Download the adobe flash player application to your computer. Install flash player on your computer yourself

If you are looking for something how to install Adobe Flash Player on your computer, then you have opened the desired article. The answer to your question will be stated here in detail.

To install Adobe Flash Player It is advisable to prepare a little, namely, update your browser. Most popular browsers: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera.

Surely in this list you found the browser that you have installed.

There is no need to describe for each browser how to check its relevance current version, since the algorithm is the same. The sequence of actions for all browsers is as follows:

  • launch the browser;
  • left-click on the “Menu” icon in top corner windows on the left;
  • in the list that appears, select “About the program”;
  • Another list will open, in it click on the “Check for updates” item.

Or there may be another option:

  • press “Menu”;
  • select “About the program”; A window will open where you can check if there is a new version.

In any case, the browser will search for updates. If they are found, the program will offer to install them. Installing updates will not cause any difficulties for anyone.

I have an update not required and looks So:

Once the browser update is done, you can start Adobe installation Flash Player.

Installing Adobe Flash Player.

The program is downloaded from the Internet. And the link to official resource can be found on my page - (in the section free programs), or just below there is a direct download link.

Note: in Internet need to go out exactly from the browser on which you want to install the flash player.

This note is made in case you have multiple Internet browsers on your computer.

You can install Adobe Flash Player from the official website and from unofficial sources. I recommend using the first option.

You can find Adobe Flash Player in this way by typing the phrase in any search engine "install adobe flash player" and start the search.

The first in the list of sites found should be the link to official page. When you click on the link, you will immediately go to the place on the site where you can download the flash player, but why so many unnecessary steps when this link is located just higher in this article :).

In the upper section of the same window, immediately under the heading with the name of the program, there is a line “Your system”. Please check if the information listed here for your operating system, language and browser is correct.

If you notice an error, then immediately below this line you are asked to select your option, which is what you should do.

Be sure to pay attention to additional applications; in principle, you do not need to install them; I recommend unchecking these boxes (you can see everything in the screenshot above).

Nuances when installing Adobe Flash Player:

  • the version of Adobe Flash Player for Internet Explorer is installed only on this browser;
  • the non-Internet Explorer version of the flash player will be installed by default in all browsers except Internet Explorer;

Close all browsers. Launch the installer and follow his consistent instructions. During the process, a question will appear about how to update the flash player. Here it is better to select the “Allow Adobe to install updates” option.

At the end, click “Finish”. The goal has been achieved.

Purpose of Adobe Flash Player.

Since you have already started installing the player, you know what it is needed for. But I will still briefly remind you of its purpose.

Adobe Flash Player is required to run a variety of dynamic multimedia content, including videos and games, in a browser.

For example, it is thanks to this wonderful program that it is possible to launch applications on such a service as VKontakte (you can read how to properly delete VKontakte messages ->).

I hope you completed the installation successfully and can now take advantage of the small-in-hard-disk-size, but very important for the Internet, Adobe Flash Player.

Here is a video that, after watching, will definitely solve all your possible remaining questions.

Adobe Flash Player is a world-famous player that is necessary for playing Flash content on various web resources. If the computer is missing this plugin This means that many flash games, videos, audio recordings, and interactive banners simply will not be displayed in the browser. In this article we will take a closer look at how to install Flash Player on a laptop or desktop computer.

IN Lately there are more and more rumors that the developers popular browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera, will refuse Flash support Player due to the presence of serious vulnerabilities that are actively exploited by hackers. But until this happens, you have the opportunity to install Flash Player in your browser.

It should be understood that some browsers require the user to download and install Flash Player separately, while other web browsers already have this plugin built in by default. Browsers that already have Flash Player built into them include all web browsers based on Chromium browser– these are Google Chrome, Amigo, Rambler Browser, Yandex.Browser and many others.

Flash Player is installed separately for Opera browsers, Mozilla Firefox, as well as derivatives of these web browsers. Using one of these browsers as an example, we will consider the further procedure Flash installations Player.

How to install Adobe Flash Player?

1. At the end of the article you will find a link that will redirect you to the official website of the Adobe Flash Player developer. In the left area of ​​the window, pay attention to the automatically detected Windows version and the browser used. If in your case this data was determined incorrectly, you will need to click on the button "We need Flash player Player for another computer? , then mark the required version according to Windows OS and your browser.

2. Pay attention to the very center of the window, where by default you will be asked to download and install additional software on your computer (in our case this is antivirus utility McAfee). If you do not want to download it to your computer, you will need to make sure to uncheck the boxes.

3. Complete the Flash Player download for your system by clicking the button "Install Now" .

5. At the first stage of installation, you will have the opportunity to select the type of installation of updates for Flash Player. This parameter It is recommended to leave it as default, i.e. near the parameter "Allow Adobe to install updates (recommended)" .

6. Next, the utility will begin downloading Adobe Flash Player to the system. Once it is completed, the installer will automatically proceed to install the player on your computer.

7. At the end of the installation, the system will ask you to restart your browser for which Flash Player was installed (in our case, Mozilla Firefox).

This completes the Flash Player installation process. After restarting the browser, all Flash content on sites should work correctly.

The question of how to install "Adobe Flash Player" is being discussed more and more actively, because modern internet can no longer do without this decision, it is a fact. Games, music, videos and other content support this technology.

A few words about technology

Next we will look in detail at Flash Player on any computer running Windows systems, but first a little theory. This technology has a number of significant shortcomings, and many experts are waiting for it to be closed and replaced with the more convenient HTML5.

Note that a certain part of YouTube videos no longer require an installed player, as they work using HTML5 technology. However, flash remains in demand despite its excessive demands on resources.

In what cases should you install Adobe Flash Player?

Probably, if you are interested in this publication, you already know why a player is needed. But let's try to bring some clarity. Most often, the browser or individual sites inform the user that to proper operation you need to install the "Adobe Flash Player" plugin (in the case of a browser).

To use the audio service, you must install a Flash player." And the video hosting site YouTube reports: "In order to play the video, Adobe Flash is required." On other sites where such messages do not appear, individual elements may simply not work.

If a site needs a specified add-on, at the top of the page in most cases you will see a prompt to install the latest "Adobe Flash Player". If there are problems with previously installed player, it must first be removed properly.

Get a newer browser!

First, you need to update your browser to the latest version to avoid conflicts in the future. Now we will look at how to do this with the most popular browsers.

Let's start with "Opera". This browser During each startup, it automatically checks for updates and offers to install them. It should be noted that new versions of this browser appear quite often. In order to manually check whether an update has passed you by, you need to go to the “Menu”, then open “Help” and “Check for updates”.

If a new version is available, install it. If not, you don't need to do anything.

The installed version can be found in the "Menu", section "Help", subsection "About the program".

"Google Chrome". This browser is actually to check this fact, you need to go to the “Menu” to the “About Browser” item. If an update is needed, the browser will notify you.

"Internet Explorer". This browser also updates automatically. You need to check the presence of the corresponding checkbox in the “Menu”, section “Help”, subsection “About the program”.

IN in this case you need to go to the "Menu", then go to "Help" and select "About FireFox". The browser will check for new versions and, if there are any, it will offer to apply them, apply them. Important point: if your browser contains additional modules, which are not compatible with the latest version, you will be notified accordingly.

Congratulations! Browsers are updated! If something doesn't go according to plan, don't

Don't worry, move on to installing the player anyway.

Let's move on to installing the player

Next, you will see that it is very easy to install "Adobe Flash Player" for free, and we will show you how to do it. Let's move on to the main thing. At this step everything is intuitive. Let's go to the official website, where you will be prompted to install "Adobe Flash Player 12" or a newer version. Download the installer and run it. Next we will discuss the nuances.

Check if the language has been detected correctly and operating system, deployed on your computer. If it is incorrect, then click on the appropriate item and indicate your option. Please note that there are two installation options: directly for the Internet Explorer browser, as well as for all other browsers.

How to install "Adobe Flash Player": what are the nuances

In order to install correct version, you need to go to the site from exactly the browser for which you want the player. If a version other than “Internet Explorer” is selected, the plugin will be installed in all browsers available on the computer: “FireFox”, “Opera”, “Chrome” and others. As for the "IE" version, it is only compatible with this browser.

It should also be noted that "Chrome" already has "Flash Player", but it is not updated

as often as it does official version product. From time to time, a built-in plugin conflicts with one that was installed manually.

To install "Flash Player", you need to uncheck the box that is responsible for the installation additional programs and add-ons, and click "Download". A window will open for you to save the installer. Save it, run it and follow the wizard's instructions. Note that on at this stage running browsers should be closed.

If you have problems with the installation, check to see if there are any running processes running from your browsers, or restart your computer, and then run the installer again. When asked about how to update the player in the future, we recommend choosing the first option and allowing Adobe to install updates in the future.

Checking that the player is installed correctly

If you have any doubts regarding normal operation your player, this can be easily checked. If banners appear on sites that include moving elements, then everything went well, but if gray squares appear in their place, “Flash” for some reason does not work.

Activation in browsers

If necessary, you can also check the activity of the plugin in browsers. It's easy to do. If you have an Opera browser, enter address bar browser: “opera:plugins”, find in the list “ Shockwave Flash" Please note that this add-on must be enabled.

If you use " Mozilla FireFox", go to "Menu", then "Add-ons", then open "Plugins" and find the "Shockwave Flash" item in the list. If the add-on is disabled, enable it.

For “Internet Explorer” the instructions are as follows: go to “Menu”, go to “Browser Options”, open “Programs”, then “Manage add-ons” and finally “Toolbars, extensions”. In the list that appears, find "Shockwave Flash".

Now let's discuss Google Chrome. Enter “chrome://plugins” into the address bar, look at the section called “Flash Player”.

Fixing "Shockwave Flash" crashing on "Google Chrome"

There may not be any problem if you use Google Chrome exclusively. But many people use several browsers simultaneously for different purposes. "Google Chrome" is attractive with a built-in flash player. But other browsers do not have such a solution, and you have to install the player separately. It turns out to be "porridge". "Chrome" connects all plugins during startup: its own and all those installed on the computer that it finds. It is at this moment that the error occurs. To solve the problem, disable extra modules"Flash", leaving only one. To do this, go to the plug-in settings. This can be done using the menu or simply by inserting the following text into the browser line: “chrome://plugins”. To get to your destination through the menu, go to "Settings", then " Additional settings", then "Content settings" and "Disable modules".

Let's sum it up

Now we will try to answer briefly how to install “Adobe Flash Player” on your computer. In the very in simple form installation can be reduced to the following actions: quick automatic transition to the official Adobe website, downloading the program and launching the appropriate installer.

I did a little digging into the queries and statistics and found out that Adobe Flash Player is now one of the most popular programs or plugins, as you prefer to call them. This is due to the fact that Internet speeds have increased greatly and are growing every day, and now we can not only read something on the Internet, but also listen to music and watch high-quality videos and films online without downloading them to our computer. Just 5-10 years ago we couldn’t afford this.

As you know, Adobe Flash Player, which is built directly into your browser, is responsible for viewing all kinds of animations and videos. In connection with this, the number of requests related to this player has also increased, because it sometimes crashes, sometimes requires updating, and so on. People start downloading players from different sites along with viruses, then these players do not work, and so on.

Now I will show you where you need to download the player from and how to install it. Before installing, make sure you have installed latest version browser, otherwise the focus may not work. After that, go to the official website of Adobe Flash Player. I'm giving you a link directly to the download page:

We go to the page and remove the bird in the second column, if you do not remove it, then it will automatically install for us additional application McAfee, but we don't need it. Click on the button "Install Now".

A window immediately pops up in Mozilla to download the installation file. I immediately press "Save file" and it downloads to your computer.

Now I check where I downloaded it installation file. "Menu - Downloads"

Now you can close the browser, because running browser The player will not be installed. Double-click on the file you just downloaded.

Run the file:

That's it, installation completed successfully

That's it, now you know where you can download and install Adobe program Flash Player.

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Adobe Flash Player- a new version free player for Windows, with the ability to process flash data in SWF format,FLV. These and other formats are used for correct display content on sites. Today, most of them use Flash technologies, and when opening them, first of all, you need latest version flash player. You can download Adobe Flash Player for Windows for free on our website using the publisher's direct link.

Design on Adobe based Flash Player is used to create beautiful animations and other multimedia objects on websites. Regular updates of this program must be installed without any hesitation, this will ensure you maximum performance browser when processing flash animation and security. You can download flash player for Internet Explorer, and for browsers such as Opera, FireFox, Chrome, Safari. The system automatically detects the browser from which you install the plugin.

System security

Adobe Flash Player is necessary and is present in any case on any Windows computer. In this regard, it is more often hacked for internal access to the browser. We recommend that you download the new version of the plugin and update it regularly. This is what will keep your computer as secure as possible. Adobe monitors the security of the plugin and introduces new security systems into it, closing its vulnerabilities.

In the new version

  • Bidirectional streaming video and sound.
  • Implemented accelerated processing of 3D graphics based on new technology Stage 3D, added support for 64-bit systems based on Mac OS or Windows.
  • Added support for audio compression in G711 format for Internet telephony.
  • Integrated JSON support for importing data into Flash applications controlled via Action Script.

Overall, Flash Player is required package plugins for the computer, so it took its place on our site.


Adobe Flash Player is released separately for Internet Explorer and separately for browsers such as Opera, FireFox, Chrome, Safari and others. Below is a link where you can download a free distribution of the program for the browser you use. To install the flash player on Windows, run the installation file downloaded from the official website and follow the prompts of the installer. To install the program you will need a minimum of time and effort, since everything happens automatically. In just a few seconds, the new version of the plugin will be installed on your Windows.