How to create your own blog. Where is the best place to create a blog? My experience

Hello readers of my blog.
Just recently, out of nothing to do, I decided to analyze 10 blogs. The blogs were mostly brand new, and in EVERY one, mind you, friends, I noticed a number of errors in each of them, which, in my opinion, are gross. Based on this, I had the idea to write a blog article about this; as they say, you learn from mistakes.

Perhaps at some points someone will disagree with me and want to correct me, no problem, do so in the comments. So, today's article is about how to blog Right!

Mistake number one: I blog about creating websites, growing cucumbers and cross stitching.

Before creating a blog, it is important to decide on its topic. Writing about everything in the world doesn’t suit me! For example, I was once looking for information about websites, and found such a wonderful blog where they offered me and a website to create and taught me how to close cucumbers and talked about life. Do you think I need it? So this is where I'm going with this? It is important to determine a specific topic for your blog so that a target audience can be formed around it in the future. Of course, you can combine some topics, but this must be done wisely. For example, the topic of website creation can be successfully combined with the topic “SEO and promotion”.

In addition, the specific topic of your blog will increase your chances of getting into the Yandex catalog, on a free or paid basis, which will affect the authority of the site and increase the TIC. After all, even on a paid basis, you may not get into the Yandex catalog if you have a blog about everything.

Mistake number two: Who are you? Let's goodbye!

When I go to someone's blog, I sometimes don't see the About page. I would be very interested to read about the creator of the blog, who he is and what he is like. I get a certain impression about a person when I read the “About the Author” page and thus I remember this person’s blog and visit it more often. Some people solve the problem differently; they create an “About” page. For what? If you can see in the header or the articles what this blog is about. What is the logic behind creating such pages? So if I go to someone’s blog and don’t see the “About the author” page, the phrase immediately appears in my subconscious: Who are you? Let's goodbye!

Mistake number three: Lord of counters...

So, I created a blog, and I simply have to stuff it with all sorts of counters, I have to put 5 counters in the footer, plus stick three counters in the sidebar and add a counter like “Weather in Krasnodar” to the header. Of course, I'm joking, but for some reason it seems that many novice bloggers think this way. A lot of different buttons and counters significantly slow down the work of the blog, and as for me, you can limit yourself to Liveinternet statistics only - this will be quite enough. So please note that the abundance of all sorts of buttons and statistics on the site is not very good.

I created a blog, and now I will swim in money and go to live in the Maldives! Here she is!!! Here it is, dear friends, a global mistake of almost all Runet bloggers! I just created a blog, and already making money, no friends, this won’t work.

It happens that you go to some website, and then it’s right there in your eyes: earn money here, earn extra money here. There is advertising, there is advertising, and it hurts my eyes, personally, when I see such a site, I immediately close it.

In addition to the fact that the abundance of advertising scares away the visitor, it is also possible to obtain a sanction from the PS. So, keep in mind, comrades: if you want to kill your blog in the bud, feel free to put ads on it, and if you want to create a project for people, then you will have to wait a little while earning money.

Many newcomers make a place on the main page of the site where they place links to friends of the site - this is not correct. The fact is that each link transfers a piece of weight to another resource, and if, for example, your site was given a PR, then at the next APE it may simply be reset to zero because of these same links. I would not recommend putting unnecessary links at all, but if you really want to, then place links on the internal pages of the site.

Mistake number six: Subscribers, why did they give in to me?

Once you have created your blog, you need to make sure that people subscribe to it. I will soon write a whole article about how to do this, so you don’t miss it - subscribe to blog updates.

Mistake number seven: Robots file and sitemap.

Many beginners don’t think about the fact that immediately after creating a blog, they need to create a sitemap and configure the robots.txt file. The sitemap will notify the search engine that a new article has appeared on your blog, and it will also be easier for the search robot to navigate your site. In the robots.txt file you can block unnecessary pages and folders from indexing; we will talk about this a little later; a whole article will be written on this topic.

Mistake number eight: Semantic core? No, I don't know!

Many beginners, having created a blog, immediately begin filling it with content, without even knowing what a catastrophic mistake they are making. Before you start promoting your blog, you need to competently create a semantic core for your site. Semantic core is a list of queries by which users will find your site on the Internet, and by which you will promote. In order to create a semantic core, you need to install the All un One SEO Pack plugin on your blog, go to its parameters and enter keywords in the Home Keywords column.

To learn more about compiling a semantic core, look for information on the Internet, now there’s just a ton of it, so I won’t write an article on this topic on the blog yet, except perhaps later.

That's all for me, in this article I have collected seemingly all the main mistakes that young bloggers make. I hope you found this article useful and now you have an idea of ​​what how to blog Right. If you liked the article, please share it on social networks, and also subscribe to blog updates.

Today blogs are gaining popularity. Many celebrities create them. And there is nothing surprising here, because the Internet is a great opportunity to communicate with a large number of people at the same time, and create a blog, means to realize this opportunity.

Officials, popular artists, and athletes have blogs. In general, almost everyone does. Do you have it?

If not, and you don’t know where to start, then below I will provide you with step-by-step instructions for creating your own diary. After reading it to the end, you will imagine how you can create a blog for yourself in a short time.

Step 1 – Domain and Hosting

Domain and hosting are integral attributes of any blog. Without them, in principle, its functioning is impossible. First, we need to choose hosting. Hosting is a service for hosting a resource on a web server, or providing the service of hosting someone else’s web server on one’s own “site.” Website hosting is in greatest demand, since hosting someone else's web server is necessary only for large websites. There are two types of hosting – free and paid.

If you don’t know where it’s best to create a blog, then first I advise you to create it on free hosting. You will not pay money for it, but you will simply experience certain restrictions. This could be an advertisement that will subsequently be displayed in your online diary. In addition, you are completely dependent on the administration of the free blog service (hosting), because they can ban your diary at any time and all your work will go to waste.

This was once the case with my first diary, which I created on LiveJournal ( But still, for beginners who don’t know where it’s best to create a blog, I would recommend free hosting (blog service) to start with. You just practice, learn about some promotion features (seo, smo, etc.), see if you can write posts and whether you like this process.

I will describe some free blog services. is a great platform. LiveJournal has a large audience, so creating a personal blog in this blog service, in my opinion, is promising. There is a lot of functionality here: the ability to add friends, the ability to earn money by placing Google AdSense contextual advertising and many other opportunities. But, as you can see, active promotion of a blog on LiveJournal is punishable by a ban, so you should act very carefully. You can read in detail about LiveJournal blogs in my post– in fact, I myself once started with it. As far as I know, has now blocked all outgoing links from blogs posted on their blog service from being indexed by search engines. This suggests that there are no prospects for making money from various types of selling links, so the service can be chosen solely for training– also suitable for a novice website builder. There is no need to install any modules or engine here. The interface is intuitive. No support for PHP and MySQL databases– free hosting from Yandex. Probably the most popular. Anyone wishing to create a blog is provided with unlimited space for a personal diary. The hosting does not support scripts and PHP. In general, there are an incredibly large number of free blog hosting services. You can always find them by entering the request “Free hosting” in the Yandex or Google search bar. It will give you a lot of results.

By the way, the popularity of such services according to Yandex can be viewed at If you already have some knowledge and are confident that you will not abandon your blog, then it is better to create it immediately on paid hosting. The advantage is that there will be no annoying advertising, but there will be a large number of different functions.

Below is a list of some paid hosting services:– good hosting. But it's paid. There are quite a lot of positive reviews about this hosting on the search engine ( The service is gradually gaining momentum and I think it has excellent prospects. Support works quickly, many functions are implemented. By the way, this service is one of the five largest hosting providers in Russia. They currently have four tariffs in total. The price per month today ranges from 99 to 450 rubles per month. My blog once also huddled on this hosting. By the way, for everyone who registers using my referral, a bonus will be awarded when registering on hosting– another good paid hosting. They have a total of 4 tariffs to choose from. The only difference is the amount of disk space provided. True, there have been cases of hosting failure.

When creating a blog, you need to consider some more nuances:

    Paid hosting provides the ability to receive an unlimited amount of traffic (this is in general)

  • All paid hosting supports PHP and MySQL databases
  • Using paid hosting, you get the opportunity to create a subdomain for your blog
  • Many paid hosting providers provide their clients with ready-made technical solutions. These can be various scripts, etc., that improve the work of the created blog and its functionality

You can find paid hosting services in the same way as searching for free ones. Just enter the query “paid hosting” in the Yandex or Google search bar. Let's say you like some hosting. Don't rush to order a service from them. Be sure to check if there are reviews about this service. Go to at least the same service and in the forum search bar type the name of the hoster you are interested in. You will definitely be given some topic where the work of this hoster will be discussed.

The only exceptions can be hosting providers operating not in Russia, but somewhere in America or Canada. Such hostings can also be used, just know that they will work somewhat slower than ours, since we need to make allowances for distance.

Now that you have finally decided where it is best to create a blog, let’s register for hosting. After this, you will be provided with passwords and data from the panel to your FTP account. Be sure to save this data. Preferably on removable media. In general, this is where the choice of hosting ends.

Domain for a personal diary

Now that we already have hosting, all that remains is to choose a domain. If you are going to work for a Russian audience, then it is better to purchase a domain name in You can also consider the option of .com and .net zones. I don’t recommend the rest for the Russian-language segment of the Internet. Most hosting providers provide the opportunity to register a domain through them.

Or you can register it with a third-party registrar, which specializes only in providing domain registration services. Choosing a website domain name is a simple procedure. The main thing is to come up with a name for it in advance.

Today, to register a domain in, you will need to provide the registrar with your passport information and also indicate your place of residence. In addition, the newly created domain will need to be assigned the DNS server of your hosting. You will find this data in your hosting control panel.

DNS (Domain Name System)– domain name system. It is designed to convert domain names to IP addresses. Or maybe vice versa - it is intended to convert IP addresses into domain names. DNS are designed for domain delegation. Once you register the domain and you have assigned the DNS servers, you will need to park the domain to your hosting.

Depending on the hoster, the name of this service may vary slightly, but usually in the control panel there is a “domains” tab, where there is an option to “park a domain”. Here you need to enter our registered domain in the appropriate field, and then wait. By the way, domains are discussed in detail in the article. That's it, this step is finished. Now the next step in creating a blog is installing the WordPress engine.

Step 2 – Select an engine

Now it's time to choose an engine for the blog we created. As with hosting, you can create a personal blog using either a free or a paid engine (CMS).

One of the popular engines is DataLife Engine. This is a paid engine. If you don’t know where is the best place to create a blog, then simply evaluate the capabilities of paid engines and draw conclusions. Many additional modules have been created for this engine, so you can build almost any website on this CMS.

Installing this engine is not difficult. For this we need the Total Commander file manager. We upload files from the archive with our engine to the server via FTP, and then run the installation file. This is usually done by typing an address like _http://your site/install.php into the address bar. Nothing further is required from you except follow the instructions provided. When installing the CMS, you will need to create a MySql database. You can do this through your hosting control panel.

In principle, every archive with the engine should always have installation instructions, so you can’t go wrong. After installing the engine, go to the settings. True, I will not describe this, since this is a separate topic for discussion. You will need to install a theme, plugins, etc.

The next popular engine is WordPress. I recommend this CMS to all beginners. This is perhaps the best blog engine. WordPress is a free blogging engine. You can download the distribution kit on the website, or the Russian-language and modified version from Lecactus ( Installing the engine comes down to the fact that we need to upload files via FTP to the server, fill in the MySql database data into the “wp-config-sample” file, and then run the installation.

This can also be done by typing the address _http://your site/install.php into the address bar of your browser. In general, the archive with the engine must contain installation instructions, so you’ll figure it out. The engine is intuitive. I myself started with it once, when I knew nothing at all, but gradually I figured it out.

And the last popular engine that webmasters use is Joomla. This engine weighs slightly less than WordPress. This CMS is installed like DataLife Engine. As for functionality, Joomla does not shine at all, but despite this, many webmasters like it. This concludes the second step of creating your blog.

Step 3 – Fill the created blog with content and carry out internal optimization

The first two steps are very important. But this does not mean that they are the main points. Creating a personal blog is one thing. It’s something completely different to promote it. One of the most important components of promotion is filling it with unique content. Content refers to all the material on a website – pictures, texts, videos, etc.

It is very important to maintain the uniqueness of the content. That is, all the material you post on your blog should not have exact copies on other sites. Material can be obtained by rewriting or copyrighting. I wrote about what this is in the article.

A rewritten text is, of course, also good, because it is unique. But such content is mainly filled with those online diaries that are intended primarily for earning money. If you want to create a high-quality author’s project, then, of course, it would be better to write texts that have not been published anywhere before. It is the uniqueness of information that attracts people. It is important to understand simply the fact that if the text is unique to search engines, this does not mean that it is unique to people. If the idea is not new, then your blog is unlikely to gain much popularity.

Previously, as an experiment, I created one of my first diaries on the blog service, and then, out of ignorance, I simply took and copied materials from other sites. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that after some time my blog was banned by Yandex and Google. Hence the conclusion: there is no need to steal content, this can lead to a ban in search engines or a lower ranking in search results.

Now about internal optimization. Creating a personal blog is not difficult, but after that you simply must delve into the basics of search engine promotion and optimization.

Below I will give some tips for on-page optimization:

  • The first thing you need to do is select the keywords under which you will promote your resource.
  • After you decide on your queries, you need to select the most relevant pages for each query.

    You should not optimize one page for many requests at once. 1-3 is enough

  • Keywords must be written in the page title and in its description
  • The main thing is not to overdo it with the number of keywords in the text. If you make a text densely stuffed with keywords in such a way that the readability of the text is lost, then search engines will quickly determine this and the page will fall under the “You are spam” filter.

  • Keywords can be highlighted with tags And
  • You also need to include keywords in the alt tags of pictures.
  • At the end of each article, include a list of similar articles. This will increase the coherence of the text material and also increase the number of page views

  • It is advisable to indicate the most popular articles in a prominent place in the sidebar
  • Navigating the site should be simple and convenient. All blog pages should be accessible in 2-3 clicks from the main page

    It is advisable to provide each article with icons of social networks so that visitors can add those materials that they like to social bookmarks or other social services

  • Be sure to make a separate page with your contact information

Step 4 – Promotion and monetization

If you think that you already know perfectly well how to create a blog, then you are mistaken. Let's assume you created it, filled it with content, and carried out internal optimization. But what next? Do you think that visitors will immediately flock to you? Not at all. Promotion is perhaps the most difficult process in this whole business.

Hello everyone, on this page I tried to collect complete information about how to start and where is the best place to blog?. It’s not at all difficult, especially if you have studied my corresponding thematic page, where I tried to cover the main points. Blogging is also easy; everyone will find the information below helpful.

To be honest, I have already written about blogging more than once:

2. Key queries

In order to properly blog on the Internet, or rather, effectively from the point of view of search engines, it is necessary to create a semantic core for future articles. In other words, this is a list of key queries for which you will be found in search engines. And for this to happen, it is necessary correctly collect the semantic core and write optimized articles for this core. I will show how you can do this for free and effectively using the same Clay Modeling as an example.

To collect the semantic core for future optimized articles, you will need the KeyCollector automatic parsing program, but, unfortunately, it is paid. But don’t despair; at the initial stage of blogging, you can use the free version of KeyCollectora, called Slovoeb. You can download it from here.

Let's take as a basis the theme of one of the sections of the future blog - Flowers made of clay. Let's select the Russia region and parse this phrase. We will receive a list of queries with frequency, that is, we will find out how many times these queries were requested in search engines over the past month.

I got 273 results, starting with a frequency of 6908 and ending with 5. There is no point in taking a frequency less than 5, such frequencies are not worth the time spent on writing articles. That is, over the past month, the phrase “clay flowers” ​​was requested, one way or another, 6908 times, and “flat flowers made of polymer clay” - 5 times:

Next, I manually delete all unnecessary queries; KeyCollector makes this much easier; it has group analysis, thanks to which you can very quickly delete all unnecessary phrases. By the way, this pleasure costs only 1,400 rubles; if anyone is interested, they can purchase this program.

After I removed all the extra queries, I was left with 219 queries. After that, I collect the exact frequency of "!". This is necessary in order to understand how many times the selected phrases were searched for exactly as they sound. And only based on determining the exact frequency, I form a semantic core for future articles.

After the exact frequency is collected, I delete queries with an exact frequency less than 5. After this cleaning, in this example I was left with 118 queries. Actually here they are:

Don't pay attention to the numbers, they are different from the previous screenshot. I did them at different times, but Yandex.Wordstat is updated daily and contains statistics only for the past month.

After that, I upload the queries into an Excel spreadsheet and organize them for future articles, something like this:

That is, I was able to break the compiled semantic core into as many as 22 full-fledged articles optimized for these queries. Can you imagine how many more articles you can write without key queries...

The semantic core is one of the key points of successful blogging. It is necessary to devote a sufficiently large amount of time to this stage, carefully selecting requests and carefully and competently distributing them into articles.

3. Writing articles

Now let’s move on to an equally important point as the previous one: writing articles. I have already written about the enormous importance of articles for the development of the blog as a whole, and I will not touch on this topic now.

I kept thinking about how to explain to me how to write articles correctly. This is a topic for a separate lengthy article. There are many rules for writing effective articles, both from the point of view of search engines and from the point of view of site visitors. And if you list them, you will get an unrealistically huge article. It will be better if I write about this separately. Here I decided to write an article on one of the topics with the key queries selected in the last paragraph.

I decided to show how to write articles based on the following queries:

I will call the article a direct entry of the key query - “flowers made of polymer clay for beginners.”

The article itself will briefly look something like this:

Hello everyone, in today's article I will tell you how to do flowers made of polymer clay. For beginners It will be very useful for modelers, because you will learn about the main nuances of this modeling. ( direct entry at the very beginning of the article of the main key query, then you can write a couple of paragraphs without keywords).

Which one do I use? polymer clay For colors in that master class for beginners? I bought it, oddly enough, in a children's store. You can also find it in various specialized stores or online stores. More suitable for flowers is this and that. ( I try to use one key word for a couple of paragraphs, here you can write something else useful further).

Modeling flowers from polymer clay for beginners a little different from the sculpting of professionals. The main differences are as follows ( Next comes a bulleted list with explanations, search engines love this).

(I will end the article like this:)

I won’t say goodbye for long, in today’s article I told you how to make polymer clay flowers for beginners. I will dedicate the next article to professionals.

Usually I focus on 4000 characters, I think this is the golden mean. And the text is not too long, and it is possible to include both key queries and reveal the essence of the article without spamming it.

To blog correctly, you need to learn write articles correctly, do not neglect this point.

4. Commenting on blogs

The blog is ready and already working, a semantic core has been collected for future articles that are written correctly, but it may turn out that this will not be enough, at least for good traffic. Perhaps in the first month, low-frequency and low-competition queries will bring some search traffic if they reach the TOP of search results. But it’s better not to wait for this, but to take additional measures to increase attendance. One of these measures is commenting on other people's blogs.

The thing is that when leaving a comment on someone else’s blog, we have the opportunity to leave a link to our resource. And if this blog is promoted and visited, then the left link can begin to bring traffic. And, as often happens, the author of the blog where we left a comment can return with a reply comment to our blog. Thus, traffic increases, and the first comments may appear. In this regard, by the way, I conducted one experiment, I called it Boomerang, you can find out more about it.

Many people don't blog simply because they think it's complicated and requires a lot of time and money. It's actually not that scary. If desired, anyone can maintain a blog; all they need is access to the Internet and any device that allows them to send messages. Even the lack of a computer is not an obstacle now - in some cases, a regular smartphone is enough.

If you want to join the huge global community of bloggers, don’t be shy, anyone can start their own blog. A simple algorithm will tell you where to start, literally from the first thoughts and awareness of desire to the bitter end.

and why do you need it?

For the average Internet user, there are no significant differences between a website and a blog. By and large, these types of Internet resources differ only in structure, which is not obvious at first glance. However, a blog is easier for the average user; it is somewhat reminiscent of a notebook - a convenient form of diary. It is diaries that make up a huge part of the network’s blogs. The owner writes there everything that comes to mind, shares music, pictures, his own opinion on any subject, and this is also a blog. Where to start creating an online diary for a beginner? All you have to do is choose any free blogging platform, register and start publishing, look for friends, and create your own social circle.

It is a little more difficult to create a so-called standalone blog, located on a separate paid hosting, with a second-level domain. At the same time, your resource does not depend on the official policy of the blogging platform, which gives a certain degree of freedom. How to start a blog from scratch if you want to become the owner of a fairly popular project that brings benefits to people? Here are step-by-step instructions that answer all questions.

Decide on a goal and make a plan

Why do you need a blog? Beginning bloggers rarely ask this question, so failure is quite possible. In general, there are only three reasons: a diary of interests, a resource dedicated to a hobby or profession, a commercial resource that brings profit to the owner. In most cases, combining all three goals is quite difficult, it is simply impractical. A personal diary is very simple, but a commercial blog should be built according to principles that promote success.

How to start your own blog to make money from advertising or selling some of your services or products? Make a plan and stick to it, this will help you carry out all the necessary actions step by step.

Example of a simple plan:

  • decide on a topic;
  • create a semantic core;
  • prepare a starter content package;
  • provide design;
  • put together a blog and get it going;
  • continue to support the resource with regular publications.

Theme of your blog

For a commercial blog that generates profit, it is better to choose a narrow topic. This allows you to concentrate on the search queries that visitors use to find your resource. Of course, you can write about anything without limiting yourself to one topic, but then the blog will be like a fair where food, furniture, shoes and pets are sold at the same time. This is not as bad as it seems, it just requires a lot of effort to organize the information, and besides, the huge range of topics makes blogging difficult. Where to start if you have decided on a topic?

For example, you love traveling and decided to dedicate your Internet resource to this. The topic of travel is broad enough not to get bored, and allows you to combine stories about countries and cities, tips for tourists, features of buying tickets and booking hotel rooms around the world.

How and where to create a blog?

If you decide not to bother with purchasing a domain and hosting, there are many opportunities to create a blog without the slightest investment. This has its advantages: if at some point you do not pay the money, you do not risk suddenly seeing the resource “disabled for non-payment.” On the other hand, you depend on the owners of the resource, which provides its space for everyone to create blogs, you can suddenly discover advertising that does not bring profit to you, or one day you find out that the service is closed. When thinking about how to start a blog and where to host it, you may not want to pay too much attention to the passionate advocates of standalone blogs or specific platforms. Every place has its advantages and disadvantages.

The most popular platforms for free blog creation are Wordpress, Blogger, and LiveJournal. They are fundamentally different from each other. If LiveJournal is more suitable for keeping a personal diary, then Blogger is perfect for anything. WordPress is considered a universal resource for creating a blog. Where to begin? You can try all three platforms to make your choice. If you decide to switch to Wordpress someday, it will be an excellent training base.

Why is regular publication necessary?

If you only have a few posts on your blog, chances are they will quickly become irrelevant. The best example is news resources - news is becoming outdated at record speed. How to start blogging to keep readers' attention? People want to see something new, get fresh impressions. If a visitor is interested in a topic, he will be glad to see that something new, interesting and useful is constantly published on the selected resource.

However, the muse is sometimes capricious, and if you create content yourself, it is better to take care of some reserve of publications in case of departure, illness, or simply a prolonged lack of inspiration. A very useful feature is scheduled posting, when you post an article or other materials, marking some distant date with the date of publication. It will become available to readers strictly on the day and time you set; this creates the illusion that you are there and won’t let your visitors get bored. You want to create a blog. How to start publishing information and what frequency to choose? Depends on the topic; not every topic requires a flurry of daily updates. Stock up on materials for some time ahead, this will help establish regularity.

Where can I get pictures?

Many bloggers, without hesitation, take any pictures they like from the Internet. However, images may be protected by copyright, in addition, numerous repetitions create a somewhat spoiled situation for search engines. It’s not enough to figure out how to start writing a blog; it’s advisable to understand the sources of other types of content. It is ideal if you create images or video materials yourself, but you can buy them from photographers or take them for free from photo banks, where permission is given for the free and free publication of images under certain conditions.

Where do readers come to your blog from?

There are several ways to attract readers to your blog. You can advertise the resource on other sites and blogs, submit an ad in such well-known systems as Google or Yandex. For personal diaries, subscribing to other blogs with similar content works well - usually the owners mutually add each other as friends, forming a kind of community, but this system does not work with commercial blogs. This is where the laws of competition come into force.

If you've left behind the creation of a blog, how can you start attracting visitors? When searching for information, Internet users usually ask relevant queries to the main search engines, Google or Yandex. The dropped options are reviewed in search of the necessary information. This is what specialists rely on when optimizing a blog or website for better traffic in search engines.

Search engines and the semantic core

Many beginners are interested in how to start blogging and where to get visitors. It is better to rely on search engines in this matter, and for this you need to take action even before you prepare the content. What is it that optimizers talk so much about? Without delving into special terms, this is the semantic content of the resource. For example, you are going to devote your blog to beauty and cosmetics. The backbone of the semantic core will represent the main areas of cosmetological skin care, decorative cosmetics, certain types of makeup and care techniques. Already on this backbone are narrower topics, new products in the beauty industry, special articles and master classes.

If you've already created a blog, where do you start in the battle for search engine visitors? If you remember, you have more than once found the information you need by asking the appropriate question in Google or Yandex. Rest assured, you are not the only one who does this. Search engines collect and systematize user search queries, based on this, you can create a list of key phrases that interest visitors, and demand creates supply.

How do bloggers make money?

A successful blog with a steady stream of readers can make money by advertising. In this case, advertising can be either direct or through special systems. The largest search engines offer their own products - Google Adsense and Yandex.Direct. Using simple scripts, you can place contextual advertising on your blogs and earn income from clicks and impressions.

When newbies wonder how to start blogging, they rarely realize the real purpose. Therefore, attempts to monetize a blog may turn out to be a failure - from the very beginning it was necessary to take a course towards the most effective commercial preparation. However, it is never too late to make appropriate adjustments; the main thing is not to be afraid to move forward!

Journaling is not a modern invention. Both students of the Institute of Noble Maidens and venerable writers entrusted their thoughts to paper. The diaries of Leo Tolstoy still arouse genuine interest, through whose personal thoughts one can take a different look at his work.

Unlike naive maiden entries, the diaries of writers and other representatives of the intelligentsia are still focused on publication. But this does not mean that the thoughts of a naive girl at the beginning of the 20th century cannot be of historical interest. Another question is that she did not have the opportunity to publish them.

Today, anyone can tell the world about their existence. To do this, you just need to master the computer and learn how to use browsers.

How to start an online diary

A virtual diary is better known as a blog. Today, many Internet resources offer their space for creating a personal Internet space. Alternatively, you can seek help from your nearest webmaster, who will create a blog site for a small fee.

But what to fill it with is the user’s problem. The main thing is that the content does not contradict ethical standards and legislation, otherwise the resource will not exist for long.

What does blogging do?

First of all, a blog is an opportunity to beautifully display your thoughts and creativity. Both in terms of elegantly presenting all this, and in illustrating it with photographs, videos, and links.

Naturally, literacy is not only welcomed, but simply necessary, since the Internet resource is available to any user, and errors with “-tsya” and “-tsya” can not only hurt the eyes of a literate guest, but also completely kill his desire to communicate.

And communication through a blog is the main difference between a virtual diary and its paper predecessor. Unlike social networks, a circle of like-minded people gathers in the blogging space. In the process of virtual communication, friendly (and not only) connections are formed, and it becomes possible to exchange information, which cannot always be achieved in the real world.

Money for a diary

You can earn real money on a blog, but to do this you need to know your income. There are bloggers who have become known far beyond the virtual space and receive dividends from this.

But first, you just need to outline your personal Internet space and decide what to tell the world about.