Check laptop system online. Using the Windows System Index. Online machine performance test

Many owners of computers and laptops with the tenth version of Windows installed are very often misled about the question of how to check the performance of a computer (Windows 10). Official assessments made by the system itself often have nothing to do with real situation business The following will show why this is so.

How to check the performance of your computer (Windows 10) in the simplest way?

The most in a simple way Checking the performance index in any Windows system is to call the properties menu by right-clicking on the computer icon located on the “Desktop” or in “Explorer”.

Here, along with the configuration, which indicates the type of processor, the volume random access memory, build and version of the system, you can see this data. But it’s better to get them from the performance counters section, which is available in the standard “Control Panel”. Unfortunately, they do not make many people happy.

Windows 10: system requirements

If you look at the tenth Windows release, we can conclude that the minimum system requirements turn out to be not as overestimated as it seemed initially expected.

For the same 64-bit professional version to the system are quite moderate. Total: 2-core processor with clock frequency at least 1 GHz, 2 GB of RAM, plus 16-20 gigs free space on your hard drive. If you look at this minimal configuration, the same “seven” should just fly on it.

But unlike previous releases, the “top ten” launches so many background services and processes from the start that ordinary user and never dreamed of it. And in order to test the performance of a computer in Windows 10 without components unnecessary to the user for the maximum indicator, they should simply be disabled.

What to do with autoloading?

The first and most important thing is to disconnect background processes, which start with the system. There are too many third-party components in the “ten” that ensure its multitasking. But why do they need them for the average user who uses all these features to a maximum of 10 percent?

As for any other Windows versions, you should use editing the startup menu, in which you can disable everything unnecessary components initially. To do this you need to enter msconfig command in the “Run” menu, called up using the combination Win keys and R( standard option for all systems). On the startup tab, uncheck all processes. You can only leave the antivirus (it will still download automatically if it is a professional package and not a cheap or free utility).

The previously existing ctfmon process, which is responsible for displaying the keyboard layout and current language, is absent in Windows 10, so there are no problems with this (the service is simply hidden from the user’s eyes). After applying the changes made, you will need to reboot in any case. How to check the performance of a computer (Windows 10) after a secondary start? Yes, just enter the counters section again - the index will be higher.

Disabling unused system components

Performance is influenced not only by the main “visible” elements of the system that start with it. There are also additional system background services, on the basis of which the computer performance rating is calculated (Windows 10).

There are so many of them in the top ten that the average user simply cannot understand why all this is needed. The problem is that the developers tried to provide any user with everything at once, without thinking at all that most people simply do not need such multitasking.

If you enter the Programs and Features section in the same Control Panel, you can see how much unnecessary stuff is activated. The simplest example: the user does not have a printer, but the service is running. The question is, why? Yes, only because the system seems to assume that in the future the printer will be connected.

The same applies to load-bearing components such as the Hyper-V module. He is responsible for creating and using virtual machine using Windows 10 without use third party programs. Again, why does a user who works only with office documents and having no idea about virtual machines, on which other systems are modeled and programs are tested in their environment, do you need this service?

And that’s not all that can be disabled in this section. But if you correctly approach disabling unused components, then performance evaluation Windows computer 10 (in the operating system sense) will be upgraded. Here you also need to take into account the fact that the rating is not determined by the system itself, although this is partially true (hardware test results, installed programs, involved in this moment applications, etc.).

If available permanently valid access On the Internet, information is sent to Microsoft Corporation, and specialists, based on configuration reports, draw a conclusion about how suitable this particular system is for using Windows.

How to optimize system performance using third-party programs

Finally, a few words about testing programs and optimizer applications. Among the first, the most famous and most informative are utilities like Everest, PCMark 7 or CPU-Z, which allow you to test your computer’s performance in Windows 10.

But they only provide a complete understanding of what is happening in terms of the load on hardware resources. You won't be able to fix problems with them.

This is where standard optimizers come to the rescue; they work not with hardware, but with software environment, and this applies not only installed applications, but also the processes of the operating system itself. The most popular and most productive can be called solid software packages type CCLeaner, Advanced System Care, Glary Utilities, Windows Manager, AVZ PC Tune Up and many others. They are capable of liberation system resources in real time, without affecting vital important processes the system itself. This is what increases computer performance (Windows 10). But you need to use such utilities extremely carefully and in moderation, despite their auto mode Troubleshooting

Bottom line

In general, the question of how to check the permit does not pose much difficulty. The main thing here is to understand that the system itself can knowingly underestimate the corresponding indexes, so it is strongly recommended to use third-party utilities, but first disable all unnecessary services and components. Although... And it’s not a fact that the user’s configuration will be considered optimal in comparison with others.

Computer performance evaluation I have 3.3, they say this is very little. But personally, what difference does it make to me, won’t I be able to install the games or programs I need? What criteria does Windows 7 use when evaluating performance and is it possible to improve it without replacing components? Sergey.

I'll tell you a funny story: a friend of mine bought a computer, brought it home and installed it himself, turned it on and saw a computer performance rating of 3.0, but in the store they showed him 5.5. Naturally, he went back, the sales manager turned on the computer in front of him and everyone saw the rating of 5.5. He comes home and turns on system unit and he sees the same 3.0, he becomes hysterical, his wife is already calling me, come, she says, I don’t know what to do with my husband. On the spot, of course, I checked everything for the correct connection of the system unit and monitor, while my friend was soldered with valerian in the kitchen. I look at motherboard except for a powerful video card PCI interface Express with 1GB of memory, also built-in or integrated graphics card, many motherboards have these, he connected it there, naturally the rating will be lower with it. The manager at the store connected everything correctly and the rating was accordingly higher.

Computer performance evaluation

In my opinion, the assessment is given to provide an overall picture of the performance of your PC, so that you know its approximate capabilities. For example, you came to a store to buy a computer, and no matter what they tell you, you can check everything by looking at the computer’s performance rating. This is firstly, and secondly, according to the assessment, you can choose the system unit that you need. For example, if you want to play 3D games and watch movies in digital format without brakes, your score must be at least 5.0. If you need a computer to work with office applications and access to the Internet, a score of 3.0-4.0 will suit you just fine.
Keep in mind that a score lower than 3.0 will make your computer experience unbearable, as the Aero interface overlays Windows performance 7 significant load and you just have to turn it off. Read our article.
Another case, we already have a system unit, we decided to install Windows 7 on it and immediately after installation we received computer performance assessment and got confused about who has more, who has less, and wondered what criteria Windows 7 uses to evaluate our computer, and here’s what.

  1. Number of processor cores.
  2. RAM capacity
  3. Video card memory capacity
  4. Communication Interface hard drive. If SATA, the estimate will be higher.

The capabilities of the above components allow Windows 7 to evaluate your computer, but strangely enough, it is always given based on the lowest-performance device. For example, let’s take my laptop with you (illustration below), you see the operating system assigned it a rating of 5.0, only because of the video adapter.
How to improve your computer performance rating? We take the system unit, right in our sales area, it is not a gaming type, with a weak video card and the overall rating, Windows 7 also assigned it low power device. If I now change the video adapter to a stronger one, the rating will change. If you have upgraded your computer, that is, replaced some low-performance component with a more powerful one and want to check whether the rating has changed, you can do it this way. Start->Control Panel->System and Security->System->Index Windows performance->Repeat assessment, naturally it will change to a higher one. Laptop performance evaluation.

An indicator of the effectiveness of interaction between system devices And software PC is a performance index. It is he who gives complete data on the speed of work. The value itself ranges from 0 to 10 points. During system performance testing, the efficiency of all devices is measured individually, and then a value is displayed that corresponds to the performance of the most inefficient component.

In Windows 10, unlike previous versions systems, the developers decided to refuse to display the index in the window with system information, and therefore many users are faced with a misunderstanding of how to check the performance of their computer. Naturally, such useful opportunity could not be completely removed, but now run this process must be done manually. Let's figure out how to check the performance of a computer on Windows 10 and draw some conclusions about which of the methods below is the most convenient to use.

The easiest way to run system testing is to use the command line for this purpose. The command line allows you to run great amount operations with the system, including performance testing, using only one operator.

Sequence of actions when using this method are presented step by step below:

  1. Open the command line using administrator rights. Just click on the magnifying glass sign located a little to the right of the menu“Start”, write the query of interest, right-click on the first line and click on the “Run as administrator” button.

  1. Paste the combination “winsat formal –restart clean” and press Enter.

  1. We do not turn off the command line until the system assessment process is fully completed.

  1. Close the line and go to the specified path: “C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore”. Next, look for the Formal.Assessment... file and open it. There will be a date stamp at the beginning of the file. By default, it will open in an Internet browser.

  1. We go down to the “WinSPR” section and look at the information about the testing performed, where:
  • SystemScore – PC performance index, determined by the worst indicator;
  • MemoryScore – RAM performance;
  • CpuScore – power and speed of functioning of the central process;
  • GraphicsScore – speed at which the installed video card operates;
  • GamingScore – overall performance in various games;
  • DiskScore – assessment of the speed of retrieving data from a hard drive.

That's all, actually. This method It is extremely easy to use and does not require the use of third-party utilities. The user can always measure the performance of the computer at his disposal using just one simple command.

Let's move on to consider the next method.

Windows PowerShell

Windows PowerShell is a separate functional shell, in many ways similar to command line. To evaluate the performance of this method, it is necessary to carry out the following sequence operations:

  1. Open the search menu located directly next to Start, enter the query “PowerShell” and open the first item exclusively with administrator rights.

  1. In the displayed interface, enter the combination “winsat formal” and press Enter.

  1. We wait for the end of the testing operation and close the window.

  1. We again follow the same path as in the previous method and open the file “Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml”. You can open it with any available reading tool, but the most practical would be to open it using an Internet browser, since xml format displays incorrectly in some programs.

  1. We find the “WinSPR” section and see the results. The meanings of each line are exactly the same as those described in the command line method.

  1. The results can also be viewed via PowerShell. We simply enter the command “Get-CimInstance Win32_WinSAT”. The data will be presented in a more convenient and in an understandable form, making it much easier for the user to determine weak spots, which his computer or laptop has.

The command line and PowerShell are, of course, convenient and simple remedies, however, you can test the system for its performance not only using them. Users have the opportunity to use and third party utilities, the most common and popular of which is WinAero WEI Tool.

This is a free utility that automatically tests your computer's performance and presents the results in a beautiful and understandable format.

To evaluate the system using of this instrument necessary:

  1. Download the executive file located on the official website of the program ( and open it. If system testing has already been carried out previously, the program will immediately provide the user with a performance index and results for each specific device.

  1. To obtain up-to-date data, you need to retest the OS. You can measure the system performance by clicking on the “Re-run the assessment” button.

  1. We are waiting for the operation to complete.

  1. The result will be presented in the same window. Let us remind you that the value counter varies from 1 to 9.9 points.

Using such a utility, you can more clearly see all the ratings shown by each installed component.

In addition to WEI Tool, there is another utility with similar functionality.


Windows System Assessment Tool - another one simple utility to test the efficiency of the system. Its main advantage over the previous one is support for the Russian language, which makes it much easier to interpret the results obtained.

As in the case described above, when opening this software, the result will be displayed only if the stress test has already been carried out previously, for example, using the command line.

To retest, just click on the “Repeat assessment” button. In addition, the utility allows you to get the maximum detailed information about system components by clicking on the “…” symbol in the upper right corner of the window.

The utility is able to show information about installed processor, RAM, display, graphics adapter and hard drive.

You can get data on your computer’s performance with a simple command in the “Run” menu, but the score will be present if you have carried out this procedure earlier.

To see the performance index, you must:

  1. Open the “Run” menu by pressing the key combination Win + R on your keyboard.

  1. Enter the command “shell:games” and press “OK” or Enter.

  1. View the rating located on the right side of the window that opens.

Many users want to check their computer's performance online, but this method is not the most accurate. It will be much simpler and more effective to use any already built-in operating system tool or even facilitate this process and evaluate performance by using a third-party specialized tool.

Most often, testing is carried out in order to determine which games the computer can run without any problems. The main test in in this case will be a video card test. There are several utilities for stress testing it, but we will look at the most common ones.

Testing a video card in FurMark

FurMark – extremely useful tool, which allows you to test video cards on all available settings.

The program makes it possible to select a testing mode (full screen or windowed), adjust the screen resolution during testing (select from those suggested or configure your own), set the required degree of anti-aliasing, start testing with configured parameters or conduct a test using ready-made presets (for example, testing in FullHD or 4K resolution). To go to the settings, you need to click on the “Settings” button.

In the settings, you can change the 3D testing parameters, the maximum permissible temperature threshold of the video card during the test, upon reaching which the test will be completed, as well as the duration of the test and the need to record a log.

To start testing, simply select the desired screen resolution for testing and click on the corresponding preset.

Before starting, the program will notify the user that the procedure will have a significant impact on the video card, and therefore, if the utility is configured incorrectly or if the video card malfunctions, the device may become faulty. To start the test, click GO.

During the process, the program will display data on the degree of load on the video card, the initial and maximum reached temperature and the achieved FPS value.

Follow the testing process carefully and do not leave your computer. The stress test places a significant load on the video card, and therefore it must be stopped immediately when peak temperatures are reached or other problems occur.

At its core, FurMark only allows you to determine the “endurance” of a video card - its ability to show high level performance at peak loads.

Let's consider another utility of a similar purpose.

Testing a video card in 3DMark

This is undoubtedly one of the best and certainly the most popular computer graphics performance tester. The program has earned recognition among gamers primarily due to the highest reliability of the FPS data provided.

To conduct a stress test of a video card, just select a testing profile (based on what the user requires from the PC), assign a test execution mode, specify the scaling method and click “Run 3DMark”.

For full test for performance you need to go to the “Advanced” tab and select necessary tests, optionally configure all the provided parameters and click on the “Run performance test” button.

The “Results” tab will store data on all tests performed.

Using the 3DMark program, you can test the stability and efficiency of the video adapter in conditions that are as close to real as possible. In addition, it provides the ability to conduct tests with varying degrees of load on graphics system, so that the user can know exactly how the computer will perform in various tasks.

At this point, the consideration of methods for obtaining a performance index can be considered complete. Let's move on to some results.


You can obtain Windows 10 Experience Index data either manually or using a variety of specialized third-party tools. If you have the Internet, it is much easier to download the application and get all the desired results in the simplest and most understandable form.

First of all, the performance of the system is determined in order to calculate whether it will necessary game be supported by existing components, as well as find out the weak points of the computer and take any measures to strengthen them.

Video instruction

For greater clarity, we attach detailed video instructions, in which all the above methods are applied step by step.

If you are interested in issues such as checking the speed of your Internet connection, testing your monitor or support stereo sound speakers of the device, then our article will help you perform the necessary tests quickly and without installing any software!

Knowing everything about your computer is quite important. Firstly, this allows you to better understand the potential capabilities of your PC, and secondly, you can compare the results of your system with the results of other users.

In order to fully test your PC, you can use special complex utilities, like, and others like her. You can find out something about the system in the computer properties, but there are a number of indicators that are easier, faster and more convenient to find out using special online services. These are the ones that will be discussed in this article.

What cannot be tested and why

No matter how powerful modern Internet resources are, the fact that they work only in a browser environment imposes a number of restrictions on them. Specifically, with their help we cannot get direct access to the system and its parameters. Accordingly, there are no online testing services for RAM or video cards, for example.

True, there are several portals that have found how to bypass this limitation. They suggest installing a special plug-in client that collects data about your PC, transfers it to the server, where it is processed and presented as a finished result in the browser window. This is not a pure online service, but still. Of similar Russian-language sites, I recommend

After clicking on the "Start analysis" button, the plugin loader should be automatically downloaded, which in established form takes up a little more than 11 megabytes (if the download has not started, you can download it manually on the page "How do I remove the plugin?"). If everything is already installed, testing will start, the result of which will be something like this summary table:

We will receive generalized information about almost all PC components. However, this is not all the data! To the right of each description module there is a "Plus" button, by clicking which you can select a row additional characteristics in every category.

But that's not all :) As you might guess from the name, DriversCloud also allows for all the main components of your computer! To view the proposed list of updates, click the "Find drivers" button under the table of characteristics of your PC.

In short, the DriversCloud service is quite smart, but, alas, it is not completely independent of third-party software. Completely online using a regular browser, we can only test what concerns multimedia capabilities or network parameters:

  • operation of a microphone (requires) and speakers;
  • monitor settings (display dimensions, color parameters, brightness, contrast, etc.);
  • working with files;
  • options network connection(speed, browser used, IP address, etc.).

I offer you everything that I managed to find :).

Internet Speed ​​Test

Probably the first and most logical thing that needs to be checked is the speed of the Internet connection. Let's not break the logic :)

There are quite a few ways to test Internet speed. various services. Each of them can give different results, so to get more accurate data, I would advise you to double-check the readings on different sites and calculate the average value, which will be as accurate as possible.

Here is a list of the most successful Internet speed testing services:

The essence of all of them is the same: your computer connects to some server, downloads certain test files from there, and then sends them back. Based on how quickly data is received and uploaded, the server calculates average speed Your Internet connection. The received data is displayed as beautiful pictures or plain text.

From the above list one of the most accurate and beautiful services Internet speed test is

Characteristic feature of this service is that before starting testing you can select any available server in any city! If you don't do this, SpeedTest will choose the one that is closest to yours. current location, which is calculated by IP address.

To start testing, just click the “Start testing” button and wait until the data is downloaded and sent. By the way, the whole process is animated and you can see the progress of transferring test files. Upon completion of the test, the result will open, which will reflect the ping time, as well as the speed of receiving and transmitting data in megabits per second:

The most informative, in my opinion, is the Internet speed test from Yandex:

There are no decorations here, however, there are a couple of nuances that distinguish the Internetometer from other services. Firstly, the measurement results are displayed not only in bits, but also in bytes, which allows you to quickly assess the real usable speed downloading data in the form familiar to us. Secondly, if we scroll down the page, we will see a whole section with various technical and reference information!

The rest of the mentioned services work almost identically. It is worth paying attention to the fact that of them, the fastest is, allows you to see the dynamics of speed changes at different stages of testing, and has a number of useful and even entertainment services that you might like.

Monitor testing

When purchasing a monitor, many users do not even think that it can and should be adjusted. We usually evaluate the performance of a monitor based on the criterion: “it shows or it doesn’t show” :) So we’ve had it for years without calibration for colors, brightness, etc. And, by the way, it is recommended to check your monitor settings a couple of times a year!

As in the previous case, I offer you a number of services for testing and correcting the parameters of your display:

Each service allows us to determine:

  1. Uniform color rendering and absence of dead pixels.
  2. Screen refresh rate (especially important for CRT displays).
  3. Image sharpness.
  4. Display brightness and contrast.
  5. Correct geometric proportions of the screen.

Before moving on to considering the services themselves, let's define a little the algorithm of our actions. For cathode ray tube displays, you need to carry out all the tests one by one and correct each detected flaw along the way using the on-screen menu called up by buttons on the monitor.

However, LCD monitors generally require fewer tests because they are not as prone to misalignment as their CRT counterparts. First of all, you should pay attention to the uniformity of color rendering when filling the screen with one color. If on plain background You will find one or more dots of a different color - these are “broken” pixels...

Sometimes you can get rid of them by “warming up” the matrix with a dynamically changing image (for example, white noise) for a couple of hours. For spot treatment dead pixels You can use the service

The second common mistake in LCD monitor settings is incorrect setting brightness and contrast. To correct it, it is usually used test pictures with gradations gray right down to its lightest tones, turning almost into white. If you see all the gradations, then everything is correct; if not, try changing the brightness and contrast parameters.

I think now it will be easier for you to figure out why and how to use the proposed online test s of the monitor. Therefore, now let's talk a little about each of them. And first on the list is the service:

This Russian-language service, which contains the entire set of classic monitor tests. It is better to run all tests in full screen mode by pressing the F11 button on the keyboard or special button on the bottom toolbar. For CRT displays, it is advisable to perform all tests. And for LCD, you can selectively check color rendering and brightness/contrast parameters.

Those who like to do everything quickly, as well as cat lovers, will like another Russian-language service from the creators of the online CatLair:

There are not as many tests here as on the previous resource, but all tests contain images of cats on the button icons :). To hide cats and all hint panels you just need to click on the screen. Clicking again will return everything to its place. Naturally, it is better to conduct testing in full screen mode.

The last service on our list is English-language, however, it provides us with a number of very interesting and useful (especially for CRT monitors) tests:

All tests here are divided into three large subgroups: “Color range” (color rendition), “Trailing” (dynamism) and “Homogenuity” (uniformity). Of particular interest is the second section, which allows you to test the display’s ability to dynamically change the position of objects on the screen without distorting their shape. There are settings for background and object colors, as well as movement speed.

The only drawback of the service is that to work on your computer you must have a flash player of at least version 8 installed.

Sound check

It would seem that you can check in sound: it either exists or it doesn’t :) However, knowledgeable people Those who work with sound or just audiophiles can tell you that there are many tests that allow you to determine the frequency characteristics of sound-reproducing equipment, noise levels and other parameters.

For the average user, this whole theory is not particularly important. However, there are also practical cases from real life. For example, you bought headphones, but there are no marks on them, where is the left and where is the right channel... The service will help you accurately determine the correct stereo online:

We just need to go to the website, connect the headphones to the computer and press the channel check button (for example, “Left” for left). If you hear sound in the left earphone, it means you have inserted them into your ears correctly, otherwise you will have to swap them :)

The service, alas, is English-language, but knowledgeable people can find many useful things on it. Tests for determining frequency characteristics, and to check dynamic range, and even an online hearing test! A list of all tests can be found on the page

Virus check

The last thing we can check online on our computer is files. They are in gigabytes hard drives our PCs and some of them can be quite unsafe! If you downloaded something from the Internet and it does not inspire confidence in you, check it with a recognized online antivirus scanner

This service allows you to test any type of data up to 128 megabytes in size using more than 50 antivirus engines with the most latest databases data. All that is required of you is to select the file to be tested on your computer, transfer it for analysis and wait for the results. If your file has already been tested, the results can be almost instantaneous!

Another series works in a similar way. popular services, like (up to 5 files no more than 50 MB at a time), (up to 20 files no more than 20 MB) or Metascan Online (1 file up to 140 MB). However, Virus Total is the most famous and authoritative. However, it must be said that no one can say 100% whether a file is dangerous. Virus scanners only suggest a threat, but it’s up to you to decide :)

If you want to scan the entire computer, and not just specific files, that is, there is such a possibility. True, for this you will have to use Internet Explorer and a special extension to it. However, if this does not bother you, then I bring to your attention ESET Onlie Scanner:

This is a service from the developers popular antivirus NOD32. It allows you to use the real ESET database to identify dangerous software on your computer using a special plugin for IE. All you need to do is open the service, click the “Launch ESET Onlie Scanner” button and confirm the installation of the add-on, and then launch it.

However, it is worth saying right away that, alas, you will not be able to cure detected viruses using the service. The scanner only detects their presence and offers to download and install trial version ESET antivirus package Smart Security. However, the List unsafe files You get it and nothing prevents you from manually deleting everything you consider necessary!


Modern Internet services, as we can see, have reached almost the limit of their capabilities, which are limited only by the operating features of browsers. And some even try to "jump" established restrictions through the use of our own online clients and plugins.

Of course, up to the level full-fledged programs in some cases online services fall short. However, for solving a certain range of problems they are even better than conventional software, since they practically do not depend on the power of your PC and can work on any device that has a browser!

P.S. Permission granted to freely copy and quote. this article subject to indicating open active link to the source and preservation of the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny.

Computer power (computer performance) is so important characteristic, What Windows developers included in latest versions OS function for determining performance ratings. Test results regular means systems do not reflect the real capabilities of the computer, use additional other means to find out exactly how strong it is.

Performance test using Windows 7, 8 to find out the power of your computer

Computer performance monitoring should be performed periodically in order to notice deviations in time and contact specialists. A power assessment may also be required when upgrading a PC, replacing some of its components with more modern ones.

Open sequentially: “Control Panel” – “System and Security” – “System”. At this point you need to click on the line “Windows Experience Index”. The next window will open details that will give you the opportunity to draw conclusions about the overall assessment of the computer's power. The lowest result is noted for the main PC components - base index performance, the main thing is that it is greater than 1.

Checking your computer's power using Windows 8.1, 10

There is no graphical interface for checking the computer's power starting from Windows 8.1. Testing can be done with PowerShell help. This is a very comfortable shell command interpreter, replacing the Run command in the Start menu. Type “PowerShell” into the “Search” line and press “enter.” Right-click on the program name - open the menu, select run as administrator. A program window will open; in it, type “winsat formal” after the cursor. Wait a few minutes for the results. You must first connect the laptop to a power source.

Estimation of computer power by test

Check out the performance evaluation - enter "Get-CimInstance Win32_WinSAT" in the window PowerShell programs, press the enter button. The Get-CimInstance cmdlet will display an estimate of the computer's power. You can view it without running the test, since its result is saved on disk in the file “Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml”.

The maximum performance index, depending on the OS version, has the following values:

  • Windows Vista – 5.9.
  • Windows 7 – 7.9.
  • Windows 8 and higher – 9.9.

Assessing computer power with Performance Test

You can perform comprehensive testing for a more detailed assessment of PC performance using special programs- “benchmarkers”.

A complete test of computer hardware will be done using the PassMark PerformanceTest benchmark. The program offers a set of tests to evaluate the performance of individual computer components: processor, graphics, memory, optical drives and many others. Program with user-friendly interface, shareware, can be tested computer system without paying for 30 days.

Testing your computer in extreme conditions

Finding your computer's weakest components and then replacing them with better ones means increasing its power. You can check the power of different computer subsystems and the entire system as a whole using the PassMark BurnInTest program. For a short period of time, all your PC hardware will be subject to increased stress. The test can be stopped at any time if the user has enough information collected or is worried about his computer.