Programs for downloading from ftp. Which ftp client for Windows to choose - review of programs for working with an ftp server

The FTP protocol is rapidly losing its position among users who use file transfer among themselves on the Internet. But it is still useful for transferring files from computer to computer, and is also consistently number one when it comes to uploading files to a web host. FTP has especially caught on with owners, developers, and content managers of sites that work on Windows and who do not want to use SSH.

Constant experience with FTP invariably leads every user to use an FTP application. After trying it once, no one ever gives up the FTP application. After all, with it, the time savings in file transfers are visible to the naked eye. And besides, why manually configure FTP transfer every time in the browser or on the command line, if the developers ftp clients They have long since taken and automated the process of connecting to FTP and transferring files.

It must be said that the standard Windows Explorer can also connect to FTP server, and use the FTP connection as if a folder with files on network resource. This is convenient from the point of view small amount files that need to be sent or received.

Here are three best FTP client for Windows, which are available completely free of charge.

Most users think that WinSCP is the best free FTP client for Windows. We have to agree with this. Despite its simple and easy-to-use interface, WinSCP contains a number of additional functions, which can satisfy even the most demanding user needs.

In addition to the protocol FTP WinSCP supports file transfer and remote file editing using SFTP, SCP and WebDAV protocols. Regardless of which of the above protocols you use, inSCP can synchronize local directories with remote directories with the click of a single button or key combination.

WinSCP integrates directly into Windows, allowing you to use drag-and-drop files and includes additional options in context menu Windows "Send". WinSCP also has a built-in text editor, which allows you to edit deleted files(useful for HTML settings, CSS, JS, etc.).

For experienced users WinSCP has an interface command line and script support ( batch files and .NET assemblies). Help for using scripts is included in the application and is available by calling f1. It is great for automating the tasks of receiving and transferring files.

Cyberduck is a simple yet effective FTP client that is best suited for periodic file transfers. The application can be useful for both experienced users and beginners getting acquainted with FTP. The Cyberduck interface is so simplified that even a child can understand it. With Cyberduck, heavy and frequent file transfers can be made easier by using a more comprehensive interface.

This client is free and open source source code. It supports multiple protocols over FTP, including SFTP and WebDAV, as well as connections to Dropbox, Google Drive, cloudy Google storage, Amazon S3 and others.

Cyberduck easily integrates with any external text editor that is convenient for remote editing of web files. It also has the function quick view, which allows you to view files without downloading them. Local directories can be synchronized with remote directories.

The main feature of Cyberduck is the ability to ensure transmission security. It comes with a Cryptomator feature that encrypts file and directory names and smears directory structures. In other words, even if someone intercepts your transmission, they will not be able to see what you are transmitting.

The only downside to Cyberduck is the occasional donation request. You can hide it, but it appears again every time you update the application.

In 2014, it was discovered that a fake version of FileZilla (versions 3.5.3 and 3.7.3) was being distributed across the Internet. The "evil twin" FileZilla was modified to steal FTP login credentials and store them on a remote server.

FileZilla is distributed via download from SourceForge, which also came under control after another incident occurred involving the modification of FileZilla by inserts advertising banners. Although there are more to download software worst places, we recommend staying away from SourceForge.

Additionally, FileZilla has long been criticized for storing login credentials in plain text. In 2017, with the release of version 3.26.0, FileZilla finally added a password encryption feature, but it took more than a decade of user complaints.

Still, FileZilla is a reliable FTP client.

FileZilla is free application It is open source and supports file transfer using FTP, SFTP and FTPS protocols. File transfers can be paused and resumed, connections support both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and can sync local directories with remote directories.

FileZilla's main features include directory comparison, custom directory listing filters (you can create your own filter conditions), remote search files (with flexible filters and template matching), bookmarks for easy access to frequently used FTP directories.

Important note on FTP and SFTP

One of the biggest disadvantages of FTP is that it is a simple text protocol (File Transfer Protocol). This means that data is sent back and forth to text form easily readable by humans. This is a huge vulnerability because the login credentials are also sent in plain text!

If an attacker intercepts a login attempt, they will see the username and password account, not to mention the contents of the transferred files.

This is why you should use SFTP instead of FTP whenever possible.

SFTP, which is an extension SSH protocol(Secure File Transfer Protocol), and which uses encryption to protect transmitted data (both credentials and file contents).

Most services that support FTP connections also support SFTP connections. And when using an FTP client, the actual file transfer workflow is no different from the FTP transfer process. The only difference is that when connecting you choose SFTP instead of FTP.

What FTP client do you use? Are there any other good FTP clients you can recommend? Or do you prefer a different file transfer protocol? Write about it in the comments below.

Are not something fundamentally new, but before cloud technologies took over the market, FTP servers were actively used for remote file storage. However, for solving certain problems they continue to remain the only option, but in general they are in demand of this protocol is on the decline. Only website owners, software developers and system administrators remain staunch supporters of FTP.

The decline in interest in FTP among ordinary users is explained not only by the prevalence of cloud storage, but also by some inconvenience - to work with this protocol you need software, called an FTP client. FTP client for Windows, Linux or other operating system represents file manager, capable of connecting to the server. By the way, you can establish a connection with the FTP server using the usual Windows Explorer, if you configure it correctly, but using special programs for these purposes is still much more convenient.

Not all FTP clients are created equal, however. Some of them are more functional, others less so; Some are quite usable, while the interface of others is not particularly convenient; some are completely free, others are distributed on a commercial basis. Which one should you prefer? Perhaps the one that meets all your requirements. To make it easier to make a choice, we offer a short comparative review the five best, in our opinion, FTP clients for Windows.

Perhaps the most popular and in demand free FTP client. Flexible, simple and convenient, it supports all the basic functions for working with the FTP protocol. Application features include fast connection, setting speed limits, filtering names, resuming large files, multi-threaded loading, authentication and encryption using Kerberos. The client supports synchronization of viewing task completion, remote search, directory comparison, and adding bookmarks.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Ease of use.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Automatic connection resumption if disconnected.
  • There is a Russian language.
  • Availability of built-in network configuration assistant.
  • Cross-platform.
  • Work in multi-threaded mode.
  • There is no full implementation of command line support.
  • No support for FXP protocol.

Cyberduck - not really regular program for an FTP connection, it is different from other FTP clients minimum set functions and settings, representing rather file browser with the support remote control data on the servers. Can be used by novice users. The application supports automatic resumption of transmission when the connection is lost, keeping an action log, working with popular cloud storage(WebDAV, Cloud Files protocols), integration with external text editors, encryption and synchronization of local directories with remote ones.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Maximum ease of use.
  • Unified Russian-language interface.
  • Cloud storage support.
  • View files on the server without having to download.
  • Few functions and settings.
  • Inconvenient single-panel mode.
  • Intrusive requests to donate to the developer.

A very good free FTP client with support for FTP, SFTP, SCP, FTPS, scripts and command line protocols. During installation, it offers you to choose between several interface modes, of which the more convenient is “Commander” - a traditional two-panel one, like in FileZilla. WinSCP supports remote editing of files in the integrated editor, comparison and synchronization of directories, integration into Windows shell. Externally, the program looks quite simple, however, it is aimed primarily at experienced users, since its main functionality is available only in console mode.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Good functionality.
  • Full command line support.
  • Convenient interface in Russian.
  • Flexibility of settings.
  • Automation of tasks.
  • Integration into Windows Explorer.
  • Remote editing of text and configuration files.
  • Not suitable for inexperienced users.
  • No full support FXP protocol.

One of the oldest and popular programs to connect via FTP. Feature-rich and flexible, CoreFTP LE supports big amount protocols including SFTP, SSL, TLS, FTPS and IDN. It is also worth noting proxy and command line support; among the program’s functions are fast connection, adding resources to bookmarks, filtering, resuming downloads, exchanging files between remote servers. The built-in site manager is distinguished by its great flexibility of settings; many options are available for SSH, SSL/TSL. In addition to the LE version (light), there is also professional version FTP client, characterized by the presence additional options– encryption, archiving in ZIP, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Good functionality.
  • Flexible settings.
  • Command line support.
  • Advanced SSH settings, SSL/TSL.
  • Proxy support.
  • Somewhat outdated interface.
  • There is no Russian language.
  • No scheduler.

A lightweight, simple and convenient FTP client with a built-in text code editor, apparently aimed at novice webmasters. The application works with the FTP, SFTP and FTPS protocols, support for all basic functions. Features include automatic memorization of paths in recent sessions, creation of bookmarks, and the presence of a built-in ZIP archiver (suggested for Reserve copy sites) and PuTTY client. You can enable proxy in the application settings. A built-in text editor is present, occupying almost half of the CoffeeCup Free FTP workspace. Its functionality is available only in the paid version.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Minimalistic interface and ease of use.
  • There is a built-in terminal.
  • Availability of ZIP archiver.
  • Few settings, unlikely to interest experienced users.
  • Intrusive offers to connect the S-Drive service.
  • Useless text editor in the Free version.
  • There are no search, synchronization and directory comparison functions.
  • There is no support for the Russian language.

Bottom line

In addition to these five programs, there are many other tools for connecting via FTP. They have not received wide distribution in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, some due to the lack of language support, others because they are offered exclusively on on a paid basis. Why pay if there are such wonderful ones and, moreover, free tools like FileZilla? If this program had not fulfilled its purpose, it is unlikely that it would have been able to achieve such exceptional recognition. If you are faced with choosing an FTP client, we recommend that you pay attention to FileZilla. It has everything you need to connect to servers, and even more, other FTP clients can be considered as an addition to its functionality.

Good afternoon!

Thanks to the FTP protocol, you can transfer files and folders on the Internet and local network. At one time (before the advent of torrents) there were thousands of FTP servers on which you could find almost any file.

However, even now FTP protocol is very popular: for example, by connecting to a server, you can upload your website to it; With using FTP You can transfer files of any size to each other (if the connection is broken, the download can be continued from the moment of the “break”, rather than starting over).

In this article I will give several best programs to work with FTP and show you how to connect to an FTP server.

By the way, there is also a special online. Sites you can search on various files on hundreds of FTP servers in Russia and abroad. For example, you can search for rare files on them that cannot be found in other sources...

Total Commander

One of the most universal programs, which helps when working: with a large number of files; when working with archives (unpacking, packing, editing); working with FTP, etc.

In general, more than once or twice in my articles I recommended having this program on PC (as a supplement to standard conductor) . Let's look at how to connect to an FTP server in this program.

Important note! To connect to an FTP server, you need 4 key parameters:

  • Server: (for example). Sometimes, the server address is specified as an IP address:;
  • Port: 21 (most often the default port is 21, but sometimes different from this value);
  • Login: Nickname (this parameter is important when anonymous connections are prohibited on the FTP server. In this case, you must be registered or the administrator must provide you with a login and password for access). By the way, each user (i.e. each login) can have their own rights to FTP - one is allowed to upload files and delete them, and the other is only allowed to download them;
  • Password: 2123212 (password for access, used in conjunction with the login).

Where and how to enter data to connect to FTP in Total Commander

3) In the window that appears, click the “Add…” button.

  1. Connection name: enter any name that will allow you to easily and quickly remember which FTP server you will connect to. This name does not affect anything except your convenience;
  2. Server:port - here you need to specify the server address or IP address. For example, or (in the latter option, the port is also indicated after the IP address, sometimes you cannot connect without it);
  3. Account: this is your login or nickname that is given during registration (if the server allows anonymous connection, then you do not need to enter);
  4. Password: well, no comments here...

After entering the basic parameters, click “OK”.

5) You will find yourself in the original window, only now in the list of FTP connections there will be our newly created connection. You need to select it and click the “Connect” button (see screenshot below).

If everything is done correctly, after a moment you will see a list of files and folders that are available on the server. Now you can get started...

Free and convenient FTP client. Many users consider it the best program of its kind. The main advantages of this program, I would include the following:

  • intuitive interface, simple and logical to use;
  • complete Russification;
  • the ability to resume downloading files in case of connection failure;
  • works in OS: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and other OS;
  • ability to create bookmarks;
  • support for dragging files and folders (like in Explorer);
  • limiting the file transfer speed (useful if you need to provide other processes with the required speed);
  • comparison of directories and much more.

Creating an FTP connection in FileZilla

The required connection data will be no different from what we used to create the connection in Total Commander.

1) After starting the program, click the button opening site manager. She's on the left top corner(see screenshot below).

  • Host: this is the server address, in my case;
  • Port: you don’t have to specify anything if you use standard port 21, if excellent, please indicate;
  • Protocol: FTP data transfer protocol (no comments);
  • Encryption: in general, it is advisable to select "Use explicit FTP over TLS if available"(in my case, it was impossible to connect to the server, so the normal connection option was chosen);
  • User: your login (no need to specify for an anonymous connection);
  • Password: used together with the login (for an anonymous connection there is no need to set it).

Actually, after setting the settings, all you have to do is click the “Connect” button. This way your connection will be established, and in addition, the settings will be saved and presented as a bookmark (pay attention to the arrow next to the icon: if you click on it, you will see all the sites for which you have saved connection settings) so that next time you can connect to this address with one click.

Very convenient and powerful FTP client. It has a number of great features, such as:

  • restoration of interrupted download;
  • creating a list of bookmarks for sites (moreover, this is implemented in such a way that it is simple and convenient to use: in 1 click you can connect to an FTP server);
  • ability to work with groups of files;
  • the ability to create scripts and process them;
  • user-friendly interface makes work simple and easy even for novice users;
  • Availability of Connection Wizard - a convenient wizard for creating new connections.

In addition, the program has a Russian interface and works in all popular versions Windows OS: 7, 8, 10 (32/64 Bits).

A few words about creating a connection to an FTP server in CuteFTP

CuteFTP has a convenient connection wizard: it allows you to easily and quickly create new bookmarks to FTP servers. I recommend using it (screenshot below).

Next, the wizard itself will open: here you need to first specify the server address (an example of how to specify is shown below in the screenshot), and then specify the host name - this is the name that you will see in the list of bookmarks (I recommend giving a name that accurately characterizes the server, i.e. so that it is immediately clear where you are connecting, even after a month or two).

Then you need to specify the login and password for the FTP server. If you don’t need to register to access the server, you can immediately indicate that the connection is anonymous and click next (like I did).

Next, you need to specify a local folder, which will be opened in the next window with the opened server. This is a super handy thing: imagine, you connect to a book server - and your book folder opens in front of you (you can immediately upload new files to it).

If you entered everything correctly (and the data was correct), you will see that CuteFTP has connected to the server (right column), and your folder is open ( left column). Now you can work with files on the server, almost the same way as you do with files on your hard drive...

In principle, there are a lot of programs for connecting to FTP servers, but in my opinion, these three are among the most convenient and simple (even for novice users).

That's all, good luck everyone!

10 best free FTP clients for 2017

10. FTP Client for Linux

An FTP client is a program that uses the FTP protocol to transfer files to and from a remote computer. FTP is the most common transfer protocol used to transfer files from one computer to another over the Internet. Basic option protocol is not secure.

Every web designer/developer has a favorite FTP client and we typically transfer files to web servers using these clients. However, there are times that we do not have our computers with us, but need to transfer or edit a file that can only be received via FTP.

There are many free FTP clients available on the Internet. In this article you will find a list of the best handpicked FTP clients for developers.

FileZilla is the number one choice for most users as it is one of the promising and popular FTP clients. FileZilla is very fast, can handle simultaneous transfers and supports cross-platform FTP, SFTP and FTPS with a large number of useful functions and intuitive graphical interface user.

In addition, it also supports IPv6, bookmarks, works on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, etc., supports file editing, remote directory comparison, drag and drop, remote file search and much more.

FireFTP is a free, secure, cross-platform FTP/ SFTP client ohm for Mozilla Firefox, which provides easy and intuitive access to FTP/SFTP servers. FireFTP is free, cross-platform, and supports SSL/TLS/SFTP (the same encryption used in online banking and shopping). This FTP client is available in 20 languages, comes with character set support, search/filtering, remote editing, account export/import, file hashing, proxy support, FXP support, and is open source.

Monsta FTP is a cloud-based, open source PHP/Ajax software that puts FTP file management right in the browser, anywhere, anytime. You can drag and drop files into your browser and view and download them like magic. Monsta FTP supports on-screen file editing. There is support for multiple languages.

It has been tested on Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari. It is released under GNU license General Public License. You can download it for free and install it on your own server.

Cyberduck is a libre FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, S3, Backblaze B2, Azure and OpenStack Swift browser for Mac and Windows. Easy to use interface, connection to FTP (File Transfer Protocol), SFTP (SSH secure transfer files), WebDAV (Web based distributed development and versioning), Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Rackspace Cloud Files, Backblaze B2, Google Drive and Dropbox.

You can edit standard HTTP headers and add custom HTTP file headers for metadata storage and cache control. Batch editing included.

Cyberduck - convenient application for uploading and downloading files from FTP. Being simple and easy to use, the client is easily customized to the user's needs.

SmartFTP supports FTP (File Transfer Protocol), FTPS, SFTP, WebDAV, S3, Google Drive, OneDrive, SSH, terminal client. It allows you to transfer files between your local computer and a server on the Internet. Along with its many basic and advanced features, SmartFTP also offers secure, reliable and efficient transfers that make it a powerful tool.

SmartFTP includes some new features such as support for Windows 10, text editor, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive and many other improvements and enhancements.

WinSCP is open source software - a free SFTP client, FTP client, WebDAV client and SCP client for Windows. Its main function is to transfer files between local and remote computer. In addition, WinSCP offers scripts and basic functionality file manager.

Classic FTP is a stable FTP client that is affordable and very easy to use. It is packed with many useful features such as intuitive user interface, a drag-and-drop file synchronization tool, supports secure FTP (SSL), compatible with all popular FTP servers, simple setup wizard, and works on both Windows and Mac OS X.

Transmit is the most popular and dominant FTP client among Mac users. It comes with a very powerful set of features such as folder sync, drive function and more high speeds. The transmission integrates perfectly into the native Mac environment, making it very easy for Mac users to start using it quickly. Transmit is not a free FTP client!

OneButton FTP is a graphical FTP client for Mac OS X with a strong emphasis on ease of use. OneButton FTP makes it easy to transfer files by simply dragging and dropping files from your computer.

OneButton FTP costs nothing; this is perfect free client. It contains localizations in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and Swedish. It supports both unencrypted FTP and FTP over SSL.

10. FTP Client for Linux

gFTP is a free multi-threaded file transfer client for *NIX based machines. It supports FTP, FTPS (connection control), HTTP, HTTPS, SSH and FSP protocols. Uploading and editing files is similar to FileZilla.

The FTP protocol is a convenient and popular means for transferring and downloading data from remote or remote sites. Modern FTP programs allow you to perform all the same operations with documents that the user usually performs in Explorer. This article provides an overview of several FTP clients.

SmartFTP Client - the choice of professionals

SmartFTP developers are constantly improving their brainchild. With the release of each new version Operational stability is improved. New features are added to the application from time to time. is simple, so the utility is suitable for inexperienced users. Russian-language localization is included by default.

The FTP program allows you to connect to several servers at once. It has a built-in text editor that is suitable for entering minor edits into HTML code without the need to run "heavy" applications.

The scheduler built into the utility will allow you to postpone uploading or downloading files for user defined term. Moreover, it is possible to set the time for each document separately.

The only disadvantage of the program is its price. Not everyone would want to spend almost $37 on such a product. Therefore, the program can be recommended to professional website developers.

Cute FTP

Cute FTP is a program for working with an FTP server. Its interface is convenient and simple. Rich functionality makes possible use utilities for professional purposes. The application supports 128-bit key encryption. A detailed reference manual is supplied with the program. It will help users of any qualification understand the intricacies of working with clients.

Features of Cute FTP

Like other FTP programs, Cute FTP will show all the files located on the server immediately after the connection is established. The list can be sorted by certain criteria. Large documents are loaded in parts. The speed of downloading files in this mode is higher compared to the classic method. Compressing documents also helps reduce download and upload times.

The utility has a built-in system for custom search for files on the server - few FTP programs have this function. An internal editor will help you change the code of web pages or text documents. The program supports connecting to servers through a proxy. A custom scheduler is designed to automate the process

You can create bookmarks for directories located on the server. The utility allows you to configure connections while saving the settings, but if this is not required, just enter the IP or Domain name V address bar client. Inexperienced users can easily configure the connection using a step-by-step wizard.

ALFTP - simple and free FTP client

Users who do not need professional-grade FTP clients should pay attention to ALFTP. Of course, this is not the best FTP program, but it has minimal functionality that will be enough for most users. Developers will find the utility uninteresting.

Thanks to the Russian interface and a minimum of functions, mastering the client is not at all difficult. ALFTP will display the directory hierarchy and files stored on the FTP server immediately after connecting to it. The utility allows you to perform basic file operations: copying, deleting, uploading, downloading, renaming. The built-in text editor only works with documents downloaded from local computer. The program can download files, but you can use this function only after the download is completed correctly. If copying fails due to unforeseen reasons, it will be impossible to download the file.

The utility adds the addresses of the servers with which the connection was established to the list of visits. In this list, the user can create their own links and bookmarks. Operations with files can be performed by dragging and dropping, as in Explorer. Built into the program basic facilities automation: shutting down the program after downloading documents is completed, interrupting the Internet connection,

Total Commander

The functionality of Total Commander, aimed at working with FTP, provides the user with capabilities that not everyone can provide free FTP programs. The utility can not only download and upload files, but also transfer them from server to server directly. The application supports traffic encryption with SSL and TLS keys.

To connect to the server, just enter the address, login and password in a special dialog. To call it, use the combination "CTRL+F". All operations with files on the server are performed in the same way as with documents on the local disk.

For automation, the program contains a scheduler. FTP server can be used as storage backup copies, for this purpose the utility provides settings. The built-in text editor works only with local documents.