Messages imessage that. What can you send using iMessage? Can I send a regular SMS or MMS message instead of iMessage

operating system iOS on Apple devices offers an extensive list of options for its users. With each update it brings new features and technologies. One of the innovative and really interesting ones is iMessage function, which allows you to send messages and other types of information via the Internet, without spending cash for operations.

We will tell you about this function in this article. You will learn not only how to activate iMessage, but also how to send various information, delete history, what's new for this service starting with iOS 10 and many other important details that many users most likely did not know about!

This separate service from Apple, which is integrated into all iOS devices. It has been working since the 5th version of the system, and is still actively used by people all over the world.

The main advantage of the service is the ability to instantly send messages between Apple devices, and they are all sent free of charge. The user only needs to be connected to the Internet, as well as his interlocutor. You can send not only text notifications, but also pictures, music, payments, your coordinates, contacts and much more.

Most of the features were integrated not so long ago, or rather in iOS 10, but the main options were present from the first announcement.

Any communication standard can be used to access the Internet, but a 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi connection is best!

Switching procedure

If you decide to configure this service, then first insert the SIM card into your iPhone and provide Internet access. By default, iMessage is disabled, so you need to enable it to use it.

To do this you need to perform a number of actions:

By default, all contacts that are linked to the same service appear in blue in the Messages app. If you see that the subscriber is green, this means that he does not have access to the Internet or is using mobile device another company. In this case, you will be charged money for sending the message according to the tariffs of your mobile operator.

Available settings

Activating iMessage on iPhone is one thing, but setting it up this service, this is another matter, which is also important to do after activation.

Below are many various settings, and in order not to get confused, we will tell you about everything in detail:

  • Reading report. If the slider next to the item is active, then after sending you messages, the interlocutors will see whether you read it or not. If you do not want the system to provide such data to your contacts, then simply disable the option.
  • Send as SMS. If there is no access to the Internet or the interlocutor uses a device of a different brand, the message will be sent at the expense of mobile operator, and the balance will be charged. The function only works when the slider is active.
  • Show subject and number of characters. The system will automatically count the number of characters entered and entered in the notification. You can specify an additional heading at the top as the subject.
  • Filtering by sender. Users who are not in your contacts list will not receive notifications when the slider is active.
  • Leave messages. This tab configures the retention period for all notifications sent and received on your device. For example, it is possible to set it to 30 days, a year or indefinitely, and then the SMS will not be deleted. And if you consider that the iPhone can search by messages, then all together it turns out very convenient feature, a whole archive.
  • Audio and video. Here you can set the storage time for audio and video files that are sent via iMessage after playback. By default it is set to 2 minutes, but can be changed. There is even an option that allows you not to delete such files at all. Just keep in mind that all this takes extra bed in iPhone memory.

Fine-tuning addresses for sending and receiving letters

In the previous paragraph we talked about various parameters, which can be customized, but there is one more important point that many users of Apple products forget about.

IN general list settings there is an item "Sending/Receiving". Addresses are selected here Email and a phone number that will be associated with the iMessage service. Messages will be sent to these addresses, and one of them will be associated with this service by default. If the subscriber does not have your phone number written down, then the system will insert in advance as the sender specified address mail.

But you can also set your phone number as the main one, which is what we recommend. Then your letters will be attached to this phone, and if the other subscriber does not have information about you in the address book, the number will simply be displayed. You can make the settings at "Start a conversation with", and indicate your number there.

Innovations in the service in iOS 10

iOS 10 was released in September 2016, and then most of the additions for iMessage were added, which radically change the idea of ​​this option. If previously users could only send audio, video, pictures and simple messages, now the list has been expanded by another ten items, and this is truly impressive:

  • Emoticons. The developers added great amount additional emoticons on different topics, so you can now express your emotions or write an interesting message using such pictures.
  • Links. Previously, links were sent simply as a URL, where we saw the address and nothing more. Now the system automatically adjusts the title and image for us from the link, which it takes from the page code. In principle, the system is similar to how VKontakte translates the URL for us and shows a preview with a small description.
  • Animation and effects. Several ready-made animations with various effects are available. For example, you can send a text that will be closed protective layer and you will have to “erase” it, like a lottery, to see the contents. There are also several background screensavers for the entire screen of your smartphone in the form of confetti or disco, fireworks. Very bright and really interesting.
  • Animation drawings. You will be able to send drawings made in the Paint style, only it will not be just a picture, but an animation, where the user will see the entire process of creating your work. There is a whole set of tools for this, not like in Photoshop, of course, but it is very good for such a function.
  • Handwriting input. If you rotate your iPhone to landscape orientation, you can use the handwriting option. There are already several options to choose from that can be used as templates.
  • Apple Store. This is a small built-in store specifically for iMessage, where you can download Various types stickers. All of them are divided by topic and, in general, the entire database is constantly updated. To use them, you need to download each group to your smartphone. The technology is very similar to VKontakte, where users can buy additional sets of stickers on various topics and use them on permanent basis. Some sets are available for a fee!

Allows you to send and receive text and multimedia messages. However, instead prime number phone, it uses your email address and only works with other Apple devices such as iPad, iPhone, iPod touch and Mac.

Before you can start using messages to send texts, photos, videos, voice notes, locations, and contact cards, you need to set up iMessage on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac.

If you set up your iPhone with using iCloud, perhaps iMessage was activated along with it. If this doesn't happen, or if you ever need reactivation, read this article to the end.

If you need to create new identifier Apple, go to the website to create one. Otherwise, use your current login credentials.

1. Open "Settings" on your iPhone or iPad.

2. Click "Messages".

3. Switch "iMessage" to position "OFF" and wait for it to activate.

Afterwards, a message will appear "Waiting for activation", this phase usually lasts only a few seconds, but there are times when the activation of the application extends up to 24 hours. You may also encounter unpleasant problems.

After iMessage activation, you can send and receive text and multimedia messages to other Apple users!

How to Add Multiple Email Addresses to iMessage on iPhone and iPad

if you have additional addresses emails you want to associate with iMessage, whether iCloud/Me/Mac/Gmail/Yahoo or accounts Hotmail entries, they are also easy to customize.

1.Open "Settings"

2. Scroll down the menu

3. Click "Messages"

4. Then click "Sending and receiving"

5. Click « Add another email..."

6. Enter the email address you want to add, also you can start a conversation with new users.

You'll get email asking you to confirm that you have access to the email account you entered. Once you do this, you can start sending iMessages from your newly added address!

How to enable or disable message reading in iMessage for iPhone or iPad

Read messages to let your contacts see if you've viewed their iMessages.

1. Open « Settings" on your iPhone or iPad

2. Click "Messages"

3. Now turn on or off message reading depending on your preference

Turning on and off works with iOS 5, but was introduced in iOS 10 new option, allowing you to enable or disable reading in a specific case. Also, if you do not always have access to the Internet, activate the “ ” function.

This way, you can disable message reading visibility for all users and enable it for specific ones. To do this you will need.

  • Open a conversation with the user.
  • Click "Details" in the right top corner.
  • switch to "Send message readings" and press "Ready".

How to turn message previews on or off in iMessage for iPhone and iPad

By default, iOS will show a sneak peek of your iMessage (or SMS) on the Lock screen and Home screen. However, if you prefer your notification to show only the sender's name, you can easily customize the app settings "Messages" to do this you will need:

1. Open "Settings" on your iPhone or iPad

2. Press "Notifications"

3. Tap on "Messages"

4. Move the slider " On a locked screen» to position "ON" to disable it (on older versions there may be a different inscription).

Now, if you receive an incoming text message (SMS), MMS or iMessage, only the recipients' name will be displayed on the home screen and the message content will be hidden. What to do, if ?

macOS High Sierra

Setting up to use Messages on a Mac is very similar to what you need to do on an iPhone. Opening the application for the first time will result in reuse your Apple ID that you plan to use.

1. Launch messages from a folder "Desktop" or "Applications"

2. Enter your email address and Apple password ID. If you are using two-step or two-factor authentication for your Apple ID, enter your verification code.

3. Click "Messages" on the menu bar and select "Settings"

4. Go to the tab "Accounts"

5. Select the phone number and email addresses you want to access.

6. Choose what phone number or email address people will see when you start a new conversation.

Once you set up your account, you'll be able to send and receive iMessages from your iPhone and Mac.

How to Set Up Messages in iCloud for macOS High Sierra

Messages in iCloud keeps your messages in sync between your Mac and your iOS devices, and also lets you download your messages when you set up a new device.

You will need to sync your iPhone and Mac through your account. Be sure to register both devices under the same email address to make this process as easy as possible - this means you'll be using the same Apple ID for both.

1. Open « iMessage"

2. Click "Messages" in the menu bar

3. Click "Settings"

4. Go to the tab "Accounts"

5. Click on your account "iMessage"

6. Check the box "Enable Messages in iCloud"

7. Click the button "Sync Now"

In this simple way, device synchronization is enabled, but there is one caveat - iOS 11 or higher must be installed on the iPhone or iPad.

You'll need to make sure that iCloud Messages is enabled in iOS 11 so that it can sync messages between your iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

1. Open "Settings"

2. Tap "Apple ID"

3. Click "iCloud"

4. Make sure the slider next to the message is in the position "ON".

5. Afterwards, return to "Settings".

6. Click " Messages».

7. Click " Sync now" to instantly sync your messages to iCloud.

How to send more than just text in iMessage?

Apple recently expanded its messaging capabilities by adding the ability to send more than just text in a message. In the Messages app, if you tap a heart with two fingers, you can now draw a message to a friend. It's really cool way express your feelings by drawing a heart or your disappointment by drawing a frowning face.

You can also press "A" button to send animated gifs, music or other stickers you purchased through App Store. The #images section contains animated GIFs that come with the iPad. There are enough options there that you can express almost any emotion.


Standard iOS application Messages supports text messaging using SMS and multimedia messaging using MMS.

Beginning with iOS firmware 5 another messaging service became available - iMessage. Most people don’t use it, because by default – Big-Brother-Apple-Stub is still silent about a lot of things!.. – it’s turned off.

How to enable and configure iMessage:

- on home page on the main screen of your iOS device, tap Settings –> Messages;

– set the switch iMessage to the "On" position;

– enter your Apple ID;

– the inscription will appear "Waiting for activation...";

- in the window iMessage with a message "Operator cellular network may charge for SMS messages used to activate iMessage" click OK;

– after activation the inscription "Waiting for activation..." will change to "iMessages can be sent between iPhone devices, iPad, iPod touch";

– if you want to allow notifications to be sent to other users that you have read their messages, select the switch Read receipt to the "On" position;

– if you want messages to be sent as SMS when iMessage service not available, set the switch Send as SMS to the "On" position;

– set the switches MMS messages, Showing the theme And Number of characters to the "On" position.

How to use iMessage:

– run standard application Message;

– click (in the upper right corner there is a stylized image of a pen and a piece of paper);

– in the next window, click (in the upper right corner) the plus sign in the square;

– select the recipient (if the recipient is not in your Contacts, to text field To whom enter the e-mail that is his Apple ID);

– enter a message in the text field;

– if you want to insert a photo or video into a message, click the attachment button (a stylized image of a camera);

– click Send.

Dialogues with recipients are saved in a list Messages. Unread messages are marked with a dot.

Click on a conversation to view or continue it.

Please note that the message input line when sending iMessage changes signature to iMessage(for regular SMS - Message), in addition, the iMessages you send (outgoing messages) will have , unlike SMS.

When your interlocutor types a text in response to your iMessage message, you will see a stylized “bubble” with three bas-relief dots:

iMessage allows you to significantly reduce costs when sending SMS or MMS. Particularly convenient to use iMessage in cases where you need to send SMS or MMS from an iPad or iPod touch.


1. iMessages can only be sent between iPhone devices, iPad, iPod touch.

2. In order for your recipient to receive your iMessages and respond to you, he must also have the option enabled iMessage.

3. To use iMessage, you need an open Internet connection over a network or cellular network.

4. iMessage messages are sent in encrypted form.

5. Using iMessage, you can send text messages, photographs, videos, links to maps, contact information, voice recorder recordings.

6. Sometimes when selecting a recipient from the application Contacts, instead of iMessage, the message is sent as SMS. In this case, before typing an iMessage message in Contacts please indicate not phone number the addressee, but the e-mail (which is his Apple ID), or immediately enter this e-mail in the text field To whom.

7. iMessages appear on all iOS devices using the same account - you can start a conversation on one iOS device and continue it on another.

In the century digital technologies most smartphone owners use social networks and messengers. But which one is the best for iPhone?

I think iMessage is a firm winner. He has no equal among popular messengers, and that's why.

There is nothing superfluous in it

What is a messenger? Initially, messenger (English Messenger - messenger, messenger) is an instant messaging system.

With its help, people can communicate with each other via text messages, adding documents, images, etc. to them.

And iMessage does its job perfectly. In it, you can always be sure that the other person will receive the message for sure; I haven’t heard about Apple server crashes in a long time.

Yes, all sorts of stickers and emojis are trending now. This new method text communication, which for many replaces regular printed messages. And they are also available in the Cupertino messenger.

It is even difficult for older people to use sophisticated modern instant messengers like Telegram, WhatsApp and Viber. A lot of advertising, not always intuitive interface, lags, bugs and delays - all this scares them away.

iMessage design couldn't be simpler. Messages, and that's all. There is even a search for them. The contact list is called up separate button, not interfering common interface programs.

iMessage is built into the system

This is a definite plus that sets iMessage apart from other services. Apple's messenger is built into almost all of the company's smart technology - from iPhone and iPad to MacBook and Apple Watch.*

*Does not work separately on Apple TV, HomePod and other gadgets.

There is deep integration of Siri, instantly synchronizes messages on both iPhone, iPad, and MacBook. Moreover, thanks to the Continuity function, you can start typing text on one device and finish it on another.

For example, you have an iPhone and a Mac with you. Your smartphone is dead and you need to send big message. Connect your laptop to the Internet and continue where you left off.

And if you look at other instant messengers, not everyone even has an application for macOS or Windows. You have to download the web version and waste precious minutes. It can also work with bugs.

Plus, if you need to send an SMS, then go nowhere no need. Need to text a friend on Android? Okay, write in the same application, the SMS will be sent automatically.

Private encryption protocol

Yes, you will say now that Telegram also has cool encryption, and in other messengers everyone has already introduced it or is introducing it. But iMessage is everything.

Apple does not keep logs and uses multi-stage asymmetric encryption for protection.

This can be seen already at the moment when you just start writing to your interlocutor.

As soon as you enable iMessage from your iOS device, two pairs of alphanumeric keys are automatically generated: one is public, the other is private.

The public pair is sent to Apple servers with confirmation of the user's intention to use iMessage. The private pair remains exclusively in the device’s memory and the company does not have access to it.

The iOS device instantly checks the presence of the recipient's public key on Apple servers. If such a key is found, the subscriber's availability in the iMessage service is displayed.

And as soon as you send a message, a duplicate is created and further encrypted. One copy goes to the interlocutor, one copy is sent to Apple servers.

A message delivered to the company’s server is instantly sent to the recipient in encrypted form with reference to public key sender. After sending, a copy of the message is deleted from the server and reaches the end device in encrypted form.

There is no strict connection to the phone number

The app is not connected to your phone number, so you can use it on all devices without needing a SIM card.

For it to work, you only need to have an Apple ID to safely send messages. Other messengers cannot boast of this. The “Yarovaya Law” also aggravates the situation, forcing users and their correspondence to be declassified.

You can also remember the story of how attackers

What is iMessage?

iMessage is a message transfer service from Apple. Thanks to it, you can send and receive text messages of unlimited length, videos, photos, geolocation tags, address book contacts to users who use iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and even Mac. In order for you to use iMessage on your iPad, iPod Touch or Mac, you need a valid ID. In order for you to use iMessage on iPhone, you need a valid Apple ID or phone number.

How do I enable iMessage?

In order for you to use iMessage on your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch or Mac, you need a valid Apple ID. After you create it and log in with it on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, you can enable iMessage.
In order to do this on iPhone you need to go to Settings -> Messages.

In order to do this on the iPad you need to go to Settings -> Messages.

Who can I chat with using iMessage?

At iMessage help you will be able to send text messages, videos, photos, geolocation tags and contacts address book users who have an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch or Mac.

How will I understand that the message is sent using iMessage and not SMS or MMS?

If the message is sent using iMessage, then your messages and the “send” button will be displayed in blue in the dialogue. If the message is sent when help SMS or MMS, then your messages and the “send” button will be displayed in the dialogue green.

What can you send using iMessage?

With iMessage, you can send text messages, videos, photos, geolocation tags, and address book contacts.

What technology does iMessage use?

iMessage is powered by packet transmission data. In order for you to be able to send or receive iMessages, you must be connected to a cellular network (GPRS/EDGE/3G Internet connection) or Wi-Fi.

Can I still use SMS and MMS with iMessage enabled?

Yes, sure. The Messages program automatically detects subscribers who have iMessage running. All other interlocutors will be sent either an SMS message or an MMS, depending on what you want to send.

Can I send a regular SMS or MMS message instead of iMessage?

Yes you can. If you see that the message is not delivered to the subscriber for a long time, you can resend it as a regular SMS or MMS messages. To do this, you need to click on the message and hold it until the “send as SMS” button appears.

If you have any questions that you haven’t found answers to here, come to our website, and we will be happy to help you solve your problem.

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