Evaluation of test work. Description of the location of the subject


You will gain practical skills in processing information and solving problems using a computer by performing laboratory work in computer class. A description of these works is also given in the textbook as a separate section.

Textbook example

The computer in your hands should become a tool for studying the properties of information, algorithms for processing it, and the effectiveness of the models used. Therefore, in the text accompanying the description of tasks for this or that laboratory work, we repeatedly urge you to reflect on the results obtained, systematize them in one way or another, and draw the necessary conclusions. Sometimes such reflections require time that does not necessarily need to be spent sitting at the computer. We hope that you will not feel like a slave to a computer, communication with which boils down to entering information (even if it is a program you wrote) and expecting results from it, but, first of all, a thinking person, for whom the computer is only a means of enhancing intellectual abilities.
In our book, as in any other textbook, you will encounter new concepts and terms. Terms are printed in bold. Definitions, properties and rules are enclosed in a box. It is not at all necessary to memorize properties and rules, but it is very important to understand their meaning and be able to apply them in practice.
Learning is impossible without self-control. To help you implement it, the textbook contains a variety of questions and tasks. Questions will help you understand whether you have learned well theoretical material. By completing assignments, you will test how well you can apply the knowledge you have acquired. Some tasks will be simple for you, others will be more difficult. The most difficult ones (in our opinion) are marked with a sign. At the end of the textbook there are assignments that are similar in form and content to those offered to graduates secondary school on the Unified State Exam in computer science.

Chapter 1. Information culture of society and the individual
§ 1. Concept information culture
§ 2. Information literacy - base element information culture
§ 3. Social effects of informatization
§ 4. Methods of working with information
§ 5. Methods for collapsing information.
§ 6. Modeling is the cornerstone of the information worldview
§ 7. Information models in control problems
§ 8. Model economic problem
§ 9. International studies PISA
Chapter 2. Information coding. Presenting information on a computer
§ 10. Number systems
§ 11. Converting integers from one number system to another
§ 12. Translation fractional numbers from one number system to another
§ 13. Code tables
§ 14. Coding of color information
§ 15. Color model H.S.B.
§ 16. Obtaining images on paper
§ 17. Codes that detect and correct errors
§ 18. Economy codes. Compression algorithms
§ 19. Irreversible compression algorithms
§ 20. Information processing using a computer
§ 21. Boolean functions
§ 22. Logic random access memory
§ 23. Representation of integers in computer memory
§ 24. Presentation real numbers in computer memory
§ 25. Features of computer arithmetic
Chapter 3. Basic information objects. Their creation and computer processing
§ 26. Creating and formatting text
§ 27. Inserting objects into document text
§ 28. Hypertext
§ 29. HTML Basics
§ 30. Hyperlinks in HTML
§ 31. Design of an HTML page
§ 32. Objects of other applications in HTML
§ 33. Computer dictionaries and text translation systems
§ 34. Computer processing graphic information objects
§ 35. Computer processing digital photos
§ 36. Computer presentations
Chapter 4. Telecommunication networks. Internet
§ 37. Local computer network
§ 38. Global computer networks
§ 39. Internet addressing
§ 40. Search engines Internet
§ 41. Internet as a source of information
§ 42. Internet services
§ 43. Internet telephony
§ 44. Internet ethics. Internet Safety
§ 45. Information security and protection of interests of subjects information relations
§ 46. Information protection
Chapter 5. Study of Algorithms mathematical methods
§ 47. Once again about the concept of “algorithm”
§ 48. How to prove the applicability of an algorithm
§ 49. Limiting function
§ 50. Cycle invariant
Chapter 6. Graphs and graph algorithms
§ 51. The simplest properties of graphs
§ 52. Methods of representing graphs
§ 53. Algorithms for traversing a connected graph
§ 54. Bridges and points of articulation
§ 55. Trees
§ 58. Frames of minimum weight
Chapter 7. Games and strategies
§ 57. Game tree
§ 58. Building a strategy
§ 59 Invariant of strategy
§ 60. Game as a control model
Computer workshop
Laboratory work No. 1 (to § 6)
Model of the slide. Checking the adequacy of the model
Laboratory work No. 2 (to § 8)
Pricing problem
Laboratory work No. 3 (to § 11)
Number systems with a base equal to the power of 2.
Laboratory work No. 4 (to § 17)
Codes that detect and correct errors
Laboratory work No. 5 (to § 23)
Representation of integers in computer memory. Features of computer arithmetic
Laboratory work No. 6 (to § 24 and 25)
Representation of real numbers in computer memory. Features of computer arithmetic
Laboratory work No. 7 (to § 26)
Creating text information objects
Laboratory work No. 8 (to § 27)
Inserting objects into text
Laboratory work No. 9 (to § 28)
Creating hyperlinks in text
Laboratory work No. 10 (to § 29 and 30)
Introduction to HTML
Laboratory work No. 11 (to §31 and 32)
Using a tag to generate an HTML page. Publication of documents prepared in Microsoft Word, in the Internet
Laboratory work No. 12 (to § 34)
Introduction to Adobe Photoshop
Laboratory work No. 13 (to § 34)
Working with layers
Laboratory work No. 14 (to § 35)
Photo editing
Laboratory work No. 15 (to § 36)
Create a presentation in PowerPoint
Laboratory work No. 16 (to § 37 and 39)
Getting to know computer networks
Laboratory work No. 17 (to § 40)
Traveling through the Internet
Laboratory work No. 18 (to § 40)
Search on the Internet
Laboratory work No. 19 (to § 41)
Choosing a profession and finding employment via the Internet
Laboratory work No. 20 (to § 48)
Research of algorithms and programs
Laboratory work No. 21 (to § 52)
Methods of representing graphs
Laboratory work No. 22 (to § 53)
Depth First Search
Laboratory work No. 23 (to § 53)
Breadth first search
Laboratory work No. 24 (to § 53)
Wave algorithm
Laboratory work No. 25 (to § 54)
Bridges and articulation points
Laboratory work No. 26 (to § 55 and 56)
Building wireframes
Laboratory work No. 27 (to § 58)
Building a strategy based on a list of losing positions Laboratory work No. 28 (to § 59)
Building a strategy based on an invariant
Laboratory work No. 29 (to § 60)
Building a strategy based on the evaluation function
Preparing for the Unified State Exam in Informatics
Literature for further reading
Subject index

Along with this also read:

Municipal budgetary educational institution "School No. 33" of the Samara urban district REVIEWED

at the ShMO meeting

Protocol No. 1

from 08/26/2016

Chairman of the local

I.E. Churbanova




Pedagogical Council

protocol No. 1

from 08/31/2016


Director of MBOU School No. 33g.o. Samara

E.V. Podkorytnikov


Order No. 256 of September 1, 2016

Working programm

Item:computer science and ICT


Level of study : average overall

Program level:base

Teacher: Surkova Olga Nikolaevna

Program implementation period, academic year :1 year, 2016-2017 academic year

Number of hours according to the curriculum: total 34 hours per year; per week 1 hour

The work program is based on: author's programN.D. Ugrinovich. Computer science. Programs for general education institutions. 2-11 grades: Toolkit/ compiled by M.N. Borodin. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2010. – 584 p.

The work program was drawn upSurkova Olga Nikolaevna

Samara, 2016


The work program in computer science for grade 10 is compiled on the basis of the Federal Basic Curriculum (Federal BUP, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 03/09/2004 No. 1312), developed on the basis of the federal component of the state component of general education.


Planning is based on (specify the program and its details)

Computer science. Programs for general education institutions. Grades 2-11: methodological manual / compiled by M.N. Borodin. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2010. – 584 p.

Educational complex for students (textbook title, author, publisher, year of publication)

Computer Science and ICT. Basic level: textbook for grade 11 / N.D. Ugrinovich – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2012.

Availability methodological developments for teachers (title, author, year of publication)

Computer science and ICT grades 8-11: methodological manual / N.D. Ugrinovich. – 2nd ed. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2012.

Purpose of studying the subject

    mastering a system of basic knowledge reflecting the contribution of computer science to the formation of a modern scientific picture of the world, the role information processes in society, biological and technical systems;

    mastering the skills to apply, analyze, transform information models of real objects and processes, using information and communication technologies (ICT), including when studying other school disciplines;

    development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities through the development and use of computer science methods and ICT tools in the study of various academic subjects;

    fostering a responsible attitude towards compliance with ethical and legal standards information activities;

    acquiring experience in using information technologies in individual and collective educational and cognitive activities, including project activities.

The main task of the basic level of high school is to study the general principles of functioning, creation and application information systems, mostly automated. From a content point of view, this allows us to develop the foundations of a systemic vision of the world and expand the possibilities information modeling, thereby ensuring a significant expansion and deepening of interdisciplinary connections between computer science and other disciplines. From an operational point of view, this makes it possible to formulate a methodology for using basic automated information systems in solving specific tasks related to the analysis and presentation of basic information processes.

general characteristics academic subject

The course program “Informatics and ICT” provides for the development of general educational skills in students, universal methods activities and key competencies. In this direction, the priorities for the academic subject “Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)” at the stage of basic general education are:

    determining adequate ways to solve an educational problem based on given algorithms;

    combining known activity algorithms in situations that do not involve standard application one of them;

    use for solving cognitive and communication problems various sources information, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, Internet resources and databases;

    mastery of skills joint activities(coordination and coordination of activities with other participants, objective assessment of one’s contribution to the decision common tasks team, taking into account the characteristics of different role behavior).

Much attention is paid to developing students' algorithmic and systems thinking, as well as practical skills in the field of information and communication technologies. Practical work is highlighted in a separate sectionComputer workshoporiented to execution in operating system Windows And Linux.

IN thematic planning course, each topic indicates the work of the computer workshop contained in the textbooks, chapters of textbooks and what is necessary to complete the computer workshop software for various operating systems.


Studying basic course Computer science is recommended to be taught at the second stage of general education. The federal basic curriculum provides 68 hours of instruction for studying the Computer Science course in high school, of which 34 hours in 11th grade (1 hour per week).

In the basic curriculum of the educational institution of the Russian Federation, 34 hours are allocated for studying the computer science course in grade 11, which corresponds to the educational program educational institution.



practical work

Number of tests

Modeling and formalization

Information society


Planned to study new material 20 hours to repeat 4 hours, including final revision 1 hour.

Planned control lessons:

Tests; tests; tests 5 ;

Practical work 14 ; laboratory work ________;

Control dictations ________; control statements ________;

Control write-offs ________; test essays _________.

1. Computer as a means of automating information processes – 11 o'clock

History of development computer technology.

Architecture personal computer.


Linux operating system

Physical protection of data on disks. Malicious and antivirus programs

Trojan programs and protection against them

Practical work:

Practical work 1.1. Virtual computer museums

Practical work 1.2. Computer architecture information

Practical work 1.3. Information about logical disk partitions

Practical work 1.4. Settings GUI for Linux operating system

Practical work 1.5. Defence from computer viruses

Practical work 1.6. Protection against network worms

Practical work 1.7. Defence from hacker attacks

2. Modeling and formalization – 8 hours

Modeling as a method of cognition. Systems approach in modeling

Model presentation forms. Formalization. Main stages of development and study of models on a computer

Study physical models

Study of astronomical models

Study of algebraic models

Study of geometric models

3. Database. Database Management System – 8 hours

Tabular databases. Database Management System

Using the form to view and edit entries in tabular database data.

Search for records in a tabular database using filters and queries.

Hierarchical data model. Network model data.

Practical work:

Practical work 3.1. Creating a Tabular Database

Practical work 3.2. Creating a Form in a Tabular Database

Practical work 3.3 Searching for records in a tabular database using filters and queries

Practical work 3.4. Sorting records in a tabular database

Practical work 3.5. Creating reports in a tabular database

Practical work 3.6. Creation family tree families

4. Information society – 3 hours

Prospects for the development of information and communication technologies

Encoding information. Computer device and software

4. Repetition - 4 hours.


As a result of studying the student must


    purpose and functions of operating systems;

    what information requires protection;

    types of threats to numerical information;

    physical methods and software information protection;

    what is cryptography;

    what's happened digital signature and a digital certificate.

    purpose and types of information models describing real objects or processes;

    using an algorithm as a model for automating activities;

    what is a systems approach in science and practice;

    the role of information processes in systems;

    model definition;

    what is an information model;

    stages of information modeling on a computer;

    purpose of the most common automation tools for information activities (databases);

    what is a database (DB);

    what data models are used in the database;

    basic concepts of relational databases: record, field, field type, master key;

    definition and purpose of the DBMS;

    basics of organizing a multi-table database;

    what is a database schema;

    what is data integrity;

    stages of creating a multi-table database using a relational DBMS.

    what are the main features of the information society;

    causes of the information crisis and ways to overcome it;

    what changes in everyday life and in the field of education will occur with the formation of the information society;

    main legislative acts in information sphere;

    essence of the Doctrine information security Russian Federation.

be able to:

    follow safety rules and hygiene recommendations when using ICT tools;

    select the PC configuration depending on its purpose;

    connect PC devices;

    make basic BIOS settings;

    work in the operating system environment at the user level.

    illustrate educational work using information technology tools;

    navigate graph models, build them based on a verbal description of the system;

    build tabular models according to the verbal description of the system.

    recognize information processes in various systems;

    use ready-made information models, evaluate their compliance with the real object and modeling goals;

    select the method of presenting information in accordance with the task;

    view, create, edit, save records in databases;

    search for information in databases.

    Prospects for the development of information and communication technologies.

    comply with basic legal and ethical standards in the information sphere


Control involves identifying the level of mastery educational material when studying both individual sections and the entire course of computer science and information technology as a whole.

Current control of material assimilation is carried out through oral / written questioning / workshop. Periodically, knowledge and skills on the topics covered are tested with written tests or test tasks.

When testing all correct answers are taken as 100%, then the mark is set in accordance with the table:



When performing practical work and test work:

The grade also depends on the presence and nature of errors made by students.

    a gross mistake - the semantic meaning of a concept or definition is completely distorted;

    the error reflects inaccurate formulations indicating an unclear representation of the object in question;

    defect - a misconception about an object that does not fundamentally affect knowledge defined by the program training;

    minor errors - inaccuracies in oral and writing, which do not distort the meaning of the answer or decision, accidental typos, etc.

The standard against which students’ knowledge is assessed is the mandatory minimum content of computer science and information technology. Require students to define definitions that are not included in school course computer science means incurring problems associated with violation of the rights of the student (“Education Law”).

Based on the norms (five-point system) embedded in all subject areas put a mark:

    “5” is given when all tasks are completed completely or if there are 1-2 minor errors;

    “4” is given if there are 1-2 defects or one error:

    “3” is given when 2/3 of the proposed tasks are completed;

    “2” is given if significant errors are made that show that the student does not fully possess the required skills in the given topic (ignorance of the basic program material) or refusal to perform educational duties.

In cases where a student has shown an original and most rational approach to completing work and in the process of work, but did not avoid certain shortcomings, the grade for completing the work at the discretion of the teacher may be increased in comparison with the above standards.

Oral survey

Carried out at every lesson (heuristic conversation, survey). The task of oral questioning is not so much to assess students’ knowledge, but to identify problem areas in mastering educational material and fixing students’ attention on complex concepts, phenomena, process.

Evaluation of students' oral responses

The answer is graded “5”, if the student:

    fully disclosed the content of the material to the extent provided for by the program;

    presented the material in literate language in a certain logical sequence, accurately using the terminology of computer science as an academic discipline;

    correctly completed the drawings and diagrams accompanying the answer;

    showed ability to illustrate theoretical principles specific examples;

    demonstrated the assimilation of previously studied related questions, the formation and stability of the skills and abilities used in answering;

    answered independently without leading questions from the teacher.

There may be one or two inaccuracies when covering secondary issues or in calculations, which the student easily corrected based on the teacher’s remark.

The answer is graded “4”, if the answer mainly satisfies the requirements for the mark “5”, but at the same time has one of the shortcomings:

    One or two shortcomings were made when covering the main content of the answer, corrected according to the teacher’s remark:

    an error or more than two shortcomings were made when covering secondary issues or in calculations, which were easily corrected based on the teacher’s remark.

Mark "3"

    the content of the material is incompletely or inconsistently disclosed, but is shown general understanding question and demonstrated skills sufficient for further mastery of the program material defined by this program;

Mark "2" placed in following cases:

    the main content of the educational material is not disclosed;

    the student's ignorance or incomplete understanding of most or the most important part of the educational material is detected;

    mistakes were made in defining concepts when using special terminology, in drawings, diagrams, in calculations that were not corrected after several leading questions from the teacher.

    the student showed complete ignorance and misunderstanding of the educational material being studied;

    could not answer any of the questions posed regarding the material being studied;

    refused to answer the teacher's questions.


The teaching of the course "Informatics and ICT" is focused on the useeducational and software-methodological complex , which includes:

    Ugrinovich N.D. Computer Science: Textbook for 11th grade. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2011.

    Computer science and ICT grades 8-11: methodological manual / N.D. Ugrinovich. – 2nd ed. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2012.

    Ugrinovich N.D. Problems in computer science. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2010.

    Ugrinovich N.D.. Digital set educational resources"Informatics 7-11". – M.: BINOM. 2010.

Equipment and devices

    operating room Windows system, office package Microsoft applications Office

    Resources of the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources (), Materials of the author's workshop Ugrinovich N.D.. ().

List of ICT tools required for program implementation






    Output devices audio information- headphones for individual work with audio information

    Devices for manual entry text information and manipulation of screen objects - keyboard and mouse.

    Devices for recording (inputting) visual and audio information: scanner; camera; camcorder; voice recorder, microphone.

Software facilities

    Operating system – Windows XP,Linux.

    File manager (as part of the operating system or others).

    Antivirus program.

    Archiver program.

    Keyboard trainer.

    Integrated office application, including text editor, raster and vector graphic editor, presentation software and spreadsheets.

    ·Simple database management system.

    ·Simple geographic information system.

    ·Computer-aided design system.

    ·Virtual computer laboratories.

    · Translator program.

    System optical recognition text.

    Multimedia player (included in operating systems, etc.).

    · Programming system.

    Mail client (included in operating systems, etc.).

    ·Browser (included in operating systems or others).

    ·Interactive communication program.

    Simple WE editorb-pages.

TO calendar-thematic planning

UONM - lesson on introducing new material

KU – combined lesson

UOSZ - a lesson in generalizing and systematizing knowledge

UPZU - a lesson in applying knowledge and skills

KZU - control of skills and knowledge

FO – frontal survey

KR – test

IR – individual control

Teacher Surkova O.N. 11a (I AndII groups)



Lesson topic

Lesson type

Forms of control


Requirements for the level of training

(per section)



Chapter I « Computer as a means of automating information processes » (11 o'clock)

TB in the computer science classroom. History of the development of computer technology. Practical work 1.1. "Virtual computer museums"


Beseda, FO

1 Week


  • stages of development of computer technology, computer generations;

    the advantages that MMP gives, types of tires and their purpose.

    have an idea of ​​the direction of development of processor architecture;

    operating system graphical interface elementsLinux;

    biometric methods of information security;

    essential characteristics of computer viruses;

    classification of computer viruses, principles of their spread and methods of protection against them;

    classification of hacker attacks, principles of their distribution and methods of protection against them.

be able to

    purpose and functions of operating systems;

    work in the operating system environment at the user level;

    identify a person by speech characteristics;

    treat or remove file viruses from infected objects;

    detect and neutralize hacker attacks.

Personal computer architecture. Practical work 1.2 “Information about computer architecture.”



2 week

Basic characteristics of operating systems. Practical work 1 .3 “Information about logical disk partitions.”



3 week

Linux operating system. Practical work 1.4 “Setting up a graphical interface for the Linux operating system.”



4 week

Protection against unauthorized access to information.



5 week

Physical protection of data on disks. Malicious and antivirus programs.



week 6

Computer viruses and protection against them. Practical work 1.5 “Protection against computer viruses”



week 7

Network worms and protection against them. Practical work 1.6 “Protection against network worms.”



8 week

Trojan programs and protection against them. Practical work 1.7 "Protection against Trojan programs»



Week 9

Hacker utilities and protection from them. Practical work 1.8 “Protection against hacker attacks”



10 week

Testing No. 1 on the topic “Computer as a means of automating information processes”



11 week

Chapter II « Modeling and formalization " (8 ocloc'k)

Modeling as a method of cognition. Systematic approach to modeling.



12 week


  • purpose and types of information models describing real objects;

    forms of model presentation;

    understand what a systems approach is in science and practice;

    stages of information modeling on a computer.

be able to

    conduct an experiment in a virtual computer laboratory.

Model presentation forms. Formalization. The main stages of development and research of models on a computer.



Week 13

Study of physical models.



Week 14

Study of astronomical models.



Week 15

Study of algebraic models.



Week 16

Study of geometric models.



Week 17

Study of chemical and biological models.



Week 18

Testing No. 2 on the topic “Modeling and formalization»



Week 19

Chapter III « . Database. Database Management System " (8 ocloc'k)

Tabular databases. Database management system.



Week 20


  • what is a database, basic concepts of relational databases: record, field, field type, main key;

    characteristic features of the hierarchical data model;

    characteristic features of the network data model.

be able to

    create a table database structure; enter and edit data of various types;

    search for information in the database using filters and queries;

    generate requests for data searches;

    sort records in a tabular database;

    create reports in a tabular database.

Practical work 3.1 “Creating a tabular database.”



21 weeks

Using a form to view and edit records in a tabular database. Practical work 3.2. "Creating a form in a tabular database."



Week 22

Search for records in a tabular database using filters and queries. Practical work 3.3 “Searching for records in a tabular database using filters and queries.”



Week 23

Sorting records in a tabular database Practical work 3.4 “Sorting records in a tabular database.” Practical work 3.5 “Creating reports in a tabular database.”



Week 24

Hierarchical data model.



Week 25

Network data model. Practical work 3.6 “Creating a family tree.”



Week 26

Testing No. 3 on the topic “. Database. Database Management System"



Week 27

Chapter VI « Information society " (3 hours)

Law on the Internet. Ethics on the Internet



Week 28


  • an idea of ​​the prospects for the development of information and communication technologies;

    units of measurement of information;

    principles of coding text, graphic, audio, numerical information.

be able to

    determine the amount of information.

Prospects for the development of information and communication technologies.



Week 29

Testing No. 4. On the topic “Information Society”


Week 30

Chapter V « Repetition " (4 hours)

Repetition on the topic “Fundamentals of Logic. Logical foundations of a computer"


31 weeks


  • technologies for processing text, graphic, numerical information;

    ways to connect to the Internet.

be able to

    build truth tables of logical expressions

Repetition on the topic " Information Technology. Communication technologies»


Week 32

Final testing for the 11th grade course



Week 33



34 week

Total for the year (in accordance with the thematic plan): 34 hours, including testing 3 hours.

Recommendations for using the textbook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Chapter 1. Computer as a means of automation
information processes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.1. History of the development of computer technology. . . . . . . . . . 10
Practical work 1.1. Virtual computers
museums. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.2. Personal computer architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Practical work 1.2. Architecture Details
computer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.3. OS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.3.1. Main characteristics of operating rooms
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Practical work 1.3. Logical Information
disk partitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.3.2. Windows operating system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . thirty
Practical work 1.4. Badges and labels on the Workbench
table. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1.3.3. Linux operating system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Practical work 1.5. Graphics settings
interface for the Linux operating system. . . . . . . . . . 40
Practical work 1.6. Installing packages
in the operating room Linux system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
1.4. Protection against unauthorized access
to information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
1.4.1. Password protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
1.4.2. Biometric security systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Practical work 1.7. Biometric security:
identification by speech characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . 48
1.5. Physical protection of data on disks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
1.6. Defence from malware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
1.6.1. Malicious and antivirus programs. . . . . . . 51
1.6.2. Computer viruses and protection against them. . . . . . . . 53
Practical work 1.8. Computer protection
viruses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
1.6.3. Network worms and protection against them. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Practical work 1.9. Protection against network worms. . . . . 66
1.6.4. Trojan programs and protection against them. . . . . . . . . 71
Practical work 1.10. Trojan protection
programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
1.6.5. Hacker utilities and protection against them. . . . . . . . . . . 75
Practical work 1.11. Protection against hacker attacks. . . 76
Chapter 2. Modeling and formalization. . . . . . . . . . . 79
2.1. Modeling as a method of cognition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
2.2. Systematic approach to modeling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
2.3. Model presentation forms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
2.4. Formalization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
2.5. Main stages of development and research of models
on the computer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
2.6. Interactive computer research
models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
2.6.1. Study of physical models. . . . . . . . . . . . 89
2.6.2. Study of astronomical models. . . . . . . . 91
2.6.3. Study of algebraic models. . . . . . . . . 92
2.6.4. Study of geometric models
(planimetry). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
2.6.5. Study of geometric models
(stereometry). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
2.6.6. Study of chemical models. . . . . . . . . . . . 97
2.6.7. Study of biological models. . . . . . . . . . 98
Chapter 3. Databases. Database management systems
data (DBMS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
3.1. Tabular databases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
3.2. Database management system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
3.2.1. The main objects of the DBMS: tables, forms,
requests, reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Practical work 3.1. Creating a table base
data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
3.2.2. Using the form to view and edit
tating records in a tabular database. . . . 108
Practical work 3.2. Creating a form in a table
database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
3.2.3. Searching for records in a tabular database
using filters and queries. . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Practical work 3.3. Searching for records in a table
database using filters and queries. . . . . . . . . . 114
3.2.4. Sorting records in a tabular database. . . 117
Practical work 3.4. Sorting entries
in a tabular database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
3.2.5. Print data using reports. . . . . . . . . . . 119
Practical work 3.5. Create a report
in a tabular database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
3.3. Hierarchical data model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
3.4. Network data model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Practical work 3.6. Genealogical creation
family tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Chapter 4. Information society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
4.1. Law on the Internet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
4.2. Ethics on the Internet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
4.3. Prospects for the development of information
and communication technologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Chapter 5. Repetition. Preparation for the Unified State Exam. Tests
on the topics of the course “Informatics and ICT”. . . . . 136
Topic 1. Information. Encoding information. 137

security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Topic 3. Algorithmization and programming. . . 145

computer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Topic 5. Modeling and formalization. . . . . . . 158
Topic 6. Information technologies. . . . . . . . . 160
Topic 7. Communication technologies. . . . . . . 167
Answers to tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Topic 1. Information. Coding
information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Topic 2. Computer structure and software
security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Topic 3. Algorithmization and programming. . . 171
Topic 4. Fundamentals of logic and logical foundations
computer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Topic 5. Modeling and formalization. . . . . . . 181
Topic 6. Information technologies. . . . . . . . . 183
Topic 7. Communication technologies. . . . . . . 187

There are not many specific mistakes (see below), and I hope that the author will easily correct them in the next edition.

The first personal computer was the Apple II, created in 1977. (p. 14)

The first computer is usually considered Altair-8800, which was developed by E. Roberts and released in 1975 by a small American company MITS.

[visit to the virtual computer museum] 1. Launch the browser... 2. On the museum's home page that appears, activate the links. (p. 16-17)

This instruction could be useful for 5th-6th grade students who are going online for the first time. However, in the tutorial it is completely repeated for three browsers. In the 11th grade, the phrase “Visit the virtual computer museum at... and complete the following task...” was enough.

And further. How will children understand the expression “activate links”? In Russian this is called “using links, visit different sections of the site.”

File system. During computer operation, files are exchanged between devices. (p. 25)

It follows that computer devices exchange information in the form of files?!

The minimum addressable element of a storage medium is a cluster... (p. 25)

First, you need to clarify that we are talking about disk drives (there are no clusters on magnetic tape, for example). Secondly, the minimum addressable element is sector. Cluster is minimum block, which can be allocated to the file.

The file system organizes clusters into files and directories. (p. 25)

Yes, yes, suddenly (oh horror!) they will remain disorganized. :-) In fact, each file is allocated on disk required quantity not yet occupied clusters. That's all.

The disk on which the operating system files are located and from which it is loaded is called systemic. (p. 27)

And I have a boot drive - C:, and the operating system files are located on drive D:.

A journaling file system keeps a list of changes it will make to file system before actually recording the changes. (p. 31)

The form displays one record in a user-friendly manner. (p. 109)

This simplest case. In addition, there are also ribbon forms (displaying several records), as well as multi-page forms (showing only part of the data of one record).

2.3.4. The following can be simultaneously installed on a logical disk partition (p. 144):

1) several different operating systems;
2) several copies of one operating system;
3) only one operating system;
4) fragments of various operating systems.

For Windows Answers 1 and 2 are also correct. Although in this case you need to carefully work with the folder Program Files.

Many questions in the tests in the “Repetition” section. Preparation for the Unified State Exam” are formulated in such a way that for the “correct” answer (which coincides with the author’s) it is necessary to guess what the author intended, what considerations he might have had. Deep knowledge only does harm, because in this case a person understands that not everything is so simple.

The textbook for the course "Informatics and ICT. Grade 11" is aimed at teaching in general education institutions profile course at a basic level in 11th grade. The textbook fully complies with the educational standard approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The textbook discusses computer architecture and information security methods, a systematic approach to modeling, formalization and its visualization using interactive computer models, databases and DBMS. Much attention is paid to the formation of practical skills in the process of performing practical computer work. The textbook is multisystem, since practical work can be executed on Windows and Linux operating systems. The textbook contains tests for preparing for the Unified State Exam in the course "Informatics and ICT".

Computing in the pre-electronic era. The need to count objects in humans arose in prehistoric times. The oldest method of counting objects consisted of comparing objects of a certain group (for example, animals) with objects of another group, playing the role of a counting standard. For most peoples, the first such standard was fingers (counting on fingers).
The expanding needs for counting forced people to use other counting standards (notches on a stick, knots on a rope, etc.).
Every schoolchild is familiar with counting sticks, which were used as a counting standard in the first grade.
IN ancient world when counting large quantities objects began to be used to designate a certain number of them (for most peoples - ten) new sign, for example, a notch on another stick. First computing device, in which this method began to be used, was the abacus.

Table of contents
Guidelines for Using Textbook 7
Chapter 1. Computer as a means of automating information processes 9
1.1. History of the development of computer technology 10
Practical work 1.1. Virtual computer museums 15
1.2. Personal computer architecture 19
Practical work 1.2. Understanding Computer Architecture 23
1.3. Operating systems 25
1.3.1. Main characteristics of operating systems 25
Practical work 1.3. About logical disk partitions 28
1.3.2. Operating system Windows 30
Practical work 1.4. Desktop icons and shortcuts 34
1.3.3. Operating system Linux 36
Practical work 1.5. Setting up a graphical interface for the Linux operating system 40
Practical work 1.6. Installing packages on the Linux operating system 41
1.4. Protection against unauthorized access to information 43
1.4.1. Password protection 43
1.4.2. Biometric security systems 45
Practical work 1.7. Biometric protection: identification by speech characteristics 48
1.5. Physical protection of data on disks 49
1.6. Anti-malware 51
1.6.1. Malware and antivirus programs 51
1.6.2. Computer viruses and protection against them 53
Practical work 1.8. Protection against computer viruses 56
1.6.3. Network worms and protection against them 63
Practical work 1.9. Protection against network worms 66
1.6.4. Trojan programs and protection against them 71
Practical work 1.10. Trojan protection 72
1.6.5. Hacker utilities and protection against them 75
Practical work 1.11. Protection against hacker attacks 76
Chapter 2. Modeling and formalization 79
2.1. Modeling as a method of cognition 80
2.2. Systematic approach to modeling 82
2.3. Model presentation forms 84
2.4. Formalization 86
2.5. The main stages of developing and researching models on a computer 88
2.6. Research on interactive computer models 89
2.6.1. Study of physical models 89
2.6.2. Study of astronomical models 91
2.6.3. Study of algebraic models 92
2.6.4. Study of geometric models (planimetry) 94
2.6.5. Study of geometric models (stereometry) 95
2.6.6. Research of chemical models 97
2.6.7. Study of biological models 98
Chapter 3. Databases. Database Management Systems (DBMS) 101
3.1. Tabular Databases 101
3.2. Database Management System 104
3.2.1. Main DBMS objects: tables, forms, queries, reports 104
Practical work 3.1. Creating a Tabular Database 106
3.2.2. Using a form to view and edit records in a tabular database 108
Practical work 3.2. Creating a Form in a Tabular Database 109
3.2.3. Finding records in a tabular database using filters and queries 113
Practical work 3.3. Finding records in a tabular database using filters and queries 114
3.2.4. Sorting records in a tabular database. . . 117
Practical work 3.4. Sorting records in a tabular database 118
3.2.5. Printing data using reports 119
Practical work 3.5. Creating a report in a tabular database 119
3.3. Hierarchical bases data 120
3.4. Network databases data 124
Practical work 3.6. Creating a family tree 125
Chapter 4. Information society 127
4.1. Law on the Internet. . 127
4.2. Ethics on the Internet 128
4.3. Prospects for the development of information and communication technologies 131
Chapter 5. Repetition. Preparation for the Unified State Exam. Tests on the topics of the course “Informatics and ICT” 137
Topic 1. Information. Encoding information. 138
Topic 2. Computer structure and software 142
Topic 3. Algorithmization and programming 146
Topic 4. Fundamentals of logic and logical foundations of a computer 156
Topic 5. Modeling and formalization 159
Topic 6. Information technology 161
Topic 7. Communication technologies 168
Answers to tests 170
Topic 1. Information. Information coding 170
Topic 2. Computer structure and software 171
Topic 3. Algorithmization and programming 172
Topic 4. Fundamentals of logic and logical foundations of a computer 181
Topic 5. Modeling and formalization 182
Topic 6. Information technology 184
Topic 7. Communication technologies 188

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