What is cpu fan error and how to fix it. What does the error mean? Cooling fan is faulty

Many users, including Lenovo technicians, eventually encounter the following problem: the laptop does not boot when turned on, but displays a fan error message on a black screen. If translated literally, this means “Fan Error”, so this is where you should look for the cause. So, fan error lenovo: what is it? Completely deal with similar problem Not everyone succeeds. Let's try to explain in as much detail as possible. Measures to restore the operation of the device depend on the reason for which the breakdown occurred.

Fan dustiness

So, it became clear about fan error error lenovo, that this is a malfunction of the fan. Next, it’s worth understanding what their causes are and what the possible solutions are.

To check whether the fan is dusty or the cause needs to be looked for elsewhere, perform the following sequence of actions:

  • The cover opens, under which there is a fan.
  • The device turns on. If the fan shows no signs of life, it is quite possible that it has burned out. Another possibility is contamination that is preventing its movement.

  • The device turns off, and the fan impeller is turned manually. When rotating tightly, it should be cleaned of contamination. Sometimes it does the job of cleaning regular vacuum cleaner. It is advisable not to remove the fan, otherwise you will need to treat it with thermal paste when installing it.

If the methods listed above did not help get rid of the error, you will have to reset BIOS values. In this case, the battery on the motherboard is pulled out and then reinserted or replaced with a new one. Sometimes this is the only option that can solve the problem.

But what if it doesn’t help? There are other reasons for the error to appear.

Often the cause of fan malfunction is lack of power. This is usually a broken fuse. You can check for voltage by exposing the wires that go to the fan and then using a voltmeter.

If voltage is supplied, the problem is in the fan itself. It may have malfunctioned. If there is no voltage, you should look for a broken wire and then solder it. If there are no broken wires, you should pay attention to other possible problems.


Often the error is associated with a banal overheating of the fan, which causes malfunctions in its operation. IN in this case A special program called SpeedFan will help, which regulates the speed of rotation of the fan blades and, accordingly, heating. It can be downloaded on the Internet. After launch, the program performs analysis and also connects to temperature sensors. The received information will be displayed on the screen. By going to the “Indicators” tab, you can view the temperature and fan speed values. As practice shows, not all users know what indicators are acceptable. In this case, you should use the automatic control mode.

Non-original fan

If users have already replaced the fan, it is possible that a device from another manufacturer was installed. It is worth noting that in Lenovo laptops a non-original fan may work, but still give an error.

Thus, the article provides a detailed answer to the question, fan error lenovo: what is it? Try to solve your problem using this information.

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For stable operation all components of the computer must interact correctly with shell software. The BIOS provides a lot of diagnostic tools that allow you to identify faults in the component parts of the system unit and peripherals, and then notify the user of their presence. It is important to respond to such errors so that the computer can work for as long as possible without serious damage.

One of the errors that a PC user may encounter when booting the system is the message “CPU Fan Error Press F1 to Resume.” Similarly, the BIOS reports a fault found during diagnostic procedures when the computer is turned on. As you can guess from the message, the error is related to the cooler (fan) central processor. By pressing F1, you can ignore the error and start the operating system, but this is highly not recommended. If measures are not taken in time to correct “CPU Fan Error Press F1”, the central processor may overheat during operation, which will lead to its failure and the need for replacement.

Reason for the "CPU Fan Error" error appearing during boot

It is impossible to clearly name the reason why the CPU Fan Error Press F1 to Resume error appears when the computer boots. A problem with the CPU cooling system most often occurs in one of the following cases:

In most cases, the malfunction described in the article appears due to incorrect connection cooler. Below we will talk about how the CPU fan should be connected to the motherboard so that the CPU Fan Error Press F1 to Resume error does not occur.

How to properly connect a CPU cooler

To diagnose the CPU cooling system (which consists of a cooler and radiator), you will need to remove the cover of the system unit. Next, locate the unit with the CPU, cooler and radiator. Turn on your computer and see if the fan is spinning. After this, turn off the system unit, disconnect it from electricity and act based on the results obtained:

Important: System units for gaming computers can be equipped with a system of manual control of the cooler rotation speed. For their operation, the fan must be connected in a special way, and this moment must be specified in the instructions for the case.

If listed methods did not help fix the CPU Fan Error Press F1 to Resume error, you can disable this alert in BIOS settings. It is recommended to do this only in cases where you are sure that the fan cools the central processor to the required temperature even in stressful situations, that is, when long work games and productivity applications.

Today we will talk about CPU error Fan Error, which, fortunately, occurs in very rare cases. The user can observe it immediately after turning on the computer, where the following may be written on the screen: CPU Fan Error! Press F1 to Run Setup or CPU Fan Error! Press F1 to resume, which is essentially the same thing. In addition, the problem is accompanied by soundtrack. So, what is this error and how to fix it?

This warning is directly related to the cooler, which is located directly on the processor. Most likely, the latter has either completely failed or simply refuses to work as a result of problems that have arisen that are not related to it. It is these problems that we will analyze in more detail.

Cooler cannot spin

Of course, you can laugh, but dust is one of the main culprits of the error: dust, hair and dirt simply block the fan, as a result of which it completely refuses to rotate. To be fair, it is worth noting that dust in system unit there must be a lot.

Another common reason is hanging wires inside the system unit. Some of them can freely block the operation of the cooler.

What to do? That's right, you need to disassemble the system unit. I remind you that this should only be done with the power completely off. Then we look at the cooler. If the problem is dust, then you need to get rid of it, which can be done, for example, using a vacuum cleaner. If the problem is the wires, then simply secure them to the body in such a way that they do not hang down or get in the way. I think you won't have any problems with this.

By the way, people often ask this question: is it worth removing the cooler itself for cleaning? I do not recommend doing this for the simple reason that you will have to reuse thermal paste, which you may not have on hand. In addition, many users simply do not know that it must be used when installing a cooler.

The cooler is connected to the wrong connector / not connected at all

In very rare cases, the error may appear due to the fact that the fan itself is connected to the wrong connector. And this is not surprising, since it is easy to make a mistake: on modern motherboards ah there are several identical in their own way appearance connectors. However, using the instructions reduces this error to almost nothing.

The CPU Fan Error will also appear in cases where the cooler is not connected to the motherboard at all, which, fortunately, happens extremely rarely. However, I managed to encounter such a problem once, however, it was about a completely new system unit. Probably, when assembling it, the workers simply forgot to connect the fan to the connector.

Cooling fan is faulty

As experts say, a cooler completely fails only in isolated cases, so it is necessary to consider the possibility of its death at the very last moment. However, if you managed to try to bring the fan back to life in all reasonable ways, and the device does not work, then it is likely that it has really died. Only replacing it will help.

The cause of the error is unknown

Yes Yes exactly. The fact is that often when a CPU Fan Error occurs, the cooler works quite normally, cooling the processor, which can be checked using special programs showing . And that's why it pops up this error, unclear.

How to get rid of the error?

Let's say that the cooler is working properly and is working normally, but you are tired of the error that constantly pops up when you boot your computer. What can be done? The error can be disabled through the BIOS.

So, load the BIOS and look for the CPU Fan Speed ​​item. We set it to Ignored, after which the error disappears. But personally, I strictly do not recommend doing such things, because if the problem still exists, then (if the cooler does not rotate, you will not know it). It remains to be hoped that when critical temperature The computer will simply reboot, which will save the processor.

You can also disable pressing the F1 key when you boot your computer. In other words, the error will not go away, but you will not have to press the F1 key every time you start the computer. To do this, in the BIOS, find the item Wait For‘F1’ If Error and set the value to Disabled.

I hope I helped you.

Many users have encountered this system message, immediately turn to help search engines hoping to find out what kind of error they have and type in the request “how to fix CPU FAN ERROR” fearing the worst - a breakdown at the hardware level.

But in most cases, such fears are unfounded, and they can be easily dispelled if you learn more about the meaning of this message and its possible reasons.

What does the message CPU FAN ERROR PRESS F1 TO SETUP mean?

CPU FAN ERROR PRESS F1 TO SETUP, which means “an error in the operation of the cooler.

This menu appears on boot a few seconds before the welcome screen operating system.

In the normal state, it displays messages about the successful connection of certain hardware elements, but in the situation under consideration, this menu will be displayed until the suggested key is pressed.

This function is programmed by the motherboard manufacturer (the BIOS is written to this part) so that the user is sure to see such important alerts.

It’s worth saying a few words about the role of the cooler in a computer. This part is an auxiliary element whose purpose is to service the processor.

The processor is the heart of any computer; it carries out most of all computing processes, as a result of which it gets very hot.

Its temperature can reach 100 degrees, which is fraught with physical destruction.

For this purpose, modern computers are equipped with a cooling system, the simplest and most common type of which is a cooler.

From a technical point of view, this is a regular fan that directs air flow to a hot processor.

Depending on the load and signals from the operating system, it can reduce or increase the number of revolutions to cope with changes in the rate of operation of the cooled element.

But stopping it completely for any reason can lead to rapid overheating of the processor and its combustion.

Therefore, in order to avoid such sad consequences, it is necessary to carefully understand the reasons for the occurrence of CPU FAN ERROR PRESS F1 TO RESUME.

Reasons for cooler failure

This component can fail for a number of reasons, namely:

  • Large accumulation of dust. As a result of work, it settles on the cooler a large number of dust, which can seriously interfere with its operation until it stops completely.

  • The cooler can also stop if other objects, such as a power cord, get between its blades.
    This malfunction is the most common, but also the easiest to fix: just clean the cooler from dust, remove interfering objects and lubricate the hinges, and it will be able to perform its functions again.
  • Inoperability of intermediate connection elements. Sometimes the cooler can be connected to the motherboard in a non-standard way, which means the use of some kind of intermediate component.
    Most often this is a dashboard that collects detailed information about the operation of the processor cooling system. But due to model or software incompatibility, the cooler may not support this mode of operation.
    Therefore, if a CPU FAN ERROR occurs, you must try connecting it directly to the motherboard.
  • Using the wrong connector. Most motherboard models have multiple connectors for coolers, which allows you to increase the performance of the cooling system by adding new fans.
    However, coolers can be installed not only on the processor, but also, for example, on a video card. For this purpose, there are different connectors designed for CPU fan and everyone else.
    The manufacturer in most cases writes (labels) the first type as CPU-FAN and most often has 4 pins, the second is called PWR-FUN and in most cases has 3 pin contacts.
    If problems arise with the cooler, you can either try to disconnect and reconnect it, or try to install it through a different connector.

  • Complete cooler failure. If none of the above reasons occur, then most likely the cooler has physical damage or failed electronics.
    In this case, carrying out repairs at home will be quite problematic, so the only solution is to purchase a new cooler.

Advice! As a rule, coolers are sold together with a radiator grille, forming unified system cooling. But if you are sure that it is the fan that is faulty, then you can try to find a replacement for it.