific model directly depends on the battery of your mobile device. According to experts, a Power Bank is considered suitable if its energy reserve exceeds the phone's reserve by at least 20%. If you want to use a battery that is enough for several charges, then you should give preference to analogues whose capacity exceeds the volume of a telephone battery by at least 3 times.
  2. Current strength- a moment that directly affects the charging speed. To measure current, a unit such as ampere is used. In order for a smartphone to charge relatively quickly, the Power Bank must have a power equal to at least 1 ampere. If you do not meet this criterion, you risk getting a battery that will replenish its energy supply longer than a stationary power supply.
  3. Compliance of the declared capacity with the actual one. Unfortunately, not all market players are honest. In order to attract buyers, they use all sorts of tricks. One of the most common techniques is to artificially increase the performance characteristics of a product. For example, the packaging may state 10,000 mAh, but in practice it turns out that the battery has only a 7,000 charge. An additional concern is the fact that among all external batteries, more than 70% have incorrect characteristics. Of course, reduced capacity is not always the result of tricks. The battery may lose some of its capabilities if the rules of transportation and storage are violated. For this reason, it is recommended to always check whether the declared capacity corresponds to the actual capacity. For this you need to use special devices. It is clear that such a check can only be carried out in a regular store, where the product is in front of your eyes. If a purchase is made via the Internet, you need to consider whether a particular online store provides a service for returning and exchanging goods. This is the only way to save yourself from wasting money.
  4. External battery self-discharge rate. This is another extremely important point. As you know, any technical product wears out over time and its performance capabilities decrease. In this regard, Power Bank is no exception. With prolonged use, the battery capacity begins to decrease, as a result of which the number of charges that can be carried out suffers. Information regarding the self-discharge coefficient should always be clarified with consultants before purchasing. But there is one underwater rock“- no consultant will tell the whole truth on this issue. Here it is better to be guided by a simple pattern: over the course of a year, the volume of high-quality batteries drops by 10–15%; As for cheaper analogues, in 12 months they lose from 30 to 40% of their capabilities. In addition, it is worth remembering that in the absence of practical use, the accumulated charge is also consumed. Expensive batteries lose up to 10% of their energy reserves in 14 days. Cheap models can lose up to 30% of energy over a similar period of time.
  5. Number of ports for connection. If you live alone and want to use the “energy bank” personally, one USB port will be enough for you (even if you have two smartphones). If you have a family where everyone needs a working phone, it is better to buy models equipped with multiple sockets for connection. Also, 2 or more ports may be needed if you decide to go camping with a group of friends. Naturally, the volume of such portable chargers must be appropriate.

The most popular models of external batteries

Knowing the above information will come in handy when purchasing a portable battery for your smartphone, but knowing the best models of such devices will make your choice even easier. Let's consider best brands external batteries separately:
  1. iPower 6- This is a fairly compact device that can be carried in your pocket. It has a cylindrical shape. The declared capacity of this device is 2600 mAh. He has 6 nests at once different standards, so iPower 6 is suitable for many varieties of portable gadgets.
  2. SC-A120- one of the most compact models available on the market. The charge capacity is quite small - only 1900 mAh, so this device is suitable for replenishing a small amount of energy (for example, to make a couple of important calls). The battery is equipped with several types of sockets, so you can connect different mobile devices. Its highlight is the presence of two conducting paths to replenish energy reserves. The first way uses solar energy, the second - electricity from an outlet.
  3. iPower13- an improved version of the first device. This model has a larger capacity - 8400 mAh. In addition, the case has rubberized inserts, which makes it shock-resistant.
  4. Gigabyte Power Bank OTG G66B1- a practical option for an external battery with a capacity of 6600 mAh. Mobile devices are connected via a standard USB input, as well as via a micro-USB socket.
  5. Metrans Power Bank- Very good model, the energy volume of which is 10400 mAh. The body of the device is made of aluminum, making the entire structure more durable. This Power Bank supports simultaneous charging of two smartphones at once. Concerning personal recovery energy, it takes about 6 hours.
  6. Xiaomi PowerBank is a battery that is rapidly gaining popularity. Several versions of this model have already been released, with a minimum battery capacity of 5400 mAh. This is an ideal option for smartphones of the same brand.
  7. Xiaomi PowerBank 16000- the best external battery of 2017 (at least for now). As the name suggests, this product has a 16,000 mAh charge. This volume is enough for both a phone and a tablet.
We should also highlight the Power Bank in the form of a bracelet. This device has a small capacity of 1500 mAh. It is enough to partially charge your smartphone. Of course, the small capacity does not allow bracelets to compete with other types of external batteries, but ease of use and the ability to become a kind of “magic wand” make them popular technical products.

Actual number of external battery charges

Many inexperienced users incorrectly calculate the number of possible charges. In particular, they believe that if they have a 9000 mAh external battery and a 3000 mAh smartphone, they will be able to use the “energy bank” three times and raise the charge of their device from 0 to 100%. Actually this is not true. Let's find out what such people forget to take into account.
  1. Battery self-discharge- the point mentioned above. Even when the Power Bank is not in use, its energy is consumed. Of course, in high-quality models this happens slowly, but still, after disconnecting the external battery from the power source, it begins to lose its energy reserve.
  2. The difference between the output voltage of the smartphone and the battery during charging. As a rule, this indicator for phones exceeds the same value for “energy banks”. To replenish energy reserves quickly, each Power Bank is equipped with a special circuit that artificially increases it output voltage. The result of this increase is that part of the available energy is spent on maintaining the charging process, rather than on the charging itself. This means that the phone is missing about 30% of its potential charge.
We can conclude that to calculate the number of charges, it is necessary to subtract 20–30% from the declared energy capacity of the battery and only then divide the resulting value by the volume of the smartphone’s battery. In addition, it is imperative to take into account how long the Power Bank has been lying idle, because a long absence of practical use also depletes the energy reserve.

Price of external batteries for smartphones

The price of external batteries for a smartphone in Russia starts from 600–700 rubles. These are the least spacious models. Batteries with a significant capacity cost 1500–1600 rubles.

So we have looked at the main aspects that will help you choose the right Power Bank. As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated in this process. However, it is always worth checking the product characteristics and giving preference only to products from reliable manufacturers. This will save you from purchasing a low-quality technical product. The following video review is also devoted to the method of correctly purchasing “energy banks”:

Every year new smartphones appear, more and more powerful and voracious. Innovations in the field of batteries are not yet expected, which means that a power bank (power bank, external battery, portable battery) remains the only solution for those who often live far from outlets.

What are the differences between external batteries?

Portable power supplies, unlike smartphones and other types of advanced technology, cannot boast of much variety. And this is quite logical. Batteries - they are batteries, but you still need to know something about them.

Capacity and related dimensions

The most important parameter of an external battery is its capacity, which the manufacturer usually indicates in milliamp-hours (mAh). Roughly speaking, this is the amount of energy that a battery can store (but not transmit).

Please note: due to the fundamental laws of physics, no external battery can transfer 100% of the stored energy and no smartphone can fully absorb the energy received. Part of the resource is always lost during voltage conversion, and a certain amount goes into heat.

On average, total losses range from 30 to 40%, although some (and usually more expensive) models of external batteries and smartphones can boast efficiency of about 90%.

Thus, determine the number of possible charges of a smartphone with a known capacity of the built-in battery from a power bank with a known capacity using simple division incorrect. The loss factor must be taken into account. Moreover, for reinsurance, it is better to take it at the upper limit, that is, at least 35%.

To put it simply, a power bank with a declared capacity of 10,000 mAh will in practice transfer approximately 7,500 real mAh, which means it will fully charge a smartphone with a battery with a capacity of 2,500 mAh not four times, but only three.

Please note that the above calculation is a very average and quite optimistic. You can only check the real losses when charging a specific smartphone from a specific external battery in practice.

In addition, physics requires a direct relationship between the capacity and mass of the power bank. To store more energy, the battery must be heavier and larger.


The vast majority of external batteries, and especially those, are sold without cables. It is assumed that you will use the cord that came with your smartphone. Accordingly, the connectors on the battery and cable must match.

It may seem that you don't need to pay attention to the connectors, because all smartphones have the same wire with a standard full-length USB on one end and microUSB on the other, but this is not so.

For example, the included Nexus 5X cable has USB-C on both sides. And in order not to buy additional wires, you will have to look for an external battery with just such a connector, both output and input, or purchase an adapter.

Kanex GoPower Slim Aluminum USB-C

Some manufacturers, such as Motorola, include individual models smartphones a plug with a non-removable wire. In this case, purchasing an additional cable is inevitable.

There are power banks with a built-in cable. In this case, it is important to make sure that the connector fits your smartphone.

EasyAcc iChoc 5,000 mAh Ultra Slim

External battery current output and fast charging

The external battery charges the smartphone, which is great. Even better if he does it quickly, right? The charging speed depends on many parameters, but the determining one is output force power bank current. It must be no less than that provided by the smartphone manufacturer.

It’s easy to find out the optimal amperage for your smartphone. Take the plug that came with the device and look at the OUTPUT value.

Output current

It will say something like 5 V - 2 A. You need a number, standing nearby with A because current is measured in amperes.

You can find out the output current of the power bank in the description or instructions. If an external battery has more than one output connector, the current strength is sometimes indicated directly on the case next to each connector.

HP 7,600 mAh Power Pack Slim Portable

If you have two or more connectors, remember that the total current output of the power bank is limited. For example, a battery may have two outputs of 2.5 A each, but produce no more than 4 A in total. Accordingly, when two devices are connected at once, each of them can receive no more than 2 A.

If the output current of the external battery is less than that for which the smartphone is designed (for example, 1 A for a power bank and 1.5 A for a smartphone), then charging will still occur, but noticeably slower.

There is no need to be afraid if the power output current of the external battery is higher than what it is designed for. mobile device(for example, 2 A for a power bank and 1 A for a smartphone). Mobile devices have built-in protections that limit the amount of incoming current to an acceptable value. Simply put, your smartphone will not explode or melt.

For the same reason, your mobile device will not charge faster if you use a plug or power bank with an output current higher than that provided by the manufacturer.

Let's say you find an external battery with a suitable output current, but the supplied plug still charges the smartphone faster. What's the matter? Most likely, your smartphone supports some kind of fast charging technology like Quick Charge 3.0, Quick Charge 4.0 or a variant with its own name from a specific manufacturer (for example, mCharge from Meizu). Look for a power bank that is compatible with exactly that technology fast charging, what is used in your smartphone.

Nowadays power banks with smart technologies fast charging like PowerIQ. In theory, they recognize the device connected to them and supply the optimal current for it, but in practice this does not always work and not with all smartphone models.

External battery input current

No matter how capacious an external battery you buy, its own energy reserve will sooner or later be exhausted. It’s nice when a power bank quickly charges a smartphone, but it’s even nicer if it charges quickly itself.

The charging speed of a power bank is determined by its input current, voltage and the presence of one or another technology that ensures more rapid replenishment of its own charge. There are now external batteries that can be fully charged in less than 30 minutes.

Please note: the power bank's own charging speed does not affect the speed at which it charges the smartphone.

But lack of understanding of technology and gaps in English knowledge can mislead the user. For example, you see a power bank that says something like 5 minutes charge. You might think that this miracle device charges your smartphone in 5 minutes, but in reality everything is different.

Let's say the capacity of a particular battery is 10,000 mAh and it is fully charged in 20 minutes. In this case, in 5 minutes it will replenish approximately 2,500 mAh. And this charge is really enough to charge a typical smartphone.

The problem is that the charging time of a smartphone is limited by its own maximum input current and the availability of support for one or another fast charging technology.

Simply put, the pretentious phrase 5 minutes charge actually means: “This power bank only needs 5 minutes to get the charge it needs to continue fully charged smartphone." Don't get caught up in marketing hoaxes and improve your technical literacy.

The best external batteries

Lifehacker invites you to compile a reader's top powerbanks. Write in the comments the names and characteristics of the models you use and your opinion about them. If there is already a comment with your model, please add it and add your experience of use.

The models with the most positive ratings will be included in the “Best External Batteries of 2017” selection, which we will publish.

Other guides to choosing equipment from Lifehacker.

The main problem of modern electronic gadgets- autonomy. Their power is so high (or the battery capacity is insufficient) that in most cases the performance without an outlet is not enough even for a day. Naturally, no one wants to be left with a dead device at the right time, and that’s why power banks were invented. This special devices, capable of storing energy and sharing it with peripheral devices. Roughly speaking, portable rechargeable batteries. These are exactly what we will talk about in this material - we will consider and analyze which power bank is better in 2017.

Powerbank IconBIT FTB Travel 4.0

This device is no longer just an external battery. It was created for lovers of outdoor recreation, long trips or even hiking. What's unusual? Let's look at the details point by point:

  1. Design unusual. The rectangular shape is framed by thick rubber side panels that extend from the surfaces. This serves additional protection from blows and falls. The case is made of impact-resistant plastic and has dimensions of 142x75x14 mm. The top edge is rounded and equipped with a special eyelet for hanging, for example, on a backpack. On the front panel there is an indicator of operation and filling level internal storage. In addition, on the same side there is a solar battery that charges the power bank from the heavenly body. At the ends there are 1 USB port y for connection peripheral devices, and at the bottom there is a microUSB for charging the battery itself.
  2. Specifications quite good - the battery capacity of the power bank is 5000 mAh, and the current strength at the output ports is 1A. This is enough for 2-3 charges of a smartphone with a medium-capacity battery. The power bank replenishes its own charge from a computer, household outlet or sun rays. Moreover, in the latter option it will take about 6–7 hours to fill the battery 100%, and with classical charging - 2–2.5 hours. Supports simultaneous energy transfer to 2 external devices.
  3. Additionally It is necessary to mention two features of the power bank: a flashlight and protection from external influences. The first one is clear, just an LED high power, capable of illuminating environment. But the second nuance is more interesting. In addition to durability, the case has an IP65 sealing level. This means almost 100% protection from moisture, dust and dirt.
This is the ideal device for charging on long trips. Large battery, compact size, powered by solar panels- an ideal combination for those who spend a long time away from outlets.

The price of IconBIT FTBTravel 4.0 in Russia is 1400 rubles. And this is the cheapest power bank for a smartphone in our TOP 8 best power banks of 2017.

Powerbank Rombica NEO PRO 180

This model is designed to charge any peripheral equipment, from the player to the laptop. For this purpose, the universal power bank is equipped with appropriate connectors and has a sufficiently large battery capacity. And along with the beautiful appearance is a real work of art:
  1. Design, without exaggeration, is unique. The rectangular case is made of aluminum and has a special “smoky” texture, which not only looks incredibly beautiful, but also effectively hides scratches. True, such a case and the volume of the battery affected the size. The device is quite large (192x85x21 mm) and heavy (570 g). On the front side there are internal charge indicators and an activation button framed by an LED ring that shimmers in different colors. The top end is equipped with charging ports: 2 USB outputs and 2 universal ports round. With their help, smartphones, tablets, laptops and even Apple equipment are charged. The power bank looks stylish and has the most universal functionality.
  2. Specifications They don’t cause any complaints at all, or even a hint of them. The battery of the power bank has a capacity of 18000 mAh and is capable of transferring charge to all known types mobile gadgets. USB provides a current of 1A for one port and 2.1A for the other port. Universal outputs are designed to charge the laptop directly, as well as the external battery itself from a power outlet or computer. Although no one forbids charging external devices from both. So, one shows a current of 3.2A at the output, and the second is a converter and has the ability to switch modes - 12V, 16V and 19V. Simultaneous charging of 3 devices is supported.
  3. Additionally I need to say something about the delivery package. Such care for consumers is rare - in the box with the device itself the user will find network adapter for charging a power bank, cable with USB and microUSB connectors, 10 adapters for laptop charging ports various models and stamps. And for dessert, there are also 2 wires for the MacBook: MagSafe connection cords of the 1st and 2nd generation.
This is truly a universal and extremely voluminous power bank, suitable for all users.

The price of Rombica NEO PRO 180 in Russia is 7,300 rubles. Check out the video review below:

Power bank TP-LINK TL-PB10400

But there is nothing extraordinary in this model, except for its appearance. An ordinary external energy storage device with a good capacity. This cannot be considered a minus, because low cost goes hand in hand with average characteristics. However, why this device is presented in our TOP 8 best power banks of 2017, let’s take a closer look:
  1. Design is the main feature of this drive from TP-LINK. While most people settle on the classic rectangular flat shape, the engineers of this company decided to pay primary attention to appearance. The power bank looks like a volumetric prism with a square cross-section and rounded corners. If you choose the closest comparison, it would be a wooden block. Of course, there is a huge difference between wood and the TL-PB10400, and the design of the drive can easily be called stylish and strict. On one of the side faces there is a USB port for charging the power bank itself. And all the active elements are located at the end. The body itself is made of plastic white, and the ends are covered with the same material, but in a light blue hue. Dimensions are 88x44x44 mm with a weight of 240 g.
  2. Specifications could be called standard, but some features prevent this from being done. Firstly, in stock LED flashlight. Secondly, there is only one control button - it serves both to activate the flashlight and to check the current charge in the battery. There are also 2 USB ports: one for smartphones with a current of 1A, and the second is designed for charging tablets at 2A. The total capacity of this mobile battery 10400 mAh. Simultaneous charging of 2 devices is supported.
  3. Additionally I need to say something about working with the device. Unlike analogues that require activation, here charging of the connected gadget begins automatically after 30 seconds. This is another feature of the power bank.
This device combines simplicity and convenience. No need for use additional actions, and the appearance is extremely pleasant.

The price of TP-LINK TL-PB10400 in Russia is 1600 rubles. Video review is presented below:

Power bank Sony CP-V10

Unfortunately, the only advantage for this device was the Sony inscription on the case. Let's look at what mistakes the manufacturer made in this review:
  1. Design There are no complaints, which is quite expected, given the company that released this power bank. The body is made of plastic with a dotted texture and looks very beautiful. It practically does not collect scratches and abrasions, and there are no fingerprints left. Dimensions are 127x72x17 mm with a weight of 245 g. In fact, the battery is large enough for its capabilities, but this does not cause any particular inconvenience. The standard shape is a rectangle. Black color.
  2. Specifications pleasing only at first glance. The total capacity is 10,000 mAh, while charging the device itself takes about 5 hours, which is too long. At the end there is only one USB port with an output current of 1.5A - still not enough for tablets, but smartphones charge perfectly. The internal charge indicator is also available and shows every 25%.
  3. Additionally it must be said that the declared capacity is such only under certain conditions. So, 10,000 mAh is achieved only at 3.7V, but if you use gadgets with an operating voltage of 5V, then the capacity is reduced by almost 2 times, and is 6300 mAh. This, of course, is written in the specifications for the power bank in very small print, which does not improve the situation at all.
Overall, this is an average quality device for charging phones. With such indicators, the cost is clearly too high, and, most likely, it is better to choose a cheaper and more functional analogue.

The price of Sony CP-V10 in Russia is 2300 rubles. More about the model in the following video review:

Power bank HIPER MP15000

A device about the functionality of which one would like to say “even too much.” Some options are not clear why they are needed, although, in general, the battery performs well when used for its intended purpose.
  1. Design as simple as possible. Before us is a rectangle made of white aluminum alloy with a glossy surface. Strength is not a concern, and the battery survives any drops normally. But the coating itself is not pleasing - it quickly becomes covered with scratches and collects all the fingerprints it can. At the end there are USB ports and micro-USB for charging the power bank itself. Also available is a flashlight and an SD card reader. The dimensions are impressive 134x70x20 mm, the weight is also not small - 365 g.
  2. Specifications pleasantly surprised. The total battery capacity is 15,000 mAh. There are 2 USB outputs with a current of 1A and 2.1A for smartphones and tablets, respectively. Supports simultaneous charging of 2 devices. The internal reserve indicator has a 25% step and an LED structure.
  3. Additionally There are a couple of things that need to be said. Firstly, the card reader. It is this module that is frankly superfluous, because using a power bank, also of such impressive size, as physical media extremely inconvenient. Hardly this function will ever be useful. Secondly, let's look at the delivery package that will please any user. In the box, along with the battery itself, 5 additional adapters are supplied: 1 each for microUSB and miniUSB, 1 for portable devices from Nokia and 2 for devices from Apple - 30 pin and 8 pin (Lightning). The set, frankly speaking, is rich.
Despite the presence of a useless card reader, the power bank has quite decent characteristics and a beautiful appearance. It charges quite quickly and works great.

The price of HIPER MP15000 in Russia is 1900 rubles. More details about the device in the video below:

Power bank ASUS ZenPower (10050 mAh) ABTU0054.5

If you are interested in which power banks are best to choose for traveling, then this is undoubtedly the model from Asus. This is an external energy storage device, most likely for tablets, although it will also charge smartphones without any problems. Its main feature was the body - you can safely take it on trips of any nature.
  1. Design classic - a flat rectangle without decorative elements or decorations. Actually, the device itself is one continuous decoration. The body is made of aluminum with a glossy finish and is available in 6 colors: blue, yellow, pink, silver, dark blue and black. This set is extremely unusual for portable batteries, although it allows you to better express the individuality of the user. Any shade looks beautiful, stylish and bright. At the end there is a connector for connecting chargeable peripherals. The dimensions are small - 90x59x22 mm. Weighing 215g, this product from ASUS is one of the smallest and lightest power banks in the world.
  2. Specifications not amazing, but quite acceptable for a device of this class. Battery capacity 10050 mAh. There is only 1 USB output with a constant current of 2.4A. In fact, the port is universal and suitable for smartphones, tablets, players and Apple equipment. The only negative is that you won’t be able to charge the laptop - there won’t be enough current. Also available intelligent systems overload and short circuit protection. On the case, next to the charging port, there is a battery full indicator.
  3. Additionally You need to pay attention to the operating conditions. This is one of the few technical devices, which tolerates cold weather well. The manufacturer guarantees performance within the temperature range from -40 to 70 degrees Celsius.
This device survives travel well. Africa? Antarctica? No problem - ZenPower will easily replace the outlet.

The price of ASUS ZenPower (10050 mAh) ABTU0054.5 in Russia is 1,700 rubles. More about the device in the following video:

Power bank Meizu M10

Smartphones and tablets have already proven their worth, but what about power banks? Let's find out how good and versatile the external battery from Meizu is in this review:
  1. Design not quite common. The rectangular shape is common, but the combination of colors is rare. The main shade is white, and the end with the ports is made dark gray. The case is plastic, with a glossy shine. Thanks to the work of the designers, the impression of an extremely expensive gadget is created. Next to the connectors there is also a charge indicator for the battery itself. It is not entirely clear why the dimensions turned out to be so large - 143x75x18 mm. And this while weighing only 235 g.
  2. Specifications do not differ from analogues. Power bank capacity 10000 mAh. There is only one USB output for connecting a device that requires charging with a current of 2A. There is also microUSB for a charging power bank. Except popular systems protection against short circuit and network overload, there is a built-in safety system that prevents and alerts about overheating.
  3. Additionally It should be noted that the charging output only supports a voltage of 9V, although the device can be charged from both 5V and 12V. This selectivity somewhat narrows the list of smartphones and tablets that can be connected to the battery.
It is difficult to call this model universal, however, it fully copes with its tasks and does not cause any complaints.

The price of Meizu M10 in Russia is 2700 rubles. And here is a video review of the device:

Xiaomi Mi Power Bank Pro

Xiaomi, as usual, is on top. Pops this device looks stylish and has a modern “filling”.
  1. Design can easily be considered a classic thanks to its rectangular shape and rounded corners. The case is metal with a wide variety of colors: black, grey, blue, yellow, orange, silver and grey. Dimensions are 128x75x12 mm, and weight is 223 g. The coating is smooth and matte, and this is rare. At one end there are USB ports, a charge level indicator and a button to activate the energy transfer process.
  2. Specifications keep up with the times. The capacity is not maximum, but quite sufficient for household needs - 10,000 mAh. But the situation with outputs is more interesting: there is a regular USB and a more modern USB Type-C. Thanks to the latter, fast Qualcomm chargers Quick Charge 2.0. Both ports support an output current of 2.1A. There is also an automatic system against overheating, short circuit and network overload.
  3. Additionally I'm glad that the kit includes adapters for microUSB and USB Type-C.
An excellent device for charging smartphones and tablets. Simple, concise and most effective.

The price of Xiaomi Mi Power Bank Pro in Russia is 2000 rubles. More about the device in the following video review:

As can be seen from the variety of TOP 8 best power banks of 2017, choose suitable model won't be difficult. This year will definitely be a happy one for owners of smartphones and tablets - now there is no need to rush to the outlet, because an inexpensive, effective, good power bank is always at hand.

With the development of the smartphone market, Power bank has become an integral attribute of our lives. No matter how technology develops in phones, the battery will have to be charged. It’s good if there is an outlet nearby, but what to do on the road or outside the city? Manufacturers of power banks come to the rescue. There are many brands out there, so we decided to put together a list of the best power banks.

The rating is based on technical characteristics, expert opinions, quality of material, price, and also depending on a dozen other small nuances. After compiling and analyzing the data, we have compiled the top 7 really good pocket batteries.

HIPER XP17000 – you can pay for quality


  • simultaneous charging for 2 devices;
  • capacity reserve of 17000 mAh;
  • stylish design;
  • reliability.


  • price (from 2500 rubles).

As can be seen from the information above, the device has a single, albeit justified, drawback. A good thing It is always expensive, so you will have to pay a considerable amount for such pleasure. The model has touch control, and the battery power is enough for a week of intensive use. In addition, you can charge two smartphones or tablets at once.

This accessory is perfect for journalists, businessmen, travelers, and other people who lead an active and busy lifestyle. Having relatively small dimensions (141mmx86mm) this model The power bank will fit in a bag, or even in a pocket. And, of course, the charging speed will please any user.

HIPER XPX6500 – the most technologically advanced


  • presence of a display;
  • compactness;
  • flashlight;
  • reliability;
  • price (from 1200 rubles).


  • low capacity (6500 mA ⋅ h).

Among competitors in terms of capacity and cost, the model has the main difference - the presence of an information screen. In addition, the body is made of materials that are pleasant to the touch, and the dimensions of 13.1x6.5 cm make the device compact and convenient. With the help of such a power bank you can recharge your phone 2-3 times, but the power will not be enough for a tablet.

Perfect for owners of smartphones with weak batteries. From two to five days you can not think about the outlet. The package comes with a flashlight, which is an additional plus.

Rombica NEO PRO180 - even a laptop can do it


  • capacity (18000 mAh);
  • the ability to charge a laptop with a current consumption of up to 3.2 A;
  • metal body;
  • good protection system (multi-level).


  • price (from 7,000 rubles);
  • dimensions (192.4×85.4).

Perhaps this is the best model for those who are not afraid of high costs, large sizes and weight (570 grams) of this device. Great for travelers with laptops. You don't have to worry about watching movies, working, or playing games on the go. The battery is definitely enough.

You can’t complain about the quality of materials either - the assembly is made of metal, nothing creaks, and the design, although simple, is attractive. Rombica NEO PRO180 has two USB connectors for 1 and 2.1 A, as well as a port for connecting almost any laptop.

Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 2 10000 – the most popular


  • compactness;
  • capacity 10,000 mAh;
  • multi-level protection;
  • metal body.


  • the body is very scratched;
  • many fakes. It is necessary to buy only from official suppliers.

Power bank from Xiaomi is one of the most popular models in the CIS market, which is why this device is most often counterfeited. The weight is 228g, and the price starts from 1000 rubles. You can charge a powerful smartphone a maximum of 2-3 times, which is why this device is nicknamed “urban” - it is not suitable for long journeys. Supports Quick Charge function. Well, the main advantage is its small size (71×130). The device will fit into any pocket.

Unfortunately, after a few weeks the case will have minor scratches, so you will have to spend a little money on a case. In terms of price-quality ratio, this is the best power bank of 2018 for everyday life.

TP-LINK TL-PB10400 – workhorse


  • capacity 10400 mAh;
  • reliability;
  • 2 connectors;
  • weight 241 g;
  • dimensions(88.8×44.3×44.3 mm).


  • peculiar form.

The main advantage is the build quality. The model has been on the market for 3 years, but there are practically no breakdowns. The device can be safely called “ workhorse", because the design leaves much to be desired. But, at the same time, this shape can become the main advantage, because all power banks on the market are flat.

Two ports, light weight and small size make the TP-LINK TL-PB10400 one of the best external batteries of 2018. Suitable for students or girls who carry bags, because you can’t put such a “brick” in your pocket. The price starts from 1,500 rubles, but given the reliability and power of the battery, this is not a minus.

IconBIT FTBTravel – the sun also charges


  • shockproof housing;
  • charging from the sun;
  • 2 USB ports.


  • small capacity.

This model is the most controversial on the list. Before including it in the rating, I had to talk with many device owners, and their opinions differed. Some praised the ability to charge from the sun, others said that it unnecessary function. The recharging speed from solar rays is low, it is much easier to plug into an outlet.

IconBIT FTBTravel is suitable for travelers who for a long time are in the open air. It’s not worth buying such a power bank to save electricity.

Canyon CNS-TPBP5 - the cheapest


  • price;
  • easy;
  • qualitative.


  • capacity.

The best power bank in 2018 in terms of price/quality ratio for one-time recharging. The build quality for the money is top notch, and the dimensions of 220x140 and weight of 190g are simply amazing. It’s true that it’s enough to charge a smartphone 1-1.5 times. The reason is the battery capacity of 5000 mAh. The cost starts from 600 rubles.

So, to choose the best external battery, you need to decide on the purpose. We have selected 7 models whose main advantage has been identified. All that remains is to choose the most suitable one.

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