Ways to replace ID on iPad. Creating and changing Apple ID on iPhone

Greetings! Today’s article is part of a series that every owner of an Apple smartphone should know. Why? Because knowing how to correctly change your Apple ID or iCloud account on iPhone can be useful to you in any case. Even if you don’t need it now, you will need it someday. In general, as a rule, the user does not think about this operation, for the time being. After all, the smartphone works and this is of course good, but nothing lasts forever and different things can happen.

  • When selling.
  • Buying a new or correct acquisition of a non-new gadget.
  • Someone found out your Apple ID, password, iCloud - a sure way to protect yourself, completely change your account.
  • Just start your iPhone life from scratch :)

In general, it is clear that this is the right thing to do. So let's learn how to completely log out of the Apple ID and iCloud accounts linked to the iPhone, and log in with new data. Forward!:)

Important! It is necessary to understand that for those people who for some reason do not know (do not remember) the password and login of the identifier, this method will not work, they should do so.

Since iCloud is a more important account (here is the Find My iPhone function, backups, iCloud Drive, etc.), let's start with it. Briefly point by point:

Now you can change the second identifier on your iPhone - Apple ID. There are two ways here:

  • In the case when you have already logged out of iCloud (how to do this is written above), you can simply erase everything from the phone and then it will be completely new and clean, “like from the factory.” Naturally, there will be no information left on it! Next, we simply create a new Apple ID account and indicate it directly during activation.
  • Or change Apple ID through the menu. What’s convenient is that in this case all games, applications, music, ringtones, etc. will remain on the device. downloaded using a previous account.

How to do it?

As you can see, all manipulations occur exclusively in the settings and do not take much time.

Despite the fact that I tried to describe in as much detail as possible the process of replacing accounts on an iPhone, it may well be that something remains unclear. Maybe? Certainly! Therefore, do not be shy and write your questions in the comments - I will try to answer everyone.

There are different reasons for changing Apple ID on iPhone. We'll tell you how to do this.


Apple ID is an account that allows iPhone owners to use various services. It is for a variety of situations - making purchases in the iTunes Store, App Store, and so on. How and why to change Apple ID?

The need to replace an identifier arises, for example, when buying a phone from another person. Change is possible only if you use Yandex, Mail, etc. as an email identifier. The exception is mailboxes ending in @icloud.com, @mac.com or @me.com. They cannot be used to register in the system.

Changing Apple ID from a computer

There are several ways to replace an identifier. You can change it via your computer or tablet. To do this:

  1. Log in to the system management page and log in using your existing data
  2. Next you will be redirected to another page and you will find the item “Manage name, ID and e-mail address”, where near the main email you need to click on the change button
  3. A link will be sent to your email to confirm the new data.
    Follow it and your ID will be changed

How to change Apple ID through iTunes?

For this method you need:

  1. Launch the program and enter the “Store” section
  2. On the left side of the menu, find the entry point
  3. Next you need to log in
  4. After pressing the Apple ID button, you will be presented with a submenu where you need to select “Account”
  5. After that, go to edit and write your email address in the field
  6. Click “Finish” and you will receive an email confirming the information you entered.
  7. Follow the link and confirm the changes

Using the App Store

  1. You can also use the application store. To do this, log in and find the “Your ID” field in the menu.
  2. Next, a page of available accounts will appear. Here click on the one you are using and write a new email
  3. To complete the operation, click “Finish”
  4. A notification will also be sent to your email to confirm your details.

How to create a new Apple ID to replace the old one?

You can immediately create a new account to replace the old one through the settings of your smartphone. For this:

  1. Quit the current entry
  2. Select create a new Apple ID
  3. Next, follow the instructions on the screen

For registration to be successful, please indicate your new email, country, password, date of birth, and so on.

Regardless of the method you use, please enter your email address carefully. If you make a mistake even by one letter, you will not receive the activation link in the email, and therefore you will not be able to access your account.

Video: How to change your AppleID?

Many users use their smartphones and do not know the data from Apple ID. This way they deprive themselves of the “privileges” of “Apple” gadgets, because even to install an application from the AppStore, you must enter your ID password. If any failure occurs, without knowing your account information, you will not be able to go through the authorization stage and will be left with a locked device. Apple phones cost a lot of money, no one wants to find themselves in such a situation. How to change Apple ID correctly without losing data?

Many people use an account that is not theirs because they believe that if they change their ID, they will lose all their personal data. This is wrong. You can change your account on an iPhone without losing the user’s personal information. Another misconception is that you must use a credit card to register an account. No, not necessarily. Registration is free.

To replace data, you do not need to log in to the site; you can do it directly from your phone. It’s good if you have already changed the data before, if not, then there are several ways to change it: using a PC, through the iTunes program and directly from the device.

Changing Apple ID from your phone

If you bought a used smartphone, it may turn out that the previous owner left his account ID. To replace, you need to do the following: open the AppStore application icon on one of your desktops. In the application's working window, at the very bottom of the main page, click “authorized Apple ID” (will be displayed as an email address).

A menu will pop up, click “exit”. You will again find yourself on the main page, click “login” (the item is located in the same place where the authorized address was just). In the proposed menu, select “With an existing Apple ID.” Enter your login details. The change was successful, you can continue to use the gadget.

Replacement via PC

You need to go to the Apple ID management page from your PC. After logging out, log in using your account details. A section titled “Manage name, ID and e-mail address” will appear in the work area. Additional options will be displayed below. Opposite the column called “Apple ID and main e-mail "Click the "change" button. Next, enter your current email address and an email with instructions will be sent to it. Next, open the letter and follow the link to confirm the changed data. After these steps, your account information will be changed.

We use it to replace iTunes

Check for updates for the program, if they are found, install them. Open the program and go to the “store”. It is located in the upper right part of the work area. As soon as you go to the section, you need to log in. Log in, then click on your account and click on the “account” column in the pop-up menu. In the “Account Information” section, you need to click “edit”. Now enter your new email address in the required field. After you click “done” an email will be sent to this address. Open it and follow the link in the email to confirm the data change.

Create an Apple ID

Not everyone has the opportunity to buy a new phone in a store. Perhaps you purchased a used phone and don’t have your own account yet, then you need to create one. Open the AppStore icon located on one of the screens. On the main page, at the bottom of it, find the “login” item. Click on it and a menu will pop up. In this menu, click “Create an Apple ID.” Specify your region and follow the instructions. Read the terms of use and click "accept". After clicking this button, you automatically agree to everything that was written in the user agreement.

Next, you will be asked to fill in the fields with your personal information and answer security questions. The answers will allow you to regain access to your account if you forget your password. It is recommended that you write down the answers to the security questions and save them somewhere safe so that you can restore access if something happens. Enter only real data. After entering, click “next”.

On the payment page, please indicate your card number. If you do not want to use a card, then you need to start registering by selecting some free application. When it downloads, it will ask for authorization and you need to select the “create Apple ID” option from the menu. Further steps will be identical. When you get to registering a card, select “no” and click “next”. The next steps are identical. A letter with instructions will be sent to the specified email address. Check your email and follow the link in the letter. This will complete the registration.


If you are under 13 years of age, you will not be able to create an account. Because there are age restrictions. The password for Apple ID must be at least 8 characters and not have three repeating characters in a row. Must contain numbers. The password must not match the login characters. Keep these points in mind and you will register easily.

You can only link one iCloud account to iOS and Mac devices. Most users of modern gadgets have several Apple IDs. That is why, to log in under another account, you will first need to log out of the first one. If the device is used not only by you, but also by other family members, then you may need to permanently delete your account. If you bought an iOS device on the secondary market, then you will be able to log into it using your account, if only the previous owner deleted his old account. Below we will look at the most popular methods of how to delete an iCloud account.

1. Changing your account on iPhone, iPad, iPod

Many people are probably interested in the question of how to change an account on an iPhone, iPad or other modern device. This method is equally suitable for iPhone, iPad and iPod. It is carried out in several simple steps:

If you just changed your email address for your Apple ID, but the new address is not visible, you should click on your old address at the top of the screen and enter a new password. This will allow you to delete your account.

If you have lost or forgotten your Apple ID or password, the blue highlighted link “Forgot your Apple ID or password?” will come to your aid. Thus, by clicking on it, you will be taken to the iForgot website, where you will have the opportunity to recover your ID.

  • Selecting iCloud services. When you log in, you will be given a variety of services to choose from. You choose which one you should activate on your device.

Now you know how to change Apple ID on iPhone. Now let's look at the next method.

2. How to change Apple ID on OS X operating system?

If your computer has the OS X operating system installed, then you can also change your account here. To do this you will need to do the following:

If, after clicking the button, an error message appears in front of you, then you need to open the “Settings” menu on your iOS device and select “iCloud”, then switch the “Keychain” function slider to the “On” position. After this, try logging out of your account again.

3. Changing your account on a used iOS device

This method must be carried out with the participation of the previous owner of the supported iPhone:

  • First you should call the previous owner. This is necessary for him to unlink the gadget from his account.
  • Let the previous owner log in to his iCloud page, where he can disconnect the iPhone from his account in a short period of time. He should log into icloud.com using the account associated with your device.
  • He needs to log into the iCloud website and click on the “Settings” button, which will open a page with the service settings.
  • The previous owner should see a list of devices and select his previous iPhone from there, after which a new window will appear in front of him, where information about the phone will be described in detail.
  • In order to disconnect the iPhone from the former owner’s account and log in with your own account, ask him to click on the cross next to the phone’s name.

Apple ID is a unique username that is required for everyone who is a potential customer of the iCloud service that Apple devices support. It should be noted that this platform is needed to make various purchases on the AppStore and iTunes Store. No less important is the fact that users of American gadgets using an Apple ID can order products from the manufacturer online, and also contact Apple technical support, if necessary.

There may be several reasons why an iPhone owner wants to change his ID. Most often, users have to change their username after purchasing a used device, when the new owner simply does not know the unique name previously assigned to the gadget. Creating a new ID is not at all difficult; it is only important to remember a few fundamental subtleties, on which the success of the venture directly depends.

First of all, the iPhone or iPad consumer should know that you can change your Apple ID directly from the device, which significantly reduces the time spent on the procedure. The user does not need to additionally register on the manufacturer’s website. The data in the memory of your phone or tablet will not disappear anywhere; photos, contacts and previously installed applications will be saved. In addition, the owner's credit card is not required to create a new ID.

Quick Way to Change Username in Apple App

So, if the user of the device purchased a device that was previously used for its intended purpose and knows the ID of the previous owner, but wants to change the previous ID to his own in his iPhone, he should follow the instructions described below.

Some iPhone users may for a long time neglect their direct advantages, which lie in the ability to download and install new software products located in the AppStore on the gadget.

In order for the purchased device to bring not only joy, but also benefit, you should understand the principle of changing the username in the manufacturer’s program.

Create a new account

If, for example, there is a need to create an Apple ID for the first time on an iPhone 5s, the user must register by creating a new unique name in the developer program. When purchasing a new device, you should not neglect setting up an Apple ID, since it is of strategic importance.

Changing your account

If you need to change your previous Apple ID on your iPhone, you need to enter data that allows you to use iCloud services. Modern gadgets, in particular the iPhone, have at least two places where you can enter relevant data. Greater convenience for the user will be provided by going to the following address: Settings -> iCloud. After the application window opens, the previous account will most likely appear on the screen; if you do not know the existing password, no known trick will allow you to leave your account. In view of this circumstance, when purchasing a used gadget, it makes sense to ask the former owner for the password for the account, otherwise the new owner will not be able to change it in the future. If the password is known, you should scroll through the window that opens to the “Logout” button and click on it.

The third step to help you change your account is to register in the iCloud application. If, by luck, the field for entering data in iCloud turns out to be empty, you simply need to enter your personal data into it and click on the “Login” command. You should not wait for a lightning-fast response from the program, since checking a record can sometimes take more than a minute.

So, if you change the ID on your iPhone, you can get free access to such a modern “storage” of information as cloud storage. It is worth noting that iCloud reserves 5 GB for its users. Using iCloud, you can save copies of information blocks located on your iPhone. An important advantage is the ability to quickly synchronize any data, for example, contacts and calendars, between several standard devices that were created by the American manufacturer.

Among other things, those who decide to change their Apple ID on their iPhone will have access to a function that allows them to find their phone if it is lost or stolen. Activating this application is that very strategically important thing that will help the owner even remotely block the gadget, delete all personal data from it, and also track its location on the world map.

Benefits of the iCloud app

Once the user has managed to create or change an Apple ID on the iPhone, he will be able to unlimitedly use the iCloud service by purchasing goods in the iTunes Store and AppStore web stores. As described earlier, American-made phones and tablets have two places that require you to enter a personal account. After all the above steps have been completed, you should go back to the gadget settings and select the iTunes Store and AppStore programs. The instructions describing the second step of action will help you change everything; the user, again, will not need specialized passwords, he will only have to log out of his previous account and enter new credentials.

The manipulation performed allows you to change the previous account registered by the former owner to a new one, which the current owner of the device was able to create. Using the entered Apple ID, you can purchase goods in the iTunes Store and AppStore. It is important to know that purchases made will be registered and saved directly under your personal username. Thanks to this, a product purchased once will not have to be purchased several times in case of its loss, and applications for which the agreed amount will be paid will be constantly in the use of the owner.

In view of this circumstance, the user has the opportunity to enter in the iCloud program not only his own personal data, but also that of others. To some, this behavior may seem strange and illegal, because entering someone else’s username makes it possible to download for free everything that was previously purchased by the previous owner. Today, on the World Wide Web you can find many services that, for a certain fee (relatively small), allow everyone to use specialized general accounts, in particular, accounts that have an impressive database of various purchased programs.


Gadgets from the American manufacturer Apple attract users from all over the world with their popularity, capabilities and extensive functionality. Almost every modern person wants to own a world-famous device that provides its owner with a lot of opportunities and advantages. To enjoy all the delights of an iPhone or iPad developed by American software engineers, you can create a unique account, which should be on each device. As it became clear from the above material, creating or changing an ID is quite simple; it will require very little time and effort.