All the ways to add an address to Instagram. How to specify, create and add a location on Instagram

Almost every person who cannot imagine their own life without social networks once wonders how to add a place to Instagram. This function significantly expands the capabilities of the application, allowing users not only to share the brightest moments of their lives with others, but also helps subscribers experience the same positive emotions that the author of the publication previously experienced.

But sometimes account owners simply do not find a suitable point on the maps, because for some reason it is missing or simply has not been created yet. The only way out of this difficulty is to independently create and enter the required point. True, it is often more difficult to understand this process and create a location than most users would like. Therefore, in order to solve the problem, those wishing to be marked on the map should be patient and allocate a little time to solve the existing problem.

Almost any user who wants to indicate his place on a general map, but does not find a suitable point in the list offered to him, has encountered difficulties when creating a new point.

This difficulty lies in the absence of an option on Instagram that allows you to add a new location. It was available until 2015, but the innovations and updates introduced then led to the disappearance of such a useful function. Therefore, everyone who decides to check in will have to:

  1. link to a photo network with a Facebook account;
  2. log in to a social network;
  3. create a geolocation there;
  4. return to Instagram;
  5. indicate the necessary information on the published photo.

There is no other, simpler and more convenient way to solve this problem. Therefore, account holders will have to log into Facebook, create new pages and actively use both sites.

Add a place to Instagram

To figure out how to add a location on Instagram that doesn’t exist, you should combine the social network with Facebook. When this is done, you will need:

After this, you can check the result on Facebook by creating a post indicating the new location.

How to add your place on Instagram?

Having done all of the above, it will be much easier to cope with the existing task and indicate the location in the publication.

To enter the desired information into a post, you just need to take a photo and, when you get to the point that asks you to describe a future post, you just need to enter the desired name.

Typically, the system independently provides the necessary hint after indicating the first letters of the name of the previously created location. Otherwise, nothing unusual or unusual awaits account holders.

Additionally, it should be noted that the photo network allows registered people to set parameters not only for the published entry, but also to supplement information about photographs and videos posted long ago. At the same time, the process of making such changes does not contain anything complicated and everyone can easily indicate their place.

Possible difficulties and their solutions

The procedure described above is extremely simple and should not cause any great difficulties or questions for those wishing to add a geolocation that does not exist. But sometimes Facebook simply doesn't have the functionality you need, making it impossible to make the necessary changes.

The main reason for this problem is incorrect settings of smartphones and tablets.

To resolve the problem, you will need to make changes to the basic parameters of the phone. To do this you will need:

  1. click the settings icon in the smartphone menu (does not depend on the operating system and model);
  2. select the section dedicated to privacy;
  3. switch to geolocation management;
  4. provide the necessary sites, programs and applications with access to the service.

After that, all that remains is to check whether the existing problems have been resolved.

If the problem persists and it is impossible to add space, you will have to contact photo network support operators for help. They will indicate the exact cause of the difficulties and tell you how to correct the current situation. But it should be remembered that in order to receive full support, it is necessary to be honest and describe the current situation in as much detail as possible.

How to add geolocation to Instagram?

Sometimes, to figure out how to create a location on Instagram, you have to visit a lot of useless sites. But solving such a problem should not cause serious difficulties for users. To cope with the existing task and add a new point to the map, it is enough to combine your Instagram and Facebook accounts, then open a second social network and carry out the necessary manipulations in it to make the necessary changes to the map.

Separately, it is necessary to note the importance of the function for small businesses. Making your own entries can be a unique way for entrepreneurs to tell potential customers about themselves, their services or products. There is practically no better way to advertise yourself in the modern world. After all, almost all people registered in the photo network will instantly find out about a new salon or store. And the businessman will have to not disappoint the expectations of visitors and turn them into regular customers.

Undoubtedly, you have already come across users on Instagram who constantly post photos from locations with strange names “My den”, “Shelter”, “My favorite place”? You just have to be happy for your friends, because they have a good imagination. Maybe it's time for you to rename your apartment something more exotic. You will learn later in this article how to add a place on Instagram.

Why add geolocation?

In fact, the ability to add a geolocation is not only a way to somehow original name your home apartment and demonstrate to everyone your wonderful sense of humor. What if you just opened a coffee shop or beauty salon?

“If you are not on the Internet, then you do not exist,” says a wise thought of the 21st century. Imagine, your future customers will want to take a photo and post online a delicious lavender latte from your coffee shop or show off their new manicure as quickly as possible. And there is nowhere to check in - this location does not exist on Instagram. You can say goodbye to organic advertising and new customers. That’s why it’s worth reading about how to add a place on Instagram.

A little trick: we go around via Facebook

Previously, there were no difficulties with how to add a new location on Instagram: the location could be “invented” immediately when posting a photo. However, then this function was removed from Instagram for some reason. But she remained on Facebook.

First of all, make sure that your Instagram account is linked to your Facebook account. If not, now is the time to do it. After all, we will create the location there.

Next, you need to make sure that location services are turned on on your phone. Otherwise, you won’t be able to add a place on Instagram or create a new one on Facebook: your smartphone simply won’t be able to determine where you are.

How to add a location on Facebook: detailed instructions

So, you have enabled geolocation and downloaded the Facebook application to your phone:

  1. Log in and open the feed.
  2. Facebook will immediately ask you, “What are you thinking about right now?” But you should not be interested in the post itself, but in the question located just below: “Where are you?”
  3. Feel free to click and start writing the name of the location - Facebook will offer you to choose from those already available. Ignore its prompts and continue to enter the name of a non-existent location: if no matches are found, the list will be reduced to just one item - “Add a new location.”
  4. After pressing the appropriate button, the system will ask what kind of place it is and will offer you to select one category out of forty available - starting from the “Home” option and ending with “Environmental Service”.
  5. Then it will be the turn of the question to clarify the location. You will need to indicate the city or click the option: “I’m here right now,” if this is actually the case.
  6. And finally, you will see a page on which you will need to make a final decision: you will once again have the opportunity to edit the name of the location (you can even add a photo to it), change the category, clarify the address and zip code, and check the location on the map.
  7. If you are happy with everything, click the "Create" button in the upper right corner.

Let's return to where we started: how to add a place to Instagram

Have you forgotten why we took so long to create a new location on Facebook? Now you can open Instagram and see if our newly created geopoint is displayed there. If you did everything correctly, it should appear in the drop-down list. Now you can mark this location in photos.

Please note that your new location will be visible not only to your friends and subscribers, but also to all Instagram users in general. This is quite good for business, but not very confidential, for example, for home. But if you are ready to put your home address on display for everyone to see, then it’s okay.

You know how to add a place on Instagram, which means that if you get tired of it or cease to be relevant, you can change the display settings and make it available only to you.

About the influx of subscribers after marking a location

Be prepared for the fact that a mark in a certain location often acts like a red rag for small business owners. It is guaranteed that after each mark you make on the map, you will receive several likes from unknown sources and several new subscribers, either wanting to get you as a client, or subscribing to everyone.

To be honest, it’s rare that someone really interesting signs up for you this way. This situation looks especially comical: you travel, take a photo in a foreign city or even in a foreign country, mark it on the map - and one of the local entrepreneurs immediately subscribes to you offering their services, without even understanding where you are from.

If you are the owner of a local business, first of all, take care not only of how to add a new place to Instagram, but also the quality of your offline services - and then you won’t need to track people by location on Instagram, because word of mouth will work.

For those who constantly publish photos from different countries and cities, it is very important to note that they have a geolocation of their location. So let's look at all the ways to add an address to Instagram.

Why do you need to add an address to Instagram?

If you have changed your location or want to tell people that you are not in your usual place, putting a mark on the map will be the best option.

Using an address on Instagram is convenient for the following reasons:

  • Beautifully displayed above the post next to the profile name;
  • When clicked, a map opens and you can see what else was filmed in this place;
  • All users will definitely see where you visited and took a photo.

But often the places that interest you are not in the Insta database, and the question reasonably arises: “How can I add my address so that users can know about my location.”

First of all, we will need a smartphone on which Instagram and Facebook are already installed (enter your username or register in advance). Next we do the following:

Next, we set up the geolocation of Facebook on Instagram. True, users often see such a “not here” message, which indicates that you are supposedly in the wrong place. In order for everything to work, you need to uncheck the “I’m here now” checkbox and enter the exact address data yourself, then click “Create”.

To check how everything works, we make any post on Facebook indicating the location. If everything works well, we use the location on Instagram.

When posting materials, click on the “enter address” button and find the recently created one.

A good tip is to post the photo in the same place where it was taken. The satellite system will indicate your exact location with greater accuracy.

How to add an address again on Instagram

Before publishing, simply tap on “Specify location” and select what you need from the list. After this, everything will be displayed just fine for you.

These tags not only help your followers know where you are, but also help them view photos taken by other people in that location.

Sometimes this happens. But don’t be disappointed ahead of time if you didn’t succeed the first time.

To get started, make sure the following:

  • Is the Internet turned on on your smartphone?
  • Is the location function active in the smartphone settings;
  • Correctness of the entered data.

Almost all people turn off geolocation services immediately after purchasing a gadget, because it eats up a lot of battery power. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you enable this function only when you need to post a photo with an address on Instagram.

Who is the best person to use an Instagram address?

If you travel a lot and the places you visit are quite interesting, then be sure to share these things with your audience. This way you will be more interested in her, and they won’t constantly write to you in private asking, “Where did you take that picture?” and so on.

Also, if you are the owner of a small company and want to, be sure to indicate the location of your office (if any). This way, people living in the same city as you will know how to get to you.

All in all, geolocation is a pretty useful thing, which can really benefit you and your subscribers. Most famous bloggers have been using this technique for a long time.

Where else can you add an address on Instagram?

The answer is simple - in stories. When you pull out the curtain, after selecting the photo you want to publish, there will be an icon with the geolocation.

Many people take videos of beautiful landscapes and tag their location when posting the material in stories.

How to add a place on Instagram? This question is relevant for many users of the social network Instagram.

How to add an Instagram location to your page

Let's look at how to add a location on Instagram step by step. You will see that there is nothing complicated about this. Sometimes the location on Instagram cannot be determined. In order to do this, you just need to use the geolocation option. Go to Settings on your phone and go to Location Services. Drag the slider located next to the Instagram inscription to the right side; it should turn green. This will be evidence that the task has been completed.

How to create a place on Instagram / INSTAGRAM for publication

Many users need to create a place on Instagram. This allows you to share photos with friends, show them how you spend your time and where you are. First of all, individual entrepreneurs need to create a place on Instagram. Creating a place on Instagram helps attract customers and promote business. Read how to do it yourself promote an account on Instagram by following the link. Take a photo of a store or other organization, mark its location on the map, and the number of customers will certainly increase. Good quality buy Instagram followers possible on our service.

How to add a new place on Instagram that is not online

Let's figure out how to add a new place on Instagram. Previously, it was possible to add a new location to Instagram by default, but after the application was updated, this function was no longer available. A new place is first added to Facebook, and then the finished one is added to Instagram.

  1. Download the Facebook application on your phone and go through the registration procedure. If you are already registered, log in.
  2. Click “What do you do?” a list will appear, select “Where are you?” If you just created an account, follow at least one profile.
  3. If a window appears with the words “Find a location”, this means that geolocation is turned off. To enable it, go to settings (the icon is located on the desktop), click “Privacy”, and then “Geolocation”. In the list of applications, activate Facebook and immediately launch Instagram.
  4. In the “Where are you” section, indicate your location so that you can add it to Instagram later. Click Add.
  5. In the location category, select the appropriate option.
  6. Click on the “City Search” button and select the city (from the list) in which you are located.
  7. You will find yourself on a page with a new location. Drag the "I'm here now" slider to the right side and click "Create" (the button is at the top).
  8. Return to Instagram and on the page where the photo will be added ( how to add a photo to Instagram from your computer and phone, see the following article), click “Specify location.” Enter the name of the previously created place in the search, it should appear in the tips. Select a photo and post it.

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How to indicate a place on Instagram - conclusion

Now you know how to indicate a location on Instagram. And do it quickly and easily.