How to decipher Windows error codes? Blue Screen of Death error codes

In accordance with the OBD-II standard, error codes are alphanumeric and contain five characters, for example, P0331. The first character is a letter that indicates the system in which the malfunction occurred. The second character - a number - indicates how the code is determined: by SAE or by the vehicle manufacturer. The remaining three digits indicate the nature of the malfunction.

The OBD-II standard uses four letters to designate the main electronic systems of a vehicle:

B - for packaged electronics (body);

C - for electronics on the chassis (chassis);

P - for electronic powertrain control systems (powertrain);

U - system type is undefined.

Not all possible code combinations have been used; many are reserved for the future for SAE.

The second character (digit) takes the values ​​0, 1,2, 3. The number 0 means that the error code was entered using SAE; number 1 indicates that the code was entered by the manufacturer; numbers 2 and 3 are reserved for later use by SAE. The third character (numbers 0 to 9) indicates the subsystem where the malfunction occurred. For example, for powertrain control systems (P):

1,2 — fuel and water supply systems;

3 - ignition system;

4 — toxic emissions control system;

5 — engine speed control system;

7.8- transmission;

9, 0 - reserved for SAE.

The last two digits in the error code indicate the specific cause of the problem. Fault codes various sensors, actuators, electronic and electrical circuits organized into blocks according to the values ​​of the left digit of the two. The right number in the block corresponds to more specific information. For example, low or high voltage, signal out of range, etc.

Code P0113 is deciphered taking into account the above as follows: P - malfunction of the power unit control systems, 0 - code set by SAE, 1 - fuel and water supply system, 13 - high signal level of the air temperature sensor in the intake manifold.

Depending on the degree of significance for environmental safety, error codes for various faults can be divided into four types:

Type A codes. Type A error codes reflect the presence of a malfunction that leads to an increase in the amount of toxic substances emitted by the vehicle into the environment. In addition, such malfunctions can damage the catalytic converter. Therefore, the DE subroutine writes type A error codes into the ECU memory and turns on the MIL when a malfunction is detected on the first trip. Examples: misfires in the ignition system, over-rich or over-lean TV mixture.

Type B Codes Type B codes are stored in the ECU and the MIL will illuminate if one of the diagnostic tests is not completed on two consecutive trips. Codes of types A and B are associated with malfunctions that lead to an increase in the amount of toxic substances produced by the car. When they are entered into the ECU's memory, the MIL light comes on, usually labeled “Check Engine” or “Service engine soon”.

Type C and D codes refer to faults not related to increased contamination environment. Their appearance in the ECU memory causes the “Service” indicator to turn on, if available.

In this article we will talk about such a phenomenon in the Windows operating system as - Blue Screen of Death or in our opinion blue screen of death", also called STOP error. Let's look at the main causes and decipher these error codes.

First, let's define what " Blue Screen of Death"is a way to generate a fatal error message in the operating systems Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 caused by malfunctions of some programs or drivers, but still more often due to hardware failures of the computer.

Blue screen causes all processes in the operating system to stop and the computer to freeze after displaying a blue screen. In general, the blue screen helps us, you may ask why, but because it prevents destruction operating system and decommissioning of equipment. When " blue screen of death» the error code and how to solve it are displayed. But it may be that the STOP error was caused, for example, by distortion of data packets transmitted over the local network, in this case it helps simple reboot. If the error appears every time you start the operating system, then this may already be a problem related to the computer hardware, for example damage to drivers, file system, hard drive, blocks RAM memory. But to find out the reasons for the error that occurred, it is necessary to rewrite the first two output lines of the STOP error. For example, as shown just below:

STOP 0x0000006B (0xC0000022, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) PROCESS1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

Where 0xC0000022, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000- parameters that reveal the meaning of this BSoD.

By the way, there is a small feature, it lies in the fact that in the operating system, in order to see the blue screen, you must first turn on this windows possibility, or you simply won’t see this screen; if an error occurs, the computer will simply reboot quickly (and so on every time).

To enable this option, go to the properties of "My Computer", select the "Advanced" tab. In the "Boot and Recovery" field, click the "Options" button. In the window that appears, uncheck the box next to “Perform automatic reboot.”

When a STOP error appears, the text of the message briefly describes the method for solving it. English language. But I can say for sure that currently the common cause of STOP errors is hardware problems with the computer hardware or its software parts, and sometimes due to inconsistencies between one and the other.

Now let's move on directly to the errors themselves and look at the reasons for their occurrence and short solutions.


Internal kernel error. The problem is most often associated with a driver problem, lack of RAM or hard drive space.


Virtual memory tampering occurred on an internal IRQ process high level. The most common cause is that the device driver is using the wrong address. The error occurs due to bad drivers. Rarely occurs due to a malfunction of one of the devices in the system.

  1. Address where the erroneous request was made
  2. IRQL that was used to access memory
  3. Memory access type: 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
  4. Address of the instruction that requested memory access at address


This is a very common mistake. Typically the excluded address points to the driver or function that caused the freeze screen. Always pay attention not only to the specified driver, but also to the address or image itself that contains this error. This is usually the exception code 0x80000003. This error means that a breakpoint or handler was initialized during a memory access, but the system booted with the /NODEBUG switch. This error may not appear too often. If the error appears constantly, make sure that the debugger is connected and the system boots with the /DEBUG key.
On non-Intel systems, if the exception address is 0XBFC0304, the error occurs due to processor caching. If the error persists, contact your processor manufacturer.
Typically, you need to look at the second parameter of this message, which indicates the address of the driver/function that was causing the problem.

  1. Exception code
  2. Address that failed to process
  3. Parameter 0 - exception
  4. Parameter 1 - exception


The error name indicates a damaged/disabled APC counter. If you have this situation, check all file systems installed on the machine, for example using the EMRD rescue kit.
The current IRQL should be equal to zero. If the IRQ is not zero, then the specific order in which drivers are unloaded when returning to a higher IRQ level may cause an error. Try to remember what you were doing or what applications you closed, what drivers were installed at the time the blue screen occurred. This symptom indicates a serious problem with third-party drivers.

  1. APC address at the time of failure.
  2. Failed APC thread
  3. Current IRQ level

0x00000023: FAT_FILE_SYSTEM


0x00000024: NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM

There was a failure to read or write to a hard disk partition with the format NTFS. The failure may be due to damage to the file system, or to the appearance of bad sectors on the disk. The failure may also be due to software that changes the disk structure ( encryption programs, etc.).


I/O Request Packet (IRP) is not functioning; Occurs when a field or multiple fields are incorrect compared to the preserved state of the IRP. For example, the IRP was already disabled when a device driver was waiting for a command.
1 - the address at which the IRP was found in idle mode


This error occurs when the kernel stack area is full. The error occurs when the kernel driver uses too much stack space. A possible cause of the error could also be damage to the kernel itself.

0x0000002E: DATA_BUS_ERROR

This STOP error most often occurs due to a failure in the RAM area. This can happen when the driver tries to access a memory address that does not exist.

  1. Virtual memory address that caused the error
  2. Physical address of the error cause
  3. Processor Status Record (PSR)
  4. Error Instruction Logging (FIR)


System initialization could not be completed at an early stage (phase 0). It is necessary to study the error in more detail, since this code errors mean virtually nothing.
System initialization could not be completed at a late stage (phase 1). It is necessary to study the error in more detail, since this error code does not say practically anything.

  1. System level code that describes why the system believes that initialization has not completed
  2. Indicates the location within INIT.C where phase 1 initialization failed


A high level driver tried to call the driver low level via the IoCallDriver() interface, but the system did not have free space in the stack area, for this reason the low-level driver will not reach required parameters, since there are no parameters for it at all. This is a fatal situation because the high-level driver thinks it has filled in the parameters for the low-level driver (something it had to do to call the low-level driver). However, since there is no free space in the stack area, the end of the packet was overwritten. This often occurs due to corruption of stack memory blocks. It is necessary to check the memory and drivers for errors.
1 - IRP address


The device driver tried to remove one of the components of its device from the system, but the hit counter of this component was not equal to zero - this means that there are some uncompleted tasks behind this component (the counter indicates an error code, which is why this component cannot be unloaded). This is a driver call error.
1 - object address


A multiprocessor system is not symmetrical with respect to each other. For proper symmetry, processors must be of the same type and level. For example, trying to use a Pentium-level processor and an 80486 at the same time will generate an error. In addition, on x86 systems, floating point capabilities must be available on all processors or on none.


There are not enough PTE (page file entries - access points to the paging file). Usually the cause is a driver that does not clean out the swap file well and it becomes full. The cause may also be excessive fragmentation of the paging file.


The driver called IoBuildPartialMdl() and passed the MDL to it to reveal the source portion of the MDL, but the destination MDL area is not large enough to show the limits of the required addresses. This is a driver error.


The system driver has requested space in the Must Suceed Pool. This function cannot be done because the system does not allocate space in the Must Suceed Pool. Replace or update the faulty system driver.

  1. Amount of request required
  2. Page number used
  3. Number of pages requested
  4. Number of available pages


The driver requested completion of the IRP, but the packet was already completed. This error is difficult to detect. Possible cause: the driver is trying to complete the same operation several times. Rare reason - 2 various drivers trying to take possession of the package and terminate it. The first one usually works, but the second one doesn’t. It is difficult to track which driver did this, since traces of the first driver were overwritten by the second.
1 - IRP address


This error indicates that the I/O Request Packet (IRP) that must be terminated has a cancellation order defined within it, i.e. this means that a package in this mode can be canceled. However, the package no longer belongs to the driver, since it has already entered the final stage.
1 - IRP address


Page fault when accessing memory with IRQ interrupts disabled. The error description is the same as 0x0000000A.


Critical unrecognized error. Most probable reasons described in 0xC0000218, 0xC000022A or


There is no more free page memory to complete the operation. Check the available disk space. Replace the driver. Options:

  1. Number of pages used
  2. Quantity physical pages by car
  3. Extended page size
  4. Overall page size


The reason is a damaged/faulty driver I/O structure. Options:

  1. Value 1
  2. ListHead value that is corrupted
  3. Number of available pages
  1. Value 2
  2. Data that is deleted
  3. Maximum number of physical pages
  4. Summary of deleted data


Occurs when the requested information was not found in memory. The system checks the page file, but the missing information was indicated as not being able to be written to the page file.
1. indicates the address in memory that made an error

0x00000051: REGISTRY_ERROR

An I/O error occurred with the registry when the system tried to read one of its files, which suggests that the error could be caused by a hardware problem or damage to the system itself. This could also mean that the error is caused by an update operation that is only used by the security system and this error occurs when resources are running low. If such an error occurs, check whether the machine is PDC or BDC and how many accounts are in the database SAM data(Account Security Manager), whether the corresponding libraries are almost completely filled.
1. value 1 (indicates where the error occurred)
2. value 2 (indicates where the error occurred)
3. may point to a library
4. may be HvCheckHive's return code, if any
library is damaged


The system booted from the restored primary partition of the array, as a result of which the libraries report that the mirror is ok, but in fact it is not. The real library images are in the shadow copy. You need to boot from them.


The error means that the registry cannot allocate the space required for the registry files to function. This error can never appear because the process of reserving such space occurs early in the system boot and sufficient space is allocated for the registry.
1. five
2. Points to NTOS\CONFIG\CMSYSINI, which failed.


Failed to initialize I/O device unknown reason. This happens if the system installer incorrectly identified the equipment during the system installation process, or the user incorrectly reconfigured the system.


1. reports to the process code that decided that system initialization was not successful.
2. reports to the location in NTOS\PS\PSINIT.C where the error was detected.
These codes (SESSION1 - SESSION5) indicate the location in NTOS\INIT\INIT.C where the error was made.
1. reports the session code that decided that system initialization was not successful.


Indicates that one of the registry files is corrupted or unreadable. One of the following registry files is damaged: SOFTWARE, SECURITY, SAM (Account Security Manager). A possible reason is lack of disk space or insufficient RAM.


This error may occur because the SYSTEM registry file loaded through the NTLDR component is corrupted.
This error may also mean that some required parameters and their parameters are missing. Loading into LastKnownGood may solve this problem. But it is possible that you will have to reinstall the system, or use a rescue disk.


This error can occur when additional data cannot be written to the system registry files (SYSTEM and SYSTEM.ALT) during the first phase of registry initialization (when file systems are accessed). This error means there is no free disk space and an attempt was made to save the registry to a read-only device.


This error may occur due to a driver that is not completely unloaded after an I/O operation. Options:
1. process address
2. number of closed pages
3. number of reserved pages
4. zero


Error reading one of the system kernel pages. The problem is a bad block of the virtual memory file or a disk controller error (very rarely, the cause may be a lack of system resources, or more precisely, the non-virtual memory reserve may run out with status c0000009a).
If the first and second parameters of the error code are 0, then this means that the error location in the kernel was not found. This means that the error is caused by bad hardware.
I/O status c000009c (STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR) or C000016AL (STATUS_DISK_OPERATION_FAILED) usually means that the information cannot be read due to a bad block in memory. After reboot automatic check disk will try to determine the address of the bad block in memory. If the status is C0000185 (STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR) and virtual memory located on a SCSI disk, then check the connection and operation of the SCSI device.
1. zero
2. zero
3. PTE value at the time of the error
4. kernel error address or

1. status code
2. I/O status code
3. virtual memory page number
4. Offset in the paging file

0x00000079: MISMATCHED_HAL

The HAL check level and HAL configuration type are not appropriate for the system kernel or machine type. This error is most likely caused by the user manually updating either NTOSKRNL.EXE or HAL.DLL. Either the machine has a multiprocessor HAL (MP) and a uniprocessor kernel (UP), or vice versa.


The page requested by the kernel is not read. The error is caused by a bad block in memory or a disk controller error. See also 0x00000077. Options:
1. stuck lock type
2. error status (usually I/O code)
3. current process (virtual address for blocking type 3 or PTE)
4. virtual memory address that cannot be moved to the page file


During the installation of the I/O system, the driver boot device, may have failed to initialize the device from which the system was trying to boot, or the file system that was supposed to read that device either failed to initialize, or simply did not recognize the information on the device as a file system structure. In the above case, the first argument is the address of a unicode information structure, which is the ARC name of the device from which the attempt was made to boot. In the second case, the first argument is the address of a device object that cannot be mounted.
If this error occurred during the initial installation of the system, the system may have been installed on a disk or SCSI controller that is not supported by it. Please note that some controllers are only supported by Windows Driver Driver Libraries (WDL), which must be installed in Custom Install mode.
This error can also occur after installing a new SCSI adapter or controller or after changing system partitions. In this case, on x86 systems, you need to edit BOOT.INI.
1. pointer to a device object or Unicode string, or ARC name.


There is not enough RAM to run the Windows kernel (5 MB required)
1. number of found physical pages
2. bottom physical page
3. top physical page
4. zero


There is a hardware problem, driver problem, or low disk space detected. The error may also appear when trying Windows updates XP to Service Pack 2 or Service Pack 3, or Windows Vista when trying to upgrade to Service Pack 1. The cause of the error may be related to hardware drivers. It is necessary to roll back the changes to the state at the time of installing the Service Pack, or remove the installed update. To solve this problem, you need to update the hardware drivers from the manufacturer's website.


An unexpected kernel-mode exception, or interrupt, occurred in which the kernel does not fire. Also, the cause of the error can be an interruption, which entails immediate death in the form of a double fault. The first number in the error code is the interrupt number (8 = double fault). To find out more about what this interrupt is, refer to the Intel x86 family manual.
In other words, the error appears when the processor makes an error that the kernel cannot handle. Most often the error occurs due to bad RAM blocks and sometimes due to overclocking the processor.
Try disabling the synchronous data transfer function in the BIOS.


Error initializing the kernel on this hardware. HAL should provide any specific information it has and encourage the user to contact the hardware vendor for technical support.

0x00000085: SETUP_FAILURE

An error occurs when loading the system installer in early Windows versions N.T. The "setup" text form no longer uses a bugcheck procedure to avoid causing significant interference during installation. Therefore, you will never encounter this error. All error checks have been replaced with friendlier and (where possible) more informative messages about errors.


The error occurs during the boot process when the MBR checksum calculated by the system does not match the bootloader checksum. This usually means a virus. Scan boot sector antivirus program after booting from the CD.
KerBugCheckEx parameters:
1 - Disk signature in MBR
2 - MBR checksum written to osloader
3 - MBR checksum recorded in the system


Incompatible or faulty RAM memory blocks. Diagnose the memory and replace faulty RAM modules.


The error occurs during phase 0 initialization of the Plug and Play manager in kernel mode. Check your hardware and system disk.


The error occurs during initialization of the primary phase of the Plug and Play manager in kernel mode. At this point, initialized system files, drivers and registry. Check your hardware and system disk.


The error occurs when a single-processor driver is loaded on a system where there is more than one active processor. KeBugCheckEx parameters: 1 - Base address single processor driver


The error appears when kernel code or other critical components The OS is trying to close a handle that is not valid.
1 - NtClose handle called
2 - 0 means the protected handle was closed
1 means the wrong handle was closed
This message appears when a thread exists while its stack is marked as blocked. The problem is caused by a hardware driver.



The problem is caused incorrect driver equipment.


Demo version running time Windows systems ended. Options:
1 - Installation date (lower 32-bits)
2 - Installation date (upper 32-bits)
3 - Trial period in minutes.


ExInitializeRegion or ExInterlockedExtendRegion was called with the wrong set of parameters.


A violation of the software license agreement has occurred. This could be either due to an attempt to change the system product type, or an attempt to change the OS trial period.


There was a failure to read or write to UDFS-formatted media. The failure may be due to damage to the file system, or to the appearance of bad sectors on the disk. The failure may also be due to software that changes the disk structure (encryption programs, etc.).


Fatal error Machine Check Exception. The error is related to incorrect configuration equipment, processor overclocking, unstable operation of RAM units, overheating of system components, unstable operation of the power supply.


The driver is in an inconsistent or unacceptable power consumption state. This usually happens due to power failures, rebooting, resuming from sleep mode, etc. It is necessary to replace the faulty driver, or remove software that controls the file system (antiviruses, encryption programs


Reason of this message are constant failures in ACPI BIOS. This problem cannot be solved at the operating system level. A detailed analysis is required.


Windows was unable to load the video card driver. The problem is mainly related to the video drivers, or there is a hardware conflict with the video card. Reboot into safe mode and change the video driver to the standard one.


The driver attempted to write data to a read-only memory (ROM) device that cannot be written to. The problem is mainly due to the installation of a bad device driver, service or firmware. Change the driver.
The driver wrote data to an invalid memory section. Change the driver.


The system kernel or driver issued an incorrect memory access command. Typically, a bad driver or software caused this error. Change the driver.


The driver checker detected fatal error in the STOP error generation module. Accompanying parameters are parameters that are passed to KeBugCheckEx and displayed on the blue screen. Change the driver.


An attempt was made to access a high-level IRQL process from an invalid memory location. This error almost always occurs due to drivers that have corrupted the system pool. Change the driver.


The driver attempted to access a freed memory pool. Change the driver.


A kernel timer or Delayed Procedure Call (DPC) is present in a prohibited memory location. This error occurs when the driver was unable to complete a kernel timer or Delayed Procedure Call (DPC) before discharging it from memory. Change the driver.


This message is from one of the driver verification managers. Change the driver.


An error similar to STOP error 0x00000076. It differs from the latter only in that in this case the error was detected during kernel tracing. The error indicates that the driver or I/O manager is unable to open locked pages after an I/O operation. Pay attention to the name of the application driver in the STOP error window. Change the driver.


The driver cannot cancel the frozen state of system components. The error usually occurs after installing bad drivers or service components. Change the driver.


The system attempted to access paged memory using a kernel process via a high-level IRQL. The most common reason is a bad device driver. This may also be caused by damaged RAM, or a damaged page file.


The error occurs when the driver requests a large amount of kernel memory.


Various file system related failures result in this STOP error. The problem may be related to the NTFS.SYS driver.


A problematic device driver has caused the system to freeze. Typically, this is caused by the display driver when the computer tries to enter standby mode. This problem is related to the video adapter, or bad video driver.
There was a problem connecting boot disk. The error can occur on computers with high-performance disk controllers that were not configured and installed correctly, or were connected with a poor-quality cable. After a normal reboot, the system can resume normal work, as if nothing had happened. This error also appears after incorrect completion Windows operation and the failure may be due to file system corruption.


This message appears when the kernel detects an interrupt storm, that is, when a device triggered by an interrupt level is unable to issue an interrupt request. Usually, this is caused by a bad device driver.


Windows shutdown crashed due to insufficient memory. Determine which program is running out of memory, try to discover why virtual memory is not providing the system resources it needs, and investigate whether the program (or sometimes a driver) refuses to exit without freeing open pages in memory.


The Http.sys system driver is corrupted. This component must be restored from the original disk.


An attempt was made to execute a function in non-executable memory. Options:
1 - Address from which the attempt was made to execute the function
2 - Contents of page table entry (PTE)
There is no free page memory to continue basic system operations.
1 - Total amount of paged memory requested
2 - The amount of paged memory requested that cannot be written to.
3 -
4 - Status code at the moment last entry to page memory


A critical error occurred USB controller and related devices. The problem is usually caused incorrect work USB controller, or a malfunction of the connected USB devices. Disconnect all USB devices from the computer, also try disabling the USB controller in the BIOS. Update USB drivers.


Indicates that an expected clock interrupt on a secondary processor in a multiprocessor system was not received within a specified interval. This processor does not handle interrupts. Typically, this happens when the processor is not responding or has entered an infinite loop.
1 - Interval for blocking the clock interrupt time, in
nominal system clock cycles
2 - zero
3 - Address of the processor control block (PRCB) for non-response
4 - zero


Recording attempt GPU into memory that was not reserved for this. The error is related to the video driver or an old BIOS version.
1 - Offset (in ULONG) within AGP pages to the first data
ULONG whose data is destroyed
2 - zero
3 - zero
4 - zero


The error appears when the Graphics Aperture Remapping Table (GART) is damaged. The error is caused by the DMA (Direct Memory Access) driver not working properly.
1 - Base address (virtual) in GART
2 - Offset in GART where distortion is detected
3 - Base address (virtual) from GART cache (GART copy)
4 - zero


The error is caused by an unsigned or damaged video driver. Replace the video driver. Options:
1 - Original team
2 - Current team
3 - zero
4 - zero


A critical error occurred in a third-party file system filter. The error may be caused by antivirus software, defragmentation programs, data backup programs, and others. third party utilities. Try also increasing the size of the page file and RAM.


The system kernel has detected incorrect code or data integrity violation. 64-code based systems are protected from this bug. The problem could be caused by a RAM failure or third party drivers.


Discovered Internal error video drivers. Video driver problem.


An exception occurred in the kernel-mode resource manager.


The msrpc.sys system component returned an error code during execution. The error code is specified in the first parameter.


The DirectX Graphics kernel has encountered a critical error.


The shadow video driver has encountered a critical error.

0x00000115: AGP_INTERNAL

A critical error was detected in the AGP video interface by the video port driver.

0x00000116: VIDEO_TDR_ERROR

The video driver timeout reset was not successful.


An attempt was made to write to the write-protected area of ​​the configuration manager: Parameters:
1 - Virtual address of the attempted write command
2 - Contents of PTE
3 - reserved
4 - reserved The name of the driver attempting the write operation is printed as
Unicode string on error screen.


The driver has violated access to one of the memory areas. Options:
1 - describes the type of violation
2 - reserved
3 - reserved Use a kernel debugger and look at the call stack to determine
the name of the driver that caused the access violation.


An internal error occurred in the hardware error detection architecture Windows tools (Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA)


An error has occurred in the computer hardware. This error is detected by the Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA)

0x00000127: PAGE_NOT_ZERO

The memory page was not completely filled with zeros. This error occurs due to a hardware failure, or due to a privileged operating system component triggering a premature page change in memory.

2 - Physical number pages
3 - zero
4 - zero


A single bit error was detected on the memory page. This error is related to hardware RAM. Options:
1 - Virtual address in memory, which indicates an incorrect
2 - Physical page number
3 - zero
4 - zero


There was a failure to read or write to a media partition in exFat format. The failure may be due to damage to the file system, or to the appearance of bad sectors on the disk. The failure may also be due to software that changes the disk structure (encryption programs, etc.). This failure applies to media formatted for Windows Vista Service Pack 1.


The system kernel of the operating system has exhausted everything system resources for your work, including the swap file. Check the disk for errors. Increase the size of your hard drive and the amount of RAM.


Windows tried to boot DLL library and received an error code. Possible reason: the file is missing or damaged. Possibly also damaged system registry.

0xC0000142: DLL Initialization Failure

This error was caused by damage system DLL libraries.


A required registry file cannot be loaded. The file may be damaged or missing (a rescue disc or reinstallation of Windows is required). The system registry files may have been destroyed due to hard drive corruption. The driver may have corrupted registry data when loading into memory, or the memory where the registry was loaded has a parity error (turn off external cache and check your RAM).


This occurs when Windows has switched to privileged mode and non-privileged mode subsystems, such as Winlogon or the Client Server Runtime Subsystem (CSRSS), have caused some kind of failure and protection cannot be guaranteed. Because Windows XP cannot run without Winlogon or CSRSS, this is one of the few situations where a non-privileged mode service failure can cause the system to stop responding. This can also happen when the computer is restarted after the system administrator has changed permissions so that SYSTEM Account no longer had adequate permissions to access system files and folders. The error can also be caused by corruption of the user32.dll file or incorrect system drivers (.sys)


the driver is damaged or system library was recognized as damaged. The system does everything to check the integrity of important system files. The blue screen shows the name of the damaged file. If this happens, boot into any other system or, if there are none, reinstall the system. Make sure that the version of the file that was detected as damaged matches the version of the file in the system distribution and if so, replace it from the disk. Constant errors with different file names indicate that there are problems with the storage media or with the disk controller where these files are located.


A STOP error occurs when the audit policy enables the CrashOnAuditFail setting


Typically indicates device driver problems. More information about this error


"It's dead, Jim!" (It's dead, Jim!) This STOP error indicates that the user intentionally triggered a crash, either from the kernel debugger or the keyboard.

Here is a small list of errors that can appear in the operating systems Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. Everyone is afraid of the blue screen of death, but in fact, if it didn’t exist, the computer would simply break down , and you would have to have your equipment repaired, or buy a new one, or maybe even the entire computer. Therefore, let's pay tribute to the developers of this operating system, who take care of our wallets. This is where we end our conversation about the famous “ Blue screen of death».

How to decipher codes Windows errors?

If your computer displays one of the following errors, you can try to solve it yourself.
Error code: 52
Description: Failed to connect to the network due to the existence of matching names.
Elimination method: This error usually occurs when registering a computer on a network. The reason is that the IP address of the VPN connection (this address is assigned automatically) matches the IP address that is already in the system. Check what address is assigned to the DVB board, 1394 Adapter, Microsoft Loopback Adapter, or other connection, if any, in general it should be (mask

Error code 600, 601, 603, 606, 607, 610, 613, 614, 616, 618, 632, 635, 637, 638, 645

An internal Windows error has occurred

Restart your computer. If the error persists, check your computer for viruses. Remove recently installed programs, or undo recent changes to Windows settings, if there were any.

Error code 604, 605, 608, 609, 615, 620

File phone book Windows Remote Access subsystems and the current Remote Network Access configuration are incompatible with each other

Restart your computer. If the error persists, delete and re-create the VPN connection

Error code 611

Restart your computer and make sure that the local network functions normally on the computer. If the error does not disappear, contact technical service. support

Error code 612

Windows internal network configuration is not configured correctly

Similar to error 611. In addition, the error may be caused by a lack of resources (memory) on the computer. Try closing running programs.

Error code 617

Windows is in the process of connecting to the Internet, or an internal Windows error has occurred

Wait a few minutes. If the connection is not established and the error persists when connecting again, restart your computer

Error code 619

Security settings are incorrectly configured VPN connections, VPN traffic is blocked on the way to the gateway, or the VPN settings have not taken effect

In the properties of the VPN connection, open the "Security" tab - "Normal (recommended settings)" should be selected and the "Data encryption required (otherwise disable)" checkbox should be unchecked. Restart your computer and try connecting again. Check your firewall settings, and if you are not sure they are correct, disable it.

Error code 629

The VPN connection was disconnected due to Bad quality communication or after unsuccessful negotiation

Contact the service technical support.

Error code 633

The modem is already in use or not configured for outgoing calls

A VPN device that should be used by the network cannot be opened. Contact technical support.

Error code 635

An error occurred in Windows

Try reinstalling the VPN connection, or reinstalling Windows entirely. If all else fails, contact technical support.

Error code 642

Your computer is assigned a NetBIOS name that is already in use on the network.

Change the computer name in the properties of "My Computer" in the "Identification" section.

Error code 650, 721

VPN server is not responding

Check your settings network adapter and make sure the local network is working. If you checked everything, but found no errors, call technical support.

Error code 678, 718, 769

There is no response from the VPN (PPPoE) server.

Check if the local network is working. Check your VPN (PPPoE) connection settings and firewall settings (if installed on your computer). If all else fails, contact technical support.

Error code 691

The login or password has been entered incorrectly, or the funds in the account have run out

Make sure that when entering your login and password, the " Caps Lock" on the keyboard is turned off, and set English layout. If you are sure that you are entering your login and password correctly, and there are funds in your account (you can check this in personal account), then contact our network technical support.

Error code 734

The PPP link control protocol was interrupted

Check your VPN connection security settings:
open the "Security" tab - "Typical (recommended settings)" should be selected and the "Data encryption required (otherwise disabled)" checkbox should be unchecked

Error code 735

VPN connection is not configured correctly

Make sure that in the network settings (more precisely, in the TCP/IP protocol settings) of the VPN connection, a specific IP address is not specified, and all parameters are obtained automatically.

Error code 741, 742, 743

Encryption settings are incorrectly configured

Go to the VPN connection settings and disable the “data encryption” item.

Error code 789

Invalid selected VPN type connections

Go to the VPN connection settings and on the "Network" tab, from the "VPN Type" list, select "PPTP VPN". Try connecting again.

Error code 797

The computer settings indicate a name that is already in use

In the network identification settings, enter your login in the "computer name" field, and in the " working group" enter "netbynet" (without quotes).

Error code 800

No access to VPN server

Make sure that the local network is turned on and working, and that VPN settings server in the "Computer name" field contains the address "ppp.lan" (without quotes). Try to re-create the connection; if unsuccessful, contact technical support.

Probably every owner of a car with an injection engine has encountered various errors in the operation of this unit. This trouble is indicated by the corresponding sign on the instrument panel - “engine error”. Many will immediately go to the service station for diagnostics, while others will drive with this problem. But the third group of people will definitely be interested in the reasons and deciphering of the codes.

ECU in cars

The operation of the mentioned part is invisible, but this unit starts immediately after the driver turns on the engine.

In some car models, electronics control parameters even after the car is stopped.

Each ECU on any car is equipped with a special controller, which, when various malfunctions are detected, responds to them by lighting the “engine error” indicator. Each error has its own code and remains in the computer's memory. Some problems are not only completely saved, but the time they were detected by the system is also recorded. This option is called "freeze frame".

- causes

A light that reports errors on dashboard just one. However, they can have many reasons. This can be found out without special equipment or a trip to a service station.

Lambda probe

The oxygen sensor is part of the exhaust system. It checks how much oxygen is not burned in the engine cylinders. The lambda probe also monitors fuel consumption.

Various malfunctions of the named sensor do not allow the ECU to receive information from it. Sometimes this element provides incorrect information. Such breakdowns can increase or decrease fuel consumption and reduce engine power. Most modern cars have two to four such sensors.

Among the reasons for the failure of the described element is its contamination with waste oil or oil soot. This reduces the accuracy of information collection for regulating the fuel mixture and determining optimal flow fuel.

Fuel filler cap

Most drivers, when an error occurs, always think about the existence of very serious problems. But few people think to check whether the fuel system is tight. But this same tightness can be easily broken by a gas tank cap that is not tightly closed. And this is a fairly common situation!

What does this have to do with engine error? The fact is that when the lid is not tightly closed, air passes into the system, which increases fuel consumption. Because of this, the diagnostic system generates an error.



To independently diagnose a VAZ, you can also use the diagnostic connector, but it is also permissible to do this by the vehicle itself. To do this, you need to hold down the odometer button, then turn the key to the first position, then release the button. After this, the arrows will jump.

Then the odometer is pressed again - the driver will see the firmware number. When pressed a third time, a diagnostic code can be obtained. Any VAZ engine error in a car will be presented as two digits, not four. They can be deciphered using the corresponding tables.

The information provided can help experienced and novice car enthusiasts better understand their car. Errors arise from time to time, but the main thing is to be able to eliminate them in time. Previously, there were no such options in Soviet cars, and the driver could not know what the engine was “swearing” at. Today there are many possibilities for diagnostics, repair, and condition monitoring. And with the help of modern software there is nothing easier than figuring out how to reset an engine error from the ECU memory.

To get information about the error, enter its code in the text field just below in following format: 7e or 0x0000007e


Go to description


This error means that an unexpected kernel-mode exception, or interrupt, occurred in which the kernel does not fire.

Also, the cause of the error can be an interruption, which entails immediate death in the form of a double fault. The first number in the error code is the interrupt number (8 = double fault). To find out more about what this interrupt is, refer to the Intel x86 family manual.

In short, the error appears when the processor makes an error that the kernel cannot handle. Most often the error occurs due to bad RAM blocks and sometimes due to overclocking the processor.

Try disabling the synchronous data transfer function in the BIOS.

Troubleshooting: If you installed new hardware in your computer, you will need to remove it. If the existing hardware caused the failure, then it is necessary to remove or, if necessary, replace the faulty computer components.

Scan your RAM for errors.

Make sure that all computer components are installed properly. Clean the adapter contacts.

Update your BIOS.

All hard drives, controllers hard drives and SCSI adapters must be compatible with the version of Windows installed.

If the driver is identified in the error message, disable or update this driver. Disable or remove any drivers or services that were recently added. If the error occurs during Windows boot and the system partition is formatted with a file NTFS system, use Safe Mode to reinstall or remove the defective driver. If the driver is used as a system startup process in Safe Mode, start the computer using Recovery Console to access the file.

Restart your computer and press F8 in the menu text mode, to display the operating system boot options. IN this menu select “Download latest successful configuration" This option is most effective when adding only one driver or service to the system at a time.

Overclocking central processor may cause an error. Return value clock frequency Default CPU.

Make sure the system is logged into Event Viewer. The error information there will help you identify the device or driver that is causing the 0x0000007F screen of death.

Disable caching BIOS memory.

If the UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP error appears when upgrading to a new version of the Windows operating system, it may be caused by a device driver, system service, antivirus program, or program Reserve copy, which are incompatible with new version. Remove everything third party drivers devices and system services, disable antivirus programs.

Install last package Windows updates.

If the previous steps did not solve the problem, take it to motherboard to a repair shop for diagnostics. Cracks, scratches, or defective components on the system board can cause this error.


This validation error occurs very rarely.


Distributed file system errors.

Update your OS.


A fatal error occurred during installation.

The setup text form no longer uses bugcheck to recover from serious errors. Therefore you will never encounter 0x85. All bug checks have been replaced with friendlier and (where possible) more informative error messages. However, some error writers have simply been replaced by our bugcheck screens, and the code for these error conditions is the same as it was. They are listed below.)

0: OEM HAL font is not a valid *.fon file format, so the installation was unable to display the text. This means that vgaxxx.fon on the CD or floppy is damaged.

1: The video could not be initialized. This error has its own screen and the user is given only 2 options.

This means that the vga.sys file (or other driver, depending on the machine) is damaged, or that this equipment not supported.

Reason for error:

0: NtCreateFile of devicevideo0

3: The desired video mode is not supported. This indicates an internal installation error.

2: Insufficient memory. This error now uses a friendlier screen, depending on how far along the installation is.

3: The keyboard has not been initialized. Now 2 different screens are used depending on the errors that might appear here. This may mean that the disk containing the keyboard drivers (i8042prt.sys or kbdclass.sys) is damaged or the machine has a keyboard that is not supported.

This may also mean that the keyboard layout dll cannot be loaded.

Reason for error:

0: NtCreateFile of deviceKeyboardClass0 .

The installation did not detect the keyboard connected to your computer.

1: Unable to load keyboard layout dll.

The installation cannot load the keyboard layout dll.

This means that there is no file (kbdus.dll for us or other dlls) on the floppy or CD.

4: The installation was unable to find out the path of the device from which the installation started. This is an internal installation error.

5: The partition functionality test failed. This means a bug in the disk driver. The parameters have meaning only for the installation group.


This error occurs during operating system boot when the MBR checksum that the operating system calculates Microsoft Windows, does not match the bootloader checksum.

This BSoD indicates the presence of viruses.

It is necessary to scan the operating system for viruses using current antivirus programs.


This BSoD is a general error. To interpret it, you need to identify what exception was thrown.

The following exception codes exist:

0x80000002: STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT indicates an unaligned data reference;

0x80000003: STATUS_BREAKPOINT. Indicates a situation where the system encounters control point or ASSERT without a kernel debugger attached;

0xC0000005: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION indicates a memory access violation.

To solve the error you need to:

Make sure that the system partition of the disk has enough free space;

If the error message identifies a driver, disable or update it;

Replace the video card;

Update BIOS;

Disable BIOS memory caching and memory shadowing options.

Parameter 2 (exception address) must identify the driver or function that caused the error.

If the reasons for the exception are unclear, consider the following issues:

Hardware incompatibility. Make sure that the newly installed hardware is compatible with the installed version of Windows;

A defective device driver or system service may be causing the error. Hardware issues such as BIOS incompatibilities, memory conflicts, and IRQ conflicts can also generate a blue screen.

If the error indicates the name of the driver, it must be removed or disabled. Also remove or disable any recently added drivers and services. If the error occurs during system startup and the system partition is formatted with the NTFS file system, you must use Safe Mode to remove the defective driver. If the driver is used as part of the system startup process Safe Mode, then to access the file you will need to start the computer using the Recovery Console.

If the BSoD points to the Win32k.sys system driver, the source of the error may be third party program remote control. If such software exists, it must be removed.

Make sure the system is logged into Event Viewer. The error information there will help you identify the device or driver that is causing Stop 0x0000008E.

Disable BIOS memory caching. Update your BIOS firmware.

It is also necessary to perform hardware diagnostics. Scan your RAM for errors.

The KERNEL_MODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED blue screen may occur after the first restart during Windows installation, or after installation has completed. A possible reason is lack of disk space for installation. Remove everything temporary files, internet cache files, files backup copies applications and .chk files. You can use another hard drive with a larger capacity.


The error occurs during initialization of the primary phase of the Plug and Play manager in kernel mode. At this point, system files, drivers and the registry have been initialized.

Check your hardware and system disk.



This error only occurs when a single-processor driver is loaded on a system where there is more than one active processor.


This error occurs when some kernel code (such as a server, redirector, or other driver) attempted to close an invalid handle or protected handle.


1 – NtClose handle called

2 – 0 means the protected handle was closed

1 means the wrong handle was closed

The error may also be caused by the client service Novell NetWare version 3.5b.



This error check indicates that a queue entry was deleted that contained a null pointer.

This message appears when KeRemoveQueue removes a data queue while the flink or blink field is 0. This is almost always due to incorrect code application of the current object's running element, but incorrect application of any queue can also result in this error. The rule is that data can be entered into the queue only once. When an element is removed from a queue, its flink field is 0. This error occurs when an attempt is made to delete data whose flink or blink fields are equal to 0. In order to resolve this error, you need to find out the queue it is referencing. If this queue is one of the EX working queues (ExWorkerQueue), then the object that is deleted is WORK_QUEUE_ITEM. This error implies that this is the cause. Error parameters help identify a driver that is not using the queue correctly.


MmLoadSystemImage was called to load the bound image. This is not supported by the kernel. Make sure bind.exe has not been run for the image.


1 – Address of the data in the queue, the flink/blink field of which is zero.

2 – Address to the referring queue. Typically this is one of the ExWorkerQueues queues.

3 – Starting address of the ExWorkerQueue array. This will help identify if the queue in question is one of the ExWorkerQueue queues and if so, then the offset from this parameter will identify the queue.

4 – If this is an ExWorkerQueue queue (as it usually is), this is the address of the running routine that would be called if the running item were valid. This can be used to identify a driver that is not using the work queue correctly.

The problem is caused by an incorrect hardware driver.


This error check indicates that the trial period for the Microsoft Windows operating system has ended.


ExInitializeRegion or ExInterlockedExtendRegion was called with the wrong set of parameters.


The Microsoft Windows operating system detected a license agreement violation.

BSoD occurs when the user attempts to change the product type of an offline system or when changing probationary period Windows Evaluation Module.


One possible cause of a blue screen is a damaged hard drive. File system corruption or bad blocks(sectors) on the disk can cause this error. Corrupt SCSI and IDE drivers can also negatively impact the system's ability to read and write to the hard drive, thus causing this error.

Other possible reason– depletion of the non-paged memory pool. During the indexing process, if the amount of available non-paged memory pool is very small, another driver requiring the non-paged memory pool may trigger an error.

Resolve disk corruption: Check Event Viewer for SCSI and FASTFAT (System Log) or Autochk (Application Log) error messages, which can pinpoint the device or driver that is causing the error. Try disabling any antivirus programs, backup programs, or disk defragmenter tools that continuously monitor the system. You should also run hardware diagnostics on the system.

Run the Chkdsk /f /r command to detect and repair any structural damage to the file system. You must restart the system before disk scanning begins on the system partition.

To resolve the non-paged memory pool depletion problem, add new physical memory to the computer. This will increase the amount of non-paged memory pool available to the kernel.


Fatal error Machine Check Exception.

This happens because your computer's processor detects an error and reports it to Windows XP. To do this it uses Machine Check Exception (MCE) to Pentium processors or Machine Check Architecture (MCA) for some Pentium Pro processors. The error may be caused by the following:

System bus errors

Memory parity problems or Error Correction Code (ECC)

Caching problems in the processor or hardware

Translation Lookaside Buffers (TLB) problems in the processor

Other processor problems

Other hardware problems

An error may occur if:

1. You have overclocked the processor or bus. In this case, set the operating parameters recommended by the manufacturer.

2. Unstable power supply. Make sure your power supply is working correctly.

3. Overheating. Overheating of any components can lead to this error. Make sure all fans are working properly.

4. Damaged memory or memory not suitable for your computer. Make sure the memory is working properly and the model is compatible with your configuration.


This error can also occur if:

1. You have changed parameters in the BIOS that affect the system kernel configuration

2. You installed XP from an image of someone else’s system

3. Some equipment is not connected correctly

This happens because the machine check does not match the already installed kernel configuration.

On Windows Vista and later operating systems, blue screen 0x0000009C occurs only under the following circumstances:

WHEA is not fully initialized;

All processors that come close have no register errors.

Under other circumstances, this error has been replaced by BSoD 0x00000124: WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR.


This problem occurs because of a race condition between a thread that is freeing the kernel stack and another thread that is allocating memory. This problem occurs if an attempt to allocate memory occurs before a worker thread clears the kernel memory stack.

The hardware mechanisms have detected kernel mode services that are not running. However, resource exhaustion problems (including memory leaks, lock contention) can block critical user-mode components without blocking deferred procedure calls (DPCs) or depleting the non-paged memory pool.

In operating rooms Microsoft systems Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition, andWindows 2000 with Service Pack 4 (SP4) BSoD can be caused by user mode. Blue screen 0x0000009E only occurs if the user has set HangRecoveryAction to 3.

The same error may appear when adding additional disk drives for failover clusters in Windows Server 2008 R2


The driver is in an inconsistent or unstable power state. In most cases, this occurs due to a power failure while the computer is shutting down or resuming from standby or hibernate.

Windows XP and higher

The cause of this stop is a device driver that could not withstand the challenge to transition to another power state.

You must update or remove a broken device driver or file system filter driver that may have been installed by an antivirus program, remote access program, or CDW/CDRW software.

To detect the driver, use the following:

1. Use %SystemRoot%System32Sigverif.exe to check for drivers that have not passed Microsoft tests (unsigned drivers).

2. Check with your system vendor for driver updates.

3. Update the software that may have file system filter drivers.

4. Remove hardware components and software that are not required.

5. Install another Windows on a different partition. And you install the software, immediately checking until you identify a vulnerable program.


Indicates a fatal error in the power management manager.

When you try to put a computer running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 into sleep mode, you receive a fatal error message.

This problem occurs because of an error in the Atapi.sys file. Before Windows Vista goes to sleep, Windows Vista has a memory write to the hibernation file on disk. However, in some cases, disk may not return the correct value when attempting to initialize the corresponding system storage stack. When the storage drive returns an incorrect value, Windows Vista stops responding.

Update your OS


0x000000A1 appears when the driver detects an inconsistency in its internal structure PCI buses and no way to continue working.


0x000000A2 indicates image corruption executable file in mind.

The memory checksum (CRC) has stopped working.

Check your memory for errors.


0x000000A3 indicates that the ACPI driver detected an internal inconsistency.

Inconsistency in ACPI driver so serious that continued operation would cause serious problems.

A possible source of this problem is a BIOS error.


0x000000A4 indicates an error in the CNSS file system filter.

The CNSS_FILE_SYSTEM_FILTER BSoD may occur due to an overflow of the non-paged memory pool. If the non-paged memory pool is completely full, this error can stop the system. If during the indexing process, the amount of available non-paged memory pool is very small, another driver that requires the non-paged memory pool also may trigger this error.

To resolve the non-paged memory pool depletion problem: Add new physical memory to the computer. This will increase the amount of non-paged memory pool available to the kernel.


The reason for this message is constant failures in the ACPI BIOS. This problem cannot be solved at the operating system level. A detailed analysis is required.

This may occur if it is found that Computer BIOS not fully compliant with Configuration and Power (ACPI).

To resolve this issue, contact your computer manufacturer to obtain a BIOS update that is fully ACPI compliant.

To work around this issue, you must manually install the standard computer Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL):

Restart your computer and run the installer again.

After running the installer again, press F7 (not F6) when the screen displays “Press F6 if you need to install special driver SCSI or RAID."

Windows automatically disables ACPI HAL installations and installs the standard PC HAL.


This error means that a kernel-mode check of the descriptor table detected an incompatible entry in the state table.


This error means that an unload session check occurred while the driver session was still held in memory.