FileZilla FTP Server for a home or small office network. Installing FireZilla Server. Mounting an FTP resource using the ftpuse console utility

Make it easier to work with Windows computers connected via local network, you can use FTP and T activation FTP server ov, each of which has its own characteristics.

Differences between FTP and TFTP servers

Activating both servers will give you the ability to exchange files and commands between computers or devices connected to each other via a local network or other means.

TFTP is an easier server to open, but does not support any identity verification other than ID verification. Since IDs can be spoofed, TFTP is not secure, but it is easy to use. For example, they are used to configure diskless workstations and smart network devices.

FTP servers perform the same functions as TFTP, but have the ability to verify the authenticity of the connected device using a login and password, therefore they are more reliable. They can be used to send and receive files and commands.

If your devices are connected through a router or use a Firewall, then you need to forward ports 21 and 20 for incoming and outgoing connections in advance.

Creating and setting up TFTP on Windows 7

To activate and configure it, it is best to use free program- tftpd32/tftpd64, which can be downloaded from the official developer website of the same name. The application is distributed in two forms: service and program. Each type is divided into versions for 32 and 64 bit systems. You can use any type and version of the program that is most suitable for you, but below, as an example, actions will be given in a 64-bit program running as a service edition.

Creating and setting up FTP

  1. Expand your computer's control panel.

    Launching the control panel

  2. Go to the "Programs" section.

    Go to the “Programs” section

  3. Go to the "Programs and Features" subsection.

    Go to the “Programs and Features” section

  4. Click on the “Turn components on or off” tab.

    Click on the “Turn components on or off” button

  5. In the window that opens, find the “IIS Services” tree and activate all the components included in it.

    Activating the IIS Services tree

  6. Save the result and wait until the included elements are added by the system.

    Wait for the components to be added by the system

  7. Return to home page Control Panel and go to System and Security.

    Go to the “System and Security” section

  8. Go to the "Administration" subsection.

    Go to the “Administration” subsection

  9. Open Internet Information Services Manager.

    Open the Internet Information Services Manager program

  10. In the window that appears, go to the tree located on the left side of the program, click right click mouse over the “Sites” subfolder and go to the “Add FTP site” function.

    Click on “Add FTP site”

  11. Fill in the field with the name of the site and write down the path to the folder to which received files will be sent.

    Come up with a name for the site and create a folder for it

  12. The FTP setup begins. In the IP address block, set the “All free” parameter, in the SLL block, set the “Without SSL” parameter. The “Start FTP site automatically” feature enabled will allow the server to turn on automatically every time you turn on the computer.

    We set the necessary parameters

  13. Authentication allows you to choose two options: anonymous - without a login and password, regular - with a login and password. Check the options that suit you.

    Choosing who will have access to the site

  14. This completes the creation of the site, but some more settings need to be completed.

    The site has been created and added to the list

  15. Return to the System and Security section and navigate to the Firewall subsection.

    Open the “Windows Firewall” section

  16. Open advanced options.

    Let's move on to additional firewall settings

  17. In the left half of the program, make the “Rules for incoming connections” tab active and activate the “FTP server” and “FTP server traffic to” functions. passive mode", right-clicking on them and selecting the "Enable" option.

    Enable the “FTP server” and “FTP server traffic in passive mode” functions

  18. In the left half of the program, make the “Rules for outgoing connections” tab active and launch the “FTP Server Traffic” function using the same method.

    Enable the “FTP Server Traffic” function

  19. The next step is to create a new account that will receive all rights to manage the server. To do this, return to the “Administration” section and select the “Computer Management” application in it.

    Open the Computer Management application

  20. While in the " Local users and groups", select the "Groups" subfolder and start creating another group in it.

    Click the “Create group” button

  21. Fill in all required fields with any data.

    Fill in information about the group being created

  22. Navigate to the Users subfolder and begin the process of creating a new user.

    Click the “New User” button

  23. Fill in all required fields and complete the process.

    Filling in user information

  24. Open the properties of the created user and expand the “Group Membership” tab. Click on the “Add” button and add the user to the group that you created a little earlier.

    Click the “Add” button

  25. Now navigate to the folder that is allocated for use by the FTP server. Open its properties and go to the “Security” tab, click on the “Change” button in it.

    Click the “Change” button

  26. In the window that opens, click on the “Add” button and add the group that was created earlier to the list.

    Select the action “Add allowing rule”

  27. Check the box next to “Specified roles or user groups” and fill in the field with the name of the previously registered group. Permissions must be granted for everything: read and write.

    Select “Specified roles or user groups”

  28. You can create another rule for all other users by selecting “All anonymous users” or “All users” and setting the permission to read only so that no one except you can edit the data stored on the server. Done, this completes the creation and configuration of the server.

    ftp://your_name:[email protected].

    To connect to the server not via a local network, but via the Internet, the same addresses are used, but the numbers are replaced by the name of the site you created earlier. Let us remind you that to connect via the Internet received from the router, you need to forward ports 21 and 20.

    Reasons why it may not work

    Servers may not work correctly if you have not completed all necessary settings described above, or enter any data incorrectly, double-check all information. The second reason for failure is third-party factors: an incorrectly configured router, Firewall, built into the system or third party antivirus, blocks access, rules installed on the computer interfere with the operation of the server. To solve a problem related to an FTP or TFTP server, you need to accurately describe at what stage it appeared, only then you will be able to find a solution on thematic forums.

    How to connect as a network drive

    To convert the folder allocated for the server to network drive standard Windows methods, just follow these steps:

    Third-party programs for setting up a server

    The program for managing TFTP - tftpd32/tftpd64, has already been described above in the article, in the section “Creation and TFTP setup server." To manage FTP servers, you can use the FileZilla program.

    FTP and TFTP servers are designed for creating local and shared sites that allow the exchange of files and commands between users with access to the server. Complete everything necessary settings possible both using the built-in functions of the system and through third party applications. To get some benefits, you can convert the server folder to a network drive.

One of my materials mentioned the possibility of using this server to implement some tasks. In this material I will try to outline the basics of setup in as much detail as possible. FileZilla FTP servers under Windows. This server It is relatively easy to set up, consumes few resources, is invisible during operation, and also has a convenient console with very informative logging. You can manage the server remotely. The main purpose of an FTP server is to provide direct access to files and folders to users connecting to the server, this is exactly what I will talk about

What do we need:

1. FTP server Filezilla - follow the link, scroll down the page and see FileZilla Server version 0.9.41 at the time of writing this material, download
2. FTP client or any browser to check the functionality of the FTP server

# Installation

Launch the downloaded distribution and begin the installation

1. In the first step, click I agree
2. Next you need to select the installation components, nothing complicated here, leave it as is or remove the shortcuts, you don’t need to install Source Code
3. Select the installation location, you can set it as default
4. In the fourth step, you need to select the parameters for the server service, there are 3 options:
A. Installing the server as a service and starting it automatically
b. Installing the server as a service and manual start, when the system starts, the server will not work
V. Server installation as normal application and automatic start

The choice depends on how regularly and for what purpose the server will work, if necessary permanent access in automatic stealth mode, then option A, if to solve one-time problems, then the option B

In addition, you need to select the port through which the control panel will connect to the server; it should not be occupied by other software; in most cases, you can leave the default port, i.e. 14147
5. Selecting a method for launching the server interface, I recommend choosing Start manually, because By by and large the interface will be needed once - during initial setup and only occasionally will it be necessary to make changes, so there is no point in keeping it always running, leave the checkbox, then the interface will be launched immediately after the installation is complete, click Install

# Settings
Upon completion of the installation, the server manager will be launched, first a window will appear asking you to set up a connection to the server, because the server is on the same PC as the manager, then how Server Address leave , we don’t touch the port either, it was the one that was specified during installation, or we change it if it was changed earlier. We leave the password blank, because By default it is not there, you can install it later. Check the box and connect

# Basic server configuration

Select from the menu Edit -> Settings, this is the basic server configuration, let's make some nice changes. I will not dwell on all the options, but will point out only the most significant and useful for the majority of users

1.General Settings. You can change port 21 to some other one; usually this is not necessary, but it can be useful to protect your server from unnecessary attacks, i.e. Port 21 will be unavailable and those who are not aware may assume that there is no server. You can also specify maximum amount simultaneously connected users, helps to reduce the load on weak machines. Below you can specify the number of processor cores that will be used by the server to distribute the load.
- IP Filter- a filter for restricting access by IP ranges, in the first list we enter the addresses and ranges that we deny access to the server, and in the second those addresses from the first list of ranges that will be given an exception, i.e. access granted
2.Miscellaneous. IN additional settings there are some useful things. The first checkbox (if checked) allows you to hide the file sent by the user in the server interface window, the second checkbox will launch the application minimized. The third checkbox will allow files opened for writing to be transferred, it is not recommended to do this - you can damage the files, the fourth checkbox
3. Logging. Logging itself is disabled by default, but can be enabled. The size can be limited, then when the limit is reached, the file will be overwritten. You can also set the log in one large file(not recommended) or create logs by day + activate the option to delete after the required time period
4. Speed ​​Limits. Ability to set download and upload speed limits. You can just do it general limitation speed or add the required number of rules by day and hour. Useful to prevent the FTP server from downloading the entire channel
5. Autoban. The name speaks for itself; if a user enters incorrect credentials several times in a row, his address is blocked. The number of attempts and the blocking period are indicated. Useful against brute programs that perform banal searches; they can be stopped using this method

When the settings are complete, you can click OK

# Adding users

Go to the menu Edit -> Users. First, I will describe the general procedure for adding users
1. General. Here we create a new account. Click Add, a field appears to enter the user name and select the group to which we want to add it. If there is no group, then it cannot be selected accordingly. For servers with a small amount It is not necessary to create groups of accounts; you just need to create several accounts and assign your rights to each one
Then check the box Password and enter the password for account. Below you can set limits for the user on the number of connections and the number of connections from one IP. Null values will mean no restrictions

2. Shared folders. Here, for a specific user, we select the folders to which he will have access and rights to these folders
If there are already several users, then in the right window we select the one to whom we will add rights, then on the left click Add, and select a folder on the PC, if you need access to several folders, then add more, one of the folders should be marked as HomeDir, those. the folder that the user will go to by default when connecting to the server. Sometimes it is necessary to give access to different disks PC to one user, there is one nuance here - you can add as many folders as you like within one drive, but in order to give access to another drive, you need to make an Alias, i.e. alias link from the HomeDir directory disk to required folder another disk. To do this, create access to another folder on another disk, then right-click on the created folder - Edit Aliases, in the HomeDir folder field to which the user has access + we also add an alias virtual folder, which will send us to a folder on another disk. in our case it turns out D:/Temp/Soft. Now, when connecting to his main folder, the user in Temp folder will still see the Soft folder and be able to go to it, while it will be on another drive

Now about the rights to files and folders. Choose required user and folder, and work with the checkboxes, depending on the required capabilities

Read- read only, i.e. you can view files and folders on the server and download them
Write- allows you to overwrite existing files
Delete- deleting files and folders
Append- adding new files to the server
Create- create new folders
List- view the contents of folders
+Subdirs- view all folders that are nested in the main one

If we create an anonymous user, i.e. which will be used by several users at once to obtain any data from the server, then we need to create an academic record with the name anonymous without a password, add the necessary directories to it and assign rights to them. Usually anonymous users only need to read (for security reasons first of all), i.e. enable rights for it Read, List, +Subdirs

3. Speed ​​Limits & IP Filter. Here, as in the main server config, you can make individual settings for an account regarding restrictions on addresses and speeds, convenient for creating exceptions to the basic rules

Save the settings. If desired and large quantities You can create several groups of server users if there are differences in rights for them. To do this you need to go to Edit ->Groups. The group rights configuration is no different from the configuration individual user, after creating a group, you can simply create a user and select a group for him, after which he will have group rights

When setting up the server, it is quite logical and convenient to protect access to users from it; to do this, go to the menu Server, it will have 2 options - Active And Lock. The first option is active by default, and if you uncheck the box, then the server will be turned off and no one will be able to connect, at this moment it will be possible to configure it, when you turn on the server for the first time, all settings will be applied. Activation Lock allows you to leave the server running, but blocks it, i.e. users will see that the server is running, but will be denied access to it

After configuring the server, you can close administrative panel, it is not necessary to run it for the server to work

FileZilla Server is a server that supports FTP and FTP over SSL/TLS and provides a secure encrypted connection to the server.

FileZilla supports SSL. Your browser supports the same level of encryption to protect your information. When you use SSL, your information is encrypted so that no one can snoop on it, so your privacy is guaranteed. On-the-fly compression is also supported, which speeds up data transfer.
Unfortunately, the data compression option may sometimes not work correctly, so we recommend using it with caution. There is a possibility that already compressed files will be transferred, having larger size than the original ones.

SFTP (SSH) support File Transfer Protocol) is not provided in Filezilla Server.

  • Run exe installer
  • You need to select admin port and remember it
  • Launch FileZilla Server Interface
  • Enter admin port and administrator password, click ok/connect
  • Create a user profile and/or group with permissions to the home directory.
  • Create another directory and enable alias name display in home directory (/AliasName)
  • Complete installation

Installation on Windows 7 with built-in firewall

After installation, make sure that FileZilla Server is included in the list of allowed programs in the built-in firewall. IN Control Panel, open System and Security. In chapter Windows Firewall, you need to select "Allowed Programs" in order for the settings window to open. You need to select both Private and Public network for "FileZilla Server" (Not "FileZilla Server Interface". If "FileZilla Server" is not in the list, you need to add "C:\Program Files\FileZilla Server\FileZilla server.exe" according to where the client was installed). If you don't select Private Network, incoming FTP connection will be blocked.

Transfer methods large files There are many via the Internet, but almost all of them have restrictions - either in file size, or in the amount of free space, or in download speed.

But there is one great option - FTP creation server. Its main advantages:

  • no download speed limitation;
  • fast file exchange (no need to configure anything, upload files and wait for them to be processed);
  • the ability to download any document at any time (convenient when the Internet is unstable).

How to set up an FTP server?

Setup is very simple. To do this, you will need a program for an FTP server (or more precisely, a utility) called Golden FTP Server ( Free versions there will be plenty).

Have you downloaded the program? Installed? Now let's start creating. To do this, follow the following instructions:

That's all. Now you know how to make an FTP server. And you can freely share files with any users.

To check that creation of FTP server was successful, access it via Internet Explorer.

By the way, one more point. Several users to whom you have given a download link can download shared documents simultaneously. Of course, the jump speed in this case will be divided. But if you have 100 Mbit/s, then this is not a problem. Just to keep you informed.

If you don’t understand how to set up an FTP server, and all this is too complicated for you, then you can try other options. Fortunately, there are at least 5 more ways.