Archived versions of flash player. Adobe Flash Player update (video freezes and slows down - problem solution)

Flash player from the giant Adobe. The player does not have its own window, but allows you to play SWF files in the installed browser. The archive with the program contains separate versions of the player for Internet Explorer and for other browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera).

Almost every modern computer user has heard at least once about Adobe Flash Player. The fact is that the current Internet is full of content that cannot be displayed without a flash player. Therefore, instead of comfortably browsing the Internet using their browser, many users are faced with this message:

Or with this one - if you like to watch VKontakte videos:

And they immediately panic: “It looks like something is broken!” We hasten to reassure you - nothing terrible happened. Adobe Flash Player is not installed or is not working correctly, and you just need to install it. Unless, of course, you want to watch videos on the Internet. It’s not difficult at all, especially since we have prepared detailed instructions especially for you!

So, let's begin.

Installing Adobe Flash Player

To get started, download the archive with the player from one of the free file storage sites listed above.

Having opened the archive, you will see 2 installation files, the name of each of which lists the browsers for which the Adobe Flash Player libraries will be installed (after all, it does not have its own interface and will play multimedia content in the browser window).

I chose the first option, since we don’t use Internet Explorer, but you choose yourself.

Before starting the installation, the program will ask you what update policy it should follow. You must understand that technology does not stand still, the multimedia content of sites changes, and Adobe quite often improves its player by releasing updates. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the first option - allow updates to be installed.

Now you will have to wait literally a few seconds while the installation proceeds.

And voila – installation is complete! Now a window will open in your browser telling you about the success of the entire event.

Now you can view on the Internet any previously inaccessible multimedia content in flv and swf formats. If, of course, you are already 18 years old;).

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

  • integrates into almost any browser;
  • automatic update.
  • does not have its own interface, works only in browsers.


Currently, this player is required to be installed on any computer where you plan to watch videos and listen to music directly from sites (for example, from social networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.)

P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Vyacheslav Protasov is preserved.

P.P.S. There are other flash players that can play files swf And flv in its own window, without using a browser. For example this one:

Good day.

Many dynamic applications on websites (including videos) are played in browsers thanks to Adobe Flash Player (flash player, as many call it). Sometimes, due to various conflicts (for example, incompatibility of software or drivers), the flash player may begin to behave unstable: for example, the video on the site will begin to freeze, play jerkily, slow down...

Solving this problem is sometimes not easy; most often you have to resort to updating Adobe Flash Player (and sometimes you have to change not the old version to a new one, but, on the contrary, remove the new one and install a stable working old one). I wanted to talk about how to do this in this article...

Adobe Flash Player Update

Usually everything happens quite simply: a reminder about the need to update Flash Player starts flashing in the browser.

The system on the site will automatically detect your Windows OS, its bit depth, your browser and offer to update and download exactly the version of Adobe Flash Player that you need. All that remains is to agree to the installation by clicking on the appropriate button (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Flash Player update

Important! Updating Adobe Flash Player to the latest version does not always improve the stability and performance of your PC. Often the situation is the opposite: with the old version everything worked as it should, but after the update, some sites and services freeze, the video slows down and does not play. This happened with my PC, which began to freeze when playing streaming video just after updating Flash Player (more on solving this problem later in the article) ...

Rollback to an older version of Adobe Flash Player (if problems are observed, for example, video slows down, etc.)

In general, of course, it is best to use the latest updates of drivers and programs, including Adobe Flash Player. I recommend using an older version only in cases where the new one is unstable.

In order to install the desired version of Adobe Flash Player, you must first remove the old one. To do this, the capabilities of Windows itself will be sufficient: you need to go to control panel/programs/programs and features. Next in the list, find the name “Adobe Flash Player” and delete it (see Fig. 2).

After removing the Flash player - on many sites where, for example, you can watch the Internet broadcast of a channel - you will see a reminder about the need to install Adobe Flash Player (as in Fig. 3).

Now you need to go to: and click the link “ Archived versions of Flash Player"(see Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Archived versions of Flash Player

Next, you will see a list with a huge variety of Flash Player versions. If you know which version you need, choose and install it. If not, it is logical to choose the one that was before the update and with which everything worked; most likely, this version is 3-4th on the list.

As a last resort, you can download several versions and try them one by one...

The downloaded archive must be extracted (the best free archivers:) and the installation started (see Fig. 6).

By the way, some browsers check the version of plugins, add-ons, flash players - and if the version is not the latest, they begin to warn you that you need to update. In general, if you were forced to install an older version of Flash Player, then it is better to disable this reminder.

In Mozilla Firefox, for example, to turn off this reminder, you need to open the settings page: enter about:config in the address bar. Then set the extensions.blocklist.enabled value to false (see Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Disable reminders to update the flash player and plugins

This concludes the article. I wish everyone good performance of the player and no lag when watching videos :)

Adobe Flash Player is a free program for displaying videos and animations on websites. It will help if you can’t play movies, clips and games.

Flash player is an essential program. Without it, sites with flash (.swf) files will not load correctly. And these files are responsible for videos, games and even music on the Internet.

How to download flash player for free

You can get the latest version of the program on the official website But often the download fails and the module cannot be installed. Then download Adobe Flash Player using direct links:

Adobe Flash Player for Chrome, Opera, Yandex, etc.
(size 20.1 MB)

Adobe Flash Player for Mozilla Firefox
(size 20.3 MB)

Adobe Flash Player for Internet Explorer
(size 19.8 MB)

These are three free versions of the plugin. Each of them is suitable for a specific type of browser. If you don’t understand which version you need, download everything - it won’t make you any worse.

How to install

1 . Close the browser.

The plugin is built directly into the Internet program. Therefore, before installation, you need to close the browser if it is open.

2. Run the installation file. It is usually located in your Downloads folder.

To do this, go to any folder on your computer and on the left side click on the “Downloads” item.

Inside we find the installation file and open it.

3. Check the box for “I have read and accepted the terms of the Flash Player License Agreement” and click the “Install” button.

4 . Click on “Finish”.

That's all: the program is installed and configured! She has already updated your browser. You don't need to do anything else. Just launch Google Chrome, Yandex, Opera, Mazila or whatever you use. Animations and videos should now display correctly.


  • Adobe Flash Player version dated February 13, 2019. Downloaded from the official website
  • The plugin is suitable for all popular operating systems of the Windows family (XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10).
  • Works even on old weak computers.
  • All files are scanned by Kaspersky Anti-Virus.