The most expensive applications for iPhone and iPad. The most expensive app in the App Store

The App Store contains a huge number of applications - paid and free. You can read about the best applications on the website, find thematic selections in iTunes or directly from your device by going to the App Store application. But which apps are the most expensive? And are they worth the money? Let's figure it out.

It is impossible to create a definitive list of the most expensive App Store apps, for the simple reason that new products appear in the store every day, and old ones are reduced in price during the next sale. Therefore, the list you can see below may become irrelevant within a few months. However, many of the presented applications have been at the top of the list of the most expensive ones for several years now, so you shouldn’t worry too much about the “liers”. Before starting the review, I would like to warn you that not all applications justify their price, there is even an outright “scam”.

Sexy Finger Print Test HD (RUR 3,290)

The developers of the Sexy Finger Print Test HD application promise to determine your sexuality after you touch the device screen with your finger. The application, of course, does not possess any magical abilities, but it is valued at a tidy sum. Purchasing and downloading is not recommended.

G-Map U.S. West (RUB 6,490)

G-Map U.S. App West was last updated in February 2010 and then, perhaps, there was a demand for it. However, now that you can find a navigator with the ability to work offline for a few dollars (there are also great free options), interest in users in G-Map U.S. West has faded away. The application was never a “scam”; the developer simply decided not to remove his brainchild from the App Store, in case someone bought it.

Water Globe (RUB 7,990)

We continue the hit parade of expensive and useless applications. Next up is Water Globe, a simulator of a glass ball in which snowflakes fall on top of a snowman (and other characters). The idea, you see, is not at all bad for a children's app, but not for 7,990 rubles, sorry.

SafeSession Voice Encryption (RUB 9,790)

SafeSession Voice Encryption allows users to make VoIP calls that will be encrypted and in no way (according to the developers) can fall into someone else's hands. The only scary thing here is the price - for almost 10,000 rubles, hardly anyone would want to download such a dubious application.

Mobile Cam Viewer Enterprise Basic Version (RUB 11,490)

The first useful, but still dubious application in our collection. Using Mobile Cam Viewer Enterprise Basic Version, the user can set up a video surveillance system consisting of a large number of cameras from almost any manufacturer. The application has a huge number of functions, and the developers even offer demo access to their brainchild. Everything would be fine, but competitors have long released cheaper solutions.

iDIA - Diagnostic Imaging Atlas, Small Animal (RUB 12,990)

iDIA is an application for professional veterinarians designed to make their work easier. The software has a huge database, has its own analytical center, but was last updated at the end of 2011. Apparently, not all veterinarians were satisfied with the price of 12,990 rubles.

BarMax CA (RUB 32,990)

A group of Harvard Law students have successfully completed their studies and are well aware of how difficult it was. To help new students, they created an application in which they collected tips, notes, sample questions from professors, and much more. For their “help” they asked for 32,990 rubles and, apparently, they were right with the price - the business flourished for the time being.

For owners of new iPhones, the App Store offers many simple games and entertainment applications. The average price of an app is usually between $1 and $3. However, there is other software. In the Apple store it is sold at prices that sometimes exceed the cost of the device itself for which they are intended.

  • Most of the downloaded apps are simple games that cost a nominal dollar, such as Angry Birds or Cut the Rope, and some are free.
  • Useful utilities like Photo Manager Pro ($4.99), which manages photos, or GoodReader ($4.99), a reader, cost a little more.
  • The next category includes high-quality products from well-known companies that cost up to $20 and have desktop versions. These are, for example, the password manager 1Password ($7.99), the graphic editor Adobe Photoshop ($9.99) or Numbers spreadsheets ($9.99).
  • Also, App Store users are offered another, “premium” category of software for their gadgets on the Android platform. These are programs with exorbitant prices - from 200 to 999 dollars. $999 is the price limit; if not for this limitation, it is unknown what applications the developers would offer and at what prices.

Although such programs are created more for fun and to attract attention to their name. They do not pay for their price, and their functionality is close to zero.

Most luxury apps are dedicated to professionals. The iPad tablet has long ceased to be an entertainment device; it is now an auxiliary tool for people in various specialties.

5th place - iDcrm, Nursing Constellation Plus, Sexy Finger Print Test HD - >$99.99 - $199.99

Sexy Finger Print Test HD $99.99

A kind of “sexuality test”. Conducts a sexual account, suggests the ideal time for a romantic acquaintance. The creators of the program claim that all information is miraculously read directly from the user’s fingerprint.

Nursing Constellation Plus $179.99

An app to make life easier for nurses. Conducts correct calculations of medication doses, clarifies the diagnosis, and checks with terms from medical dictionaries.

iDcrm ($199.99)

The application synchronizes Android with Microsoft Dynamics CRM - a customer relationship management system. The functions are the same as the “desktop” version; it works offline.

By the way, these applications can be installed most likely by those people who can also afford to buy the most expensive phone. The editors of have prepared the top phones for you

4th place – Water Globe’s app, Becker’s 2011 CPA Mobile Flashcards, Lexi-Dental Complete, MBA Learning Studio, Touchchat HD, SafeSession Voice encryption – $219.99 – $299.99

Water Globe's app $219.99

Water Globe's app

A simple set of "interactive" games. An ordinary snow globe, where the user can feel like the master of the weather, changing the parameters of gravity, size and shape of snowflakes at his own discretion.

SafeSession Voice encryption $299.99

Users who have SafeSession Voice encryption installed on their gadgets can make secure voice calls among themselves. The developers claim that all conversations will be protected by voice coding algorithms. When asked if this is true, the NSA's Division of Technological Innovation smiles and nods its head.

Touchchat HD $299.99

The program was created to help people suffering from diseases due to which they cannot speak. The phrase book application is designed to eliminate communication problems for such people. The developers are clearly not interested in charity, since the application costs almost $300.

MBA Learning Studio $299.99

Master of Business Administration self-study book. The “Platinum” version of the program includes almost 6,000 terms, several thousand articles, interactive cards, 2.5 thousand questions and more. It is a pity that the MBA degree certificate is not included in the amount.

Lexi-Dental Complete $299.99

An analogue of the Nursing program, only for dentists. The program itself is downloaded for free, but connection and access to the database, which contains information on maxillofacial surgery, pharmacology and diagnostic procedures, will cost everyone a pretty penny.

Becker's 2011 CPA Mobile Flashcards $299.99

It will be useful to accounting, auditing and tax professionals wishing to obtain CPA certification. It contains cards with questions that actually prepare the applicant for passing the exam.

3rd place - mySCADA, MobileCamViewer, iDIA Diagnostic Imaging Atlas, PDR Quote - $349.99 - $399.99

PDR Quote $349.99

Calculates PDR Costs - Provides advice on how to repair paintless dents and other vehicle related repair services. Contains a database with descriptions of 900 brands and models.

MobileCamViewer $349.99

A utility for security guards or for rich paranoids who want to monitor their home 24 hours a day from an iPad. Connects to 6 CCTV cameras. Quite a convenient, mobile video surveillance system.

mySCADA $399.99

Fully automated SCADA system on a tablet. Used in industry to monitor and control technological processes. Receives information from equipment, processes it and displays it on the screen in a form understandable to humans.

iDIA Diagnostic Imaging Atlas $399.99

Electronic veterinary encyclopedia in pictures and three-dimensional models, analyzes the proposed symptoms and makes a diagnosis for the animal. Completely replaces massive medical reference books.

2nd place — DDS GP Yes!, Alpha-Trader — $499

DDS GP Yes! $499.99

iPad application for dentists: with it, patients receive detailed explanations and demonstrations of dental diagnostics and treatment methods.

Alpha-Trader $499.99

A professional tool for economists. The program works in real time, monitors the pricing policy of shares, monitors risks, conducts correlation and other parameters useful to any banker.

1st place - iVIP Black, QSFFStats, MobiGage NDI, Agro, BarMax CA for iPad, The Alchemist SMS - $999.99

iVIP Black $999.99

The most expensive app in the world. This is the first discount system for millionaires. The user of the application can be someone who can confirm the presence of a million dollars in their account. After which he will receive an individual consultation, as well as discounts, gifts and tips on how to spend more money in style.

QSFFStats $999.99

The application will certainly be appreciated by fans of American football. These are the most expensive statistics, formations and results in the world.

MobiGage NDI $999.99

Serves for diagnostics in the production of assembly elements and parts. The program creates, edits models and carries out the necessary measurements.

Agro $999.99

Makes life easier for agronomists by combining all information about crops, pests and chemicals into a single database. Creates a plan for crop care and reminds you when the last inspection was carried out on the farm.

BarMax CA for iPad $999.99

This application, containing 50 audio lectures by famous professors, was developed by graduates of Harvard Law School, the program helps aspiring lawyers pass exams.

The Alchemist SMS $999.99

The Scrape Management System utility is a system for working with scrap metal. Helps reduce the cost of recycling iron and steel so that you can make money on it later.

Millionaires usually carry Vertu phones. But even among these seemingly expensive phones, there are those that stand apart from everyone else because of their price. These are the ones we'll talk about

Video: Paid applications in the AppStore - download for free

You go to the App Store, see an interesting application or game, but you feel sorry for spending 129-599 rubles on it. Do you think this is the limit? Believe me, there are such expensive applications in the App Store that you definitely won’t be able to afford.

Vizzywig 8HD — 5990 rubles

Vizzywig 8HD is an application for shooting and editing videos. According to the developers, it allows you to shoot videos with a resolution of 3264x2448 pixels. Do you think 5990 rubles is expensive? These are small things compared to its original price of 59,900 rubles ($1,000).

G-Map U.S. West — 11,990 rubles

G-Map is a navigation system that does not require Wi-Fi or mobile Internet. The application includes a 3D view mode, as well as the ability to convert speech to text. True, it is not clear why you would pay such a huge amount for an application that does the same thing as Google and Apple Maps.

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine - 11,990 rubles

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine is expensive because it is not an appendix, but rather a scientific work for those studying medicine. The developers position their product as “the most reliable textbook on medicine.”

Perfect Penalty 2012 — 17,990 rubles

Sometimes you come across creations that are truly surprising. Perfect Penalty 2012 is a game that claims to have "the most realistic graphics yet." In fact, many have called it the worst game of all time.

Water Globe - 17990 rubles

As a child, I really wanted to get a snow globe. A toy on a stand filled with glycerin and sparkles reminiscent of snow. A real one that you can touch and shake, not an app for 17,990! Yes, it is beautifully designed, you can change the size of the snowflakes, but what is that money for?!

TouchChat AAC with WordPower — 17,990 rubles

The application was created for those who have difficulty communicating. For people with autism, Down syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and apraxia.

SafeSession Voice — 17,990 rubles

The application allows you to make secure calls over the Internet. The company assures that calls are protected using speech encryption. To communicate using SafeSession Voice, your interlocutor must also install this application.

Barcelona vs Madrid — 17,990 rubles

A game in which two famous football teams battle. The graphics look great, but still not worth the money.

Mobile Cam Viewer — 19,990 rubles

Mobile Cam Viewer allows you to maintain security using surveillance cameras. The application does not recognize all camera models, but several people can monitor them at the same time.

Tap Menu — 22990 rubles

The application is designed for restaurants, hotels, shops and other companies that need to have a digital menu or catalog.

iDIA - Diagnostic Imaging Atlas, Small Animal - 22990 rubles

iDIA is intended for veterinarians and helps identify animal diseases.

The Alchemist SMS — 27,990 rubles

The application is not designed for sending SMS. It helps reduce costs when recycling metals. The Alchemist SMS also dropped in price, and previously cost 59,900 rubles ($1,000).

DDS GP Yes! — 29990 rubles

The application was created for dentists and allows you to clearly demonstrate the treatment plan to the patient.

Alpha-Trader — 59,900 rubles

Well, we got to the mastodons. Alpha-Trader is created for active investors. The application shows the value of shares in real time, notifies about their price, risks and other important indicators.

MobiGage NDI — 59,900 rubles

The MobiGage NDI application is designed to create, edit and verify parts and assemblies.

Agro — 59,900 rubles

Agro relieves agronomists from the headaches of various inspections, crops, chemicals and pests. Although such information could be presented for free in the form of a simple spreadsheet.

QSFFStats — 59900 rubles

QSFFStats tracks statistics for Flag Football, a form of American football. Yeah... tracking statistics has never been so expensive.

CyberTuner — 59,900 rubles (not available in the Russian App Store)

Professional tuner, very accurate and easy to use. The application received only five stars, apparently, it is worth the money spent.

VIP Black — 59,900 rubles

This is an app for millionaires. It offers VIP treatment from the company's partners. Before purchasing the application, you should make sure whether you have an extra million dollars in your account.

app.Cash — 59,900 rubles

A kind of virtual cash register. The application allows you to record purchases and print receipts.

vueCAD Pro — 59,900 rubles

vueCAD Pro lets you view computer-aided design (CAD) files on your iPhone. Thanks to the application, you can not only view the drawing, but also make and send changes.

It's time to treat yourself to the corresponding premium VIP apps.

It turns out that there is a category of apps in the App Store that cost exorbitant amounts of money, but do not have extensive functionality or first-class design. However, even among unreasonably overpriced programs you can find something truly useful.

Unless, of course, the price of $500 for an iPad application makes you doubt the adequacy of the developers.

$99.99 - Sexy Finger Print Test HD

It will allow you to go through the “sex count” and also tell you the ideal time to meet the opposite sex. The creators of the application claim that to obtain miracle information, it is enough to read a fingerprint directly from the smartphone screen. Apple never even dreamed of such innovations.

$219.99 - Water Globe's app

Just a set of “interactive” sub-games. Simply put: you are given an analogue of a snow ball, in which you can change the gravity and size of the snowflakes. Feel like a master of the weather for just 200 bucks. The number of reviews (=downloads) for the game is surprising.

$299.99 - TouchChat AAC with WordPower

A complete application for people with voice difficulties. The program is intended for patients with autism, Down syndrome, apraxia and other diseases that lead to speech impairment and a person’s ability to communicate.

$299.99 - SafeSession Voice encryption

Allows you to make secure voice calls, and only to users who have also installed this application. Manufacturers say that all calls are protected by voice coding algorithms. The NSA's Technology Innovation Division laughs and nods its head.

$399.99 - The Alchemist SMS

Despite the name, this is not just another SMS client. In fact, it is a utility that provides information on the correct ways to recycle metal and steel.

$399.99 - iDIA - Diagnostic Imaging Atlas, Small Animal

An application to help veterinarians, contains descriptions of the signs of major animal diseases.

$499.99 - Alpha-Trader

A professional tool for economists. The application monitors stock prices in real time, tracks risks, correlation and other parameters useful for any banker.

$499.99 - DDS GP Yes!

Helps dentists show patients what surgery is to be done and what it will look like. Dentists are the richest category of doctors (in the West), the price is completely justified. Even cheap.

$999.99 - BarMax CA

Developed by Harvard to help aspiring lawyers pass the California licensing exam. The application contains more than 50 hours of audio lectures from leading professors at Harvard University, as well as tons of useful information for preparing for the test.

$999.99 - MobiGage NDI

Created for testing in production of parts and assembly elements. In the program you can create and edit models, as well as make the necessary measurements.

$999.99 - Agro

Assists agronomists in completing all necessary paperwork and documents for possible inspections. You can record the levels of chemicals, pesticides, crops and other relevant indicators.

$999.99 - QSFFStats

Created specifically for American football fans. Statistics, placements and results have never been so expensive.

Marketing books often say that you have a much greater chance of making money when you sell a cheap product. For example, it is much easier to become a hit in the App Store if you distribute the application for $0.99. When an app costs $1.99, people buy it twice as often. But apparently not everyone is afraid of low sales, or simply does not want to give away their work for next to nothing. We publish 14 most expensive apps in the App Store, prices that may surprise you.

Background: the first application that was priced significantly higher than others was iRich program, published in 2008. It had one function: to show that the owner is rich, since he can spend as much as a whole on a simple application. $999. For this, a beautiful red ruby ​​appeared on the screen. Agree, the amount is not small. But there were as many as 5 people who bought it. True, Apple censors quickly caught on and removed the application from the catalog, refunding all buyers the full price of iRich.

1. 3D Nasal Vista - $199.99

At first, the application cost a little more - $599.99, but the developers decided to come down to earth and set a lower price. The essence of the application is the construction of 3D models of the human nasal nostril and manipulations with its study.

2. TouchChat HD - $299.99

The application is useful for people who have speech problems. Using pictures, you can choose what you want to say, and the gadget itself will tell you what it means. Versions available for both iPad and iPhone. True, you need to pay for each of them separately.

3. iDIA - Diagnostic Imagine Atlas - $399.99

The iDIA application has a narrow focus: only veterinarians will be interested in using it. Here you can look at 3D models of many small animals, read their features and make a diagnosis. If you slept through lectures at the university, iDIA will help solve many problems.

4. Spray - $499.99

Program for people working in the agricultural sector. You can send reports to the office, receive summaries and monitor the circulation of documents. Judging by the price, it’s a very useful thing.

5. DDS GP - YES! — $499.99

Again, the application has a very narrow specialization - for dentists. The very strange name of the program hides a very useful function: the program helps the doctor show the patient’s problems in pictures and tell them what is best to do. A very convenient thing if communication occurs through correspondence.

Here we will stop for a second and say that the maximum price of an application in the App Store is $999.99. That's why we went to the heavyweights.

6. VIP Black - $999.99

The developers position themselves as an “application for the rich,” but we would say that this is a more advanced analogue of iRich. After purchasing the program, the owner needs to confirm his high status and prove that he really has the money in order to join the elite club.

7. MobiGage NDI - $999.99

An application for creating various kinds of calculations, reports and plotting charts.

8. vueCAD pro - $999.99

Program for viewing graphic designs. Allows you to download images from almost all well-known services and sites.

9. Intuition Control Solo WolfVision - $999.99

One of the weirdest apps I've ever seen. Its main task is to display the WolfVision image. We were not able to find out what it is, but if you have one, the program will help you see it. By the way, if you do know what it is, please tell us.

10. BarMax CA and BarMax NY for iPad - $999.99

The application will help you pass the law exam. Not a bad cheat sheet for $1000 - everyone has that much in stock, right?

App Store - Purchased separately for each.