Why does the laptop get very hot? Why does my laptop get so hot? Loss of thermal paste properties

Recently, our site talked about why mobile computers turn off spontaneously. In 80–85% of cases, simple overheating is to blame. Today we will once again briefly list everything possible reasons why the laptop heats up, and we’ll talk in detail about prevention and methods for solving this problem.

How can you tell if your laptop is overheating?

Real Temp works without installation on your computer (just download and run). It monitors the temperature of the processor cores and video in real time, displays it in the system tray, plus it can write this data to the log.

The Real Temp window in the screenshot shows the current temperature indicators CPU cores, difference from maximum permissible temperature, which is taken as 100 0 C (Distance TJ Max), as well as the minimum and maximum recorded since the start of the program.

To turn on sound notification When the maximum temperature is reached, open the settings (Settings button) and in the “Other Settings” section, check “Alarm Temperature”. For the CPU, set the response threshold to 90 0 C, for the GPU (video chip) – 90–95 0 C.

From time to time it is advisable to check the heating level hard drive. Approaching the upper threshold may indicate incipient problems, and a disk that heats up too much and at the same time slows down is completely unreliable.

For monitoring hard state There are also a lot of utilities on the disk: HDD Health, HD Tune, CrystalDiskInfo, Hard Disk Sentinel, etc. Choose any.

The screenshot shows the window of Hard Disk Sentinel Pro, one of the free editions of this program.

How to check if the cooling system is working efficiently?

Certain lines of laptops are more prone to overheating than others. The reason, as a rule, is an unsuccessful design solution: close proximity of the video card and one of the bridges in combination with a simplified cooling system, too narrow ventilation holes in the bottom of the case (or in complete absence such holes), etc. When normal use Such devices work normally, but as soon as you load them a little, the temperature rises sharply.

To find out whether the CO is capable of withstanding intense loads, it is enough to conduct a small laptop overheating test. Any program for checking system stability is suitable for this: LinX, OCCT, S&M, CPU Stability Test, Aida64 and others. It is optimal if the program has a monitoring function that displays temperature increases on a graph. If there is no such function, you can launch a third-party monitor.

Let's look at how this is done using the example of Aida64 (trial version). In the stability test settings, check “Stress CPU” (uncheck the rest), press the “Start” button and look at the graphs. The bottom shows the % of processor usage and CPU throttling, the top shows the component temperatures.

The purpose of testing is to find out how quickly the processor and other devices heat up when maximum load. Smooth heating to the upper limit of the norm (70–75 0 C) indicates adequate cooling, and sudden heating, reaching 80 0 C or more, especially if the graph is close to vertical, indicates insufficient cooling.

It takes 5-10 minutes to evaluate the result, but if the laptop heats up too quickly, the test should be stopped immediately.

How to prevent your laptop from overheating?

The best means of extending the “life” of anyone mobile computer- This is a cooling pad. Especially for devices that are structurally prone to overheating and have undergone repairs - replacing the video chip or bridges: after repair, the safety margin is no longer the same, and the next breakdown may occur at lower temperatures.

Another simple and effective method avoid overheating - blow ventilation from a can of compressed air. If you repeat it 1-2 times a month, your “iron pet” will not need more serious cleaning soon.

What is needed for this:

  • Paper or cloth napkins.

How is purging done:

  • Turn off the laptop, disconnect the power supply.
  • Place the nozzle of the can to one side of the ventilation grille (where the heated air comes out from), and cover the other side with a napkin.
  • With a quick short press (no longer than a second), release some air from the can. Dust will collect on the napkin.
  • Repeat blowing until the napkin is no longer dirty.

Don't be afraid to push the dust even deeper - with inside To ventilation grille there is a fan (blower) attached, separated from the rest of the case by walls, so all the dirt will be blown out.

Blowing is an effective measure to prevent, but not eliminate, overheating. What to do if the grille is so clogged with dust that almost no air passes through, read on.

How to clean a laptop from dust from the inside?

Cleaning by opening the case is a professional manipulation, but many laptop owners do it themselves. The most labor-intensive thing about it is disassembling and assembling the device, but in some cases it is simple (there are models where to access the cooling system it is enough to unscrew the hatch on the bottom cover), and in others it is quite complex (almost complete disassembly is required).

Note! Disassembling a laptop (if it has not been opened before by an authorized service center) always leads to loss of warranty.

Assembly and disassembly instructions specific model can be found on the web. It is better if it is an official service manual, which shows each step (search for “Model name service manual”). As a last resort, use any material on the topic - photographs, videos or verbal descriptions.

In addition, you will need:

  • Small Phillips screwdriver.
  • Solid a plastic card, a thin ruler, a mediator or a special spatula - for unsnapping the latches.

  • Tweezers.
  • Containers for screws.
  • Compressed air cylinder.
  • Small paint brush or brush.
  • Thermal paste (don’t forget, KPT-8 is not suitable for laptops!).
  • Thermal pads (if used in your model).
  • Synthetic oil for lubrication (if the fan is very noisy).
  • Napkin.

Operating procedure:

  • Disconnect the power supply and battery.
  • Using the instructions, remove the outer screws, separate the keyboard and protective strips if necessary, and then remove the bottom cover. Disconnect and remove all interfering parts (it is convenient to use tweezers to disconnect thin wires and cables).

Illustrations taken from the Asus G74 G74Sx service manual and are presented as an example. The procedure for disassembling your device may vary.

  • Continue disassembling until you see where the cooling system is attached to the motherboard. To separate them, you need to unscrew several screws. The order of screwing in and out is marked with numbers next to the screws. Be sure to follow it, otherwise you may damage the fragile crystals of the chips.
  • Disconnect the fan connector.

  • Remove the cooling system. If it doesn’t give in, gently move it from side to side (but don’t pull it up). Most likely it is being held in place by dried thermal paste.
  • Using a can of compressed air, clean the board and all internal surfaces of dust. Remove large accumulations with a brush or broom. The metal part of the CO and the fan impeller can be washed under the tap (do not forget to dry them before assembly). To remove the impeller, remove it from the fan protective sticker, as well as a cork and a plastic ring, which are threaded onto the axle. Before assembly, place a drop of oil into the channel.
  • Wipe off any remaining thermal paste from the processor and chips with a napkin. If it's dry, drop some water on top or put it wet wipe(as long as the laptop is de-energized, water is not dangerous for it). Remove any remaining liquid.
  • Apply a fresh layer of thermal paste - it should be even and thin. Thermal pads are changed only if they dry out. If the old ones have not lost their elasticity, you can reuse them. Remember that you cannot replace gaskets with thermal paste - it is not capable of filling the gaps between the surface of the chip and the heat sink.
  • After cleaning and replacing the thermal paste, reassemble the device in reverse order.

Another reason why a laptop overheats and turns off is a breakdown of the cooling system. This is indicated by obvious symptoms of overheating after the device has been cleaned of dust, and sometimes by unnatural fan noise (howling, jerking, etc.).

A reliable sign of a CO malfunction (provided correct installation) – ineffective heat sink. If the metal part heats up only in the area of ​​the heat sinks (1) adjacent to the chips, and the heat pipes (2) and the radiator (3) remain cool, it means that the contact has broken (crack) at one of the joints.

This part needs to be replaced. If the reason is faulty fan, it also needs to be replaced.

During operation, a laptop generates heat, which is removed using the laptop cooling system - a cooler, which consists of a fan and a metal plate (mostly copper, aluminum) with tubes and special fins.

Cold air enters the laptop from below and is exhausted from the side - it circulates in the laptop, and thus cools the chips that get very hot - the processor, video card, south and north bridges.

After a year or two, the laptop cooler begins to become clogged with dust. The first sign of dust is increased noise from the laptop. A sign at the second stage - the laptop is heating up. And the third stage - the laptop turns off.

Turning off the laptop means that the processor or video card has become very hot - up to 100` C. If it heats up further, the video card or north bridge may break, and repairs will cost half the cost of the laptop. Therefore, the overheating protection system is triggered - shutdown.

If your laptop overheats, you need to take action. If the problem is neglected, repairs will cost more. Powerful gaming laptops can get especially hot.

What to do if your laptop gets hot?

  • Do not work on a sofa or blanket. There is a grille at the bottom through which air flows. The sofa or blanket covers this grille, and dust and lint get into the laptop.
  • You can put a disc box under your laptop.
  • Buy a cooling pad with fans. Cost from 300 UAH.
  • Take the laptop to a service center for cleaning and maintenance. The service will clean the cooler from dust, lubricate the fan and replace the thermal paste (a special liquid that is located between the processor crystal and the cooling plate of the cooling system).

Temperature check

To make sure that overheating is present, you can use programs that take readings from sensors motherboard. – Everest, AIDA 64, HW Monitor.

Screenshot of the HW Montior program:

The normal temperature of a laptop is up to 75-80 degrees. If, without booting (you just turned on the laptop and went online, for example), the temperature reaches 80-90 degrees, then you need to take measures - buy a cooling pad, or take the laptop in for preventative maintenance. Overheating is the cause of 90% of cases of video card and microcircuit failure north bridge. And such repairs will cost half the cost of a laptop.

If you don’t know and if this is not the first time you have noticed that its case gets very hot, the cooler inside the laptop makes a very loud noise, and your laptop, previously fast and reliable in operation, now often slows down and crashes, and perhaps it began to suddenly turn off during your work and you just can’t understand the reason for this behavior of your computer, then it is quite possible that the root of the above troubles is overheating of the laptop itself, which, ultimately, can lead to the final failure of your device. In this material, we will look at the reasons for your laptop overheating, give tips on how to avoid it, and also look at methods for cleaning the cooling system, which will make your PC reliable, fast, and durable in operation.

What is “laptop overheating” and what to do if it gets too hot?

During operation of the laptop, I consume its electrical components. electricity, some of which turns into heat, helping to raise the temperature inside the PC case. Therefore, than more load to the central processor and video card, to the northern and south bridges(chips) of a laptop - the more heat will be generated inside your computer, the more noise the cooler will make, the more your computer will overheat and crash.

Note that older laptops heat up significantly more. modern models, which is associated with the use of less efficient systems cooling. Modern innovations and improvements in the quality of overheating control make it possible to improve the cooling process of modern laptops, making the operation of such PCs more efficient and reliable. Plus to this, modern processors are manufactured using advanced energy-saving technologies that help significantly save energy consumption and reduce processor heat dissipation.

Why is my laptop overheating?

There are several reasons for a laptop to overheat; we will look at the most common ones. So:

Significant load on system components your laptop causing overheating may be caused by many simultaneously running utilities, browser tabs, as well as powerful modern computer games, using a lot of your computer's resources. Moreover, the use of such programs on office laptops, not intended for powerful and resource-intensive games, causes significant overheating such computers.

Cooling system contamination

A standard laptop cooling system usually consists of a radiator, a cooler (fan) and a heat pipe, as well as vents on the case.

Contamination of these holes, the accumulation of dust and all sorts of fluffy parts of matter there can make it impossible for hot air to fully escape from the laptop case, leading to its concentration inside, which can cause overheating and malfunctions of the computer.

If the user practices careless operation of his laptop, keeps it in dusty rooms and on various fleecy surfaces, and does not clean the cooling system, then the laptop will begin to overheat, and then may even fail, and this can happen within a year or two after its use. purchases.

Cooling system failure

The laptop cooling system may break down, the fans (coolers) will fail, the thermal paste, the function of which is to remove heat from the hottest elements of the system, will dry out, and it may also break. heat pipe. Typically, system elements do not fail overnight; there is a gradual decrease in their performance (the cooler begins to hum and vibrate, the system begins to periodically turn off, etc.). Therefore, if your laptop cooler is loud or the system suddenly turns off - It is worth checking the functionality of the cooling system, and if necessary - replace faulty elements.

How to deal with laptop overheating?

To ensure long and reliable operation your computer, it is worth focusing on the basic methods of combating its overheating. Namely:

Reduce CPU load

Try not to run many applications and web pages at the same time, this significantly increases the load on your laptop, causing it to " slowdowns", overheating and so on. Various factors also contribute to overheating of the computer. virus programs, operating hidden from the user and significantly loading the processor. Swipe antivirus scan your computer, do not run many resource-intensive applications at the same time, do not try to overclock your “office” laptop for resource-intensive game programs– and your laptop will be able to avoid overheating and will work reliably and efficiently.

Cleaning the laptop cooling system from clogging

It is necessary to adhere to the correct technique for using a laptop, do not work with it on any fluffy and soft surfaces (sofa, bed), as particles of wool and dust get into ventilation holes laptop and clog them, preventing fresh air from getting inside your laptop. Therefore, it is better to keep your PC on flat surfaces (for example, on a table) or on your lap in such a position that the ventilation holes are always open and fresh air can easily flow inside.

It is also necessary to regularly (at least once a month) clean the ventilation holes in the housing from clogging. To do this, you need to remove the bottom cover of the laptop, unscrew the fastening screws, remove the cooler, and then use a brush to clean the ventilation holes, removing balls of dust and hair from them. Then you should put the cooler in place, tighten its screws, and then close the bottom cover. If you feel unprepared for such a procedure, then contact a service center or IT specialist with a similar request, and they will help you clean your laptop from clogging for a nominal fee.

Changing dried thermal paste

Usually thermal paste, which allows you to effectively remove heat from the central processor, is applied to its surface and hidden from the user’s eyes by a cooler attached to the surface of the processor. Typically, the lifespan of thermal paste lasts several years and depends both on its quality and on the thickness and area of ​​application of the layer. It is recommended to change the thermal paste every 1-3 years to prevent it from drying out and the processor from overheating.

Buy a cooling pad

To reduce overheating of your laptop, you can purchase a special cooling pad for your laptop. Universal stand models can be easily adjusted to fit the size of your laptop, and the heat-dissipating surface of the stand and the coolers built into it will help effectively cool the bottom surface of your computer.

Limiting processor power

It is also possible by means operating system limit the power of the central processor, setting its maximum operation to 60-80%, which will help reduce its overheating. To do this, go to the control panel, click on “system and security”, select “power”, and then “set up power plan”. Click "change" Extra options", then select "processor power management", then "maximum state" and set the indicator, for example, to 60% from the network and battery.


The quality and speed of a laptop directly depends on the functionality and reliability of its cooling system. It is necessary to regularly clean it from clogging, take care to maintain its high performance, change failed elements of the cooling system - and then the likelihood that your laptop will serve you for many years will increase significantly. If necessary, you can contact your local service center, where specialists will clean your system of dust, change thermal paste and test other computer components.

Now you know, what to do if your laptop gets too hot and remember that regular and timely prevention of computer breakdowns is a necessary guarantee of its high-quality, reliable and long work and good luck to you.

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Miniaturization is an inevitable process in the evolution of comfort. A compact device is always easier to transport. If you need to have permanent access to the functionality of the device, its dimensions are great importance. Despite the advanced capabilities of laptops, the device also has a number of disadvantages. the main problem voiced in the question: “Why does the laptop get hot?” If you are interested in information about probable reasons, increasing the temperature of the device, and you want to know how to eliminate such “iron inflammation”, then the material presented in this article will be as useful as you can correctly apply it in practice.

Lack of free space and its consequences

Notice how much smaller a laptop computer is than its desktop counterpart. However, the power and performance of the “little one” can be many times greater than that of its “giant opponent”. However, the time factor always dots the i's... One way or another, a device that is used for a long time (especially when all the hardware resources of the computer are involved) will inevitably begin to heat up. The extremely close proximity of components in the interior of the case is an incredibly favorable environment for increased heat transfer. Question: “Why does the laptop get very hot?” becomes especially relevant if, among other things, the user is placed on a sofa. In this case, the soft upholstery of the headset becomes a kind of additional barrier to the much-needed air cooling system. Why is that? The main limitation is usually the casing of the device, the ventilation holes of which sometimes cannot provide sufficient air circulation. How to avoid negative impact heat and what to do to ensure that the laptop computer works with “cold calculation” - read the material below.

Why does the laptop get very hot: design flaws

The iron “organism” of your electronic device, as a rule, frames plastic case. In the case when the laptop model is associated with budget-class technology, the risk of overheating of the internal components increases with every slightly incorrect operating action. For example, using a laptop on your lap or working arrangement devices on a soft surface are obviously incorrect. When you work on a laptop in a dusty room or in high humidity conditions, know that negative consequences cannot be avoided. By the way, a cold environment also has a devastating effect on the laptop as a whole. It is reasonable to assume that the question: “Why does the laptop get hot?” It might not have happened if the user had been aware of all the operational nuances.

What the seller won’t say, or What the manufacturer is hiding?

First of all, remember that a laptop is portable device, which can function autonomously, without being tied to a power supply location. However, if you use a laptop as a desktop PC, then you should not forget that “prolonged strain” on the device can be disastrous for the device if the user ignores the tactile effect - a hot case. Even if you were assured that the laptop was made taking into account all operating conditions, do not believe it - you are being misled. However, some modifications of portable computers truly adapted to use in extreme conditions. However, even happy owners of reliable devices may have a question: “Why does the laptop heat up and turn off?” Developers and manufacturers of portable computer equipment can assure the authoritative competence of their “brainchild”, but the temperature fact remains an inevitable obviousness: everything is subject to the destructive influence high temperature. Therefore, it makes sense to constantly monitor the “degrees” of the components of a long-running system.

Top “hot” problems and ways to solve them

So, why does the laptop heat up and turn off? Let's look at the main reasons for this phenomenon, and at the same time understand some technical nuances And design features laptop.

Problem #1: Dust Exposure

As already mentioned, computer components are “constrained” by the frame structure, so to speak, by a protective shell. This item devices can be made of different materials. Various polymers, metal frames made of steel and even titanium can be used to give the laptop reliability various levels. Many of the materials have incredibly effective heat absorption properties. However, open areas and air intakes are most susceptible to constant exposure. external environment: dust, moisture, etc. Often the user has a question: “Why does the laptop get so hot?” Most likely, there was a critical accumulation of microscopic debris inside the laptop. Dust particles are compressed around the cooling cooler and, with their quantitative mass, block the air inlet/outlet. As a result, the fan lubricant becomes clogged, and friction creates an unpleasant effect of extraneous noise.

Remedy #1: Surface cleaning

As a rule, such troubles are resolved by basic preventive actions:

  • The external openings of the air channels are freed from dust layers using an ordinary construction brush for painting.
  • You can use a household vacuum cleaner.
  • In some cases, in order to correct the situation that leads to the question “why is the HP laptop heating up,” it is necessary to remove the protective cover of the case, which covers the direct location of the cooling fan.

Attention: implementation of the last point deprives the user of the manufacturer's warranty. Because unauthorized access is a violation of operating rules.

Remedy No. 2: “Through the lid to the target”

If guarantee period has expired, then the user has every reason to self-recovery performance of the cooling system. Except for contacting a specialized service center.

  • Turn the laptop over and use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws of the cover, which is usually located in the upper case, on the left (rear view).
  • After dismantling the protective element, use the same brush (see above) to clean the area of ​​contamination. It is worth noting that in a situation where the question is: “Why is the laptop noisy and hot?”, superficial “cleaning” is not enough - you need to lubricate the fan. In some cases, it is advisable to replace the cooling cooler.
  • After completing the “sanitary” work, install the cover in its original position, first making sure that there is no extra items in the niche that you have cleared of dust.

As a result of the fact that the cooling system ceases to function fully, it often happens that during work in the operating room Windows environment The computer freezes or simply turns off. In the first option, perhaps the system lacks random access memory, otherwise there is a violation temperature regime. Triggered emergency shutdown, activated by the BIOS service.

Remedy #1: Dirty RAM

To clean off dust installed rulers RAM, the corresponding protection plate also needs to be opened. It is usually located in the middle part of the casing and is secured with two screws. Open, clean and replace the lid. In some cases, it will be necessary to “increase” the RAM potential - adding memory.

First of all - diagnosis

Often, access to the central processor is somewhat difficult and involves the immediate dismantling of housing parts and even some of the system’s external modules. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out diagnostics of the equipment in order to make sure that there are grounds for the labor-intensive process. After all, sometimes visual analysis can indicate the real reason why the laptop began to heat up. It is not difficult to carry out such a check; to do this, just enter the BIOS and look at the current temperature readings of the processor in the corresponding menu. There are also standard Windows tools, which can be used to ensure that the CPU is operating at normal mode. In other cases, dismantling cannot be avoided.

Elimination method No. 2: a substance on which a lot depends...

The operation of the processor is accompanied by high heat generation. If the cooling system is not functioning properly, the thermal paste dries out. The mentioned substance serves as a kind of layer between the CPU crystal and the heatsink, which absorbs the heat emanating from the processor. As you understand, to replace the thermal paste, you need to remove the cooling part and clean the contacting surfaces from traces of the dried substance. It should be taken into account that the component involved in heat exchange is applied evenly, in a thin layer and in no case extends beyond the boundaries of the processed planes.

Problem No. 2: “hot” video effects and resource-intensive software

Software, and in some cases multimedia, is often the reason why the question arises: “Why is my laptop heating up?” First of all, pay close attention to how the video card works. When graphics are displayed on the screen, the processor begins to “strain”, and if the user has loaded a modern toy onto his portable device, then the system uses all its resources, and then the hardware potential is given 100%. High performance requires more energy consumption, hence increased heat generation by system components. Of course, you know that a powerful video card needs efficient cooling, So what GPU, just like the CPU, has a blower cooler. Of course, the fan blades and disc heatsink can become clogged with dust. In this case, there is a risk of overheating of the video card parts, and the question: “why does the laptop heat up when you play” requires immediate resolution.

Remedy No. 1: software problems

A lot of software running simultaneously can also cause your computer to overheat. It would be better if you disable some applications. Firstly, you will significantly increase system performance, and secondly, you will not overload the hardware of your laptop.

Remedy #2: Discrete cleaning

As a rule, the graphics module is located in close proximity to the air channel grilles. Therefore calculate exact location a discrete video card is not difficult. By unscrewing the corresponding screws, you can remove the protective cover and clean the part from dust layers.


So, we looked at why the laptop heats up. However, the issue cannot be considered closed without discussing one more important moment. The fact is that another reason for the problem we are interested in may be accumulator battery laptop. To verify the reliability of suspicions, it is enough to use special utility or contact a specialized workshop for diagnostics and recommendations. Do not forget about a simple operating rule: the laptop computer should be placed on a flat table surface during operation so that nothing obstructs the access of air to the inside of the laptop. As you have probably seen, there is nothing difficult in understanding and solving the problem we are discussing. Timely preventive actions will help you prevent the negative consequences of this property of the unit, and let systematic temperature monitoring of the laptop become a mandatory rule for you. Productivity to you and successful service!

For most characteristics modern laptops comparable to powerful gaming desktop computers. Unfortunately, small body laptop computer just can't accommodate a full-fledged system cooling designed for long-term intensive loads. As a result, laptop owners are faced with overheating of their computers, spontaneous shutdown and even breakdowns.

External cooling systems

The laptop's instruction manual usually contains a warning that the computer should not be placed on soft surfaces or that air should not be allowed to reach the ventilation holes located at the bottom of the case. If the laptop only gets a little warm, it may be enough to place additional supports under it to increase the air gap between the case and the surface of the table, since sometimes the fans simply do not have enough air to cool.

Install special program for temperature control individual devices laptop. This will help you determine which device is running hottest.

A more advanced solution is a special cooling pad. As a rule, such stands are rectangular panels in which from one to four fans are mounted. They allow you to solve two problems at once: firstly, they increase the air gap, since they are made of perforated plastic, and secondly, they provide the body and insides of the laptop with more intensive cooling. These stands are powered via a USB port. The disadvantages of this option include only some inconvenience with transportation and additional noise.

Cleaning from dust

Finally, effective means is . In principle, sometimes it is enough to vacuum the case, keyboard and ventilation holes, but if the laptop has been in use for a long time, then it has probably accumulated great amount dust, animal hair, in general, everything that makes cooling difficult. Almost everyone provides laptop cleaning services. service centers, however, you can do everything yourself.

Try not to subject your laptop to prolonged loads. If overheating occurs constantly, it may make sense to take short breaks every two to three hours to allow the case to cool completely.

Please note that you should not start self-cleaning laptop if you are not confident in your abilities and skills. The point of the procedure is to get to the cooler (cooling system consisting of a fan and radiator) of the processor. As a rule, this requires removing the laptop lid and the cooling plate that distributes heat evenly throughout the case. After removing the cooler, disconnect the fan from it, then use a vacuum cleaner to thoroughly clean the surface of the radiator and the fan blades. To ensure better thermal conductivity between the processor and the cooler, apply a fresh layer of so-called thermal paste (you can buy it at computer stores) and install the cooling system in place. If you did everything correctly, then after assembly the laptop will heat up much less. This procedure should be repeated regularly to extend the life of your computer.