How to turn off the launcher on Android. How to remove launcher from Android devices

Not all people like monotony. In this regard, manufacturers mobile phones back in the early 2000s, they provided the opportunity to install a new theme, which to some extent changed the firmware interface. This opportunity was most actively used by owners of Nokia devices based on Series 40 and Series 60. Well, with the advent operating system On Android, changing the theme has become both easier and more difficult at the same time.

Now there is very a large number of smartphones. Some of them operate under the control of “pure” Android- this is when the operating system is not equipped with a proprietary shell. Other devices have TouchWiz. Still others receive at their disposal Flyme OS- a creation developed by forces Chinese company Meizu. In short, developers do not have the opportunity to create themes that can be installed on absolutely all shells. In this regard, the user has certain difficulties.

Fortunately, the theme replacement feature is present in some firmware by default. For example, it can be found in the menu CyanogenOS. In this case, everything becomes much easier. The user only needs to go to the appropriate section, download the theme whose screenshots catch their eye, and then click the “ Apply" But, as mentioned above, by default this function It is still not present on all smartphones. So let's talk about how to install a theme on Android in a different way.

What does the theme change?

Let's start with why we need to replace the theme. This feature allows you to change the operating system interface to some extent. In particular, they usually change the following elements:

  • Icons of many pre-installed and even some third-party applications;
  • Appearance of the notification panel;
  • The background on the desktop;
  • Background in the menu (if present);
  • Lock screen elements.

If your device does not support easy theme replacement, then you can change all these elements separately. For example, in Google Play There are utilities for replacing the lock screen. The background on the desktop is called wallpaper - in in this case you can put any of your pictures or choose one of those available in the application Wallpaper HD. In the same way, you can change the background on the lock screen. Just don't change it like that appearance icons

Themes on Google Play

IN Play Market you can discover hundreds of different topics. To do this, just type in search bar word " theme" All this - individual applications, so there is no point in installing many themes at once. Try the first one, if you don’t like it, uninstall the program and install the second one. If you don't like the second theme, delete the application and install a third one. And so on.

You should remember about the “diversity” of devices on Android based. Therefore, do not be surprised that some of the themes will not run on your smartphone, or will not look as presentable as in the corresponding screenshots. Also, themes do not change the appearance of icons for less popular third-party applications.

Third Party Sources

There are a lot of themes on Google Play. But on third party resources there are even more of them. If you hit search query“How to install a theme on Android?” will pop up great amount banners advising you to install a theme from a particular site. Do not fall for the developers' tricks under any circumstances! The fact is that this way you risk downloading a virus to your smartphone. Such an application will affect performance and will also start sending SMS to short numbers. Or the virus will regularly show you advertisements, which is also completely unacceptable.

You can only take risks if you have a good antivirus installed on your device. Then you simply cannot install the application if it is malicious. We advise you to familiarize yourself with our selection the best antiviruses for Android- in it you will definitely find the ideal fighter against unwanted software.

Installing the launcher

If you don’t want to change different interface elements individually, and your firmware doesn’t have a built-in function for changing themes, then we recommend that you install the launcher. In fact, this application is embedded deep into the operating system, supporting many third party themes created by enthusiasts. Some launchers allow you to download dozens of themes, others hundreds, and some even thousands. More often third party themes downloaded for free. But there are exceptions, which the launcher’s internal store will definitely notify you about. The launchers themselves are also free. But some of them are annoying with advertising that costs money to turn off (also paid version in many cases it can boast of advanced functionality).

There are about 10-15 excellent, good and just not bad launchers. If you want to get acquainted with their functions, then go to following link: « The best launchers for Android" Here we will briefly note the six most popular launchers:

Installing the launcher is incredibly easy. It consists of the following actions:

Step 1. Find a suitable launcher on Google Play and click the " Install" Used as an example Apex Launcher .

Step 2. Click the button Accept" if any permissions are requested before installation. This is true for older versions of the Android operating system.

Step 3. Wait for the download and installation to complete, then return to your desktop. The system will immediately prompt you to choose which launcher you want to use now. Select the downloaded option (in this case, Apex Launcher).

Step 4. That's it, you were able to install the launcher! Now you can start setting up the application and customizing it. In the case of Apex Launcher, two icons located on the main desktop are used for this.

Step 5. Of course, settings icons can always be removed. In the future, to customize the launcher, you can hold your finger on a free area of ​​the desktop. This will cause a pop-up menu to appear, with which you can configure the interface and perform some other actions.

Note: Not all launchers have a built-in store, which has a large number of ready-made themes.

Deep interface change

Theoretically, the Android operating system allows you to penetrate even deeper into its depths. In particular, you can set TouchWiz interface, developed by Samsung. Or put branded shell MIUI. But these actions require special knowledge of the structure of the mobile operating system, so we will not describe them here. Let us only mention that for this it is necessary get root access, install custom firmware, and also implement custom Recovery menu. In a word, this is a long and painstaking work, and therefore we recommend that you limit yourself to the launcher.

Any user wants to make their device better and installs third-party launchers, music and video players, browsers and file managers. And so as not to choose every time favorite app to perform the next action, it can be set as default.

Other useful instructions:

In this article, I will talk about two ways on how you can select and remove the default application.

Method 1: Standard Android Feature

So, I recently installed a new launcher, so that will serve as an example. To make the application default, you need to perform some action. For example, in the case of a launcher, just press the home button. The system will prompt you to select an application to implement of this action. Select the desired launcher and click “Always” at the bottom.

I think you understand the principle. So, for example, if you want to set the browser Google Chrome by default, follow any link from Vkontakte, Twitter, Google Plus, your mail, etc., select Google Chrome and click "Always".

So, we figured out the choice of the default application, but how to remove it? To do this, go to settings, open “Applications”, find the one you need, select it and click “Remove default settings”.

After this, you can make the application default according to the instructions above.

Method 2: Through Default App Manager

Above, I described how you can select and delete a default application, and if deletion in Android is well thought out, then to select an application you need to perform unnecessary steps.

But fortunately there is great app, which makes it easy to select the desired program default. It's called Default App Manager and you can download it for free on Google Play.

The application is really very cool. Once you open it, you will see two sections: “Category Wise” and “All Defaults” (default applications). To make your favorite application the default, open its category, after which a window will appear with all available programs. Click "Set Default", select an application and click "Always".

To remove the default application, click "Clear Default". You will be taken to the app settings where you need to click on “Remove default settings”. The “All Defaults” section contains all default applications. You can remove any of them by clicking "Clear".

That's all, I hope today's article was useful to you.

If you don't like the interface of the Android operating system, you're uncomfortable using it, or you just want to try other design options, you can install a new launcher. With it you will get a modified desktop, widgets, shortcuts, icons, menus. This is an application that you can download and install. There are a huge number of such programs. They allow you to change a boring or inconvenient interface. If the utility does not suit you, you can return it old interface. Read how to install, how to activate and how to remove the launcher if you no longer need it.

If you don't like your Android interface, you can easily change it to any available one

Launcher is graphical shell Android. You see it on the screen. Through it you interact with the device. Utilities this kind also called “design themes”. If you download several of these applications, in the gadget settings you can change not only the desktop wallpaper, but also the table itself. And also widgets, icons and the appearance of some programs. If you are not satisfied with a launcher, you can remove it or replace it with a new one.

In official Android firmware The standard interface for this operating system is installed. Many development companies add their own design options to devices. In most cases, the shells of such devices do not differ much from “regular” Android. They just put a few in there. branded features. But sometimes the desktop is so unusual that you want to change it or even delete it immediately when you turn on the phone.

In addition, the interface may simply not be to your taste. Or get bored. In this case, it makes sense to try and decide which one suits you best.

Figure out how to remove the launcher from Android and install a new one to change a boring or inconvenient desktop.

You can choose completely different shells and change them depending on your mood.

  • Smart Launcher Pro. Doesn't require a lot of resources. Saves battery.
  • ILauncher. Does the operating room Android system similar to iOS.
  • Yandex.Kit. Created by the company of the same name.
  • SPB Shall 3D or NeXt Launcher 3D. Themes with volumetric effects. With them you can quickly switch between desktops and scroll through pages.
  • Car Launcher or AutoMate Car Dashboard. Will be useful to car enthusiasts and drivers. You can activate such skins when you get behind the wheel.

Where can I download?

These utilities are available in . Some of them are provided on on a paid basis. But most programs are available for download free of charge. You can also find the shell on the Internet, download it as an APK file and install it like any other program for Android devices.

  1. Go to .
  2. Enter the word “Launcher” or “Launcher” into the search bar.
  3. Or go to Applications - Categories - Personalization - Android Skins.
  4. Choose your favorite topic. To find out what it will look like, click on it. There are screenshots, descriptions, reviews and user ratings.
  5. Click Install. In the same menu, you can delete the program if it already exists. But it’s better to figure out how to disable the launcher on Android. This way it will remain in the device parameters, and you can return to it at any time.
  6. Confirm installation.

You can also download a third-party shell.

  1. Enter the phrase “launcher for Android” in any search engine.
  2. Follow the links and select the topic you want.
  3. Read the app description. Find out what devices it is intended for and what its system requirements are.
  4. It is better to download the program directly to your phone or tablet. Otherwise, you will have to transfer it from the computer later. Do not open suspicious files with extension .exe. Installers for Android are in .apk format.
  5. Download to any device file manager. You can work with it like Windows Explorer: view the contents of folders, open files. Removing them will also be easy. This utility can be found in the Play Market. Suitable, for example, File Manager or Total Commander.
  6. Launch the APK installer through the file manager. Confirm the action and wait for the process to complete.

After this, it will appear on your device new topic. If you don't like it, you can remove it.

How to setup?

After the launcher is installed, you need to press the “Home” button and select the “Always” option to set it as the default one. But what if you already have several skins and want to switch between them without having to download them every time?

Here's how to change the launcher on Android in the settings and install the one you need:

  1. Go to the gadget settings.
  2. Click on the section " Home screen" In some firmware, this function may be located in a separate “Themes” item.
  3. All previously installed shells will be there. Just select the one you need.

This way you can change the interface in the settings at any time.

Each has its own parameters similar program. Open it to see what features it has and what you can change.

How to delete?

Deactivate the launcher if you do not want to use it:

  1. Open Android settings.
  2. Go to Applications.
  3. Find the shell in the list and click on it.
  4. "Remove default settings" button.

After that, select a different interface for Android.

If you don't need this application and you are sure that you will never need it, you can permanently erase it. In this case, simply disabling the program will not be enough. After all, it takes up space in the device’s memory. Why clutter your system with something you don't intend to use?

Here's how to remove the launcher on Android:

  1. Go to Settings - Home Screen.
  2. Find the shell there.
  3. Click on the image of the trash can.

You can also get rid of the utility through . Open it and find the application page. The button you need will be there.

If for some reason the pre-installed Android interface does not suit you, you are uncomfortable working with it, or you just want to try something new, change the launcher - the graphical shell of the operating system. The program can be deleted at any time and returned to factory settings. Or just put a different topic.

In order to remove “launcher” you need to perform a series simple actions on your device. Special difficulties this process has no idea. Should be used standard features Android interface.

Why do you need to delete it at all?

Most users modern smartphones don’t mind experimenting with your gadget, which is why they install additional software. This list also includes launchers. Visual design Some of them are not to the user's taste, and then you have to find out how to remove the launcher.

Sometimes functional new shell too overloaded with various graphic elements. This is not only tiring, but also puts increased strain on your device's processor and battery.

Removing the launcher from Android 7.X Nougat

Each next version This operating system is updated with new features that are designed to simplify the use of the system. The developers have provided the ability to select the interface shell, so you can easily disable the launcher you don’t like. To do this, follow these steps sequentially:

After this, the visual interface of your gadget will completely change to the one that was in it when you purchased it. This instruction is relevant for all devices running the seventh version of Android.

How to remove the launcher from Android 4.4 KitKat – 6.X Marshmallow

Starting with version 4.4, the Google operating system now has the ability to select a launcher, so users (as described in the previous instructions) just need to go to the required section. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your smartphone settings. You can get there either through the gear icon in the top toolbar or through the main menu.
  2. Find the section called "Home" (or Home in English versions).
  3. In the menu that opens, select the standard launcher. For different manufacturers the name may vary. IN Samsung gadgets the standard is TouchWiz, and LG phones use the name Home.
  4. You can then remove the previously downloaded interface. Click on the trash can icon next to the third-party launcher.

It is worth noting that you can get to the “Home” menu only if some additional graphical shell is already installed on your device. The user will not be able to remove standard launchers. You can get deleted launchers back. You need to download it to your gadget via the Google Play service or from a third-party site.

How to remove a launcher from Android version 4.3 and below

Removing for older versions of the Android operating system is also not very difficult. For all devices, the launcher is defined as third party application. To remove it, simply follow these steps:

After these manipulations, your phone will launch standard launcher. You should also not confuse launchers and themes. New smartphones in their interface provide several standard themes, which also change the interface. Here the above instructions will not help you, since the phone will not have third-party software.