What is the best way to create an ftp server. Installing FTP FileZilla Server. How to create an FTP server and access it from the Internet

FTP installation-servers.

The FTP server is included with Internet Information Services. To install it, open Control Panel -> Programs -> Turn Windows features on or off. Expand the IIS Services section and check the boxes next to the following components: FTP Service and IIS Management Console.

Setting up an FTP server.

Open Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administration -> Computer Management (you can quickly: Start menu -> right click on Computer -> select Management from the menu). In the window that opens, expand the Services and Applications group and open IIS Service Manager. In the Connections window, select the Sites folder, then in the right Actions window click on the Add FTP site link.

In the FTP site creation wizard, specify its name and location (by default c:\inetpub\ftproot).

Next, specify the binding and SSL parameters. I leave the binding section unchanged. I disable the “Start ftp site automatically” option (I only need ftp from time to time). In the SSL section, I select the “No SSL” option.

In the next window, leave everything unchanged and click Finish.

The site has been created. Now you can go to additional options for fine-tuning (for example, limit maximum amount simultaneous connections). Select the newly created site, on the right in the Actions panel click on Additional options.

The next step is setting up the Windows Firewall. Open Control Panel -> System and Security -> Windows Firewall-> Additional options. In the “Rules for incoming connections” section, find and activate “FTP server (incoming traffic)” and “ FTP Server Passive (FTP Passive Traffic-In)". The last rule allows the ftp client to connect in passive mode.

In the “Rules for outgoing connection” section, find and activate “FTP Server (FTP Traffic-Out)”.

If the system has additional firewall(Comodo, Outpost, etc.), then you also need to open port 21 (TCP) for incoming connections and port 20 (TCP) for outgoing ones.

If you connect to the Internet using a router, and you want to make your server accessible to Internet users, then you need to configure port forwarding on the router. On my Dlink DI-804HV this is done in the Virtual Server section. — IP address of the ftp server on the local network.

Setting up user rights.

If you leave everything as it is, then any user can connect to the FTP server (anonymous access is enabled) with read-only rights (you can download, but you cannot write or change files). Let's assume that we need to make access for trusted users who would have the rights to write and change files.

Open Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management (Start -> right click on Computer -> select Management from the menu). Next, expand the group Local users and groups ( this setting available only in Business and Ultimate editions). Right click on the Groups folder and select Create Group from the menu.

Enter the name of the group - FTP Users, a description (you don't have to enter it) and click the Create button.

Now you need to create a user. Right-click on the Users folder and select from the menu New user.

Enter the user name (for example ftp_user_1), password (at least 6 characters), check the boxes next to the options “Prohibit the user from changing the password” and “Password does not expire.”

The user has been created. Now you need to assign it the previously created group Ftp Users. To do this, open the user properties and go to the “Group Membership” tab. By default, a new user is assigned the Users group; delete it. Click the Add -> Advanced -> Search button. A list of user groups will open. Select the FTP Users group and click Ok. As a result we get:

Click Ok and move on to the next step.

At the stage of creating an ftp site, we needed to select a working directory (c:\inetpub\ftproot). Now you need to configure access rights to this directory for the FTP Users group. Open c:\inetpub in Explorer, open the properties of the ftproot folder, go to the Security tab and click the Edit button. In the window that opens, click the Add button and select the “FTP Users” group (as when creating a user). Set the permission level to “Full Control” and click OK.

Final stage. Open IIS Services Manager again and select our ftp server (Test FTP). In the FTP site control panel, select “FTP Authorization Rules”. Add an allowing rule. In the window that opens, select the “Specified roles or user groups” option. At the bottom in the text field, we manually write the name of our group (FTP Users), then check the boxes in the Permissions section opposite Read and Write and click OK.

This completes the setup.

At the beginning, we did not select the option to automatically start the server, so we do not forget to start it manually (right click on the site name -> Manage FTP site -> Start).

How to connect?

Option using Windows Explorer.
Open Computer (Vista, Win 7) or My Computer (XP).
For anonymous access, simply enter the server address ( into the address bar.
To log in with a username and password, enter an address like: ftp://[username]:[password]@[ftp server address]. For example ftp://ftp_user_1: [email protected]- to connect from a local network. To connect from the Internet, replace the local address with an external one or with a domain name.

Overview of setting up an FTP server under Windows using Serv-U 6.4 as an example.

1. What is “FTP”?

Why was this text even written? Beginner users of many local locales have asked me many times: “how to exchange files with a neighbor”? After all, connect through network, as it was before, no longer works - the NetBIOS protocol, which is responsible for supporting network Windows features. By the way, this was done for a reason, but because this protocol is one of the most dangerous holes in computer protection, since it is through this hole that most of the virus infection gets in...

Surely, many have heard about FTP, but not everyone knows that this is not a mysterious spell of the ancient Incas, but an English abbreviation that stands for File Transfer Protocol — file transfer protocol. It is one of the basic Internet protocols designed for exchanging information. Unlike HTTP, which serves mainly for transferring web texts and images, FTP is used for exchanging arbitrary files, often of large size.

In addition, FTP is convenient for “travelling” through directories on a remote computer and for accessing a large, branched file structure. HTTP and FTP support authorization, that is, you can make it so that only knowing your login and password will they be able to access you. To share your folders with other users, you need to set FTP server, and users must have FTP client s. Using the client, users can not only download files from you, but also upload their files to you.

To share your folders with other users, you need to set FTP server, and users must have FTP clients. Using the client, users can not only download files from you, but also upload their files to you.

A few clarifications:

There are other methods for exchanging files - peer-to-peer clients (such as DC++, Emule, Torrent), HTTP, FTP and several more options. But peer-to-peer clients require complex configuration and content shared resources available for download to everyone.

Access to files on remote computer via the FTP protocol is carried out using programs called FTP clients(a www browser, such as Opera, Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer). Almost all modern operating systems also include an FTP client for working on the command line, which is called “ftp”.
If you have the Internet, then you can access a large amount of information located in various parts of the Internet. To use FTP, you need a so-called FTP client that connects to an FTP server (the server from which data is downloaded). Anonymous FTP allows you to connect to the server even without being registered on it (without having a login and password). As a rule, anonymous is specified as the login (user name), and your e-mail is specified as the password. This is done on large servers so that everyone can download, for example, a free Linux distribution or some other useful programs.

Files are transferred in several modes - ASCII mode (short for American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is used to transfer primarily text files (do not forget that HTML, in its essence, also text file). Binary mode, as the name suggests, is used to transfer binary code(in other words, it is used for non-text files, for example, pictures).
When we surf the Internet and open websites, we use HTTP - this protocol is specifically designed for loading web pages. At the same time, HTTP is also used to download files. Therefore, many users have a logical question: why use FTP for uploading if HTTP allows it? Each of these protocols was designed for its own purposes. As we have already found out, FTP was designed specifically for file transfer, so it implements this process more efficiently than larger size file, the more justified is the use of FTP.

The terms "client" and "server" are often used in computer literature. A server is a program or computer that provides its resources to clients. The server accepts requests from the client and performs the requested actions.
Any server is a program, service (in in Windows terms) or daemon (in Unix terminology). Any service accepts requests from clients on one or another software port - connection establishment and data transfer are organized through this port. For example, the default FTP server accepts requests from clients on port 21.

The FTP client communicates with the FTP server using special FTP commands (depending on the server, they may differ slightly, but in general the set of commands is more or less standard). Then why not allow the user to enter these commands in order to view the contents of the FTP server, upload files, and set transfer modes without an intermediary. This is exactly what happened in the early days of the Internet. The pioneers of the World Wide Web hurriedly typed commands for the FTP server directly from the console. This possibility still exists today. True, if for users of Unix systems this manner of communicating with FTP is very familiar, then Windows owners probably do not even suspect that their system allows you to do this. It should be noted that using the console version of the FTP client is very exciting at first, and in some cases extremely useful.

To summarize, we can say that HTTP is a more universal protocol, which, of course, can be used for downloading files. However, if you want to get the most out of your Internet channel and download as quickly as possible, it makes sense to look required file on an FTP server. The FTP address looks like this:

where user is the username, colon is the program separator between the username and password, password is the password. The doggy signifies the separation between user data and address. Next comes the address itself. This can be an IP address, or it can also be a literal value (such as ftp.microsoft.com). After the address there is again a colon, which separates the address and the connection port number. By default, this port is port 21, but there may be another one assigned by the server administrator.
The address may also look like this: This will mean that the username is anonymous, the password is the e-mail address, and the port is 21.

Convenient to use as a client program the following programs- Total (Windows) Commander, FAR, FlashFXP, CuteFTP, SmartFTP and even some download managers such as FlashGet and Download Master, which have an FTP client built into the program.

2. Selecting an FTP server

Present on the market great amount FTP servers, from microscopic (for one-time transfer) to enterprise-level servers (designed for millions of simultaneous connections). For home and semi-professional purposes, several options are sufficient:

Supports multiple domains (IP addresses). This is necessary if you have a local network and the Internet on your computer. And you want to make an FTP server only for local or only for the Internet. Or for both.

Support for multiple users and their rights. For example, user Vasya can download erotic pictures from you, but others will not be able to :)

Support virtual folders. Very important feature— in order not to create a separate directory for FTP, you can assemble it from several folders located on different drives, but the user entering your FTP will see them as if they were all in one folder.

Ability to limit transmission speed and the number of simultaneously connecting users. Each user is a load on the processor and hard drive of your computer. When there are a lot of them and they are all downloading a file from you at the same time, your computer can slow down very much. To ensure that users do not interfere with you and each other, their number can be limited. That is, let’s say two people are sitting on your FTP, and the rest who are trying to connect to your server receive a message like “Too many people. Try to come back later."

Ability to monitor the actions of the connected user. This is useful for keeping statistics, settings, and just wondering who is doing what on your server :)
Basically, Microsoft company starting from Windows 2000, it includes its own FTP server. But it is very inconvenient both in setting up and in operation, and has many limitations. Having tried many products, I chose the “Serv-U FTP Server” server for myself as the one that best meets the above conditions. This is what I will talk about next.

Also considered professional and stable Gene6 FTP Server. Personally, I also really like the combined HTTP/FTP/Mail/DNS/DHCP free Small HTTP Server. It is simple and has a very small footprint. random access memory(about 800 KB!!!).

3. Installation of FTP server Serv-U

For an installation example, let’s take “Serv-U.FTP.Server.v6.4.0.4.Corporate.Edition”, you can find this archive at the end of the article. After unpacking it, you will receive the file “ServUSetup.exe” - this is the server installer, and the file “keygen.exe” - the generator license key for the program. Well, or you don’t want to use unlicensed software, you can pay the developer to use the program :)
Let's launch the installer.
Having agreed to the license, we say where to install the server.
Now we will be asked to specify the required components. To install the server we need both.
If you purchased the program, you can now register it as described in its manual. And for the rest, the sequence of actions is as follows: at the bottom right, in the tray, you will see an icon: this means that the server is currently turned off. You need to exit this program by selecting Exit and run keygen, generate a key - it will be automatically copied to the clipboard.
The installation of the server program is complete. Right-click on the icon and select “Start Administrator...” from the pop-up menu.

4. Setting up the server, creating accounts

Having launched the administration program, we will see a window that looks like this:

IN Main menu The program contains the main control elements, but we will not study them in detail; you can do this yourself later by reading the help for the program. The same goes for controls and the status panel. The principle of setting up a server is this: in the settings tree we select the desired section and in the settings and reports panel we see one or more tabs with settings and (or) statistics. First, let's create our own FTP server. By entering the “Local server” section, you can manage the server installed on your machine. When you enter the section, the following information will appear in the settings panel:

If you check the “Start automatically” checkbox, your server will start with Windows every time it boots. Further status is coming servers ( green color- working, red - off). Next is a button that turns the server on/off. And a button asking master password administrator. If you set it, no one except you will be able to change your server settings. Here and further I will describe only the main steps for deploying your FTP server, about the rest additional features you can find out from the program help. First, let’s configure the global server parameters by entering the “Settings” section.

In the “General” tab We are interested in the following points:

Max. Upload speed: maximum speed for uploading files to your server from the client
Max. Download speed: maximum speed for uploading files to clients (all together - this is a global setting)
Max. no. of users: maximum number of simultaneously connected clients (also a global setting)
Delete partially uploaded files: if a client tried to upload a file to your server, but did not fully upload it, should such an incomplete file be deleted. If it is checked, then delete it.
In all other tabs we leave the default settings.

In the "Activity" section you can view a report on the program’s operation, add an IP address to the list of prohibited IP addresses, or send a message to connected clients. We won’t delve into these possibilities, so let’s move on to the next section.

The “Domains” section is the administrator’s main working tool. It's empty for now. Right click Click on the empty settings panel and select “New Domain” from the menu (you can simply press the Ins key). The Create Domain Wizard appears. In the first window you will be asked to select the IP address where your FTP server will “live”. If you leave the field empty, the server will respond to all addresses (for example, both locally and on the Internet). If the server is made only for LAN, select your IP address on the local network from the drop-down list:

By clicking the “Next” button, we move on to the next question - you need to enter the domain name. If you are making an Internet FTP, you can enter its address as the name, this will make it possible not to get confused when large quantities domains. Or you can simply enter the name of your FTP, for example “My FTP server”:

“Next” again, select the port for the FTP server. The standard for FTP is 21 TCP port, but if you want to hide your FTP port from scanners, you can specify another one, the main thing is that there is no other program running on it. Also, do not forget to open this port in the firewall or firewall (if you have one), otherwise no one will be able to get to your FTP server! Selecting a port for a domain allows you to organize multiple FTP on different ports with different content. This is what domains are for.

Click “Next” 2 times and exit the wizard. We see this screen of global domain settings:

The elements in the “Domain” tab mean:

Name: domain name
Domain IP address: Domain IP address
Domain type: where domain settings are stored (in INI file or in the registry)
Security: whether to support SSL secrecy
FTP port number: server port number
Enable dynamic DNS: used on the Internet when running the DynDNS service
Domain is... (online/offline): current domain state (green - enabled, red - disabled)
Put Domain offline: button to turn off the domain

Now let's carry out fine tuning» received domain. To do this, let's go to the “Settings” section of our domain:

In the “General” tab Please pay attention to the following values:

Max no. of users: maximum clients that can simultaneously connect to the domain.
Minimum password length: Minimum password length for the user. If not specified, it is not checked

On the Vitual Paths tab virtual folders and paths in them are indicated! The folder is given a virtual name, which will be displayed to the user logged in via ftp, instead of the real one. At the same time, these folders must be allowed at least for reading (Read) in the settings of each individual user. How to do this - read below.
Mapped to is the path to the user folder to which the virtual folder will be attached (mounted). The user must also have access to it.

Another tab that you can pay attention to is “Messages”:

Here you can replace standard server messages with your own, for example with the name of your FTP or postal address for communication. Attention! Messages can only be in English or written in transliteration!
We go to the “Users” section and create a new user in the same way as we created the domain before. The Create User Wizard appears. To begin, you will be asked to enter your username. The user will log into your FTP under this name. If FTP is open to everyone, then anonymous should be used as the name. For any other user you will be asked to enter a password; for the anonymous user you will not be asked for a password. Next, we indicate the initial directory, which will contain the contents of your FTP, visible to this user:

The next question should be answered “Yes”. The wizard will complete and the new user will be created. The server is ready to go. You can see some details of the settings, for example how to pick up directories from other drives, in the video file that comes with this archive.

5. Checking the work

Launch your FTP client, select to create a new connection, in the connection parameters specify FTP address server, port (if it is not standard) and user name/password (if not specified, the anonymous user will be used and something resembling Email address(few people indicate their real e-mail). Don't forget to specify the proxy server if you are not connecting directly! Now try connecting to your FTP server. If everything is done correctly, the server should respond immediately.
You can also access your server through a browser in passive mode: ftp://login:password@your_ip or simply ftp://localhost.

P.S. Don’t forget that if you are closed from the outside world by a firewall or router, then you need to open port 21 in them for incoming connections (in the router from WAN to LAN from any ip).

The Serv-U FTP Server v6.4 Corporate Edition distribution with video instructions can be downloaded.

IN this post I'll tell you how to install and configure protected FTP server (protocol FTPS) on Windows Server 2003 (installation and configuration for other operating systems are no different).

Don't confuse the protocol FTPS with protocol SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), protocol FTPS incompatible with protocol Secure Shell (SSH).

Please make sure that you are not running IIS FTP service. If the service is running, then disable it, because it uses standard ports FTP protocol.

Download the latest version of FileZilla Server. At the moment the latest version is 0.9.39.

After you have downloaded the file, start installing the program.

In the menu that appears, select the installation type “Standard” and click “Next>”.
The service will be installed FileZilla servers and administrator GUI.

After installing the server, let's start configuring it. Launch the admin console and connect to, which is localhost, on port 10050 (you specified it during server installation).

Configure the server in accordance with the pictures. They speak for themselves.
As a result, we will receive a secure FTP server installed on port 21, which is used by default by FTP servers.

Set your own welcome message that will be displayed when a new user connects. Enable the option "Hide welcome message in log". This option disables the recording of the greeting message in the server logs, which will reduce their size.

Note. When writing your greeting message you can use Special symbols and variables: %v- variable contains FTP server version, and the design %% - will be replaced by %

Use the "*" character to have the FTP server listen to all IP addresses on the system. If you have several IP addresses, then indicate only those that need to be listened to.

To ensure greater security for your FTP server, block all incoming addresses, adding to exceptions only those addresses from which connections are expected. IP addresses should be separated by a space. IN in this example I allowed connection from the local address and from google.com (

Please adjust the following settings according to the pictures:

Enable connection logging. You can also enable automatic deletion of the connection log after a certain period and set a limit on its size.

Here you can set limits on download and upload speeds. These settings are global and can be reconfigured for each user separately.

This is the main part of the instructions in which we will configure SSL certificate to use FTPS. You can use a public certificate, which must be purchased separately. But in this instruction we will use the built-in certificate generator.

Fill in all the fields with your data as shown in the picture.
In the “Common name” field, enter your IP address or domain name, if you have one. And then click on the button "Generate certificate"

Go back to SSL/TLS settings and specify the path to the certificate file and key file.

Finally, set your options to auto-block suspicious users.

IMPORTANT! Before checking the connection, make sure that you have set exceptions in the firewall for ports 21, 990 and 3000-4000.

Gene6 FTP Server v3.10.0.2

Developer: Gene6 SARL
Distribution size: 4.01 MB
Spreading: shareware Gene6 FTP Server - one of the best FTP servers with advanced administration and high level security of transmitted data. The program allows you to open access to data for specific users or groups of users through their accounts, manage access rights for files and directories, and limit access by IP addresses. In this case, several virtual FTP nodes can be created and the number of connections can be limited (for IP, domain, user), and expiration dates for accounts can be set. It is also possible to fine-tune the access rights of specific users, for whom it is easy, for example, to determine the maximum size of files uploaded to an FTP server, to make some files in open folder blocked or, on the contrary, available, define speed limits when downloading and uploading files, set FTP server availability time intervals, etc. There is support for ODBC databases, compression of transmitted data is possible (MODE Z), and 128-bit SSL encryption can be used to exchange important files. Conducted in real time detailed statistics activity on the FTP server, recorded in log files and visually displayed in text and graphic form. Means provided remote administration, allowing you to add, change, delete user accounts, as well as change all available settings domains remotely (as if the administrator was at the computer on which the server is running). It is possible to delegate administration to another administrator by creating a new account user with limited rights administrator. The remote administration connection is encrypted using SSL and runs on its own custom port. The program (there is a Russian version) is presented in two editions: Standard and Professional. The standard edition is designed for home users, allowing the use of two domains with 25 parallel connections. The demo version of the program is fully functional for 30 days, the cost of the commercial version is Standard edition is $59.95. You can download Russian-language documentation on the developer’s website. The program includes two modules - the FTP server engine and the FTP Administrator. The FTP server engine runs as a system service (that is, it starts automatically when booting Windows), does not have an interface and is responsible for enabling/disabling the server. FTP Administrator provides access to server settings and is launched through the Start menu. The FTP server icon is always located in the system tray, and by the appearance of this icon it is easy to understand when the server is on, when it is off, and when a user is logged into it.

To set up an FTP server, you need to launch FTP Administrator and enter the administrator password (it is specified when installing the program). The administrator window includes two panels - the left one contains a list of customizable elements, and the right one reveals the structure of the selected element. The first step is to create a domain by activating the “Domains” tab in the left panel, calling the “New Domain” command from the context menu in the right panel and entering the domain name. If the external IP address on the Internet is static and has been assigned a domain name, then it is recommended to enter it as the domain name, otherwise you can enter any name. Here you can limit the maximum number of clients connected simultaneously to the FTP server (for example, five) and the number of connections from one of them (it is usually recommended to limit it to one or two connections from one IP address).

In the next two windows, where we will talk about the IP address (by default there is “*”, which means for all IPs), the port used (port 21 is used by default) and the types of logs, in the case of a dynamic IP address you need to leave the default settings. However, if you have a static IP address, you must enter it instead of the "*" symbol - this is the address that will be used by the domain. If you do not know your IP address, you can look it up using the ipconfig command, which is launched from command line(Start > Run > cmd, click Enter key, and then enter the command). If “*” remains in the IP address field, then at each start the FTP server will automatically detect the address and assign it the 21st port for operation.

Regarding the last window, if you plan to open anonymous access to the FTP server, you should specify your home directory in it - that is, the directory on your computer that anonymous users will see.

Theoretically, immediately after that FTP-the server will already be ready to accept anonymous users. At the same time, it is possible to fine-tune the server. In particular, it is easy to define the list personal users(or user groups) with passwords, logins and extended access rights. This is done using the “New User” command, called from the context menu after activating the “Users” tab - at a minimum, enter a name and password for the user and specify the home directory. If necessary, for individual users You can also limit the lifespan of their accounts, set access rights, determine access time and transfer speed, enter a mask for accessible and blocked files, for security purposes specify the IP addresses from which these users will connect, etc.

In addition, you can take advantage of the support for virtual folders and, in addition to the home directory, allow the user access to a number of your other folders (they can be located on different drives), which in this case do not need to be copied to the home directory - just set the virtual and real paths for them . As a result, a user logging into your FTP will see all the folders available to him as if they were all in the same home folder. If desired, it is also easy to configure individual users to block access to certain types of files.

From a security perspective, it may make sense to enable blocking of transfers between two FTP servers (for specific users - the "Advanced" section on the "Users" tab), limit the number of login attempts and configure the use of SSL to encrypt transferred data (via the properties of a specific domain). And also deny access to the FTP server from specific IP addresses ("Information" > "Temporary ban"), etc. Well, if you have a dynamic IP, and you are not inspired to tell your friends your new IP every time you connect to the Internet , then you will have to register with one of the Dynamic DNS services (for example, No-ip.com). And then create a host there that will point to your FTP server - let it be serghome.myftp.org, since we named the domain itself in a similar way. You will also have to download, install and configure the client dynamic update (this operation will be automatically offered during registration). At the next stage, you will have to adjust the server settings by adjusting the “Redirect PASV IP” parameter in the domain properties ("Domain" > "Properties" > "IP Binding"), where you will need to enter the received domain name and set the port range passive mode. After this, users will be able to access your FTP server by specifying a line like serghome.myftp.org as an address in the FTP client.

User activity is clearly recorded and stored in logs - so you can check who is currently connected to the server and what they are doing, evaluate domain traffic, view connection history, etc. All this data is presented on the "Information" tab.


Developer: Rhino Software, Inc.
Distribution size: 8.76 MB
Spreading: shareware Serv-U is a powerful, stable and relatively easy to install and configure FTP server that provides flexible administration. The program allows you to open access to the FTP server to specific users or groups of users, set write/read/modify rights for directories and files, and also control access by IP addresses. Simultaneous work of several users is possible, the maximum permissible number of which is easy to limit. For each connection it is easy to set the maximum speed of upload/download operations. There is support for Zlib on-the-fly compression, which increases data transfer speed, and the Dynamic DNS function is supported, which allows you to automatically detect the external IP address and change it for pseudo-servers. Detailed statistics of activity on the FTP server are kept, recorded in logs, where you can find out the name under which the user logged in, the IP address of his computer, folders of interest to him, operations performed, etc. The program (there is a Russian localization) is presented in several editions, including of which only the Bronze edition may be of interest to a home user. The demo version of the program is fully functional for 30 days, after which you will have to pay $199.95 for it, or use it for free as the Personal version, but then you will have to be limited to one domain, two parallel connections and five user accounts, which, in In principle, it is enough, for example, to exchange data with friends. In the Bronze edition there can also be only one domain, but perhaps 25 parallel connections and up to 50 accounts.

The program includes two modules - an FTP server agent and a management console. The agent does not have an interface, it works as a service and is responsible for enabling/disabling the server, which is done through the system tray. The control panel allows you to configure FTP server settings and is launched from the Start menu. After starting the Agent, the FTP server icon appears in the system tray and its appearance signals the state of the server (enabled/disabled) and the presence or absence of users on it. The FTP server is configured under the control of a wizard (it starts automatically after installation and the first launch of the program), which will avoid errors. First of all, the program will ask for the domain name - if the external IP address on the Internet is static and it has been assigned a domain name, then it is recommended to enter it, otherwise the field can be left empty or you can write any name. If the address is dynamic, and this does not suit you, then the developers recommend using the dynamic system DNS changes on the website Dns4me.com. After setting it up, the FTP server will learn to automatically change the IP address issued by the provider and compare it with domain name. Then you will need to determine the protocols and ports that will be used by this domain and enter the server IP address.

At the next stage, the program will ask whether the owner of the FTP server would like to immediately create user accounts, and if so, whether a wizard is needed for this purpose. If you choose the wizard, in the window that opens you will need to specify the username, password and directory available to him, along with access rights for this directory - there are only two options available: “read-only access” and “ full access". After completing all the wizard's instructions, the Serv-U FTP server will automatically start.

Naturally, you can add users later - directly from the management console by activating the "Users" section and clicking on the "Add" button. In this case, you will need to indicate not only all of the above data, but it will also be possible to clarify many more different parameters. For example, prohibit/allow writing, adding, deleting and running files from a directory, limit the size of the directory contents and set access for a given user only from a specific IP address. Configure virtual access paths to directories located outside the user’s home directory, enter a greeting sent to him after authorization, etc. Settings for user group parameters are carried out in approximately the same way.

In addition to adding users and adjusting their rights, many other settings are also adjusted in the management console. Thus, in the “Limits and Server Settings” section, you can set various kinds of restrictions that can be in effect at a certain time of day or a certain day of the week: limit the maximum number of sessions, data download/upload speed (general or for a specific user), block anti-virus methods. timeout and users connecting too often, etc.

During the operation of the FTP server, detailed statistics of user activity are kept - in particular, information about the current state of the user, files or directories accessed by him, duration of sessions, download/upload speed, etc. are taken into account. It is worth noting that, in our subjective opinion, previous versions Serv-U were more convenient, more intuitive and faster to use. Latest version, which we tested during the preparation of the material, did not cause much delight. More precisely, I was not pleased new console controls, which are completely slow and have a completely different and, as it seemed to us, not very well thought out interface than the old versions.

FileZilla Server 0.9.31

Distribution size: 2.72 MB
Spreading: The free FileZilla Server is an FTP server with SSL encryption support and advanced administration. It provides the creation of anonymous or password-based (for individual users or groups) access to data and allows you to manage access rights for files and directories, as well as limit access by IP addresses. It is possible to introduce restrictions on access to the FTP server as a whole, or for each user individually, as well as limiting the total number of connections and the maximum download speed. There is support for compression of transmitted data (MODE Z), and 128-bit SSL encryption can be used to exchange important files. Detailed statistics of activity on the FTP server are kept in real time, which makes it easy to monitor the connections that have taken place, which will allow you to always be aware of what exactly the users who connected to it were doing on the server. Remote administration is possible. The program is completely free and, like most other FTP servers, it consists of two main components. The first is the FTP server itself, which works as a system service (that is, it does not have its own interface), which is configured when installed on automatic start. The second is a management console designed to configure FTP server parameters.

When you first start the program, you will be prompted to enter the details of the server to which you intend to connect - you should leave the proposed IP address ( is the IP address with which the computer can access itself over the network) and port number unchanged.

In order for users to be able to access your FTP server, the first step is to create at least one account - for example, for anonymous access to the server (that is, for a user named anonymous). This can be done through the Edit > Users menu. In the account editor window that opens, first click on the Add button and enter the user name.

To provide the user with access to specific folders you need to activate the Shared folders tab, click on the Add button, specify your home folder and define access rights to it. In this case, it must be defined as root directory for the user by clicking the Set as home dir button. This is already enough for anonymous users to visit your FTP. Creating an account for a specific user is no different in any fundamental way, except that you will have to specify not only a login, but also a password.

It is easy to introduce restrictions on access to the server - both in general and for each individual user. Server-wide restrictions are set in the server settings window Edit > Settings, restrictions for individual users are set in the account settings window Edit > Users. For example, for individual users on the Speed ​​limits tab, you can set access speed limits (separately for downloading and uploading) - permanent or scheduled. And on the IP Filter tab, it’s easy to set restrictions on allowing/denying access for specific IP addresses. You can specify both individual IP addresses and their ranges, which allows, for example, to deny access to an entire subnet at once, while still allowing it to an individual trusted user within it. Similar settings can be made for all users in general, but in the server settings window.

For the server as a whole (Edit > Settings), on the General settings tab, you can set a limit on the number of users connecting at the same time, set timeouts for terminating the connection in cases where the connected user does not respond, and set restrictions on specific IP addresses. On the Security settings tab - block inter-server file transfers without user interaction, on the Speed ​​limits tab - limit overall speed downloads/uploads, and on the Autoban tab - block multiple user connections in a short period of time.

In the case of a dynamic IP address, to associate it with a domain name in the server settings (Edit > Settings), you will need to activate the Passive mode settings tab, enable the Use the following IP checkbox on it and specify the domain name in the corresponding field.

User activity is recorded and reflected in the main program window, where you can see the names of connected users, their IP addresses, connection time and the operations they performed.

To date FTP server remains one of the most popular file transfer tools on networks. Term FTP (File Transfer Protocol) translated from in English- “File Transfer Protocol” and is intended for exchanging files between computers via a local network or the Internet. This protocol implies a client-server hierarchy of interaction.

To log into the FTP server from the client side, a regular explorer is enough Windows, but more comfortable work will be when using one of the widely used Internet browsers Firefox, Opera or Chrome.

Protocol for data exchange FTP usually uses 21 ports, so if your network uses a Firewall or a router, you must allow the use of 21 ports or, if necessary, define (assign) using an alternative port.

Next, let's move on to the main part and consider organizing an FTP server on your computer. For a long time there have been many programs for raising an FTP server in automatic mode, for example habitual. But when switching to new operating systems, old familiar programs can upset us with functional failure, so we need to be able to organize them ourselves. operating system Windows simplest FTP server.

Here is a short algorithm for deploying an FTP server

First, find the “Turn Windows features on or off” dialog box.

To do this, click “Start”, then “Control Panel”, then “Programs”, and then “Programs and Features” and find the “Turn Windows features on or off” button on the left.

And for those who are in the tank - a small screenshot

We open the found dialog box “Turn Windows components on or off” with the usual mouse click and in the “Windows Components” window that opens. In this window, in the list of components, enable the “IIS Services” group and check three checkboxes: “FTP Server”, “Internet Services” and “Website Management Tools”. As a result, we have the following picture:

selecting Windows IIS components

Then click OK and wait for the installation of the selected components to complete. During the installation process, you may need a disk with the installation package of your Windows operating system.

3. Then we should already start this FTP server. Therefore, again we go to the “Control Panel”, then go to the “Network and Security” group and in the “Administration” tab, finally open the “IIS Services Manager”.

In this window, in the left column, find the “Sites” tab in the service list tree and click on this tab right key mice. Select “Add FTP site”.

A new “Add FTP Site” window should open. In this window we indicate the name of the site and the directory that will be accessed via the FTP protocol.

In the next window we specify the parameters for launching the FTP server. If you wish, you can choose to start the server automatically when the system starts, or uncheck the box otherwise. In the SSL subsection you need to put a dot on “Without SSL”.

On last page Check the boxes “Anonymous” and “Normal”.
That’s it, click “Finish”, our FTP site has been created,
1.configure Windows Firewall
2.create a user who will have full access to the server via FTP
3.specify group permissions for the directory that we specified when creating the server
4.and define FTP authorization rules

Once you have completed creating the FTP server, you need to test it using file browser Filezilla or one of the widely used Internet browsers Firefox, Opera or Chrome.