What chargers can you use to charge your iPhone? Simple rules! Charging using the case. Charge iPhone at home

    I wanted to know how this problem is solved in the homeland of the iPhone. Really, what should you do if your gadget suddenly runs out of power? In general, they didn’t come up with anything new: from the banal - go to the store and buy a charger to the exotic - attach it to a fan.

    But one tip is still worth mentioning.

    This is the so-called Wireless Charge Card - a small charger the size of credit card, fits easily in your wallet. With it you can charge your iPhone anytime, anywhere. This device will help charge your iPhone from any open USB port - in a car, laptop, computer, etc. Its price is reasonable - about 500 rubles.

    Currently, there are quite a few different devices for sale for charging an iPhone or another brand of mobile phone on your own. There is a small panel with photocells that convert solar energy into electricity. And for those who need a lot of power, this is suitable:

    There are special dynamos that convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

    We also sell special containers for AA batteries, which can keep the phone running for a while.

    And for tourists, they have developed a gadget that can charge your iPhone even from a fire or gas stove: So even in the forest you can easily do without charging.

    To charge iPhone without charging, we will need iQi

    Using iQi, by connecting it to your iPhone, you can easily charge your mobile device.

    The iQi Mobile charging receiver costs about $25.

    They write that this charger is compatible with many iPhone models.

    I also tried to charge the iPhone 5 in other ways, but I was tired of suffering, so I spent a long time looking for a store with normal prices, and found it here http://vnv.in.ua/zaryadka-Apple/zaryadka-dlya-iPhone/zaryadka-dlya-iPhone -5/

    It is unlikely that you will be able to charge your iPhone without charging it. If your phone is dead somewhere far from home, but not far from some shopping center, then you can go to any store cellular communication and use the phone charging service for free a large amount.

    I don’t know any other way to charge the phone...

    By the way...there is another option and it’s quite real. Unless of course you mean that no normal charging for iPhone.

    Small chargers with batteries are sold. Such a small device.

    You can charge your iPhone without charging using innovation for iPhones - iQi. You simply plug this device into the Lightning port and hide it under the case. As far as I know, iQi fits almost all models and costs around $25.

    It won't work without charging. Can be taken out battery from the device and keep it warm for a while. The battery will partially restore its charge, and perhaps it may still be enough for some time to watch something on the phone. But hardly for calls. During calls and reception, the phone consumes maximum energy.

    Today the problem is charging an iPhone without a special charger not resolved. The fact that without charging, the iPhone becomes dead is still considered the weak link of the developers. Although there are some developments, only the iPhone 6 seems to have been promised to be released without a charger.

    iPhones can be recharged using a computer, or from a laptop, or you can purchase a special case, like the one in the photo. And in addition to this case, there are several more fancy gadgets on sale to revive your iPhones. Naturally, this costs money, but there will be no problems with an iPhone that is discharged at the wrong time.

    There is such an option as a charging case for iPhone from Apple. Besides what it does standard features case, it is possible to keep the device charged almost 2 times longer than usual and recharge it directly from the case. In addition, a device like iQi Mobile will also help you charge your iPhone wirelessly (but a little slower).

The downside of most smartphones is that they run out of battery quickly. Unfortunately, Apple devices are no exception, so many users naturally have a question: how to charge an iPhone without charging. Is this possible in principle? Unlikely, but you can make a few efforts and significantly extend its time battery life with help third party devices for charging.

We'll tell you how to make your gadget work longer and look at the process of repairing a broken charger for Apple phones.

Many smartphone owners are concerned about the problem that they quickly discharge

How to charge an iPhone without using a special device?

There are several ways:

  • You can make up for the lack of energy using a USB cable - just connect your device to your computer, laptop, tablet and any other energy source through it.

Charging via USB

  • Using an external battery or powerbank - such devices can recharge your iPhone several times to a maximum of one cycle of its own energy reserve. External batteries are also charged via the network and are an excellent option for those who need to frequently recharge their gadget. They take up little space and are produced by many manufacturers - be careful when choosing, do not save too much on them.

  • Cases with built-in batteries. If you don't like to carry separate device, as in the previous case, you can buy a case that can charge your iPhone. It also needs to be “filled” with energy first, and when you are on the road, the case can provide several days of operation for the gadget. Note that this result, of course, depends on the battery capacity of the device itself.

Case with built-in battery

And, of course, to many such a device will even seem the best way out, how external battery, since the case additionally performs another main function - it protects the device from damage and scratches.

  • Solar panels. They are somewhat reminiscent of a power bank, but they do not need to be charged using electricity. All you need to do is connect your phone to the battery, place it in a sunny place and wait a bit. This is very convenient, especially in summer and spring, when the days are longer and the sun shines stronger. In addition, this option the better that you do not need to pre-charge the battery - solar energy will be an excellent solution when you cannot connect to other sources.

Solar panels

  • Fire-powered devices. Yes, you can charge your battery using real fire. For this, there are special blocks that convert heat into electrical energy. True, they are not as effective as other means, but in extreme cases they will save the phone from completely turning off.

Fire-powered devices

  • In the same way, there are wind generator devices that can restore charge using the wind. If there is no wind, you can compensate for it by running, or use the device while walking or cycling. True, it will take 5–6 hours to fully charge.

Wind generator

It is worth noting that in the future, chargers in the form of a power supply with a cable may disappear, because plates for wireless power supply will become more common. Why? This way you can better protect the charging connector, which quickly deteriorates due to constant use of the cable.

What to do if you don’t have all these funds?

In this case, use the following recommendations:

  • If you're near a shopping center, try looking for chargers in the rest areas or stores there. In addition, mobile operator centers should have default network cables for most brands of phones.
  • You can go to service center and ask to charge the phone - even if they want money for the service, it will not cost much.
  • There are special charging terminals - they are installed in the same entertainment complexes and are also inexpensive.
  • When charging your iPhone, turn on airplane mode - with this method of operation, all communication modules that consume the most battery power are deactivated, and you will replenish your energy much faster.

How to fix iPhone charger?

If your iPhone charger is broken and you are confident in your abilities and capabilities, try to fix it yourself. To do this, do the following:

  • Trim the plastic shell on the end of the charger so as not to touch its insides. We are talking about the thicker end of the charger.
  • Cut the cable where it breaks.
  • Remove the protective winding to have access to the 3 thin wires, which should also be visible from the plug.
  • Remove the insulation from all wires, but so as not to damage the metal core.
  • Connect all the wires together by color and wrap them with electrical tape.
  • The electrical tape must be applied so that there are no bare wires left.
  • If desired, buy heat shrink and put it on the part of the wires that you repaired.

After all of the above, you will know how to charge an iPhone without the main device. We recommend that you definitely purchase one of the recharging devices to be able to always stay connected. And of course you can always try to fix it network device on your own - as you can see, there is nothing too complicated about it.

Hi all! In the comments I am often asked: “I have a USB charger from Samsung, Acer, Sony, etc. or a PowerBank from some company - can all this be used to charge an iPhone? Will there be any harm to the battery or the device itself? Or do you need to run headlong for the original adapter, shell out a large sum (at the time of writing - about 1,500 rubles) for the “native” power supply from Apple and charge only with it?

But really, is it necessary to pay extra money (which never happens)? Or is it possible to do without all those "Original Made in Apple" official accessories? Let's try to figure it out, let's go!

Important note! The entire article is exclusively personal experience the author, his friends, many acquaintances and strangers. The information in no way claims to be the ultimate truth. I repeat, personal experience and nothing more. But it can be useful too, right? :)

So, we are interested in:

  1. The wire.
  2. USB power adapter.

Of course, if you have a cable and power supply from Apple, then it is better to use them for charging - everything is certified, thought out, there are special controllers inside, etc. This means that the iPhone will receive energy exactly as the manufacturer wants it.

What if you don’t have Apple accessories and don’t want to buy them? Is it allowed to charge others? Let's get a look!

The wire

This is the case when saving is definitely not worth it. In fact, this is the most an important part, which is involved in the charging process of your iPhone.

Apple is so clever in certifying cables for its devices that even Chinese craftsmen still cannot properly fake these cables.

To be more precise, they succeed, but not for long. As a rule, within one or two iOS updates The iPhone refuses to accept charging and “pleases” the owner with the inscription . I've seen so many similar wires - absolutely all of them stop working after some (very short) time.

And of course, the use of counterfeits negatively affects the device’s battery - since they do not have any special controllers or chips for correct charging iPhone.

Conclusion: The cable must be used only original or certified by Apple(there will be a Made For iPhone sign on the packaging).

Power adapter

But here there is much more room for imagination. A standard 5 W iPhone charger costs about one and a half thousand rubles and, admittedly, this is not small money.

By the way, it’s worth admitting one more thing - this is a big redneck from Apple :)

Is it possible to replace it with something else? In my opinion, yes:

  1. If you really want a branded accessory from Apple, then an iPad adapter will cost you almost the same amount. . And the gadget will charge faster.
  2. If you have no desire to spend money, but at home you have a power supply from any other famous manufacturer, then you can safely use it to charge your iPhone.

Why? Yes, because any self-respecting company monitors the quality of its accessories, and I don’t think that the power supply from the same conventional Samsung is in any way seriously different from the “native Apple”.

I’ve been using three adapters alternately for four years now: from iPad, Asus tablet(1.5 A), Samsung phone(1 A). And a year ago, a Xiaomi external battery was added to all this. Are there any problems with iPhone battery? No.

Conclusion: Whether the charger is “Apple” or not is not so important. The main thing is that it is of high quality.

But what about voltage, current and “that’s all”?

An original and certified wire, as well as a charging controller in the iPhone itself, simply will not allow the phone to take Furthermore than he needs.

The most important thing is not to use very cheap adapters from unknown manufacturers at a price of “100 pieces per kilogram.” Since the money saved can turn into big troubles in the future.

Instead of an afterword or a summary: iPhone can be charged by anyone (with some small caveats) USB chargers. The most important thing is to use an original or certified (Made For iPhone) company Apple cable. And then everything will be OK.

I repeat, the entire article is solely the personal thoughts of the author. Do you agree with his opinion? Or do you have some other experience? Tell us in the comments, very interesting!

P.S. Feel free to ask questions (I will try to answer them), like, click on the buttons social networks- please don't be shy! :)

Today it is impossible to imagine modern man without mobile phone. However, it is impossible to imagine electronic gadget without accompanying the full process of operation additional devices, the presence of which is mandatory. For example, a failed charger will certainly doom the “dependent” device to “energy death”. However, the question of how to charge an iPhone without charging, given the great popularity of the “yield” Apple brand, requires special coverage. Several of the most original technological innovations will be presented to your attention, allowing you to “pump up” Californian gadgets with the much-needed power of electricity for their batteries, of course, without the “participation” of the standard charger provided.

In search of promising technologies

First of all, the question requires some specification. After all, each of us knows that without the influence of a certain type of energy, none of the known inventions of “human genius” will be able to function. Therefore, the question of how to charge an iPhone without charging does not yet have a complete answer. Of course, some attempts by developers to change the principle of “life support” of the phone were successful. It goes without saying that the standard memory will undergo dramatic changes in the near future. The problem of “expedient universality” already has several fundamentally different solutions. However, today it is not yet possible to “globally decouple” mobile units from commonly used power outlets. However, how to charge an iPhone or other “brainchild” of the electronics industry when there is no access to the “benefits of civilization” is already a realistic reality. But the low efficiency (efficiency) of the developed and, by the way, mass-produced devices and at the same time the lack of thorough thought out of the feeding “mechanism” certain power charge is somewhat removed from being a full-fledged alternative to a 220 W source or other rating of the generally accepted standard for centralized electrification. As a result, we are seeing an ever-increasing need for and genuine interest from manufacturers... It is these facts that are pushing developers to find the most acceptable technological solutions.

Review of the most effective methods of “energy refueling” without using a standard power supply

Method No. 1

Perhaps we’ll start with the most basic, but not always affordable option power supply of a mobile device. Perhaps you don't know how to charge your iPhone from your computer. So let's take a look this method charging, which, as you understand, implies the use of a laptop, tablet or device equipped with If the operating level of the battery has become critical, and your device is “tired” of warning about it - the screen blinked and went out, you need to connect it to any available device, having the necessary port. Thanks to this, you will be able to answer the question of how to charge an iPhone without charging with a practical action.

Not demanding method No. 2

Today you can buy a charging case. That is, design feature Such a device will have a built-in battery, the capacity of which varies from 1500 to 3200 mAh. This allows you to use the phone for quite a long time without recharging. Convenient case not only ergonomic and aesthetically attractive. The in-demand device will help to effectively solve the problem of how to charge an iPhone without charging, and will also provide shockproof properties to the device. Moreover, protection from mechanical damage the back of the iPhone is guaranteed in any design of the charging case. The indicator on the front panel of the device shows the battery level, thanks to which the user can always visually determine the level of performance of the auxiliary battery.

Not quite an easy way #3

Of course, iQ technology is definitely an innovative option wireless charging- promotes efficient “charging” of the battery capacity without the difficulty caused by connecting a 30-pin connector to the connector. The question of how to charge an iPhone without charging will no longer express unrealistic hopes. At the same time, the comfortable method greatly facilitates many operational tasks, and in particular, it is the most gentle way to restore the electrical potential of the battery. Since wear and damage to the contact pad of the iPhone is a natural inevitability due to intensive use of the phone, as a result of which the device often has to be recharged. Attractive module design that serves as an intermediary element between charging station and the battery of a mobile device, mounted on back gadget, and the installation process is not complicated and does not require special tools or installation skills. On the market, these are products that are presented in a variety of designs. The color, texture and material of the “intermediate device” are available to the user to suit almost any preference. The only disadvantage of such a memory can be considered the necessarily accompanying process of “upgrading” the device, which increases the “waist” of the smartphone by several millimeters. However, sometimes the question of how to charge an iPhone is resolved not only in this way...

Improved method No. 4

Today, the iQi Mobile project presents a slightly improved version of the new power standard. Despite the “freshness of the idea,” the market for goods for mobile devices There is an increasing trend in consumer demand. The qualitatively modified charger, which has received wide recognition in user circles, allows for wireless “filling” of electricity into the phone’s battery. The main advantage of the new product is a critically reduced induction plate (receiver). The problem of how to charge an iPhone without charging and without “disfiguring” the design is becoming completely solvable. After all, the thickness of the additionally installed element is only 0.5-1.5 mm and is practically invisible under a thin layer of silicone frame. This fact iQi Mobile stands out from previously implemented wireless power standards. The connection condition can be considered important: a flexible connection to the Lightning port does not in any way complicate the user’s subsequent actions, primarily related to the use of the 30-pin Iphone port. Agree, this greatly simplifies many aspects of mandatory access to the sometimes extremely necessary system connector of a mobile unit.

Several arguments in favor of wireless storage

  • No mechanical connection torque (direct contact).
  • Possibility of safe operation in unfavorable environments (moisture, dampness).
  • Ease of use (mostly).

A little about the disadvantages

  • Cost, size and weight are increasing.
  • Time parameter useful action electrical energy significantly exceeds standard option(taking into account the efficiency of the original memory).
  • It is not possible to use the phone while the battery is charging.

Summing up, or Energy prospects for iPhone

You know how to charge your device from a computer. But what do you do when you're camping or find yourself in a situation where there are no standard power sources available? Today, there are devices on the market that can charge mobile devices using alternative methods receiving electricity. These are original technological solutions in the form of converting devices that convert mechanical, thermal, kinetic, magnetic and other types of energy into the voltage and current required by your device. Of course, there are many more disadvantages and shortcomings in the available devices than we would like. Price, weight, dimensions and other disadvantages hinder the path to achieving absolute perfection. But time is running and technology is developing...

Users powerful smartphones complain about the rapid discharge of the battery, why this happens and how to correct the situation will be discussed in the next article. Today we will talk about how to charge an iPhone without charging, at home or in the field, it’s not so important. Let's look at a few effective ways, and we’ll tell you about “miracle” gadgets that will help fill your phone battery without a charger.

The article will be especially relevant for people leading active image life, travelers and extreme sports enthusiasts when the outlet is hundreds of kilometers away, but communication, blood from the nose, is necessary.

Charge iPhone at home

How to charge iPhone 5, 5s, 6, 6 plus, 7, 7 plus without charging at home? It's simple, especially if you have some tools lying around in the closet.

  • “Frog” is a special device for charging any battery; the principle is simple to the point of primitiveness. It will help if the lighting or micro-USB socket is broken. I'll leave a video about this at the bottom of the section, if anyone is interested, you're welcome. True, you will have to disassemble the iPhone, not many people can do this, so we will try more gentle options for recharging the iPhone at home.
  • Use a regular car or motorcycle battery to recharge your smartphone battery; every decent guy has at least one battery on his balcony)).
  • We charge the iPhone at home using a power supply from a laptop or other equipment. But here you need an adapter from 12 volts to five, and this is an extreme option, most likely it will burn out in 15-30 minutes. Ideal for cars with USB output plugged into the cigarette lighter socket.

How to repair a lighting socket at home, read the following article.

If your smartphone does not charge, or you need to clean the iPhone 5 charging socket, read this article TYTS.

Let's look at the situation when you are in the city, but you do not have a cable or there is no outlet nearby, how to charge your phone without a charger in such a situation?

We are looking for helpers

  1. We agree with the seller in a nearby point of sale, leaving him your iPhone for a while. In 5-10 minutes, the phone's battery is enough to charge to make 2-3 calls, or for 10 minutes of surfing the Internet. U this method there are risks - they simply may not return your iPhone, he said that this is the first time they have seen you.
  2. We are looking for a special stand for charging phones, in any self-respecting mall There are similar devices. Usually on such stands you can find a cord with lighting and micro-USB connectors.
  3. We go into a cellular communication store and ask the seller to recharge the dead device, they won’t refuse you, but they’ll take it small fee, usually no more than 50 rubles. This method has much fewer risks when compared with the first.
  4. We find a special kiosk where for a nominal fee (about 50 rubles per hour) you can refill the battery of your device.

To speed up charging time and not waste hours on full charge iPhone, just follow a couple of simple steps:

  • Turn on “Airplane mode” - it will help greatly save the time it takes to fill the iPhone battery, reduces the time by 30%
  • We reduce the backlight of the iPhone screen to the minimum, the backlight greatly drains the smartphone’s battery, you need to remember this.
  • After we have charged the iPhone battery by 50-70%, turn off everything unnecessary functions, GPS, 3G, Wi-Fi, they, more than any other functions, consume valuable energy. This way we will give up the Internet, but will retain the opportunity to take an important call while we get to the outlet.

Advice for uncivilized people

If you are far from civilization, then you have probably prepared and taken at least one “miracle” of devices, which will be discussed below. If you are a novice traveler or extreme sports enthusiast, then you should familiarize yourself with a few more options on how to charge an iPhone of any model without a charger, away from home. Technological progress does not stand still; new methods and devices are being invented to produce electricity from unexpected sources.

Using solar panels

The most popular and convenient way for nature lovers. There are many products on the market that can generate energy from solar radiation. Over the past five years, Chinese manufacturers filled the stores with cheap, but quite functional Power bank With solar cells. You can find options with and without a battery, each of them has its own pros and cons.


  • Versatility
  • Ease of use
  • Reliability


  • Small margin of safety
  • Charges an iPhone or other smartphone for a long time

Dynamo machine

The second most popular answer to the question, how to charge an iPhone 5s without charging? Dynamo machines have been known for more than two centuries, with the help of them the first electricity was obtained, why not use this principle away from the city. These machines are not expensive; you can find working copies for less than 100 rubles.

Battery charger

Practical, comfortable, proven by many travelers. But to operate, you will have to periodically replenish the “cartridge” supply in the form of AAA or AA batteries.

Conquering the winds

How to charge your phone without electricity while away from home? Let's consider the option of using wind power. A wind generator for iPhone is a fairly popular item, especially among climbers and travelers to places where the sun does not shine so often. At sea and in the mountains, the scope of application is extensive.

Campfire charger

A handy little thing, but not particularly powerful, it can fill up the battery iPhone smartphone in 2-3 hours. It feeds exclusively on flammable materials; you can use anything, cones, leaves, dry grass, or ordinary sticks. Let's say thanks to the Japanese, they are the inventors, but production has already been established in China, so the price of the device should not be too high.

Electric boots

An extreme way to quickly charge your phone without charging. They work on the principle of a heat pump, energy is generated due to temperature differences environment and heat generated by the human body. Suitable for experienced tourists, for whom 30 kilometers a day is not a distance.

All methods are good, choose the one that works and go ahead to adventure.