Intel processor frequency control. Optimizing CPU performance: CPU Control utility

By overclocking your processor, you risk permanently damaging it. Be careful and attentive. The site administration is not responsible for your actions after reading this article.

Helper utilities for overclocking the processor

First of all, in order to overclock your processor, you will need a small set of utilities that will help you monitor the health of your system and its stability, as well as the temperature of the processor. Below we list a list of utilities and programs and briefly describe what they are responsible for.

CPU-Z is a small but very useful utility that will show all the basic technical information of your central processor. Useful for monitoring frequencies and voltages. Free.

CoreTemp- another free utility, somewhat similar to CPU-Z, but does not delve so deeply into technical indicators, but displays the temperature of the processor cores and their load.

Speccy– shows detailed technical information not only about the processor, but also about the entire computer as a whole. There is also information about the temperature of various system components.

LinX is a free program that we will need to test the stability of the system after each stage of increasing processor performance. It is one of the best programs for stress tests. It loads the processor at 100%, so don’t be alarmed, sometimes it may seem like the computer is frozen.

CPU overclocking

Before learning how to overclock a processor, I strongly recommend that you stress test your computer in an unoverclocked state (for example, with a program FurMark). This is necessary in order to determine the approximate potential for overclocking and generally check the system for errors.

If in an unoverclocked state the test produces any errors or the temperature during testing is prohibitively high, then it is better to end your “overclocking” at this point.

If everything works stably and then we can continue. And it’s better to note for yourself the key characteristics of an unoverclocked system, such as minimum processor temperature, maximum processor temperature, voltage, etc. Better yet, take a screenshot of the screen or take a photo on your phone so that you have detailed information at hand just in case. This is necessary to analyze deviations of indicators from nominal values. Not critically important, but very useful and inquisitive.

In general, there are two ways to overclock a processor - manually through the BIOS and using special programs. These methods are equally easy to use, but there are people who are afraid to get into the BIOS, so we will tell you how to overclock the processor using both methods.

Do not forget also that overclocking the processor may be hampered by insufficient power supply power. When buying a computer, it is better to buy a power supply with a small power reserve. This will allow you to painlessly upgrade your hardware, and also, as in today’s topic, will provide an opportunity for overclocking.

Overclocking the processor via BIOS

First of all, I will tell you how to overclock a processor through BIOS. On our website we have already repeatedly told how it is possible. It depends on the manufacturer of your computer's motherboard. When you turn on (or restart) your computer, even before the operating system starts loading, you need to click key to enter BIOS settings. You can find out which key to press from the prompt when you turn on the computer or in the instructions (documentation) of your motherboard. Most often these are the keys: Del, F2 or F8, but there may be others.

Once you are in the BIOS, you need to go to the Advanced tab. Next, I will tell you using my computer as an example, but everything should be very similar for you. Although, of course, there will be differences. This is due to different BIOS versions and different available settings for the processor. Perhaps this tab will be called, for example, CPU Configuration or something else. You need to wander through the BIOS and understand which section is responsible for setting up the central processor.

OverclockTunner by default it is in position Auto. Move it to position Manual in order for you to have access to additional manual settings for the processor.

After this, please note that you will have the FSB Frequency item, in which you can adjust the base frequency of the processor bus. Essentially, this frequency multiplied by the processor multiplier (CPU Ratio) gives us the full operating frequency of your processor. That is, you can increase the frequency either by increasing the bus frequency or by increasing the multiplier value.

What is better to increase, the bus frequency or the multiplier?

A very relevant question for beginners. Let's start with the fact that not all processors will allow you to increase the multiplier value. There are processors with a locked multiplier, and others with an unlocked one. For Intel processors, processors with an unlocked multiplier can be identified by the suffix “ K" or " X" at the end of the processor name, as well as the Extreme Edition series, and for AMD - by the suffix " FX"and for the Black Edition series. But it is best to carefully look at the detailed characteristics, because there are always exceptions. Please note that everything has an open multiplier.

If possible It is best to overclock the processor by increasing the multiplier value. This will be safer for the system. But overclocking the processor by increasing the bus frequency is highly not recommended, especially for overclocking beginners. Why? Because by changing this indicator, you not only overclock the central processor, but also affect the characteristics of other computer components, and often these changes can get out of control and harm your computer. But if you are aware of your actions, then everything is in your hands.

Stages of overclocking a processor via BIOS

In principle, there is nothing complicated about this. But everything needs to be done slowly and carefully. So, for example, if you are planning to overclock your processor to the maximum, then you should not increase the processor frequency by 500 MHz at once, increase it gradually, first by 150 MHz, conduct a stress test, make sure that everything works stably. Then raise the frequency by another 150-100 MHz and so on. Towards the end it is better to reduce the step to 25-50 MHz.

When you reach a frequency at which the computer cannot cope with the stress test, go into the BIOS and return the frequencies to the last successful stage. For example, at a frequency of 3700 MHz the computer passed the stress test successfully, but at a frequency of 3750 MHz it already “failed” the test, which means its maximum possible operating frequency will be 3700 MHz.

Of course, you can still go through various specific tests and identify the “weak link” (power supply or cooling system), but why do we need these extremes, right?

Overclocking the processor with special programs

In general, I would recommend overclocking the processor manually in the BIOS, but if the BIOS environment is alien to you, then you can use special programs to overclock the processor. There are many such programs. Some of them are more suitable for INTEL processors, while others are more suitable for AMD processors. Although the principle of operation is almost identical. So let's find out how to overclock a processor using special programs.

Utility SetFSB designed to overclock the processor on the bus. This is clear from the name. The developers are proud that SetFSB is lightweight and performs all its functions perfectly.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION!!! I downloaded the program from the “official website” and from the SOFTPORTAL portal. The contents of the archives vary greatly. If on the soft portal the archive weighs less than 200 KB and, in addition to the utility, contains instructions for its use, then on the “official website” in the archive there is another archive, which contains a suspicious .exe file weighing more than 5 MB and there are no additional instructions. When you run the file, Windows says that the license has been verified, but the license belongs to some Ukrainian shipbuilding company, judging by the name “SUDNOBUDUVANNYA TA REMONT, TOV”. I decided to cancel the installation.

Download the program from the SOFTPORTAL website, and not from the official one. Apparently the official website is fake.

So, before entering the program, it is strongly recommended to check the list of motherboards that this utility works with. This list is in the file setfsb.txt. If you find your motherboard, continue. If not, then you are taking a huge risk by continuing to use this utility.

When you run SetFSB, you will need to enter a temporary ID in the required field. Just retype the name of the small window in the field in it. Why is this? The creators assume that if you have not read the instructions, then you will not be able to go beyond this window and will go read the instructions to find out what needs to be entered into it, and at the same time read other useful information that can prevent damage to your processor (and motherboard).

Next comes the hardest part - you need to choose your parameter Clock Generator. To find out, you need to disassemble the computer and carefully examine the motherboard in search of a chip with a name starting with the letters “ ICS" There may be other letters, but these are found in 95% of cases.

When you do this, click on the Get FSB button and your sliders will be unlocked. And you will need to move the first slider quite a bit to the right, each time pressing the SET FSB button, so that the example = thread changed parameters. And you will have to do this until you reach the desired processor frequency characteristics. If you overdo it, the computer will freeze and you will have to start all over again.

Overclocking a CPU Using CPUFSB

Utility CPUFSB Not much different in functionality from the SetFSB just discussed. However, there is something to praise her for. The first and quite significant plus is that the utility is completely Russified, which is very convenient, you will agree. The program is more tailored for Intel processors, but it can also be applied to AMD processors.

To overclock the processor in the CPUFSB program, you will need to sequentially:

  1. Provide the necessary information about your motherboard and the type of clock generator (Clock Generator).
  2. Then click on “ Take frequency».
  3. Move the slider to the right to change the processor frequency.
  4. At the end, click on " Set frequency».

There is nothing complicated. You can understand the settings intuitively even without prompts.

Other programs for overclocking the processor

We examined in more or less detail the most frequently used programs that are used to overclock the processor. However, the list of programs does not end there. But we will not describe them in detail, because the principle of their operation is similar to the previous ones. Here is a small list of programs for overclocking the processor, which you can use if the first ones did not suit you or you could not download them.

  1. Over Drive
  2. ClockGen
  3. ThrottleStop
  4. SoftFSB
  5. CPUCool


Now you know how to overclock a processor, and maybe you’ve even already tried to do it yourself while reading the article. I hope everything went well for you and without any unpleasant consequences. Remember the golden rule - Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky! Therefore, do not overclock with overclocking, otherwise you will have to buy a new processor, and maybe even a motherboard.

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Overclocking an Intel processor– this is a procedure for removing the restriction on the number of processed cycles in a period of time (1 second). It is not recommended to consider overclocking a processor without basic concepts in this area.

general information

A tick is a very short period of time that is required to calculate the transmitted code, usually it is a small fraction of a second. Clock frequency is the number of clock cycles in 1 second. Overclocking provokes minimal information processing time.

The computer processes the information flow using oscillations; the more the processor can process in one go, the higher the number of hertz (a unit of measurement of frequency). Accordingly, we force the processor to work in freelance mode, leaving less time for unloading.

There are several types of frequencies:

  1. External is the frequency of data transfer between different equipment, even within the same system unit;
  2. Internal is the operating speed of the equipment itself (which we will increase).

Obviously, if you overclock, the computer will process more information in the same period of time, due to a longer clock cycle. The procedure is mainly used to extend the life of a computer. It's no secret that technologies are gradually being modernized, and computers no longer meet modern requirements. Thanks to overclocking, you can slightly postpone the purchase of a new PC.

What do you need to know before overclocking an Intel processor?

Overclocking an Intel Core processor must be done wisely, otherwise it is fraught with rapid failure of the processor or failure of its operation instantly. It is important to reach the maximum speed, but not exceed this limit. Each processor can be overclocked to a different maximum speed; this is often mentioned in the documentation or on the Internet. Usually you can get 5-15% more speed, there are also more significant increases, but it all depends on the model.

For overclocking, it is better to use special processors whose manufacturing technology requires an unlocked multiplier - this is the K-series.

Every active PC user has a desire to get the most out of a computer, and greed can lead to negative consequences. Today's processors, if given too much information, will simply skip certain clock cycles to control the temperature. Thus, before overclocking, you should take care of high-quality cooling.

It is important to consider that:

  1. After overclocking, the processor will heat up more, you need to install a good cooling system in advance, passive options are not suitable;
  2. Requires a significant amount of electricity. More operating time requires more power. It is necessary to calculate in advance whether your power supply will handle such work;
  3. The device wears out faster as it works more;
  4. When the processor speeds up, the RAM is also involved in the overclocking.
  1. You must have a new BIOS version;
  2. Make sure that the cooler on the CPU is working properly and is in good condition; it is better to install a more powerful one;

  1. Check the processor heating in its current state at maximum load.

After all of the above, you can proceed to overclocking.

How to overclock an Intel Core 2, i3, i5, i7 processor using SetFSB?

The Intel SetFSB processor overclocking program makes it very easy to increase the processor clock frequency, and the procedure is carried out directly in Windows. The slider acts as a regulator. To change settings, a reboot is not required, everything is done instantly.

The advantage of the program is the large number of supported processor models, from outdated Intel Core 2 duo to advanced i7. Unfortunately, not all motherboards are able to work with the program, which prevents its use everywhere. On the website you can find out whether your board model is among the supported ones.

When working with the program, you need to take precautions, and you should also find out the model of your clock generator. The information is contained on the PLL board itself or you will have to search for it on the Internet.

Overclocking procedure:

  1. In the top line “Clock Generator” select your generator and click on “Get FSB”;

  1. After loading the characteristics from the database, you will be shown the clock speed of the bus and processor now;
  2. It is necessary to change the speed in small steps using the slider, moving it to the right and observing the behavior of the processor and cooler;

  1. After the final selection, click “Set FSB”.

How to overclock an Intel i5 processor using CPUFSB?

There is another way to overclock an Intel Core i5 processor, although its principle is similar. CPUFSB is mostly used to accelerate i3, i5 and i7 family processors. The application is part of a comprehensive CPUCool utility for monitoring and increasing clock speed. The program works well with most motherboards.

The advantage over the previous utility is the presence of the Russian language, although the principle of influence is the same:

  1. Select the manufacturer and model of the motherboard;

  1. Provide information about the PLL chip model (also known as clock generator);
  2. Click on “Take frequency”;
  3. Gradually, in small steps, increase the frequency and monitor the behavior of the processor;
  4. Finally, click on “Set frequency”.

Even if you did not save the settings, they will be applied until you restart the computer.

How to overclock an Intel Core processor using SoftFSB?

The last option, which allows you to overclock the Intel processor of a laptop, as well as a desktop computer. The main advantage over previous versions of the programs is that it is free to use. You don't have to buy or search for a pirated version. The disadvantage is the lack of support from the author, so it may not be suitable for new processors.

The operating principle is identical:

  1. Specify the model of the motherboard and clock generator in the “FSB select” category and click on the “GET FSB” button;

  1. Carefully, little by little, move the slider that is located in the center of the main window;
  2. Save changes using “SET FSB”.

There are universal overclocking applications, like those already discussed, and very specific ones that are used only for a certain type of motherboard, usually produced by developers. These options are safer and may be somewhat easier to use.

If you still have questions on the topic “Programs for overclocking an Intel processor,” you can ask them in the comments

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Overclocking is a forced increase in the processor clock frequency above the nominal one. Let us immediately explain what these concepts mean.

A clock cycle is a conditional, very short time period during which the processor executes a certain number of program code instructions.

And the clock frequency is the number of clock cycles in 1 second.

Increasing the clock frequency is directly proportional to the speed of program execution, that is, it works faster than an unoverclocked one.

In short, overclocking allows you to extend the “active life” of the processor when its standard performance no longer meets the user’s requirements.

It allows you to increase the speed of your computer without spending money on buying new equipment.

Important! The negative aspects of overclocking are an increase in computer power consumption, sometimes quite noticeable, an increase in heat generation and accelerated wear of devices due to operation in abnormal mode. You should also know that when you overclock the processor, you also overclock the RAM.

What should you do before overclocking?

Each processor has its own overclocking potential - a clock frequency limit, exceeding which leads to inoperability of the device.

Most processors such as intel core i3, i5, i7 can be safely overclocked to only 5-15% of the original level, and some even less.

The desire to squeeze the maximum possible clock frequency does not always pay off, since when a certain heating threshold is reached, the processor begins to skip clock cycles in order to lower the temperature.

It follows from this that for stable operation of an overclocked system, good cooling is necessary.

In addition, given the increased power consumption, it may be necessary to replace the power supply with a more powerful one.

Immediately before overclocking, you need to do three things:

  • Update your computer to the latest version.
  • Make sure that the installation is in good working order and reliable.
  • Find out the initial clock frequency of your processor (look in the BIOS or through special utilities, for example, CPU-Z).

Also useful before overclocking test the processor for stability at maximum load. For example, using the S&M utility.

After this, it’s time to begin the “sacrament.”

Review of programs for overclocking Intel processors


SetFSB is an easy-to-use utility that allows you to overclock the processor on the fly by simply moving the slider.

After making changes, it does not require restarting the computer.

The program is suitable for overclocking both older processor models like Intel Core 2 duo and modern ones.

However, it does not support all motherboards, and this is an absolute necessity, since overclocking is carried out by increasing the reference frequency of the system bus.

That is, it affects the clock generator (PLL chip or, as it is called, a clocker) located on the motherboard.

You can find out if your board is included in the list of supported ones on the program website.

Advice! To avoid processor failure, working with SetFSB is recommended only for experienced users who understand what they are doing and are aware of the possible consequences. In addition, an untrained user is unlikely to be able to correctly determine the model of his clock generator, which must be specified manually.

So, to overclock the processor using SetFSB, you need:

  • Select from the “Clock Generator” list the model of the clocker installed on your motherboard.
  • Click the “Get FSB” button. After this, the SetFSB window will display the current frequency of the system bus (FSB) and processor.
  • Carefully move the slider in the center of the window in small steps. After each slider movement, it is necessary to monitor the processor temperature. For example, using the Core Temp program.
  • Having selected the optimal position of the slider, you need to press the Set FSB button.

The advantage (and for some, the disadvantage) of the SetFSB utility is that the settings made in it will only be valid until the computer is rebooted. After restarting, they will have to be installed again.

If you don’t want to do this every time, the utility can be placed in startup.


CPUFSB is the next program in our review for overclocking Intel core i5, i7 and other processors, which can be downloaded from the developer’s website.

If you are familiar with the CPUCool utility - a comprehensive tool for monitoring and overclocking a processor, then know that CPUFSB is a dedicated overclocking module from it.

Supports many motherboards based on Intel, VIA, AMD, ALI and SIS chipsets.

Unlike SetFSB, CPUFSB has a Russian translation, so it is much easier to understand how to use it.

The principle of operation of these two programs is the same: increasing the reference frequency of the system bus.

Operating procedure:

  • Select the manufacturer and type of your motherboard from the list.
  • Select the brand and model of the PLL (clock oscillator) chip.
  • Click “Take frequency” to display the current frequency of the system bus and processor in the program.
  • It is also necessary to increase the frequency in small steps, while controlling the processor temperature. After selecting the optimal setting, click “Set Frequency”.

CPUFSB allows you to set the FSB bus frequency the next time you start the program and when you exit. The current settings are also saved until the computer is restarted.

The ability to overclock Intel Core series processors may be slightly lower than that of competitors from AMD. However, Intel places its main emphasis on the stability of its products, rather than performance. Therefore, in case of unsuccessful overclocking, the probability of completely destroying the processor is lower than with AMD.

Unfortunately, Intel does not produce or support programs that can speed up the CPU (unlike AMD). Therefore, you have to use third-party solutions.

There are only two options for improving the performance of CPU cores:

  • Using third party software, which offers the ability to interact with the CPU. Even a user who is familiar with the computer can figure this out (depending on the program).
  • Using BIOS- an old and proven method. Programs and utilities may not work correctly with some Core line models. In this case, BIOS is the best option. However, untrained users are not recommended to make any changes in this environment on their own, because they affect the performance of the computer, and it is difficult to roll back changes.

Finding out your suitability for overclocking

Not in all cases can the processor be accelerated, and if it is possible, then you need to know the limit, otherwise there is a risk of damaging it. The most important characteristic is the temperature, which should not be higher than 60 degrees for laptops and 70 for desktop computers. We use software for these purposes:

Method 1: CPUFSB

is a universal program with which you can increase the clock speed of CPU cores without any problems. Compatible with many motherboards, processors from different manufacturers and different models. It also has a simple and multifunctional interface, which is completely translated into Russian. Instructions for use:

Method 2: ClockGen

- a program with an even simpler interface that is suitable for accelerating the operation of Intel and AMD processors of various series and models. Instructions:

Method 3: BIOS

If you have little idea of ​​what the BIOS working environment looks like, then this method is not recommended for you. Otherwise, follow these instructions:

Overclocking Intel Core series processors is a little more difficult than performing a similar procedure with AMD chipsets. The main thing when overclocking is to take into account the recommended frequency increase and monitor the temperature of the cores.

Overclocking the central processor is a forced increase in clock frequency. Increasing the clock speed, in turn, increases the processor's performance. Thus, you can get rid of unnecessary expenses on purchasing a new processor. And, nevertheless, it is worth understanding that the laws of physics cannot be outwitted! Overclocking entails an increase in power consumption, processor wear and increased heat generation.

What measures need to be taken before overclocking?

Each processor has its own limit for increasing the clock frequency; exceeding it will lead to failure. If we talk about Intel processors of the popular Core i3, i5, i7 series, they can be overclocked by a maximum of 15 percent. K-series processors are the best overclocked, but only with an unlocked multiplier.

In addition, it is worth knowing that after passing a certain temperature threshold, the overclocked processor begins to skip clock cycles, which reduces performance. It follows from this that you will have to check and, if necessary, improve the cooling system and, possibly, replace the power supply. Therefore, it is better to calculate all costs in advance; it may be more profitable to simply replace the processor.

Before overclocking, you need to check:

  • BIOS version, it must be the latest;
  • reliability of the cooling system;
  • availability of overclocking software;
  • test the processor, for example, using the S&M utility ( download).

Programs for overclocking Intel processors

SetFSB - download

The main advantage of the program is that overclocking can be done on the fly by moving the sliders. After changing the clock frequency, you do not need to restart your computer. Using the utility, you can overclock both outdated and new processor models.

The program does not support all motherboards; you can find out which models are supported on the program’s official website. Of course, if you do not consider yourself an advanced user, it is better to forget about this matter.

After launching the program, in the Clock Generator menu you need to select the model of the clocker installed on your motherboard. Next, click the Get FSB button; the window that opens will display the current frequency of the system bus (FSB) and processor. Carefully move the window slider in as small steps as possible, checking the current processor temperature. Having selected the optimal clock frequency, you can press the Set FSB key.

The disadvantage, and perhaps the advantage, of SetFSB is that the settings are saved until the computer is rebooted. You will have to overclock the processor every time you start Windows.

CPUFSB - download

This program is best at overclocking processors. Intel Core i5, i7. It works with a variety of motherboards, there is a Russian version, and the interface is as simple as possible.

In the main menu you need to select the motherboard manufacturer and chipset model. The next step is to click the “Take frequency” button, after which the current processor clock frequency will be displayed. The clock speed increases in small steps, but this must be done carefully. As in the previous application, overclocking persists until the system is rebooted.

SoftFSB - download for free

Another handy app for increasing clock speed on the fly. It also supports most famous motherboards. True, unlike the two previous programs, this one is free. The main disadvantage of the utility is that it is no longer supported; therefore, it will not work with new hardware.

In the FSB select menu, you must specify the model of the board and clock generator. Next, you should press the GET FSB button to capture the current clock frequency. The frequency also increases with the help of sliders.

All of the above programs are easy to use. Of course, advanced users overclock the processor in the BIOS, but this requires knowledge and patience - you need to restart the computer every time after making changes. All three programs allow you to overclock Intel processors on any computer, but if you have a laptop, you should be careful not to increase the frequency to the maximum values.