Where are all contacts stored in Android: determine the exact location of the folder. In which folder are contacts stored on Android?

I believe that every more or less “proficient” user of a device based on Android OS should know what is stored on his device and in what folders. Therefore, today I want to talk specifically about the structure and purpose of system directories.

Differences between the Linux/Android family and Windows

First, let's go through the base. Linux users and those who like to get smart, please skip this section and move on, here we present the material as simplified as possible.

Almost all of us use personal computers with one version or another of the Windows operating system. In it, information is distributed across disks. Typically, C is the system partition, D is for data storage, and directories E to Z are removable media.

Things look a little different in the Linux family. There, the file structure is specified by a tree architecture. If you have at least once accessed the directory of your Android device using a file manager, then you have an absolutely clear idea of ​​what this thing looks like.

I would like to draw readers' attention to the fact that Windows is usually not case sensitive. There are large letters, small ones, mixed ones - the computer just doesn’t care about all this. But try to give 4 folders in Android the names Pack, pack and PACK - and the system will perceive them as all different.

Purpose of sections

When a file is downloaded via the Internet on the phone, they are saved in the section cache . This also includes over-the-air update files. By the way, they have the name “ update.zip ”.

The folder requires a detailed explanation data . It contains several directories. For example, data app – games and applications are installed into it.

IN app-lib You can find additional libraries of files and configurations that are designed to run a particular application. Note: most often app-lib found specifically in new versions of Android.

The operating system has a Java engine called Dalvik. It plays the role of a kind of engine, since it launches applications and monitors their operation. So, for the functioning of the Java machine there is a directory dalvik-cache .

It is interesting and surprising to see another “date” inside the data folder. But don't be alarmed: this directory is used by the system to store individual settings for each individual application.

Chapter system also stores settings. But already on a global scale. For example, settings for blocking the device, accounts on it, synchronizing data on the device.

IN data There are not only folders, but also individual files. This gesture.key For example. He is responsible for the blocking algorithm.

Catalog efs Not available on all versions of Android OS. It contains single files and folders that are somehow related to the IMEI of the device.

By the way, sometimes the section system echoes the section preload , which stores additional folders and files.

Since we touched on this topic, I’ll explain what functions the directory is occupied with system . We are now talking about what comes separately and is not part of the data section. So, in the catalog system there are several branches.

For example, app . This is where system applications and programs, as well as services, are located. Note: in new versions of Android they are placed in the folder priv-app .

Catalogs bin And xbin are responsible for the content of files and links to executing binary algorithms. In general, just like on an ordinary personal computer. Inside xbin you can find a file called su (from the words Super User). As you might have guessed, this file is responsible for superuser rights (Root rights).

Camerdata contains assemblies of configurations necessary for stable and correct operation of the camera.

IN etc you can find the files responsible for loading the operating system. They also provide standard services.

Init.t created to contain scripts that affect the operation of the OS. Speaking of the catalog etc : it has a file hosts , which has the right to block web address redirects.

For normal operation of the Internet on a mobile device, the system must receive maximum information about access points. On Android this information is stored in a file apns.conf located in the folder etc . There is also a file here gps.conf . What do you think he is responsible for? Of course, for navigation using the GPS system.

Folder framework will demonstrate what “processes” occur inside our operating system.

Catalog lib and subdirectory modules explain which application and service libraries are used in the system, as well as which drivers (note, not modules!) are used for this.

I never had a desire to listen to additional system sounds. But the catalog provides such an opportunity media . The loading animation is stored right there in the archive bootanimation.zip .

We have already started talking about multimedia files. Then let's figure it out, get this over with. The system's voice engines are stored in a directory tts .

Of course, system settings are written in a separate file. You can find it in the system section. He has a name build.prop .

Now that we've sorted out the system partition, let's move on. Next up is the proc section. He can tell a cool story about what kernel is running in the device and what configuration settings it has.

To section mnt The operating system always mounts memory cards as well as internal memory. Note that they are virtual in nature.

The catalog does roughly the same thing. storage . However, if mnt performs operations on virtual components, then storage mounts only real memory and real external drives.

How will this information be useful to users?

Based on previously acquired knowledge, we can already stick our noses into other people’s (systemic) affairs. Moreover, it is relatively safe to do this if we do not rush to delete configuration files. What I mean is that knowing, for example, what the data section is for, we can find the necessary file of a particular application in order to do something with it.

Where are contacts stored on Android?

Contact lists can be called the most sensitive elements on Android. Due to some systemic oversight, they can easily be lost. Therefore, it is worth knowing where they are stored in order to protect yourself from this fate. So let's get started.

To find contacts on Android, the doctor prescribed the address: /data/data/com.android.providers.contacts/databases. There we look for the contacts.db file. On some OS versions it may be called contacts2.db. IMPORTANT: To read this file you will need root rights. Essentially, contacts.db is a database.

Why do we need this? Imagine a situation where the internal memory of the phone is still functioning, but the phone itself does not turn on. Knowing the location of the file, we can export contacts. The user also has the opportunity to manually configure a backup of this information to a personal computer using a server. But this is for very suspicious people who don’t even trust Google.

Where are apps stored on Android?

If you previously downloaded games or programs from the Google Play service and installed them on your phone, you can find the corresponding folders in the /data/app section. From there they can be freely removed. If you are interested in system applications, they are located in another section - /system/app . Why is it important? We return again to the topic of backups. Simply knowing the locations of programs and games, we can make backup copies at any time and in any quantity.

Where are photos and videos stored on Android?

Not all people like to send photos and videos to a personal computer (or other third-party storage) using the standard Gallery application. This can also be done using the built-in file manager. Photos and videos on Android are stored in the DCIM/Camera . And where DCIM is located - on the phone or memory card - it’s better for only you to know.

The Android operating system is significantly different from the Windows OS. For example, if when downloading a file on Windows we choose the download folder ourselves, then in the case of Android we use one storage. Where exactly are the files downloaded? Let's figure it out.

Where are downloaded files stored?

If we are talking about files that users download from the network, then the Download folder is usually used for them. To find it, you need to use any file manager, for example, ES Explorer, as in our case.

Go in and look for the Download folder. Please note: if you have a memory card installed, a Download folder can be automatically created on it, where downloaded files are placed.

And here is the downloaded file in the Download folder.

Where are APK files stored?

We've sorted out the downloaded files. Now let's move on to an even more interesting question - where are APK files downloaded? Of course, they are also stored in the file system, but you can’t easily access them - you need to get them, and the latter, as you know, “remove” the device from warranty. Keep this in mind if you decide to root your device.

As in the previous case, we will need a file manager. Launch it, if necessary, grant it the necessary rights. Then follow the path /Data/App - downloaded files with APK resolution are stored here. Please note that the path may be different depending on your file system.

Actually, here are the files themselves.

They can even be copied and installed if desired, although it is better not to do anything with them at all to avoid any possible problems.


Quite often, people wonder where contacts are stored in Android. This question arises mainly due to the fact that modern smartphones are quickly becoming outdated. When replacing them, you have to think about transferring all the data from the SIM card and the device as a whole. Contacts often cause a lot of trouble. But if you prepare for the process in advance, you can easily transfer your phone book from Android to Android.

That is, if you roll back 550 KB and the carrier's minimum charge is 1 MB, then that 550 KB will be considered 1 MB by your mobile carrier. Some phones have a widget. There is a way and no additional program, but only one after the other. You select the input method and then the keyboard you have installed.

Why doesn't my alarm sound? You may have installed a task manager that is automatically configured to kill display completion processes. One solution is to tell it to ignore the clock process and there will be no problem. Another is to delete the task manager and never use it again.

Where are they located?

First, you need to understand where exactly contacts are saved. Are they located in a text file or in some database? Further actions will depend on the answer to this question.

Where are contacts stored in Android? Users claim that this information is located in the SQLite database. Initially, contacts are recorded here. However, they can be transferred to a SIM card or memory card. This way the phone book will always be with its owner.

In the same menu, you go to the access point name and make sure that the name matches the name provided to you by the operator. Data Transfer only works with OS 1 and above, so please check if you have the required version. If your version is 6 or 5, you will not be able to send or receive until you receive the update. How long does it take to fully charge the battery? With a charger - about 2-3 hours.

How to extend a phone call? You can try using a music editing program to remove the high frequencies and enhance the sound of the ringtone. Can't display the notification panel? It is obvious that your display is not calibrated correctly. From there you make adjustments on the display regarding the compression angle.

Directory search

All that remains to be done is to find the folder with the corresponding data on your mobile device. Where are contacts stored in Android? They will be located in the contacts.db or contacts2.db document. These are the ones you will have to look for on your mobile device.

Where are contacts stored in Android? In order to copy the phone book from the device, you need to find the previously mentioned document. It is located in the data directory. You need to open the following chain of folders:

Installing files without having a file manager on your phone If you reinstall a phone that doesn't have a file manager, you may be able to access the app you install through the browser. Whether you are passing them on or lost them, don't worry. This can be quite easy. You don't have to get angry or decide that everything is gone forever.

Back up your cloud contacts

There is always a way to cope with a situation that, let's face it, all of us have faced at least once in our lives. After all, if you can't fix yourself, there are professional data repairers who can recover your data. This is a very important step that is recommended to be taken as soon as you pick up your new phone. To prevent permanent loss of information from your mobile device, back up regularly. Your so-called cloud will hold your contacts and everything that is important to you, protecting them from unexpected loss.

  • data(2 times);
  • com.android.providers.contacts;
  • databases.

After this, in the last folder you need to find contacts/contacts2. This is the phone book. It can be copied, deleted or transferred to another device. Typically, this will require root rights. For example, using specialized programs. Among them are iRoot and KingRoot.

Moreover, you can easily achieve them using different devices. Let's say you've already created your account and suddenly you've lost all your available contacts. You just need to sign in to your cloud, by phone, or lock it through another device. There should be a menu called "Contacts". From there you should look to the right and find a button that says "More". Once you have selected it, you must click on the “Recover Contacts” button, which will open as an option in the drop-down menu.

Once you do this, you need to select the button that says “Restore”. Now take your phone and go to settings. Go to the menu where your accounts are saved and select that account where you synced your contacts. In the upper right corner you will see an icon in the form of three dots. Selecting it will open a menu with several different options. Select “Sync Now” from the list and that’s it.

About copying data

Now it’s clear where the contacts are stored in the corresponding document, usually needed to copy the phone book. easier than it seems. Especially when it comes to using the same OS builds.

As a rule, you can copy the phone book to a SIM card or Flash card as follows:

Backup and restore contacts via export and import menu

Your contacts should be back where they were. It can be exported to an external memory card or to memory. Then be sure to keep it on a more secure medium or just copy it to your computer. From this file, you can easily import contacts without changes on the same or another phone if necessary.

Data recovery program

There are many websites available on the internet that are easily accessible, you can download for free, and you can rely on them. The good thing about these programs is that you can also get back other lost information like photos, files. You can also install a program on your phone that only retrieves information from your SIM card, such as SMS and phone numbers. This way, you will be sure that even if they are saved not on the device, but on your card, they can be restored again.

  1. Go to the "Contacts" menu on your mobile device.
  2. Open settings. In some phone models, you need to select the "Advanced" menu item.
  3. Select the "Import/Export" option. Click on the line responsible for a particular operation.
  4. Specify the location to import or export data. As a rule, we are talking about a SIM card or a memory card.

This is the simplest solution. Knowing where contacts are stored in Android, you can copy this phone book file using a PC and transfer it to the desired directory on the new device. In addition, there are various programs and applications for transferring contacts. But among modern users, data synchronization with Google is often used. This technique will help you not to think about where your contacts are stored in Android. If you have mail on Google, you can synchronize data without root rights or searching the phone book on your mobile device.

Always back up your photos and contacts

We know that sometimes it happens that we keep our contacts in both places. These programs are very easy to work with. All you have to do is simply follow the instructions to get the success you are getting. As unnecessary as it may seem, one day you may need it.

Install a program with which you can easily recover data that you have lost without wanting to. The platform provides a high degree of reliability, stability and protection against malware, but sometimes users start to experience problems.

The actions in this case boil down to the following algorithm:

  1. On an old Android phone, in the “Settings” - “Accounts” menu, log in to Google. Check the "Contacts" section when logging into mail in the "Synchronization" section.
  2. Log in to Google on your new phone. This will automatically synchronize your contacts.

Luckily, 99% of these problems can be fixed with a few simple tricks. However, although the platform is not perfect, it is very popular and worth knowing about its capabilities. Whether you get an error message when downloading apps or the storage just doesn't work when you launch it, your problem may be solved.

Insufficient space on the device

This is why you may encounter this problem even if your device shows that there is a lot of memory remaining. The easiest way to free up space is to start uninstalling apps. In such homeless situations, you will need an assistant. As a result, your device will run much faster.

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One of the most sensitive places in a smartphone is the contact list. He is subject to information leakage. Therefore, it is important to know the place where this powerful information is stored. Android has a file called contacts.db.

If this does not exist, there should be a similar file - contacts2.db. Contacts in Android are stored in the directory /data/data/com.android.providers.contacts/databases/, this is where all contacts are stored.

Some options for using contacts.

Suppose the smartphone breaks down, but the memory continues to function, in this case all contacts can be moved from Android. If working with Google servers does not inspire confidence in you, you can automatically set up a backup of all contacts from your smartphone to your desktop computer using an SSH server.

The best option for moving contacts from Android would be a desktop application that successfully handles both downloading and transferring contacts, while working with the VCard format.

The list of telephone contacts is the “wealth” of all mobile phone owners, although this is the place that is most sensitive to information leakage. Therefore, know about where are contacts stored in android?, everyone should, because with the help of this information you can protect your personal data. This is no less, and perhaps more important, than knowing, because many problems can arise as a result of identity theft.

Where to “search” for contacts on Android

So, contacts on Android devices are stored in a special directory /data/data/com.android.providers.contacts/databases/, which contains a file called contacts.db. /data/ is a special folder where, as a rule, applications installed by the user and his personal settings are located. In order to read the above file you will need to gain root rights. Root rights give users the right to do whatever they want with the operating system of their gadget (in this case, Android OS) - delete, copy, change files (even system ones), and so on. The procedure for obtaining these rights is different on each device. For some, it will be enough to install a special application, while others will need a special program. The main thing is that without these rights the contacts.db file. cannot be read.

Why do you need to know where contacts are stored on your phone?

Why do you need to know where contacts are stored in Android? There is a fairly simple answer to this question. For example, a phone breaks down (which is not that uncommon), but its internal memory may still function normally, giving the user the opportunity to export their contacts to a new phone. Or, knowing where the file with contacts is located, you can set up its synchronization with your home computer (this can be done using an SSH server). Then, in the event of a breakdown, you can view your contact book directly through your computer. In this case, you don’t need to figure out how - it’s more convenient to do it on a PC.

In addition, you can synchronize contacts stored on Android devices with Gmail. To do this, you will need to find the “Accounts” item in the phone menu and check the box next to the line called “auto-sync”. After this procedure, contacts should appear in the user’s email. In case of unforeseen situations, you can go to the Gmail email assigned to a specific device and view all the contacts there.

Quite often, people wonder where contacts are stored in Android. This question arises mainly due to the fact that modern smartphones are quickly becoming outdated. When replacing them, you have to think about transferring all the data from the SIM card and the device as a whole. Contacts often cause a lot of trouble. But if you prepare for the process in advance, you can easily transfer your phone book from Android to Android.

Where are they located?

First, you need to understand where exactly contacts are saved. Are they located in a text file or in some database? Further actions will depend on the answer to this question.

Where are contacts stored in Android? Users claim that this information is located in the SQLite database. Initially, contacts are recorded here. However, they can be transferred to a SIM card or memory card. This way the phone book will always be with its owner.

Directory search

All that remains to be done is to find the folder with the corresponding data on your mobile device. Where are contacts stored in Android? They will be located in the contacts.db or contacts2.db document. These are the ones you will have to look for on your mobile device.

Where are contacts stored in Android? In order to copy the phone book from the device, you need to find the previously mentioned document. It is located in the data directory. You need to open the following chain of folders:

  • data(2 times);
  • com.android.providers.contacts;
  • databases.

After this, in the last folder you need to find contacts/contacts2. This is the phone book. It can be copied, deleted or transferred to another device. Typically, this will require root rights. For example, using specialized programs. Among them are iRoot and KingRoot.

About copying data

Now it’s clear where the contacts are stored in the corresponding document, which is usually needed to copy the phone book. easier than it seems. Especially when it comes to using the same OS builds.

As a rule, you can copy the phone book to a SIM card or Flash card as follows:

  1. Go to the "Contacts" menu on your mobile device.
  2. Open settings. In some phone models, you need to select the "Advanced" menu item.
  3. Select the "Import/Export" option. Click on the line responsible for a particular operation.
  4. Specify the location to import or export data. As a rule, we are talking about a SIM card or a memory card.

This is the simplest solution. Knowing where contacts are stored in Android, you can copy this phone book file using a PC and transfer it to the desired directory on the new device. In addition, there are various programs and applications for transferring contacts. But among modern users, data synchronization with Google is often used. This technique will help you not to think about where your contacts are stored in Android. If you have mail on Google, you can synchronize data without root rights or searching the phone book on your mobile device.

The actions in this case boil down to the following algorithm:

  1. On an old Android phone, in the “Settings” - “Accounts” menu, log in to Google. Check the "Contacts" section when logging into mail in the "Synchronization" section.
  2. Log in to Google on your new phone. This will automatically synchronize your contacts.

Contacts are the most sensitive to leakage from your gadget. Therefore, it is important not only to protect your device from scammers and viruses, but also to know where and how the data is located on Android.

It is possible to use a contacts folder in only two cases. In one of them, you can resort to exporting contacts if your Android phone breaks down. This is feasible if the memory of the broken device is still functioning.

The second case is suitable for an audience that does not trust Google servers and has not synchronized contacts with them. To save contacts to a second smartphone or any other device, you will need to use an SSH server and know the path to the file with the necessary information in the Android OS.

How to find the contacts folder

Finding the folder where important data is stored will not be difficult. You need to look for a file called contacts.db. If you suddenly don’t find this, then you need to look for the second option contacts2.db. In order to locate the required file with contacts, you must specify the following path: /data/data/com.Android.providers.contacts/databases/.

This way you will find the desired folder with all your contacts. They are stored and updated constantly as soon as certain changes occur to the data.

But you can open it or copy it only in the situation if you have. You can check whether your Android device has root rights using special and simple applications that are located on Google services.

After successful installation and verification of rights, you can copy the “contacts” folder to a computer or other device. Folder transfer is easy to do using the appropriate cable or wirelessly. After sending or copying, do not forget that the files are stored in the public domain.

In this case, you will know exactly the location of the copied contacts. In addition to transferring data, you can import the contacts you need using the same application. This way you will save a lot of your time and will have the same book with all your contacts.

In general, working with contacts on Android is both easy and difficult at the same time. The thing is that most people use applications installed by the manufacturer, and these can be either standard ones from Android or programs included in proprietary shells. So, first, let's look at the general situation using one example.

Android contacts are located in the application of the same name. As a rule, shell developers for Google OS put it on the first home screen, so finding it is not difficult.

The interface of the Contacts application is simple and clear. At the top there is a menu of Phone Book sources, icons for searching and creating a new contact, as well as a menu for the application itself.

Swiping left and right allows you to quickly access contact groups, the speed dial screen, and even your call log.

The phone book sources menu allows you to select contacts from which to show in the application. There are options: SIM, Skype and other instant messengers, accounts and the phone book of the device itself. The user can check or uncheck the boxes next to each source. Helpful advice: if you are annoyed that Android pulls up email addresses, nicknames from Skype and turns the phone book into mush, then simply disable the corresponding sources.

The contact search in the application has automatic selection. To find the right person, you don't have to type their full name. It is enough to indicate the first letters and the application will select all matches.

When creating a contact, the user selects its location, then indicates a number (you can choose from 6 options) and email. You can add a contact to a group. In addition, for each contact you can specify additional fields: from birthday or other significant events to a custom note.

The application menu includes eight items. We will dwell on some of them later. The settings mainly concern the way contacts are displayed in the application. You can also set up synchronization with accounts, view the capacity of the SIM card, and select the tabs that will be shown when swiping left and right.

How to Transfer Contacts from Android to Android

Unlike iOS, Android by default offers a large selection of native options for transferring contacts from one device to another.

Every Android smartphone is tied to Google. To transfer contacts using Google, you just need to make sure that synchronization of contacts with your Google profile and Gmail is enabled on your old smartphone. To do this, go to Settings - Account and Sync - Google - Gmail. Next, click on the account name and select Contacts. Depending on the settings made earlier, they will sync automatically or when clicked. Then on the new device it is enough to do the same thing so that the contacts appear on it. It is important that gadgets are connected to the Internet.

You can also transfer contacts from Android to Android using SIM card or VCard file. To do this, in the Contacts application, go to Menu – Contact Management – ​​Import/Export Contacts. Here you can export contacts to a SIM card, memory card or phone memory.

Then the SIM is inserted into the new phone, and the memory card can be moved there. On the new device, the same actions are performed, only instead of Export you need to select Import from the appropriate location.

If the user has exported contacts to the phone's memory, then he will then need to transfer the VCard file from there. This can be done by connecting the phones to the computer - most Android phones are defined as removable drives, or sent by e-mail to yourself (but here it is more logical to use synchronization via Gmail, described above), or transferred via Bluetooth. Then on the new phone you need to repeat the steps already described for importing contacts.

You can also transfer contacts from phone to phone using Bluetooth. True, this method is only suitable for a small number of records - and once you can send no more than 10 pieces. To do this, go to the Contacts application menu and select the Send contacts option. Then check the box next to the required entries and then select the sending method – Bluetooth. You must first establish a Bluetooth connection between the phones.

Also, the Send contacts item allows you to send them by email, SMS or MMS, but these methods are not relevant when transferring contacts from phone to phone.

How to Transfer Contacts from iPhone to Android

There are two ways to transfer contacts from iPhone to Android: synchronizing with Gmail and using a VCard file. Both will require some effort.

By default, iPhone contacts are synced to iCloud. You need to switch synchronization to Gmail without losing your phone book. To do this, go to Settings on your iPhone - Mail, addresses, calendars - Accounts/iCloud and turn off Contacts synchronization. A pop-up window will appear. In it you need to select the “Keep on phone” option. This is how we will save contacts on iPhone. If you choose another option, your contacts will be deleted from your iPhone.

Now you need to set Gmail as the default account for Contacts on your iPhone. The setting is done in the Settings section - Mail, addresses, calendars. In the Contacts sub-item, one of the last will be the Default Account. You need to select an item and check Gmail. After some time, your contacts will be synced with Gmail. If it already has contacts, they can be duplicated.

Next, you need to activate your Gmail account on Android. After some time, the contacts will appear on the phone. If this does not happen, then you need to look in the sources menu in the Contacts application to see which sources are activated. Your Gmail account may be unchecked. You may also need to force synchronization. This is done in Settings - Account and Sync - Google - Gmail.

To transfer contacts from iPhone to Android, you can use a VCard file. You can only create a file in iCloud. Therefore, first of all, you need to make sure that your contacts are synchronized with the cloud.

To make a vCard file, you need to select all contacts using ctrl-AWindows or Command-A on a Mac, there is an Export vCard option in the iCLoud web app settings menu. Save the file to your hard drive or flash drive. Write it to the memory of your Android device in any convenient way.

We have already described further actions. In the Contacts application, you need to go to Menu - Contact Management - Import and Export Contacts, select Import Contacts, and then the location of the VCard file - in the phone memory or on the SD card. The Contacts application will copy all data from the file into the device memory.

Instead of recording the VCard file on your Android phone, you can import contacts from it into Gmail and then synchronize it with the gadget. To do this, in Gmail you need to select Contacts, and then select Import. In the pop-up window, select the last item. All that remains is to synchronize the device with Gmail.

How to Transfer Contacts from Windows Phone to Android

There are several ways to transfer contacts from Windows Phone to Android. You can use applications that allow you to make a VCard file. Since Windows Phone users' contacts are synced with a Microsoft account, they will be in Outoook.com by default, you can add an Outlook account to Android. Finally, you can transfer contacts from Outlook using a csv file.

To transfer contacts from Windows Phone to Android via Outlook.com sync, you need to add an account to your phone. To do this, go to Settings – Accounts and synchronization and press +. From the proposed selection, click on Outlook, then enter your account information and select contact synchronization. This method has some disadvantages. In some cases, Outlook does not allow you to edit contacts on third-party devices, so it is better to make contacts “native” to Android by transferring them via a file

On Outlook.com, you need to select People from the menu. Then click on the Manage button, and in the new menu - Export for Outlook.com and other services. The contacts will be saved to a CSV file. It needs to be saved to your computer.

Next, in Gmail, as already described above, you need to select Contacts. There is an Import item in the menu. If you click it, a pop-up menu will appear in which you need to select Import from a CSV or VCard file. All you have to do is select a file on your hard drive, the contacts will be uploaded to Gmail and then synchronized with Android.

How to transfer contacts from Android to computer

Transferring contacts from Android to computer is very easy. It is enough to create a VCard file. Microsoft Outlook or Windows Contacts programs, as well as other applications, can work with it.

To export contacts to a VCard file on your phone, you need to go to the Contacts application: Menu - Manage contacts - Import and Export contacts and select the option: Export to SD card or Export to phone memory.

All contacts will be saved to a VCard file. Then you can save it to the computer’s memory and open it in the appropriate program for working with contacts. The file can be stored as a backup copy on your computer. However, it will not sync with Android. Therefore, it is advisable to synchronize Android contacts with Gmail.

By the way, you can also export contacts from Gmail. To do this, select the export contacts item in the menu. They can also be saved in a VCard file.

When opening a VCard, problems with displaying the Cyrillic alphabet may occur. VCard is saved with UTF-8 encoding by default, and Windows uses Windows-1251, however, in the latest versions of the OS, Microsoft has expanded Unicode support. However, if the problem still exists, then you need to open the file in any text editor, for example, Notepad 2, that supports changing the encoding. Change it and save. In fact, a VCard is a regular text file.

Sync Android contacts with Google

Android contacts sync with Gmail and Google by default if you have an account added to your phone. And without an account it is impossible to fully use Android.

To add an account, you need to go to Settings - Accounts and Synchronization. Here, click on Plus and select from the Google list. Next, enter your account information or create one.

Now Google will appear in the list of added accounts. If you go into it, the mailbox name “[email protected]” will be present there. By selecting an account, you can manually start synchronizing various Google data and services. Contacts are at the very bottom of the list.

In the menu item Settings - Accounts and Synchronization at the very top there is an Auto-sync switch. If you activate it, all accounts will be synchronized automatically. If it is turned off, then synchronization must be started manually, as described in the paragraph above.

Importing contacts to Android

Importing contacts to Android is quite simple.

In the Contacts application, you need to go to Menu - Contact Management - Import and Export Contacts.

A menu will open with three options for importing contacts. Import from SIM. You need to select it to copy contacts from the SIM card to the phone's memory. Import sSD-fold and Import from phone memory must be selected to overwrite contacts from contact files, for example, VCard. Android does not need to specify the location of the contacts file. The system itself will find all supported files and offer to select the one from which data will be imported.

If it is not physically possible to connect your phone to a computer in order to write a VCard file to the phone, you can send it by mail, via Bluetooth, upload it to the cloud and then download it to your device.

You can also import contacts to Android through the Google Contacts application. You can access it from Gmail. In the Advanced menu item, select Import contacts. Next, to transfer contacts to Android, you just need to synchronize your contacts with Gmail.

In Gmail, the Import option is under More, not More. It also supports importing contacts from Yahoo mail, Outlook, AOL and others. Therefore, if your contacts are synced with other email services, you can retrieve them from there directly. It is enough to enter your mail access data. However, Google warns that for a number of services, the contact import function is implemented by third-party developers, so everyone must decide for themselves whether to trust their credentials to third-party service providers.

Where are contacts stored in Android?

Contacts in Android are stored in the file contacts.db or contacts2.db. It is a SQLite database. It is easy to find software on the Internet that can be used to read such files. However, the files themselves are not so easy to find.

To access them, you must have root rights. If they are not there, the user simply will not see this file, nor will he see the folder in which the database is located. Only if you have root rights can you go to Android/data/data/com.android.providers.contacts/databases/, where the contact files are located.

Export contacts from Android

You can export contacts from Android using the built-in functionality of the Contacts application.

In the application menu, select Manage contacts and then Import and export contacts. There are three options for export: save contacts to SIM, save to memory card or phone memory. When saved to a memory card or phone memory, contacts will be exported to a VCard file, which can then be used to import contacts to both Android and iOS, email services, cloud, and desktop applications.

How to Recover Android Contacts

The solution to this problem depends on whether contacts have been synchronized with Gmail and whether a VCard backup has been made.

If your contacts were synced with Gmail, then simply synchronizing them with your phone is enough. However, it may happen that contacts were accidentally deleted from your Android smartphone. It synced with Gmail and the contacts there also disappeared. It's no problem.

Google stores contacts for up to 30 days. In Gmail, in the Advanced/More section, select Recover Contacts. A menu will appear in which you select the date for restoring contacts. Once they are restored to Gmail, they can be synced with your phone.

If a backup was made to a VCard, then to restore it, simply load the file into the device memory or onto a memory card and import contacts from it, as described in the previous sections.

How to delete contacts on Android

There are several ways to delete contacts on Android, depending on how many contacts you need to delete and how securely you want to delete them.

To delete one contact, you can open the Contacts application, select the desired Contact and tap on it while holding your finger in one point. A context menu will appear containing the Delete item.

You can also go into contact and click on the three dots in the upper right corner. This is the contact menu. There is also a delete option here.

The Delete contacts option is also available in the menu of the Contacts application itself. When you click on Delete contacts, the user will be presented with a list of contacts in which they can mark contacts for deletion or select all. Next, click on the Delete button.

You can simply reset all phone data. This is done in Settings – Backup and reset.

Backup Contacts on Android

Android offers several ways to backup contacts

The first method is simple and reliable, but keeping your contact backup up to date will be difficult. We are talking about exporting contacts to a VCard file. How to do this, see above in the section Exporting Android contacts.

The second method is to synchronize contacts with Gmail. It is often enabled by default. How to manage synchronization is described above.

Selecting an account for Android backup

The third way is to enable backup for the entire phone on Google servers. This is done through Settings – Backup and Reset. When you activate backup, Android will make a copy of the phone on Google servers, not only contacts will be saved there, but also all personal data, application data, etc.

Contacts apps on Android

The Contacts application for Android has good functionality and is quite convenient, so there is not much point in third-party solutions, but we will still look at some applications

VCF Contacts

  • Developer: AndloRD.
  • Grade: 4,1.
  • Number of installations: 1 million.

This application is an alternative to the standard Contacts from Android. It is not distinguished by advanced functionality, but is rather interesting because of its different approach to storing the phone book. If Google Contacts stores all information in a database, then VCF Contacts stores all information in a vCard (vcf) file. This is the file that can be obtained as a result of export.

When you install the application, it takes an existing vCard file as a basis or creates one based on the Android phone book. As a result, the user always has an up-to-date vCard file on his phone. This can literally save you in the event of a sudden system failure.

Contacts can be sorted, sent by mail, via instant messengers. Unfortunately, the functions to add to Android and to another vCard file are only available in the paid version.


  • Developer: Contacts Plus team
  • Grade: 4,1.
  • Number of installations: 50 million.

Makes contacts more fun. All contacts are presented with avatars. This view makes it easier to call the right person - selecting by person faster. There are advanced search functions: you can search not only by name or phone number, but also by mail, SMS, etc.

Themes and various phone book design options are supported. Contacts+ also has call and SMS log.

Contacts are stored in encrypted form.

The application has a separate backup function. However, in the free version you can only save up to 2000 contacts, calls or SMS. Copying is configured separately for each category of information.

Save contacts to TXT

  • Developer:Viked.
  • Grade: 4,3.
  • Number of installations: 15 thousand.

On Android, contacts can be exported in vCard format. This application allows you to save them in txt. You can save all contacts, individual entries or several in a text file.

You can also configure which fields will be saved in the file.

The file can be used in the future at the user's discretion. You can also send it by email.

Simpler Contacts Dialing

Applications for exporting and importing contacts in Excel files. Excel is the best source for importing into Outlook.

The application allows you to customize which fields will be exported to Excel. You can transfer all contact fields, including the photo. The only exception is a personal melody assigned to a contact.

The application also automatically converts encodings according to the requirements of Windows and Microsoft applications so that names in contacts are displayed correctly.

The exported file can be stored on a memory card, sent by mail, or uploaded to cloud services.

The limitation of the free version is that you can only export the first 300 contacts. You will have to pay for a larger phone book.


Working with contacts in Android is well organized. There is almost no need to turn to third-party applications if you read our guide. With Android tools you can perform all possible actions with contacts.

However, if you want to decorate and diversify your dialer or phone book, then in the Play Market

When starting to use a smartphone running this operating system for the first time, users often cannot find the information that they themselves copied there. Let's try to find out in which folder are folders stored on android?, and also let's talk a little about what directories there are and how to find them. At the same time, you should be careful so that you don’t have to figure out how to do it.

In which folder on Android is what stored? Folder structure

Most home desktop PC owners have a Windows operating system. Every user knows that everything in it is divided into disks. For example, the OS itself is located on drive C, and personal files are on drive D. There are also other drives for portable and flash drives, DVDs and CDs.

On a system like Linux (which also includes Android), the file structure looks completely different - it has a tree structure. In addition, each tree has a root, that is, a certain point in the structure itself. Starting from this root, the operating system acquires folders. In Linux, the root is represented as a word with slash brackets.

Unlike Windows, this system is highly case sensitive. For example, in Linux OS you can simultaneously create folders AA, aa and Aa, while in Windows this cannot be done, since all this will be read as a folder with the same name.

So, in which folder are folders stored on Android? As already mentioned, this system is part of Linux, and in Linux the root is indicated as a word with slash brackets. For example, the cache is stored in the /cache/ section, system folders are in /system/, and the programs we installed are in the /data/ section. All other information is placed in the system in a similar way, and therefore it will not be difficult to find it.

Which folder contains contacts and SMS folders on Android?

Knowing where the contacts are on our smartphone is absolutely necessary. They are stored in one of the directories indicated above, namely in the /data/ section.

To find it, you first need to find the file contacts.db or contacts2.db (the exact name depends on the firmware version of our mobile device). The directory looks like this: /data/data/com.android.providers.contacts/databases/

It should, however, be taken into account from this point of view: to read contacts you will need the rights of the main administrator (that is, rooting), as well as special software. This may be necessary if, for example, we don’t completely trust Google synchronization, but we need a back-up of contacts, or the mobile device has stopped working, but its internal memory has not been damaged (you can export contacts).

The user may also need SMS, since they often contain various important information that not only would not be desirable to lose, but also to trust to online storage facilities. This is necessary to import or export SMS messages, however root rights are absolutely necessary, as in the previous case (adb shell can be used instead).

Typically the directory looks like this: /data/data/com.android.providers.telephony/databases/mmssms.db. To view the file you will need, for example, any sqlite editor. A good choice would be the sqliteman editor. If you do not have root rights, you can use a suitable program (for example, SMS Backup & Restore) to import and export messages.

We search and extract the file with contacts on Android.

Knowledge is power, and knowing your smartphone is an opportunity to avoid many unpleasant situations! Whatever happens to your phone, you can always manually retrieve your contact list. Of course, synchronizing Android contacts with a Google account is a good thing, but if you find that the synchronization did not work, and the necessary contacts urgently need to be retrieved, this article will definitely help you!

To get started, you will need root rights. How to get them, where to download them and how to use them in ours.

In what cases may you need a contact file on Android:

  • The phone is broken, but the internal memory works, and synchronization was not configured in advance;
  • If you don’t want Google to know about your contacts at all and want to set up automatic backup from your smartphone to your home PC.

After obtaining rights, you need to go to the file manager and go step by step to the required directory:

  • android.providers.contacts
  • databases
  • db or contacts2.db depending on the phone firmware

It is worth noting that this file is a sqlite database and cannot be read without a specially installed program on the PC. Therefore, make sure to install this program first.

In order not to encounter the extraction of contacts from Android memory, write all contacts to your Google account and do not forget to check the synchronization of your phone. We hope our article answered all your questions and you can easily find a file with contacts if necessary.

Video: How to save Android contacts to computer?

Owners of smartphones running the Android operating system often encounter an annoying problem: the device suddenly displays a notification that “ the process android.process.acore has stopped" Beginner users panic and are ready to give up their phone, but in reality everything is not as tragic as it might seem at first glance. If you analyze the information that appears on this subject on various resources, and add to it a little personal experience, you can make a list of situations in which this error appears on Android devices. This is exactly what we did in the hope that our findings will help other users calmly, without emotions, deal with the problem if one arises.

Most often, the error occurs when trying to add a contact to the phone book, save it, or change it. To fix the problem, go to Settings - Applications - All, there we find “ Contact storage"(your smartphone may have a different name for this item, but the meaning is the same). After that, select “ Erase data" Of course, you will lose your list of contacts, but the device will most likely be able to be used in the future. In addition, if the user has a Google account, then even the contact list will not be lost.

The second, more complex and risky method is changing the system file /system/csc/others.xml. Your task is to edit the line: TRUE. The result should be this: false.
We warn you once again that this method is difficult for beginners, and we recommend using it only for more or less experienced users.

The third solution to the problem is Reset Android device to factory settings. All changes made by the user after purchasing the gadget (including individual settings) will disappear, but for most this is not as bad as having to manually restore the contact book. Have you decided to resort to this method? Take the instructions for your gadget and look for instructions for the Recovery item.

Another reason for the “android.process.acore” error to appear may be recently installed applications for optimizing your Wi-Fi wireless network. For a number of users, the problem was solved by deleting these applications.

And finally, the most drastic way: completely clearing the smartphone’s memory. You will lose all your data, but the application that generated the error will be guaranteed to be removed from your Android device.