Elementary os loki after installation. Elementary OS - an elegant operating system in the "Apple" style and its installation next to Windows

We have already talked many times about ElementaryOS. This operating system is based on Ubuntu and is considered one of the best in terms of optimization and design. This time we'll talk about how to configure some important things.

If you have installed this system, then you know the main features. With that being said, let's get down to the core of our review. Setting up ElementaryOS after installation for beginners.

Features of Elementary OS

If you are new to Mac OS and want to use Linux, I would recommend that you install and use Elementary OS. This OS is one of the best and excellent Linux distributions available in the Linux community.

This system stable and reliable, like other distributions, since it is based on Ubuntu LTS. In addition to Ubuntu, it comes with amazing and elegant user software that enhances and enhances the user experience and provides stable system.

Setting up ElementaryOS after installation

Today I will be sharing some useful things after Elementary installations OS. Although what should be done depends on how the user will use the system for any particular task. But here all the tips and steps are very simple, so any user can use all the settings or some of them.

As I said earlier, Elementary OS is based on Ubuntu, so you may want to check out my other tutorials on the topic "Better Things". You can find many effective and useful tips and tricks to implement on your Elementary OS system if you think it fits the requirements.

1. Enable additional repositories

Setting up ElementaryOS after installation includes updating programs. Before performing software updates and system updates, you must enable additional repositories such as software, packaged by Canonical. Go to Software and Updates, and in the other software tab, Canonical Partners. Now close the application and if it asks you to restart the software, ignore it.

2. Updating your system

This is the first and most important thing to do after installing any Linux distributions. The option will update all files and packages in the repository with the latest. You should run an update at least once a week (or month) to keep all libraries and packages up to date. Here you need to run the following command in the terminal.

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

3. Install multimedia codecs and enable DVD playback

By default, Elementary OS does not provide a media codec for playing media files. Therefore, to enjoy movies, music and entertainment application, you need to install media codecs.

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

sudo apt-get install libavcodec-extra

sudo apt-get install libdvd-pkg

4. Install some important software

Here I will share the list of the best software using it as per your requirement. All installation instructions are for the terminal, so run the commands.

VLC Media Player

The best multimedia software available in the software repository.

sudo apt-get install vlc

Flash Player Player and Pepper Flash

Although everything modern browsers go away with a flash plugin or come pre-built like Google Chrome if you are using firefox then install Plugin Flash Player and Pepper Flash by running the following command in terminal.

sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer pepperflashplugin-nonfree


Java is one of the important programs for any kind of web element. Install it by running the command below.

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/java

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install oracle-java9-installer

Archive formats and limited capabilities

sudo apt-get install unace rar unrar p7zip-rar p7zip sharutils uudeview mpack arj cabextract lzip lunzip

LibreOffice Suites

This office suite application will allow you to forget about Microsoft office. This best alternative office application ms. LibreOffice is a must-have software for all Linux distributions.

sudo apt-get install libreoffice

Installing other web browsers

Elemental OS comes with a different browser called Epiphany web browser, so you may want to install google chrome or firefox. Run the following command in a terminal.

sudo apt-get install chromium-browser firefox

Torrent application

This system does not come with any torrent software, so install your favorite one.

sudo apt-get install transmission


sudo apt-get install deluge


sudo apt-get install qbittorrent


sudo apt-get install ktorrent

Install Steam

sudo apt-get install steam

Installing software for Windows

By installing Wine, you can install many windowed applications in Elementary OS.

sudo apt-get install wine

OpenSSH Server

This application is a must if you want to access the command line with remote computer into your system.

sudo apt-get install openssh-server


It is said to be the best Photoshop alternative for the Linux community. But I still haven't gotten used to this editor.

sudo apt-get install gimp


It allows you to create and manage vector images and drawings.

sudo apt-get install inkscape

It is an ideal application for 3D modeling, animation and video editing.

sudo apt-get install blender


If you are looking for only the best video editing software, install the one and only Kdenlive.

sudo apt-get install kdenlive


This software is for those people who do serious audio editing.

sudo apt-get install ardor


sudo apt-get install shutter


sudo apt-get install scribus


This will allow you to do light and basic audio editing.

sudo apt-get install audacity

Education Software


sudo apt-get install gcompris


sudo apt-get install kalzium

sudo apt-get install drgeo

5. Install gdebi

Why did I make a separate subtitle for this installation? I might include this in the above group. This app is really important if you want to install some repository apps like Chrome, Skype and Dropbox. After installing gdebi, you simply download the "deb" compiled application format from a certain official site and click to install.

sudo apt-get install gdebi

6. Install backup software

Here I will recommend you to use Timeshift backup software as a further precaution. This backup software not only takes system backup, but also allows you to use this backup on another computer. This way you can create a master copy distribution and install that copy for as long as you want. Run the following command to install Timeshift.

sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa

sudo apt-get install timeshift

7. Power and heat management

What else does setting up ElementaryOS after installation include? - Right! Setting up the performance of the device. These two best and most useful power management apps are a must have for your system. This will help minimize power consumption and reduce the Elementary OS heating issue if you are experiencing it.

Installing TLP

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install tlp tlp-rdw

Installing Laptop Mode Tools

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/apps

sudo apt-get install laptop-mode-tools

After installation, launch the GUI for further configuration by running the following command.

8. Fine-tuning your system

Elementary Tweak helps you change many aspects of the system such as change themes, icons, various buttons increase and decrease the window, enable double click etc. Run the following command on your terminal to install the Tweak Tool.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mpstark/elementary-tweaks-daily

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install elementary-tweaks

9. Install themes and icons

Setting up ElementaryOS after installation does not require mandatory installation themes or icons. But if you need to individualize work environment, then this paragraph will tell you how to do it even for a beginner. By installing themes and icons, you can change the overall look and feel of your system to something elegant and pleasing.

Since Elementary OS is based on Ubuntu, you can look at "" which is mainly written for Ubuntu, but you can also use these great themes and icons on your Elementary OS. And find out how to install beautiful themes and Linux icons on any Linux distribution.

As you understand, setting up ElementaryOS after installation is individual for everyone, and especially in the design settings. If you know things that are also necessary after installing the operating system, tell us about it in the comments. Your opinion is very important to us!

Arrange desktop icons

To add an icon for the dock, for example: open the desktop menu > right-click the Files icon > Add to Dock.

To remove an icon from the Dock: also, right-click on the icon> uncheck the “Keep in Dock” checkbox.

Speed ​​up your system

Elementary OS is reliable and secure system, which is optimized for higher performance, but sometimes you may feel that the system becomes sluggish after using it for a period. So here you can find several best advice to speed up your system by following amazing and simple helpful tips for . It is written primarily for Ubuntu, but similar tips apply to Elementary OS as it is based on Ubuntu.

Translation by Ubuntutip.

Final Thought

That's all! Setting up ElementaryOS after installation is already nearing the finish line. Now all that remains is to configure all the programs for yourself and use this wonderful, fast and productive operating system.

All the above settings and tips are tested in latest version Elementary OS 0.4 Loki. But here you may have noticed that I have not removed the "-get" after "apt" as removed from the latest version, so that users from the old version can also use the commands to install their preferred software.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

admin Sat, 10/25/2014 - 10:37

Upgrading ElementaryOS Luna

ElementaryOS is an operating system based on (and fully compatible with) Ubuntu and incorporating best features design of Mac OS X. That is, in other words, we have Linux with a “human face” and a meticulously designed appearance. The main difference between ElementaryOS and Ubuntu is its Pantheon working environment and its own set of standard applications. The shell itself and all programs are lightweight and minimal necessary functions. Yes, in standard text editor Scratch intentionally does not have a save function - all changes are saved automatically. The Pantheon-files file manager also has the most modest set of functions, but, in principle, everything basic is there, including integration with a couple of cloud storage. You can assign colored labels to objects, just like in OS X...

Well, ok, I won't go deep into the review of the system; If anyone is interested, read the materials on this topic:

The purpose of this article is to collect in a single post all the tips that were useful to me as I brought the freshly installed ElementaryOS to fruition. There are a lot of tips, they are taken from different sources, and I came up with something myself. On this moment ElementaryOS is installed on my main system on my laptop and as a second system on my main machine. The system is really very fast and, with proper upgrading, can give the user no less than Ubuntu. So, let's go.

Start over. What is ElementaryOS 0.2. Luna? This is a highly customized Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Accordingly, all third-party repos (PPAs) for Ubuntu 12.04 are automatically compatible with Luna. Don't be confused by the two-year age of the system: 12.04 LTS is supported for 5 years, i.e. until April 2017. There is no discomfort from using a formally not the latest version of Ubuntu: most important parts The OS can be updated to the latest versions (kernel, xorg), the same applies to client applications(gimp, libreoffice). Perhaps it's time to continue. All tips apply to the 64-bit version of the system.
System update

The first thing you need to do after installing ElementaryOS is to update:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y

If you're tired of entering the root password in the console every time

The password is needed for security. If your PC is part local network, or you are concerned about a decrease in the level of security, then under no circumstances disable the request root password. However, if you work with ElementaryOS at home and are the only PC user, it makes sense to make the system a little more convenient to use, sacrificing strict UNIX-style security.

The /etc/sudoers file will open in the nano editor (sic!). We are looking for the line:


We replace it with:


Save (Ctrl+O), exit (Ctrl+X).
How to disable root password prompt for graphical applications?

sudo apt-get install gksu
gksudo gksu-properties

Select the sudo authentication mode. After this you can run any graphic application without root password, just using gksu prefix. Example:

Enabling “partner” repositories

By default they are disabled, but there are a lot of them useful software! Go to Application Center > Edit > Application Sources... > Other Software and check the Partners... After closing the window, Application Center will automatically update the sources, you need to give it a minute.
Turning on the source from additional programs for Elementary OS

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:versable/elementary-update

The source contains a bunch of all sorts of goodies in the ElementaryOS style - photo booth, Gloobus viewer, Minitube, players, themes, icons...
Updating the kernel to a more or less new version

sudo apt-get install aptitude
aptitude search linux-image

As a result, all kernel images available in the connected repositories will be found. We put the right kernel the usual method. For example:

sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.11.0-19-generic

That's it, you can reboot. The new kernel will be installed in the bootloader by default.
Updating the kernel to a completely new version

Look at the list of kernels and select the latest version for the latest version of Ubuntu. At the time of writing this, it is v3.14-trusty. Go:

Let's clean up after ourselves

Let's remove old kernels and clear the package cache:

sudo dpkg -l "linux-*" | sed "/^ii/!d;/""$(uname -r | sed "s/\(.*\)-\([^0-9]\+\)/\1/")""/ d;s/^[^ ]* [^ ]* \([^ ]*\).*/\1/;//!d" | xargs sudo apt-get -y purge
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get autoclean
sudo apt-get -f install
sudo apt-get autoremove

Finally, a little optimization
A little bit more fast work disk subsystem, as well as the correct options for SSD:

In /etc/fstab we add the following parameters to the root partition:


Proper swapping if you have little RAM

Open /etc/sysctl.conf:

gksu gedit /etc/sysctl.conf

Add the lines to it:


If you have Intel graphics- do it hardware acceleration for Flash

Let's install a driver with hardware acceleration:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install i965-va-driver libvdpau-va-gl1

Let's tell the Flash player about this:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/adobe
echo "EnableLinuxHWVideoDecode=1" | sudo tee /etc/adobe/mms.cfg
echo "OverrideGPUValidation=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/adobe/mms.cfg

Let's launch Firefox in acceleration mode:

VDPAU_DRIVER=va_gl firefox

Note. This trick does not work under the Catalyst blob. Under the open Radeon driver- should work in theory, but I haven’t tested it (but you can read it here).

UPDATE. It seems I managed to make hardware acceleration for open driver Radeon.
If you have Radeon graphics

Starting with version 3.12, the Linux kernel has enabled Dynamic Power Management (DPM) for supported Radeon chips. The procedure for ElementaryOS is as follows:

1. Find out what chip you have. This can be done in I-Nex (see above) or with the command

2. Download the firmware file for the desired Radeon chip. The files are here. You will need a file ending in smc.bin (from last June). It should be placed in the /lib/firmware/radeon folder.
3. Install a new kernel (3.12+). For instructions, see above in this article. It is very important to install the kernel after flashing the firmware, otherwise nothing will work.
4. Now you need to pass the required parameter to the bootloader:

gksu gedit /etc/default/grub

We find the line:


We change it to:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash radeon.dpm=1"

Updating the bootloader:

sudo update-grub

sudo update-burg

Let's reboot. Result: clock frequency and the voltage on the GPU now changes dynamically depending on the load (for laptops also - from connection to a power outlet/when running on battery power). Checking the current state of the GPU:

sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/64/radeon_pm_info

Note. Instead of 64, some systems may have a value of 0, 1, or something else entirely.
If you have a laptop,

that is, it makes sense to optimize battery life by installing the TLP utility. This thing automatically changes kernel operating modes, CPU and GPU voltage, WiFi, PCI-E and much more. As a result, the laptop lasts longer on battery power and heats up less. We put:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tlp tlp-rdw

Let's launch:

Thank you for your attention, that's all for now.

The most latest version Elementary OS was released in September 2016. Next version will be based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and will be released in about a year, but for now we can only install Elementary OS Loki, which was developed on Ubuntu 16.04. The system is still receiving updates with fixes critical errors, so everything is ok.

Usually, immediately after installation, the system is not completely usable; at a minimum, you need to install the software necessary for your work. And also change some settings to make the system more convenient for you. In this article we will look at how Elementary OS is configured after installation.


Let's get straight to action and start with the update.


A lot of time has already passed since the release of the operating system. This means that many updates have been released that need to be installed for your own safety. Just open a terminal and type the command:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

There is another way to update the system. Open the Dock panel -> "Application Center"-> Updates. And then press the button "Update All". After this, you will only have to enter the administrator password:

Now, if something doesn’t work right, or, for example, the application menu is empty, just reboot the system.


Another problem with Elementary OS is that you will have to install *.deb packages only through the terminal. Apparently the developers have disabled this feature. But installing applications from deb packages is quite common, so we can install the gdebi utility:

sudo apt install gdebi

Now, when you double click on the deb package, the Gdebi program will open and then you can install everything.


The Ubuntu PPA repositories are very useful as they contain many programs that are not in the official repositories. In addition, they often have the newest versions of programs. To enable PPA support, you need to install the software-properties-common package. The developers removed it for security reasons:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common

If you do not install this package, you will receive an error when trying to install the PPA: sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found.


Not only Ubuntu has many utilities for system customization and appearance. This utility allows you to customize your desktop, change themes, icons, dock, window buttons, effects and other settings. The tool is written in Vala and released under the GPLv3 license.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:philip.scott/elementary-tweaks
sudo apt update
sudo apt install elementary-tweaks


Various icon themes and designs are available for Linux distributions. You can choose the theme that you like best. You can use any Ubuntu compatible theme.


Just like icon themes, you can change the GTK theme, choose the theme you like the most. Copy its files to the ~/.themes folder and then activate it using Elementary Tweaks.


By default, Elementary OS uses the Epiphany browser, which has far fewer features than Firefox or Chrome. Run these commands to install these browsers:

sudo apt install firefox
sudo apt install chromium-browser


Media codecs don't come with the distribution by default, but we need them almost every day to play videos and music. But they are in the official repository, so to install you just need to run the command:

sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras libavcodec-extra ffmpeg

Also install VLC player to play video and audio:

sudo apt install vlc


Even though Flash technology is considered obsolete and is no longer available on most Linux distributions, many sites still use it to provide video content. To play flash content in your browser do:

sudo apt install adobe-flashplugin

sudo apt install pepperflashplugin-nonfree


Elementary OS has a guest account with which anyone can log in to the system without a password. To make the system more secure, disable it:

sudo sh -c "echo "allow-guest=false" >> /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/40-pantheon-greeter.conf"


TLP is a set of utilities for managing power and saving battery power. After installing the utility, you will receive a system configured for maximum energy saving when running on battery power:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp
sudo apt update
sudo apt install tlp tlp-rdw
sudo tlp start


When working with the system, you may need various programs. Here is a list of the most popular ones and instructions on how to install them after installing elementary os loki:

Rhythmbbox player:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fossfreedom/rhythmbox
sudo apt update
sudo apt install rhythmbox

Player DeadBeeF:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:starws-box/deadbeef-player
sudo apt update
sudo apt install deadbeef

MPV Video Player:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/mpv-tests
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mpv

Gimp Image Editor:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gimp

Inkscape vector editor:

sudo apt install inkscape

LibreOffice office suite:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-prereleases
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libreoffice

Skype messenger:

sudo sh -c "echo "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ `lsb_release -cs` partner" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/skpye.list"
sudo apt update
sudo apt install skype

Telegram messenger:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/telegram
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install telegram

Synaptic Application Manager:

sudo apt install synaptic


Many cross-platform programs are written in the language Java programming and demand for their Java execution car. You also need to enable Java plugin, it is used by applets in Java and Online Games. By default in all Java browsers disabled. For installation necessary components do:

sudo apt install openjdk-9-jre-headless icedtea-plugin

Then enable the plugin in your browser:


From time to time we need to use archives for work or data storage, but by default the system does not support all formats. For full support Install RAR and ZIP

sudo apt install p7zip p7zip-plugins unrar


When you use your computer after sunset, you will feel eye strain due to the very cool colors of the screen. Therefore, Apple developed night mode, which makes the screen colors warmer. You can use this feature on Linux by installing the RedShift package:

sudo apt install redshift


When using a touchpad on a laptop, it will be very convenient if you can click just by touching. To enable this feature, open the application menu, find "Mouse and touchpad" and turn on the switch "Tap to click":


That's all the post-installation Elementary OS setup you'll need to do. There may be a few more things you need to do, but we've covered most of the steps. If you know any other useful things about setting up Elementary, be sure to write about them in the comments!

In this article I will look at the process of installing and configuring Elementary OS. It is a beautiful Linux distribution, developed by a team of designers. The main goal of its creators is to create a user-friendly distribution.

The OS includes quite a few a large number of programs created by the same developers. Elementary OS strives to be similar to OS X. However, despite its beautiful appearance, quite a lot of attention is paid to user safety. This distribution is perfect for beginners and people who only need a browser and a couple of personal programs.

Preparing for installation

Step 1. Download the image

First you need to download the installation image of the system. To do this, go to. To download Elementary OS click on the button “Other amount” and enter “0” . After this, a window will appear with 2 download methods. If you want to download via torrent (magnet links), then click on the magnet icon. If you want to download directly through your browser, just click "Download":

Step 2: Burn the image to the boot device

After downloading iso image you need to write it to the boot device. Such a device can be a regular USB flash drive. Please note that image size ~1.5 GB. To burn an image under Linux, you can use the Unetbootin utility, or with the command:

$ sudo dd if=~/Path_to_folder/with_image/elementaryos.iso of=/dev/sdX

Please note that sdX is your flash drive. But you can also write the image to the first partition, for example /dev/sdX1. The copying process will take some time. Will have to wait.

To record an image under Windows OS you can use Rufus, UltraISO, YUMI and others.

Installing Elementary OS

Now let's proceed directly to the installation itself. I won’t tell you how to set priority in the BIOS. Let's get straight to the point.

Step 3. Greeting

After the download is complete, we will see a welcome window. In the left list, select the language you need. Then click “Install elementary”:

Step 4. Updates and third-party software

The next step will be to immediately install updates and install additional software. I will do this myself later, but if you want, you can check the boxes. To go further, click "Continue":

Step 5. Partitioning the Disk

Now we are faced with disk partitioning. We have 2 options to choose from:

  1. Completely erase the disk and install elementary on all the free space;
  2. Break the disc with your hands.

I will use the second method. If you use the first method, please note that you can immediately install encryption and use LVM by checking the appropriate boxes:

If the installation is carried out on blank disk, or you want to clear it, then click “New partition table...”. All data , that were on the hard drive will be destroyed.

We are warned that it will be created new table sections. Click "Continue":

Now to create new section, highlight the item free place, left-click on it and click on “+” :

First I'll create a boot partition. I will allocate 500 MB for it. Regarding the partition type, if you use mbr, then you can create no more than 4 main partitions. In this case, use partition type "Logical", or if you want, you can make all sections the main ones, but then do not forget about the limitation. I will indicate the partition type everywhere as "Primary". I recommend using ext2 as the file system for the bootloader, and specify the mount point as “/boot”:

By analogy with the boot partition, the remaining partitions will be created. I will only point out the main points. You can add a swap section if you wish. It is used when there is a lack of RAM and hibernation. Specify its size depending on your needs. I'll put 1 GB. In point “Use as” please indicate “swap partition”:

For the root partition, 20 GB should be more than enough. But, again, at your discretion. I recommend using the file system "Ext4", but if you wish, you can install, for example, Btrfs or any other. Specify the mount point “/” :

Well, the home directory. In principle, you don’t have to create it, making only the root partition. But I don't think this is practical. And even when you reinstall the OS, your data will be saved if you put it in a separate section. If you, like me, do this, then allocate it to more space, since this is where all your information will be stored. I recommend the file system, as before "Ext4". But specify the mount point “/home”:

This is what I ended up with. If you have also finished partitioning the disk, then to start installing the system, click “Install Now”:

You will be warned about changes made to the disk. Click "Continue" to start the installation:

Step 6: Finding a Location

Now you need to indicate your location. This is needed to determine the time zone. Just click on the desired location on the map:

Step 7: Keyboard Layout

Here you need to indicate which keyboard layout you are using besides English:

Step 8: Create a user

Now we will add your user. Your name and username can be the same. Set the computer name as desired. You also need to set a password for the user. If you do not want to enter it after each system boot, then check the box “Login automatically”. If you leave the password when you turn it on, you can still encrypt your home folder, but this is optional:

Step 9: Reboot

You just have to wait a little while the system completes the installation. After finishing you immediately will prompt you to reboot. Do it. Do not forget remove the boot device!

Setting up Elementary OS

Now we will move on to setting up the system. I think you can log in =), so I'll skip this step.

Step 10. System localization

Despite the fact that we specified Russian during installation, the system will still be in English. To fix this, open the Settings panel (second icon from the right in the Dock). Here you need to open the section “Language & Region”:

You need to find the desired language in the left column and select it. In the dropdown list "Formats" You must specify the date and time format you need. After all these steps, click “Set Language”:

For the changes to take effect, you need to log out and log in again. To do this, click on the power off icon in the right top corner and select “Log Out...”:

After logging in again, the system will be in the language of your choice. After logging in, you will immediately be prompted to rename the folders to home directory depending on the language you choose (Downloads ~> Downloads). Please note that if you agree, the contents of the folders will be deleted, but if the system has just been installed, then there is nothing to lose. But localization is not complete yet. Open the settings panel again and go to the language and region settings. The top yellow bar will indicate that language support is not fully installed. Click “Finish installation”:

You will be asked to provide your user password. Do this and click “Authenticate”:

Wait until the installation is complete, after which you can close the settings. This completes the localization:

Step 11: System Update

Now let's update the system. To do this, open the App Center (the application with the kiosk icon, with right side dock panel). In the application that opens, go to the tab “Updates” and press “Update everything”:

You will need to enter the user password:

After that, just wait for the update to finish:

Step 12. Installing drivers

The list of available drivers is located just below the updates, scroll down the page. Select the driver you need to install and click on the button "For free":

You will be asked to enter your password again:

And all you have to do is wait for the installation process to complete:

Step 13. Install various programs

Now I will install a package of programs that I consider necessary and which I often use:

$ sudo apt install terminator gpm htop mc gdebi software-properties-common

  1. terminator is a terminal emulator that allows you to create several terminals in one window;
  2. gpm – mouse in virtual consoles;
  3. htop – displays a list in the terminal running processes and information about them;
  4. mc – console file manager;
  5. gdebi – lightweight *.deb package installer;
  6. software-properties-common – needed for working with repositories.

For convenience, add gpm to autostart with the command:

$ sudo systemctl enable gpm

Now let's configure the keyboard. To do this, open the settings panel and expand the option "Keyboard". In the first window you can change the way you switch layouts. To do this, expand the list “Change layout” and select the desired combination:

Also, for convenience, I will add the opening of terminator when you press a certain key combination. To do this, open the tab "Hotkeys" click on the item “Custom” and in the lower left corner “+” . After this, a line will appear where on the right side you need to enter the desired command to execute (in this case "terminator") and set the keyboard shortcut in the left field. I'll use the usual Ctrl+Alt+T. After this, you can press the specified combination to check, and if everything works, close the program:

Step 14: Plank Setup

If you want to add a zoom effect to the dock icons, you need to do the following actions. First, let's add a repository:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ricotz/docky

Now you need to update the package indexes:

$ sudo apt update

And now let’s reinstall Plank so that the version from the added repository is installed:

$ sudo apt install --reinstall plank

Now you need to end all processes associated with plank. To do this, run:

$ sudo killall plank

To open the settings window, enter:

$plank --preferences

Here you can change the settings to your liking, but I will focus on 2 points. Firstly, to enable the zoom effect, activate the item “Icon enlargement” by clicking on the switch and specify the desired magnification level:

Then go to the tab "Behavior". Here, in the panel hiding mode, I advise you to specify “Intelligent Hiding”. But again, this is to taste:

Step 15: Elementary Tweak Tool

Now let's install a set of tweaks with which you can change the theme, set of icons, etc. After installation, it will be available from the settings panel. To install, follow these steps: following commands:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:philip.scott/elementary-tweaks

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt install elementary-tweaks

Step 16: Install Firefox and Thunderbird

Because I don't like it standard browser And mail client, then I will put my favorites from the mozilla company:

$ sudo apt install firefox thunderbird

You can immediately install Russian localization (These are only localization packages, not the programs themselves!):

$ sudo apt install firefox-locale-ru thunderbird-locale-ru

Step 17. Install Synaptic

Some people are not satisfied with the magazine that comes with the kit and want Synaptic. Well, there's nothing complicated about it:

$ sudo apt install synaptic

After that, you can launch it from the main menu, or by typing the appropriate command in the terminal:

Step 18. Installing multimedia codecs

By default, the distribution comes without multimedia codecs, which may cause problems with playing audio and video files. Let's install them:

$ sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras libavcodec-extra ffmpeg vlc qmmp

  1. VLC – video player;
  2. qmmp – music player.

During installation you will be shown a license agreement. To move on, click "Tab" to highlight the button "OK" And “Enter”, to continue:

The following window will appear in front of you. To accept the agreement, use the key "Tab" select button "Yes" and press “Enter”:

Step 19: Installing Dconf and Setting up the Desktop

Now let's install Dconf-editor and Nautilus to add icons to the desktop. You can also very finely configure other system parameters using Dconf-editor, but that’s not about that now. First, let's install Dconf itself:

$ sudo apt install dconf-editor

Now let's install Nautilus (yes, I know that these points could be combined, but I think it would be better):

$ sudo apt install nautilus

Then run dconf-editor from the main menu and go through the following points “org~>gnome~>desktop~>background”. Here you need to check the box next to “show-desktop-icons”(Icons may not appear immediately! You may need to reboot or start Nautilus):

Now you need to go to the following path “org~>gnome~>nautilus~>background”. Here you can customize the icon display options:

Step 20: Deleting a Guest Session

By default, the system has a session "Guest". You can disable it with the command:

$ sudo sh -c "echo "allow-guest=false" >> /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/40-pantheon-greeter.conf"

A reboot will be required for the user to disappear!

Video with the installation and configuration process


In this article, we examined in detail the process of installing and configuring the Elementary OS 0.4.1 distribution. If you have any questions, ask in the comments!

Also on the site:

Installing and configuring the Elementary OS distribution updated: March 2, 2018 by: linok9757

After installation Elementary OS 0.3 and the first login, your system is almost completely ready for use. You can surf the vast expanses of the Internet and download necessary files, watch movies, listen to music, type in Libre Office and use a printer, download pictures from the camera and edit them, view your video from a video camera, communicate with family and friends via Skype, in general, everything that can be done in a regular operating system.
In this article I would like to give some simple recommendations that you can do at your discretion after installation Elementary OS 0.3.http://compizomania.blogspot.com/

First of all, I want to make a reservation that the distribution Elementary OS 0.3"Freya" based on package base Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, which means applications from repositories Ubuntu should install and work without problems in Elementary OS"Freya".

1. System update

After logging into the system for the first time, you need to update/update it.
Open system menu Applications, click on the icon Application Update and follow the suggested updates:

Or update the system with the following commands in the terminal:

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

After executing the command upgrade you will be prompted to update the system. Update by clicking Enter and wait until it finishes.

2. Changing the location of the download server, connecting additional repositories and activating drivers

You can do this in two ways.

Open again Application update ->Settings, to open Programs and updates:

Or run the following command in a terminal:

sudo software-properties-gtk

And also in the tab Other software connect the following parameters:

*Canonical Partners
* Canonical Partners (Source Code)

These repositories are needed, in particular, for installing and updating the program Skype in system:

If you are the owner of a computer with graphics card Nvidia/AMD, then in the same window in the tab Additional drivers you can activate proprietary drivers (for gamers) and press the button Apply changes(changes will take effect after the next login):

3. Replenish the Russification of the system.

Frankly speaking, the Russification of the system leaves much to be desired. The interface of some system settings and applications is translated by 50-70% by default, which of course is not particularly pleasing, especially applications that the user installs additionally. To somehow fix this, I suggest installing additional language basic packages from GNOME.
Run the following command in a terminal:

sudo apt-get install language-pack-gnome-ru-base language-pack-gnome-ru

4. Multimedia and codecs

During installation Elementary OS 0.3, at the very beginning, in the installation window you were asked to activate two additional items:

* Download updates during installation
* Install third party software

If you have activated these items, you can already use flash plugin for internet browser Firefox , but there are also codecs for common audio and video files, fonts Microsoft and other libraries not installed by default due to legal or copyright laws in some countries, such as USA.
To install these additional components combined into one metapackage called ubuntu-restricted-extras, run the following commands:

sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras
sudo apt install libavcodec-extra

Note. During the installation of these packages, namely the installation of fonts Microsoft, a window will open in the terminal to accept the license, press the key Tab, and then Enter, thereby confirming your consent.

And also for viewing DVD discs copy protected, also run this command:

sudo sh /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh

But due to the fact that the system has a web browser installed by default Midori, then you need to install an additional plugin nspluginwrapper to watch videos in this browser.
Run the following commands in the terminal:

sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer nspluginwrapper
sudo nspluginwrapper -i /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so
nspluginwrapper -v -a -n -i

5. Setting up hot keys in the keyboard layout and checking boxes

To assign hotkeys to change layouts, open System settings ->Keyboard ->Layout and make sure you have installed required languages for keyboard layout. If necessary, add/remove other languages:

To assign hotkeys, go to the tab Keyboard shortcut -> Accessibility, click on the line Next Keyboard Layout and press the counting keys of your choice:

Select the checkboxes for the keyboard layout.

To install the checkboxes, download and unzip the folder Public.tar.gz with ready-made checkboxes for some countries at the following link:

Now open the file manager with administrator rights:

Go to the following address: File system->/usr/share/icons/elementary/panel/24. To the opened folder /24 copy/paste or simply drag and drop the desired flags. In the window that opens Replace file click the button Replace:

After replacing the flags, click on the keyboard layout indicator in the tray to change it.

6. Form own format dates/times in the calendar on the panel

To change the date and time format, you must first set dconf editor, V App Center

sudo apt install dconf-tools

Open dconf editor at the following address: com/canonical/indicator/datetime:

In the line indicated by the arrow, this is the time format that displays the clock in the calendar. To change it, click on the line with the format, copy/paste the format that is most suitable for you from the ones below:

With year and seconds: %a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S

With a year and without seconds: %a, %e %b %Y %H:%M

Without year with seconds: %a, %e %b %H:%M:%S

Without year and seconds: %a, %e %b %H:%M

For the changes to be applied, in the line time-format need to change locale-default on custom(Press locale-default and without releasing the keys, lower yourself to custom) in the drop-down menu:

The date and time format will immediately change to the custom one.

7. Improve laptop battery life

TLP(TLP - Linux Advanced Power Management) is a progressive battery management utility for Linux, which applies various settings automatically upon login and every time the power source is changed.

Install TLP.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp
sudo apt update
sudo apt install tlp tlp-rdw
sudo tlp start

8. Install a weather indicator/widget GisWeather

Installation GisWeather

Run the following commands in a terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/apps
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gis-weather

How to setup GisWeather for your area, instructions.

9. Install Psensor

Psensor is an indicator for monitoring hardware temperature sensors with the option of displaying the temperature next to the indicator.

Install Psensor with the following commands in the terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jfi/psensor-unstable
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt install lm-sensors hddtemp psensor

10. Install Oracle Java 7

Plastic bag Oracle Java 7 includes JDK, JRE and a browser plugin. You can install Oracle Java 7 using the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt update
sudo apt install oracle-java7-installer

11. Install elementary Tweaks

elementary tweaks- an application that allows you to easily change various interface settings and system design without resorting to Terminal or To the dconf editor.

Installation elementary tweaks

Run the following commands in a terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mpstark/elementary-tweaks-daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install elementary-tweaks

When the installation is complete, the button Tweaks will appear in System parameters.

12.Install Systemback - restore the system to its previous state

Systemback Very useful application, which allows you to create backups and your system's restore points.

Peculiarities Systemback

System backup
System Restore
System installation
Creation of Live CD
System repair
System update

Installation Systemback

Open a terminal, copy and run the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nemh/systemback
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install systemback

Instructions for use Systemback look .

13. Add Trashindicator to the panel

Trashindicator- This is a Trash indicator in the system tray, with which you can quickly empty the Trash without opening the file manager.

Empty Trash- Empty trash

Trash is empty...- the cart is empty

Installation Trashindicator

Open a terminal, copy and execute the following. command:

cd/tmp; wget -c https://trashindicator.googlecode.com/files/trashindicator_1.00-1_all.deb; sudo dpkg -i trashindicator*.deb

Once the installation is complete, the Recycle Bin indicator needs to be launched once, then it will appear in the tray after each login. Run the command in the terminal to start:

trash indicator & exit

14. Restoring missing indicators on Wingpanel (in tray)

Some application indicators user installed, do not appear in the top tray bar, for example, Dropbox And Radio Tray:

a). Restoring the indicator Dropbox.

First of all the application Dropbox should already be installed on your system.
If after installation the indicator Dropbox does not appear in the tray, do the following.

Restart Dropbox with this command in the terminal:

dropbox stop && env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity dropbox start

After the command is executed, the indicator Dropbox should appear in the tray. Open Options from the indicator's context menu, uncheck the item Launch Dropbox program when you turn on the computer and press the button OK:

Now open System settings -> Applications -> Launch at startup, add custom command(click on + ) and in the command input field enter:

env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity dropbox start

Reboot your system or computer to make sure the indicator Dropbox appears in the tray.

b.) Restoring the indicator Radio Tray:

Install the application Radio Tray.

To indicator Radio Tray displayed in the tray, do the following in a terminal.

Go to folder /radiotray:

cd /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/radiotray

Open the file in a text editor to edit SysTray.py:

sudo scratch-text-editor SysTray.py

Find next line and comment it out, enter a hash sign in front of it # :


Close the editor and restart Radio Tray.
The indicator should now appear in the tray.

15. Installing additional applications

- Firefox web browser

Install Firefox possible from Application Center or run the command in the terminal:

sudo apt-get install firefox

- Google Chrome web browser

Download and install Google Chrome you can use the following link: https://www.google.ru/chrome/browser/desktop/

- VLC media player

Install media player VLC from Application Center or with the command in the terminal:

sudo apt-get install vlc

Skype is a free, proprietary, closed-source application that provides text, voice and video communication over the Internet between computers.

Functions Skype:

Free calls between subscribers Skype.
Calls to mobile and landlines at low rates and inexpensive SMS messages.
Video communication with subscribers from the contact list.
Free exchange instant messages with friends, family and colleagues.
Transferring files

Install Skype possible from Application Center, but in it previous version, which has sound problems. I suggest downloading and installing the updated version Skype for Linux from the official website by selecting Ubuntu 12.04 (multiarch), at the following link.