Definition of motherboard cmd. How to find out the “clock generator” of the motherboard? Windows Standard Tools

If you are looking for information on how to find out the model motherboard without opening the processor unit, then this article is for you. It’s better to take an interest in all the contents of your computer in advance and write it down somewhere in a notepad. But as you know, we all look for information about our equipment only when it malfunctions or stops working altogether. This happened to me before too. Now I have written down what is installed on which computer, starting with hardware and ending with programs. Since life experience has taught me that it is better to spend half an hour now than a whole day later.

Why do you need to know your motherboard model?

Launch the program and go to the “Mainboard” tab. In chapter " Motherboard" in field " Manufacturer" (manufacturer's name) and " Model"You will see the name of your motherboard.

So I finally decided on the model of my motherboard.

How to determine your motherboard model using the command line

There is another way - this is the command line. In Windows 10 you can get to it by clicking right click mouse on menu button Start.

Enter or copy the command below:

wmic baseboard get Manufacturer

Then press the button on your keyboard Enter. Information about the manufacturer will appear.

Then enter the command

wmic baseboard get product

And information about the motherboard model will appear.

You can also use the free programs Speccy, or SIW, to determine the motherboard model. There are probably many other programs for this purpose. If you know, write in the comments.

If your personal computer or laptop does not work due to lack of, or outdated version drivers, or it has sound problems, it's easy to fix. But only if you know the motherboard model and its exact name.

The motherboard model can be found in the documents. But if you threw away the box with them after purchase or they do not indicate the model, you will have to use other options. One of the methods listed below will help you determine your motherboard model. Four ways:

  1. Use utilities or applications specially designed for this purpose to determine;
  2. Use the command line if you have operating system Windows 7, 8 or 10;
  3. Open the system unit and inspect the motherboard;
  4. Use system utility for Windows 7, 8 or 10.

Special programs for viewing PC characteristics (including motherboard)

The developers created whole line special applications(utilities) designed to determine motherboard models. It is impossible to consider everything; they number in dozens. We have selected the most effective and easy to use. A minimalist interface without fancy functions will allow even the most inexperienced user determine your motherboard model for a laptop or personal PC.


This utility is one of the most effective. You can download one of three versions on the developer’s website. It is completely free, has a Russian language user interface, works in all Win versions and is very easy to use. Find the section " Motherboard"and find out who the manufacturer of your motherboard on your netbook or mobile is/ personal computer and her exact model. Look at the image below.

The utility is created for user convenience. It not only finds the motherboard model, but also allows you not to enter its number manually, but to use the clipboard. Copy and find in search engine, for example, updates for outdated drivers.


This utility will not only allow you to determine the manufacturer and model of your PC board, you can also use other useful features. For example, AIDA will help you find information on an application or driver, HDD, video card and other components. With this utility you can find out almost everything about your mobile or personal computer!

But to fully use it, you have to pay. The trial version does not have advanced functionality and is limited to only a few parameters.

Visual inspection of the motherboard

If you don't want to download and install special set programs, inspect the motherboard visually. If your computer is not cheap Chinese assembly, the correct markings must be stamped on the board.

If the manufacturer of the motherboard that is installed on your computer ASUS company, then you will see, for example, the following marking: “ASUS 970 PRO GAMING / AURA”. Feel free to write this name in the search engine and update outdated drivers.

If the manufacturer is Gigabyte, the marking will look something like this: “Gigabyte GA P110 D3 02.”

Visually inspecting the board on a personal computer is simple and quick; just open the system unit and rewrite the alphanumeric value. But with mobile computers it is not so simple. Disassembling laptops is not an easy task. But it is possible to accurately determine the model.

How to find out your motherboard model on the command line

Another method for those who do not want to install utilities. This method works for everything Windows family: 7, 8 and 10.

The command line opens in two ways:

cmd and press the Enter key.
cmd and press "Enter" key

Then enter two commands one by one, pressing “Enter” in succession:
  • wmic baseboard get manufacturer;
  • wmic baseboard get product.

How to determine the motherboard model in Windows 7, 8 and 10 without programs?

To find out, you need to enter the following value in the “execute commands” window: msinfo32
The first method for Windows 7 Click on Windows “Start” and enter the value msinfo32 and press the Enter key.
Second method for Windows 7,8 and 10 Press the “Win ​​+ R” button combination and enter the value msinfo32 and press "Enter" key

When the window opens, you must select the “Operating System Information” section. There you will see all the data about your mobile or personal computer. There are several characteristics regarding the version, board model and mobile computer, processor and others.

This is how you can easily determine the model and manufacturer of the motherboard. You can take advantage of the most in a convenient way: with or without a utility.

There are several ways to find out which motherboard is installed in your computer or laptop. Usually you need to look at information about the motherboard when you need to install . In this article, I will show you several ways in which you can accurately see information about your motherboard. So, let's begin...

1) As trivial as it may seem, the first thing you need to do is look for the box from “mother”. If you assembled a computer from components, then it should be there. It just shows the name and model:

2) If there is no box and it was lost a long time ago, then there is an option with other “spare parts” that can go together if you bought a complete system unit or a laptop. In particular, I mean the instructions themselves, or at least the disks. They also have a name on them:

3) If everything is really bad with the instructions, disks and box, then the last “physical” option to look at the motherboard model is to open the system unit. Of course this method More suitable for system specialists, but a laptop can also be disassembled. You just have to collect it later... However, the fact remains. Manufacturers write the name of their product on all motherboards:


4) Open it and enter it

wmic baseboard get product,Manufacturer,version,serialnumber

If we decipher this line, then we display information about:
Product - Model
Manufacturer - Manufacturer
Version - Version
SerialNumber - Serial number

If you don’t need something, you can simply not include the lines in the query. For example, if you just find out about the manufacturer and model (which is most often needed), then the line will be like this:

wmic baseboard get product,Manufacturer

5) Using special programs that are designed to collect information about the computer. For example, I wrote about this in an article? or . There at the end of the articles I gave links to similar programs. For example, there are a lot of them in the article too.
You can even just use free program CPU-Z() and on the desired tab see your motherboard

Finally, I would like to note that I did not write in much detail about how to view information about the motherboard on a laptop. It is shown when you just turn on the beech and there is information on the black loading screen at the bottom. I just don’t think you’ll remember that quickly necessary information and you will sit with a piece of paper (and reboot several times because of this) when there are much easier ways to find out what model of motherboard you have installed.

When buying a computer, users often have no idea what equipment is installed there. But the longer and deeper the user delves into the operating principles of his desktop or laptop PC, the more likely it is that he will want to know what RAM, what motherboard and what processor are installed in his system unit. If you need information about your motherboard, we offer 4 ways to find out its name and model.

How to accurately determine the motherboard model visually?

If you desktop computer, and not portable (laptop), then when opening the side cover system unit you will see the motherboard and other hardware connected to it. The motherboard itself will be marked with its model, manufacturer, and serial number.

When purchasing in a store, you should have been given all the boxes and discs from installed equipment. On them you can read the model name of your motherboard. The side sticker on the box usually prints more detailed information and even some motherboard specifications.

How to find out the motherboard using the built-in functionality of the OS?

Next option Determine the motherboard model by pressing the Win+R key combination and executing the command msinfo32

The System Information window opens. Here you will see everything that is installed on your system unit, as well as a lot of other information that you may need. But we are looking for the model of the motherboard, so by clicking on the System Information item, in the window on the right we look for the inscription Model - this will be the model of your motherboard.

How to determine the board model via the command line?

In the operating room In Windows 8, as in Windows 7, you can get information about the motherboard from the command line. To do this, press the key combination WIN+R and enter the command CMD and press Enter. In the command line that opens, you need to sequentially enter the command:

wmic baseboard get manufacturer– will show who the motherboard manufacturer is wmic baseboard get product– this command will show the model.

In general, there are several other operators. You can write on the keyboard wmic command baseboard get product,Manufacturer,version,serialnumber, in order to, in addition to the vendor and model of the motherboard, also find out its version and serial number.

Determining the motherboard model using AIDA 64 (Everest)

The easiest way to find out which motherboard is installed is to use universal program Aida64. Given software will not only provide comprehensive information about your hardware, including data from temperature sensors and fan speeds, but will also show all the information about the installed software on your PC.

The program is also capable of conducting some equipment tests. Suitable for both Windows XP and more later versions operating systems of the Windows family, including ten. It has free analogue- Speccy utility from Priform. Unlike paid Aida, it provides fewer features, but necessary information will show you.

So, let's look at the principles of building a report about your system and look at where the information about your motherboard is in the report.

After starting the program, go to the Reports item Report Wizard. The program will prompt you to select which report we want to build.

  • All sections
  • Only summary system data
  • Hardware partitions
  • Program sections
  • Test sections
  • user-selectable
  • Load from a file – if available.

The process of searching for equipment will begin, and upon completion the program will issue a report.

In this report we will find all the data about Hardware your PC. How many random access memory established, the manufacturer, what hard drive is installed, its manufacturer and volume, and of course the program will tell everything about our motherboard in the section reserved for it. If the program worked normally, then perhaps it will also show the website of the manufacturer of your motherboard. Afterwards, if you wish, you can save this report, and if there are no updates in your system unit, you will be able to use the information contained in it.

Or you can go to the mainboard tab ( motherboard) and just look at information about the motherboard there, but without a detailed comprehensive report.

We have not described all the ways to determine the name of a computer motherboard. A simple one is also suitable for this. free utility CPU-Z. It is designed for monitoring central processor, but also displays related information. Another simple way to determine MP is through bios settings. To get there, press DEL or F2 while turning on the PC (on laptops, the keys may be different), as soon as you hear the first beep and inscriptions appear on the black background of the screen. On start screen Bios - System Information Information about the mother, CPU, and amount of RAM should be displayed. To exit this mode, restart the PC using the button or press F10 and OK.

After clean install operating room Windows systems, often you have to install missing drivers, which were not found by the system in standard image. In order to know which drivers are suitable for your motherboard, you need to know its manufacturer and model. Therefore, in today’s article we will look at how to find out your motherboard. Without this information we will face a number of problems:

  • We will not be able to install the correct drivers;
  • We will not be able to select a processor;
  • We will not be able to add RAM,
  • We can't;

Also, if they are not installed necessary drivers to the motherboard, you will not be able to play 3D games, you will not have sound on the computer, video will not play, and so on.

Probably the most simple option How to find out your motherboard will be to find the box from it. As a rule, when you buy a computer in a store, they give you boxes of components. This is done so that in the event of a defect or breakdown, the store can send the problematic part to the service or supplier. Therefore, we look for the box and look at the motherboard model on it. Others will also be indicated on the packaging. important parameters:

  • the type of RAM memory that can be installed on this motherboard;
  • Information about the video card supported by the board;
  • chipset information;
  • bus frequency;
  • information about service utilities.

It often happens that the box from the motherboard has not been preserved, then you can look for the sales receipt. In most cases, it contains the name and characteristics of the components. Or find warranty card. If there are no papers, then perhaps you still have installation disk with drivers. We look at the information on it or in the help files.

How to find out your motherboard by disassembling the system unit?

If no documents or boxes from the motherboard have been preserved, then you can open the side cover of the system unit and see the model of the motherboard.

To do this, perform the following steps:


  • If your system unit is still under warranty, then it is possible that after you remove the side cover, the seal will be broken and you will lose it;
  • If the motherboard name is hidden behind any component, you will have to remove it. I advise you not to do this if you do not have the necessary skills. Otherwise, you may damage the device.

Therefore, if you do not want to get into the insides of the system unit, then let's take a look software methods How to find out your motherboard.

How to find out the motherboard model using Windows.

To quickly find out information about the motherboard, you can use command line Windows.

  1. To do this, click “Start” - “Run” or use the hotkey combination “Windows + R”
  2. Enter the command “cmd”
  3. Next we write the code: wmic baseboard get Manufacturer

The program will give you information about the motherboard manufacturer.

There is also another way to find out the motherboard model, to do this, go to the “Run” line enter the command “msinfo32”

The System Information window opens. Here you will see all the data about the computer that the operating system was able to obtain. In my case, only the motherboard manufacturer is displayed. Not available in the “Board model” item.

As you can see, using Windows tools it is not always possible to obtain the necessary information, so let’s move on to the next step.

Let's find out information about the motherboard using programs.

To obtain information about the manufacturer and model of the motherboard. Let's take advantage special programs created for these purposes. Let's consider only free methods.

CPU-Z this utility it always helps me, motherboard, memory, and its similar GPU-Z version, allows you to answer the question: .

Download CPU-Z program you can from the official website. After opening the program, go to the “Mainboard” tab. Here the utility will lay out for you all the available information not only about the model and manufacturer, but also about its main characteristics.

AIDA64 – I have been using this program for a very long time; previously it was called Everest. Probably the most important drawback of this utility is that it is paid, but there is free period for a period of 30 days. This will be enough for you to recognize your motherboard.

In order to find the necessary information, launch the program and go to the “Motherboard” tab. A window will open with the characteristics of your board, as well as a bunch of useful information. Using the AIDA64 program, you can install missing drivers, as well as update old versions to newer ones.

The functionality of the program allows you to view such important parameters as processor frequency, memory buses, and the amount of RAM. Can show the temperature of the processor, video card and other components of the computer system unit. In order to test computer components for stability, and to determine in which hardware failures occur. You can use the “Test” tab.


In today's article, we looked at several ways to find out your motherboard. I hope you won't have any problems finding it now necessary drivers. And also, if you want to upgrade the processor, video card or add RAM, then when you go to the store and tell the seller the name of the motherboard, they will be able to select the appropriate components for you.