Engineering aptitude test. Tests to identify technical abilities. Comprehensive diagnostics of the general abilities of adolescents in the context of specialized education

65 nanometers is the next goal of the Zelenograd plant Angstrem-T, which will cost 300-350 million euros. The company has already submitted an application for a preferential loan for the modernization of production technologies to Vnesheconombank (VEB), Vedomosti reported this week with reference to the chairman of the board of directors of the plant, Leonid Reiman. Now Angstrem-T is preparing to launch a production line for microcircuits with a 90nm topology. Payments on the previous VEB loan, for which it was purchased, will begin in mid-2017.

Beijing crashes Wall Street

Key American indices marked the first days of the New Year with a record drop; billionaire George Soros has already warned that the world is facing a repeat of the 2008 crisis.

The first Russian consumer processor Baikal-T1, priced at $60, is being launched into mass production

The Baikal Electronics company promises to launch into industrial production the Russian Baikal-T1 processor costing about $60 at the beginning of 2016. The devices will be in demand if the government creates this demand, market participants say.

MTS and Ericsson will jointly develop and implement 5G in Russia

Mobile TeleSystems PJSC and Ericsson have entered into cooperation agreements in the development and implementation of 5G technology in Russia. In pilot projects, including during the 2018 World Cup, MTS intends to test the developments of the Swedish vendor. At the beginning of next year, the operator will begin a dialogue with the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications on the formation of technical requirements for the fifth generation of mobile communications.

Sergey Chemezov: Rostec is already one of the ten largest engineering corporations in the world

The head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov, in an interview with RBC, answered pressing questions: about the Platon system, the problems and prospects of AVTOVAZ, the interests of the State Corporation in the pharmaceutical business, spoke about international cooperation in the context of sanctions pressure, import substitution, reorganization, development strategy and new opportunities in difficult times.

Rostec is “fencing itself” and encroaching on the laurels of Samsung and General Electric

The Supervisory Board of Rostec approved the “Development Strategy until 2025”. The main objectives are to increase the share of high-tech civilian products and catch up with General Electric and Samsung in key financial indicators.

Comprehensive diagnostics
general abilities of adolescents
in the context of specialized training


3. Diagnostics of the cognitive sphere

3.3. Bennett Mechanical Awareness Test

This technique is aimed at identifying the technical abilities of both adolescents and adults. Stimulus material - 70 tasks presented in the form of drawings. After the text of the question (picture), there are three possible answers to it, and only one of them is correct. The test taker must select and indicate the correct answer by writing on a separate sheet the number of the task and the number of the selected answer. 25 minutes are allotted for the total completion of all tasks.

It is allowed to complete tasks in any order. The procedure for calculating the results obtained is quite simple and consists of awarding 1 point for each correctly completed task. There is no conversion to standard scales; interpretation is carried out in accordance with the norms obtained on a specific sample of subjects.

1. If the left gear turns in the direction indicated by the arrow, in which direction will the right gear turn?

3. I don't know.

2. Which track must move faster in order for the tractor to turn in the direction indicated by the arrow?

1. Caterpillar A.

2. Caterpillar V.

3. I don't know.

3. If the top wheel rotates in the direction indicated by the arrow, in what direction does the bottom wheel rotate?

2. In both directions.

4. In what direction will the gear move if the handle on the left is moved down and up in the direction of the dotted arrows?

1. Forward and backward along arrows A–B.

5. If two identical forces 1 and 2 act simultaneously on the circular disk shown in the figure, then in what direction will the disk move?

6. Are both chains shown in the illustration needed to support the load, or is just one sufficient? Which?

1. Chain A is sufficient.

2. Chain B is sufficient.

3. Both circuits are needed.

7. In the river, where water flows in the direction indicated by the arrow, three turbines are installed. Water falls from the pipes above them. Which turbine will spin faster?

1. Turbine A.

2. Turbine V.

3. Turbine S.

8. Which wheel, A or B, will rotate in the same direction as wheel X?

1. Wheel A.

2. Wheel B.

3. Both wheels.

9. What kind of chain is needed to support the load?

10. Which gear rotates in the same direction as the drive gear? Or maybe none of the gears rotate in this direction?

1. Gear A.

2. Gear B.

3. None of them rotate.

11. Which axis, A or B, rotates faster or do both axes rotate at the same speed?

1. Axis A rotates faster.

2. Axis B rotates faster.

3. Both axes rotate at the same speed.

12. If the bottom wheel rotates in the direction indicated by the arrow, in which direction will the X-axis rotate?

13. Which car with liquid in the barrel slows down?

1. Car A.

2. Car B.

3. Car C.

14. In what direction will the spinner, adapted for irrigation, rotate if water is released into it under pressure?

1. Both ways.

15. Which handle will be held under spring tension?

1. None will hold.

2. Handle A will be held.

3. Handle B will be held.

16. In what direction was the bed last moved?

3. I don't know.

17. The wheel and brake pad are made of the same material. What will wear out faster: a wheel or a pad?

1. The wheel will wear out faster.

2. The pad will wear out faster.

3. Both the wheel and the pad wear out equally.

18. Are the containers filled with liquids of the same density or is one of the liquids more dense than the other (the balls are the same)?

1. Both liquids are the same in density.

2. Liquid A is denser.

3. Liquid B is denser.

19. In what direction will the fan rotate under the air pressure?

3. In both directions.

20. In what position will the disk stop after free movement along the indicated line?

1. In any way.

2. In position A.

3. In position B.

21. Which scissors are easier to cut sheet metal?

1. Scissors A.

2. Scissors V.

3. Scissors S.

22. Which wheelchair wheel rotates faster when the wheelchair moves?

1. Wheel A rotates faster.

2. Both wheels rotate at the same speed.

3. Wheel B rotates faster.

23. How will the shape of a sealed thin-walled tin can change if it is heated?

1. As shown in Figure A.

2. As shown in Figure B.

3. As shown in Figure C.

24. Which gear rotates faster?

1. Gear A.

2. Gear B.

3. Gear C.

25. What ball will ball X collide with if it hits an obstacle in the direction indicated by the solid arrow?

1. With ball A.

2. With ball B.

3. With ball C.

26. Let's assume that the wheels shown are made of rubber. In what direction should the drive (left) wheel be rotated so that wheel X rotates in the direction indicated by the dotted arrow?

27. If the right gear rotates in the direction indicated by the arrow, in what direction does the top gear rotate?

3. I don't know.

28. The weights of figures A, B and C are the same. Which one is harder to knock over?

1. Figure A.

2. Figure B.

3. Figure S.

29. What pieces of ice can cool a glass of water faster?

1. A piece in picture A.

2. Pieces in picture B.

3. Piece in picture C.

30. Which picture correctly shows a bomb falling from an airplane?

1. In the picture A.

2. In the picture B.

3. In the picture S.

31. In which direction will this car, moving in the direction of the arrow, skid when turning?

1. In any direction.

2. Towards A.

3. Towards B.

32. There is ice in the container. How will the water level change compared to the ice level after it melts?

1. The level will increase.

2. The level will drop.

3. The level will not change.

33. Which stone, A or B, is easier to move?

1. Stone A.

2. The efforts must be the same.

3. Stone B.


35. Do both boxes weigh the same or is one lighter?

1. Box A is lighter.

2. Box B is lighter.

3. Boxes of the same weight.

36. Bars A and B have the same sections and are made of the same material. Which of the bars can support more weight?

1. Both will withstand the same load.

2. Bar A.

3. Bar V.

37. To what height will the water rise from the hose if it is released from tanks A and B, which are filled to the top?

1. As shown in Figure A.

2. As shown in Figure B.

3. Up to the height of the tanks.

38. Which of these solid metal objects will cool faster when exposed to hot air?

1. Subject A.

2. Subject B.

3. Subject C.

39. In what position will a wooden disk with a metal circle inserted into it stop if the disk is rolled?

1. In position A.

2. In position B.

3. In any position.

40. At what point will the stick break if you sharply press its end on the left?

1. At location A.

2. At location B.

3. In place C.

41. Which container has the correct marks indicating equal volumes?

1. On container A.

2. On container B.

3. On container C.

42. Which of the pictures correctly depicts water pouring out of the holes of the vessel?

1. In Figure A.

2. In Figure B.

3. In Figure C.

43. In which package will the ice cream melt faster?

1. In package A.

2. In package B.

3. Same.

44. How will the suspended weight move if the top wheel rotates in the direction of the arrow?

1. Intermittently downwards.

2. Intermittently upward.

3. Continuously upward.

45. Which of the wheels made of the same material will spin longer if they are spun to the same speed?

1. Wheel A.

2. Wheel B.

3. Wheel C.

46. What is the easiest way to transport a stone on a smooth road?

1. Method A.

2. Method B.

3. Method C.

47. In what direction will water move in a gear pump system if its gear rotates in the direction of the arrows?

1. Towards A.

2. Towards B.

3. Both ways.

48. Which type of gear makes it harder to climb uphill on a bicycle?

1. When transferring type A.

2. When transferring type B.

3. When transferring type C.

49. There is sand at the bottom of the container. On top of it are pebbles (stones). How will the filling level in the container change if pebbles and sand are mixed?

1. The level will increase.

2. The level will drop.

3. The level will remain the same.

50. Rack X moves half a meter in the direction indicated by the arrow. How far will the center of the gear move?

1. At 0.16 m.

2. At 0.25 m.

51. Which gear, A or B, rotates slower or do they rotate at the same speed?

1. Gear A rotates more slowly.

2. Both gears rotate at the same speed.

3. Gear B rotates more slowly.

52. Which horse must run faster around the turn so that the other does not overtake it?

1. Horse A.

2. Both should run at the same speed.

3. Horse V.

53. From which faucet should the stream of water flow stronger if they are opened at the same time?

1. From tap A.

2. From tap B.

3. Both are the same.

54. In what case is it easier to lift a load of equal weight?

1. In case A.

2. In case B.

3. In both cases it is equally easy.

55. These bodies are made of the same material. Which one weighs less?

3. Both bodies are the same in weight.

56. At what point is the ball moving faster?

1. At both points, A and B, the speed is the same.

2. At point A the speed is greater.

3. At point B the speed is greater.

57. Which of the two rails should be higher when turning?

1. Rail A.

2. Rail V.

3. Both rails must be the same height.

58. How is the weight distributed between hooks A and B?

1. The force of gravity on both hooks is the same.

2. On hook A the force of gravity is greater

3. On hook B the force of gravity is greater.

59. Which pump's valves are in the correct position?

1. Pump A.

2. Pump B.

3. Pump C.

60. Which axis rotates slower?

61. The material and cross-sections of cables A and B are the same. Which one will withstand the most load?

3. Both cables will support the same load.

62. Which tractor must move further in order for the boats to stop at the shore?

1. Tractor A.

2. Tractor V.

3. Both tractors should move the same distance.

63. Which of the gates has a better support cable?

1. Both gates are secured equally well.

2. At gate A it is better secured.

3. At gate B it is better secured.

64. Which hoist is easier to lift the load?

1. Talyu A.

2. Talyu V.

3. Both hoists are the same.

65. On the middle axis there is a drive wheel that rotates the cones. Which one will spin faster?

1. Cone A.

2. Both cones will rotate equally.

3. Cone B.

66. If the small wheel rotates in the direction indicated by the arrow, how will the large wheel rotate?

2. In both directions.

67. Which cable holds the pole more securely?

68. Which winch is more difficult to lift a load?

1. Winch A.

2. Both winches are the same.

3. Winch V.

69. If it is necessary to support a bridge built across a river with a steel cable, what is the best way to secure the cable?

1. As shown in Fig. A.

2. As shown in Fig. IN.

3. As shown in Fig. WITH.

70. Which circuit is less stressed?

3. Both circuits have the same voltage.

Note. Each correctly solved task is worth 1 point.

1 2 25 2 48 1
2 2 26 2 49 2
3 1 27 1 50 3
4 3 28 3 51 2
5 2 29 2 52 1
6 2 30 1 53 2
7 3 31 3 54 1
8 3 32 2 55 1
9 2 33 1 56 2
10 3 34 3 57 1
11 2 35 1 58 1
12 2 36 3 59 2
13 3 37 2 60 1
14 3 38 3 61 2
15 2 39 1 62 1
16 2 40 2 63 3
17 2 41 1 64 2
18 3 42 2 65 1
19 2 43 2 66 2
20 3 44 1 67 3
21 2 45 3 68 1
22 1 46 1 69 2
23 3 47 1 70 1
24 3

Comparative figures
test performance by high school students

Level of development of general technical abilities
short average high Very
Boys less than 26 27–32 33–38 39–47 more than 48
Girls less than 17 18–22 23–27 28–34 more than 35

3.4. Intellectual lability test

The “Intellectual Lability” technique is used to study lability, that is, the ability to switch attention, the ability to quickly move from solving one problem to performing another without making mistakes, and predicting the success of mastering a new type of activity. In order to diagnose the abilities of adolescents for activities that require a good shift of attention (the work of an accountant, economist, secretary), we present a shortened version of the methodology (modified by G.V. Rezapkina), consisting of 30 tasks, while the traditional version for adults includes 40 more difficult tasks. The technique has a high level of information content and accuracy in predicting learning success.

Students must complete simple tasks in a limited period of time (three seconds), which the psychologist reads at a normal pace, loudly and clearly. The children should be warned not to look at each other’s notebooks and ask to repeat the task, otherwise its meaning will be lost.

Instructions. The work you will do requires concentration and quick action. In front of you is a form divided into thirty squares. Each square is a simple task that you must complete in just three seconds. The task is not repeated. If you haven't completed it yet, move on to the next one.

1. Write the first letter of the name Sergey and the last letter of the first month of the year.

2. Write the word “par” so that any one letter is written in a triangle.

3. Divide the quadrilateral with two vertical and two horizontal lines.

4. Draw a line from the first circle to the fourth so that it passes under circle 2 and above circle 3.

5. Place “+” in the triangle and “1” in the rectangle.

6. Divide the third circle into two parts.

7. Write the second to last letter of your full name.

8. Connect the dots with a straight line and put a “+” in the smaller triangle.

9. Cross out the vowels.

10. Extend the sides of the trapezoid until they intersect each other.

11. Connect points 2, 4 and 5.

12. Cross out the odd numbers and underline the even numbers.

13. Under the letter A put an arrow pointing down, under the letter B - an arrow pointing up, under the letter C - a check mark.

14. If the words “house” and “oak” begin with the same letter, put a minus sign between the diamonds.

15. Place a 0 in the upper left corner of the rectangle and a plus in the lower right.

16. Underline the check marks and cross out the sticks.

17. If the third letter in the word “gift” is not “I”, write down the sum of the numbers 3 and 5.

18. In the word “salute”, circle the consonants, and in the word “rain” cross out the vowels.

19. Divide 54 by 9 and write the result in the rectangle.

20. Circle the repeating numbers.

21. Cross out the circles without numbers, underline the circles with numbers.

22. Put a plus under the consonants, and a minus under the vowels.

23. Write the word “world” so that the first letter is written in a rectangle and the last letter in a circle.

24. Place an arrow pointing up above the line, and an arrow pointing left below the line.

25. Enclose the letter “M” in a square, “K” in a circle, “O” in a triangle.

26. Write the sum of the numbers 5 and 2 in the rectangle.

27. Cross out the numbers that are divisible by 3.

28. Place a tick in the circle and the number 3 in the rectangle.

29. Circle the even numbers.

30. Put odd numbers in brackets.

Test processing consists of counting the number of errors. A missed task is considered an error. There is no conversion to standard scales; interpretation is carried out in accordance with the norms obtained on a specific sample of subjects. A high result correlates with pronounced abilities for planning and economic activities.


Rezapkina G.V. Psychology and choice of profession. – M., 2006.

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Special tests are used to study the ability of technical understanding. The test tasks are given in the form of pictures depicting simple models. The subject needs to answer questions that require an understanding of spatial relationships, etc.

In Fig. Figure 12 shows a simple task taken from the Bennett Test of Mechanical Comprehension for Technical Comprehension. The subject is asked to answer the question which of the workers depicted experiences the greatest load and enter the corresponding letter A or B into the answer form. If the subject believes that the loads are equal, then he must enter the letter C in the form (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Which worker is under greater strain?

These tests are aimed at identifying the knowledge and experience accumulated by the test taker.

Let's look at some tasks for understanding spatial relationships.

1. Bennett's Mechanical Awareness Test

The stimulus material is represented by 70 simple physical and technical tasks, most of which are presented in the form of drawings. After the text of the question (picture), there are three possible answers to it, and only one of them is correct. The test taker must select and indicate the correct answer by writing on a separate sheet the number of the task and the number of the selected answer. The technique refers to the so-called speed tests. 25 minutes are allotted for the total completion of all tasks.

It is allowed to complete tasks in any order. The procedure for calculating the results obtained is quite simple and consists of awarding 1 point for each correctly completed task. Conversion to standard scales is not carried out; interpretation is carried out in accordance with the norms obtained on a specific sample of subjects (Fig. 13 a, b)

Bennett Test Problems

Fig. 13a. Exercise 1

I. If the left gear turns in the direction indicated by the arrow, in which direction will the right gear turn?

3. I don't know.

Rice. 13b. Task 2

II. Which track must move faster in order for the tractor to turn in the direction indicated by the arrow?

1. Caterpillar A.

2. Caterpillar V.

3. I don't know.

2. Tasks to identify the features of technical imagination.

Task 1. Given a drawing that shows a figure: a) facade (main view) and b) top view. It is necessary to draw a third view - from the side, and then give a general view (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Figure drawing

Note. This part has two solutions. The answer is given in Appendix No. 7.

Task 2. This part consists of two parts. A dovetail cut is visible on all sides. How can it be divided? (There are two answer options) (Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. General view of the part

The answer is given in Appendix No. 8.

Such techniques are aimed at identifying the technical abilities of subjects, both adolescents and adults.

Task 3. In the presented pictures, not all bricks are visible. Count how many bricks are in each block (Fig. 16).

Rice. 16. Fragments of brickwork

It is advisable for a psychologist practicing at an enterprise or in a vocational school to accumulate similar tasks on technical thinking in order to create his own data bank over time. Subsequent correlation analysis between the results of the subjects' solution to technical tests and the quality of their work can become a certain system of criteria for identifying technical abilities.

In our school, since 1999, technology in grades 5 - 9 has been taught according to the author's program and is a subject of deepening, along with computer science. Students are taught without division into boys and girls. The program pays a lot of attention to the study of simple mechanisms, pneumatic devices, devices using wind and water energy, electrical and electronic devices, etc. Different children come to school and in order to understand how the information will be perceived, testing is sometimes necessary. An important indicator of students' success in learning technology is testing with the following indicators: low level - solving 8 problems, medium level - 11, and high level - 13-14 problems. This test is expected to take 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

Test to determine the level of technical thinking of a student

Option 1

1. The wheels shown in the picture are made of rubber. In order for the X wheel to rotate in the indicated direction, the leading left one must be rotated to the side:

2. Of the vehicles transporting liquid in a tank, the following is currently slowing down:

1. car A

2.machine B

3.machine C

    1. 3. To support the load it is enough:

    1. in both directions

      in direction A

      in direction B

      5. Thin sheet iron is easier to cut with scissors:

    6. If the lower wheel rotates in the direction indicated by the arrow, then the X axis will rotate:

1. in any direction

7. The gear rotates faster:

8. Easier to lift the load:

1. with cable A

2. with cable B

3. with both cables

9. Less stressed circuit:

  1. Which gear, A and B, rotates slower or do they rotate at the same speed?
  1. If the small wheel rotates in the direction indicated by the arrow, then the large wheel rotates:
  1. After moving freely along the indicated line, the disk will stop:
  1. In the river, where water flows in the direction indicated by the arrow, three turbines are installed. Water falls from the pipes onto them. The turbine rotates faster:

    1. A

  1. the same

    Option 2

  1. If the left gear rotates in the direction indicated by the arrow, then the right gear will rotate:

    Chain A is enough

    chain B is enough

    both circuits are needed

  1. In the same direction as the drive gear rotates:
  1. Easier to drive the cart:
  1. In the same direction as the X wheel will rotate:
  1. Bars A and V have the same cross-sectional areas and are made of the same material. Can withstand more weight:
  1. If hot metal objects are taken out into the air, which one will cool down faster:
  1. The pole is held more securely by the cable:
  1. It is easier to lift a load of equal weight:
  1. The materials and cross-sections of the cables are the same. Can withstand heavy loads:
  1. Slower rotation:
  1. In order for the boats to stop at the shore, the following must move further:

  1. tractor A

  2. tractor B

    the distance will be the same

  1. If the top wheel rotates in the direction of the arrow, the suspended load will move:
  1. If you roll a wooden disk with a metal circle inserted into it, it will stop:

Answers to the test

1 option















Option 2















Information resources used

  1. A. V. Krylov. Diagnostics of the level of development of technical thinking. School and production. Magazine. No. 5, 2002

Software tester - what kind of profession is this? What is its essence? And how relevant is it in the modern world? All these questions are quite appropriate, since today IT professions are among the highest paid in the labor market. Not to mention the fact that mastering such specialties provides a person with a stable future.

Software tester: what is it?

Today, most electronic devices work correctly only thanks to the programs built into them. They are written by programmers of all stripes and levels of training. And believe me, their number is truly breathtaking. Thus, more than one thousand programs are created every day: from simple calculators to artificial intelligence for high-tech machines.

And, as in any production, a product cannot be released to the general public without first checking it for defects. So, a software (software) tester is a person who is involved in field testing of programs. At the same time, he can be either a full-time employee of the company or a freelancer working for himself.

Why are software testers needed?

Various programming languages ​​are used to create programs. This could be C++, JavaScript, Python, and so on. After the product is completed, the first thing it does is review it by the author himself. But, since he is the creator of the program, he cannot always objectively assess the quality of the received product. Not to mention that he simply may not have enough time to modulate all possible ways of using it.

And it is at this stage that the software tester comes into play. It is he who takes upon himself all operations related to checking a new application. At the same time, unlike a programmer, a tester does not have access to the program code. That is, he experiences the application as a simple user and is only occasionally granted special privileges.

Main responsibilities of a software tester

A software tester is a profession that requires a thorough approach to business. Here you cannot work half-heartedly, as this will certainly affect the reputation of the specialist. As for the responsibilities themselves, they consist of the following points:

  1. Creating a test plan. The software tester must think through all the scenarios for using the application in advance and recreate them. Moreover, the more experienced the specialist, the faster he can determine the most dangerous factors for the operation of the application.
  2. provision, through special automated tools. Like any other master, the tester has his own devices to optimize and speed up work. They are universal and, nevertheless, require prior mastery and practice.
  3. A competent and systematic description of the problems and shortcomings found. The point is that simply identifying the error is not enough. In addition, you need to be able to correctly draw up a work log so that the programmer can understand why the failure occurred and which part of his application is to blame.

It should be noted that quite often testers are grouped into small groups. First of all, this is necessary in order to speed up the verification or make it of better quality. In this case, the work can be evenly distributed among all specialists. For example, some will be busy with the application interface, others will look for errors in calculations, and others will simulate the most dangerous scenarios for the program.

Profession training

Anyone who is well versed in the exact sciences can become a software tester. Ideally, it is better to have a degree in programming or at least understand the basics of writing applications. Based on this, this specialty is well suited for those studying IT specialties. Firstly, it will help you gain experience and look at the work of other people, and secondly, it will bring additional income, which is also good.

However, you can become a software tester without specialized education. So to speak, learn everything on your own. Fortunately, today this is not a problem, since there are many educational courses on the Internet that can clearly demonstrate all the intricacies of this work.

In addition, you can try your luck and try to get into prepared seminars that are held in many organizations that produce software. For example, GlobalLogic periodically conducts training courses specifically for software testers. Moreover, after graduating, a person can become one of its employees, and then begin working on its staff or remotely, as a freelancer.

What skills should a self-respecting specialist have?

A software tester with no experience can find a job, but a specialist who doesn’t know the basics can never find a job. However, what are they, the basics of the profession? What kind of knowledge should every self-respecting tester have?

  • Firstly, such a specialist must be familiar with the basics of programming in order to be able to compete in the labor market.
  • Secondly, you will have to remember the principles of software development and OS administration.
  • Thirdly, learn to work with generally accepted databases.
  • Fourthly, learn a special language that you can’t do without today.

In addition, the tester must have a good command of English, as it is the dominant language in the world of programming. Moreover, over time you will have to bring it to an ideal level, as well as learn all the intricacies of the technical style.

Development of practical skills

Even though a software tester without work experience is a completely common occurrence, such a specialist is unlikely to be hired for a decent project. Therefore, having studied the basics of the profession, you should begin to develop practical skills and positive feedback.

To do this, you need to go to one of the sites that provide work to freelancers. Every day, dozens of proposals related to testing the functionality of applications are posted there. At the same time, there are many orders for beginners that do not require work experience or special programming skills.

Thus, in a month or two you can make good progress in your business and earn some reputation. The only downside is that such orders are often poorly paid. But you will have to come to terms with this, since in the future such deprivations can bring much more profitable orders, which will more than repay the efforts spent.

Where to look for a profitable job

So, let's say you're already an experienced software tester: where to start looking for a promising job? Well, the first thing you should do is look at the advertisements on online job exchanges and programmer forums. From time to time, you come across good offers that can generate a stable income.

However, you should not rely only on luck. If you have a good resume, you can submit several applications to IT companies. Management loves motivated specialists, and therefore such an initiative can bear fruit. Especially if you target those companies that produce high-quality software.

If you are unlucky with a permanent place at this stage, then you can become a freelancer. A well-proven software tester working remotely from home can earn no less than a full-time colleague. The only difference is that instead of one employer, he will have several.

Pros and cons of the profession

For those who love modern technologies, this profession will seem very exciting and interesting. After all, every day you will have to deal with a new product that will soon be able to radically change the world of information technology. In addition, the work is considered very prestigious and excludes any physical activity.

Also, many are pleased with the fact that this profession is equally suitable for both men and women. Moreover, it can be for those who, due to health problems, cannot get a more difficult job.

However, there are also disadvantages. The main one is high competition caused by a shortage of high-paying orders. You should also pay attention to the fact that a software tester spends a lot of time at the computer. At the same time, he does not just sit behind it, but is completely absorbed in what is happening on the monitor. Because of this, vision problems may arise over the years, which is extremely unpleasant.


It is quite difficult to calculate the arithmetic average salary of a software tester. This is due to the fact that it depends on how lucky the specialist is. So, you can take one order for 10 thousand rubles and complete it in a week, or you can get a job worth 20 thousand rubles and not finish it in a whole month.

And yet we can say with confidence that the income of a novice tester varies between 10-15 thousand rubles per month. An experienced specialist can earn the same money twice as fast. A full-time employee of a prestigious company receives about 40-45 thousand rubles.