How to check the speed of a laptop. Useful utilities for testing computer performance

The need to check one or another component of a computer system may arise for various reasons. Some people just want to check the stability of the hardware, others are looking for the reasons for the device malfunction or achieving maximum performance. To do this you need a computer testing program.

Computer performance test online

Equipment inspection should always begin with collecting information about it. If you don't know exactly what components are installed and what software is being used, it will be more difficult for you to test your computer's performance. These parameters may indicate that to fix the problem you only need to change the operating mode (often happens in laptops) or update the driver.

To collect data, it is not necessary to download utilities; at the first stage, you can check online. The service is well suited for this, as it can also diagnose a remote computer. For the tester to work, you first need to download and install the browser add-on. In terms of functionality, this online service is similar to the popular SiSoft Sandra. The report will provide you with complete data:

  • about the manufacturer and model of the motherboard;
  • chipset type;
  • the amount of RAM, its operating frequency;
  • processor models;
  • BIOS data;
  • about the USB bus and connected peripherals.

It will also be useful to check the performance of your computer on the network, for example, bandwidth. To do this, go to the website, click the Begin Test button on the website and the service will give you data on the speed of uploading data to the network and downloading it. This is one of the simple ways to check the “honesty” of the provider, whether it is cutting off your speed. According to the test results, it should match the data of your Internet service package.

How to check your computer for functionality

When errors occur on the computer’s hardware side, a person is faced with failures in the form of a “blue screen of death”, spontaneous reboots, freezes and “braking” of the system. Sometimes this condition is caused by a virus and a full threat scan should be carried out, but in the worst case it is due to hardware failure. First you need to find out which part is causing the problem, then determine what caused this behavior.

Checking RAM

Failures from this part of the computer are extremely rare, but when “overclocking” the system, it still happens that they burn out. A RAM test can be carried out using the Memtest+86 program. Test scheme:

  1. Download the utility.
  2. Create a bootable USB flash drive.
  3. Run the program from the flash drive and check the RAM.
  4. The test will last indefinitely. If after several runs no errors are detected, then the RAM is working properly.

How to test a video card

More often, the desire to test a video adapter arises when you need to find out its maximum power. This is necessary to increase its performance beyond the factory settings in case of insufficient resources for new games. Sometimes such “overclocking” leads to breakdown, but this remains on the conscience of the owner. If you are buying a used part, then you should definitely know how to test the video card. This will allow you to avoid purchasing counterfeits, of which there are many. In addition, the test will help identify hidden failures at the chip level during operation.

To test a video card under load, FurMark is a good choice. It supports all modern operating systems, adapter models, and provides the most complete data on all parameters. First, you should download and install the utility itself; after launch, a window will open in which you should do the following:

  1. By clicking on the CPU-Z button, you can get complete data on the video card: release date, operating frequency, amount of video memory, and RAM, model.
  2. The Sensors tab displays the load and temperature of the device at the moment - these are indicators when idle.
  3. To test the adapter, click the Burn in Test button and then Go.
  4. A graph with temperature data will appear, and a “hairy donut” will spin on the main screen.
  5. The minimum to evaluate the performance of the card is to wait 15 minutes. If there are no freezes or reboots, the test can be considered passed.
  6. Pay attention to the temperature, it should not be higher than 80 degrees Celsius. If the indicator is higher, there is a possibility that the part will behave unstable and at some point may burn out. The problem is either poor cooling of the fans or incorrect operation of the chipsets.

CPU stress test

To test processor performance, you can use the CPU Tester Pro program. This program helps to test not only the CPU, but also other parts of the system. Used for testing at home and in commercial organizations. The program contains several modules that check the CPU, cache, memory, and chipset.

A computer stress test creates a lot of stress. This is done to check the extreme stability of parts and detect defective fragments. The program can conduct a test for 6 hours; if the system passes all the tests, then during normal use, failures are simply excluded. Before you test your computer using this method, think about whether you really need it. Stress is not normal for any processor and can cause it to fail.

How to check your hard drive

Another important part of a computer system is the hard drive or HDD. When it breaks down, no utilities will really help, because you won’t be able to simply start the “machine”. As a rule, programs are used when you need to test a used part or identify possible causes of an operating system failure. The Victoria HDD utility is considered the most popular at the moment. After starting the program you need:

  1. If you have more than one hard drive, select the one you want to test in the right window.
  2. First, check the SMART status in the second tab of the top menu. Click the Get SMART button. The results should contain the word GOOD. The hard drive temperature should be no higher than 40 degrees.
  3. Next you need to select the Tests tab. On the right side of the screen, select the “read” item, under it check the ignore box and press the START button.
  4. The program has rectangles of different colors. There should be no red ones at all, there may be 5-10 orange ones, but the fewer there are, the better. It is better if all sectors are gray.

After you have managed to test your computer for bad sectors, you can start replacing, restoring or erasing them. This will ensure more stable operation of the system. To do this, you need to select the required action instead of the Ignore item.

The performance of a computer directly depends on the components that were used in its assembly. Therefore, even almost identical computers can differ significantly in performance. In this article we will talk about how to find out the performance of your computer.

There are many ways to measure computer performance. The simplest is the Windows Experience Index. Starting with Windows Vista, the Windows operating system evaluates your computer's performance and provides a score or so-called Performance Index.

In order to find out the Performance Index of your computer, you need to open the Control Panel and go to the System and Security -> System section.

In the "System" window, you can find out the main characteristics of your computer and operating system, as well as find out the Windows Experience Index.

The System page shows the overall performance index of the computer. But, in fact, the index is measured for each of the main components of the computer separately. You can see how the components used in your computer are rated. To do this, click on the “Windows Experience Index” link on the “System” page.

Other programs for testing computer performance

There are also other programs that can provide various assessments of computer performance. Let's look at several such programs.

Super PI

Super PI is a free program for testing central performance. The program calculates Pi to the specified accuracy and measures the time it will take to complete this task. The faster a computer can process calculations, the higher the computer's performance. Super PI operates exclusively in single-core mode and allows you to calculate Pi with an accuracy of 16 thousand decimal places to 32 million decimal places.

3DMark is a popular paid performance testing program. The 3DMark program tests the performance of the central processor and gives a score. The main focus of this program is testing gaming computers. In this area, 3DMark has become almost the standard.

Futuremark PCMark

Futuremark PCMark is a paid program for comprehensive computer testing from the same developer as 3DMark. Unlike 3DMark, which tests only the processor and video card, this program provides the user with data about all system components.


EVEREST is a popular paid program for obtaining information about the system. The EVEREST program includes a wide variety of tests that allow you to evaluate your computer's performance. In addition, EVEREST provides the user with more than one hundred pages of information about his computer and operating system.

A laptop performance test helps you understand which computer components are outdated and cannot withstand high loads. You can evaluate the laptop's performance using Windows tools and special programs.

Using Windows Tools

If your laptop is running Windows Vista or Windows 7, you can see its performance using the Performance Meters and Tools utility, which measures computer performance. The final grade is based on the lowest value.

You can find the counter through the control panel by simply writing the name of the utility in the search bar.

If the test shows that a laptop with Windows 7 has a performance of 3.5-5, then there is nothing to worry about - these are average, completely acceptable values. The maximum score for a “seven” is 7 points.

If the index is less than 3.5, then you should think about replacing weak laptop components - video card, hard drive, RAM.

On Windows 8 and 10, the maximum index is 9.9. However, you won’t be able to view the score using the “Counters” tool in the latest versions of the system - there is no such utility in the control panel anymore. To test your laptop, you will have to use the command line.

The laptop test may take several minutes, the system will slow down a little during this time, so it is better not to perform any other actions. Upon completion of the test, a line with the execution time will appear, after which the command line can be closed.

To see specific laptop performance scores, open the C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore directory and look for a file whose name will include the current date and “Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml.”

Right-click on the file and open it through a browser or regular notepad. Find among the data array a text block entitled “WinSPR”. It contains the scores that the laptop received as a result of the test.

  • SystemScore - overall performance score, calculated using the lowest index.
  • MemoryScore - RAM.
  • CpuScore - processor.
  • GraphicsScore - graphics.
  • GamingScore - graphics in games.
  • DiskScore - hard drive.

If you see that the overall score is too low, find a component that is inferior in performance and replace it with more powerful and modern hardware. Then the laptop will work faster and more productively.

Task Manager

In the task manager on all versions of Windows there is a “Performance” or “Performance” tab, by opening which you can see how many resources the system spends on a particular task.

If you go to the “Processes” tab, you can understand which program is consuming how many resources. This won't help you check your laptop's performance, but if you see that the system is slowing down even though the computer's ratings are normal, then you should check where your precious resources are being spent.

Testing in AIDA64 program

AIDA64 is a powerful system information tool that allows you to check your software and hardware. The program, which can be used free of charge for a month, includes a number of tests to evaluate the performance of individual components and equipment as a whole. Available tests are presented on the “Service” tab.

What can be checked using AIDA64 benchmarks:

  • Disk test – measures the performance of storage devices. Attention: the operation is not limited to reading only, so performing the test incorrectly may result in data loss.
  • Cache and memory test – checks RAM bandwidth when reading, writing and copying, showing latency.
  • The GPGPU test is an assessment of the computing performance of a graphics system.
  • Monitor diagnostics - finding the necessary settings, calibrating the monitor, detecting possible problems.
  • System stability test - creating a full load for individual components and the system as a whole. During the test, temperature and voltage indicators and fan rotation speed are monitored.
  • AIDA64 CPUID – providing detailed information about installed processors (supported instruction set extensions, cache size, manufacturing technology, voltage and clock speed).

The list of utilities for testing is not limited to the AIDA64 program. There are also programs such as wPrime and Super Pi for the processor, 3DMark06 for graphics, HD Tune for the hard drive. For example, to check the battery life of a laptop, you can use the Battery Eater utility.

In order to measure computer performance using tests, it is not necessary to download any third-party applications and utilities.

It is enough to use the resources already built into the operating system.

Although to obtain more detailed information the user will have to find a suitable program.

Based on the test results, you can draw conclusions about which part of your PC or laptop requires replacement sooner than others - and sometimes you can simply understand the need to buy a new computer.

The need to perform a check

Computer speed testing is available to any user. The verification does not require any specialized knowledge or experience with specific versions of Windows OS. And the process itself is unlikely to require spending more than an hour.

Reasons why you should use the built-in utility or third-party application refers to:

  • Unreasonable slowdown of the computer. Moreover, not necessarily the old one - the check is needed to identify problems with new PCs. For example, the minimum results and indicators of a good video card indicate incorrectly installed drivers;
  • checking the device when selecting several similar configurations in a computer store. This is usually done before buying laptops - running a test on 2-3 devices with almost identical parameters helps to find out which one is better suited to the buyer;
  • the need to compare the capabilities of various components of a gradually modernized computer. So, if the HDD has the lowest performance value, then it should be replaced first (for example, with an SSD).

According to the results of testing, which revealed the speed at which the computer performs various tasks, you can detect problems with drivers and incompatibility of installed devices. And sometimes even poorly functioning and broken parts - for this, however, you will need more functional utilities than those built into Windows by default. Standardized tests reveal minimal information.

System check

You can check the performance of individual computer components using the built-in capabilities of the Windows operating system. Their operating principle and information content are approximately the same for all versions of the Microsoft platform. And the differences lie only in the method of launching and reading information.

Windows Vista, 7 and 8

For versions 7 and 8 of the platform, as well as Windows Vista, the performance counter of computer elements can be found in the list of basic information about the operating system. To display them on the screen, just right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select properties.

If testing has already been carried out, information about its results will be available immediately. If you are running the test for the first time, you will have to run it by going to the performance test menu.

The maximum score that Windows 7 and 8 can achieve is 7.9. You should think about the need to replace parts if at least one of the indicators is below 4. For a gamer, values ​​above 6 are more suitable. For Windows Vista, the best indicator is 5.9, and the “critical” indicator is about 3.

Important: To speed up performance calculations, you should turn off almost all programs during the test. When testing a laptop, it is advisable to plug it into the network - the process significantly consumes battery power.

Windows 8.1 and 10

For more modern operating systems, finding information about computer performance and starting to calculate it is no longer so easy. To run a utility that evaluates system parameters, you should do the following:

1Go to operating system command line(cmd via menu "Run" caused by pressing keys simultaneously Win + R);

2Enable evaluation process, leading the team winsat formal –restart clean;

3Wait for the job to complete;

4Go to folder Performance\WinSAT\DataStore located in the Windows system directory on the computer’s system drive;

5Find and open the file in a text editor "Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml".

Among the multitude of text, the user must find the WinSPR block, where approximately the same data is located that is displayed on the screen of Windows 7 and 8 systems - only in a different form.

Yes, under the name SystemScore the general index calculated from the minimum value is hidden, and MemoryScore, CpuScore And GraphicsScore indicate the memory, processor and graphics card indicators, respectively. GamingScore And DiskScore– performance for gaming and for reading/writing the hard drive.

The maximum value for Windows 10 and version 8.1 is 9.9. This means that the owner of an office computer can still afford to have a system with numbers less than 6, but for full operation of a PC and laptop it must reach at least 7. And for a gaming device - at least 8.

Universal method

There is a method that is the same for any operating system. It consists of launching the task manager after pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys. A similar effect can be achieved by right-clicking on the taskbar - there you can find an item that launches the same utility.

You will be able to see several graphs on the screen - for the processor (for each thread separately) and RAM. For more detailed information, go to the “Resource Monitor” menu.

Using this information, you can determine how heavily loaded individual PC components are. First of all, this can be done by the loading percentage, secondly - by the color of the line ( green means normal operation of the component, yellow– moderate, red– need to replace the component).

Third party programs

Using third-party applications, checking your computer's performance is even easier.

Some of them are paid or shareware (that is, they require payment after the trial period ends or to increase functionality).

However, these applications conduct more detailed testing - and often provide a lot of other information useful to the user.

1. AIDA64

AIDA64 includes tests for memory, cache, HDDs, SSDs and flash drives. And when testing a processor, 32 threads can be checked at once. Among all these advantages, there is also a small drawback - you can use the program for free only during the “trial period” of 30 days. And then you have to either switch to another application, or pay 2265 rubles. for a license.

2. SiSoftware Sandra Lite


4.PCMark 10

The application allows you not only to test the operation of computer components, but also to save test results for future use. The only drawback of the application is the relatively high cost. You will have to pay $30 for it.


The test images consist of 300 thousand polygonal images that add up to more than 2000 objects. And the results are given in the form PTS indicator - the higher it is, the more powerful the computer. The program is distributed free of charge, which makes it easy to find and download it on the Internet.

6. ExperienceIndexOK

Information is displayed on the screen in points. The maximum number is 9.9, as for the latest versions of Windows. This is exactly what ExperienceIndexOK is designed for. It is much easier to use such a program than to enter commands and search for files with results in the system directory.


To test a disk, select the disk and set the test parameters. That is, the number of runs and file sizes that will be used for diagnostics. After a few minutes, information about the average read and write speed for the HDD will appear on the screen.

8. PC Benchmark

Having received the test results, the program offers to optimize the system. And after improving performance, a page opens in the browser where you can compare the performance of your PC with other systems. On the same page you can check whether your computer can run some modern games.

9. Metro Experience Index

10.PassMark PerformanceTest


Using different methods to test your computer's performance allows you to check how your system is performing. And, if necessary, compare the speed of individual elements with the performance of other models. For a preliminary assessment, you can conduct such a test using built-in utilities. Although it is much more convenient to download special applications for this - especially since among them you can find several that are quite functional and free.


At times, the user needs to know the performance of his device. This may be required in several cases. For example, when the operation of all programs suddenly slows down. However, besides this reason, there may be many more. A computer or laptop performance test will allow the user get an independent assessment your device and determine if it needs an upgrade. In the case of a gradual update, such tests will be able to show the most bottlenecks, and therefore the modules whose replacement will have the best impact on performance.

The same tests will help you choose one of several computer options when purchasing, if they have similar hardware. The user will only have to check them and take the one whose performance is higher. These same utilities will help you understand when you need to update the driver.

Performance Index

This built-in utility has appeared in the system since Vista. With its help, the user can evaluate several critical components in his system. The program evaluates processor, graphics, data read speed and memory access. The rating is based on the worst result, thanks to this and much more, the utility is not very popular. However, for a one-time check and assessment of bottlenecks, it is quite suitable.

Standard Windows 7 and 8 Tools

To launch the utility, right-click on your computer and go to its properties. Here you should select the appropriate program and wait for the evaluation to complete.

The normal indicator for a working computer should be more than 4, if less, then it’s worth thinking about modernization. For a gaming computer, the numbers must be greater than 6.

Checking performance in Windows 8.1 and 10

In these systems, the application did not have a simple graphical display. The user will need to launch the command line (Win+R and type cmd in the window) and enter the operator in it winsat formal –restart clean.

Next you should go to drive C and go to the catalog Performance\ WinSAT\ DataStore, in it you should find and open file Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml, this can be done using any text editor.

In the text you should find data starting with WinSPR, there are several points there: SystemScore shows the overall score, and MemoryScore is responsible for memory, CpuScore shows the processor index, and GraphicsScore is responsible for testing graphics. GamingScore and DiskScore show gaming performance and hard drive data transfer speeds.

Using the task manager

The general method is available to the user. First you should open task manager(Ctrl+Shift+Esc), then go to the performance tab. A resource monitor is available here, thanks to which the user can determine the load on a particular hardware.

Gaming Performance Test

To find out the performance of your computer when using gaming applications, press win+r and enter the command shell:games.

A window will open in which you can see the index itself and performance in games.

Computer testing programs

However, standard tools are often not popular because they do not provide complete information; in this case, you can use one of the third-party utilities. They are also called benchmarks for a computer, since they allow you to diagnose the equipment and compare it with the reference result.


One of the most popular utilities for checking the status of computer hardware. You can download the utility from the website

You can find out everything about your hardware, its name, operating speed, installed drivers, and so on. The utility will help those who want to update their computer and find weak spots in it.

SiSoftware Sandra Lite

The program can be downloaded from the official page She will allow you to test all input/output ports, will also show information about the video card and processor, diagnostics of printing devices and sound cards are available.


You can download it from the link This program is mainly focused on performance check graphics and processor, many visual effects are used during testing. Suitable for those who need to evaluate the performance of a video card and related components under heavy load.

PCMark 10

The application can be found at A good utility for diagnosing the state of computer hardware. Version available for eight (PCMark 8) and seven (PCMark 7), full functionality revealed only in paid version.


Download is available at This program evaluates the entire device and displays the results. Many large images are used for testing.


A simple application that can be found here Very similar to a standard program, only it works in real time.


A good utility for checking disks is However, this also has a drawback, to check only storage devices are available.

PC Benchmark

A good and free benchmark for PC, which can be downloaded from the link It works in the background, so you can use your computer during testing. After work he will offer optimization methods, after which you can go to the Internet page and compare the results with other users, here you can also evaluate the chances of launching modern games.

Metro Experience Index

Fast and free application with a laconic interface We launch and wait for the test result.

PassMark PerformanceTest

A paid program that can easily check all PC components. Available at

Winaero WEI Tool

This utility, in essence, replaces entering commands in numbers eight and ten and produces the result immediately.

Testing online

Online testing is not carried out, because in order to find out the performance, you need to load the computer components, and this cannot be done over the network due to the protection of the system from attacks from the browser and the peculiarities of using and building websites. However, you can use the service, but here you will also have to install a separate plugin.