What can you do while driving? Games on the road, or how to occupy time and prevent the driver from falling asleep

Unfortunately, teleportation technology is not yet available to us, and therefore, before a vacation in another city or country, we have to spend several hours of idleness on the road. Is there any way to brighten up these hours? The range of possible entertainment on the road will depend on the type of transport. Let's talk about what to do in the car.

Certainly, if you are a driver, you don’t have to think about what to do in the car: you’ll spend the road driving, and the only entertainment available is the radio and conversations with fellow travelers. Those sitting in the passenger seats have a wider choice, although in a cramped car you won’t be able to roam around like, for example, .

The easiest way to spend time on the road is to sleep(especially if you left early in the morning or didn’t get enough sleep the night before). But you don’t always want to sleep, and not everyone finds it convenient to sleep in a car - it’s easier for them to stay awake than to try to get comfortable on the seat or shoulder of a neighbor. What to do in the car if, as luck would have it, you can’t sleep in either eye?

Many people take a book on the road - in the hustle and bustle of everyday work, there is not always time to read. However Doctors do not recommend reading in the car: the condition of our roads leaves much to be desired, so the car will most likely be shaken along the way. The book will “dance” in front of your eyes, and this is very harmful to your eyesight. So if you want to devote time on the road to getting to know the world’s literary heritage, it’s better to download it to your MP3 player audiobooks.

Well, at the same time, before the trip, you can update your music collection: often we don’t have time to listen to new albums of our favorite artists; at best, they play in the background while we are doing something. And in a few hours spent on the road, you can listen to everything. You can also learn a foreign language on the road by downloading audio lessons to your player.. Just remember to fully charge the player before traveling.

And if you have a netbook, tablet or at least a smartphone, you are unlikely to be interested in what to do in the car: you have games, movies at your disposal, and if you have a modem with access to the mobile Internet, you have almost unlimited possibilities for entertainment (with the exception of those moments when you will pass places outside the coverage area). You can also watch movies on a portable DVD player.

It’s just not very polite to sit the whole way with headphones in your ears or staring at the screen of a tablet (laptop, player) if you have fellow travelers. What to do in the car if you are traveling with a group?

Usually in a company there are always topics for conversation, but after a few hours on the road they can dry up, even if the company is close-knit and friendly. In this case, you can play. Of course, card and board games are not the best choice for traveling in a car (you can still get creative and play in the back seat, but then the driver and the person in the front seat will remain “overboard”). So your choice is word games.

The first one that comes to mind is the game “Cities”, which is already boring for everyone (although you can try to modernize it by choosing other themes instead of cities). Therefore, you can try other games, for example, game "Telepath". The rules are very simple: one of the players guesses a letter, and the rest try to guess it. To do this, they name various words, and the one who made the guess says whether they contain the hidden letter or not.

Here's another game. Choose an item and take turns naming possible ways to use it for other purposes than its intended purpose. If a player repeats himself or thinks longer than the allotted time, he is eliminated from the game. The one who named the last method wins. Or you can play “Guess the Melody”: Just turn on the radio and compete to be the first to guess the name and artist of the song currently playing.

When traveling by car, be sure to consider one point: At least one person other than the driver must be awake at all times, especially if you are driving late in the evening, at night or early in the morning. His task is to entertain the driver with conversations so that he does not accidentally fall asleep. It is best for this person to sit in the front seat next to the driver.

As you can see, there is more than one option for what to do in the car during a long road trip. Have an easy and enjoyable journey!

Hello dear friends. A couple of days after the wedding, we got ready for a honeymoon closer to the mountains and the sea. Without thinking twice, we went to rest in the city of Gelendzhik. Since we were in no hurry, we chose the train as our means of transportation. Those who have ever traveled on long-distance trains know that in order not to die of boredom you need to do something. It’s okay if you don’t travel for half a day, and even if you got there at night, and in the morning you’re already in the city you need. We had to travel for two and a half days, and therefore the problem of what to do on the train during this time hung over us!

1. Conversation with a loved one

First of all, this applies to those who travel not alone, but with friends. I went with my beloved wife. We had a lot to talk about: where we would go and where we would visit.

2. Conversation with fellow travelers

An excellent opportunity to make acquaintances. Perhaps in the future you will become friends or you will develop a new hobby. What if you learn something new, about the place where you are going or about the places where the interlocutor is from? Or they will share interesting life experiences with you. Don't miss this opportunity!

3. Meeting a member of the opposite sex

Great for singles. A train carriage is not a place to meet people. Who knows, maybe you will find your soulmate here with whom you will spend your life!

4. Electronic communication

If you don’t like your neighbors, are tired of communicating with them, or are you so shy that it’s difficult to get to know and talk with fellow travelers, then feel free to communicate with friends and family through SMS, ICQ and social networks. The main thing is that the gadget remains connected.

What to do on the train, how not to sleep, and sleep is an important and useful activity. For those who often whine that they don’t get enough sleep, this is a great opportunity to finally sleep longer. If suddenly you are bothered by ambient noise, put earplugs in your ears and go to sleep!

There has not yet been a person who eats only air! 😀 We are all living people and we need food! Having sat down at the table, take out food supplies and eat.

7. Listen to music

Before your trip, download music to your phone and music players and sit and listen until you reach your destination. In addition to music, download audiobooks and listen, educate yourself! Well, whoever likes it here.

8. Playing cards

Playing the fool can rightfully be considered a popular game of cards. Play with friends or neighbors you just met. If there are no cards, no problem, look around. I'm sure there's at least one company playing for the whole carriage. Feel free to ask to play together, I think they won’t refuse you.

9. Play electronic games

If you have a phone, laptop or PSP with you, then why not play. The main thing is that the battery lasts a long time. Although modern carriages have no problems charging their electronic gadgets.

10. Watching a movie or favorite TV series

If you already took electronic gadgets with you. Then why not watch your favorite series on the road. If at home on the sofa watching TV time flies unnoticed, then why not use this idea here too.

11. Reading a book, magazine

You will have a great time if you take a book with you or buy an interesting magazine along the way. It's time to read. Reading has never harmed anyone, but on the contrary, it has been beneficial. Personally, I took Freud's book with me. For me, as a techie, such books are difficult to perceive. During the trip he will only get through 75 pages. Why didn't I take something from technical literature or at least from adventures?

12. Drawing

A great activity even if you are not an artist! The main thing is not to forget to take paper and pencils with you. If you happen to be eating with a child, don’t forget to take some coloring books with you. A good way to keep your child busy for a couple of hours and remember his youth! 😀

13. Study, self-education

14. Personal diary

In case you keep a diary, then this is an opportunity to write something new or read something old and remember what happened to you last week.

15. Planning

Spend a huge amount of free time planning your trip, vacation, or the current year. While we were driving, we were thinking about where and when it would be best to go, what to see, where to go.

16. Look out the window

Since childhood, Lenka and I have been glued to the window when we travel to new places. For some reason, it seems to me that it will be interesting for you to sit and just look out the window. Observe how nature changes in different areas. Look at the towns passing by, appreciate the architecture and observe the life of local people.

17. Folding origami figures

If you suddenly took with you a certain number of sheets of paper, put down figures of cranes, frogs, fish and whatever your heart desires. Great activity on the train.

18. Solving puzzles

Having a puzzle with you, make your brain work. For example, those who cannot solve the Rubik's Cube spend hours on it. There are a great many combinations to collect. When I first got this cube, I spent a day trying to assemble it completely. It's a pity I didn't think to take it with me on the train.

19. Memories

Lying on your bed, remember what happened to you over the past month. After thinking about this, draw the appropriate conclusions. If you do this constantly, you can in the future

20. Body workouts

You won't believe it, but even in the carriage it is possible to do body training. The main thing is to turn on your imagination. At the very least, you can pump up your abs and do push-ups calmly.

21. Handicrafts

Cross-stitching, knitting, bracelet making, all this can be done on the train, and why not. All this can be done on the train. In 2.5 days you can knit at least socks! 😀

22. Chew seeds

Believe it or not, you can also kill a couple of hours by turning gray and gnawing on seeds. The seeds are such an infection that it’s hard to stop until they run out. So take a bag and more with you!

23. Solving crossword puzzles

Still wondering what to do on the train, when you’re tired of everything, get off at the nearest parking lot and buy yourself a crossword puzzle and sit and tell your fortune. You can also connect your neighbors if you find it difficult to answer some questions.

24. Sex, kisses, hugs

If you are eating in a compartment together with your beloved half, then why not do it. Sex is like communication; time flies by! 😀

25. Work

If you are traveling somewhere for work, then do some of it, if possible, on the train. And if suddenly you are a freelancer, then spend this huge amount of time on doing your current work.

26. Write poems, stories, blog posts

If I were traveling alone, and even home from vacation, I would definitely start writing posts for my favorite photo blog.

27. Take a walk at the bus stop

Be sure to get off the train at long stops and take a walk! Sitting and lying all day long is very difficult even for me, who is lazy. But a breath of fresh air and a walk never hurt anyone. When leaving the carriage, be sure to ask the conductor how long the stay at the station lasts, and then, depending on the time, decide how far you can walk.

I think it’s time to stop here, otherwise I’ve already written 27 points. If you ever decide to take a train somewhere, be sure to read this post again to refresh your memory of what to do on the train. Do not take the time that you have to spend on the road with bitterness, but perceive it as a gift, and use it wisely! If you suddenly have new ideas, be sure to leave them in the comments!

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Long car trips are a real challenge for many. When packing for a trip, you might be worried about getting bored, especially if you have to stand in one place for several hours. In this article you will find useful tips that will turn any tiring trip into an exciting trip.


Preparing for the trip

  1. Invite your friends and relatives with you. This will make a long trip an unforgettable experience. You can chat with your friends, play games with them, sing songs and even have heart-to-heart conversations.

    • If you are a driver, ask a relative or friend who is authorized to drive to relieve you from time to time. Driving for short periods of time can prevent accidents from occurring. Plus, your journey will be faster and smoother. If you have to drive the whole way, that means you'll have to stop every now and then to rest.
    • Invite the right people on your trip. A long trip can turn into an exciting journey if you are accompanied by interesting people. At the same time, your trip can become a real challenge for you if you invite people with whom you will be bored. Invite trusted friends with you who will be ready to help you during a long trip.
    • Check with friends and family who will be accompanying you if you want to invite someone else along. It is very important that everyone in the car gets along with each other.
  2. Download music. Download music and create your own music playlist. Use a music device for this purpose. Select:

    • Songs you can sing along to. Download songs that you will not be able to remain silent listening to. Movie soundtracks or popular songs are songs that won't let you get bored.
    • Funny songs. While driving, you'll likely feel very tired and worry about losing control of the car. Download music that you won't be able to fall asleep listening to.
    • Lots of songs. If you're going on a long trip, download a large number of songs so you don't get bored of listening to the same ones. Think about how long your trip will be and how many songs you need to download so that you don't get bored on the road.
  3. Download songs, podcasts, videos and more. You can download many interesting books to listen to on the go. This is a great opportunity to have a good time in the car for those who like to read. If you get motion sickness or are driving, you can listen to your favorite audiobooks.

    • There are a huge variety of podcast topics. You can choose from educational, creative, and comedy podcasts. Their duration can vary from 5 minutes to 2 hours.
    • Audiobooks often have a stronger impact on the senses than traditional book reading. You can choose books with different storytelling styles. In addition, you can choose the narrator you like to listen to. Listen to several options and choose the one you like.
    • If you need to keep your kids entertained on the go, let them watch YouTube videos offline. Before your trip, download videos that your children will enjoy watching. Don't leave everything until the last minute!
  4. Bring study materials with you. A long car ride is the ideal setting for learning a new language or subject, or acquiring a useful skill. Bring study materials and note-taking supplies with you. Also download audio lessons.

    • If you're traveling on a bus or in a car with an internet connection, you can do research online using your laptop or smartphone.
    • If you need to complete homework or a test, traveling by car is a great opportunity to get the necessary assignments done.
  5. Take comfortable clothes, a blanket and a pillow in the car. If you want time to pass quickly, sleep. Wear comfortable clothes, such as your favorite pajamas, to help you fall asleep as quickly as possible.

    • Take a neck pillow. Many people find it difficult to sleep in a car because it is not very comfortable. However, using a neck pillow will help you avoid muscle cramps and bumps when driving on bumpy roads.
    • Listen to relaxing music if you have trouble sleeping.
  6. Bring electronic devices to help keep you occupied during a long trip. Bring an iPad, tablet, portable DVD player, laptop or games console. Download interesting games or movies.

    • Don't forget to take chargers. Get a charger that you can use to charge your electronic device in the car.
  7. Take an interesting book. Reading an interesting book will keep you busy and you won't be bored on the road. Just remember to look up from time to time to avoid getting seasick!

    • Take some books. If you finish one quickly or you are not very interested in it, you can read another.
    • Take books that will give you useful information about your destination. This way, when you arrive, you'll know what cool places the city has to grab a bite to eat and have fun.

    During the trip

    1. Try to dream. Look out the window and try to come up with an amazing adventure or love story.

      • You can also daydream about your future or reflect on your life and goals. Also, think about what you can do to achieve your goals.
      • Play music that will help you think.
    2. Dance to the music. Try dancing while sitting. However, don't forget your seat belt.

      • If you are driving, your main task is to keep your eyes on the road. However, you can perform dance moves while stopped at traffic lights. Also, try shoulder shaking if this type of exercise does not distract you from driving.
    3. Pay attention to unusual things happening on the road. You can write down interesting moments in a notebook or tell your fellow travelers about it.

      • Pay attention to details that can serve as a guide on your way back.
    4. Take photos or videos during your trip. You can photograph a beautiful area or yourself and your companions. Take videos during your trip. You can make a whole film about your car journey.

      • Keep the photos as memories of your trip. You can put photos in an album. Do this in the car.
      • Write a story and attach relevant photos to it.
      • Download an app that will help you edit your photos. Some applications allow you to edit photos and add various effects.


    1. Have a debate. This is a great way to have fun while traveling. Debate is a verbal form of dialogue that involves an argument or discussion of different points of view on a given topic. Just choose a topic and let everyone express their point of view and provide reasonable arguments in defense of it.

      • Remind your companions that debate is just a game. Otherwise, a fun debate can quickly turn into a heated argument, and your next trip will be tense.
      • Choose funny topics. If you want your companions to be in a good mood, avoid serious topics. Instead of discussing moral or religious issues, talk about whether strawberries are the best fruit or how squirrels make you feel.
    2. Play word games. There are a large number of games that you can play on your own or with your companions. You can have a competition or just enjoy the game. For example, you can play the following games:

      • Organize a competition for the best spelling of words.
      • Name the countries of the world.
      • Remember the names of regions and cities.
      • Quickly come up with a rhyme for the word. The one who loses the set pace loses.
      • Say one word at a time. Ask everyone to say one word so that you end up with a sentence or story. You can come up with some fun examples.
    3. Read by role. Ask each of your companions to take part in this game. Distribute the roles and read the chosen play by role.

      • The driver should not participate in this game.
    4. Get to know each other better. If you're traveling with other people, make it a goal to get to know each other better. Ask each other questions or play different games:

      • Play the game “Two Truths and a Lie.” Ask one person to say two true facts and one fictitious fact. During the game, participants must guess which of the three given facts is true.
      • Play the game “I have never...”. Each player must record the score or keep their palms open in front of them so that all 10 fingers are visible. In addition, he must be ready to drink or eat something. Each of the participants must say in a circle what he did not do, and if one of the participants did it, then he bends one finger. The game lasts until one of the participants bends all their fingers. For example, Olga says: “I have never danced on stage.” If Alexei has danced on stage before, he loses a point or must eat or drink something to show that he has actually done it before.
        • You can try to just fall asleep. Time will fly by quickly and you will be full of energy when you arrive.
        • Sleep. This will make the time pass faster and leave you feeling refreshed when you reach your destination.
        • If you're not that interested, just talk to your travel companions or think about what you'll do when you arrive.
        • Play on your phone or laptop if you have Wi-Fi.
        • Time always passes faster when talking.
        • Try not to look down for long periods of time. You may get motion sickness. Instead, hold your phone or book at eye level.


        • If you experience car sickness, you should not eat, read, or play electronic games. However, you can talk, sleep, think, play word games, or listen to the radio and dance.

Spring is the time to make plans for the summer holidays and trips with children.

Using gadgets

The most obvious way is to take movies with you on a disc or tablet. But here we must take into account that even the most favorite cartoon can hold the attention of children for no more than one and a half to two hours. Afterwards they get tired. Especially when traveling. It’s better to play an audio fairy tale for your child. This method is also good because you can discuss a fairy tale or story with your child.

When traveling, you should stock up on a rigid, notebook-sized ring binder. You can buy ready-made blocks for such a folder at an office supply store, or you can make holes in any sheets of paper with a hole punch. If you complete this folder with different types of paper - checkered and ruled paper, white landscape paper, multi-colored self-adhesive paper - you will get a universal folder. It would be nice to attach a pen with several colors of paste to one of the rings using an elastic band or rope. If you are not lazy in advance and build a necklace of colored pencils, attaching them to a rope through pre-drilled holes, then the child will have the opportunity to draw with them without the risk of losing them.

Magic folder

Such a folder will be useful for drawing and for games, such as sea battles, and if you take scissors (necessarily with blunt ends), the child will be able to make appliqués.

Traveling is a good opportunity to explore the world around us. The child will be happy to describe what is happening outside the window. For children with a high imagination factor, you can offer to compose a fairy tale, for example, about a cloud passing by, a car passing by, etc. You can join in its description by inserting your own additions or explanations of natural phenomena. If a child writes down or sketches the resulting story in his magic notebook, the memories of the trip will last for a long time. By the way, upon return, the sheets from this album, along with photographs of attractions, can also be used to design a traveler’s children’s album.

Board games

If you have a long train journey ahead, you can take board games with you, such as Scrabble, dominoes or puzzles. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that some of the small parts may get lost. When traveling by car, the possibilities of games are, of course, more limited, and here games that do not require props will come to the rescue.

Oral Games

  • Guess the item

It is easy to distract a child by making a wish for an object and answering his leading questions “yes” or “no”. For example, “Is this item yellow?” - "Yes". “Is this object round?” - "No". After he has guessed, he makes a riddle.

  • First letter

You can entertain your child by offering to name as many objects as possible starting with a given letter, looking for these objects outside the car window.

  • Funny riddles

Children really like playing funny riddles. Children's imagination will give unexpected answers to unusual questions: “What makes cats jump?” - “From the floor.” Usually such answers cause a lot of laughter and joy.

  • Memory training

Memory training game. The first participant says a short phrase, for example “I went for a walk and found on the street...”. The second participant substitutes a word, possibly an adjective. The next one repeats the entire phrase, adding his own word. The one who can repeat the chain of words longer wins.

  • Synonym game

You need to come up with synonyms for a given word one by one. The winner is the one who comes up with the most synonyms.

It is very useful to stock up on “prizes” for those who win competitions. These can be sweets, candied fruits and other delicacies.

Musical guessing game

You can play the “Guess the Tune” game by singing the beginning of familiar songs.

Games with objects

You can hide a small plastic toy in a bag or sock and invite your child to guess what is hidden inside by touch. Leading questions are not prohibited.

Find the treasure

When traveling by car, you can organize a “Find the Treasure” game by hiding notes or pictures in advance indicating the location of the next clue within the child’s reach. The treasure can be a favorite treat or a small toy.

We sculpt while traveling

If a child loves modeling, under no circumstances should you take plasticine - it is then extremely difficult to clean it from car upholstery or clothing. It is better to prepare plasticine from flour in advance. The recipe is simple: pour 2 glasses of water into a saucepan, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Place on the stove, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Separately mix 2 cups of flour, a tablespoon of citric acid or cream of tartar and a glass of fine salt. Add hot water and oil to this mixture and mix thoroughly until smooth, which will gradually thicken. When the mixture has cooled slightly, knead it with your hands until the consistency of an elastic dough that does not stick to your hands. It can be divided into pieces and painted in different colors with food coloring or watercolors. You can take it with you in a plastic container.

From this test, you can, for example, make finger puppets and invite the child to become the director of a play with the participation of these characters. The characters can be simply drawn on the child’s fingers with felt-tip pens.

Children need to stretch their legs and get some fresh air from time to time. Therefore, when traveling by car, you need to periodically make stops for short active games or warm-ups, and on the train you should not limit the child’s physical activity and, during any more or less long stop, you should get out of the car for a walk.

The road is not the most pleasant part of a journey or business trip; many people languish in anticipation or simply try to sleep the whole time. Therefore, in today’s article we will look at how you can spend your time on the road in the most interesting way, what you should stock up on in advance so as not to waste hours tediously waiting for arrival.

If you are traveling with a group, or it is easy for you to get to know your compartment neighbors, you should hardly be afraid of a boring trip. Board games such as lotto, dominoes, cards, monopoly, sea battle, tic-tac-toe are suitable for you. Replace board games with verbal and role-playing games - we all know and love the mafia, cities, associations, contacts since childhood. Playing with words is fun at any age, especially if you complicate the rules. For example, each player takes turns naming a noun ending in “tka.”

If you are traveling with friends by car, a guitar may not be amiss. The guitar is not only a fun way to sing your favorite songs in company, it is also a unique flavor of the trip that always remains in the memory. It would be a good idea for drivers to buy sunflower seeds for the trip and turn on the TV from the cigarette lighter; this will help them avoid falling asleep on the road.

If you are going on the road alone and it is difficult for you to start communicating with a cheerful company, do not forget the secrets of successful acquaintance: when addressing your interlocutor, look him in the eyes confidently, be in an open position, do not overdo it with gestures and, of course, smile!

If you have a long journey ahead with your child, you shouldn’t despair either. A child can get bored of a confined space very quickly, but if you manage to keep him busy, the journey will go by much faster. You can keep younger children busy looking for cars of a certain color as they pass by on the highway, or give them a toy steering wheel to make them feel like a full and responsible driver. Comics, construction sets, educational books and games will also help keep your child occupied for a long time. With older children, you can not only listen to fairy tales, but also compose them. Alternately writing rhymes and songs will also be a fun activity for your baby.

If you are firmly convinced that on the road you want to be alone with yourself and take a break from socializing, but looking at the landscapes outside the window for a long time tires you, then time-tested options will come to your aid.

Don't forget to stock up on a crossword puzzle and a couple of pens in advance, take a book - a novel, tests or jokes will brighten up your leisure time.

Considering that it may not always be convenient to read on the road, today many people use audiobooks; in this case, do not forget the headphones. You can choose a foreign language learning course as an audiobook, then your time will be spent as efficiently as possible.

It is interesting and useful to while away the time by studying a map of the area you are passing through; for this you will need to take an atlas with you in advance.

Part of your time can be devoted to playing games on your phone or tablet. Don't forget to put them in airplane mode, because... If there is no connection, the battery drains much faster.

If you decide to take your laptop with you, download a movie on it in advance that you have been meaning to watch for a long time.

Of course, amateurs can do knitting, meditation or auto-training on the road, or you can simply write on paper what you would like to do in your free time. For example, go to the skating rink or the park, and be sure to fulfill your desires upon return.

And, of course, try to get enough sleep on the road, because it is the lack of sleep that we often complain about in everyday life.

Bon Voyage!