Program for working with 2 Windows monitors. Programs for working with two monitors with Windows OS

You get used to good things quickly, and many comfortable things are taken for granted. For example, system unit Having multiple monitors is no longer considered a luxury item or an expensive whim. But just seven or eight years ago, not everyone could afford such a configuration. Now almost any modern video card has several ports for connecting two, three or more devices.

Availability additional monitor makes working on the computer more convenient. For anyone who hasn't worked in multiple display mode, it's hard to imagine how much it simplifies things. extra space desktop. This is not a virtual desktop, but a real screen - it is always in sight. Windows placed on the screen of a second monitor do not disappear from view when you need to work with other applications. Well, what about working with such complex programs as graphic and video editors, then there can be no two opinions - additional working space saves time and protects the user's vision.

But managing multiple monitors at the same time is not as easy as it might seem to an uninitiated user. Of course, in standard settings The system has some functions to control the content of additional screens. So, for example, you can determine the order in which parts of the desktop are arranged, and you can select the resolution for each of them. But on this, by by and large, standard Windows features The information regarding managing multi-monitor configuration functions ends. Some additional features settings for multi-monitor systems can be found in video card drivers, but they may also be missing.

⇡ New features for working with multiple monitors in Windows 8

WITH Windows release 8, which, we recall, is scheduled for release on October 25, owners of multi-monitor systems (according to data collected as part of the Windows Feedback Program, this is 14% of desktop PCs and 5% of laptops) will have more tools at their disposal for customization. In the new operating system, you can set the display of a separate desktop background on each monitor or stretch the desktop background across all monitors. You might even find a new panoramic theme in Windows 8's personalization options.

For the first time, the new operating system will also implement such a popular feature as displaying the taskbar on all connected monitors. Moreover, the way icons are displayed can be flexibly controlled. For example, buttons running applications may display:

  • only on the taskbar where the window is open;
  • on the taskbars of all monitors;
  • on the taskbar of the main monitor and on the taskbar where the window is open.

The changes will also affect the way you access interface controls. In Windows 7, the Start menu appears on only one monitor, but in Windows 8 you can display start screen, Charms panel, or a panel for switching between running applications from any monitor - corners and edges on all displays will be interactive. The ability to run on one monitor will also be implemented. classical programs, and on the other - Metro-style applications. Finally, the developers promise dragging Metro applications between monitors using the mouse and using hotkeys.

Thus, Windows 8 eliminates all the main shortcomings that related to working with multiple monitors on Windows 7. But for now new system was not released and was not widely used, applications from third party developers, solving old problems of multi-monitor systems, will remain relevant.

The most famous of similar programs- These are Actual Multiple Monitors, DisplayFusion and UltraMon. But all of them are distributed on a commercial basis, and given the improvements in Windows 8, there are unlikely to be many people willing to pay for a license that may be unnecessary after switching to a new OS. Therefore, let's turn to free applications and see what they have to offer Windows users 7.

⇡ MultiWall 1.0.17

  • Developer: Sumeet Patel
  • Distribution: free
  • Russian interface: yes

This small utility solves one of the main problems of using systems with multiple monitors on Windows 7 - the inability to set different wallpapers for each display. With its help, you can either set separate background images for monitors, or stretch one picture over the entire area of ​​​​a huge desktop.

MultiWall makes it possible to download wallpaper directly from the program window. They can be processed right there: change the scale, crop, rotate, apply various effects, invert colors. In addition, it is supported automatic download wallpapers from a specific site and their automatic change on each monitor at specified intervals.

⇡ Dual Monitor Taskbar 1.21

  • Developer:
  • Operating system: Windows 7
  • Distribution: free
  • Russian interface: no

Connecting a second monitor expands the usable desktop area, but not all standard features systems operate on an additional screen. For example, certain inconveniences may arise due to the fact that the taskbar remains only on the first screen. It turns out that the space for placing windows increases, and you can operate with big amount windows However, a large number of running applications leads to the fact that there is little space on the taskbar for the placement of buttons for open windows.

The solution to the problem may be Dual Monitor Taskbar. This program creates a second taskbar on an additional monitor. The second taskbar is in many ways similar to the original element. For example, it has a notification area. And if on the additional screen you move the cursor to the button open application, you can see the sketch in a pop-up window.

True, unlike the original system interface element, the taskbar Dual programs Monitor Taskbar has slightly different features. Firstly, by default the second taskbar works as a continuation of the first. From the menu that opens right click mouse, you can launch the task manager.

If you want to work on a second monitor with an exact copy taskbar, you can enable a test option to display the Start button on a secondary screen. It is worth keeping in mind that this function is extremely unstable. Buttons on additional panel tasks are not grouped. Even the developer himself, just in case, warns in the program settings that this option is at the beta testing stage.

One of useful functions Dual Monitor Taskbar - setting rules for the location of application windows. You can specify applications that will be displayed only on the main monitor, and applications that will open on the secondary screen. You can also set for individual applications rule - open only on the screen on which this moment the cursor is located.

You can define rules for the location of application windows either manually, by specifying the window class and title in the settings, or automatically. For automatic detection The program window to which the rules are assigned uses a special identification tool. In order for Dual Monitor Taskbar to “understand” which application the settings are being specified for, you need to drag the target shortcut to the window area of ​​this program.

⇡ Dual Display Mouse Manager 1.1

  • Developer:
  • Operating system: Windows 7
  • Distribution: free
  • Russian interface: no

Despite the fact that connecting a second monitor makes the user's work much more comfortable, expanding the desktop has one small drawback. The fact is that when you work with maximized application windows open on the entire “left” screen, at first it is difficult to get used to using the cursor on the “close”, “minimize”, “maximize” buttons. The same problem arises when you need to “grab” the scroll slider, which is located at the edge of the screen. At the same time, the cursor tries to jump out onto the adjacent display every now and then.

Creator free utility Dual Display Mouse Manager came up with two at once original way solutions to this problem. The first option is that when you launch the Dual Display Mouse Manager, the cursor moves unevenly across the screen, with a delay at the border separating the area of ​​the first desktop from the second. As a result, hit the cursor on the desired button or to the desired area on the border of two monitors becomes much easier.

Another method of cursor control is to cross the border of two screens only if the user holds down Ctrl key. If this key is not pressed, the cursor will be “locked” on the monitor screen and will not be able to move beyond it.

⇡ Dual Monitor Tools 1.8

  • Developer:
  • Operating system: Windows 7
  • Distribution: free
  • Russian interface: no

Dual Monitor Tools is a suite of multi-monitor applications that includes five separate utilities: DisMon, Dual Launcher, DualSnap, Dual Wallpaper and Swap Screen.

Swap Screen is designed for fast travel windows from one monitor to another using hotkeys or system tray icons. Windows can be moved to a predetermined position, for example to the left top corner. You can also define hotkeys for minimizing all windows except the active one, switching between desktops, maximizing active window. Using Swap Screen, you can also control the cursor, for example, pin it to the active screen or slow it down at the border between desktops.

Dual Launcher is the solution for quick launch applications. Using the utility, you can determine in advance on which display a particular program will open. You can also specify the size of the window and its position on the screen. Dual Launcher suggests using keyword or random dial characters.

Having two or more monitors is convenient, but sometimes they can get in the way. For example, if some games are running. The DisMon utility allows you to disable additional monitors at startup certain programs. This utility does not yet have any settings, and turning off monitors works until DisMon is closed.

Dual Snap can also be useful for gamers, although there are certainly other uses for this program. The utility captures the screen and, after pressing the specified key combination, displays the screenshot on the second monitor. Thanks to this, you can, for example, keep before your eyes a map of goals in the game or a list of player capabilities. Dual Snap can also save screenshots as PNG files or copy them to the clipboard.

Dual Wallpaper is designed to manage wallpaper on two monitors. The program stretches background image on two desktops or allows you to install separate picture on every monitor. In this case, you can separately control the position of each image, scale it and move it around the screen.

⇡ GridMove 1.19.60

  • Developer:
  • Operating system: Windows 7
  • Distribution: free
  • Russian interface: no

The main purpose of GridMove is to manage a large number of windows and intuitively place them on the screen according to a predefined pattern. The program allows you to quickly resize a group of windows, fill open windows the entire screen space, pin individual of them on top of all windows.

The user can divide the screen into separate areas and create a grid in which newly opened windows will be placed. GridMove supports hotkeys so you can organize large number windows is possible by pressing one combination.

Among the preset grid templates is a Dual Screen option that can be used to arrange windows on two screens. Or you can create own version placement of windows, which will take into account the features of your existing configuration - whether it has two, three or more monitors. To create templates we use variables of the form, , etc. And if you accidentally activate a template created for multi-monitor systems on a single-monitor configuration, the program will still process it correctly. That is, it will simply ignore the part that is responsible for working with the second and subsequent displays.

⇡ SoftTH v2.08b

  • Developer: Keijo "Kegetys" Ruotsalainen
  • Operating system: Windows 7
  • Distribution: free
  • Russian interface: no

Systems with multiple monitors are convenient not only for work, but also for games. You can verify this by installing the SoftTH program. It stretches the gaming space across three monitors without the need for additional hardware.

The program works with Direct3D 8 and 9 games ( full list games that are definitely supported are published on the official website). To use it, you need to connect three monitors to your computer. Moreover, since only one is used for visualization graphics adapter, the second video card can be of low end class, it is only enough that it supports Direct3D technology.

⇡ Conclusion

The display is one of the few parts that is outdated and still suitable for use in work. So even if you don't have an additional monitor right now, don't worry. After all, sooner or later you will come to the idea of ​​an upgrade, and when it happens, old monitor It won't be superfluous at all. All that remains is to re-read this article and, having installed suitable programs, take full advantage of a large desktop.

There are only three options for connecting 2 monitors to one computer. Almost any user can use them, regardless of application experience computer equipment.

Although for the most effective options you will have to make certain expenses. And, in any case, configure the system and data display mode.

The need for two monitors

There are many options for using two displays simultaneously on one computer.

First of all, such a multi-monitor system will allow you to keep many more windows fully open.

For a designer, constructor and photographer, an increased working area means greater detail of objects.

Work efficiency also increases for users using graphs and diagrams - with two monitors there is no need to constantly switch between several documents, which are conveniently placed on one, twice as large area.

Another quite common possibility of using two screens is gaming applications. With their help it is ensured best review on both sides.

And for laptop owners an additional wide screen(which can even be used as plasma TV) allows you to get much more pleasure from the game.

Two screens are also useful for programmers, giving them the opportunity to see how the result of their work will look in several browsers.

In production, during educational process and in the office - each such working or study place may require displaying information from one computer on several monitors at once - this will save both space (you won’t have to sit together at one display) and money (there’s no need to buy another computer).

Connection steps

The first stage of connecting (physical) several screens is quite simple.

To do this, you will need to have a sufficient number of inputs of the appropriate type on your computer, as many cables and, if necessary, an adapter.

After this, the system itself can detect the presence of two output devices and adjust the image, or you will need to configure it manually using standard means Windows (or other OS).

There are only three ways to physically connect 2 monitors:

  1. Using a video card with several outputs (Fig. 3). If the computer was purchased to work with graphics, and the video card is quite modern and powerful, it may already have several connectors installed - for example, 2 HDMI or 1 VGA and 1 HDM. If there is only one entrance, you may have to purchase new video card;

2. Installation additional video card in the second slot motherboard.

This option is suitable if you have an old computer on your computer. GPU, and the lack of opportunity to buy expensive new board with 2 inputs;

3. Using a special splitter (splitter). This method is the most inexpensive and is suitable for any computer, but it can lead to a reduction in the permissible frequencies of monitors.

The image quality will decrease, which will be especially noticeable when running FullHD video on screens. To work with static images, using a splitter is quite acceptable.

Advice: when using a laptop, the ability to connect a second monitor should already be provided (there is a additional connector). Changing the video card on many laptop computers is not only expensive, but often simply impossible. However, most modern laptops and even netbooks have a monitor input by default.

Compatibility of cords and inputs. Ports

To connect monitors to computers, a cable is required to align their connectors. Two displays require the same number of cables suitable type.

Connectors can be as follows:

VGA. Just a few years ago it was standard connector for most monitors and computers.

Now to combine an old PC and a new display or, conversely, an outdated screen and modern device, an adapter may be required;

DVI. More modern interface, providing support for analog and digital signals;

HDMI. The connector is suitable for connecting a computer to devices with clear digital signals– for example, to televisions and plasma panels.

It is often found not only on PCs, laptops and TV sets, but even on tablets (in the form of miniHDMI);

DisplayPort (mini DisplayPort). An interface that has a number of advantages even over HDMI.

Not very common, but allows you to connect multiple screens with high resolution(up to 4K);

USB. Standard port, found on computers for more than 15 years. Not very suitable for transmission high-quality image and is rarely found in monitors.

However, it solves the compatibility problem, for example, for a laptop or netbook with missing connectors for other types of video.

Basically, it is simply impossible to connect the cable incorrectly due to the large number of differences in the plugs.

The only problem that may arise is the lack of suitable adapters. And all you need is to find and buy the appropriate parts.

For laptops with a monitor connector, the task becomes even simpler.

And if you need to connect your computer to a TV or monitor located at some distance, you should use WiFi extenders.

Setting up monitors

Once two monitors have been connected to the computer, the operating system usually quickly detects and configures both on its own.

And on each screen you can see the same image, which can be convenient when conveying the same information to a group of users.

Advice: When monitors have different resolutions, the images on them are automatically adjusted. Therefore, it is advisable to use screens with the same aspect ratio (4:3 or 16:9).

However, in some cases automatic settings does not happen - one monitor starts normally, the second shows no signal.

Most often this happens due to bad signal(especially if splitters for 2 monitors are used).

Another reason is the lack of suitable settings operating system.

To fix the problem, do the following:

  • Open the “Display” tab – through the “Start” menu (for W7 and higher) or through the options tab in the desktop properties window (for W XP);
  • Select "Screen Resolution Settings".

If both screens are connected, configured and working properly, you will see two images with numbers.

Here you can also adjust the resolution of each display and even its orientation (for example, turning it on its side and working with an image in portrait format).

If one of the screens goes dark, click the Find button.

If the monitor was connected correctly, the system will configure it after a while and allow it to display information.

Now you can press simultaneously Win keys and P, after which you can see the settings panel on the screen.

By selecting " Duplicate", you get on every display same image.

When choosing " Expand"The image will be enlarged on as many monitors as are connected to the computer.

There can be not only two, but also three or even 9.

In laptops for more convenient connection and settings additional display sometimes present special button.

With its help you can switch the image from laptop computer on a large display.

In this case, the laptop may show the same image, part of the image, or turn off altogether if the connection was made to improve the usability of the device.

Fig. 14. One of the options for expanding your desktop from a laptop to a monitor.

Screen duplication is the easiest-to-use program that helps you start broadcasting images from the screen in one tap portable device on a TV screen with technology support. The program also allows you to perform “mirroring” to other devices that can work with the “world”, for example - on personal computers or laptops. Of the alternatives this decision We can recommend an application. Fortunately, both of these solutions are completely free and work on older versions of the Android operating system.


As stated earlier, setting up the program takes a matter of seconds. The user only needs to connect a smartphone/tablet and external device playback to one point Wi-Fi access, then launch the application and press the "Start" button in the main window. After this, the search process will start available devices V local network. Please note that by the time you start scanning, Miracast should already be enabled on your TV or computer. IN different options Smart TV can be turned on from different sections system menu. In some cases, installation of additional applications is required.

In new versions of the Screen mirroring program, it also now supports “transferring” images via MHL, HDMI cable, and also via Chromecast. Support for the latest technology is not provided by default on any TV. So Chromecast support will only be useful to those who have a special adapter at their disposal.

Technical information

The Screen mirroring application works on all versions of Android starting from 4.2. The interface here has not been translated into Russian. However, it is already quite intuitive and easy to learn.

Key Features

  • broadcasting the screen image of a portable device to TV and PC with support Miracast technology;
  • maximum easy setup;
  • Chromecast support, as well as the ability to work via MHL and HDMI cables;
  • compatible only with new ones Android versions;
  • free distribution.

A modern person spends a lot of time at a computer, be it stationary equipment or a laptop, so it is advisable to create the most comfortable conditions for yourself when working on it.

Besides external factors, such as indoor lighting, play a big role in providing comfortable and safe use play device settings.

For the most fine-tuning, a program for .


What are these programs and what are they for? Such software assumes fast access to all possible settings and computer screen settings. With it, you can adjust any monitor parameter optimally exactly “for yourself.”

Of course, access to most of the functions provided by such a program is can also provide the computer's own resources, for example, they can be accessed via Control Panel.

However, do this via special program, in fact, with one click, much more convenient.

The functionality of such programs is quite wide - they help change the color, brightness, screen resolution, screen management, adjust the position of buttons, panels and shortcuts, etc. That is, such software “collects” all the possibilities for changing screen parameters to simplify access to them .

In addition, some software helps you configure more complex settings that cannot be changed using the computer’s own resources.

Why is it so important to carefully fine-tune your monitor settings? This is due to the fact that the main load when working at a computer falls on the eyes, and it is the screen that creates it. Thus, with careful adjustment of the monitor, this load can be reduced, which can potentially even help maintain good vision.

Main characteristics

Choose the most optimal program, is often quite difficult, since it is necessary to simultaneously take into account a whole variety of parameters.

To simplify and speed up this process, in pivot table, located below, shows the main characteristics of all software included in the TOP, which may be of primary importance when choosing.

Name License Multimonitor Russification Installation Reference materials
UltraMon Paid Yes Yes Required None
Nokia Monitor Test Free No Yes Not required Present
Power Strip Paid Yes No Required Present
UD Pixel Free No Yes Required None
Is My LCD OK Free Yes Not required None
InjuredPixels Free No, but suitable for TV use Yes Not required None
Actual Multipal Monitors Paid Yes Yes Required None

Taking these parameters into account will allow you to quickly select the most suitable software for yourself.


The most functional and simple program of all those presented in the TOP. It is easy to work with and helps to carry out enough fine settings monitor, change to wide range even the most insignificant parameters. Distributed for a fee, but has trial period.

Particularly convenient for working with - it allows you to copy and move desktops from one monitor to another, copy them, stretch the taskbar across multiple monitors, etc. It also allows you to technical setup screens - change color, resolution and more.

The advantages of such software are as follows:

  • “Tailored” for multi-monitor viewing;
  • Simple controls and clear interface;
  • Wide functionality.

And here’s what users who have already worked with this program say: “I couldn’t find anything better than this program”, “It doesn’t have some of the functions that Actual Multipal Monitors has, but overall I’m happy with the software”, “It works stably, the functionality is sufficient for optimization screen management."

Nokia Monitor Test

This is a small and lightweight utility designed to configure monitor parameters (geometry, contrast, etc.) without changing its control systems. The name should not confuse you - the software is designed to work specifically with screens and .

It has high-quality Russification, and the help files installed in the utility will help you decide on the settings depending on the nature of your work and the volume of the load.

This will reduce eye strain when working at a computer.

  • No need to install the program;
  • Availability reference materials by setting;
  • Minimum load on the hardware and memory of the device.
  • Narrow functionality;
  • Lack of possibility of any adjustments other than “technical” ones;
  • Works stably on most systems.

The opinions of users who are already actively using this program are as follows: “It’s a pity that it’s impossible to run X64 on Windows 8. I tried everything and nothing works”, “Allows you to properly adjust the monitor and evaluate all the main parameters of the picture. A set of tables is reference. Great program!”, “Helped to bring the monitor back to life.”

Power Strip

An application that allows you to configure technical parameters and control both one monitor and several at once. It is distributed for a fee due to its high complexity and wide functionality.

It differs in that it supports, including old ones.

It has 500 parameters for setting up the display and video card, both the simplest and the most complex. There is extensive and clear help for all complex and simple functions and parameters.

  • Multi-screen mode support;
  • Very wide functionality;
  • It is equally convenient both in working with multi-screen systems and with simple ones.
  • Paid software distribution;
  • The need to install it;
  • Quite a significant load on the memory and hardware resources of the computer.

And here’s what those who actively use it say about the program: “My favorite program,” “This program will allow you to open up new opportunities, so download it quickly,” “I’ve been using the program for a very long time, I consider it the most valuable of its kind.”

UD Pixel

then, by clicking on the program icon in the notification area of ​​the right KM, select “ Settings” –

DisplayFusion icon in notification area

select “Settings”

and in the settings window that opens, select “Run with Windows” -

Run DisplayFusion with Windows

there is a choice of display taskbar on one or on each monitor –

Select whether to display the taskbar on one or two monitors

working with windows is possible using hotkeys and TitleBar buttons (shown by a green arrow, the selected buttons will be on all windows Windows nearby with standard - collapse, expand, close) –

enabling hot keys

examples of buttons “Move window to next monitor” and “Extend window to all monitors”

here the necessary ones are assigned TitleBar buttons

and here these buttons are assigned

To make the OS boot faster, do not check the boxes Windows login window

ability to change the picture when logging into Windows

and in window snapping To make it easier to work with windows, you can check all the boxes:

binding Windows windows for ease of use

and in window management Same -

dragging a window between monitors with the mouse and middle mouse button

the rest of the program settings are at your discretion.

Right-click on the DisplayFusion icon again and select “ Desktop wallpaper” –

select the option for placing the wallpaper on two monitors, the image mode and the desired picture -

These settings are enough to easily manage a multi-monitor system!

How can I make a splash screen on Windows 7 so that there is a splash screen on the projector screen, but when I start a video or presentation it will play on the projector screen?

using DisplayFusion:

1. LMB on the DisplayFusion shortcut and select “ Desktop wallpaper

2. Select wallpaper on the 1st monitor (let it be a TV) and on the 2nd monitor:

3. This is a screenshot of two screens - TV and monitor. On the TV (on the left) there will be a screensaver like this:

4. All actions to start the video are performed only on the monitor.

For example, watch movies in HD on the player
We launch the movie on the monitor, drag the window from the video to the TV, and open it in full screen.
We only do this once, per further program remembers the location of the video window and will always be there when you click on the shortcut Mirillis Splash play a movie on TV in full screen mode.