All current hotkey combinations for firefox. FireFox Hotkeys: An Easy Way to Speed ​​Up Web Surfing

The mouse, of course, is an extremely convenient invention. But we needlessly forget about the keyboard. Using the so-called hot keys, you can achieve truly unprecedented speed. The same is true for working with a browser. We bring to your attention keyboard shortcuts that will be useful to you when working with Mozilla FireFox.

At first glance, it may seem that remembering all these commands will be difficult. This is wrong. Just repeat all the keyboard shortcuts and buttons given below “live” while reading. At least a few commands will definitely remain in memory :o)

1. Navigation

Forward - Alt + right arrow
Back - Alt + left arrow
Homepage - Alt + Home
Refresh the page - F5, Ctrl + R
Force refresh (do not use cached data) - Ctrl + F5, Ctrl + Shift + R
Open file - Ctrl+O
Stop - Esc

2.Windows and Tabs

Select a tab by its serial number (from 1 to 8) - CtrlAlt + (1 - 8)( When you click on the desired number, the corresponding tab opens)
Select last tab - Ctrl + Alt + 9
Close tab - Ctrl + W, Ctrl + F4
Close a window - Ctrl + Shift + W, Alt + F4
New inset - Ctrl+T
Open next tab. - Ctrl+Tab
Open previous tab - Ctrl+Shift+Tab
New window - Ctrl + N
Open an address in a new tab (from the address bar or search bar) - Alt+Enter
Undo closing a tab - Ctrl + Shift + T
Go to previous tab − Ctrl + Page Up
Go to next tab − Ctrl + Page Down

3. Current page

Scroll down the page - Space
Scrolling the page up - Shift+Space
Restore font size - Ctrl + 0
Page source code - Ctrl+U
Go to the bottom of the page - End
Go to top of page - Home
Move to previous frame (on pages with frames) - Shift + F6
Seal - Ctrl+P
Save page as - Ctrl+S
Increase font size - Ctrl + +, Ctrl+=
Decrease font size - Ctrl +-
Add page to bookmarks - Crtl+D


Insert - V
Select all - Ctrl+A
Cut - Ctrl+X
Copy - Ctrl+C
Cancel - Ctrl+Z
Repeat - Ctrl + Y , Ctrl + Shift + Z
Delete - Delete


Move cursor to search form - Ctrl+K
Move cursor to address bar - Ctrl+L, Alt+D
Find next - F3, Ctrl + G
Find on this page - Ctrl+F Note: if you need to find the first one you come across, just start writing
Find the next search result - Alt+N
Find previous match - Shift + F3
Search on the Internet - Ctrl + K, Ctrl + E, Ctrl + J


Enable/disable active cursor mode - F7
Add all tabs to bookmarks - Ctrl + Shift + D
Add page to bookmarks - Ctrl+D
Visit log - Ctrl+H
Downloads - Ctrl + J, Ctrl + Y
Bookmarks - Ctrl + B, Ctrl + I
Delete personal data - Ctrl + Shift + Del

7. Mouse commands.

A few little-known mouse commands:
-Clicking on the link with the central button (wheel) of the mouse- opens the link in a new tab.
-Shift+scroll page down- opens the previous page.
- Shift+scroll page up- opens the next page.
- Ctrl+scroll page down- increases the text size.
-Ctrl+scroll page up- reduces text size.
- Clicking a tab with the center button- closes the tab.


Full screen mode - F11
Selection or control of search engines (when the cursor is in the search bar) - Alt + Up Arrow, Alt + Down Arrow, F4
Select all text in address bar − Ctrl+L
Add the domain to the address - Ctrl + Enter
Add the domain suffix .net to the address - Shift + Enter
Add the domain to the address - Ctrl + Shift + Enter

Hotkeys in Mozilla Firefox simplify and speed up the launch of all kinds of commands, customization panels, and editing functions. Of course, the name of this method has nothing to do with temperature fluctuations of the keyboard on your PC - the definition is figurative.

Everything is much simpler. You press a certain key combination, and in the Mozilla Firefox window the action assigned to this key is performed. For example, creating a tab, updating a page, preparing a page for printing on a printer, etc.

Perhaps, after reading this paragraph, the thought arose: “Why do I need all this? I know where the settings are, the buttons are located in the menu, the browser interface, I click on them with the mouse, and such a control system is quite enough for me.”

Yes, that's possible. However, hotkeys in Firefox free you from the need to click the mouse 1, 2, 3, or even 4 times: open a menu, go to a submenu, then to the options panel, launch buttons, etc. In other words, a particular command is launched at lightning speed without performing any preliminary preparatory operations (opening a section, moving the cursor). And as a result, operating comfort increases.

At the initial stage of mastering hot keys- if you haven’t dealt with them before, say, in other programs or browsers, a grimace of a frustrated amateur pianist who can’t master the desired piece will periodically appear on your face. This is normal, and you shouldn’t give up learning the treasured “hotkeys”. You will feel their power (“hot keys”) already when the primary skill appears. When you already have a couple of combinations in your fingers. You'll see. Proven by practice.

Before we begin to consider the directives, we give some parting advice. They will help you turn from a beginner into a dispassionate virtuoso, commanding Firefox through “chords” - countless keyboard shortcuts.

  1. In the notation you will find commands that are launched by two or even three keys. Their recording format is: … + … + … So here it is. At first, you may not be able to press them at the same time. There is another option - sequentially. For example, it requires “Ctrl + Shift + Del” to be activated. Break the clicking process into two stages: first hold down “Ctrl” and “Shift”, then, while holding them, press the “Del” key.
  2. Do not try to immediately study all the combinations that are available. Try to initially master the operations that you use most often when working with the browser (opening a new tab, deleting a tab, adding a bookmark, etc.). Master the “dictionary of hot keys” gradually, focusing on the assigned tasks.
  3. If you don’t know the keyboard well, where is which key, before studying the commands, thoroughly study the “locations” - the location of the registers (Ctrl, Alt, Shift), the block of service buttons (Pause, End, Home). Books, articles on the topic - to help!

Well, now let's get started. Lists of combinations are sorted by task type (for working with tabs, windows, navigation, etc.).


Ctrl + T - create a new (empty) tab.

Ctrl + W - close the current tab; analogous to clicking on the “cross” icon on a tab (which is not always convenient or fast!).

Ctrl + Tab - switch from one tab to another (carried out sequentially by pressing the combination again).

Ctrl + Shift + Page Up - moves the tab to the left while maintaining focus (after executing the command, it will still be active);

Ctrl + Shift + Page Down - a similar action, but to the right.

Ctrl + Home/Ctrl + End - the current tab, respectively, to the beginning and end of the panel.

Ctrl + 1 to 8 - select a tab according to the specified number.

Ctrl + 9 - focus on the last tab.

Open page

Cursor control arrows - move around the page: right/left - 1 character; up/down - 1 line.

Page Down/ Page Up - down/up by screen height.

End - to the end of the page.

Home - to the beginning.

Ctrl + P - printing a web page on a printer (+ preliminary preparation for printing content).

Ctrl + S - download the page to your computer in html format (then you can open it in an offline browser).

Page scaling:

  • Ctrl + “+” - increase;
  • Ctrl + “-” - reduce;
  • Ctrl + 0 - reset to original parameters.


Alt + ←, Alt + → - scroll forward/backward through the history of loaded pages in the current tab (button commands in the panel to the left of the address bar);

Alt + Home - open the home page (specified in the settings - search engine, express panel with TOP).

Ctrl + O - load a file from your computer.

F5 - refresh tab.

Ctrl + F5 - update without accessing the cache (all markup elements will be downloaded from the server again).

Editing options

Operations on the selected fragment:

  • Ctrl + C/ Ctrl + X - copy/cut;
  • Ctrl + V - paste the copied fragment;

Attention! In the text of a web page, you can only copy an element; other operations are available only in form fields, search and address bars.

  • Ctrl + A - select all contents of the page.
  • Ctrl + Z - undoes the last performed operation.


Ctrl + F - find a given combination of characters (numbers, words) on an open web page.

Ctrl + / Ctrl + ↓ - switching search engines when the cursor is positioned in the search field.


Ctrl + N - open a new window.

Ctrl + Shift + P - new window in private web surfing mode.

Ctrl + Shift + N - restore a previously closed window.

Ctrl + Shift + W - close the active window.


Ctrl + H - display the log of visited sites in the sidebar.

Ctrl + Shift + H - open the Link Library (web log, downloads, bookmarks).

Ctrl + Shift + Del - clearing history and other Firefox elements (delete parameters are pre-set).


Ctrl + D - add the current web page to bookmarks (a window with settings opens).

Ctrl + B - display a collection of bookmarks in the sidebar (left).


Ctrl + Shift + A - goes to the tab with the panel of installed add-ons.

Ctrl + Shift + K - web console for developers (viewing, analyzing, debugging HTML, CSS, JavaScript code).

Ctrl + Shift + J - window with the browser console.

F11 - enable full screen mode (the top and bottom panels are hidden, only the web page is displayed).

Ctrl + Alt + R - activate reading mode (removes all unnecessary elements from the web page).

Loaded page with standard markup:

The same page in reading mode:

Bottom line

This concludes our tour of Firefox hotkeys. Of course, we did not look at all the commands, but only the main ones. The creators of the browser, in addition to a custom set of combinations, also separately provided keyboard shortcuts for developers when working in the HTML/CSS inspector window, with the navigation chain, and with a set of tools. If you suddenly want to change the assigned keyboard shortcuts in the browser, use the Saka Key addon. It allows you to quickly perform this type of reconfiguration without software modifications.

Master hotkeys to improve the speed and comfort of working in Firefox! Plus, this skill will probably be useful to you when using other software. The shortcut command standard is supported in most applications.

In browsers or web browsers, the main control tool is the mouse + graphical interface. This is very convenient, but often makes you waste extra time on basic operations. Therefore, the developers provide hot keys, or hotkeys. This article will tell you about all the available keyboard shortcuts in FireFox.

Journey through web pages

To navigate the World Wide Web, instead of the usual “Back” and “Forward” buttons, you can use the combinations shown in the table below.


Description of action

Alt + Left

Opens previous page

Alt + Right

Opens the next page after returning to the previous one

Shift + Backspace

Opens the start page in the current tab

Updates the content of a web page

Updates the web page content, but all files are re-downloaded from the server

Stops page loading

Highlights the contents of the address bar

Adds the ending .com to the entered address

Adds the ending .net to the entered address

Ctrl + Shift + Enter

Adds the suffix .org to the entered address.

Removes the autofill option

The picture below shows one example:

Window and tab management

When surfing the web, there is a constant need to operate with windows and tabs. There are also hotkeys for these operations. Their complete list is summarized in the table below.

Basic combination

Additional key

Description of action

Window management

Shows the standard menu bar above the tab strip

Opens a new FireFox window

Close the active browser window

Closes all open windows

Opens the last closed window

Managing tabs

Hotkey "Open tab"

Close active tab

Opens the last closed tab or group of tabs.

Move the “focal” tab left and right on the tab bar

Switch to the previous (first pair of combinations) or next tab (second pair of combinations)

Place the "focal" tab at the beginning and end of the tab bar, respectively

Keys 1 - 8

The open tab with the specified number or the last one is displayed

Note. A “focus” tab is a special form of highlighting an interface element. To use it, you need to press the Alt key, and then use the Shift + Tab combination to switch to the desired tab.

Also worth mentioning is the hotkey Ctrl + Shift + P, which opens a new window in Incognito mode. It does not save your browsing and download history. One use case is surfing the Internet from a public PC.

Viewing a page and manipulating its contents

In addition to operating tabs, hotkeys in FireFox allow you to fully work with information on a web page.

Basic combination

Additional key

Description of action

View and Zoom

Moves to the beginning and end of the page respectively

Scrolls a web page up by the size of the viewport

Same thing, but down

Space (space)

Zooms in and out

Mouse wheel rotation

Sets page scaling = 100%

Full screen site view

Page operations and editing

Opens an HTML or PDF document from your hard drive

Calls up the print dialog box.

Saves the opened page in HTML format

Copies, cuts, and pastes text or an image, respectively.

Highlights the contents of the entire page

Undoes one last operation on text

Redoes a undone action

Search on page

Opens the search bar on the page

Returns to the last match. Alternative key - F3

Places the cursor in the additional search line

Up and Down Arrows

Allows you to select a search engine for the secondary search string. Works only after using the combination Ctrl + E

Here is another example of using combinations in practice:

Browsing history, bookmarks and other tools

A list of Firefox hotkeys for quickly accessing these browser elements is given in the following table.

Basic combination

Additional key

Description of action

Browser history

Opens a panel on the left with your browsing history

Brings up the “History” window

Brings up the Clear History dialog box


Adds an open site to “Bookmarks”

Opens the Bookmarks mini-panel on the left

Adds sites from all open tabs to “Bookmarks”

Opens the “Bookmarks Library” window


Shows the Download Manager window

Opens the "Developer Panel"

Shows all installed add-ons

Switches the developer panel to "Web Console", "Inspector" and "Debugger" modes, respectively

In reality it looks like this:

HTML 5 Media Player Control

The following hotkeys are assigned for this procedure in FireFox:

  • Space (space) - start/pause file playback.
  • Arrows “Up”, “Down” - adjust the sound volume.
  • Ctrl + the same arrows - turn the sound off and on.
  • Rewind: Arrows “Left”, “Right” back and forth by 15 seconds respectively; Ctrl + the same arrows - move 10% of the total time of the file back or forward; Home - Play from the beginning; End - Rewind to the end of the recording.

Note. Many of the listed button combinations also work in other browsers: Google Chrome, Opera, Yandex.Browser, Safari, Internet Explorer.

Knowing the hotkeys in FireFox significantly increases the usability of the program and saves some time on performing simple operations.

The Mozilla Firefox browser is one of the most popular Internet browsers. For the convenience of working in the browser, the developers have included a whole list of hotkeys, the main tasks of which are to simplify the user’s work on the Internet, reduce the time spent performing certain operations in the browser, and make it easier to work with Firefox tabs and tools. As practice shows, there is no point in memorizing all Firefox hotkeys, but remembering the main ones that you use every day won’t hurt.

So, let's look at the main Mozilla Firefox hotkeys:

  • “Alt + Home” – opens the home page.
  • "F5" or "Ctrl + R" - refresh Firefox page.
  • “Ctrl + F5” - force page refresh.
  • “Ctrl + O” - open the file.
  • “Alt + F4” or “Ctrl + Shift + W” – close all active tabs in the Mozilla Firefox browser.
  • “Ctrl + N” – open a new Mozilla Firefox window.
  • “Ctrl + T” – open a new tab in the browser.
  • “Ctrl + Shift + T” – cancel closing a tab.
  • “Ctrl + W” – closes the current tab.
  • “Ctrl + Page Up” – goes to the previous tab.
  • “Ctrl + Page Down” – goes to the next tab.
  • “Ctrl + S” – saving this page in the browser.
  • “Ctrl + P” – prints the current Firefox page.
  • “Ctrl + Z” – undoes the last action performed in the browser.
  • “Ctrl + A” – select everything on the current page.
  • “Ctrl + C” – copy the selected fragment.
  • “Ctrl + V” – paste the copied fragment.
  • “Ctrl + X” – cut.
  • “Ctrl + Y” – repeat.
  • “Delete” – delete.
  • “End” – go to the very end of the page.
  • “Home” – go to the very beginning of the page.
  • “Ctrl + U” – view the source code of the page.
  • “Ctrl + F” – call the search form (appears at the bottom of the page).
  • “Ctrl + B”, “Ctrl + I” – opens the left sidebar with bookmarks.
  • “Ctrl + H” – opens the left side panel with the visit log.
  • “Ctrl + mouse wheel up/down” – zoom in/out.
  • “Ctrl + 0” – return to unit scale (100%).
  • “F11” – expand the Firefox browser window to full screen.
  • “Ctrl + Shift + B” – Firefox bookmarks bar.
  • “Ctrl + J” – browser download window.
  • “Ctrl + Shift+ A” – opens the Mozilla Firefox add-ons window.
  • “Ctrl+ Shift + Del” – erasing recent history.
  • “Ctrl + Shift + D” – add all current tabs to bookmarks.
  • “Shift + F4” – open JavaScript in the browser.
  • “Ctrl + \” - opens the add-ons panel at the bottom of the window.
  • “Ctrl + L” – selects all text in the page address bar.
  • “Ctrl + D” – add the current page to bookmarks.
  • “Alt + up arrow”, “Alt + down arrow” – control input options in the search form.

As you can see, using Mozilla Firefox hotkeys makes it possible to significantly simplify working with the browser. More and more users are using Firefox hotkeys to speed up their work on the Internet.

Firefox has been an extremely popular browser for many years. At the same time, most users, especially beginners, are completely unfamiliar with the mass firefox hotkeys. These are simple key combinations, the use of which can significantly improve productivity. It should be noted that there are quite a lot of them in the browser and it’s difficult to remember everything at once.

The issue of setting up hot keys in the browser is extremely acute. At the moment, the developers have not provided this option, and they do not plan to implement it in the near future.

However, there is still a way to produce firefox hotkey settings, To do this, download the keyconfig extension. This is a simple extension that allows you to set hotkeys at your own discretion.

Browser hotkeys for quick search

To make the search much more efficient and faster, each user should use the following combinations of buttons:

  • To quickly start a search, use the following combinations - Ctrl+K and Ctrl+E.
  • If you need to find a specific page, then Ctrl+F.
  • Next find - Ctrl+G.

If you need to make certain changes to the search, this can only be done in the browser settings.

Firefox hotkeys for actions with windows and tabs

This group included hotkeys in firefox browser, which are extremely useful in everyday work. You may already be familiar with some combinations, while others will come as a complete surprise.

Using the Ctrl+T keys, we launch a new tab, and if a new window is required, then Ctrl+N will help.

If you urgently need to load a tab that was accidentally closed, press Ctrl+Shift+T. The Ctrl+PageDown or Ctrl+PageUp button combination allows you to quickly move between tabs.


An important aspect when working with mozilla firefox hotkeys for navigation. Let's look at all the current combinations:

  • The Ctrl+O key combination allows you to open the required file.
  • If you want to quickly get to the home page, press Alt+Home.
  • Using Ctrl+F5, we load the required page again, completely ignoring the cache.

Finally, we note another interesting combination - Alt + forward or backward arrow, thereby moving in the chosen direction.

Keys to activate main tools

If you want to view the full source code of the page, then Ctrl+U.

Enable developer tools Ctrl+Shift+I.

Quickly bookmark a page with Ctrl + D, and using the combination Ctrl + Shift + D you can bookmark all open tabs in one fell swoop.

Ctrl + Shift + Del deletes all saved personal data.

Quickly print a page Ctrl +P.

A number of other useful combinations

When using the Firefox browser, sometimes you need to clear the cache, which may contain many temporary files. There is a very complex set of actions for this, or you can simply use the “Shift” + “Ctrl” + “Del” buttons. With the presented hotkeys to clear firefox cache it will be possible in a matter of minutes.

By combining Ctrl and scrolling up or down you can zoom in or out on the page.

Shift and scroll up or down allows you to go to the previous or next page.

Clicking the scroll wheel on a bookmark will close it.

How to disable hotkeys in firefox

Hotkeys, although an extremely useful element, can be very annoying in some situations. Therefore, many users are very interested in the question of how disable hotkeys in firefox. Unfortunately, as with setting them up in the browser, there are no special tools provided. All shutdowns can be done using the keyconfig application.

It should be noted that most of the key combinations are universal and they are relevant not only for Firefox, but also for other well-known browsers. Therefore, once you learn all the combinations, you will significantly increase the speed of your work in any modern browser.

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