Several ways to make your computer run faster. How to make a computer faster. Tips for novice users

Have you noticed that your old computer began to work very slowly? We will tell you about 5 ways to make your computer work faster.

1. Remove programs that are not used

If you have programs installed on your computer that you have not used for a long time, you need to remove them. They take up free space and consume valuable resources needed to run your computer.

To remove a program, open Control Panel -> Uninstall a program, select the program, click right click mouse and click on “Delete”.

2. Reinstall Windows and programs

When the operating room Windows system works for several years, the computer starts to work slower or problems arise various errors. Of course you can optimize the system and eliminate bugs, but I believe that The best way To fix many problems, as well as make your computer faster, this is to reinstall Windows.

3. Stop programs when Windows starts

If you have many programs installed on your computer, some of them may start every time. Windows boot. They use CPU, memory and resources hard drive, so your computer may be slow.

In order to stop programs when Windows boots, you need to do the following:

Open “Start -> In the search field, enter “msconfig.exe”, select the “Startup” tab, then uncheck programs that should not start when Windows boots.

4. Change the hard drive to SSD

If the old computer is equipped hard drive, I recommend changing it to SSD. There are many instructions on the Internet on how to install it yourself. SSD drive. This way you will significantly increase the speed of your old computer.

5. Add more RAM

You can open the manager Windows tasks(press Ctrl + Alt + Del -> select the Performance tab) to see how much CPU resources your computer is using and random access memory. If physical memory more than 70% used, you need to add more RAM to make your computer run faster.

That's all! As you can see, it is not necessary to buy at all new computer. 5 simple actions will make your old computer run faster.

About 10 years ago we could not imagine life without a computer. Today, almost every one of us uses a laptop. But time is not kind to your favorite gadgets. If your laptop is running slower than before, it may have whole line reasons.

But this does not mean that you cannot help him.

We found several effective ways help your device and shares them with you.

1. Do some spring cleaning

  • Over time, we accumulate a lot of files and programs that we don't use. To properly clean up your laptop’s memory, it’s worth understanding the types of unnecessary files and where they are stored. There are special applications that will find cumbersome and unused files, offering to get rid of them. Maybe it's time to forget about that very video from graduation?
  • If you want to do everything manually, then contact standard tools operating system. On Mac OS, look at the "Other" section in "Storage", and on Windows, start with the "Desktop" and the "Downloads" folder.

2. Update your system

  • Updates for Mac OS or Windows are not only necessary for security, they can also improve system performance. For example, Apple promises that new Mac O.S. High Sierra) will make your Mac is faster and more functional.
  • Usually, necessary updates the system loads itself, but it’s never a bad idea to check their status. For Windows, you can do this in the “Control Panel - Center” section Windows updates", for Mac - "About This Mac - Software Update".

3. Clean startup

  • When installing programs, some of them are added to startup, that is, they are launched when the laptop is turned on. Even if you don't use them, they eat up your laptop's resources.
  • In modern Windows versions(8 and 10) this section can be found in the “Task Manager” (Ctr+Alt+Del). In Windows 7, press Win+R and write “MSConfig” in the line, in Mac OS - “ System Settings- Users and groups - Login objects."
  • Programs that are required at startup can be enabled or disabled manually. The main thing is not to touch those components whose names are unclear to you.

4. Get rid of viruses

  • If the speed of the laptop suddenly deteriorates, then the problem may be malware. Modern viruses are so cunning that even with installed antivirus you can't feel safe.
  • If you suspect that something is wrong with your laptop, use the free utility from Dr.Web. Disable your antivirus, check your computer with the utility and, perhaps, everything will fall into place. Most importantly, do not forget about prevention: any suspicious sites, files or emails may pose a threat.

5. Look inside

  • You take your laptop to work or on trips, it sits either on your lap or on the dining table. This leads to dust and dirt quickly sticking to the laptop, which is almost impossible to see from the outside.
  • You can tell if a laptop is dirty by its temperature and the sound of its operation: if the device is hot and noisy, you have a problem. You can solve them by opening the case and armed yourself with a brush or entrusting it to professionals. To ensure everything goes smoothly, before disassembling the laptop, you should take a photo of it assembled and watch a couple of video tutorials on YouTube.

6. Change what you can.

  • Many laptop models, like regular PCs, can be improved. For example, increase the amount of RAM, which will lead to increased performance. In addition, instead of a regular hard drive (HDD), you can install solid state SSD. The speed of work is guaranteed to increase. Finally, don't forget that many laptops have removable battery. When the resource comes to an end, it can be updated.

If your laptop doesn't listen to you

The tips you read above are options for solving common problems. Below you will find several nuances that will be useful to you if you want to extend the life of your device.

  • Try to know everything about your laptop model. Basic characteristics written on the device body or under the battery and contained in the documents. They will be useful to you when contacting workshops or private craftsmen.
  • If you think that replacement of spare parts- it’s a costly and troublesome task, then at least don’t forget about the basic things - cleaning the laptop from dust and dirt and clearing the device’s memory.
  • If you are wondering how you can improve your laptop, then check out YouTube. Technicians from all over the world share video tips on repairing and upgrading their devices. Perhaps yours is among them?
  • Remember that any changes in the device configuration, as well as opening the case, are only advisable after the official warranty has expired.
  • Don't let your laptop fall into disrepair. It is best not to fix the breakdown, but to prevent it. Use tips for caring for your device, monitor the condition of the battery, memory and display.

Speeding up program launches. It turns out that with a little trick, you can improve the work with any programs in Windows.

Each user has USB flash drives. In work, according to experience, most of the time is spent on launching programs. But not many users know that program files can be partially transferred to a flash drive (hdd caching occurs).

An empty, formatted flash drive must be inserted into a USB port, and in the window that appears, select: “Speed ​​up the system” by selecting the “Provide device for ReadyBoost” option.

If you “didn’t have time”, go to “My Computer”, right-click the required flash drive, and its “Properties”:

In these properties there is a tab for the ReadyBoost technology, in addition, here you can select the volume used by it (for maximum speed, it is better to leave it all). This function will make sense even if the storage capacity is small (the disk cache will appear not only in RAM, but also on a flash drive).

Various flash drives are supported (however, not all), the function works in Windows 7 or Vista.

Explanation: HDD, usually faster than a flash drive, but only in “linear” reading. Even USB 2.0, with its “not the best” speed (about 30-40 MB/sec), turns out to be “on top” if used for caching program files.

Let's talk about the disadvantages right away. USB drives on microcircuits (and solid state drives in general), they have a “negative” attitude towards constant “rewriting” on them. With a flash drive, this option can be used as a temporary one (before purchasing another PC / additional RAM :) Let's say that as a drive, it is better (more durable) to use a CF card if the computer has a card reader. According to experience, format the device, if it is on USB, is preferably in FAT-32 (this is a feature of ReadyBoost).

By the way, solid-state drives with SATA interface(having a capacity of 2 or 4 GB, installed directly on the board) - designed just for this use.

Deleting temporary files.

Here, as it were, it’s simple... You need to right-click (for example, in “My Computer”) - the disk that you want to clean, and select “Properties”. On the tab that appears, there should be a button: “Disk Cleanup”. The difficulty is that the user does not always know what can be deleted... If you are not sure, just uncheck the boxes. Then click “OK” and extra files will be deleted.

How to make the computer work faster should not be difficult for the user (therefore, it is done using the OS itself).

After cleaning, you can perform defragmentation (the “Service” tab). But before it, it’s better to “Run check” (without “fixing bad blocks”, of course).

Set the paging file to a fixed size.

In XP: “Start” - “Control Panel” - “System”, then “Advanced”, in the top cell “Performance” - “Settings”, “Advanced”, “Change” button.

Q 7: Same – “System” – “ Extra options systems." In the “System Properties” window that appears, there is an “Advanced” tab, then also (“Settings”, “Advanced”, “Change”).

Set the “Custom size” of the paging file (in “7” – “Set size”). Moreover, and original size, and maximum - must be equal (then this file is not fragmented).

Let the size of the paging file be equal to the size of the entire memory, multiplied by one and a half (or two, if there is little memory). And only for Windows XP, if you have 4 GB of RAM, you can make the size of the paging file much smaller (512 MB, for example).

After which, the system will work faster (with this file, and therefore with “virtual” memory - in principle).

Before making your computer faster, it is advisable to perform a “Disk Check” (what if there are errors?): “Properties” of this disk- "Service".

Cannot be addressed to novice “administrators”. It is related to service shutdowns.

On every computer, not always used full set devices (features) installed in Windows by default. Unused services– you can also disable it... Finding a list of services is simple: go to “Start”, and in the “Control Panel”, select the “most important” item: “Administration” where we click the “Services” shortcut. And you will see a list of all services (Name, Description, Status...):

The good thing is that most services have a description - read it so as not to disable unnecessary things. You can disable (without disrupting the operation of the system as a whole):

  • – Certificate distribution
  • – Connection Manager remote access(but - used if there is a VPN)
  • Windows Backup
  • – Fax (also if you don’t use it)
  • – Print queue manager (when there is no printer)
  • Bluetooth support(if not used on PC)
  • – Tablet PC input service
  • – For users licensed copies– disable registration service Windows errors
  • – Windows Update (if not needed)
  • – Homegroup provider (if there is no local network)

Each service takes up processor time (but most importantly, memory in the system). It is recommended to disable services when the amount of RAM is low.

If desired, you can reduce the volume system cache(for protected system files). This is one folder located in C:\Windows\system32\dllcache\. By by and large, such a cache is necessary because the information will be used during recovery. But we will not remove it, but reduce it...

IN command line(with administrator rights), type one command: sfc /cachesize=N, where N is the number of megabytes occupied by the cache. By default, it takes up about 400 MB, but it can be “reduced”.

The new setting will take effect after a reboot. Delete the folder C:\Windows\system32\dllcache (before rebooting) yourself (or better yet, copy it to a CD or flash drive).


After a reboot, Windows itself will expand the cache to the set size.

The same thing, done easier:

(“Control Panel” – “System and Security”, then – “System” – “System Protection” - “Recovery” button). After setting the size, you can click “Delete” (all previous “restore points” will be deleted).

How to make your computer fast without affecting the OS itself will require knowing what is located in the BIOS and where. If you know how to configure such a parameter as L2 processor cache encryption (more precisely, ECC encoding of the processor cache), feel free to disable this parameter. The L2 ECC-checking function is supported by most processors, but other than “slowing down” (by 5-10%), most often there is no point in ECC (at “standard” processor frequencies).

By applying the above tips to your computer, you will get 10-15% more performance (than before).

However, before making changes to the registry (disabling services), it is better to “copy” the current state of Windows (make a “restore point”).

Restore points are created automatically. This happens once a day. To create it yourself, go to “System Protection” and click “Create”.

Perhaps that’s all that can be said here. By the way, many have “automatic” recovery creation turned off (“Disabled” on each disk).

Let's say that if the user is going to change something, in particular, delete services, then in any case there is a risk of getting something that is not what they wanted. We have provided a list of services that you can disable - for sure. Simply, “services” are designed in such a way that deleting something can lead to “interruptions” in something else.

We won’t talk in detail about “turning off visual effects” - although this advice is given more often (the point of it is to speed up the operation of the interface itself: opening menu items, etc.).

We found this in the “System” - on the “Advanced” tab - “Performance” - “Options” - “ Visual effects».


There are such processors - AMD (models “K8” and larger). Under Windows, there is a “driver” for them (called AMD Cool&Quiet), used only for CPUs from this company.

The essence of the Cool&Quiet driver is to lower the clock frequency at every “free” CPU core(that is, not currently in use).

The system already works correctly (with or without it), but the presence of a driver (even theoretically) reduces the speed of the system. That is, the driver “by itself” requires PC resources. It makes sense not to install this driver. Well, unless you desperately need Cool-and-Quit technology :)

You can add here - the more “drivers” there are in the system, the slower it loads. The conclusion is that unused (rarely used) devices are disabled. Among them may be: controllers for LPT and serial ports, floppy disks (namely, a controller, even if there is no drive), and anything else. This must be done from the “Control Panel” (the “System” icon, “Hardware”).

Why do we turn off devices? So that their “drivers” stop working (which will free the OS from having to load them, and also free up RAM).

Some users disable unused USB ports(disable the port - and then the controller).

Viruses and antiviruses

The reason for the operating system to slow down is often the presence of viruses. Although this advice is repeated on every site, the user most often leaves everything unchanged.

But you don’t need to change anything. You just need to download (one exe file) and run it. If there are no viruses, nothing will change (but you will be convinced of the reliability of your system).

It could be Cure IT from Doctor Web, or Avast Antivirus Scanner (portable), or something else. The “plus” of portable antiviruses is that you can download and run without installing (without disabling other protections, including antiviruses!).

Launch antivirus scanner it is necessary in the “full” scan mode. And in order to download Cure IT (from the official website), you had to agree with the sending of statistics.

The meaning of this check: a constantly running antivirus, nevertheless (before updating the databases) sometimes misses several “viruses”. You can suspect the system of their presence if at first everything worked “fast”, and then it became “slower”.

Of course, a resident (that is, constantly running) antivirus slows down the system itself. But there is nothing to be done here: “disabling” will not work, all its services are important, therefore, you can “change” the antivirus (the fastest ones are considered “free”, although such protection is not maximum).


In a system, to add speed to it, first of all, they pay attention to what is the “weak link”. Using our advice will give you a guarantee that the weak link will no longer be the OS itself.

Inside system unit, the “slowest” is only one “device” - the hard drive. That is why the “first” technology (from Tip 1) should help add launch speed to each program. Smart Boost supports most drives with a USB 2.0 interface... The best option is to install a solid-state SSD.

The speed of programs depends on the speed of the processor (in most cases), and often on the amount of memory. If for "fast" Windows operation XP (and “standard” programs) - 1 GB (or slightly less) is enough, then for Vista and 7 - the volume should be 2 times larger.

For comfortable work With most programs running on Windows, 1 to 2 GB is sufficient. For “serious” applications (video, 3D), games – there will be different volumes. Sometimes they buy 4 GB - and it turns out that this is not enough...

Currently DDR-3 memory has minimum price. And the memory speed is reaching an “acceptable” level (it was 1333, now it is 1667 MHz). But we are not talking about purchasing components here.

All the advice given here is purely software methods. You will notice the difference (how it was before, how it was after) - which means you can consider the goals achieved.

Is it possible to make a computer or laptop work faster? This question interests all impatient PC users. In fact, there are ways to get the most out of your computer. By the way, there are not so few of them. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Disabling services that are not needed

For users who want to know how to make their computer run faster, a video on the subject can be of great help. And we will consider such a method as disabling unnecessary services and programs. By default, a computer's operating system often starts services that the user often does not need.

Similar services, unlike regular programs, Dont Have GUI. They are launched to perform specific tasks, which may vary. Usually they are additional component operating system. However, some programs install their own services, for example, Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

Despite the fact that services are necessary, some of them can be disabled as unnecessary. The fact is that they take up a significant amount of computer memory, as well as processor time. Let's look at which services can be disabled in Windows without affecting the operation of the computer:

  • Notifications about system events,
  • Performance logs,
  • System error logs,
  • Time service
  • Remote registry
  • Automatic update, etc.

Almost all of these services do not provide anything, however, they can slow down your computer. If you do not use the task scheduler (and in most cases, users do not even know where this service is located on the computer and what it is intended for), then you can safely disable it too. On personal computer You can do without the Smart Card Support Module service. This program is necessary mainly for working on a laptop.

In order to disable services on your computer, you need to go to Start-Run. Next, enter the command services.msc and press Enter. After this, a list of services will appear. In the menu you can see the name of the service, its status and startup type. In order to disable the service, you need to double-click on it with the right mouse button, and in the window that appears, in the Startup type line, select Disabled.

Before you disable a service, make sure you don't currently need it.

Removing unnecessary files

Many users often accumulate unnecessary trash, which everyone can’t get around to removing. Without a doubt, this situation can significantly slow down the operation of equipment. If you don't have time to do it manually, you can always use additional programs. For example, it is quite effective to use for this purpose. Even a beginner who is not very well versed in technology can easily understand the program.

If we are going to learn how to make a computer run faster, the instructions for the steps taken may vary. To apply CCleaner program, you need to download it to your computer and install it. After this, an interface will open that is quite convenient and understandable. The advantages of the program include the fact that it not only removes unnecessary files, but also cleans the registry. By the way, it can also be installed on mobile devices, tablets, etc.

If this is your first time working with the utility, then in its menu you will need to go to the Cleaning tab and click Analysis. After the process is completed, you will need to return to Cleaning again. In addition, in the Registry you must select Search for problems. If they are found, click Fix. Advanced Users in the program they can independently choose required settings, do autostart and much more. It is recommended to use the utility 2-3 times a month to understand how effective it is, and the computer runs much faster after cleaning.

Another way to clean your computer of junk is suitable for those who are constantly reminded by the OS that there is not enough space on drive C. You need to open My Computer and click on drive C. After that, select Properties - Disk Cleanup. In the window that appears, click the All – OK button. This procedure will launch the Cleanup Wizard. However, it can not remove everything that is necessary. Therefore, after its completion, you need to go to the Advanced menu, go to the System Restore tab and click Clean.

In order to optimize the placement of files and programs, you should periodically. This keeps files organized and therefore improves productivity. It is recommended to do this procedure at least once every six months. After defragmentation, you may notice that programs run faster and documents open in a shorter time.

To start the process, you will need to log into My Computer. Next, select the disk that needs to be defragmented and click Properties - Tools. In the menu that opens, go to the Run defragmentation link.

Before starting the process on your computer, you can do Analysis in the defragmentation window. This procedure will help you determine whether your computer needs defragmentation. If in the end we receive a recommendation from the system that it is necessary to carry out the process, then we launch it. Defragmentation can take a long time. It is not recommended to work on a computer during this procedure. You can stop work at any time by pressing the desired button, and then continue.

In order to run defragmentation, the disk must have at least 10% free space. Make sure that this requirement complied with. If not, then delete unnecessary files to free up space.

Other ways to improve productivity

Some users use other methods and small tricks to improve the performance of the computer processor. For example, you can clean your desk. You only need to leave program shortcuts, My Computer and Recycle Bin on it. If films, photos and other things are posted here, this will slow down the speed of work. For media files on a computer it is better to do special folder in which they will be stored.

In addition, you can remove unnecessary effects in system. To do this, go to Control Panel - System. Next, go to the Advanced tab. In it, select Performance – Options. In the window that appears, find Visual Effects. We uncheck the boxes next to some of them, and then apply them. The final step is to check the effectiveness of the procedure. We open one of the programs and see if its startup time has decreased, if it has started to work faster, etc.

By using one of the above methods, you will notice that your computer's performance has increased and programs have started to run much faster. Of course, you can go on your own the easy way, updating Hardware technical device, but before these very radical measures, you can still try to establish. Remember that the development of IT technologies does not stand still. Hence, modern games and programs require everything great characteristics from the computer. Don’t be lazy to update it, and you will only get pleasure from working on it.

The little glass rectangle you carry with you all day holds a lot of possibilities. We have eight-core processors, several gigabytes of RAM and batteries with a capacity of thousands of milliamp-hours, but sometimes it feels like the hardware is not reaching its full potential. The settings are messed up, applications greedily use resources, which can make the phone “sluggish” and kill the battery. But don't worry, you can fix the problem in a few simple steps.

What updates? Everyone updates. If not automatic update, activated in Play Store, or Wi-Fi connection is not very frequent, check everything available updates applications before taking more drastic measures. It is possible that some applications have failed updates, which leads to troubles in background. Receipt latest version can solve the problem in minutes.

It is also advisable to check the availability system updates on the menu " About phone" (or "About device") V " Settings". You'll probably get a notification when updates are ready, but not all programs continue to push for them after the warning closes. If there are updates available for your device, make sure they are installed. Probably, if you read around, you can find horror stories about OS updates, but such stories are in the extreme minority. You usually get security fixes and (importantly) performance improvements.

Remove and disable unnecessary applications

If you've been using your phone for several months, you've probably accumulated quite a bit of large collection applications that are rarely opened. You might think you'll use them at some point, but let's be real, that will never happen. Go through your device and remove anything that is absolutely not needed.

Android allows applications to start and run in the background. This is usually not a problem, but some applications (as mentioned above) can act up. Micromanaging background tasks has detrimental consequences, since any services you kill will only restart and slow down the system and use up more battery power. Smaller number installed applications means less background tasks for Android. Simply deleting apps you don't use can solve the problem. You may have observed that your smartphone becomes slow when there is almost no free space on it, hence clearing the memory can help in such a case.

Unnecessary system applications, which cannot be deleted, should be disabled in the main application settings. This hides them from the app drawer and prevents them from running in the background. If system applications stopped the phone, then the problem is solved.

Clean up your home screen

Most device manufacturers have their own home screen, but there are also various third-party alternatives and Google's Now Launcher in the Play Store. What they all have in common is widget support. Widgets are very useful, except when you get a little carried away and they make your smartphone feel sluggish.

If you experience too much lag, take a look at what's running on the main screen. There may be one or two widgets causing problems, so look for something that is updated frequently. Live wallpapers can also cause your device to perform poorly, switch to a static background to see if that improves your experience.

Use Energy Saving Mode when appropriate

It's 4 pm and the battery is already dead? Depending on the phone you carry with you, you may have to answer yes. Power-saving modes, found in almost all phones, can save some power and extend battery life, but they have drawbacks. For example, they will slow down clock frequency processor, and reduce the speed of displaying information on the display. It's no surprise that the phone feels slower. This may be noticed if performance issues have already been resolved.

When low charge battery life and duration of use are more important than performance, then turn on energy saving modes. Most phones can be configured to automatic switching on energy saving mode at a certain charge level. Just don't leave the mode on all the time, like some people do.

Return to factory settings

Despite how amazing smartphones are, they are not perfect. Sometimes you simply don’t know what happened, and no amount of settings or application changes will return you to original performance. If all else fails, this is what you should do full reset settings. This can fix any problems you're having with apps, but it can also fix weird and undiagnosable ones. systemic problems. Of course, it’s unpleasant that such things still happen, but if there is some kind of mistake deep inside or incorrect setting, this is perhaps the only option.

Before resetting your phone, make sure that all your important data is backed up somewhere else. You can save files to cloud services such as Dropbox or Google drive. App data is harder to keep track of, but Helium Backup is compatible with most devices and doesn't require rooting.

You can initiate a device reset from the main system settings in the aptly named menu “ Backup and reset". It is also possible to boot into recovery mode and reset the settings, but this is only necessary if the phone is no longer booting Android correctly. If you do need to reset the settings, you will end up with a fast Android smartphone.