How to recover messages on a Samsung phone. How to Recover Deleted SMS Messages on Android

Most often, SMS are deleted after a hard reset (factory reset) or when accidentally deleted, even when you are clearly aware of your actions, but forgot that the messages contained important information (passwords, addresses, etc.).

If there are no backups, then like any other data, SMS messages disappear from the phone. Likewise, deleted SMS messages are not physically deleted, but are marked only as available for overwriting. This means there are chances for recovery - even if they are minimal.

Instructions on how to recover deleted SMS in Dr.Fone

This is a guide to recover deleted SMS, text messages on Android mobile devices using Wondershare Dr.Fone. If you are unable to return SMS messages this way, try, test other applications - we do not insist that Dr.Fone is a panacea for all ills.

1. Download and install Dr. Fone

Despite the fact that the program is called Dr.Fone for Android, it is not a mobile application that is installed on the phone, but a desktop program. Dr. Fone works on both Windows and Mac OS, so the program settings and sequence of actions are the same for all versions of the application.

So, download, install and launch Dr. Fone.

2. Connect the phone to the computer

To connect and synchronize between Dr.Fone and your phone, you will need a USB cable (included with the phone) and installed drivers for your mobile device. However, you can do without them, but first check whether Dr.Fone responds to the connection.

3. Enable debugging mode on the phone (USB Debugging Mode)

Debugging mode (also known as developer mode) is required by the Dr. program. Fone to gain access to the Android system and data on the phone. Enabling debugging on your phone is simple:

  1. Go to Settings - About device
  2. Scroll down the list and find Build Number. Click on it until you see the message “Developer mode is enabled”
  3. Find the "Developer Options" section in Settings, go to it
  4. Activate the "USB debugging" option

So, Dr.Fone is running and you have connected the cable to your phone. Now you should see a pop-up window with a superuser request on the screen of your mobile device. You need to click on Allow to allow access, otherwise the program will not be able to access the phone memory where messages are stored.

If you already have a root app installed on Android, you must allow superuser access in the same way.

Important: Avoid overwriting deleted messages on your phone! Try not to actively use your phone until you restore the messages you need on your phone. Do not copy files, do not use applications on your phone, turn off the Internet and 3G network.

This way you will preserve your chances of recovering your mobile data. If you don't follow these rules, you won't be able to get your deleted messages back.

4. Scan your device (search for deleted messages)

After completing the described steps, you need to click on the Start button for the program to scan the phone's memory. The scanning process may take several minutes, so be patient. You can sit back, brew a mug of coffee, and finally try to remember what information was contained in the SMS message.

5. View recovered messages before saving

Upon completion of scanning, go to the Messages section of the program. The list will show you the deleted content as well as existing messages. If you don’t want the latter, you can hide them by switching the “Only display deleted items” slider.

The list below displays the text of the recovered messages and the date of deletion. The search bar is useful if you are looking for specific information: you can enter the search text or keywords.

6. Saving recovery results

To save messages in Dr.Fone, just check the boxes of the desired items in the list and click Recover.

What to do if Dr Fone does not help you recover SMS on your phone

  1. Check out the questions and answers.
  2. If the answer is not found, try other recovery programs.
  3. If this doesn’t help, you’ll have to come to terms with the loss.

Another program that finds and restores erased SMS messages on your phone and helps you read them is called SMS Backup & Restore. You can get acquainted with the main functions and download the application using the link:

SMS Backup & Restore will help you recover deleted messages

So if the guide on this page didn't help you - and neither did Android Data Recovery - try this program. Although, by and large, its tools are not so significantly different from the Data Recovery application.

How to protect SMS from deletion

Create backup copies of SMS, backup important information on your phone! This way you will prevent the loss of SMS messages and insure yourself against troubles.

To backup SMS on your phone. I recommend the popular Titanium Backup app.

With Titanium Backup you can backup messages on a schedule. In addition, the utility can save call history and contacts. In general, install Titanium Backup on your phone - and the risks of data loss will be reduced to zero.

Where are SMS stored in Android?

In the case of Android OS, SMS messages are stored not on the SIM card, but in the database. It is located at /data/data/ Root rights are required to view this file. The most convenient way is to use a file manager to access the mmssms.db file.

To view messages on your phone through the mmssms.db file, the Sqliteman program will provide indispensable help. It won't help you recover deleted messages, but it will make it possible to read SMS messages that you can't access through the Messages applet on your phone.

Answers to readers' questions

I have a phone model z150 on Android. I accidentally deleted all messages. How can I now restore SMS messages on my phone so that I can read them? Thanks for the answer.

Answer. Most likely, your Acer Liquid Z5 (aka z150) is running Android 4.2.2. Accordingly, in order to restore SMS, you need to get root access rights and enable debugging mode on your phone. Then read these instructions above in the text. The process of recovering SMS messages is described in detail and step by step.

1. Can I recover old SMS messages (2012) and how can I do this?

2. Tell me, is it possible to recover incoming SMS messages deleted in December 2015. I have an Asus ZenFone selfie phone.

Answer. I answer both questions. Even if we take into account that you have in your hands the exact phone where the messages were deleted, the probability of reading deleted SMS is 1%. Most likely, over the past 4 years, you have overwritten data on your mobile phone many times. This was facilitated by anything: reflashing the phone, updating Android, installing applications into the device’s memory, etc. Even if you scan your internal memory using Android Data Recovery, it will not improve your chances of recovery. Unfortunately, there are no alternative ways to return messages or return them to a readable format.

We urgently need to recover deleted sms from two phones (SE on Android and Nokia on Windows), dated November last year. Is it possible to recover deleted SMS? Please tell me an effective program for Android that can do this. I downloaded the utility from Tenorshare, but it does not see the phone.

Answer. Try Wondershare as an alternative. Keep in mind that you need:

  • get root rights on Android
  • download the full version of the application (if you try, you can find Dr.Fone in the full version on 4pda)
  • enable debug mode on your phone

Another good program for recovering SMS messages on Android is Coolmaster Android SMS. Recovering deleted SMS messages with its help is also possible.

How to recover deleted SMS messages for the last month on an old Samsung phone if the program does not find the driver for Samsung when connecting to a laptop?

Answer. Install usb drivers for Samsung from the official page of your mobile device. Moreover, based on the first queries in the search engine, you can easily find them on other sites. The next time you ask a question about recovery, indicate the program with which you are trying to recover and read messages on your phone.

LG P700 Android phone with one SIM card installed. I accidentally took the SIM card out of the slot, inserted it back into place - all the SMS messages disappeared. How to recover SMS on Android or read deleted messages?

Answer. To restore and backup messages, use the SMS Backup & Restore program (link to it above).

Sometimes in the heat of the moment or due to extreme inattention, we often delete the entire history of SMS messages, and only after some time we remember that there was some important information there. How to recover deleted SMS? In fact, it is possible, although a positive solution to the problem is possible, but it all depends on the brand of phone or smartphone and its software. There are several reliable ways to recover SMS messages.

Contacting a mobile company

It may come as a surprise to many that many mobile operators save the entire correspondence history of their customers for many, many years. Why is this needed? In some cases, such files help solve crimes or identify other necessary important information. However, it should immediately be noted that for an ordinary person, such access is closed, even when it comes to one’s own correspondence history.

The simplest and most proven method

Modern phones and smartphones are equipped, like a computer operating system, with a “Trash” or “Deleted Items” folder. Such elements of telephone operating systems, as a rule, have a limited volume and are configured for a self-cleaning function. Therefore, the sooner you find it on your phone or smartphone, the more likely it is that the deleted files will be returned to their place. This method will allow you to both recover deleted SMS on your phone and return the entire correspondence history.

Using a SIM reader

The question of how to restore SMS on your phone can be solved using a special device - a SIM reader. On almost any phone, after deletion, an SMS is never completely deleted, but is located in the cache memory. By installing a special program on your computer and connecting your phone to it, you can recover lost information in this way. However, the more time passes, the less likely it is to recover the files.

The SIM reader allows you to restore the history of SMS messages until the SIM card memory is completely full. After cleaning it, the device will be useless. Therefore, recovery of SMS messages must be performed as soon as possible from the moment they are deleted.

Recovery on Android

How to recover deleted SMS on Android? Recovering SMS on Android is faster, safer and more reliable than in any other OS. pp., since for this purpose a special program Dr.Fone for Android is used, designed to recover deleted SMS.

Today we will talk to you about how to recover SMS on your phone. In fact, there are several quite interesting approaches here. But not all of them are legal and safe. Nevertheless, we will get acquainted with all the options for the development of events. Only in this way will the user be able to choose the method that suits him in all respects, taking into account the risk. Let's figure it out quickly, on the phone.

Application for Android

Let's start with, perhaps, the fastest and most modern approach. It is perfect for those who have a phone based on the Android OS. After all, it is with this operating system that you can implement a lot of convenient and useful actions.

If you want to understand how to recover SMS on a phone (Samsung or any other), then first of all you will have to download and install a special application. It's called Android Data Recovery. It is installed on the computer, after which the gadget is connected to your car. All that remains now is to click on “Start” in the program and wait a while. Your phone will be scanned followed by data recovery. As you can see, nothing difficult so far.

The main task here is to find the appropriate application. After all, without it, you won’t be able to figure out how to recover SMS on your phone (Samsung or any other brand). True, for a modern user, searching for applications on the World Wide Web is a piece of cake. Thus, we are moving on to other options for the development of events. Some of them are still considered quite safe. And now we will get to know them.

Backup copy

And here is another rather interesting and at the same time simple approach to solving our today’s question. If you are thinking about how to recover SMS on your phone, then you can try to implement your idea using the most ordinary data. In truth, your best bet would be to use a dedicated app. It will reduce the risk of data loss to a minimum.

To resolve this issue, install the SMS Backup program on your phone. After that, go to the application and then find Restore there. After clicking this button, your data will be restored. In principle, nothing complicated. But there is one thing here.

To use this application, the user must first make a backup copy of the SMS. This is the only way you can fully hope for a positive result. Thus, this scenario is not suitable for those users who are just wondering how to recover SMS on their phone. There are a number of alternative approaches for these. Which ones? Let's try to understand this issue.

Telecommunications operator

A rather interesting, although not always effective, scenario is to contact your mobile operator with a request. It is worth immediately noting the fact that this opportunity is simply fabulous. A kind of impossible dream. But instead of thinking about how to recover deleted SMS on your phone, you can sometimes get a printout of them.

True, not every operator will be willing to provide you with such a service. Quite often, such a move is implemented when searching for a missing person. And even with the help of the police. So if in the nearest communication office of your telephone operator there are not particularly accommodating employees, then you will have to look for workarounds. Or come up with some plausible story, because of which it is now vitally important for you to receive deleted messages. If everything works, then you won’t have to think about how you can restore SMS on your phone. But, as often happens, our method does not always work. And then you have to look for various workarounds. Fortunately, they still exist. And now we will try to study them.

From SIM card

For example, you can use a rather difficult, but very effective scenario. We are talking about using a special SIM reader that will help restore data. Not only messages, but also contacts. In general, everything that can be stored on a SIM card.

In order to implement this approach, we will need a SIM reader, as well as a special application for data recovery. It is installed on the computer. A “reader” with our SIM card is connected to it with a wire. Once the equipment is connected and displayed, you can run the data recovery program.

As a rule, if you are thinking about how to recover SMS on your phone, you will be offered utilities in which you will find separate buttons called “Recovery”. One click and a few minutes of waiting - and you're done. Only now you will have to worry in advance about the availability of free space on your SIM card. After all, each message takes up a certain amount of space. If it is not enough, then the restoration will not be complete. And this is not a particularly pleasant moment. However, this is no longer so important. We continue to study possible scenarios when a user decides to recover SMS from a phone.

Deleted Items folder

Almost the last method that you can imagine regarding our question today is to empty the “Deleted Items” folder on your phone. In some models it is indeed present. In this situation, to be honest, you won’t have to rack your brains for a long time over our question today.

The thing is that we just have to visit this folder, then mark the deleted messages with a checkmark, and then click on the “Recover” function. The SMS will “fall” into place - some in the “Inbox”, and some in the “Outbox”. You can be happy with the results. True, such a move is applicable to a very small number of phones.

Online services

In addition, modern users are increasingly beginning to encounter advertisements on the Internet that offer us phone data recovery services. These are not only messages, but also contacts, as well as some saved files.

In truth, this scenario is very risky. Indeed, for the most part, the most common scammers and thieves are hiding behind such offers. Some only charge you for a service not provided and hide, while others steal the phone you gave them. So try not to use online offers if you want to figure out how to recover SMS on your phone.

Recovering accidentally erased SMS is not as difficult as it might seem. For this purpose, many programs and applications have been developed that you need to understand.

Deleted Items folder

It happens that messages can be recovered without resorting to third-party programs and utilities. If your phone has a “Deleted Items” or “Trash” folder, then you won’t have to struggle long with the one on Android (Samsung or Sony quite often put these folders on their phones). You can also connect your smartphone to your computer and look for the backup folder.

Unfortunately, such luck rarely happens. In most cases, the data recovery process still takes some time. Fortunately, there are enough ways, and at least one should help.

What is needed for recovery

There is one more thing you need to know: it will become almost impossible to recover SMS if a number of conditions are not met:

  • SMS messages should be stored on the SIM card, and not in the device memory.
  • After deleting messages, the phone with the SIM card should not be rebooted, otherwise the cache memory, which will be useful during recovery, will be erased.
  • SMS were deleted not long ago.

If these conditions are met, then you can safely proceed to data recovery using special utilities.

A special Sim reader will also not hurt if you have one (which, however, is unlikely, since it is mainly sold abroad). It works in the manner of adapters for memory cards. It looks like a regular flash drive with a slot into which a SIM card is inserted. The flash drive itself is connected to the computer.

How to recover deleted SMS on Android using Android Data Recovery

If you think that in order to recover data on your phone, you need to be a god-given programmer, then you are deeply mistaken. All you need is the Android Data Recovery utility; even an inexperienced user can figure it out. In addition, the program is available in a free trial version, which is enough to recover SMS. To work with media files (photos, music, videos), you will have to buy the full version.

So, first you need to download the program from the official website and install it on your computer.

Before recovering deleted SMS on your Android phone, connect your smartphone to your computer via a USB cable. B must be turned on (switch the phone to storage mode).

When you connect your phone to your computer, a window may appear on the former's display asking for permission to debug. Of course, allow it, otherwise synchronization will not happen.

Run the Android Data Recovery utility on your computer and make sure that the program sees your phone. Select the file types you want to recover and click Next. In the next window, check one of two options: “search only deleted files” or “show all files on the device” and click “Next” again.

Depending on your version of Android, a window may again appear on your phone screen, this time asking you to confirm the utility's access to the device system.

The process will start and all you have to do is wait. When the scan is complete, you can choose which files to restore.

Other SMS recovery utilities

Of course, Android Data Recovery is not the only program of its kind, and there are quite a few alternatives. They are all very similar in interface and capabilities, differing mainly in terms of distribution (in other words, some are free, others are not). Here is one of them.

PC INSPECTOR File Recovery is a completely free analogue of Android Data Recovery. The ideal utility for recovering media files on a computer or mobile device if you don't want to spend money. However, there are problems with how to recover deleted SMS on Android: the program often does not recognize Sony and Samsung. In principle, problems can arise with smartphones from any manufacturer, so first try Android Data Recovery.

Is it possible to recover deleted SMS on Android through applications?

Let's say that you don't have a computer nearby, and you urgently need to recover a recently deleted SMS message. In such a situation, SMS Backup & Restore app can help you. The application is absolutely free and can be installed via the Play Market.

There is, however, one very unpleasant nuance: in order to restore SMS, the application will need backup copies of the data. Otherwise nothing will work.

Therefore, it would not be a bad idea to install SMS Backup for prevention, who knows when you accidentally delete a very important message. If you make regular backups, which is easily done through the application itself, then you will be ready for anything.

How to protect your data

So that in the future you don’t have to rack your brains about how to recover deleted SMS on Android, take care of the so-called “backup” in advance. There are many applications for this, for example Titanium Backup.

This app will not only backup your SMS messages, photos, music, etc., but will even save the settings of all apps. Let's say you updated the firmware unsuccessfully, and all the information was erased. With Titanium Backup, you don't have to install everything from scratch - you can get everything back in just a couple of minutes.

Titanium Backup allows you to backup one or more specific applications or all files and settings at once. To create your first backup, go to the “Backups” tab. Then open the Batch Actions menu and choose whether you want to commit or save all data. Start the process. Backups are saved on the memory card.

You can mark applications for which you plan to make backups regularly with special tags via “Main Menu - Filters - Create Tag”. Don't forget to also set up automatic scheduled backups.

To use the application you will need Root rights.

Has it ever happened that you accidentally deleted an important SMS? Perhaps there was important correspondence, and you think it is irretrievably lost? Just not today. There are many ways to recover messages these days. In this article, you will learn how users of the Android operating system can easily and without special knowledge recover their data using their computer at home.

I deleted messages from my phone, how to recover them?

Modern phones have a deleted SMS folder, which means that after deleting them from the inbox, you can still easily return them from the deleted pack. But what to do if there is no such folder or the correspondence has been deleted and is in the deleted folder? There are a number of simple ways to recover data. One of the simplest and most convenient is using a special program for Android.

How to recover SMS on Android using the program?

The program is compatible with all mobile devices and different versions of Android. Models of phones and tablets running on the Android 2.1 operating system and higher are supported. To read deleted SMS on Android, we must prepare the phone for recovery and upon completion, you can save all received messages to your computer in text format, which is supported on any computer without additional utilities.

You need to take 4 steps to recover SMS.

Step 1. After downloading and installing the application, you will be greeted by a program welcome window, which tells you that you need to connect your phone to your PC.

After connecting the device, you will see a request to connect your computer on the screen of your connected phone; you must allow access to begin data recovery. In the next window, you can select the required functions and click "next".

The program will begin the message recovery process. You will be able to read deleted messages with the phone number and message content directly in the program. If you wish, you can save the SMS bundles to your computer in text format using the “recover” button.

If you have a backup copy, you can download it from your computer in a few clicks, or if you used cloud storage, restore data from it. Recovering deleted messages can be done even after such actions as resetting to factory settings with deleting personal data, if the screen breaks or after water gets into the phone.

Thanks to a wide selection of technologies, we can find a suitable method for ourselves. The easiest option is to restore from a backup, but if you don’t have one, then the Tenorshare UltData for Android program will allow you to restore deleted SMS. Both Windows and Mac users can download the program. Using your computer, you can connect your phone using a USB cable and recover the necessary data, for example, photos, videos, contacts, etc.