How to find a person by email address? I don't know my email address: what should I do? How to find out your current e-mail if you forgot your address, on a computer, laptop, phone, tablet? How can I find out all the emails I registered? How

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about how to find out your address Email, if you forgot it. This is a very common situation, so these recommendations can definitely be useful to you.

The most important thing is that you don’t forget your email address, you need to come up with it that is consonant and easy to remember. This could be your first and last name, nickname in games, or even a mobile phone number (some email services allow this).

Be sure to save your email login on your computer after registration. And this should not be done Local disk With system files(where it is operating system). You can also duplicate a text document onto your existing removable drives.

How do I find out my email address?

First, let's figure out where you can see the name of the mailbox that you registered. This method necessarily requires prior authorization in the mail and after the last authorization you should not have cleared the saved data in the browser.

So, if you need to know your email address on the website, then just go to home page of this site and look in the upper right corner:

Also your Mailbox can be seen in the left corner, under the site logo:

Did you see? Then copy the name and save it in text document or on the phone in draft SMS messages.

How can I find out my email address if I forgot?

This problem also has solutions. Let's start, perhaps, with the simplest.

By first and last name

Search system Google indexes millions of pages every day from a variety of sites, including Therefore, using the search bar you can find your forgotten address Email. To do this, enter the last name and first name that you entered during registration into the search bar. This is the result you should get:

You can try just by last name and city. But here it is also worth considering that Google needs time for indexing, and this is at least a week (and sometimes a month). Therefore, you will not be able to find your “soap” through the search if you started it just yesterday.

In the same way, you can search for your Gmail account on Google. Just here prerequisite is an establishment based on that Google + profile account. We also search for a profile on Google + by last name or first name.

By phone number

The mobile phone number that you attached to it during registration can help you remember your forgotten email address in Yandex. To do this, go to Yandex.Mail.

After which the window for restoring access to your Yandex account will appear. Here we click on the button “ I don't remember my login"(located under the first line where you need to enter “login or email”).

Now enter the phone number in the appropriate line, as well as the captcha and press the button “ Continue" Well, then follow the instructions provided by the service. There is nothing complicated about this, the main thing is to enter the data carefully.

Using a smartphone

Your mailbox can also help you remember mobile phone. For example, to gain access to Play Store V mandatory you need to log in to your current account Google account. And if you have visited the Market at least once and downloaded games or applications onto your smartphone, then your email has been saved in the phone’s memory. To find it you need to go to the main menu, then go to “ Settings" Next we find the accounts section, and among them there will definitely be “ Google" After which a list of all Gmail mailboxes, which you used on your smartphone and, perhaps, one of them will be the one you have forgotten.

Your smartphone browser can also help you. Perhaps you once logged in using a forgotten mailbox in mail services or on some other sites.

Try searching on your phone too, by personal experience I can say that a smartphone is the most effective tool for finding a forgotten email.

Through social networks

This is another way to find the mailbox name. In profile settings on Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook, etc. You can always find an email address that is attached to your account - it may just be what you are looking for.

Using a browser on a computer

Fortunately, it’s the 21st century and browser developers have introduced the ability to automatic saving forms This greatly simplifies the life of users, and in our situation it can help.

Let's assume you registered your email with Google browser Chrome, but after some time they decided to use Yandex.Browser as the main program for accessing the Internet. But could the data remain in Chrome? So this is where you should look for them.

So that you don’t suffer for a long time, I offer the simplest solution to this problem. Go to the browser, then open the settings. Now we find the section “Passwords and forms”, and in it the sub-item “ Offer to save passwords for websites" There will be a small button next to it “ Settings“- and click on it.

In the dialog box that opens, you will see a list of logins and passwords that were saved by the browser.

With the help of such a simple manipulation, I was able to find my login from my Google account, which is also my email address.

Automatic saving of forms can help you find data without going into settings. To do this, just place the mouse cursor in the line for entering your email, and then a drop-down list will appear in which your forgotten email may be.

Be sure to visit the sites of payment systems, since you have definitely visited them (if you earned money on the Internet or made purchases in the past). Your mail may also be hidden here in saved forms, or it’s worth looking in your account settings.

Yes, I completely forgot about it the latter method- ask a friend. Perhaps you have ever sent some messages by e-mail to your friends. Contact them and ask them to review the list of letters from your address.

The main phone number associated with your account can be connected as follows: additional login. This can be done both during the process of linking the phone and after it, on the page Phone numbers: just check the box use phone number as login.

Each phone number can become an additional login for only one account. At the same time, for each account you can connect only one additional login - only the main phone number can become such a login.

Let's say you made the number +7 987 1234567 an additional login. Now you can:

    Enter the phone number (without pluses and spaces, for example 79871234567) wherever you need to enter your Yandex login.

Features of mail with an additional login

To send a letter to such an address, the number can be specified in any form (without spaces) - the Post Office will recognize both +79871234567@site and 89871234567@site.

Letters sent to this address are sent to your Yandex.Mail mailbox (if you created one). The address will stop working if you disable the additional login or unlink the number from your account.

If the phone number is transferred to another person and the new owner connects it as an additional login, email address will also go to him. This can be provided:

    If you have lost your SIM card with your phone number, you can restore it in the salon mobile operator, before the number comes back into circulation.

    If you have changed your number, unlink old number and link a new one on the page

The article describes how to find out your email address.

Many users set up an email account only to occasionally receive emails from certain people, organizations or websites. Therefore, it also happens that they do not visit their mail often and at some point they simply forget their e-mail address.

What to do in such a situation? Is it possible to get your email address if you have forgotten it? In this review we will talk about how to find out the address of mailboxes from various», “ Google”, “Yandex") on a computer, laptop, tablet running " Android", phone, iPhone.

How to get our email address after we have forgotten it?

So, let's list various options How can you find out your email address:

  • The first step is to contact those people who usually wrote letters to you. They can look in their mailbox history to see who they previously wrote letters to and find your email address there. Or, if they didn’t delete your emails, then it will be even easier to find out your email. By the way, we advise you to write down your email address in a notepad from now on.
  • If you have no one to turn to, or your friends haven’t saved any letters, then you can resort to one more method. In the case where cookies are saved in your browser, and you have not previously exited your email, you can simply go to the email, for example, in the service "» or on another resource, and view the email address in the upper left or right corner.

I don't know my email address mail e-mail what to do How to find out your current e-mail if you forgot the address, on a computer, laptop, phone, tablet How to find out all the mail that you registered

  • If the previous method does not suit you, then we will do it differently. In any browser, when a user logs into his account, he is asked to save his login and password by checking the appropriate box. If you have already checked this box before, then go to your mail page, click on the field in which you will need to enter your login, and you will see a pop-up window. Your email will be indicated there (before the symbol “ @ »).

I don’t know my email address, what should I do? How to find out my current email address if I forgot the address, on a computer, laptop, phone, tablet? How to find out all the emails that I registered

  • By the way, if you use a browser " Google Chrome", then you can find your mail thanks to some of its features. If you have saved passwords from this browser electronic mailboxes, then the e-mail addresses will also be saved in its settings. Go to your browser " Google Chrome", paste into command line « chrome://settings/passwords", and in the window that pops up you will see a list of mailboxes for which you previously saved passwords.

I don’t know my email address, what should I do? How to find out my current email address if I forgot the address, on a computer, laptop, phone, tablet? How to find out all the emails that I registered

  • There is one more tricky way. If you registered on any websites, forums or social networks and indicated your email address when filling out the form, then you can find out your email there. Of course, your email should not serve as a login to the site. This could be a phone number or just a set of characters or numbers. Log in to such a site and find out your email address in the settings.

I don’t know my email address, what should I do? How to find out my current email address if I forgot the address, on a computer, laptop, phone, tablet? How to find out all the emails that I registered

  • Any popular internet a resource that provides an electronic mailbox (“», “ Google”, “Yandex"), offers a mail recovery feature. For example, you can restore your email using the phone number to which you will receive an SMS with the address of this email.

I don’t know my email address, what should I do? How to find out my current email address if I forgot the address, on a computer, laptop, phone, tablet? How to find out all the emails that I registered

  • It is quite possible that your email address may be entered into the database " Google" Login " Google", V search bar Enter your details (for example, first name, last name, address, etc.) as much as possible. Perhaps the search engine will give you your email.

I don’t know my email address, what should I do? How to find out my current email address if I forgot the address, on a computer, laptop, phone, tablet? How to find out all the emails that I registered

  • If you are a gadget user, then finding your mail will be even easier. If you are logged into your gadget, for example, with an account from “ Google", then in its settings you can find your email address.

I don’t know my email address, what should I do? How to find out my current email address if I forgot the address, on a computer, laptop, phone, tablet? How to find out all the emails that I registered

Video: How to find out your email address?

I think you are familiar with the situation when you once again look through your email and are surprised to find a letter from an unknown sender. And no matter what the subject line says: “You won a million” or “Invitation to an interview,” before opening the letter and sending a response, it is important to correctly identify the person (or robot) associated with this email.

In this article, I have listed 6 tips that you can use to get through to a person's email address.

How to find a person by email?

1. Google it!

The simplest and the right way To find out about a person, just search for him on Google. As they say, you need to live your life so that Google knows about it, but the main thing is that YouTube doesn’t know about it! Those. copy e-mail address and paste it into the search bar. We enjoy the results. If you can't find information about this address on Google, then proceed to the tips described below.

2. Identify spam and fraud

If you suspect that the sender is a spammer or scammer, the following signs may indicate this:

  • The sender's email address does not match the organization's website
  • The letter was sent from a free email service.
  • Your name is either not used in the subject line or is misstated.
  • The letter contains information about an urgent response to the addressee.
  • The letter contains a link to a website that you must go to. This link may be fake or similar to the corresponding address of any official website where you are asked to enter such personal information, such as username, passwords, etc.

3. Use Facebook to verify a person's identity

In order to register on a social network, you need to leave your email address. Thus, there is a high probability that you will be able to find (get through) the owner of the e-mail through Facebook. Simply copy and paste the sender's email address into the Facebook search bar.

4. Search using special services

Besides Facebook there is also great amount social networks, in which you can check the sender’s e-mail address, but believe me, you will spend a very, very long time on this. To somehow automate the process, I suggest using special services. They will help you in your search popular social networks. networks and blogs by name, email address, nickname, phone number.

For Gmail the manual is as follows:

  1. We open the letter.
  2. Click on the right top corner on the arrow and select “Show original” from the drop-down menu.
  3. The last point is identical to the 2 previous mail services. We are looking for “Received: from”.

Find out the sender's IP on

  1. We open the letter.
  2. Click on the “Other actions” button and select “Letter code”.
  3. We are looking for the line: Received: from, where instead of there will be the sender’s IP address.

To find out the exact geographic location of the received IP address, use one of the services: or

Please note that the data may be far from accurate, especially if the sender uses free postal services. But this method works great in b2b marketing, when you need to know from which region a potential buyer has contacted you and immediately offer him a product or service depending on the location.

6. Looking for a person based on a photo

If you found a photo of a person using any of the above methods, you can find more information about him on the Internet using tools such as Google Images or Yandex.Images. To do this, upload a photo using the camera icon on the right in the search bar and click “search”. The search engine will give you a number of sites on which this image was used.

How to find a person on the Internet? What can you calculate by email?

A hot topic for discussion is searching for people on the Internet. How to do this and what information you need to have for this, we will tell you in this article.

How to find a person by their residential address for free on the Internet?

It should be noted right away that the more information you have about a person, the faster and easier it will be to find him. The following information may be useful to you:

  1. Phone, email and other contact information;
  2. Residence and registration address;
  3. Photos;
  4. Passport number, TIN;
  5. Profiles on social networks.

Database. They are one of the most common types of searches, but the reliability of the information obtained is questionable. Keep in mind that such search services scammers are often hiding, so if you are asked to transfer money somewhere or send an SMS, it is better to refuse their services. You can search for people in the following databases:

Public information. This includes all the information you publish on various websites. This mainly applies to social networks, since it is there that information is indicated by which you can find a person on the Internet. Also to publicly available information include information desks, telephone and address books, State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (Russia only).

FMS(Russia) – that’s pretty easy way find a person by registration. To obtain information, you need:

  • come to the local migration service;
  • provide your passport;
  • fill out an application indicating information about the person;
  • get search results.

Police. Contacting the police is another option for finding a person, but there is no guarantee that the officer will tell you the information you need. This already depends on connections and his location towards you.

Private detective services. This type search is most effective because the detective can find out necessary information about a person, and also follow him if necessary. It should be noted that his services may not be affordable for everyone.

This can be done by making an electronic request on the Internet, entering the passport details of the person you are looking for. And also using this service (supports almost all CIS countries).