How to overclock a core i3 processor on a laptop. Change the power plan. Is it necessary to do this?


What user doesn't want his laptop to run faster? There is no such! Therefore, the topic of overclocking will always be relevant...

The processor is one of the most important parts any computer, significantly affecting the speed of the device. Overclocking it will improve the performance of the laptop, sometimes quite significantly.

In this article I want to dwell on this topic, since it is very popular and quite a lot of questions are asked about it. The instructions will be quite universal (i.e. the brand of the laptop itself is not important: be it ASUS, DELL, ACER, etc.). So…

Attention! Overclocking can cause failure of your equipment (as well as failure warranty service your equipment). Everything you do according to this article is done at your own peril and risk.

What utilities will be needed for work (minimum set):

  1. SetFSB (overclocking utility). You can download it, for example, from the softportal: The utility, by the way, is paid, but the demo version, available above at the link, is also suitable for testing;
  2. PRIME95 is one of best utilities to test the processor. Detailed information You can find information about it (as well as links to download it) in my article on PC diagnostics:
  3. CPU-Z is a utility for viewing PC characteristics, also available at the link above.

By the way, I also want to note that you can replace all the above utilities with analogues (of which there are plenty). But I will show my example with the help of them...

I have quite a lot of articles on optimization and cleaning Windows from garbage, according to instructions optimal settings work for maximum performance etc. I recommend that you do the following:

  • clean your laptop of excess “garbage”, the best utilities for this are given;
  • further optimize your Windows - (you can also familiarize yourself with);
  • check your computer for viruses, oh the best antiviruses ;
  • If the brakes are related to games (usually because of them they are trying to overclock the processor), I recommend reading the article:

It’s just that many users start overclocking the processor, but the reason for the brakes is not due to the fact that the processor “can’t handle it,” but to the fact that Windows is simply not configured properly...

Overclocking a laptop processor using the SetFSB utility

In general, overclocking a laptop processor is not so simple and easy: because the performance gain will be small (but it will be :)), and you also often have to deal with overheating (and, God forbid, some laptop models get hot without overclocking...).

On the other hand, in this regard, the laptop is a “smart enough” device: everything modern processors protected by a two-level system. When heated to a critical point, the processor automatically begins to reduce operating frequency and voltage. If this does not help, then the laptop simply turns off (or freezes).

By the way, during this overclocking I will not touch on increasing the supply voltage.

1) Definition of PLL

Overclocking a laptop processor begins with the need to identify (find out) the PLL chip.

In short, this microcircuit generates the frequency for various components laptop, ensuring synchronization. IN different laptops(moreover, one manufacturer, one model range) there may be different PLL chips. Such microcircuits are produced by companies: ICS, Realtek, Silego and others (an example of such a microcircuit is shown in the photo below).

PLL chip from ICS.

To determine the manufacturer of this chip, you can choose a couple of ways:

  • use some search engine(Google, Yandex, etc.) and search for your motherboard PLL chip (many models have already been described and rewritten many times by other overclocking enthusiasts...);
  • disassemble the laptop yourself and look at the microcircuit.

By the way, to find out the model of your motherboard, as well as the processor and other characteristics, I recommend using CPU-Z utility(a screenshot of her work is below, as well as a link to the utility).

One of the best utilities for determining the characteristics of the equipment installed in a computer. There are versions of the program that do not require installation. I recommend having a similar utility “at hand”, sometimes it helps a lot.

CPU-Z main window.

2) Choosing a chip and increasing the frequency

Various frequencies will appear in the window (at the bottom, opposite Current CPU Frequency, current frequency, on which your processor runs).

To increase it, you need to check the box next to Ultra, and then move the slider to the right. By the way, please note that you need to move it by a very small division: 10-20 MHz! After this, for the settings to take effect, click the SetFSB button (picture below).

Move the slider to the right...

If everything was done correctly (the PLL was selected correctly, the manufacturer did not block the hardware from increasing the frequency, etc. nuances), then you will see the frequency (Current CPU Frequency) increase by a certain value. After this, the laptop needs to be tested.

By the way, if the laptop freezes, reboot it and check the PLL and other characteristics of the device. Surely you made a mistake somewhere...

3) Testing the overclocked processor

Usually, if there is some problem, then the processor will not be able to carry out calculations in this program for more than 5-10 minutes without errors (or overheating)! If you wish, you can leave work for 30-40 minutes. (but this is not particularly necessary).

temperature of laptop components -

If testing shows that the processor is working as expected, the frequency can be increased a few more points in SetFSB (second step, see above). Then test again. Thus, empirically, you will determine which maximum frequency you can overclock your processor. The average is around 5-15%.

That's all for me, happy overclocking :)

A little theory

Before considering processor overclocking, you need to understand what it is and why you should do it. Overclocking is an increase in the operating frequency of the chip. The higher the frequency of the chip, the faster it works. It's simple.

Probably many people are interested in the question: isn’t this dangerous? There is always a risk. This needs to be understood. When overclocking, not only the frequency increases, but also the heat dissipation. Fortunately, modern processors are equipped with a two-level overheating protection system. When a certain temperature threshold is exceeded, the processor forcibly reduces its frequency and supply voltage. As a result, its heat generation decreases. If the temperature continues to increase, then at chip temperatures of about 95-110 degrees the laptop simply turns off. In practice, this usually does not come to this. The laptop simply freezes with a characteristic sound loop. You just need to turn it off and on again.

In this article we will not consider overclocking with increasing supply voltage. It is the increase in supply voltage that makes the greatest contribution to the increase in heat dissipation ( The dependence of heat generation on supply voltage is quadratic). In this article we will simply increase the frequency without increasing the supply voltage. IN in this case heat generation increases very slightly. In practice this is several degrees.

Let's now consider how you can overclock a PC, laptop or netbook.

A little theory. Those who are especially curious may miss it. To understand all this, let’s consider how all these frequencies are formed. In order for a computer, laptop, netbook or some other digital device For it to work normally, it is necessary that the operating frequencies of various microcircuits and their components operate synchronously or in phase. Because for different devices necessary different frequency, then there is a need to divide/multiply some reference frequency. This is all done by the PLL chip or clock generator. It is this that generates clock frequencies for the processor and other chips. This is what it roughly looks like:

As you can see, the microcircuit is quite large, has a bunch of legs. An inattentive reader may have a question: how does the microcircuit know what frequency to set? It's actually simple. The frequency is set by a combination of voltages at certain pins of the microcircuit. This voltage combination is stored in registers. It is installed by the BIOS when you turn on your computer, laptop or other device. The values ​​of those registers can also be changed from the operating system using special utilities. Another option is to set the voltages directly: that is, solder wires to the pins of the PLL chip and set the required voltages. These combinations, pin assignments and other things are indicated in the documentation (datasheet). You can find it without any problems by entering the name of the chip and the word datasheet in Google. Such chips are produced by ICS, Realtek, Silego and others. For PLL ICS, the chip model is often written in the last line, for Realtek and Silego - in the first.

From the above we can conclude that there are three ways to overclock the processor:

1) through BIOS settings;

2) using special utilities;

3) direct soldering and setting the required voltages at the pins of the PLL chip.

Let's consider each method separately. Desktop PC owners are well familiar with the first method. The BIOS is full of similar settings. This overclocking method is the easiest. Unfortunately, the vast majority of laptops and netbooks have very little BIOS settings. There are simply no overclocking settings.

The second method is well suited for laptops and netbooks. The most popular utility for overclocking a processor is SetFSB. She supports a large number of various PLLs.

The third method is the most difficult, requires certain knowledge and experience, and also voids the warranty. It is suitable for laptops where frequency change is blocked. The essence of this blocking is that the operating frequency is set once when the laptop is turned on. Its further modification using the same SetFSB impossible.

IN this manual We will consider overclocking the processor using the SetFSB utility. Overclocking a laptop video card is described in a separate guide:.

CPU overclocking

So. First of all, you should find out which PLL chip is installed on your laptop or netbook. For this information, please refer to this forum topic: . If difficulties arise, you can simply disassemble the laptop and see what microcircuit is installed. You can see what it looks like in the photo above.

We also need a utility SetFSB and other utilities we need. You can download them using these links: /

Comment: Some time ago the utility became paid. The latest demon has been posted in the archive paid version. In the paid version, new PLL models are periodically added. The paid version costs about 150 rubles, payment via PayPal.

First we launch SetFSB:

In the window, select your PLL chip model. To find out what PLL chip you have, download the instructions for your laptop model. You can find it at the beginning of this topic: . At the beginning of each of them there is System section Block Diagram. It indicates which chips are installed in the laptop. Among them you are looking for the Clock generator block. That block indicates the PLL model that is installed in your laptop.. If you have any difficulties with at this stage, then we turn here: or do it differently.

My laptop has a chip installed ICS9LPR310BGLF. I chose it from the list. If your chip is not on the list, then you should either look for utilities that support your chip, or contact the author of the program with a request to add your chip to the list of supported ones. As mentioned above, in some laptops overclocking may be blocked by hardware.

When you have selected PLL, click on the button Get FSB:

In the main program window, various frequencies should appear and the current processor frequency in the window Current CPU Frequency. For me it is 1998.2 MHz.

In our case, overclocking will be done by increasing system bus. To do this, move the slider in the center of the window to the right. It is better not to touch other sliders and tabs. To increase the adjustment range, check the box next to Ultra:

Move the slider slightly to the right, increasing the system bus frequency by 10-15 MHz:

To apply the changes, click on the button Set FSB:

If you increased the frequency excessively or incorrectly specified the PLL, then nothing bad will happen. The laptop will simply freeze or turn off. Then you can turn it on without any problems.

And now the processor frequency has increased slightly:

Now you need to check whether the laptop will work stably at a given processor frequency or not. To do this, run the program Prime95 from the archive at the links above. To start testing, click on Just Stress Testing:

Choose desired mode loads. I settled on the third, although you can also include the second:

Click OK and run the utility HWMonitor from the archive using the links above for temperature control.

Utility Prime95 capable of generating very heavy load per processor. If the processor can cope with it, the laptop does not freeze or turn off for 10-15 minutes, then you can increase the processor frequency even more using the utility SetFSB as described above.

To stop the test, select the appropriate item from the menu:

In this way: we increased the frequency using the SetFSB utility -> checked Prime95 -> increased the frequency again and we need to look for the maximum frequency at which the laptop can work stably without freezes and shutdowns.

So. We've sorted out the overclocking. Now there is one more nuance. When rebooting settings SetFSB are reset and you will have to overclock the processor again. To avoid this, you need to add SetFSB to startup. Let's take a closer look at this process.

Adding SetFSB to startup

First you need to create a batch script. For this we open Notebook and write something like this:

c:Program Files (x86)SetFSB -w15 -s668 -cg


Explanation of what is what in this line:

c:Program Files (x86)SetFSB path to the SetFSB utility. It may be different for you

-w15- delay before launching the utility in seconds

-s668- overclocking settings. This is very important parameter. We look at the first number on the right of the slider in the green field. In my case it's 668

-cg- another extremely important parameter. In square brackets you need to indicate the model of your PLL as it is indicated in the utility.

Drag the file to the Startup folder in the Start menu.

As a result, after the next Windows boot The processor frequency will be automatically increased:

That's all

Please post all questions in this forum topic:

Laptop like portable device, has a lot of advantages. At the same time, many laptops show very modest results in work applications and games. Most often this happens due to low hardware performance or increased load on it. In this article, we will look at ways to speed up a laptop to improve performance in gaming projects through various manipulations with the system and hardware platform.

There are two ways to increase the speed of your laptop in games - by reducing the overall load on the system and by increasing the performance of the processor and video card. In both cases they will come to our aid special programs. In addition, for overclocking central processor you'll have to go to the BIOS.

Method 1: Reduce load

Reducing the load on the system means temporary shutdown background services and processes that take RAM and take up CPU time. For this purpose it is used special software, For example, . It allows you to optimize the operation of the network and OS shell, and automatically shut down unused services and applications.

There are others similar programs with similar functionality. All of them are designed to help allocate more system resources to the game.

Method 2: Setting up drivers

When you install a driver for a discrete video card, special software for adjusting graphics settings is also installed on your computer. NVIDIA has it "Control Panel" with the corresponding name, and the “reds” have . The purpose of the setting is to reduce the quality of display of textures and other elements that increase the load on the GPU. This option is suitable for those users who play dynamic shooters and action games, where reaction speed is important, not the beauty of the landscapes.

Method 3: Overclocking components

Overclocking means increasing base frequency central and GPU, as well as RAM and video memory. Special programs and BIOS settings will help you cope with this task.

Overclocking a video card

To overclock the GPU and memory, you can use. The program allows you to raise frequencies, increase voltage, adjust the rotation speed of cooling system fans and monitor various parameters.

Before starting the procedure, you should arm yourself and additional software for various measurements and stress testing, for example.

One of the basic rules when overclocking is a stepwise increase in frequencies in increments of no more than 50 MHz. This should be done for each component - GPU and memory - separately. That is, first we “drive” the GPU, and then the video memory.

Unfortunately, all the recommendations given above are only suitable for discrete video cards. If the laptop only has integrated graphics, then it will most likely not be possible to overclock it. True, the new generation of built-in Vega accelerators is subject to slight overclocking, and if your machine is equipped with such graphics subsystem, then all is not lost.

CPU overclocking

To overclock the processor, you can choose two ways - raising the base frequency of the clock generator (bus) or increasing the multiplier. There is one nuance here - such operations must be supported motherboard, and in the case of a multiplier that must be unlocked, the processor. You can overclock the CPU either by setting parameters in the BIOS or using programs such as CPU Control.

Elimination of overheating

The most important thing to remember when overclocking components is a significant increase in heat generation. Excessively high CPU and GPU temperatures can negatively impact system performance. If a critical threshold is exceeded, frequencies will be reduced, and in some cases emergency shutdown. To avoid this, you should not “raise” the values ​​too much during overclocking, and also take care of increasing the efficiency of the cooling system.

Method 4: Increase RAM and add SSD

The second most important reason for “brakes” in games, after the video card and processor, is insufficient RAM. If there is not enough memory, then the “extra” data is moved to a slower subsystem - the disk one. This leads to another problem - at low speeds of writing and reading from hard drive The game may experience so-called freezes - short-term freezing of the picture. There are two ways to correct the situation - increase the amount of RAM by adding to the system additional modules memory and replace the slow HDD with a solid state drive.


If you are determined to increase the performance of your laptop for gaming, then you can use all the methods given above at once. This won't make your laptop a powerful gaming machine, but it will help you get the most out of its capabilities.

Many famous programs, such as office tools, graphic and video editors, development environments and even browsers consume more and more energy with each update. As a result, the computer, which was previously fast and easily coped with any task, begins to slow down.How to Improve CPU PerformanceTo get rid of the brakes without buying a new PC, this material will help.

Before you improve computer processor , you need to find out why it became slow. Depending on the diagnostic result, the solution to the problem will depend.

  • Hardware obsolescence. Due to the rapid development of software, computer hardware cannot cope with assigned tasks equally well over many years. The release of new versions of familiar programs designed for more recent components leads to the fact that it becomes harder for the “old man”. It’s just that Windows hasn’t changed its processor requirements for 10 years, but some Chrome, Photoshop, Office, AutoCad have noticeably “improved” even in 5 years. Computers running an ancient version of the program may no longer be able to cope with its latest release.
  • Overheat.A very common reason for computers to slow down is an increase in the temperature of their components above the permissible norm. For example, if the manufacturer specified a critical temperature for the processor to reach 70°C, then when this mark is exceeded, the CPU will drop the frequency and/or start skipping clock cycles. This was done so that he could “relax” and cool down. For the user, this behavior of the processor looks like a significant slowdown of the computer.
  • "Garbage" in the system.Actively used Windows OS (especially without an antivirus) tends to accumulate system garbage. This includes the remains remote programs and games, extra entries in the registry left by them, registry errors. Clogging system partition such small and useless files also slow down the PC, and from the outside it seems that the processor is to blame. And there’s nothing to say about viruses: worms “multiply”, filling up memory and loading the CPU, and Trojans and spyware They constantly take up time from the processor for their “dirty deeds”. For the user, all this also looks like a slowdown of the processor.
  • Processor degradation.With constant exposure to elevated temperatures, the silicon crystal of the processor degrades: the integrity of its microscopic transistors is compromised, and connections between them are lost. As a result, in best case scenario, it simply slows down, and at worst, leads to sudden shutdowns, freezes and frequent “blue screens of death”.
  • Hard drive failure.Such a component like HDD (seemingly not directly related to the CPU) when degraded and fails, leads to terrible brakes. At first glance, the thought does not even occur to you that he is the culprit. After all, it seems that the processor has slowed down. As a result, the PC takes a long time to turn on, opens programs and files, “thinks” when switching tasks, and freezes for a while.

Where to start before upgrading your processor

The main reasons for processor slowdown have been clarified. Before,how to improve processor performance, it remains to identify which of them is troubling in a particular case.

Hard drive test

Before, how to improve processor, computer diagnostics should begin with hard checks disk. There is a simple and free program for this. Crystal Disk Info . It displays SMART log data that records all problems with hard drive at the hardware level. If the disk is healthy, all log entries will be highlighted in the same color, and the inscription “Good” will appear at the top of the window. If problems are detected, the problematic items in the log will be highlighted in a different color, and the inscription will say “Alarm”.

Not all errors are critical for the hard drive: with some it can last for more than one year. But items such as “reassigned sectors”, “ uncorrectable errors", "unstable sectors", "reassignment events", "uncorrectable sector errors" with large values ​​in the RAW field directly indicate that the HDD is reaching its end. "Read errors" may indicate that there are problems with the cable.

If everything is fine with the hard one, but there are brakes, you need to move on to the next section. If the HDD is bad, it needs to be replaced.

Checking temperatures

Measuring the temperatures of computer components will help detect overheating. For this you will need a program HWMonitor , which is simple and free. In it you need to find your processor and look at the values ​​​​for each core. When idle, it should normally be no more than 45 degrees for a desktop PC and 50-55 for a laptop. If the value is higher, you need to load the computer with some demanding task (for example, a game, but you can also use a special test LinX ), and then look at the maximum temperature value. For a desktop PC, it is undesirable to exceed 65-70 degrees, for a laptop – 70-75. If higher, overheating is to blame.

If the processor does not overheat, but there are brakes, you should move on to the next step. If overheating is detected, it must be addressed immediately.

Checking processor stability

The above-mentioned LinX test allows you to test the processor for stability and errors. It loads the cores with complex mathematical calculations(solution of systems linear equations) to warm them up as much as possible. If the processor has defects and is unstable, when normal temperatures– an error will creep into the calculations and the program will report this, stopping testing.

If errors are detected in conditions where there is no overheating, the problem must be corrected. If, based on the results of a long (from half an hour) test, there are no errors, heating is within acceptable limits, you need to move on.

Scan your PC for viruses

To quickly check your PC for malware– the program is suitable Malwarebytes Anti-Malware . Her trial version free and quite suitable for a one-time scan. You can play it safe and use several antivirus programs. It should be remembered that they may conflict, so you should not install several at the same time. It is better to check one, and if the result is not satisfactory, remove it and install another antivirus.

Improved CPU performance

After the tests are carried out, it becomes clear. Depending on at what stage of diagnosis the problems arose, the culprit must be “punished.”

  • If it's broken HDD- need tobuy a new HDD or SSD and install it on your computer.
  • If overheating is detected, it is necessary to disassemble system unit or laptop case, remove the coolers, vacuum them, apply new thermal paste to the chips and return the cooling to its place. You need to be especially careful beforehow to improve the processor on a laptop(more precisely, its cooling). It is difficult for an untrained user to disassemble a laptop; if there is a fear of breaking something, it is better to trust the specialists.
  • Processor degradation, unfortunately, is irreversible. You can try cleaning the cooling and changing the thermal paste (sometimes lowering temperatures brings slightly defective core elements back to life). If this does not help, repair is needed.
  • Viruses are treated using the same program that is detected. After scanning, any antivirus will report on the detected threats and offer to remove them. Naturally, one must agree with him.

How to improve your processor if all else fails

If the hard drive is working properly, there is no overheating, the processor is intact, and there are no viruses, but the PC still slows down - you need to move on. First of all, you should install a free program CCleaner , use it to scan the system and remove garbage, and then analyze and fix registry errors. It is also recommended to look in the “Service” tab, “Startup” item. It displays a list of programs that start when Windows startup. If there are a lot of them (10 or more), and their autostart is not required, it is advisable to turn off the unnecessary ones.

If there are no problems at any stage, but the processor performance is not enough, most likely the CPU is simply outdated. The problem can only be solved by overclocking, upgrading the processor or PC replacement.

Overclocking a computer processor

Overclocking is the procedure of increasing the processor clock speed. It allows you to realize the hidden potential of the processor, making it work faster. But beforeoverclocking method, you should remember: no one guarantees success, everything is done at your own peril and risk.

Caution when accelerating

It’s not in vain that the manufacturer limited clock frequency CPU is a value that has become standard for him. The likelihood of a large overclock is small. In addition, significant acceleration of cores leads to increased energy consumption. Therefore we need good block nutrition. And if the processor cooler is “native”, it may also have to be replaced, since standard system There won't be enough cooling. If you operate a processor with overheating, it will degrade and may fail, this must be remembered. It is for these reasons that no manufacturer guarantees overclocking, and often they also remove their warranty obligations.

How to overclock a processor

The processor is overclocked from the system BIOS menu/UEFI motherboard. You can get into it in the first seconds of turning on the computer by pressing Del, F1, F2 or another button (you need to look in the instructions). Each model has its own menu, the items are different, so universal instructions does not exist. Overclocking is always done by increasing the processor multiplier and/or system bus frequency, but the points for this differ in name.

Which processors can be overclocked

Not all processors can be overclocked. He is supported modern models Intel Core with the letter K in the name, as well as AMD with the designation Black. Of the older ones, you can overclock Intel Core 2 Duo and related models, as well as AMD Athlon and Phenom for sockets AM2 and AM3. The latter can also have their cores unlocked (dual-, triple- and quad-core Athlon and Phenom of some series). But not every one is supportedpc motherboard , and unlocked kernels will not always be functional (it’s not for nothing that they were disabled).

Every second user has at least once thought about how to increase the performance of a laptop. Because of this, the device will work faster with many games and applications. The most common option is to overclock the processor and increase its clock speed. But how complicated is this procedure, often referred to as “overclocking”? Is it safe to overclock a laptop chipset? What unpleasant consequences should you be wary of? Finally, how can you increase the processor power on your laptop yourself? You will find answers to these and many other questions in this article.

Both Intel and AMD processors are amenable to the overclocking procedure or, more simply put, “overclocking”. After all, many of them operate at only 60-70% of their maximum power. This fact allows you to overclock many CPUs, bringing the figure closer to 100%. However, how effective and safe is all this?

Therefore, first you should decide how useful it is to overclock the processor on a laptop. In addition, we need to talk about the negative consequences that may appear after increasing the power of the chipset.

Let's start with the positives. Perhaps there is only one. But quite significant. After all, without spending a single ruble, you can get more powerful processor. But there are a little more minuses:

  • energy consumption will increase;
  • The battery charge will be consumed faster;
  • the device will become hotter;
  • The service life of the processor itself will be reduced.

It is worth noting that overclocking the processor on a laptop is not only risky, but also not an easy task. This is due to the fact that the performance gain on laptops is always small. You also often have to deal with overheating. The compact dimensions of all the “internals”, the close arrangement of components to each other and the miniature cooling system only contribute to this. As a result, many laptop models heat up so much even in the initial stages of overclocking that they constantly turn off and freeze.

Therefore, before you start overclocking your laptop processor, seriously evaluate the pros and cons. It may be safer and more reliable to simply save money to buy more powerful laptop. If you nevertheless decide to increase the processor performance, then remember that the maximum increase in power that you will receive is 10-15%. No other way. It's no longer safe.

If you need to increase CPU performance at times, then all this is achieved only by special means with modernization of cooling and power systems!

Step-by-step instructions on how to overclock the processor on a laptop using Windows

You now know all the pros and cons. It's time to talk about how to overclock the processor on a laptop. To do this, you will need to go into the BIOS.

However, before overclocking the processor, do the following:

  1. Clean your laptop from various “garbage”. That is, delete unnecessary files from the device's hard drive.
  2. Optimize windows. For example, remove from startup unnecessary applications or turn off services you don't use.
  3. Eliminate system errors.
  4. Update your drivers.
  5. Check your laptop for viruses. And it’s best to use several programs.

The fact is that many people start overclocking the processor on a laptop. But in fact, the device slows down and freezes for trivial reasons - operating system is not configured properly, malicious software interferes with the operation of the computer, etc. So first we eliminate all errors, remove extra files and viruses, we speed up CPU performance by installing fresh drivers etc. Once you have finished with this, you can proceed to the procedure for overclocking the processor.

The simplest and safe way– change the power supply mode. This overclocking option works on any laptop from any manufacturer - Asus, Lenovo, Acer, HP, Samsung, Dell, etc. For example, let's look at the whole process on a device running Windows 10:

  1. Through “Start” we go to the “System” section.
  2. On the left, select “Power and sleep mode”.
  3. Next, click on “ Extra options nutrition." The corresponding button will be on the right.
  4. Now in the window that appears, expand the “Show additional schemes” menu.
  5. Set the marker to “High Performance” mode.

Overclocking the processor on a laptop via BIOS

You can also overclock your laptop's processor through the BIOS. This is done in different ways. However, we recommend starting with a fixed frequency. For this:

  1. Go to the BIOS menu. How to do it? For example, on an Asus laptop, you need to press the F2 key when booting. If you have a laptop from another manufacturer, then try clicking on Esc, F6, F8, F12, Delete when turning it on.
  2. We are looking for the Power section BIOS Features.
  3. Next we are interested in the AGP/PCI Clock tab, in which we set the value to 66/33 MHz.
  4. Then we find the HyperTransport Frequency parameter and slightly reduce its frequency. Up to about 400 or 600.
  5. We save all changes. Press F10. .

After these manipulations, the laptop should show more high performance. You can also increase the system bus parameters. This is done again through the BIOS:

  1. In the POWER BIOS Features (or Advanced Chipset Features or simply Advanced) section, select the CPU Clock tab. It may be called differently. For example, Clock Ratio, CPU Bus or CPU Ratio.
  2. We increase the value displayed here by 10 units.
  3. We save the changes by pressing the F10 button. Reboot the laptop.
  4. Now you need to test the laptop. The Everest program is suitable, through which we monitor the temperature of the central processor. It is important not to allow it to exceed 70-90 °C (depending on the CPU model). If the value is higher, then go into the BIOS again and lower the FSB frequency.
  5. If the laptop shows stable performance, you can increase the value by another 10 MHz. And so on until it starts to get very hot or blue screen, freezes, or other problems that indicate the overclocking threshold has been exceeded.

How to overclock a laptop processor using a utility?

Overclocking is a complex process. Therefore, some manufacturers produce special software with which you can easily increase the power of your laptop. True, some users may have difficulties here too. Therefore, we will tell you in detail how to overclock a laptop processor using the SetFSB utility.

  1. First of all, download the SetFSB program from the Internet.
  2. The next step is to determine the PLL chip on the laptop processor. It is precisely this that generates the frequency for various components. How to find out what chip is on your device? Use a search engine and try to find the specifications of the motherboard installed on your laptop. Among various information a PLL chip may also be specified. Naturally, you can remove back cover and look directly at the markings of the microcircuit.
  3. Run SetFSB. In the "Control" section of the " Clock Generator» select your PLL chip model.
  4. Click the Get FSB button. After that, information about various frequencies and the current processor frequency (Current CPU Frequency) will appear in the main window.
  5. Check the box next to Ultra. Move the central slider located below to the right. Literally at 10-20 MHz. Click the SetFSB button.
  6. Next we test the laptop. You can use some program for this. For example, Preime95. If the laptop has passed all the “tests” with dignity, then we return to the SetFSB utility and increase the frequency by another 10-15 MHz.
  7. And so on until the laptop starts to freeze or reboot. This will mean that you have found the performance threshold. On the contrary, you will have to “roll back” and reduce the frequency by 10-15 MHz.

For reference! Some processors, for example, popular intel core i3, i5 and i7 are difficult to overclock. The fact is that the manufacturer already configured them to maximum performance. All that can be achieved with custom overclocking is a 5-8% increase in power.

There are many other programs for CPU overclocking. For example, for AMD chipsets this is AI Booster and AMD OverDrive. For laptops with Intel processor We can recommend Intel Desktop Control Center.