How to take a screenshot on a Mac: tips and tricks. How to take a screenshot on a Mac and MacBook: different methods

There are several standard ways to take a screenshot not only of everything on the display, but also of individual areas of the screen. In this material we will tell you what program you can use to do this and what keyboard shortcuts to use.

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How to take a screenshot using the Screenshot program on macOS Mojave (instructions below for other versions of macOS)

Screenshot- a standard utility for taking screenshots. Forget about Windows' PrintScreen and Paint. Apple did everything simply and elegantly.

1. Open the program Screenshot. The application can be found along the way Finder → Programs → Utilities → Screenshot, via Spotlight search or .

Starting with macOS Mojave app Screenshot You can also launch it with a keyboard shortcut ⌘Cmd + ⇧Shift + 5 on keyboard.

The application is attractive due to its ease of use and compactness. Once launched, a toolbar will appear at the bottom of the screen.

2. Select one of the following options (screenshot above): "Full Screen Capture", "Snapshot of the selected window" or "Snapshot of selected area".

When choosing "Capture the entire screen" you will get a screenshot immediately if you don't set a timer.

3. Click on the window or mark part of the screen if you have selected one of the remaining options. Your screenshot will be taken immediately after selection.

4. If necessary, right-click on the screenshot thumbnail that appears in the lower right corner to open the context menu.

Use the context menu to choose where to save the screenshot, and to share, edit, show in Finder, delete, or star it.

How to choose a save location for screenshots and screen recordings in macOS Mojave

Although you can choose from a limited set of locations to save screenshots and recordings after they've been taken, the new version of the OS also allows you to make a default choice.

1. Open the Screenshot program ( , through search Spotlight, Launchpad or click ⌘Cmd + ⇧Shift + 5 on the keyboard on the keyboard to open the screen toolbar.

2. Click the button "Options" in the panel that appears at the bottom of the screen.

3. Select "Desktop", "Documentation", "Clipboard", "Mail", "Messages" or "Preview" V "Save to" to set the save location.

How to Set a Timer to Take Screenshots in macOS Mojave

1. Open the program Screenshot

2. Click "Options".

3. To set a timer, select "5 second" or "10 Seconds" to disable, select option "No".

How to show the mouse cursor in screenshots in macOS Mojave

1. Open the program Screenshot by any of the methods indicated above.

2. Click "Options".

3. Click "Show mouse cursor".

How to Edit a Screenshot in macOS Mojave

1. After taking a screenshot, a thumbnail will appear in the lower right corner. Click on it to start the mode "Marking".

Markup can also be started by clicking on the screenshot thumbnail right click and selecting the option “ Marking".

3. Use the toolbar "Markings" to draw, write, highlight, add shapes, insert text, sign, rotate, or select text styles using the toolbar at the top of the Quick View window.

4. Click "Ready" to save changes.

How to take a screenshot using Screenshot (macOS High Sierra and earlier)

After starting the application Screenshot(the program can be found along the path Finder → Programs → Screenshot, through search Spotlight or Launchpad) in the menu bar, go to the screenshot tab and select one of the available screenshot options:

  • highlighted area(keyboard shortcut Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + A);

  • window(Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + W);

  • screen(Command (⌘) + Z);

  • delayed screen(Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + Z).

How to take a screenshot using keyboard shortcuts

Application Screenshot- this is of course great, but once you remember a couple, you can easily take several types of screenshots literally instantly. All you have to do is imagine that you are a pianist and at first write out the combinations on a sticker and stick them on the computer display:

  • Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + 5– opens the program Screenshot(macOS Mojave and later only).
  • Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + 3– a screenshot of the entire desktop. If you have multiple monitors, the same number of files will appear.
  • Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + 4– screenshot of the selected part of the display. The cursor arrow will turn into a crosshair with the current coordinates. All you have to do is select the area of ​​interest.
  • Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + 3 and then click space– screenshot of the entire window. Just move the camera to any window and it will turn blue. By clicking with the left mouse button, you can take a screenshot (by default, a beautiful shadow around the window is activated).
  • Control (⌃) + Shift (⇧) + Command (⌘) + 3– save a screenshot of the entire display to the clipboard (the file is not created in the default folder, but you can paste the image copied to the clipboard in any program).
  • Control (⌃) + Shift (⇧) + Command (⌘) + 4– save the selected area of ​​the display to the clipboard (works similarly to the previous command - the file is not created, but you can immediately paste a screenshot from the clipboard).

It is noteworthy that you can insert screenshots not only on the Mac on which they were created, but also on devices thanks to Universal clipboard(Universal Clipboard).

We wrote more about how this function works and how to activate it in.

All screenshots are saved to the desktop in the " Screenshot of YYYY-MM-DD in HH.MM.SS» (Screenshot – date – time). Both the path and name can be changed using Terminal commands.

We wrote about how to change the path along which screenshots will be created.

To change the default name, enter the following command in Terminal and press Return (Enter):

defaults write name "any name"; killall SystemUIServer

You can return the name to its original state with the command:

defaults delete name; killall SystemUIServer

To remove the shadow cast by a window, run the following command:

defaults write disable-shadow -bool true; killall SystemUIServer

Returning to the initial state is carried out with the command:

defaults delete disable-shadow; killall SystemUIServer

Compared to Windows devices, Mac computers and laptops running the OS X operating system have greater functionality for creating screenshots. Standard system tools allow you to create:

  • Screen photo
  • Snapshot of a specific area
  • Photo of one window

Shot of a separate window

Press the key combination shown in the image below. When the mouse cursor changes shape, press Spacebar. Point to the window you want to photograph and click on it. The photo will be saved to the desktop of your Apple Mac device. The camera shutter sound will be heard from the connected headphones or speakers.

In a similar way, you can select and photograph a certain area, even if it extends beyond one window. To do this, follow the same steps, but do not press Space. Then select the area whose photo you want to save on your hard drive.

Note! If you are using a regular Windows keyboard with your Mac OS X computer, there is no Command button. To remap keys, use Ukulele or Keyboard Remap applications.

Capture the entire screen on Apple Mac

You can take a screenshot of the entire workspace of your iMac or MacBook using the keyboard shortcut “Command + Shift + 3”. No additional actions are required; the PNG image will be written to the standard directory.

Advice! To take a photo of another virtual space, first open it. Only the current screen is saved in the image.

Save to clipboard

In some cases, you don't need to burn an Apple Mac screenshot to disk. If you need to immediately paste a photo into another program, it is advisable to save the screenshot to the clipboard. To do this, while pressing the desired set of keys, hold down the additional button - Shift. The method works both when taking pictures of the entire work area, and when photographing specific applications.

To avoid pressing four buttons at once, you can use one of the third-party utilities, such as Screenshot Plus. It is designed as a widget, and in addition to the standard capabilities for creating pictures, it allows you to take them using a countdown timer.

Tutorial Video: How to Take a Screenshot on Mac

Changing the Screenshots Folder on OS X

You can change the directory where photos will be saved on your Mac in the Terminal. To open it, use one of the following methods:

  • Press "Command + Space" and type "terminal" in the Spotlight search bar.
  • Go to the "Programs -> Utilities" directory using the Finder system file manager.

In the terminal, type: defaults write location ~[new path to save screenshots]. Press "Enter" and on a new line type: killall SystemUIServer.

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The reputation of professionals consists of several points

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So that you can imagine what exactly you need.
They will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

How to take a screenshot of the entire screen

Press Shift + Command + 3. The file will be saved on your desktop as a PNG image. This is a standard screenshot option, similar to pressing the Print Screen key on a Windows PC.

How to take a screenshot of a selected area of ​​the screen

Use Shift + Command + 4. The cursor will change to a crosshair icon, which you can use to highlight the desired area of ​​the screen. As soon as you lift your finger, the screenshot will be saved.

The selected area can be modified using additional keys (pressed after highlighting the screen):

  • Shift allows you to change the boundaries of an area vertically or horizontally;
  • Option - scale the area size while maintaining proportions;
  • Spacebar - move the selected area around the screen.

Esc cancels the selection.

How to take a screenshot of a window on Mac

Use the combination Shift + Command + 4, then press the space bar and use the cursor to select the desired window.

How to take a screenshot of a menu on Mac

To take a screenshot of the OSD or Dock, press Shift + Command + 4 and then Spacebar. This combination works on the same principle as the previous one.

If you hold down the Command key after pressing the space bar, you can select not the entire menu, but its individual elements.

How to take a screenshot of the Touch Bar

Press Shift + Command + 6. Just like regular screenshots, the Touch Bar screenshot will appear on your desktop as a PNG file.

How to Take a Screenshot on Mac Using Screen Capture Utility

Apple has updated its Screenshot utility. Now you can call it with the keyboard shortcuts Shift + Command + 5 and take the screenshots described above using the buttons on the application toolbar. After selecting the screenshot option, you need to click “Snapshot”, and the screenshot will be saved on the desktop.

The first button is responsible for taking a snapshot of the entire screen, the second is for a screenshot of the window, and the third is for taking a snapshot of the selected area.

The application also has the option. The fourth button on the toolbar starts recording the entire screen, and the fifth - only the selected area.

How to Set Up Screenshots on Mac

Wherever you make changes, they will apply to all screenshots: both those taken using hotkeys and those taken in the Screenshot utility.

How to set up screenshots in Terminal

1. How to change the save location

To prevent screenshots from cluttering your desktop, you can change the location where they are saved. For example, to the Screenshots folder in Documents. To do this, create the desired folder, if it does not already exist, and enter the following command in “ ”:

defaults write location ~/Documents/Screenshots && killall SystemUIServer

To return settings to default, enter:

defaults write location ~/Desktop/ && killall SystemUIServer

2. How to change the format

PNG provides the highest image quality, but such screenshots weigh quite a lot. If necessary, you can change the format to regular JPG. To do this, just enter the following command:

defaults write type jpg && killall SystemUIServer

To return to the PNG format, use the command:

defaults write type png && killall SystemUIServer

3. How to remove shadows

By default, macOS adds shadows to window screenshots. They look as beautiful as they do in the system, but this is not always necessary. To turn off shadows, enter the following command in Terminal:

defaults write disable-shadow -bool true && killall SystemUIServer

You can return shadows using this command:

defaults delete disable-shadow && killall SystemUIServer

How to set up Screenshot in macOS Mojave

From the toolbar, open the Options menu.

Here you can select a save location, take a picture with a delay of 5 and 10 seconds, as well as options for displaying the cursor, remembering the last shooting mode and disabling the floating thumbnails that appear after taking a screenshot.