Express scan your computer for viruses. Checking your computer for viruses using the ESET Online Scanner

Hello everyone, dear readers! Obviously, since you got here, you have problems with your computer. Don't forget that viruses are a serious problem that can lead to dire consequences. In the best case, it will cost you to clean the computer with an antivirus, and in the worst case, you need to reinstall the operating system, take the computer for repairs and pay little money. And who needs it? That's right - no one. Therefore, in this article I will tell you how to check your computer for viruses.

And so, dear friends, how can you protect yourself from negative consequences? There are several ways to identify unwanted software so that they can be eliminated in a timely manner; we will consider the most effective ones.

First method

Detection of malware, without the use of any heavy installations, registrations, key entry and other red tape.
Ask how to do this, is it even possible? Yes, dear comrades, researching online dangers is possible! As Sherlock Holmes liked to say - elementary! This opportunity is provided to us by the company esetnod32.

To detect danger, you just need to follow this link - And so you go to the site and see this picture.

There is nothing complicated about this, click on the “Launch” button, enter your email address, by the way, you do not need to make any confirmations or go into the mailbox. They entered the e-mail, after which a small utility is downloaded, which will not take up much space, about 6 megabytes, this means that the download will be a breeze, 10 seconds and you’re done.

Installation also takes no more time; in fact, you just need to agree to the user agreement. Hooray! The research has begun, after which the utility will remove the malware, in general, heaven, not life! And most importantly it's free! It is worth clarifying that such services are provided by many well-known companies involved in computer security.

Second method

But what about people who are terrified of downloading something? Very simple friends! You can check without even going online. Yes, dear visitors, this happens! Now it is quite possible to detect malware without an antivirus.

You’re probably quite surprised, but there’s nothing complicated about it. To make this procedure a reality, you’ll need to click the “Start” button in the lower left corner and enter the following query in the search bar: “Windows Defender.”

Next, open the application itself, select what type of scan we need, full, quick or special. Of course, it’s better to do a full scan to make sure that all systems of your “iron horse” are safe, then click “Check Now.”

Actually, that's all! We enjoy the check, after which the Defender, if a danger is detected, will report it, and you will be able to eliminate them.

Third method

Detecting malware using a special utility. This method is of higher quality, since it is specially developed software that protects your computer. Let's look at proven software that is extremely popular among users.

And so ladies and gentlemen, we present to your attention the Kaspersky Lab antivirus! This is a truly good service developed by domestic developers. So how can you use it? Let's be honest, this method is more difficult than the first two, but it cannot be said that it is difficult, everyone can use it.

This is done as follows. Go here - Click “download”, I’ll tell you right away that the download will not be so fast.

Since the software volume is approximately 170 MB, you will have to wait a little, you can brew tea at this time. Have you downloaded it?

We launch the installation, which is quite simple and intuitive, but it lasts about 5 minutes, just as you can drink some brewed tea. And now, finally, the utility is installed and launched. Kaspersky will “ask” you to enter the activation key, but this option is not suitable for us, because it costs money.

But the developers allow us to use the trial version for 30 days, which we will do. Click on “Activate trial version”, the link is written in large font and highlighted, it’s impossible not to notice it. Now the utility is ready to go! Next, click on the “Run scan” button and launch it.

The procedure will take quite a long time, but it will really thoroughly check the entire system and eliminate its errors. In our opinion, this is the most optimal option for detecting malicious utilities.

Because Kaspersky really provides good services and, no less important, for most users it provides a free option to use, which is in demand.

Fourth method

Identify hazards using licensed software. Finally, we have reached the highest quality option. Because identifying threats using this method guarantees 100 percent security of your computer. The previous option is, of course, good, but it works on a trial version, and the activated system provides a full list of capabilities to the user.

This means that the full range of protection will work to the maximum, not allowing a single virus to pass through, thereby ensuring high computer security, thanks to which it will serve you for many years to come.

I’m almost sure that you are interested in this option, aren’t you? So how can you get such a high quality service? Nothing complicated. Let's look at the whole process using the well-known Dr.Web software. This is another Russian security software developer. Yes - yes, don't be surprised! The best security software was developed in Russia and is in demand all over the world.

To use this option, you need to go to the nearest electronics store and purchase a utility with a license, which is located in the box with the disk and is often protected by a special coating. You need to perform the installation using the disk, erase the protective coating and enter the key that activates the software.

The license validity period varies, in most cases it is one year, and then you need to buy a new key and renew the license. Or you can not go anywhere, but buy the necessary software on the company’s official website ( You will also be given a key in your personal account, which you will enter during installation.

After activation, you can search for threats with a clear conscience using a utility that will accurately identify all vulnerabilities and destroy them. Using an activated system is the surest option to find threats that will definitely protect your PC from viruses.

Yes, it costs about money (1,500 rubles), but you get continuous security for a long time. Plus, after the license expires, you can buy a new one on the company’s official website.

Thank you very much dear readers! I hope my article will help you secure your computer and identify any vulnerabilities found!

Not all users install an antivirus on their computer or laptop. Some people are lazy, others don’t see the need for it. And when suddenly your PC starts behaving strangely (it’s buggy and slow, or advertising appears in the browser), you can simply check your computer for viruses online and for free. Fortunately, there are plenty of options today.

Below are the 7 best antiviruses that can scan for viruses online. True, you won’t be able to check your computer without downloading the installer. Virus scanning is done online, but antiviruses need access to your files. Therefore, some of them are installed as a browser module, and some are installed as a small utility. There are also 2 antiviruses on the list that support online virus scanning without downloading. Which one to use is up to you to decide.

Kaspersky will help you quickly check your computer for viruses online. A full-fledged antivirus is well known in Russia, and its “younger brother” is also popular.

The program runs in the cloud, so you can quickly check Kaspersky for viruses online on any PC or laptop.

Its main advantages:

  • does not slow down Windows (which cannot be said about the full-fledged Kaspersky antivirus, which “eats” a lot of resources during scanning);
  • does not conflict with other antiviruses installed on the computer;
  • does not remove detected viruses, but only reports them (on the one hand, this is a plus, but on the other, you will have to remove them manually);
  • issues a detailed report.

Checking for viruses online in Kaspersky is very simple:

  1. Download the installer file from this link.
  2. Launch the program.
  3. Wait until the scan is completed.

After this, all you have to do is remove the viruses (if any were found).

BitDefender QuickScan - fast online PC virus scan

Another way to clean your computer from viruses online is by using BitDefender QuickScan. It is considered very effective and enjoys great success abroad. About the same as our Kaspersky.

Cleaning your computer from viruses online is also easy. All you need is:

  1. Follow this link.
  2. Click on “Scan Now”.
  3. Install a browser module through which the antivirus will gain access to your folders and files.
  4. Wait until the check is completed.

The main advantage of BitDefender is fast online virus scanning. On average it takes 1-2 minutes. On the one hand, this is cool, but on the other, what will he have time to scan in such a short time?

Most likely, the online scanner checks the main list of the most common threats: system files, startup - i.e. those places where viruses mainly “live”. The developers themselves say that checking your computer for viruses online is carried out in the cloud (on their servers), which is why it is done so quickly.

ESET Online Scanner – effectively scan your computer for viruses

The next way to check your laptop for viruses online is by using a free ESET product from the developers of NOD32. To start checking, follow this link.

It is recommended to scan your PC through Internet Explorer - in this case, the scan will be performed in the browser window. When using Chrome, Firefox or Opera, the user will have to download a small file, and the PC analysis will be performed in a separate program.

After downloading and running the file, you need to set the settings. For example, enable scanning of archives and potentially dangerous programs. You can also clear the checkbox in the “Remove threats” item so that the antivirus does not accidentally erase important files that, in its opinion, are infected. Then click the "Start" button.

ESET Online Scanner will update the database, after which an online scan of your PC for viruses will begin.

  • a thorough system scan (takes 40 minutes on average - depends on your Internet speed and HDD capacity);
  • detects any threats;
  • can detect malware, incl. in the register;
  • performs heuristic analysis;
  • generates a complete report on the work performed.

Another plus is that the online scanner is automatically deleted after the scan is completed. That is, no files will remain after it.

Thus, ESET antivirus is perhaps one of the best ways to clean your computer from viruses online. Its only drawback is the need for installation.

Panda Cloud Cleaner - online flash drive scan for viruses

Users are offered 4 versions to choose from:

  • standard;
  • portable (does not require installation);
  • for scanning USB flash drive;
  • in ISO format (emergency boot disk for checking PC viruses that won’t turn on).

Which version to choose, decide for yourself. For example, if you want to check a flash drive for viruses online, then download the third installer on the developers’ website.

Main advantages:

  • quick check (on average 20-30 minutes);
  • detection of common threats;
  • effective online virus cleaning.

As in the previous case, Panda also “self-destructs” after successfully checking and treating viruses. That is, it is automatically deleted and does not leave any files behind.

F-Secure Online Scanner – treatment of viruses and spyware

Another excellent antivirus that can scan your computer for viruses online. To start checking, go to the developers’ website and click on the “Launch” button. After downloading and launching the installer, a new window will open in which scanning of the laptop or PC will begin.

The main advantages of this antivirus:

  • quick scanning – takes 10-15 minutes on average;
  • effective treatment of viruses and spyware utilities;
  • works even with antivirus installed on your PC.

Before starting the scan, it is advisable to turn off “heavy” programs. This will help speed up the scanning process.

VirusTotal – online virus scan without downloading

All previous options had one common disadvantage - the need to download the installer. In this case, you can scan your computer for viruses online without installing any programs.

VirusTotal is a service from Google that can scan any files on your PC. It can also scan sites for malicious utilities. Using the service is very simple:

  1. Follow this link.
  2. Provide the path to the file you want to scan or the URL of any website.
  3. Click the "Check" button.

Wait until the check is completed, and then look at the report.

It is not possible to scan all documents on your computer using VirusTotal. It can scan sites and files individually. This option is suitable for those who, for example, have downloaded a program and want to make sure that it does not contain viruses before installing it. For such cases, VirusTotal is best suited, because it does not need to be downloaded.

Dr.Web - effective scanning of files for viruses

And the last way to check your computer for viruses online is through Doctor Web. It has an excellent service that allows you to check individual files. For this:

  1. Visit this site.
  2. Click Browse and browse to the file you want to scan.
  3. Click the “Check!” button.

In this case, you can scan your computer for viruses online without installing Dr. antivirus. Web. But, like VirusTotal, Doctor Web can scan only one file at a time.

A few words in conclusion

This sounds strange, but it is impossible to completely scan a laptop or computer and remove viruses online. The first 5 antiviruses require the installation of a small file. The question arises: isn’t it easier to install a full-fledged version of the same Kaspersky or BitDefender? They have more features, plus they provide real-time PC protection. In addition, many popular antiviruses have free versions.

The last 2 options are VirusTotal and Dr. Web – do not require installation, but check one file at a time. This is also not very convenient.

By the way, a computer or laptop may be infected not with viruses, but with malware. As a result, advertisements appear in the browser, third-party pages of unknown sites open, etc. In this case, antiviruses will not help; special software is required.

Actually, that's all. Above we discussed 7 ways to check your computer or laptop for viruses online for free. Which antivirus to use is up to you. If you want to completely scan your computer for viruses, then choose one of the first 5 programs. And if you need to scan several files, then use the VirusTotal or Dr. services. Web.

Greetings, dear blog visitors. Dmitry Smirnov is in touch with you as always, and in this article I want to tell you about how to check your computer for viruses quickly and freely, simply and affordably! In the last article I wrote about that, and now I’ll tell you about viruses!

How to check your computer for viruses

Using your favorite computer, after a certain period of time, you began to notice that the boot process began to occur more slowly, programs open and run with greater delay, or some of them stopped functioning, produce errors, and sometimes it seems that the system itself produces some - visible actions not ordered by the user.

It's time to check your computer for viruses online. And what exactly will we check for? There may be several main options:

  1. Checking your machine's system disks;
  2. Checking system files for viruses and malware;
  3. Checking for the presence of unnecessary and unused files, programs, the contents of Internet browser folders, temporary file storage folders, etc.;
  4. Checking the compatibility of some programs to work together.

This list, of course, is not exhaustive, but it lists, perhaps, all the main types of system checks available to the average user. We will not take into account users at the level of professional programmers, hackers, etc.

When we think about verification, we assume that we need special, complex and expensive programs to carry out this process. Agree, I don’t really want to spend time searching and money buying all sorts of incomprehensible software, if it’s not at all clear what to check. I would like to note that an important feature of paid licensed software is the possibility of its regular updating, all possible support from the developers and the uninterrupted operation of its work and the presence of a large arsenal of various “fine settings”.

Free software can’t always boast of this, but there are quite worthy examples among it. Let's consider them.

  1. A simple standard program contained in all the latest versions of the Microsoft Windows environment will help you check your system disks for free.
    • Click Start, select Computer, a window appears indicating the drives. Place the cursor over the desired disk and press the right mouse button once. In the menu that opens, find properties and click.

In the same window, on the General tab, you can set disk cleanup and select categories of files that can be deleted as a result of the program. Do this with caution.

  • On the service tab, find the Run check button and click it.

  • By clicking Start, we force the system to start checking the selected disk. As a result of such a check, all system errors will be corrected and damaged disk sectors will be checked and restored (if you check both boxes). The system may ask you to start scanning the next time you boot. This may take a few minutes, depending on the size and condition of your drive. This repair program can be scheduled to run on all drives in the system at once. Then when loading they will be checked in order of priority.
  1. There are a lot of well-known and well-proven free versions of anti-virus programs and healing utilities that will analyze the system or specified individual parts of it for the presence of viruses, Trojans, worms and other “pests” of the system. Here are some of these programs.
    • Avast Free antivirus solution, which is successfully used by about 230 million people on Earth. You can download the program for free from the Russian-language website Of course, there are paid advanced packages of this antivirus, but we will talk about its free version.

  • The developers will ask you to go through simple procedures.

  • The program allows you to scan with a choice of parameters (viruses, outdated software, network threats, allows you to analyze system performance and suggest ways to optimize it. Of course, Avast Free will not save you from cutting-edge and complex viruses and malicious code, but for the average Internet user it is quite will suit you and you will like the ease of loading, interface, good and high-quality work.

  • For example, intelligent scanning has been launched.

  • And here are the results of this scan. You can eliminate everything in one fell swoop by clicking on the appropriate button.

2.6. Another excellent option for checking your system for viruses and malware is the free healing utility from Dr. Web – Cureit, available at

2.7 Download this program, install and configure. It checks the folders and drives selected by the user for the presence of harmful “inhabitants” of the Internet. She will suggest actions with them (Quarantine-Cure-Delete). The distribution of the program increases with each release and is already about 200 MB.

A feature of versions released in the last 2-3 years is that the program does not block the operation of the system during testing and allows you to download other applications and programs.

3.1. The Total Commander program will allow you to check for the presence of unnecessary and unused files, programs, the contents of Internet browser folders, temporary file storage folders, etc.;

This solution allows:

  • Edit the list of startup programs;
  • Remove installed programs;
  • Clean the program registry;
  • Clean system disks;
  • Clean shortcuts that have not been launched by the user for a long time.

3.2. For example, let's run Registry Cleaner.

There are other similar packages of treatment and testing utilities that allow you to “clean” the system, delete unnecessary and faulty files, “fine-tune the system,” etc. (eg Ace Utilities, Norton Utilities). But you need to use them with great caution, understanding exactly what you are going to delete and how this may affect the operation of the system.

  1. There is a class of programs that allow you to understand the compatibility of various software installed on your computer. Here we will not consider such programs due to their complexity and the ambiguity of their results.

You can limit yourself to only a few rules so that your system does not become inoperable after installing the next program:

  • If possible, do not install many programs of the same type of work on the disk (many cleaning programs, etc.);
  • Do not install several antiviruses together on the disks of one machine (they most often perceive each other as macro viruses and can block the operation of the system. Then you will need to start in safe mode and remove one of them;
  • Do not install unverified, dubious programs.

Study the computer and its components, informatization is the future. It is the key to success in many industries. And now you know how to check your computer for viruses free and easy!

Everyone wants to be confident in their computer and hope that it is free of various viruses, Trojans or banal surveillance.

Today I will try to help you dispel your guesses and show you how to independently check your computer for malware and, if detected, immediately neutralize it. Let's fight for computer cleanliness together.


Usually, users remember about antivirus programs only after they have picked up something interesting on their computer. In most cases, panic begins and measures taken during this panic can only worsen the current situation.

What you need to know before trying to remove a virus

I will immediately explain why. The main problem is that having caught a virus, a person “runs” to the search and enters the query - “How to remove a virus from a computer?” It seems that the idea is correct, immediately find information on how to properly remove malware and immediately repeat all this on your computer.

On the one hand, it seems that it simply cannot be simpler, but as a result of following many instructions, nothing helps or gets even worse. The fact is that this situation also has a “second side”, which for some reason users ignore citing emotions, panic and the desire to remove the virus faster.

What is really happening at this moment? And the problem is that while browsing the sites you download programs that you know little about and download from the unknown site “Vasya Pupkina”, and then, in the evening, you start writing on all the forums that the programs you were told about simply suck and are themselves viruses . You even start advising that no one should download it, it’s all a scam. Have you tried turning on your brain? After all, besides how to download an antivirus utility, hundreds of thousands of articles warn you that you can only download from the official website, and everything else is unreliable.

You yourself, under the guise of anti-virus software, download harmful programs as ballast and there is no need to say after that that everyone is to blame except you. Why am I saying all this, I’m a little heated by the current situation and so I’ll now tell you about three good anti-virus scanners that you can use absolutely free.

I will definitely give you download links exclusively from official sites - this is the key to success, because not one normal company would promote its product with viruses to its detriment. Therefore, we read, download and no longer torment ourselves with the question of how to remove a virus from a computer.

Learn how to efficiently scan for viruses on your computer

I’ll say right away that all the utilities that I’m about to write about are not intended to be installed to permanently protect your computer; they should be used exclusively to remove viruses that you have already picked up.

Therefore, after thoroughly cleaning your computer from harmful software, do not forget to install an antivirus for constant protection.

Okay, let's get down to business, I'll show you 3 good anti-virus scanners, and you don't choose from them, but download all three in a comprehensive manner and scan your computer with each program in turn. Why ask? Yes, because there is no perfect protection and the more options you use, the more reliable the result you will get. 3 scans should be enough to thoroughly check your computer for viruses

Now a little more about each scanner.

Dr.Web CureIt scanner

Malwarebytes Scanner

Appearance at the time of writing

After using these programs, you will be able to neutralize most known infections and thereby protect your computer. . But I warn you, it is merciless and if you are negligent, you can “kill” the entire operating system along with viruses. Now it’s time to relax a little and consolidate your knowledge with practical examples.

Watch video: How to check your computer for viruses for free?

I will close the topic here, but I hope to hear your opinion on this issue. Tell us what you use to remove viruses?

Despite the fact that online antivirus services advertise themselves as tools without the need to download and install, this is not entirely true. One way or another, the user will have to organize access to the files.

This means you need to install some minimal software on your machine, without which you cannot perform the check. They are the ones who contact the anti-virus database of their own website. Since this operation is performed online, it is conditionally classified as an online check.

How to check for malicious content

The installation and verification algorithm is not particularly unique and for everyone consists of the following steps:

  • downloading to your home computer the minimum necessary program files needed to communicate with the current database during the scan;
  • installation (installation) of the program;
  • computer check;
  • results report.

The most famous antivirus components for online scanning

Kaspersky Security Scan

According to the ratings, for a long time Kaspersky Anti-Virus was in the lead in terms of quality of work. Easy to use and accessible. To check with the proposed free utility called Kaspersky Security Scan, you must first download it from the official website by following the link to the “Free Utilities” tab. A screen will open with a complete list of all free offers from Kaspersky Lab.

When you click on the Kaspersky Security Scan tab, you will be redirected to the download page.

After saving the required file (be sure to remember the folder in which the utility was downloaded), start the installation by “clicking” on the file.

Perform a full installation if you are not confident in your knowledge of the settings.

You can refuse to install the Yandex browser, which you will be asked to do in the next dialog box.

Select a check, it is indicated by arrow 1 in the image.

It will take some time to download the program, about 10 minutes. And then you can start with the check (arrow 2), in each of the subsequent windows by selecting the button corresponding to the task.

The scan report will be presented in the form of a board indicating the number of objects scanned, as well as the number and description of detected threats.

If malicious files were found, you should click “Search for a solution” and follow the instructions depending on the nature of the detected threats. The fact that the utility itself does not destroy programs that it considers malicious, but only points to them, will allow you to manually sort and save the necessary information.

Benefits of Kaspersky Security Scan:

  • it is important that the utility does not conflict with programs from other manufacturers that are already running on the machine being tested;
  • This is a Russian-language program, so it is easy to understand for users of the ru zone.

The closest brother of Kaspersky antivirus, which claims to be the leader in the rating, is BitDefender QuickScan (working link Abroad, it is considered the best online virus detection assistant. To install it, you need to click on the “Scan now” button on the official website of this antivirus service.

With your consent, a special extension will be installed on your computer for the browser in which you are working. This process takes much less time than installing Kaspersky, and further verification is much shorter. This is because BitDefender QuickScan does not analyze the entire computer system in detail. Only currently active threats.

According to user reviews, the program may conflict with existing antivirus programs on the computer or indicate problems in their operation. This utility can suit those who are well acquainted with the English language in order to understand additional features, tips, and recommendations.

A longtime friend and assistant of computer scientists - NOD32 antivirus

Another “antivirus” with a Russian-language interface is the good old NOD32. Or rather, a scanner from ESET. To download from the main page of the company’s portal (, you must click on the “Online scanner” link at the bottom of the screen, as indicated by the arrow in the picture.

You can start downloading after entering your email. Despite the site's instructions that registration is not required, you will have to enter your email address, otherwise you will not be able to proceed further.

Virus scanning is launched by Internet Explorer without additional installation, but for others the service will offer to download and install Smart Installer.

Scanning a computer is not instantaneous; it may take time; its progress and results can be monitored in the active program window.

The advantages of NOD32 include the use of heuristic analysis. This means that using the available data from previous scans, the program can calculate previously unknown viruses by analogy with those that have already been identified. Found problematic files will not be deleted if you clear the checkbox from the “Remove detected threats” button during setup.

Panda ActiveScan and HouseCall

Without implementation on the computer, the antivirus program Panda ActiveScan ( performs a cloud scan in Internet Explorer (only in it), which allows you to get rid of viruses without installing a full-fledged product.

HouseCall offers free content analysis and detection of spyware and viruses.

After accepting the license agreement, which, by the way, is in English, the ScanNow button will become available and you can start scanning the contents of your computer. The setting offers the choice of either a full scan or a quick analysis of the main sectors. HouseCall allows you to treat and remove detected viruses from the computer being scanned.

The program is “delicate”: it does not leave changes on the computer, which is an additional advantage.

Fans of popular Microsoft software can use its product: Safety Scanner (, designed for a one-time computer scan. The program is valid for 10 days, after which you will have to download the updated version.

How to check files and websites for viruses online

It's easy to check individual files using services like Dr. Offers. Web or VirusTotal. To do this, upload the file that arouses your suspicions to the site and follow the instructions. This is convenient if you need to analyze a small amount of information.

Online scanning of suspicious files and sites for viruses using Dr.Web

The healing utility from Dr.Web is very popular. With its help, you can scan all information on your computer for viruses and malware. Individual files, as well as entire sites, are checked online, which can be done by following the link Enter the path to the file on your computer, or enter the URL, click on check - and the service will give you a report.

As a result, the service will provide you with a report where, in addition to information about the viruses found, you can find out almost all the statistics of the file.

To check a site for viruses, you first need to go to the appropriate tab, enter the portal address and start scanning.

The site is scanned a little longer than the file, and eventually you will be presented with a scan report. The “Clean site” message indicates that the site is clean and there are no threats.

The antivirus service presents VirusTotal Scanner, a program that requires installation on your computer.

The first thing that distributors of the boxed solution call is the ability to check without additional file transfer to the network. Simply enter the path to the file in the program window on your computer. The form of the report is similar to that on the VirusTotal website. is suitable for operating systems Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8.x, 10 (32/64-bit). You can find and download the program on various resources.

As practice shows, using one, even a very clear and understandable anti-virus program, is, to say the least, not effective. According to reviews from network users, the best solution is to have an “antivirus” installed for permanent use on your computer, and be sure to update it regularly. Plus, periodically, especially if suspicions arise, check your unit additionally using the scanners and utilities described above.

It is important to remember that when choosing anti-virus services, you should contact only trusted sites, preferably directly to the Internet representatives of anti-virus program developers. Each of them has their own official websites, from where it is easy to download the necessary information or program. Manufacturers of “free” anti-virus software update their databases in a timely manner, keeping them up to date, and sometimes have a fairly wide range of free or shareware services.