How to make an Android iPhone without programs. Creating a full-fledged iPhone from an Android phone

Installing Android on iPhone and iPad: What should we do Droid?

Apple products are a successful combination of design, performance and functionality. At the end, the consumer receives a whole product, which is even inconvenient to separate into hardware and software components. The decisive role in this identification, first of all, was played by the closed nature of all Apple platforms, while the Android OS can be modified as much as you like and installed anywhere.

It is for this reason that the Android OS operating system has been installed on such a huge number of devices that we do not even dare to list them. Already today in official retail you can find Android smartphones, tablets, media players, e-books, netbooks, mp3 players and TVs. But in the unofficial...

Through apples to the stars.

Probably, the confrontation between Apple and Google, this cold war without winners and losers, will last indefinitely. Moreover, don't expect Apple to open up mobile device architecture to manufacturers. Suffice it to recall the epic with unlock iOS (unlinking the iPhone from the cellular operator) or jailbreak (gaining access to the root file system of iOS). The company carefully protects the consumer integrity of its mobile platform and reacts very harshly to attempts to break through the defenses of iOS.

But can this reason stop a real enthusiast who has in his hands the Android mobile platform with excellent functionality and open source code? After all, it is thanks to its openness that the Android OS, originally intended for ARM processors, was successfully ported to other platforms - for example, Intel x86.

Can you tell me how to do this?

As it turned out, installing Android on iPhone and iPad is a task that is difficult to complete, not at all feasible, or feasible but impossible. To date, several projects have been created for porting Android to iOS devices, of which I would like to highlight iPhoDroid and iDroid. Essentially, iPhoDroid is just a side branch of the larger iDroid project. The difference between them is that in the first case, the user will need to download the Bootlace installation package via Cydia, which will install the Open iBoot boot loader on the iPhone. To install Android OS on an iOS device using iPhoDroid, you will only need to download the OpenSSH installation package from Cydia, and then it’s a matter of technology.

We would like to note that today, any of the possible installations of Android on the iPhone involves something like Boot Camp or dual boot: the standard iOS on the device remains untouched, but a second alternative Android OS system appears.

So, before you install Android OS on your iPhone, you will need to download Bootlace, which is located in the Neonkoala repository at and add this resource to Cydia. Bootlace developer Nick Dawson decorated his creation with an icon depicting a worn-out shoe - this is exactly what should appear in the Cydia resource.

In short, Bootlace is a kind of client that allows the user to connect to the server and download OpeniBoot along with iDroid for subsequent installation on an Apple device. In addition, the application independently determines the current version of iDroid and, moreover, checks the compatibility of the hardware with the iDevice firmware.

The OpeniBoot installation itself takes a few minutes. Once booted, Bootlace notifies the user that changes have been made to the iOS kernel and OpeniBoot is ready for “multi-boot business.”

When you reboot the device, three launch options will appear on the display: iOS (the default mobile platform), OpeniBoot console (a console for accessing OpeniBoot from a PC connected via USB to the iDevice) and iDroid (an item for the Android OS that has not yet been installed). Switching between options is done using the power key, selection is done by pressing the Home button.

Of course, you need to select iOS and, after launching Bootlace, install iDroid. In the future, the installed iDroid can not only be removed, but also updated if the Bootlace client detects a new version.

So, all that remains is to reboot our iDevice and select that same green robot as boot.

What to expect?

Indeed, there are no problems installing Android on iOS devices, and the same iDroid can be installed literally in one click. The situation is complicated by the fact that the research path led the developers to only three models of i-devices - iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 1G. Regarding support for other Apple devices like iPad, iPad 2 or iPhone 4, the developer’s answer is short and clear: “Porting in progress.”

If we talk about the immediate results of the iDroid project, so far we have a typical alpha, which involves a whole bunch of restrictions and significant shortcomings. The bottom line is that the consumer will receive an iOS device with a fit, fresh major in the face of the standard iOS system and a thrice-wounded disabled veteran of the Japanese War in the face of the Android OS. The developers do not hide minor flaws (if they can be called minor) and all daredevils ready for an experiment are warned directly on the main page of the site: “Your video, flash animation, 3D effects, camera module, image gallery, charge management may not work correctly batteries and some other options." The result of dancing with a tambourine, the iDroid smartphone with an apple on the back panel works uncertainly with wi-fi, does not have a single service from Google and does not have a truly functional GPU driver. This is such a sad thing, friends!

Is it worth installing android on iphone?

In fact, porting another OS to another platform is not an easy task, but it is quite doable. It is much more difficult to debug everything, get all the components working and release truly stable firmware. Needless to say, how many alternative firmwares exist for the Android OS, but ask yourself: do they all work correctly?

In the case of iOS devices, the situation is somewhat different. The very fact of the release of firmware for devices seemingly incompatible with the Android OS (even if these firmware are frail and unstable) is at least encouraging. Once again you are convinced that the Android mobile OS created by Google is capable of living and developing further on the devices of its potential competitor. The true value of all the alpha attempts of the iDroid project lies not in the consumer properties of the resulting dual-OS smartphone, but in the victory of the enthusiasm and inquisitive mind of the developers over a deeply non-trivial task - porting an open mobile OS to a closed platform. In capable hands, the freely available Android code could become the second version of the operating system for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Another confirmation of the versatility of the Android OS gives rise to additional keen interest among developers, which, without a doubt, only benefits end users like you and me.

A proprietary operating system is installed, which can only be found in portable Apple products. Its interface is quite different from Android. However, if you really want to, you can still make an iPhone from Android. Of course, this will not change the appearance of the device itself - an apple will not appear on its rear panel, but the design of the operating system will begin to resemble iOS, and this is already a lot.

The global difference between iOS and Android lies in the operating system menu. Devices from Apple and other manufacturers display different numbers of icons. And the programs themselves have a different external label. If you decide to make Android look like an iPhone, then this is what needs to be fixed first.

The easiest way to change the appearance of the operating system is to use a launcher. There are a large number of similar applications on Google Play. Basically, they offer a unique menu style that is unlike anything else on the outside. But there are also launchers that copy Apple’s developments.

Attention: the copyright holder regularly complains about such creations of third-party developers. Therefore, they do not stay on Google Play for very long.

We have already talked about some of these launchers. told on the pages of our website. For example, a kind of long-liver is iLauncher - OS 9. The creators of this application regularly update it as soon as a new iOS version is released. The program can work on smartphones with the Android 4.1 operating system and higher.

The launcher does not make any major changes and therefore does not require special resources. It simply changes the icons of standard utilities. Shortcuts to third-party applications are placed in bright colored squares with rounded corners. The launcher also eliminates the menu - from now on all icons are located on desktops.

Something similar, but in an expanded form, is offered by OS9 Launcher HD, also called smart and simple by its developers. This launcher also changes the appearance of all standard and some additional applications. But along the way, some other useful innovations borrowed from iOS are also being introduced. For example, if there are some news in a particular program, their number will be displayed on the label. And there is also an analogue of 3D Touch! But this function is called not by pressing hard (there is no pressure sensor in smartphones based on Android), but by double tapping on the icon of any of the standard applications.

The only thing that spoils the impression of the launcher is the presence of advertising. It is located in a separate desktop, where theoretically you don’t even have to look. The developers also sent the Google search string here.

We can also recommend a launcher for installation CleanUI. Its main difference is that the icons are larger. As a result, not the largest number of them is displayed on the screen. The application not only eliminates the menu, but also changes the notification panel, whereas the two previous launchers did not really know how to do this. Otherwise, the functionality repeats the two solutions discussed above - here you can also block the display of any icons. But there is no analogue of 3D Touch here. But you shouldn’t regret it, because this function is applicable only to standard applications, and even then not to all.

Interestingly, CleanUI also has a separate desktop. But there is no advertising on it - only a search bar is present. It helps you search for contacts, Internet pages in “History” and other information.

Replacing the lock screen

Launchers only partially help turn Android into an iPhone. Their problem is that they are not able to change the lock screen. This is done by separate applications, such as OS8 Lock Screen. When you launch this utility, you are taken to the settings window. The interface used here is English, but even without special knowledge, many points do not raise any questions. For example, it is immediately clear that the application allows you to put any image on the lock screen, set a password, and also enter any text.

As for the appearance of the lock screen, in this regard it is similar to its counterpart from iOS 8. Everything works very quickly, you can unlock the device in almost a split second if desired. You can also go to the Camera application without any unlocking. In short, the application does not provide anything unusual, it simply makes the smartphone even a little more similar to the iPhone.

Notification panel

Not all launchers can competently replace the notification panel. Therefore, you should definitely install iNoty Style OS 9(link removed due to complaints about harmful content). As you might guess, it brings to the system the traditional status bar present in iOS 9. After installing the utility, you will be taken to a relatively small menu. Here you need to enable iNoty, after which you can enjoy a full-fledged status bar.

This is not to say that the solution turned out to be functional. But it makes you think you're using an Apple product. There are differences from the original status bar, but they are minimal.

You can also enable the function panel in the application menu. It will stretch out if you click on the small blue bar located at the bottom of the screen. This panel contains buttons that open the camera and calculator, as well as keys that allow you to turn off the device and use the flashlight. There are also buttons for wireless interfaces and a brightness level slider. Unfortunately, everything is spoiled by that same blue stripe - this element is displayed both in the menu and in many applications. Quite quickly the strip begins to irritate.

If you don’t like this implementation of the control point, you can try installing the application separately Control Panel - Smart Toggle .

Changing the keyboard and camera

Gradually we changed the main interface of the operating system. There's just one small thing left - the keyboard. With its help, we constantly type text in the browser, messenger and other programs. Therefore, it is logical that this element should also be replaced. This can be done by installing Apple Keyboard. This is a virtual keyboard very similar to the one used in recent versions of iOS.

Unfortunately, the keyboard does not have Russian language. This is its main drawback. Well, as for the camera application, you can install it as GEAK Camera. Traditionally, this utility can not only take photographs, but also apply all sorts of filters to pictures.


By completing all the steps indicated in this guide, you can get a device whose interface is very similar to that found on iPhones. But you need to understand that you will not get real iOS. And all this will not work very quickly - after all, all installed utilities consume a lot of processor power and a certain amount of RAM. Therefore, rest assured that you will quickly become disillusioned with your idea and return to the normal interface of the Android operating system. After all, it works much more stable, and in terms of functionality it is more pleasing.

One of the significant advantages of Google's mobile operating system is the ability to completely transform its interface. Enthusiasts of all stripes are releasing various custom shells that allow them to make Android smartphones different from each other.

This post will be of interest to those users who are fans of the strict style of the iOS interface, but for some reason continue to use Android. If you want your pet's look to resemble iOS with rounded corners, folders and shaky icons, then you need to download a few apps from Google Play.

None of the developers has yet succeeded in combining all the best features of iOS in one package - you will need as many as six programs.

Lock screen

The application is among the top most popular Android programs in the Utilities category. It has more than 1,000,000-5,000,000 installations, among which more than 47,000 users have rated it 4.4 stars. The program turns the standard Android lock screen into an iOS lockscreen. The developer took into account all aspects of the original version: fonts, password entry page and even notifications.


– a simple and fast launcher that copies the iOS interface. Just like the iPhone, there is a 6 x 4 grid layout of icons and a frosted glass dock panel. Icon editing mode opens with a double tap: move, hide, and delete any applications. Opening and closing tasks is accompanied by a characteristic animation.

Status bar

To make Android look like iOS, you will also have to change the status bar. works fully with the launcher from the same developer iLauncher.

Command centre

Almost completely copies the iOS Control Center, which slides out from the bottom edge of the screen and is created in the image and likeness of the quick settings panel from Android, which in turn slides out from the top (are you confused yet?). The panel contains on/off buttons for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, screen rotation lock, airplane mode, data transfer mode, as well as screen brightness sliders and shortcuts for launching some standard applications.

Apple style keyboard

is an Android keyboard designed to emulate the iPhone keypad. After installing the utility, the keyboard can be used in any application on the device.


– a camera in the style of a standard application in iOS. This is not only an excellent utility for photo processing, but also a complete replacement for the standard Camera application. According to the developer, its capabilities exceed the standard program and provide control comparable to that found on cameras. After taking a photo, you can start processing - adjust brightness, contrast, color correction and much more.

Owners of Android and iOS gadgets often argue – which platform is better? Both operating systems have their own capabilities, advantages and disadvantages. If you are the owner of an Android smartphone or tablet and want to evaluate how Apple technology works without buying an iPhone or iPad, you can temporarily turn your Android device into an iPhone. There are several methods available for this. Which ones - read on.

How to make an iPhone out of Android - simple steps

The desire to turn Android into iPhone is understandable. Apple technology is known for its user-friendly interface, recognizable visual design and a large number of useful functions. The transformation of the gadget is done in one of two ways: installing a launcher and completely flashing it. In the first case, you will achieve only external changes, in the second, you will make your Android smartphone almost indistinguishable from an iPhone.

Visual changes only

The simplest method of installing iOS on Android is to change the device interface. To do this, you do not need to download third-party tools and have experience in flashing mobile devices. The applications required for this purpose can be downloaded from our website or Google Play service. After downloading, you just need to open the downloaded program and launch the launcher - the Android desktop and menu will instantly transform. For the transformation, download the skin or apk and then open it using a file manager. After installing all the elements, you can easily study and master the iPhone menu without buying a new device.

Full flashing

If the visual changes aren't enough for you, you can go ahead and install iOS completely on Android. This is quite risky since the platform is designed with Apple hardware in mind. Please also keep in mind that this will not be just a graphical shell, but another operating system with separate functionality and functions tailored for Apple.

Where to start installing a new operating system? First, visit thematic forums, where they will advise you on the ideal firmware for your phone model. It is worth downloading the file from trusted sources so as not to accidentally install a program with viruses. As a last resort, you can install a version of iOS that is not intended for your smartphone model. Whether it’s worth doing this – decide for yourself.

Here is an approximate algorithm of actions for flashing the device’s firmware:

  • Reset your phone to factory settings.
  • Download the archive file from iOS
  • Install the memory card in the root.
  • Turn off the device and hold down several buttons at the same time to activate the “Recovery” mode (each model has its own buttons).
  • Use the volume rocker to select “install zip from sdcard”.
  • Find the firmware and select it. Installation may take a few minutes.
  • Select “Reboot system”, then wait until the device turns on.

Ready! Now the Android smartphone will work on iOS. You can reflash the device back at any time if you download the Android firmware and follow the same procedure.

How to turn Android into iPhone (iOS)

If it is problematic to make an iPhone out of an Android, then it is quite possible to remake the “internals”. Various tools downloaded from our website and the Google Play store will help you with this. Here are the most popular methods of turning Android into an Apple device.

Launchers and widgets

If you want to try out iOS on Android, but are afraid to turn your smartphone into a “brick,” use launchers. This is a quick and easy way to install a graphical shell “for Apple”. Here are the most popular types of launchers and widgets according to users:

  1. Espier Dialer 7 Pro V.1.0.6
  2. Espier Launcher 7 Pro V.1.4.5
  3. iLauncher v

iPhone Apps

There are many standard applications that look different on Android and iOS. If you strive for identity in the little things, pay attention to them:

  • EspierControlCenter 7 ProV.1.2.8 – a plugin that replaces the bottom panel and many functions of an Android phone on iOS
  • Clock iOS 7-8 is a functional alarm clock with a nice interface and classic iPhone design.

When installing a modified iPhone design for Android, you need to take into account 2 important steps:

Step #1: Root rights are required

When working with files, including iOS firmware, remove all restrictions on the operation of the smartphone. This can be done using a special menu item.

Step No. 2: The immediate process of reinstalling the OS

The process of reinstalling the operating system on Android requires caution and knowledge of technical issues. First, download the firmware to your computer, then copy the file to your phone via a USB cable. Perform all other actions in Recovery mode with the phone turned off.

Changing the keyboard and camera

Even if you install the Apple launcher, the smartphone's keyboard and camera will have the same Android interface. You can make them “for iPhone” using the virtual keyboard Apple Keyboard. The camera has the GEAK Camera application and its analogues, with which you can not only take photos and videos, but also process images with various filters.

Replacing the lock screen

A utility called OS8 Lock Screen will help you replace the Android lock screen on iOS. With its help, you can configure the screensaver, unlock method, set a password, etc. In appearance, the program completely copies the screen on iOS 8, works quickly, without bugs or freezes.

Notification panel

If your launcher does not provide a replacement for the notification panel, install the status bar update through the iNoty Style OS 9 program. The application has minor differences from the original Apple product, but overall it looks quite natural. A functional panel is available in the service menu for quick access to the flashlight, brightness level and other important options.

An easy way to make an iPhone from Android

For mobile devices under warranty, one method can be used that does not negate the manufacturer's responsibilities. To turn an Android into an iPhone in this case, do the following:

  • Visit Google Play and download Launcher i6.
  • Install a service to adapt the lock screen LockScreen.
  • To replace the keyboard interface, use Simple iOS Keyboard.
  • To complete the transformation, you should download and install Control Center.

All of the above actions will not turn Android into iOS, however, they will be able to bring your device as close as possible to the creation of the California giant manufacturer.

Many people who use the Android operating system have probably at least once wanted to make it look like iOS or even flash their device to this shell. There are several ways to do this. The first one allows you to simply change the appearance of Android, the second one allows you to fully install IOS. In this article, we will talk in detail about how to make an iPhone from Android.

Changing the appearance of Android

First, let's look at the first method. In order to change the appearance of Android you need to:

iOS Emulator for Android System: Video

How to flash Android on iOS

The option when the firmware is changed is considered more risky, so before flashing Android to IOS you need to think several times and weigh the pros and cons. If the desire to do this has not disappeared, then it is necessary to perform a number of such manipulations:

  1. First of all . This is done in the settings menu in the “restore and reset” tab.
  2. Next, download and upload the IOS firmware version to the memory card. Each device has its own version of this firmware, so there will not be a link to it here.
  3. A very important point - do not forget to make a backup copy of the current Android shell and find out.
  4. The next step is to copy all the data from the phone to the memory module, remove it and mount the memory card with the firmware.
  5. Further, without turning on the device, . In different models, it is activated by different key combinations. In this mode, you need to select “Factory Reset”. Wait for the process to finish and launch using the volume rocker as navigation.
  6. The process can take quite a long time. It is also important to remember that the gadget must be connected to a charger. An abrupt shutdown due to low battery power turns the device into a “brick.”
  7. After the installation is complete, you need to do a “Factory Reset” again. Then, remove the battery and memory card.
  8. The last thing is to turn on the device. The device can boot up in about 20 minutes, however, if during this time nothing has happened and the phone or tablet does not show any signs of life, even after several reboots, then the only option left is a direct route to the service center.

IOS emulator for Android

How to install iOS on Android: Video

Simple change of appearance or alteration

From the above, it can be understood that the question of whether it is possible to reflash Android to IOS can be answered unequivocally - it is possible. But this doesn’t always end well. Therefore, before starting the procedure, it is important to think and limit yourself to a simple change in appearance, because resuscitation services in specialized workshops are not cheap.

How to make an iPhone from Android: Video