Selection of UPS. Rated power of the uninterruptible power supply. Selecting a UPS based on battery life: nuances

When purchasing a personal computer for home or office, the user pays more attention to the characteristics responsible for high performance, but the stability of work does not come into view at all. And only when there is a voltage drop in the network or a power outage does anyone ask the question “how to protect yourself from similar situations to be able to quickly save important documents.” But it is possible. The source will help users with this uninterruptible power supply- UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply).

Classification of UPS devices

Without going into the complexities of electromechanics, computer UPS manufacturers have adopted a division into three basic types.

  1. Filter device. This UPS allows you to filter the incoming voltage for the computer. By setting the required range (mostly within 190-230 volts), you can expect that the device will only work if the set voltage thresholds are violated. Such devices are the cheapest on the market.
  2. Battery device. When the power goes out, the UPS takes over the computer, ensuring its autonomous operation within a few minutes, which is enough to save information and complete work.
  3. Interactive filter-accumulator. The device can not only support the computer’s power supply, but also protect the system from voltage surges. It is this UPS that will be discussed in the article.

Justification for choosing an expensive device

In the 21st century, most users give preference to universal devices. This is evidenced by numerous reviews and testimonials. This choice also fell on the UPS, whose task, especially in the post-Soviet space, is the function of maintaining electrical power in the event of a power outage. As well as equalizing the voltage in the network, which “walks” in multi-storey buildings due to heavy loads and weak electrical wiring. Naturally, two devices with different functionality will cost the buyer more than one universal equipment.

The price of an uninterruptible power supply for a computer depends on only three factors:

  1. Manufacturing company. It is clear that the more famous the brand, the more expensive the device. However, well-known brands provide the user with excellent functionality. This supports remote control and works with all known operating systems.
  2. Uninterruptible power supply power. A device for an office PC with low power consumption will cost much less than a UPS for a gaming computer.
  3. Functionality. Number of connected devices, computer network protection, fine-tuning response thresholds, etc.

Greeted by clothes

You should not choose an uninterruptible power supply for your computer based on its appearance. Nice color and beautiful appearance will never get rid of the problems associated with a fall or power outage. Yes, manufacturers always want to please the user, but often, in an effort to provide a competitively priced product on the market, they distract the buyer’s attention from functionality and reliability with flashy and unnecessary additions.

First of all, the buyer’s attention should be focused on power, functionality, capabilities warranty repair and service. Only after making sure that the UPS meets all the initial requirements can you begin to select appearance among the selected models. Many devices are equipped with information displays, all this is good, but it is worth noting that many people place a UPS for a computer under the table; naturally, the panel indication will be of little use in operation, and therefore there is no need to overpay for its presence.

UPS functionality

Each manufacturer tries to provide its device with additional features that will provide the user with ease of use. You can do without additional functions, but sometimes there are situations when during work you need to connect optional equipment or fine-tune.

  1. Possibility of connecting multiple devices. A UPS for a computer has two 220V outputs by default. One for the system unit, the second for the monitor. Sometimes there is a need to connect lighting, speakers, a router, but there are no free connectors. You can buy a power strip in the market that can be connected to a UPS and satisfy your needs.
  2. Opportunity remote connection. The UPS can be configured so that, through a special interface cable, they can correctly shut down the PC in the absence of power, in the absence of the user, which is quite convenient. Also, remote control allows you to independently adjust response thresholds during voltage surges.
  3. Availability of a cooling system. The built-in transformer tends to heat up, and accumulated dust over the years can lead to overheating of the device.
  4. Battery calibration. The ability of the device to customize batteries allows you to buy Chinese fakes, which are an order of magnitude cheaper than the original ones.

UPS power calculation

The main mistake of users is that when buying a UPS for a computer, they do not understand how to choose a device so that the battery capacity is enough to operate for a long time without electricity. Sellers are happy to try their best, offering devices with maximum power, the price of which approaches the cost gasoline generator. This is the wrong approach. The main task is to purchase an inexpensive UPS that allows uninterrupted operation for several minutes, which is enough to save important information and shut down the computer correctly.

The main criterion is the power of the UPS. If you do not plan to upgrade your computer, data can be taken from the characteristics of the monitor and PC power supplies. For a reserve, you can add 10-20%. When purchasing, many users recommend using “Moore’s law”: adding up the current power consumption, the result is multiplied by two - for the future. A 220V uninterruptible power supply without exceeding power consumption will always provide the user with the opportunity to complete the work correctly and save.

Strange power markings on the UPS

Many users, when purchasing a UPS, are faced with incomprehensible markings on the devices. Unscrupulous sellers convince buyers that 600VA is nothing more than 600 W and is quite suitable for running a gaming computer. After all, the law of physics from the fifth grade textbook states that power is equal to the product of voltage and current. But the effective load factor is overlooked.

Without going into the details of physics, every user needs to know that when purchasing any equipment, the figure marked VA must be multiplied by the effective load factor. For lighting and heating elements it equal to one. A rotating tool, such as a hammer drill, has a coefficient of 0.8. But the marking indicator for all electronics must be multiplied by 0.65. Accordingly, a PC UPS marked 600 VA will have effective power 390 W. All conscientious IT equipment manufacturers indicate not only the effective load factor on their devices, but also make full information in the form of a sticker on the case, where the total and active power are written. It is also considered good practice to specify the nominal output voltage values ​​and input voltage ranges without switching to the battery.

Cold start

Judging by reviews from UPS owners, the “Cold Start” function, which allows you to turn on the equipment in the absence of power, transferring the entire load to charged batteries, is useless for PC operation. Who would be interested in running a PC for a couple of minutes? For some, the operating system takes much longer to load. But craftsmen have found a slightly inappropriate use for this function.

Cold start will be useful for people who have frequent power outages. The weakest uninterruptible power supply for a computer allows you to charge phones and tablets repeatedly. By connecting a portable fluorescent lamp to the UPS, you can get illumination for more than one day. Even a small LCD TV will have enough power for several hours. True, many owners will have to sacrifice silence, because not all UPSs turn off the high-frequency speaker, which every 5 seconds loudly reminds that the device is running on battery power.

Which brand should you prefer?

On the market huge selection UPS devices. Each seller guarantees that by choosing any uninterruptible power supply for a computer, the user will receive the object of his desires with greater functionality and high performance. And how many UPSs, whose brand name you can’t pronounce the first time, are all capable of satisfying the user?

If there is no buyer in mind specific model UPS, you need to trust your choice to a brand that has been on the market for decades. A manufacturer that has its own website with support for hundreds of languages, a service center in a regional city and a service hotline technical support. It is impossible for the UPS famous brand was released for only one segment. A serious manufacturer will take care of all price niches, including the corporate segment. The names of these brands are APC, General Electric, LogicPower, Powercom and Sven. Even if the price of UPS from some well-known manufacturers is overpriced for a certain segment, but this is due to high quality product.

Cheap segment

The cheap segment includes devices with low power up to 300 W, sufficient for operation office computers. The autonomous operation of the UPS declared by the manufacturers is about five minutes, which is quite enough to save documents and correctly shut down the work. Additional functions such as remote connection and cold start in the low-cost segment from well-known manufacturers are out of the question, but all those declared specifications UPS will be provided with interest.

Sven is considered the best inexpensive option in this segment. The UPS of this manufacturer, unlike its competitors, charges batteries from scratch quite quickly. Even though this leads to wear on the batteries, the device will be useful for users who have frequent short-term power outages in the office or at home. This segment is also well represented by products from the well-known company General Electric, which provide users with great functionality, but the price of UPSs in the category of low-power devices is a little overpriced.

Middle segment

For most users who have multimedia or a gaming computer, this segment will be of interest. A UPS power of 300 to 600 W is enough to keep your computer running during a power outage for up to 15 minutes. This time is enough not only for the computer to shut down correctly. You don't have to worry about saving in your favorite game at a certain point.

In the middle segment in terms of price-quality, LogicPower UPSs have proven themselves well. With a slight difference in price, the manufacturer's range is impressive. From a discreet appearance to a device with an LCD panel and the ability to control settings directly on the UPS case. Powercom also offers its devices in this segment at affordable price. Devices of this brand boast the presence additional connectors and a short circuit protection system.

Luxury home equipment

Not every user at home can afford a device that consumes one kilowatt; therefore, an uninterruptible power supply with the same power is required. Although the UPS is very powerful, its cost remains in an affordable price category. So it may be useful for game and multimedia lovers. The device is capable of pulling long work not only the monitor and the system unit. Judging by the reviews of the owners, home theaters and stereo systems are connected to the UPS. It's quite interesting to watch a movie, play a game or listen to music while everyone else in the house is without electricity.

All well-known manufacturers paid attention to the expensive segment Special attention. After all, the main direction of a 1 kW UPS is to ensure continuous operation of entry-level network and server equipment, and not long-term operation gaming computers. General Electric UPS offers a huge range in this segment.

Server equipment

UPS devices with a capacity of several kilowatts are intended for the corporate segment. They are very expensive not because they have larger batteries. UPS for servers have complex systems controls, built-in temperature sensors, have their own OS. Most server UPSs are designed for installation in server cabinet racks. Accordingly, their appearance and shape differ from the sizes that the user is used to seeing in the store.

The Smart-UPS server uninterruptible power supply from APC has proven itself well all over the world. Over the course of several decades, the well-known American manufacturer has achieved worldwide fame for its unrivaled UPS quality. The main factor in APC products is fault tolerance, which is necessary in the operation of server equipment for large and small businesses. When watching feature films related to hackers or artificial intelligence, you can notice that among the huge number of servers that the director shows viewers in the frame, there is equipment with the APC logo.


Having received complete information about uninterruptible power supplies, the buyer will not have any difficulties in making the right choice of the device needed for the home. The main thing to remember is that a UPS is not purchased for one year. This is a long-term purchase, perhaps for decades. Therefore, it is important to buy decent equipment that will last a very long time. It is only important not to forget to replace the batteries every 5-7 years of use.

Few people imagine modern world without electricity, because it gives us a huge number of possibilities, it is from it that our favorite gadgets are charged and maintains the voltage in the power supply of a computer or laptop. But sometimes there are unpleasant surges that can not only damage equipment, but also break it irreversibly. To reduce possible damage to a minimum, humanity came up with UPS (UPS), and you will learn how to choose an uninterruptible power supply from this article.

What you need to know before going to the store

Choose correct model It's not that difficult, you just need to put in a little effort. The selected power of the uninterruptible power supply must meet your needs. Moreover, in many modern devices voltage regulators are already built-in, which during a surge will turn it off or go into emergency mode, because the usefulness of installing a UPS on them is not so high; perhaps a regular carrier with a fuse will suffice. The most unprotected household electrical appliances are televisions, old refrigerators, and computers. Also remember about imported equipment, which is designed for a voltage of 110-220W, but no more.
Decide where you will install the uninterruptible power supply and how much equipment will be available for it. Perhaps you want to connect the entire room at once and have peace of mind, or perhaps only certain devices. Modern UPSs can be quite large if they have good battery and more than three outlets are available.
Don't forget when answering a question how to choose an uninterruptible power supply about its power and battery capacity. This determines whether it will withstand all appliances during a power outage. Decide on the amount of equipment and calculate the approximate total consumption of watts per hour.

You need to know this when choosing a UPS for your computer and computer equipment

  • The most shock-resistant thing in a computer is the hard drive.
  • Several small uninterruptible systems can be more profitable than one large one.
  • The lower the load percentage, the longer the autonomous mode.
  • , copiers and scanners do not like UPS, but if there is a need, choose a model with a power of at least 1100VA.
  • When unplugging the uninterruptible power supply from the outlet, do not forget to turn it off using the power button.

A few words about choosing a UPS for household appliances

There is no noticeable difference from the instructions described above; the main feature lies in the calculation of the future power of the uninterruptible power supply. So for the calculation, you will need:

  1. Power of the device itself (boiler, pump, etc.) (indicated in the technical specifications or on the sticker on the back)
  2. In the case of a boiler, the power of the installed pumps (on average 130 Watt)

You should choose a model of at least an advanced level, but better yet, a full-fledged one with online technology (switching to a battery in a split second). It will not be superfluous to be able to connect additional batteries to the selected UPS; this will allow you to independently purchase the required quantity.

You need to know that not everyone computer models suitable for boiler or pump. The reason for this lies in the inconsistent, clearly defined phase of such devices, which negatively affects the sensors installed in the device, which may show incorrect information or stop working altogether. When choosing a UPS for household appliances, always ask if the model is producing the correct sine wave.

Example of UPS models for household appliances:

  • LogicPower PSW-5000VA
  • LogicPower LPY-W-PSW-2000VA
  • Delta R Amplon
  • SVEN Reserve Home-1000


The only thing I forgot to mention in the article is the brand and manufacturer. But everything is simple here, take a product that has a developed network of service centers in your region. This will make finding and replacing batteries much easier. I hope we have fully covered the question of how to choose an uninterruptible power supply; if you have any suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments.

A good video on testing an uninterruptible power supply using the example of a refrigerator

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Having surrounded himself with computers and gadgets, a person remains powerless in the face of a banal power outage. Let's imagine the situation. A worker in an office works tirelessly, typing page after page of text. There's just a little bit left, but... the power goes out and work is lost. How to protect yourself? After all, no one expects such a problem. In this case, a UPS for your computer will save you, as it will allow you to prolong the operation of your computer without mains voltage. A person has time to save the necessary information and turn off the device in the proper way. Today we will look at the characteristics of uninterruptible power supplies, analyze how to choose them correctly and what to pay special attention to.

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Why do you need an uninterruptible power supply for your computer?

Besides saving necessary information at emergency shutdown electricity, an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) ensures correct closure of running programs. After all, improper shutdown of the PC leads to failures in software, which requires reinstallation. This is an unpleasant matter for the user. Some information is lost, not to mention the waste of time and money on paying a computer technician.

A battery is installed inside the UPS case, supplying 220 V to the PC after turning off the power to the unit itself, for another 5-15 minutes. This is enough to complete the actions that are necessary. The battery life depends on the power of the installed batteries.

Good to know! An uninterruptible power supply for a computer is needed not only for frequent outages and power failures. It eliminates power surges, prolonging the life of your personal desktop computer. In laptops, the role of protection is played by Charger, and backup power is supplied by the battery.

UPS for a computer: main types

Uninterruptible power supplies for the home differ both in technical characteristics and cost, as well as in their operating principle. There are three types:

  • backup source, or Back-UPS;
  • line-interactive – Smart-UPS;
  • Double conversion UPS – On-Line.

The choice of one device or another will depend on the equipment that is connected to it. Let's look at the types in more detail.

Backup uninterruptible power supply: advantages and disadvantages

Inexpensive devices that switch power from the mains to batteries in the event of a low or blackout in the mains voltage. The speed is 10 milliseconds, which is enough for the smooth operation of the computer. The most popular due to their low cost, high efficiency and silent operation. However, there are also disadvantages. The durability of such devices is lower than that of other types, and batteries for UPSs are not cheap.

When purchasing such equipment, it makes sense to include a reserve of 20-30% in the nominal power.

Features of linear interactive equipment

Here a voltage stabilizer is included in the circuit. Due to this, the cost of the equipment increases, however, switching to battery power occurs only in the event of a complete power outage, which saves resources batteries. If the previous type is designed for 5-15 minutes battery life, then the linear-interactive is capable of providing uninterrupted power to the computer for up to 20 minutes.

Among the shortcomings, we note the noise generated by the stabilizer cooling fan during operation.

Double conversion uninterruptible power supplies

Complex and expensive devices that convert mains current into direct current and then back into alternating current. As a result, the output is a smooth alternating current with a sinusoid close to ideal parameters. The batteries are constantly connected, which reduces the response time to zero.

But such equipment also has enough disadvantages - these are high level noise, low efficiency and increased heat generation. There is no need to talk about the cost - it is higher than previous types. However, in some industries it is impossible to do without such equipment. It's about about connecting high-precision equipment that does not allow power interruptions even for 1 millisecond.

Technical parameters of uninterruptible power supplies

When choosing a UPS for your home, you need to pay special attention to the technical characteristics of the device. Among them we highlight:

  1. Rated power of the device.
  2. Battery life.
  3. Number of connectors for connected equipment.
  4. PC communication software.
  5. Controls.

All parameters must be selected in optimal ratio with connected equipment. This will save you from purchasing a device with insufficient characteristics or overpaying for excess ones.

Rated power of the uninterruptible power supply

The power of uninterruptible power supplies is indicated in volt-amperes (VA). This means you need to convert this figure into the usual watts. It's not difficult: 1000 VA = 0.7 kW. We get, with a UPS power of 1 VA, the maximum permissible load will be 700 W. However, do not forget about the need for a reserve, which is 20-30% of the total power consumption. Let's make approximate calculations. Average consumption of a modern computer is 200 W, a laser printer is 10-20 W, but an inkjet printer is 150 W. We take the maximum, getting 350 W. It is possible that additional devices will be connected - this is another 150 W. As a result, 500/0.7 + 30% = 929 VA. This will be the required UPS power. But it is worth mentioning that experts do not recommend connecting a printer (especially an inkjet) to such equipment. But this is not necessary for the printer.

UPS battery life

This parameter plays a major role. But do not forget that the higher the battery life, the heavier and larger the devices will be. The operating time during a power outage depends on the power consumption of the connected equipment. This means that the more powerful the UPS (for the same consumer), the longer the battery life.

It makes sense to think about whether it is worth purchasing a powerful uninterruptible power supply device for the home with high-capacity batteries if, to save necessary information Is 5-7 minutes enough? Why overpay for unnecessary technical features?

What number of connectors is considered optimal?

There are 2 types of connectors on the case of the uninterruptible power supply for the home in case of a power outage. One is provided with uninterruptible power supply, and the second is powered directly from the network. There may be 2 or more connectors of both types.

It is worth selecting equipment taking into account the connected equipment. If you plan to connect 2 system units, 2 monitors and a couple of peripheral devices, then you should choose a UPS equipped with 4 connectors of each type.

Software: what is it for in a UPS

Uninterruptible power supply devices for a private home may have the function feedback with a computer. This requires software that is installed by the manufacturer. In this case, complete with UPS disk is coming with drivers for PC. Such models are located in a high price category. The device transmits to the computer data about the battery charge, equipment status, network voltage, and also notifies the user about switching to autonomous power mode. You can configure the UPS parameters from your PC.

Helpful information! If a similar model was purchased secondhand and the disk is missing, the necessary drivers can be downloaded via the Internet on the official website of the manufacturer.

Display and controls

The UPS for PC is controlled using buttons on the front panel or via a computer. Modern uninterruptible power supplies are equipped with indicators that indicate the moment of switching to offline mode or the need to replace the battery. It is also possible to equip it with liquid crystal displays, which display data on the network status, load on the device, mode switching or battery status.

Well-known manufacturers of such equipment

There is plenty of such equipment on the Russian shelves of manufacturers. But there are brands that are more popular than others. Among them we can highlight:

  • P-Com;
  • Inelt;
  • Ippon;
  • Powercom.

Each company has its own advantages and disadvantages, but in general the quality of the equipment is high for all brands. This means that you need to consider not the brand itself, but the products that it produces. Today we will rank the best models from the lines of these manufacturers, but first we’ll talk about the rules for choosing uninterruptible power supply devices.

A competent solution to the question of how to choose an uninterruptible power supply for a computer begins with calculating the power of the PC, but it is worth considering other issues - the type of connection, voltage range and battery life. Additional functions are also important, but they are secondary and depend on financial capabilities.

Important! Before choosing an uninterruptible power supply, you should understand what requirements it has. After all, a new generation PC UPS will not be able to work with older models, whose power consumption is much higher.

How to choose a UPS for a computer based on power

To begin with, we determine the total power consumption of all equipment planned for connection. Only equipment powered from connectors provided with uninterruptible power supply is taken into account. The power of peripheral devices is not important, but you need to know their number to count connectors. Then we calculate the minimum required power of the uninterruptible power supply in VA (how to do this was discussed above).

Selecting a UPS by connection type

There can be two options here - standard and modular. If possible, the modular type will be optimal - it eliminates the N number of unconnected wires that get confused and interfere with the user. In the modular version, only the required wires are connected to the block, the free ones are disconnected and put aside.

Input voltage range: what does it affect?

The input voltage range is the range between the upper and lower, indicating the ability of the UPS to withstand overloads. The optimal choice would be the device with the highest upper limit. This will allow you not to be afraid of sudden voltage surges.

Expert opinion

ES, EM, EO design engineer (power supply, electrical equipment, interior lighting) ASP North-West LLC

Ask a specialist

“You should not rely on the fact that the voltage in your apartment or house is always at the same level and there are no surges. Given the quality of work of Russian energy sales companies, anything can happen, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to prove their guilt later.”

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In this publication we will look at which one is better to choose and what to pay special attention to, consider popular models and their technical characteristics.

Select by battery life and additional features

The battery life, as already mentioned, is quite sufficient even for cheap models. But it happens that the computer works very slowly. This occurs if you are using an old PC or if there are viruses in the software. In this case, the time it takes for programs to close may increase. This means you need to either change your PC, or buy an uninterruptible power supply for your home with an increased battery life - 15-20 minutes (if there is a virus, you can reinstall the system - it will cost less).

UPS for a computer: rating of the best models of 2017-2018

Buy good source Uninterruptible power supply is easy. The main thing is to follow the rules presented above. And to simplify the choice, we will present several of the best, in our opinion, models, simultaneously considering the technical characteristics. Perhaps this will help the reader.

5th place – P-ComPC 500

This uninterruptible power supply can work not only with a computer, but also with a gas boiler. Switching speed is 5 milliseconds, weight is 6.5 kg. In general, the device does not cause any complaints. The only let down is the cost - 7,300 rubles, in the absence of batteries. Here they are external and purchased separately. Has a built-in stabilizer. Power transformer lamellar, W-shaped.

4th place – Inelt One Station 600

The UPS manufactured in Taiwan is equipped with three uninterruptible power outlets with a power of 600 VA. The manufacturer promises battery life from 3 to 30 minutes, depending on the load. The device has proven itself well, it is compact and light weight.

Cost per Russian market– 3,500 rub.

3rd place – Powercom WOW 300

Compact UPS, equipped with three full-fledged sockets (2 – uninterrupted supply, 1 – direct from the network). The device weighs less than 2 kg, which allows it to be placed in any convenient place. The power is small - only 300 VA, but for a modern computer this is quite enough. Voltage range from 165 to 275 V. Built-in indication informing about switching power to the battery, overload, malfunction and depletion of charge.

Overall, a worthy device, captivating with its compactness. The disadvantage is low power, but this is only relevant for “advanced gamers” with a computer high power. The cost of the equipment is 2,300 rubles.

2nd place – APC Back-UPS Pro BX650 LI-GR

According to the manufacturer, APC Back-UPS Pro BX650LI-GR is an ideal device to ensure PC functionality during power supply problems. The battery is fully charged in 4 hours and provides a power of 650 VA. Accelerated performance - 6 milliseconds. It is possible to connect two devices (monitor, system unit).

Input voltage range from 170 to 280 V, output voltage– 230 V. Guarantee period operation, subject to conditions, 24 months. Cost – 3,300 rubles.

1st place – IPPON Back Basic 650 Euro

This model is suitable for both home and office use. The manufacturer guarantees the operation of the device for at least 24 months. As for the equipment, we note the presence of two bypass sockets with filters, protection against short circuits, overload and deep discharge of batteries. The battery life is 20 minutes, which is quite a lot. The weight of the device is small, 4.35 kg, which allows you to install it on a shelf. UPS type is line-interactive, input voltage range is from 162 to 285 V, and time fully charged battery – 6 hours.

The cost of IPPON Back Basic 650 Euro is 2,500 rubles.

Where to buy a UPS for a computer and what are the prices for such equipment

You can purchase an uninterruptible power supply both in a regular store and from online sellers. Let's consider the cost of devices in low and high price categories:

Make and modelPower, VANumber of battery connectorsAverage price, rub.

650 180-270 2 3600

Ippon Back Comfo Pro 600 New
600 162-268 1 4400

Defender AVR Real 1500i
1000 150-280 2 3300

CyberPower Value 400E
400 175-285 2 3500

And now the prices for a UPS for a premium computer.

Make and modelPower, VAInput voltage range, VNumber of battery connectorsAverage price, rub.

IPPON Innova RT 6000
6000 120-276 4 142000

3000 160-275 8 160000

POWERCOM Vanguard RM VRT-6000 w/o Bat
6000 170-240 4 78000

1500 160-275 4 65000


When purchasing equipment such as an uninterruptible power supply, you should carefully consider necessary functions, power and technical characteristics of the device that is required. Don’t be shy to ask the seller about anything that is not clear from the documentation for the device. Find out how the warranty is issued and for how long. For such devices it is 18-24 months. Only by making the right, balanced and informed choice can you count on full protection home computer.

We hope that the information we presented today was useful to you. Questions on the topic can be asked in the discussion below. Our specialists will answer them in as soon as possible. Write, ask, communicate, share your opinion and experience.

And finally, by tradition, a useful video on the topic of today’s article.

An uninterruptible power supply for a computer is needed for the correct completion of programs and for the user to save important data in the event of a power outage. The UPS is not designed to power a computer for a long time. The operating time is on average 15 minutes, which is enough to close and save everything. For more long work powerful batteries are needed, which makes the device very bulky and expensive.

Depending on the principle UPS operation are divided into three types:

Backup UPS;
- line-interactive UPS;
- Double conversion UPS.

When purchasing such a device, you should remember that the power of the UPS is indicated in volt-amperes - VA, and the power of the connected devices in watts - W. To convert one value to another, you need to multiply the amount of VA by a factor of 0.7 and you get watts. For example, the power of a UPS of 1000 VA multiplied by 0.7 - you get 700 W. Therefore, taking into account the required power reserve, a load of up to 500 W can be connected to such a UPS.

When choosing a UPS, you should also pay attention to the battery life at full load, the presence of short circuit protection in the network and the connected device, the ability to replace batteries, the presence of a display and what information is displayed on it.

Backup UPS

In the event of a power outage or severe voltage drop, the backup UPS switches to batteries. The switching time is less than 10 milliseconds, which is quite enough for the smooth operation of the computer. Due to the possibility of switching the UPS to battery power during power surges, it is advisable to turn on a network stabilizer before it, this will significantly extend the life of the batteries.

Backup power supplies are the most common type of UPS because... relatively cheap, have high efficiency And low level noise. The battery life ranges from 5 to 10-15 minutes and depends on the power of the connected device. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a device with a 20–30% power reserve.

Line-interactive UPS

Uninterruptible power supplies of this type include a voltage stabilizer, so they have an advantage over the previous ones, but they also cost significantly more.

Such devices switch to battery power only when complete shutdown electricity, so the batteries last much longer. They are also more economical, have longer battery life - up to 20 minutes, more high protection connected devices. Disadvantages: high price and noise from the stabilizer cooling fan.

Double conversion UPS

These are the most complex and expensive devices. The working principle is to transform alternating current to constant and then again to variable. The output is an ideal sine wave and a voltage of exactly 220 volts. The batteries are permanently connected, so these UPSs have zero switching time.

Designed to power expensive equipment, server stations and computer networks, preventing even short-term interruption of work. Disadvantages - very high cost, low efficiency, high heat generation, increased noise.

First, you need to take into account the power of the uninterruptible power supply. To calculate the required power in volt-amperes, you need to take into account the power factor, which for an uninterruptible power supply is 0.7. Thus, for a 200W system you need a UPS with a power of 200/0.7=285 VA.

Secondly, you should determine the load backup time required for your system. This criterion determines the battery capacity for the uninterruptible power supply device, which is the most expensive part of the UPS. In this regard, you should precisely determine the purpose of using the UPS: perhaps it is needed to continue the operation of your PC after a power outage for 5-10 minutes; or you need several hours to complete urgent projects; or the UPS is designed to provide long-term power to an alarm system or other systems.

The third parameter is the voltage shape. For PC usually used pulsed sources power supply, and here it is quite possible to use step voltage.

What should you pay attention to?

When choosing an uninterruptible power supply for your computer, you should keep in mind that usually a device with a power of 400 to 600 VA is sufficient for such purposes. If your home PC has a lot peripheral devices, you should purchase a slightly more powerful source, for example, 825 VA. If you have two PCs at home, then to fully protect them you need to purchase a UPS with a capacity of more than 1000 VA.

When choosing an uninterruptible power supply for home use, you need to take into account that this device is usually installed on the table next to the system unit - for ease of monitoring its operation. Thus, it is desirable that the UPS be of a pleasant color and design and not make too much noise (no more than 40-45 dB at a distance of up to 1 m).

In addition to the above, you should know that on average a PC is able to maintain operation during a voltage drop of up to 20 ms, although some system units can withstand fluctuations of even 300 ms. It is advisable to take these indicators of your PC into account when choosing an uninterruptible power supply.

What are the main functions of UPS?

The main functions of uninterruptible power supplies are as follows:

  • Smoothing out small and short-term power surges;
  • Filtering the supply voltage and ensuring less noisy operation of the system;
  • Maintaining system functionality for certain time after a power outage in the network;
  • Protecting the system from overloads or short circuits.
  • In addition to the basic functions, modern UPSs are often equipped with a number of additional ones thanks to special software:
  • Automatic shutdown of the system if there is no voltage in the network for a long time and restart of the system when the power supply is restored;
  • Testing the state of the uninterruptible power supply system and recording the relevant data in a log file (source temperature, battery charge level, etc.);
  • Indication of voltage and frequency indicators of alternating current in the electrical network, supply voltage at the output, as well as the power consumed by the load;
  • Notifying the user in case of emergency situations using indicators or a monitor, sound signals or program messages;
  • Possibility of setting a timer for automatic switching on and turning off the load at a certain time.

What are passive backup uninterruptible power supplies?

Passive standby UPS is one of three classes of uninterruptible power supplies according to the accepted standard of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IES). These UPSs are often called offline UPSs.

The principle of their operation is quite simple - when normal functioning system (if the input voltage does not exceed the established standards), the load passed through the filter is obtained directly from the mains. If the indicators begin to exceed the established limits, the load is transferred to power from the battery of this uninterruptible power supply.
The simplicity of organizing the operation of a passive backup UPS determines its fairly simple circuit design, compact size and low cost. At the same time, this type of uninterruptible computer power supply has many disadvantages. The main disadvantage is that any perceptible change in the power supply can lead to a switch to battery power, which quickly wears out this expensive part of the UPS.

What are line-interactive UPSs and where are they used?

Line interactive uninterruptible power supplies (line interactive), compared to offline UPSs, have an additional voltage stabilization function. They are equipped with a special AVR module, which corrects voltage fluctuations when it decreases or increases and ensures normal operation of the system without switching to battery power. The backup power mode will only turn on if the voltage changes by an amount that the AVR cannot correct.

Less frequent use of the battery in line-interactive UPSs guarantees greater durability than in offline uninterruptible power supplies. Operating voltage range for of this type The UPS is significantly wider than offline uninterruptible power supply systems, averaging +/- 20% of rated voltage. The rated voltage is usually 220V, 230V or 240V. The switching time to the battery for this type of UPS is quite long - about 4-7ms, but for home use this is insignificant.

Currently, line-interactive uninterruptible power supplies are optimal choice for use at home.

What are the advantages of online uninterruptible power supplies?

Online UPS, also called double conversion UPS, are the most expensive class of UPS. The principle of their operation is significantly different from other UPSs. The alternating voltage entering the online UPS is converted into direct voltage (thanks to the rectifier), which is then converted back into alternating voltage (thanks to the inverter) - such double conversion protects the protected system almost one hundred percent from any changes in the external network.

The battery is permanently connected to the inverter input, which minimizes the switching time to it in an emergency (0.0 ms). The power of such a device is usually quite large - from 700VA.

Among the disadvantages of online uninterruptible power supplies are low efficiency (since electricity is converted twice), high noise levels during operation and fairly high prices. Because of this, these UPS uninterruptible power supplies are usually not used to protect home PCs or electrical appliances. The main area of ​​their use is corporate applications.

What are ferroresonant UPSs?

Ferroresonant ups - uninterruptible power supplies - are devices that operate based on the ferroresonance effect, which is usually used in voltage stabilizers. These UPSs use a ferroresonant transformer, which normal mode is a voltage stabilizer and also a surge protector.

When the power supply is interrupted, this transformer supplies power to the load within 8-16 ms using the electricity that has accumulated in its magnetic system. This time is enough for the uninterruptible power supply inverter to start supplying the load with electricity from the battery.

This type of UPS does not have a very high efficiency (no more than 93%), so it is not particularly widespread, despite the fact that it provides quite reliable protection from high-voltage energy emissions and electromagnetic noise. Ferroresonant uninterruptible power supplies are medium power sources - their maximum power is 18 kVA.

What power do the UPS operate with?

Depending on the power of the uninterruptible power supply, they are conventionally classified into three types: low-power, medium-power and high-power sources.
Low-power UPSs are those that are connected directly to the equipment being protected and are powered from the mains via standard sockets. Such devices are usually rated for power in the range of 250-3000 VA (depending on the model).

Medium power UPSs are typically rated in the 3-30kVA range. They supply power to the load via a built-in socket block or a special socket network. These uninterruptible power supply devices usually receive power from the distribution board cable through a protective switching device.

High power UPS UPSs typically operate at voltages ranging from 10 to hundreds of kVA (up to 800 kVA). They are connected to the mains in the same way as medium-power UPSs. They are usually located in special rooms, have significant dimensions and are floor-mounted.

How to convert power ratings for uninterruptible power supplies from volt-amperes to watts?

Power factor (PF) is used to convert power ratings from VA to W. If your uninterruptible power supply uses step approximation, you need to multiply the power in volt-amperes by a factor of 0.6; if sine is used - by 0.7 - 0.95 depending on the PF of the power supply. For a computer uninterruptible power supply, the coefficient is usually 0.7.

Sources providing< strong>uninterruptible power supply have such a parameter as maximum active power, which is measured in watts. If, suppose, your UPS has a rating of 1000VA, 600W, this means that the active power received from the source should be no more than 600W, while the total power of the system can reach 1000VA.

What capabilities does an uninterruptible power supply have?

Before choosing an uninterruptible power supply, ease of use and Maintenance. It is quite important to be able to observe the operation of the source. For these purposes, modern uninterruptible power supplies are equipped with LEDs or displays.

Each uninterruptible power supply has a function for testing its internal components, which starts automatically when the UPS starts and is repeated periodically. Testing includes monitoring emergency situations, analyzing the condition and charge level of the battery, as well as the correct connection of the uninterruptible power supply.

Many modern UPSs are equipped with the ability to remotely monitor equipment power. To do this, the uninterruptible power supply of a computer or other system is connected to it using special interface cables and certain software. In particular, the use of Smart 2000 software, an RS-232 interface, and a dry contact interface makes the task of controlling a source over long distances quite feasible.

Most UPS have the ability hot swap batteries, i.e. replacement without turning off the source itself and stopping the system power supply. Thus, the user can buy batteries himself and replace old ones with them. All online UPSs and some line-interactive sources have this function.

What should you consider when connecting a UPS?

Connecting an uninterruptible power supply device is not a difficult task. A standard UPS has a number of identical connectors for electrical cables. However, it should be taken into account that the uninterruptible power supply of the computer and the computer itself cannot be connected using a computer cable that has a standard plug at the end, because The UPS connector simply will not fit such a plug. In some cases special cables are not included with the UPS and must be purchased separately. Powerful blocks Uninterruptible power supplies are usually connected using special terminal blocks.

You should not connect copying machines or laser printers to the UPS, because while working they sometimes use high peak power, which can cause the uninterruptible power supply to overload and shut down the entire system.

Once the UPS is connected to the network, it will take about 4-6 hours to fully charge its battery. After this, the device is completely ready for use. At normal operation The UPS system does not make itself felt at all. If an emergency situation occurs, it notifies the user in three ways: using indicators or a display, an audio signal, and programmatically using a special message on the computer screen.

Which type of UPS is best for offices and local networks?

The problem of protecting offices and local networks from power supply problems has three solutions. The first solution is the simplest and least expensive. All important information should be stored on a server that is equipped with a reliable UPS - an uninterruptible power supply.

Typically, line-interactive UPSs or online ones are used for these purposes to protect particularly valuable data. The functions that these high-end uninterruptible power supply units are equipped with, such as monitoring or remote control are important in these conditions.
The second type of solution will provide greater reliability at higher costs. It consists of supplying computers with simple UPSs. If you do not forget about the maximum permissible power, you can save money by connecting several workstations to one uninterruptible power supply system.

The third option is the most expensive, but provides maximum protection systems and information security. It consists of connecting the entire electrical network to an online UPS designed for high power. Such a step is rational only if the information in the system is exceptionally valuable or if there is a controller that can accurately de-energize the system at the right time.

What is the service life of batteries? UPS batteries and is it possible to extend it?

When choosing an uninterruptible power supply, the price largely depends on the type of battery. Batteries can usually be used for 4-6 years, but improper handling can shorten this period. One reason for shortening battery life is using them until they are completely discharged.

When used in this way, irreversible chemical processes occur in batteries. Heat air (above 30 degrees) also shortens the life of batteries. Destructive for batteries and for many components of the UPS and severe overload of the system.
Before you start using your new UPS, you need to charge it for several hours. Spare batteries should not be purchased for future use, because... Their shelf life is not very long. To protect the battery from overheating, it is advisable to purchase an uninterruptible power supply system that periodically tests its components and corrects their condition. If the device has been subjected to hypothermia (below 0 degrees), it should be warmed up for several hours before starting work.

How to ensure long-term operation of a UPS?

    • To do this, you need to follow a number of the following rules:
      • Avoid overloading the UPS - connect to it only those systems that really need to be prevented from problems with the power supply;
      • Properly ground the system, because otherwise the effectiveness of the adjustment will be reduced;
      • Do not hit or shake the uninterruptible power supply;
      • Do not store the uninterruptible power supply in a damp place;
      • During a power outage, you should turn off the equipment connected to the UPS so that the source can charge its battery when power returns. This action will prevent complete discharge batteries;
      • You cannot turn on a surge protector between the uninterruptible power supply system and the computer;
      • It is worth periodically testing the uninterruptible power supply of its components;
      • Do not connect laser printers or photocopiers to the source.
      • Thus, the service life of the batteries of the uninterruptible power supply unit largely depends on compliance with the operating rules: frequency of switching on offline mode, temperature and humidity in the room, charging conditions and the type of battery itself.

What's happened distributed system uninterruptible power supply?

A distributed uninterruptible power system is a system consisting of a number of UPSs, with each source supplied to a separate PC or other equipment. The uninterruptible power supplies that make up such a system may have different characteristics and properties.

This system, which provides uninterrupted power supply, is simple and is most often used in offices and for home purposes. It has many advantages:

Due to the fact that each piece of equipment is protected by its own UPS, the protection in the system is used as efficiently as possible - protection is selected for each element in accordance with its characteristics, the nature of the work and the degree of importance of the information;

This uninterruptible power supply system provides simple and effective method control over its status - each user sees the status of the UPS of the equipment attached to it and can promptly report in case of problems;

Develop this system quite simple - you can start by purchasing a UPS for the server, and then gradually supply all equipment in the system with sources;

If one of the uninterruptible power supplies in the system fails, the system continues to function effectively by replacing the broken UPS with a source from less important equipment.

What is a centralized uninterruptible power supply system?

A centralized uninterruptible power supply system usually consists of one UPS installed to protect large quantity equipment.

Such a system has a number of advantages:

Centralized uninterruptible power supply systems usually use high-class UPSs that provide best protection equipment;

Three-phase UPSs (UPS), which are usually used in this system, protect the power grid from overloads associated with PC operation and make the operation of the entire system safer;

Using one uninterruptible power supply instead of several of the same price category allows you to significantly save money;

One uninterruptible power supply is much easier to control than several dozen UPSs.

A centralized uninterruptible power supply system also has a number of disadvantages, for example, the need for qualified personnel or a specialized company to service the UPS; such a system is much more difficult to change and expand - therefore, when planning it, you need to take into account all the nuances and prospects for the future; such a system is quite expensive for use in simple computer systems.

What is bypass and what is its function in a UPS?

If you need to choose an uninterruptible power supply that would meet the requirements of increased reliability, special attention should be paid to the bypass. Bypass is a bypass mechanism and is an essential part of any high or medium power uninterruptible power supply.

This mechanism consists of two main parts - an electronic bypass (static) and a mechanical (manual) bypass. This electronic-mechanical design allows you to transfer the load from the UPS inverter to bypass and back without changing the nature of the voltage. Bypass is link between the input and output of the UPS and allows this communication to bypass the power backup mechanism.

Thanks to the bypass, the following functions are performed:

      • Turning on and off the uninterruptible power supply to carry out repair work without interrupting the power supply to the receivers;
      • If short circuits or overloads occur in the inverter, the load can be transferred from the inverter to bypass;
      • If the power quality in the network is normal, the load can be transferred from the inverter to bypass to save energy.

What types of inverters are used in UPS?

The inverter is important part any UPS (UPS). This is a semiconductor that converts direct voltage from batteries (AB) into alternating voltage in volts, which is supplied to the load. In line-interactive UPS uninterruptible power supplies, the inverter often performs additional functions charger.

The inverter can supply different voltage waveforms depending on the type of UPS. Simplified inverter models often produce a square wave voltage with pauses without current. Inverters of more advanced models generate an approximate voltage - stepwise, but close to a sinusoidal shape. These two types of inverters are suitable for protecting low-power equipment and are used with pulse blocks nutrition.

Inverters of more powerful uninterruptible power supplies, in particular linear-interactive ones, produce a sinusoidal voltage with a fairly low distortion coefficient (no more than 3%). Such inverters can be used for any type of load, from pulsed PC units to electric motors.

What does mirror conversion scheme mean and what is it used for?

Mirror conversion circuitry is often used in industrial double conversion uninterruptible power supplies. Its operation is based on the use of IGBT transistors, i.e. bipolar field effect transistors with an insulated gate.

The peculiarity of mirror conversion is that the rectifier and inverter of the UPS have the same structure. This feature allows you to achieve the following results:
Receiving input current without nonlinear distortion;

The power factor of the uninterruptible power supply is close to unity;

Implementation of the PWM principle without using a transformer at the output.

The main disadvantage of mirror conversion is the rather low efficiency - 1-1.5% lower than that of a double conversion UPS with thyristor converters. This determines the small scope of application of such uninterruptible power supplies with a power of no more than 30-40 kVA.

What is the principle of PWM?

Principle pulse width modulation(PWM) consists of determining the optimal time during which the key transistor is open and simultaneously adjusting the amount of electricity accumulated by the transformer. The main advantages of this method are the constant repetition period T along with the simplicity of its implementation. Thanks to this, the PWM principle is used in almost every uninterruptible power supply

For example
, if the current of the equipment protected by the UPS (UPS) increases, the following occurs. The energy stored by the transformer begins to be consumed faster, reducing the time for the key to be closed. To increase the energy reserve in the transformer, the process of increasing the time for the open state of the key transistor occurs. Thus, the total time T is constant. Similar actions also occur when the current in the equipment decreases.

The device that regulates the operation of the key transistor is called a PWM controller. The PWM controller is an integral part of the UPS and includes all control elements, such as starting and protection devices.