PayPal payment system: how to use, withdraw and deposit money. Creating a Paypal e-wallet and how to deposit money into it

Electronic money payments are becoming more and more popular every year all over the world. In Russia, this method of paying for purchases is also at a decent level. Unfortunately, not all electronic payment systems allow you to make purchases outside the country, so for such virtual shopping you should create an account in the Paypal system.

How to register with Paypal in Russia will be described in detail below. This operation will not take much time, and for successful registration it is enough to have an electronic mailbox and a plastic bank card.

What is Paypal

Paypal is the world's most popular electronic payment system, which allows you to make purchases via the Internet in many countries around the world. This system has existed on the financial services market for more than 16 years, so there is no need to worry about the reliability of this service. The peculiarity of this system is that it provides security guarantees for both the buyer and the seller.

At the moment, the payment system operates in 190 countries, including Russia. Registering on this resource is no more difficult than registering on a social network, but in order to make money transfers and pay for purchases, you will need to link a plastic card to your account.

How to register with Paypal in Russia

To create a Paypal wallet, you need to register a secure email account. It is advisable to do this on a paid service, but if this is not possible, then you can use the services of Gmail mail, which is considered the most reliable among free email services.

You can register with PayPal without a plastic card, but to pay for goods or transfer funds, you will need any bank card with an amount equivalent to 5 US dollars.

Registration on Paypal is carried out in the following sequence:

  • you need to go to the official website of the PayPal payment system;
  • press the button "Register";
  • When the registration page opens, you should select the account type.

If you select "Personal account", then this PayPal option will allow you to pay for purchases and order services via the Internet. This type of account will also allow you to transfer funds from one electronic system wallet to another.

If you register "Corporate account", then it will be possible not only to accept payments, but also to issue invoices for payment. This version of the PayPal wallet, more suitable for entrepreneurs and organizations who plan to carry out trading operations using the Internet. This type of Paypal electronic wallet is more secure, but to make regular purchases on the Internet, a basic version of a Paypal account is sufficient.

Linking a plastic card

In order for the card to be registered in the system, you must:

  • indicate the card number, which is on the front side;
  • enter the validity period, which is also indicated on the plastic card;
  • indicate the CSC code, which is located on the back of the card, under the magnetic tape.

When all the necessary plastic card data has been entered on the registration site, it will take some time for the data to be verified by the PayPal security service. When the verification is completed, a letter will be sent to the email address that was entered during registration. This letter will inform you about linking your bank card to the PayPal electronic payment system.

Account verification

In order to gain access to all functions of the payment system, you will need to verify your account. This procedure is carried out to confirm the electronic mailbox and credit card. To confirm your email, you need to log into your PayPal account using your registered username and password, go to "Profile" - "Change email address". When a new page opens, you must select an email address and click the “Confirm email address” button, which is located next to the mailbox.

After this operation, a message will be sent to your email address with a link that you will need to follow to confirm your email address. Confirmation of a plastic card will take much longer.

To carry out a confirming transaction, there must be an amount of at least 2 US dollars on the bank card account, which will be automatically transferred to the PayPal account. To do this, go to the main page in "Add card" and select from the registered cards the one that needs to be confirmed.

Before performing the verification procedure, it is recommended to call the bank's hotline and inquire about the possibility of making electronic payments. If a positive conclusion is received, then you can safely proceed to confirming the card. When the card you want to confirm is selected, you must press the button "Confirm". In the window that opens, you must follow the instructions and prompts on the screen to successfully complete this operation. To complete the verification process, you will need to enter the four-digit transaction code on the PayPal website that was assigned during the funds transfer. To obtain a code, you can call the bank's hotline or visit a branch of a credit institution in person. The easiest and fastest option is to obtain the code on the bank's website.

Pitfalls of using PayPal wallet

Upon completion of verification, the debited amount will be automatically returned to the plastic card. When linking a card and account, you should enter only existing data, without typos. Otherwise, difficulties may arise that may lead to blocking of your PayPal account.

When making payment transactions from an electronic PayPal account, if the payment amount is greater than the funds available in the account, the missing amount will be automatically withdrawn from the linked card. If payment is made in foreign currency, then, if necessary, automatic conversion will be made at the exchange rate on the day of the transaction. This function can be disabled in the PayPal settings, but after this it will not be possible to convert funds on the plastic card.

The disadvantages of the PayPal system include the insufficiently attractive design of the site; as for the other functions of this system, they are at a fairly high level.

In addition to the disadvantages, this payment system has many advantages, which include, first of all, a high level of security for financial transactions. If any difficulties arise with payment, or dishonest actions are taken by the seller, you can always contact the PayPal system support service, which will certainly help resolve the conflict.


How to open a Paypal account in Russia is described in detail in this article. Linking a valid plastic card is also not difficult. Registration with Paypal Russia does not require financial expenses. To carry out this operation, it is enough to have a computer with an Internet connection. When all registration activities are completed, you can download the smartphone application, with which it will become even easier to make purchases around the world.

PayPal is one of the payment services known around the world, thanks to which you can easily and quickly make online purchases, as well as send and receive money via the global Internet. This wallet has a good level of protection against hacking by scammers.

Registration with PayPal

The registration process takes a short amount of time and is free. In order to create a PayPal account, you need to go to the official website and look for the inscription “Sing Up” (“Registration”). Now the user will be asked to select his account type, namely:
1. Personal (personal).
2. Premier (premium).
3. Business (business).

After you have selected the required option, you need to start filling out a form in which you sequentially enter your first name, last name, address, preferred currency for use, work and home telephone numbers, email and password, which is intended to protect your account. Then the user will be required to enter a secret question with an answer, this is done to confirm their identity in case they need to recover their password. Before completing registration, you will be asked to read the license agreement and accept its terms. Now there are literally a few steps left, namely, enter the check number from the picture and fill out the information fields about the credit card. MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discovery are perfect for payments. At the end, PayPal will ask you to confirm the validity of the card by making a payment of a couple of dollars from it.

Wallet replenishment

After registration, the user will have a PayPal wallet, into which the required amount must be deposited before making a purchase. There are several ways to do this:

  • put money on a credit card that is linked to the system;
  • receive funds from counterparties or partners;
  • purchase a prepaid credit card and temporarily link it to your account;
  • top up using other electronic payment systems (Qiwi, WebMoney).

The last two methods are unofficial, so be prepared that they may entail sanctions from the administration.

Features of use

Before you start, you need to understand how to use PayPal and find out the features of this system. As a rule, all payments are made within a few minutes. So, what do you need to know to carry out a payment transaction:
1. Your personal and individual account ID of the person to whom you need to send the payment. Don't forget that the seller's mailbox can act as a recipient.
2. Commission. Most often, the buyer does not pay the commission fee, since this percentage is charged to the recipient's account.
3. Security guarantee. All money transactions and transfers are carried out after re-confirmation of payment.

Linking a card to an account

After registration, the system creates a PayPal wallet, to which you must link your own bank card in order to debit funds from it when paying for the goods. This is quite easy to do. You will need a credit card that allows online payments. There should be at least a few dollars on it. All necessary data is filled in in the appropriate window. Then the amounts of 1 and 2 $ will be blocked on the account, know that the second operation will occur with the addition of a unique code. This is done so that the system makes sure that the card is yours. At the end, the first amount will be unlocked, and the second will be credited to the user’s account.

Once your PayPal account is verified, it becomes verified and allows you to use all the financial options available in each country.

How to top up your account

In order to deposit funds into an online wallet, you can use a virtual or bank card. To do this, you first need to log in and enter your email and password, then select the “Add Funds” function, which is located at the top of the page. Next, click on the “Add funds from bank account” tab and indicate the required amount. At the end of this operation, you must confirm your actions.

How to top up your account without a card

In order to understand how to use PayPal, you need, in particular, to figure out how to top up your accounts to make purchases without using a bank card. You can do this as follows:
1. Request a transfer from friends or relatives. This will only work if they live in a country where PayPal operates. To do this, you need to use the “Request Funds” function. The user needs to know the email address of the person who should send the funds, and it will need to be indicated in the appropriate column. Then the sender will receive a request by email, and he, following the instructions in the letter, will transfer the required amount of money using one of the possible methods.
2. You can top up your wallet using online trading. To do this, we register, for example, at one of the well-known online auctions. Then, in the payments section, you enter your PayPal account information. In the event of a sale, the buyer will transfer the money directly to the seller’s personal account, and then the latter will be able to use the amount at his own discretion.
3. If the client has an account in one of the countries in which the system allows direct transfers without using a credit card, then you can use this method of replenishing PayPal. Many users know how to use their financial account without a card, especially those who constantly pay using this system.

Advantages of a payment service

We can highlight the main advantages of PayPal that make it indispensable:
1. Availability of a personal identifier for each of the system participants. This parameter is necessary for conducting transactions and paying for services. All you need is to know the email address of the person to whom you need to transfer money.
2. Instant payment. All transfers are carried out as quickly as possible. It must be remembered that the seller will be charged a commission of 4%.
3. The presence of specialized mechanisms and systems, the purpose of which is to protect client purchases. These include insurance for the purchase.

Those who know first-hand how to use PayPal can confirm that this system is secure and very easy to use.

How to pay for your purchase

To make a payment, you must fill out the form located on the page of the purchased product, and in the “Payment Method” indicate the “PayPal” option, then click “Next”. The customer’s order will be sent to the service’s personal account, after which you will need to log in to double-check the order data and click the “Pay Now” button. If everything was done correctly, a pop-up window will confirm this.

How to transfer money

To transfer money to another user's account, you need to know how to use PayPal. To send the required amount, you need to log into your personal account and select “Send payment”. In this window you will need to indicate the email of the person to whom the funds will be transferred, as well as the currency and amount of the transfer. Next, select the items “Personal payments” and “Other”, in which all the data must be verified, and only after that you need to click “Continue”, thereby confirming the operation.

Dispute on PayPal

In the event of a non-standard situation that goes beyond the scope of the agreement between the seller and the buyer, the latter can open a dispute, for which it is necessary to provide information about the current problem and attach relevant photographs and links. Once the dispute is opened, the amount that the buyer paid will be blocked in the seller’s wallet and will remain inaccessible to him until the entire process is closed. If desired, the owner of the product can also provide counterarguments that explain the current situation. Thus, the two parties can discuss until they reach a mutual agreement, after which the negotiations are closed with the wording that all problems have been removed.

If the parties do not reach a positive solution, the buyer converts the dispute into a claim, and then the PayPal administration acts as the judge. The responsible person examines all the information provided and makes a decision in favor of one of the parties. If the seller is right, then his blocked funds become available again, and if the buyer is right, then the money spent is returned to him.

Features of the payment system in Ukraine

Since 2007, PayPal has become available to Ukraine, but not to its full extent. Residents of the country can send payments and also connect a state bank debit card to their account. For this, it is best to choose a Visa/Master, but not the lowest level.

Most residents of the country know how to use PayPal in Ukraine and understand that they are only competent to pay for purchases. Therefore, their score will be written as zero pointers and zero tenths - “0.00”. Quite often the question may arise about how to pay for orders if there are no funds in the account. This is very simple, since the user’s card is linked to the system, and if it does not have a positive balance, the payment process will be successful. When you connect your card to PayPal, it is often not accepted. There is no need to make common mistakes; it is necessary to take into account that the credit card must be authorized by the bank to make purchases via the Internet. It is also a known problem to connect a blank card to the system, so it is important to ask experienced people or read instructions on how to use PayPal before getting started. Today, this service is one of the simplest and most reliable ways to conduct a variety of financial transactions.

PayPal in Belarus

Previously, such a payment system was illegal in Belarus, namely, it was impossible to obtain registration before June 17, 2014. But starting from this period, everything became very simple, since this electronic payment method came to this country.

Now you need to sort out all the subtleties and understand how to use PayPal in Belarus. As in Ukraine, the capabilities of the system remain quite limited and are provided only for making purchases and linking cards of the corresponding country. A distinctive feature of the company is the security of payments in this republic.

Currently, all citizens can officially use an electronic wallet to pay for their online purchases. True, as is known from trusted sources, PayPal’s entry into the Belarusian market was not accepted at all and agreed upon with the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.

How to use PayPal in Russia?

After this payment system appeared on the Russian market, it had exactly the same capabilities as in Ukraine and Belarus. Since one of the main functions - the withdrawal of rubles - did not work, its popularity was not very high in the electronic services market. But in October 2013, Russians finally got the opportunity to use it. Currently, using PayPal, you can sell and buy goods, as well as manage funds at your discretion. Depositing money is carried out, as before, to the card, but now withdrawals can also be sent to it. A large number of services offered their own options for withdrawing money from PayPal, but after the introduction of this innovation, users received this opportunity at the official level.

Millions of people around the world have recognized electronic payment services as the best means for making money transactions. Thanks to them, the time required to pay for services and goods, obtain loans and other actions related to the transfer of money is minimized. Along with the Russian PS Yandex Money, Qiwi and WebMoney, the American payment service PayPal is successfully conquering the CIS space. It is an excellent alternative to domestic analogues. As a rule, the system is chosen as an additional service, more convenient for international payments. A PayPal wallet is opened for linking cards and other services, for example, eBay. Using a PS is convenient and profitable, since its commissions are minimal.

Today, PayPal covers more than 200 countries and uses 25 currencies. PS can be considered an undisputed international leader whose popularity continues to grow. More than 6.6 million users are already registered in the system.

The service was founded in 1998. It appeared in Russia relatively recently, however, many Russian citizens have already registered and verified it, noting the following advantages of PayPal in their reviews:

  • high degree of offer security and money back if something goes wrong;
  • simple registration that does not require much time and effort, clear Russian-language interface;
  • Payment of incoming invoices is not subject to commission.

I would especially like to focus on security, since this point worries everyone today. It is known that when transactions are carried out using cards, 1.8% of transferred funds disappear in an unknown direction. As for the PayPal wallet, this figure is 0.17%, that is, it is 10 times lower.

If you used PS to pay for a product that turned out to be of poor quality or did not arrive at all, provide evidence of the damage caused, and the system will compensate for it.

How to register with PayPal

If PayPal registration scares you because it is not a domestic service, do not rush to conclusions. Authorizing a wallet is no more difficult than wallets in domestic PSs. Let's consider the question of how to create an account in the service. To get started, go to the official PayPal website Next, take the following steps:

  1. Click on the blue “Open an Account with PayPal” button located in the center of the screen.
  2. Select the country where you are a resident.
  3. Select the desired registration type. There are 2 options available: corporate and personal.
  4. Click on "Continue".
  5. Fill out the fields that appear on the screen and click on “I agree and open an account.”
  6. Next, you need to enter the captcha and click on the “Continue” button.

Your email address will simultaneously act as a password to log into your wallet. Not long ago, entering a mobile phone number was no longer required. Now it is mandatory. These are modern safety requirements.

Expert opinion

Alexander Ivanovich

Please note: when entering your personal data, proceed to the next page only after double-checking the entered information. If you make changes in the future, the system will most likely block your account, suspecting the actions of fraudsters.

Online registration is not completed yet. The wallet will become full-fledged only if you enter card data into it, that is, link it. Like registration, this is done online.

How to link a bank card

Select the card that you will verify and, logging into your PayPal account, do the following:

  • go to the “Add a card” tab;
  • Enter the required data of your plastic in the fields that open. It is important that the card address matches the information that was specified when registering with the service;
  • click “Continue”;
  • go to Internet banking in which the card is registered and determine the code from the statement;
  • Enter the code into the PayPal window.

When you bind the plastic, $1.95 will be withdrawn from your account. Within 24 hours, the money will be returned to your wallet. It is important that this amount is present on the card, plus the commission that the bank will charge for the transaction.

Paper money is gradually giving way to non-cash payments and increasingly they are carried out using electronic payment systems. Paypal is one of them. Its main advantage is its global coverage. The system allows you to pay for goods and services almost all over the world - it is available in 203 countries and in 26 languages, and the number of users exceeds 180 million. For this reason, many people want to create a Paypal wallet.

This can be done on the official website. Registration is free and does not require much time. For users from Russia, the site offers a Russian-language interface, which is not available to users from other CIS countries. And this is not the only restriction that PayPal imposes on residents of Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. They also do not have the ability to receive and withdraw funds from the wallet. They only have access to linking a bank card and the ability to pay for a product or service. They can only open a wallet and pay for goods and services.


What you need to decide before creating a PayPal wallet

First, you need to select an email that will be used to pay and receive payments (PayPal, unlike yandex or webmoney, does not assign a number to the user), as well as to log in to the system. It's best if only you have access to it. It is also believed that mailboxes from Google are best protected, so it is better to give them preference over and Yandex.

To make payments using PayPal, you need to link a katu to your account, since replenishing your account directly is not available for users from Russia and the CIS countries.

To do this, you need to open the “Account” menu in your personal account. There will be a list of already linked cards and a colorful “Add card” cell - you need to click on it. A form will appear where you need to enter a 16-digit number on the front side of the plastic, the expiration date of the card and a three-digit code that can be found on the back.

When the system security service checks your data, you will need to verify your email, phone number and credit card. To do this, in the “Profile” tab, you need to select “Add/Change Email Address” to verify email, “Add/Change Bank Card” to verify the card. Then you should follow the instructions of the service. Usually the procedure does not take much time.


Now, if the electronic wallet runs out of money, the service automatically withdraws it from the linked card. Another “trick” of Paypal is that the seller does not receive money until the goods are delivered to the buyer, who can also demand money back if the delivery was not made or the goods arrived of poor quality. In this case, when making purchases, commission costs are borne by the seller. You will also need to pay a commission when replenishing your wallet from a bank account.

Due to the fact that not everyone uses this payment system or does not use its services often, you may be faced with the question of how to find out the PayPal wallet account number. It's quite simple.

How to find your PayPal account number

The difference between PayPal and Russian-language electronic payment systems, for example, WebMoney, Yandex Money or Qiwi, is that the American service does not assign numbers consisting of a long sequence of numbers to its clients - all operations are carried out using an electronic mailbox that the user enters into the designated registration window. This is your payment ID, as well as a method of communication with the system - all details and notifications are sent by email.

The procedure for logging into your personal account and finding out your paypal number:

  • Go to the paypal website page;
  • Log in to your personal account;
  • If you do not have your own personal account, you should register;
  • On the main page of your personal account at the top you will see an identification number, this is your personal paypal account.

It will also be useful to remember the card number that is linked to the electronic wallet. This is not the answer to how to find out your PayPal account and the plastic number is better not to tell anyone at all. However, knowing the card details will allow you to make payments even if it is not possible to spy on the card (it can be credit or debit). The service itself does not disclose card information to anyone, and payments are processed through a secure connection.

Attackers can take advantage of the user’s ignorance and if he tells them the card number, the three-digit code on the back and expiration date, or, in addition to the email address to which the Paypal account is registered, tells them the password, it will be easy for them to steal other people’s funds. If this happens, it is unlikely that the transaction will be traceable.

Some online stores or auctions, for example, ebay, do not even require you to enter an ID. The site simply redirects to a personal account, from where the user can easily pay for a product or service. And for this you don’t need to wonder how to find out the account number.

Thus, there is no answer to the question of how to find out your PayPal account, because the service does not assign numbers to users, like other payment systems. The only identifier is the email address specified during registration. And this is the only information that online store sellers should disclose. Other data may help them steal your funds.


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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to continue filling the section with materials. Before that, I wrote about, and, which are the most. But not RuNet alone... In the world now the most popular system is Paypal, that’s what I want to talk about in this article.

True, for users from the countries of the former Soviet Union, which form the bulk of today’s RuNet (Ukraine, Belarus and other countries except Russia and the Baltic countries), Paypal does not provide the maximum range of functions, but, as a rule, they are enough for almost everyone. More democratic in this regard is the international monetary system (moneybookers). And they look completely unprincipled or.

For Russia, since 2011, it has become possible to top up your PayPal account from a linked bank card, and since September 2013, it has become possible to use such currency as rubles in transactions, as well as withdraw funds earned or received as a result of a transfer to your account in a Russian bank(no commission).

What has been talked about for so long has happened - PayPal finally came to Russia. Now, little by little, the assortment of Runet online stores will include the ability to pay for goods with this electronic currency, and the Ebay online auction will add more sellers from Russia, who previously could only withdraw their earnings to US banks in dollars, but now have the opportunity to operate in rubles.

Why do we need Paypal and how to use it in Russia

That. It turns out that PayPal is now quite suitable for running an online business in RuNet, and owners of domestic payment systems will have to seriously think about improving the quality, convenience and security of work, because they have a powerful competitor with a very large baggage of developments in the bourgeois internet and with almost limitless financial opportunities .

Well, of course, this system is still ideal for paying for goods you buy in foreign online stores or on. Actually, I have used it precisely for these purposes until now, but I hope that domestic Internet entrepreneurs will begin to actively support it. Why?

Yes because PayPal has a number of interesting benefits.

Under a favorable set of circumstances, this whole matter may end with a refund of money to your account, which will be practically impossible to repeat with the payment methods that online stores in RuNet use now (robotic cash register, etc.).

There is another payment option that is not yet very popular among the RuNet audience - directly from a plastic card (even the cheapest cards allow this). Actually, my acquaintance with Paypal began with the fact that I needed to purchase some kind of gadget in a Chinese store. I had two payment options: directly from my Visa Electron card or through sticks (the slang name for this virtual bourgeois money). When I looked at the pros and cons of both, the latter option seemed more reliable to me. Why?

Well, precisely because it is more reliable and secure in terms of the safety of money on the payment card. According to data collected in PayPal, the probability of encountering fraudulent activity on the Internet when making payments directly from a card is 1.8%, i.e. approximately every fiftieth payment goes to waste. At the same time, when paying through this system you reduce the risk of losing money ten times (up to 0.17%), which is good news. I think that in RuNet the statistics will be approximately the same.

As I already mentioned, you as a buyer will be able to register and make payments with PayPal completely free of charge. True, here again several pitfalls may appear. The system really won’t charge you anything for transferring money, but you can lose on currency exchange (they also earn income from the difference in exchange rates), for example, if you have rubles on your payment card, and the online store accepts dollars.

Although you can set up currency conversion at your bank that issued your card (it’s not difficult, the process will be shown below), if the exchange rate there is more favorable than in PayPal itself. By the way, speaking of greed. The system also receives income from storing on deposit those funds that users did not have time to spend. Well, that's true, by the way.

Commissions and safety of working with money in PayPal

In any case, the cheese is not free, and in this most popular payment system the bourgeoisie they take a commission, but only from the recipient of the money(i.e. from an online store, in our example). This is where the second pitfall lies. The store can do something ugly and add the percentage of the commission charged to it in Paypal to the price of the product (usually around 5%).

Is it true when receiving personal payments Again, you won’t be charged a commission from friends and relatives, unless the money was transferred to you from a bank card linked to your account.

All options for commissions charged in PayPal can be viewed.

But if you don’t encounter both of these pitfalls, then, indeed, you can use the system as a buyer absolutely free, while receiving higher protection from fraudulent activities, and in the case of a purchase on eBay, even free guarantee for the correctness of the transaction(if you contact Dispute, the seller’s account will be blocked and the money paid will be returned to you over time, and if it is no longer in the seller’s account, then Paypal itself will return the money).

Another thing I liked about Paypal, for example, in comparison with WebMoney, is the ease of registering and working with your account. I have already written in some detail about webmoney and the 99 ways that allow you to work with them with varying degrees of risk of losing your money (, and), but if you take at least a short break from working with this electronic money, you again become puzzled and You understand how unusable and overly complicated everything is.

I really want to hope that the PayPal system will no longer have security problems on such a scale as in WebMoney. Although, the theft of registration data and plastic card data using fake letters inviting you to authenticate on fake sites () is still very relevant. But here it will be enough to make a rule - never enter a resource related to money using any links from letters or websites, only from the address bar or from browser bookmarks.

Registration in PayPal and linking a plastic card

To register, go to the Paypal home page and click on the " Register" .

You will be asked to select the type of account you want to register with PayPal. The “Corporate” option provides for a lower commission for receiving funds into your account, but in RuNet the use of this payment system for online business is not yet widespread, but there is an opportunity to create a corporate account, and if necessary, you can use it.

Well, for most future PayPal users, the best option would be to register an account for individuals by clicking on the “Continue” button. You will be asked to fill out a form with your personal information. I probably don't need to tell you that data must be real, because “sticks” are very concerned about security and at the slightest suspicion that someone is trying to manage your account, it will be blocked (for example, if you access it more often than usual from different computers or from another country).

How can I unblock my PayPal account? You will receive a letter informing you about the blocking. Just in case, do not click directly on the link in the letter (phishing is possible), but enter their official website from the address bar ( or from your browser bookmarks. If your account is really blocked, then you will have to send a scan of your foreign or regular passport (the first page and the page with registration), and they may also be asked to send scans of any payment documents.

If you provided incorrect personal data during registration or entered it incorrectly, there may be a problem with restoring access and possible loss of funds frozen in your PayPal account:

As I already said, Your login in the system will be the specified Email. You probably shouldn’t use this mailbox directly to work with mail, because in this way you will reveal your login. Although, this is your personal business. Also, recently it has become mandatory to indicate your mobile phone number, otherwise you will not be able to register. It may later come in handy when restoring access to PayPal if your password is lost.

It is not necessary to immediately enter your payment card details when registering with PayPal. You can simply uncheck the corresponding checkbox and attach it later when you have it. But if you still have a suitable card () and there is an amount equivalent to at least a couple of dollars on it, then enter its full number and expiration date (located on its title side), and then turn the card over and enter the three digits of the confirmation code ( verification) CSC:

Confirming ownership of the mailbox you specified is to follow the link from the letter received from Pay Pal.

How to link a card to a PayPal account and verify it

More complex and non-trivial is confirmation of ownership of a credit card, the details of which you specified during registration (or which you connected to your account later). This process is scientifically called verification (). If you do not go through this procedure, then your status in PayPal will be indicated as “Unverified”, and next to it there will be a link “Pass verification”.

In principle, connecting the card and the process of verifying it is not at all mandatory, but by going through it you will most likely increase the limit on a one-time payment, and also reduce the likelihood of blocking your account for any more or less important reason (you won’t have to send copies of documents again) . I advise you not to be lazy and go through this procedure. Also Without verifying your card, you will not be able to receive transfers in dollars and other currencies other than rubles.

First, you will need to log into the Paypal website using your username (the mailbox address specified during registration) and password, and then go from the main page follow the add link and confirmation of your card (there will also be a link to confirm your mailbox, if you have not done so already - see the screenshot above).

Payment card verification is carried out as follows. After adding it, you again enter this page, click on the desired card and select the “Confirm” option. An amount approximately equal to two dollars is withdrawn from your card (I was charged 60 rubles). This money will then be returned to your Paypal account.

Your task is to familiarize yourself through Internet banking, data from an incoming SMS, or by calling the bank (or traveling) with the details of the payment made. The first four digits that would appear in an entry like "PP*XXXX CODE or PayPal*XXXXCODE" are confirmation code (verification) your ownership of this card linked to your account.

For example, in my country (Russia) the amount of a one-time payment cannot exceed 60,000 rubles. This is enough for me, but you can make a reserve for the future and press the button "Increase limits":

Your account limits and capabilities will depend on how much information you have verified about yourself. Ideally, you need to confirm not only the Email box, but also add and then confirm the card attached to the account. Well, in order to get maximum opportunities, you will also need to confirm your passport details by sending a scan of your passport.

In this regard, Paypal turns out to be a payment system that is far from anonymous, but it significantly increases the security of work. It is precisely because of this that it has become the most popular method of payment for won items on eBay, and at the same time in all major online stores of the bourgeoisie. PayPal is not yet so popular in RuNet, but most likely this is a temporary phenomenon, especially in light of the fact that now you can open your account there in rubles and they can, if necessary, be withdrawn to your account in any Russian bank without additional commission. .

Methods for withdrawing money from a Paypal account for Russia

The ability to withdraw money to accounts in Russian banks and store funds in ruble equivalent appeared in PayPal only in September 2013. Personally, I learned about this in a rather roundabout way. I came across a topic on Sercha (this is one of them) that WebMoney has an official opportunity to exchange sticks on their own exchange.

The principle of operation on this exchange exchange remains the same as the one where different WebMoney currencies are exchanged among themselves (read more about this at the link given just above). In order to make an exchange, I had to link my PayPal account to my account (for which I logged in).

A few years ago, I was very surprised when, having gone and logged in to the official Paypal website, instead of almost four hundred dollars that I needed to change, I saw the amount in rubles, which can be seen in the screenshots given in this article. This screenshot was taken a long time ago, when the service interface had a different look:

It turns out that my Paypal dollars were converted into rubles without my knowledge and, what’s nice, they didn’t charge any interest. After that, I went to their help to read about the possibilities of withdrawing these rubles in real life and found out that you can easily transfer them to your current account as an individual entrepreneur and, again, no commission will be charged. Well, in general everything is chocolate.

Alternatively, you can withdraw money from Pai Pal to the account of any bank card that you probably have. To know details of the account linked to the card(his number and BIC) can be done either by phone at the bank or through online banking, if you have one connected.

All you have to do is go to the “Account” tab and click on the button "Withdraw funds"(exactly the same button is available on the main page of the service called “Review”).

If you have not yet added a bank account to your account, now is the time to do so (by clicking on the corresponding button on the “Account” tab from the top menu):

Next, you will be asked to check the entered details, and after clicking on the “Continue” button you will be informed that an account in a Russian bank would need to be verified. The process of this action is quite simple and is described in the screenshot below.

When the transfers arrive, all you have to do is log in through Internet banking and look at the specific transfer numbers. You will need to enter them on the same “Account” tab.

Actually, all that remains is to enter them:

Your official page on the PayPal.Me website for accepting payments to your account

A relatively new opportunity to receive payments to your account has appeared in PayPal. In this case no need to show your email(to which the account is linked) or phone number. You will receive the money to the account to which this PayPal.Me page is linked.

Interesting? Not good? So at first it seemed redundant to me, but not so long ago, when trying to withdraw money from one affiliate program, there was no other suitable withdrawal method except by specifying an address like PayPal.Me/what_else. I had to create such a page, which I recommend that you do in advance (it won’t be superfluous).

That's it, now you can place a link like on your website or anywhere else to accept payments from well-wishers, buyers or clients. It will be possible to immediately set the amount that will be requested by simply adding it at the end of the link. Something like this:

When clicking on it, the user will see the following oil painting:

Well, this is how it works somewhere. What do you think about the prospects for using Paypal in Russia? Will they crush our domestic players or has the train left and no one will use this money?

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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