Disabling tiles in Windows 10. Operations on changing the left column parameters

Hello everyone, today I will tell you how you can design the start menu in Windows 10 with your tiles, or rather, create tiles, so to speak, show off in front of your comrades. Let's look at the most popular programs that will help us implement this task; among them, there are both paid and free ones. In any case, you need to be able to do a little tuning of the operating system, which does not take much effort.

And so, let me remind you that the tiles themselves appeared with the release of Windows 8.1, along with the metro interface. Each tile represents either a shortcut to an application from your computer or a shortcut to an application from the store. When you install a new app from the store, tiles are automatically added to your Start.

Previously, I told you how to add tiles to the Windows 10 start, I showed you methods for dividing and sorting them, I advise you to read.

I would like to note that to solve the problem of creating our own tiles in the Windows 10 Start menu, we will use third-party free utilities.

What these tiles generally look like in Windows 10. Below I posted a screenshot so that beginners would not have any misunderstandings.

Creating Tiles Using Tile Iconifier

Let's first look at the Tile Iconifier utility, it is completely free, has a Russian interface, which is important, and can make your own home screen tiles.

After unpacking the archive, you will see that the program is portable, that is, it does not require installation. Let's launch it. The program will show you in the Shortcut Name window all the shortcuts that it could detect in your operating system. Below you will see the path to the shortcut of your programs and the path to the executable file.

To change the image on the label, select the one you want and double-click on the black icon. At the same time, for the tile image you can specify not only files from icon libraries, but also your own images in PNG, BMP, JPG. Moreover, transparency is supported and works for PNG.

Set the switch to Use custom image and click the Browse button to select an image.

As you can see, the image I selected is now displayed in the Medium icon field; to apply it, click Tile Iconify!.

You can also edit it a little here, for example, by selecting Background Color, I set it to silver as an example.

Now, in order to see a new tile with a new design, you need to pin it to the home screen.

If you think that Tile Iconifier can change images on existing labels, then you are mistaken. At the top, click Utilities > Custom Shortcut Manager.

In the window that opens, you can create a new shortcut, which you can then place in the tiles.

Click Create New Shortcut. A wizard will open where you will have to go through a couple of steps.

  • Explorer - to create shortcuts to simple and special Explorer folders, including control panel items, devices, and various settings.

  • Steam - for creating shortcuts and tiles for Steam games.
  • Chrome Apps - shortcuts and tile designs for Google Chrome applications.
  • Windows Store - for Windows Store applications
  • Other - manually create any shortcut and launch it with parameters.

I'll create a shortcut to the folder

Below in the Shortcut Name field we set the required display name and you can immediately set the icon for the shortcut on the left. All click Generate Shortcut to create it.

After that, the newly created shortcut will appear in the All apps - TileIconify section (from where you can pin it to the Start screen), as well as in the list in the main Tile Iconifier window, where you can customize the tile for this shortcut - image for medium and small tiles, caption , background color (as was described at the beginning of the program review).

Add a folder or document to the Start screen

You can add a folder or document to the Start screen without additional software. To do this, open the explorer along this path

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

Move any document or shortcut to it here, after which it will appear in the Start menu > All applications, right-click on it > Pin to Start screen.

Creating Tiles Using Windows 10 Pin More

You can download the Pin More application from the Windows store, unfortunately it is paid, but there is a trial version for 3 days. In the free version, it allows you to create up to 4 tiles.

Opening the Windows 10 store.

Enter Pin More in the search field

Select Try for free to evaluate the capabilities of the application.

The Pin More installation will begin.

Let's launch the application. In the main window, you can choose what the Start screen tile is for:

  • For net, Steam, Uplay and Origin > games, the game tiles created are “live” and display game information from the specified services.
  • For documents and folders.
  • For steam
  • For websites - it is also possible to create live tiles that receive information from the site's RSS feed.

For example, I chose Web, I will create a tile that will open my site in the browser.. Add a picture below.

A little to the right you can set a large logo and background color.

To complete creation, click the button icon in the left corner on a blue background. We confirm that we want to pin this tile to the Start menu.

As you can see, everything was created perfectly and the new tile deservedly shows off in its place.

Creating tiles using Win10Tile

Another free utility for creating your own tiles in Windows 10 is the Win10Tile program. It does absolutely the same thing as other programs. There are, of course, limitations, in particular, you cannot create new shortcuts from it, but you have the opportunity to design tiles for existing ones in the All applications section.

By launching Win10Tile you will see a complete list of shortcuts, which is available in the All applications section

In the Windows 10 operating system, the Start menu, so beloved by many users, has reappeared. But, at the same time, the initial screen with tiles disappeared. This solution will probably be more convenient for most users.

But, if you actively used Windows 8 and managed to get used to the Start screen and tiles, then you can enable it in Windows 10. In this material we will talk about how to enable the Start screen in Windows 10.

In order to enable the start screen, you need to right-click on the taskbar and select the “Properties” menu item.

After this, the “Taskbar and Start Menu Properties” window will open in front of you. Here you need to go to the “Start Menu” tab.

After this, a warning window will appear. Here you need to click on the “Log out and change settings” button.

It should be noted that turning on the Start screen completely disables the Start menu. Therefore, you cannot use both the Start menu and the Start screen at the same time.

The "More Tiles" feature in the Start menu does not work and tiles cannot be moved. Tell me how to fix this?

Try the following:

  1. Clear the Windows cache. Press Win+R and enter the command wsreset Check the tiles.
  2. Use Microsoft's troubleshooting tool, troubleshooter. Launch and follow the prompts. After the restoration work, restart your PC and check the operation of the tiles.
  3. Roll back Windows 10 to the last saved restore point.
If you have not created a restore point, you can perform a system restore without deleting any files. Enter "Settings" in the search bar, select "Update and Security" → "Recovery" → "Reset your computer to its original state." Click the start button and follow the prompts. P.S. Read carefully what the system offers you. Don't delete your personal data and files by mistake.


How to reset live tile cache in Windows 10

If you are reading this article, then you probably need to know how to reset the live tile cache in Windows 10, right...? And most likely, this need brought you here because one or more live tiles in your operating system are frozen and are not showing you the latest news information, but something outdated. But since you are used to receiving only relevant information, accordingly, you need to reset the tile cache, which is done as follows.

Use the “regedit” command, which will allow you to access the “Registry Editor” from which you can use the registry tweak. Please note that in order to start using the registry tweak in Windows 10, you will need to go to the following path in the Registry Editor: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ImmersiveShell\StateStore.

Once in the last subsection, go to the right column and find the DWORD parameter there named “ResetCacheCount”. The numeric value of the “ResetCacheCount” parameter will most likely be equal to 1, and therefore the cache for this parameter was reset only 1 time.

Your action in order to initialize a cache reset on the system will be to create a 32-bit DWORD parameter with the name “ResetCache” given to it. The new parameter will have to receive a numeric value equal to 1.

Once you have completed all the steps described above, you can reboot the Win 10 operating system.

After the system boots, you will notice that you managed to reset the cache of “live” tiles in Windows 10 and they began to work fully again.

It is also worth noting that using the Registry Editor, you will notice that the numerical value of “ResetCacheCount” in your system has increased by one, and the numerical value of the “ResetCache” parameter, on the contrary, has decreased by one.



You need to open “This PC”, select the drive on which the operating system is installed, right-click on it and select the “Properties” context menu section. Next, select the “Tools” tab - “Check for errors” - “Check” - “Check disk”.

Run command prompt as administrator. To do this, open the Start screen (press the windows key on your keyboard). Type “command line” on your keyboard, without quotes. Right-click on “Command Prompt” and select “Run as administrator” from the menu that appears. In the window that opens, after the inscription “C:\WINDOWS\system32>” type the command “sfc /scannow” without quotes. A system scan will be launched.

After the scan is completed, you need to type the following command in the same window: “Dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth” without quotes.

Once the scan is complete, restart your computer and try launching the Windows Store.

If the recommendations above do not help, use System Restore without losing files. To do this you need to do the following:

1. On the desktop, you need to press the key combination “windows + C”

2. Select the menu item “Options”

3. Select “Change computer settings”

4. Select “Update and Recovery”

5. Select “Recover your computer without deleting files” -> “Start”

The system recovery process will begin.

Note - this process takes quite a long time, so before restoring, I recommend connecting the laptop to the network to avoid draining the battery.

Please note that programs and desktop applications will need to be reinstalled. A complete list of programs and applications affected by the recovery will be saved on your desktop.

P.S.: If this doesn’t help - “Recovering your computer without deleting files” -> “Start”


Instructions: What to do if Windows 10 applications (tiles) do not work

Any operating system from Microsoft has a base of pre-installed applications that should help computer users get started without installing additional programs. Not all standard Windows 10 applications are necessary, but there are a number of useful ones among them.

One of the common problems with this version of the operating system is problems with standard applications. The system refuses to launch them and this applies, first of all, to programs that are displayed as tiles in the Start menu. If, after the next boot of the computer, the tiles in Windows 10 do not work, the best option is to restore the operating system using previously prepared restore points. In cases where Windows 10 applications do not work and restore points were not created in advance, you can try one of the options described below to resolve the problem.

Removing the cache in the Windows Store

The easiest way to make Windows 10 apps work is to clear temporary files that are stored in the Windows Store. This can be done through the “Run” line. In order to reset the cache of the “native” Microsoft store, press Windows + R, and in the window that appears, enter the command wsreset.exe, and then press Enter.

The computer will need some time to clear the Windows Store cache, after which it, and at the same time the rest of the Windows 10 applications, should start working. If this method does not fix the problem, we recommend that you restart your computer and move on to the next method.

Reinstalling and registering Windows 10 programs

The most effective, and at the same time difficult, way to fix the problem in which applications do not work is to re-register them. To re-register and install Windows 10 programs, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the PowerShell console as an administrator. You can do this by finding the corresponding application through search or directly from the shortcut at:
(System hard drive)\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\(program version number)

Find the PowerShell.exe file in this folder and run it as an administrator to be able to make adjustments to system files.

  1. Next, in the PowerShell console window that opens, you need to write (it’s better to copy from the website to avoid errors) the command:
Get-AppXPackage | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”)

Please note that this command may take several minutes to complete. During the process, various information about its progress will appear in the console, and red errors may appear in the console; you should not pay attention to them.

  1. When the application re-registration process is complete, restart your computer.

Attention: This method does not always work correctly. In some cases, it can lead to new problems, for example, the Start button will stop working or the tiles will become “empty”. We recommend that before making such changes to the system, create a restore point in it in order to return to the original state if the result is unsuccessful.

Initializing system files

If the system files of a computer on Windows 10 have been deleted (it is possible that due to viruses), then it makes sense to analyze the system to identify errors. This is done using the command line, which must be run as an administrator. Enter a command into it that checks the integrity of system files:

Sfc /scannow

In cases where no problems were found as a result of the scan, it is recommended to run another command aimed at restoring the Windows 10 system image:

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

This method of the three given in this article is the least effective. At the same time, it can restore the functionality of applications if the problem appeared after cleaning the computer from viruses.

What other actions to take if Windows 10 applications do not work

If the three methods above did not help solve the problem, you can follow some basic recommendations, which in some cases help get rid of common system failures:

For any malfunction of Windows 10, the most effective way to solve the problem is to reset the system using a bootable USB flash drive. If you plan to do this, be sure to back up your important files on your computer.


Setting up tiles in Windows 10

The new menu of the new Windows 10 system for solving various tasks is a mixture of the classic “seven” start-up screen and the “eight” home screen. Many complaints about the new look of the Start button in the intermediate edition of the operating system between 7 and 10 contributed to the transformation of the menu.

As for the appearance of the new Start, it includes design elements from the new tiled Metro interface, copied from Explorer windows, and classic items. Microsoft provides ample opportunities to customize this menu: any panel elements, both tiles and classic icons, are placed in a place convenient for the user. Almost every panel element can be removed. This way you can remove almost all Metro elements - tiles and turn the menu into a “Start”, not much different from the start in Windows 7, or fill the screen with various tiles. How all this is done is written below. Although anyone can figure out how setting up the new menu works.

Getting to grips with the design

After clicking the mouse button on the classic “Start” button, an extensive menu opens, designed in the form of a drop-down panel. On the left are shortcuts for frequently used programs that are familiar to Windows 7 users, and the right side is filled with various tiles.

On the left side of the windows, in addition to programs, there is a button “All applications”, a mouse click on which will display a list of installed software products in Windows 10. They are sorted alphabetically. There is also a panel here that allows you to configure menu settings or create one of the tasks to turn off the PC.

After clicking on the account name, a panel will open where you can configure it, log out of the system, or lock the computer. Any of the tasks is carried out with a single mouse click on the corresponding icon.

The right side of the screen contains Windows 8 interface elements - tiles, sorted into groups. Right-clicking on a panel will allow you to resize it, make it static, delete, unpin, or uninstall the program responsible for the element. Static tiles: Many programs display relevant information on tiles, in addition to the windows of the open application. If this data is not needed or annoying, it is easy to disable updating it. The drag&drop function also works here: tiles can be dragged, setting their new locations anywhere on the screen.

See also: How to set up remote desktop in Windows 10

Elements of the new Start are easily grouped. To do this, you need to place them side by side using the mouse. The formation of a group will be indicated by the appearance of a translucent rectangle. You can give a group of elements a name. Unlike the mobile version of Windows 10, groups in the PC OS are not collapsed. Perhaps in the future, developers will be faced with one of these tasks.

By clicking the mouse on the panel or the “Start” button, as in previous editions of Windows, a context menu is called up, through which the task manager, control panel and command line are launched.

Removing unnecessary things

Let's figure out how removing unnecessary tiles in Windows 10 using the mouse works, minimizing the size of the panel and making the work area larger. Removing the panel is done as follows: call its context menu by clicking on the icon and click “Unpin from Start Screen”.

At the right border of the panel, hold down the left mouse button and change its size to a minimum (swipe to the left side of the screen), after which only the classic “Start” will remain.

Your Start menu now looks like the menu familiar from Windows 7.

More fine-grained personalization

A larger number of parameters are located in the “Personalization” section. The transition to it is done by right-clicking on a free space on the screen on the desktop and selecting the appropriate tasks.

It works as follows: go to the desired tab by clicking on its name. Next, click on the switches to activate or disable the proposed Windows 10 panel options.

An option is also enabled here that allows you to launch the start screen in full-screen mode, which is very reminiscent of G8 (the option is convenient for working on touch screens, especially when many windows are open). In the corresponding tab, the display of numerous directories in the Start menu is disabled.

In the Color tab, you select the color scheme of not only windows, but also the Windows 10 Start, which is selected automatically based on the color scheme of the desktop screen image. The color you choose also applies to the background on which the tiles are placed. Transparency of menus, like windows, can also be activated manually.

See also: Useful in Windows 10 People

A new feature of the Windows 10 interface is the function of changing the height and width of the launcher. This is done in the same way as for windows: using the mouse.

To solve the problems presented in the article (more precisely, returning the classic Start menu), you can turn to the Classic Shell program for help, which also works in Windows 10.

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Microsoft introduced the Live Tiles feature in the Start menu a long time ago in Windows 8. These live tiles are very useful as they display information and status of applications. For example, the Weather app uses Live Snippets to display quick weather information, the Mail app shows your latest emails, the Calendar app shows your upcoming appointments or events, the News app shows the latest news. Windows Live Tiles sometimes get stuck and show the same information without any updates. To solve this problem of Live Tiles not working or updating in Windows 10/8, you can make Windows automatically clear Live Tiles every time you shut down your system. This forces live fragments to update when the Windows system is turned on.

Let's revive broken tiles in Windows 10

As with many things, we use the convenient Windows Registry to automatically disable Live Tiles when you shut down your system. Before editing the registry, create a way to restore it if you make any mistakes or something goes wrong.

  • Enter the command in "Search" windows, near the start button regedit.
  • Right click on regedit output and run on behalf of administrator.

In the Windows Registry, navigate to the following location. To make things easier, copy the path below, paste it into the address bar of the Registry window, and press Enter. This action will automatically take you to the desired key.

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows
  • Right-click on the destination Windows folder and select New > Partition.
  • Name the new section Explorer.

  • Select a folder Explorer with one click.
  • On the right side of the empty field, right-click and "New" > " DWORD value (32 bits)".
  • Give the created parameter a name.

  • Now open the key option by double clicking on it.
  • Enter a number in the "value" field 1 and click OK.

Restart your computer or laptop for the changes to take effect. From now on, Windows 10/8 will automatically disable running fragments when you shut down your system. When you return to your desktop after turning on the system, Live Tiles will work and update with new information automatically.

They complain about the Start menu, which is too colorful and huge in their opinion, cluttered with live tiles.

If you belong to this category of users, then today I want to tell you about a very simple way to rid the Start menu in Windows 10 of all tiles and make it narrow, like Windows 7. And for this we will not use any third-party applications, but Let’s just use the standard tools of the operating system itself.

The method is very simple and its idea, as they say, lies on the surface.

First, we need to get rid of all the tiles. There is nothing simpler: we all know that if you right-click (long tap on a tablet) on a tile, a menu will appear, the first item in which will be “Unpin from Start Screen”.

All we need to do at the first stage is to unpin all the tiles that we have. As a result, the Start menu will look something like this:

Let's proceed to the second stage. Everything here is also very simple: we all know that if you drag the right edge of the Start menu, you can change its width. Unfortunately, when it's occupied by tiles, we can narrow it down to at least the width of the three smallest square tiles.

But now that we don't have any tiles, we can reduce the width of the Start menu to its minimum size, giving it a look similar to the look of the good old classic Start menu that many of us have been accustomed to since time immemorial and which you see in the screenshot in the title!