Complaint against the department and employee of the Russian Post. Send an appeal to the president in the form of an electronic document

Absolutely every citizen has the opportunity to write a letter to the head of the Russian Federation, President Vladimir Putin, and there are several ways, including personal contact via video or telephone, the official website and contacting the Kremlin. The simplest and most accessible option is to send a letter. However, in order for the application to be considered, and especially for Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to respond in person, by letter or in electronic format, it must be written correctly.

Attention! Dear users, please follow the rules of the Russian language! The more competently you write your open letter, the greater the chances of its speedy consideration and publication!

Send an open letter

Write your name

Briefly describe the essence of the issue (Title of your appeal)

Describe your problem in detail

I agree to the publication of my open letter

Legal consultation

If you are faced with injustice, or your problem is of a legal nature, we strongly advise you to contact our lawyers. Consultation provided for free.

There are both general requirements for messages, and certain subtleties of contacting email, the personal website of the head of Russia, etc. Anyone planning to ask a question or complain should carefully review all aspects of the reference and the sample so that the Office of the President receives the letter and can respond to it. It is equally important to have an idea of ​​how and where to write, because along with official addresses there are a lot of fake ones that are used by scammers.

The reasons why Russians turn to the president vary, but most often it is:

  • a request for pardon for a relative wrongfully accused of a particular crime;
  • complaints about the incompetence of officials or their excess of their rights in relation to citizens;
  • a request for housing or the return of certain benefits;
  • questions regarding the timing of road repairs and the implementation of various government support programs;
  • ask for opinions on the creation of new institutions and reform of old government bodies;
  • issues related to the president's position regarding the country's international policy;
  • notifications about local corruption, etc.

Interestingly, despite the restrictions on questions on family topics, many Russians ask Putin about details of his personal life. However, this happens most often during hotlines, since such mail correspondence does not reach the receiving head of the Russian Federation, being eliminated at the initial stage of filtering letters.

How to write a letter to the president correctly

When sending a letter with a request or complaint to an email or postal address, you must take into account that its length should be up to 2 thousand characters, and all information should be presented briefly and to the point. General language and unconfirmed information should be avoided (ideally, scanned evidence documents should be attached to the letter). In addition, it is necessary to carefully check what is written for errors (both grammatical, punctuation, and spelling) and refrain from using obscene words, insults and slang. Another mandatory condition for presidential correspondence is the presence of a return address and contact information of the sender (last name, first name, patronymic). Don't forget to also indicate the exact date of departure and add a personal signature. If the letter refers to the actions of any organization or official, the name and position must be clearly indicated.

If errors or omissions are discovered, the law provides for the possibility of making adjustments, although in this case it will take much longer to receive a response. There is a risk of not receiving an answer for those who:

  • asks vague questions;
  • informs that an illegal action will be committed;
  • complains about a court decision;
  • uses obscene expressions and insults in the text;
  • wants to receive an answer to a question already asked once, to which the administration of the President of Russia has already answered;
  • sends an anonymous letter;
  • requests confidential information;
  • writes illegibly.

Where to write a letter to Putin

In general, there are two ways to write to Putin: by regular letter or by email. Everyone has different opinions on how best to send requests and complaints (by mail or online), so it’s worth considering all the options in more detail. Although, in fairness, it is worth noting that much more letters are now sent via the Internet, which is not surprising, because it is faster and much easier (at least if you know the procedure). All that remains is to decide where to send the petition: to the official Kremlin website, Vladimir Putin’s personal virtual representative office, to a page on social networks, or use the format of an open letter. Let's take a closer look at each of the options listed.

To the official Kremlin website

In order to promptly respond to bribery and negligent behavior of local officials, at the initiative of the president, a special virtual reception was opened on the Kremlin website. Acting as a backup for Putin's email, it is designed to receive messages online. You can send four types of messages: complaints, letters, appeals and information about corruption. What do I need to do?

First of all, go to the address and find a section asking you to write a letter (you don’t need to go into your personal account), after which we carefully study all the points of the rules, and then decide on the form of the message. In the addressee field, indicate the full name of the President of the Russian Federation and enter personal information in the fields below. If there is an asterisk next to the field, then it must be filled in without fail. So that the authorities can react and respond faster, citizens are asked to identify the appeal by topic, for example, family, labor relations, military service, etc. After this, you need to briefly state your problem and, if available, attach supporting documentation (make sure that the attached scans have the appropriate resolution).

Attention! When using the Internet reception, all letters are reviewed not by the Presidential Administration, but by the Department for Work with Public Appeals.

On Putin's personal website

You can often find recommendations on the Internet on how to write to Putin or complain using his personal website. But in practice, residents of Moscow or any other city will not be able to do this. The fact is that although Putin has a representative office on the Internet - its address is, it only performs an informational function. By following this link, you can find a lot of useful information, but without the possibility of feedback. Accordingly, in order to get help from the head of the Russian Federation, you will have to use the option on the Kremlin website.

On social networks or blog

As for whether it is possible to contact Vladimir Vladimirovich through groups and pages on social networks and LiveJournal, I would like to note that there is only the official Kremlin public on Twitter Various current news is published there, but there is no separate option for sending letters directly to the president. All accounts that supposedly belong to Putin are in fact fake, so there is no point in wasting time and energy on them. Another thing is to write by email or an open letter through a specialized website.

In open letter format

A common practice for the media is telling stories from letters published on thematic portals. Naturally, the most resonant letters are selected, but every Internet user has a chance to “reach out” through the media to the main person in the state. Below you can see a sample of a blank open letter.

The fields to be filled out are identical to those asked for on the official Kremlin website, so no difficulties will arise. The difference is that you don’t have to indicate your personal data (unless you want the Internet public to find out about them), describe the issue of concern in more detail and in a less formal style, and confirm that you are a living person and not a robot. For feedback, you can (but not necessarily) write your e-mail.

Due to the fact that one of the media will talk about the problem, the likelihood will increase that your application made through the electronic reception will be considered faster. The more comments and views, the greater the chance of attracting media attention. An additional effect will be obtained by publishing a link to an open letter on social networks, for example, VKontakte or Instagram.

President Putin's address for letters by Russian Post

If you do not have access to the Internet or have difficulties filling out forms on, you can use the services of the Russian Post. Sending is allowed both by regular and registered mail, both printed and handwritten. The first option is preferable, since it eliminates the risk that the message will not be considered due to the impossibility of reading it.

The address may be different: for example, in order to write to the Putin administration, you need to indicate in the recipient field: Moscow, Staraya Ploshchad, 4 or 103132, st. Ilyinka, 23. There are also regional offices of the reception office of the President of Russia, where you can write a letter with a request or complaint, for example, in the North Caucasus Federal District you can contact Andrey Valerievich Skripnik at 357500, Pyatigorsk, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, no. 10, and in the Central Federal District the recipient will be Markin Sergey Ivanovich (the address that must be indicated in the letter is 392000, Tambov, Internatsionalnaya St., no. 14).

Write a letter to Putin by email

Vladimir Vladimirovich does not have a personal e-mail for communicating with citizens, and all letters are accepted only through the Internet reception of the Kremlin website, the mechanism of which is described above. Another option is to write to [email protected](State Duma mail). Here are a couple additional things to be aware of:

  • if you use your personal account, the letter is saved there;
  • acceptable formats for attached video and audio files: mkv, mov, avi, wma, mp3, flv, wmv, mp4;
  • File download speed may vary depending on the type of Internet connection used;
  • You can send letters from different devices, including smartphones, laptops, communicators and netbooks.

Sample letter

Every citizen of the Russian Federation who has encountered illegal actions of a similar nature can file a complaint with the prosecutor’s office about fraud. A similar statement can, and even better, be submitted to the police. But what information exactly needs to be reflected in such a statement? Let's try to figure it out together.

Where to file a fraud report

Let's start by answering the question of where to write a fraud report. The legislation does not limit citizens as to where they can apply for protection of their rights - they can submit an application to any police department.

If the body to which you applied does not deal with such issues, your appeal must be sent according to its jurisdiction (it is the body to which the application was submitted that is obliged to do this, not you!). An application is submitted to the duty station, and it must be registered.

Filing a fraud complaint to the prosecutor's office

In accordance with the status vested in the prosecutor's office, it performs only supervisory functions. In view of this, it makes sense to submit an application to the prosecutor’s office for fraud when you cannot exercise your right to defense in other authorized bodies. So where to file a fraud report first? We answer: to the police (For information on how to act if fraud took place on the Internet, read if it was SMS or telephone fraud -).

Reporting fraud to the police: what you need to know

A police report must be filed when the actions committed against you contain elements of a crime. In accordance with Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, fraud is the actions of a person who has taken possession of someone else’s property by deception, misleading another person, or as a result of abuse of his trust.

Moreover, all this must be done by the person intentionally - that is, he knew and desired the occurrence of precisely such consequences.

If your situation meets these criteria, then you can safely file a fraud report with the police. We will explain below how to write a fraud report.

Sample statement of fraud

T Now about a sample statement of fraud. It is very simple to create such a paper:

  • Such a statement begins, like any other, with a “header”. That is, in the right corner of the top of the sheet you indicate the authority to which the application is being submitted and your personal data (including passport details, place of registration and contacts);
  • further describe what happened, mentioning all the persons who, in your opinion, are involved in committing fraudulent acts;
  • complete the main part of the application with the phrase “In view of the above, I request that a criminal case be initiated against the specified person(s) for fraudulent actions”;
  • Place your personal signature below and indicate the date the application was written (must coincide with the submission date).

Important! If you have any evidence of the guilt of the persons specified in the application - including written (receipts, letters, contracts, etc.), photo and video materials that can help in detaining and proving the guilt of the criminal - all this must be attached to the application. And not just attach, but list them in the application as attachments to it. Don’t forget about witnesses: their testimony can also prove that a crime has been committed against you. The names of the witnesses must be reflected in the text of the application, and if you know where they live, then indicate their place of residence.

Based on the received application, a preliminary inspection will be carried out, based on the results of which a decision will be made to initiate a criminal case or to refuse one.

Any Russian citizen who has encountered illegal actions of this kind has the right to file a fraud complaint with the prosecutor’s office. The exact same statement can be submitted to the police at the same time.

Where to file a fraud report

Let's take a closer look at the question of where to write a fraud report. You should know that at the legislative level there are no restrictions for citizens regarding which place they should go to in order to protect their rights. You have the right to file a complaint at any police station. If you do not live at your place of permanent residence or the authority to which you are filing a complaint about fraud does not resolve these issues, officials are required to forward your appeal according to their jurisdiction. Remember that this is the responsibility of the body to which you applied, and not yours. The application must be submitted to the duty station and it must be registered.

Filing a fraud complaint to the prosecutor's office

The prosecutor's office at the legislative level is endowed with a certain status in accordance with which the functions of the body are designated - this is supervision. For this reason, it makes sense to file a fraud claim in the event that you are unable to exercise your right to defense in other authorized bodies.

to the prosecutor's office

This raises a logical question: “So where should you file a fraud report?” The answer is simple - to the police.

What you need to know about reporting fraud to the police

You must file a statement with the police if actions have been committed against you that constitute a crime.

If we refer to Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, we are told that fraud is the actions of a person who has taken possession of someone else’s property through deceptive actions, as a result of abuse of trust or misleading another person.

It should be emphasized that all these actions must be committed intentionally. In other words, the person had an idea and wanted such consequences to occur.

If in your case everything happened exactly like this, then you can immediately file a report with the police about fraud. Next, we will tell you how to correctly write a statement about fraud.

Sample statement of fraud

You will need a sample fraud statement if you are ready to take drastic measures and are determined to protect your rights. It is not difficult to draw up a document and it consists of the following blocks:

  • This application should begin, like any other document, by filling out the “header”. In the upper right corner you indicate the authority where the paper is submitted, as well as your personal data. In particular, in addition to your full name, you must indicate the registration address and telephone number at which an official can contact you.
  • In the second block, you need to describe the situation that occurred and mention all the persons who, from your point of view, are directly related to the commission of fraudulent acts.
  • The final third block begins with the phrase: “In view of the above, I ask you to initiate a criminal case against the specified person or group of persons under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Fraud.”

The paper is certified by your personal signature. You should also write the date of the application, which should be similar to the date of submission of the paper.

Remember! You must attach to your application any available evidence of the guilt of the persons mentioned in the paper. It can be:

  1. Written evidence – receipt, letter;
  2. Photographic materials;
  3. Video materials.

All this will help in detaining and proving the guilt of the person who committed criminal fraudulent acts.

Sample statement of fraud

You do not just attach evidence, but list it in the application as an appendix to it.

It is important to remember about witnesses, since their testimony can also prove the fact of criminal acts committed against you. You indicate the names of the witnesses in the application itself and indicate their place of residence if you have such information.

After submitting the application, officials conduct a preliminary check, according to which a decision will be made:

  • On the initiation of a criminal case;
  • Refusal to initiate a criminal case for fraud.

So, if you think that fraud has been committed against you, immediately collect all available evidence and contact the police to file a report.

The postal address for complaints to the President is: Russia, Moscow, st. Ilyinka, 23. Index 103132. In order for the complaint to be accepted for consideration and to have the opportunity to receive a response to the appeal, the sender’s return address, his first and last name must be indicated on the envelope. Bring the complaint in person to the Reception Office of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. At the indicated address, you can independently bring the complaint to the Reception Office of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Reception staff must register the request and assign it a personal number. To get a personal reception at the Presidential Administration, you must first make an appointment at a time convenient for you. You can make an appointment on the page of the official website of the President or by calling toll-free 8-800-200-23-26.

How to write a letter to Putin V.V.

To gain access to the terminal, you must present a passport or other identification document. The text of the complaint can be:

  • dial manually, following the prompts on the screen,
  • copy from external electronic media,
  • convert from paper,
  • leave as a voice message.

Using terminals you can also:

  • ​ make an appointment with a representative of the Reception Office of the President of the Russian Federation in Moscow;
  • ​ see the stages of consideration of the complaint and the list of measures taken.

On the page of the official website of the President you can see where the nearest electronic reception is located. Contact Putin through a mobile reception Today, citizens of the Russian Federation can contact the Head of State through the President's mobile reception, which moves throughout the regions of the Russian Federation.

Write a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin


Federal Law “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation.” 8. When you send requests regarding appeals against court decisions, you must keep the following in mind. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, justice in Russia is carried out only by the court.


The judicial authorities are independent and act independently of the legislative and executive authorities. Decisions of judicial bodies are appealed in accordance with the procedural procedure established by law. 9. If you send an appeal containing a question affecting the interests of an indefinite number of persons, the answer to which was posted on this website, then within seven days from the date of registration of the appeal you will be notified of the email address of the page of this website “Responses to appeals affecting the interests an indefinite number of persons”, which contains the answer to the question posed in your application.


How to write a letter to the President of Russia? sample letter to Putin V. V.

Appeals sent in the form of an electronic document through the official website of the President of Russia are received by the Administration of the President of Russia and are considered by employees of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for working with appeals from citizens and organizations - authorized persons. 2. Before sending an appeal in the form of an electronic document, you must write it: 2.1. mandatory indicating in the electronic form: 2.1.1. or the name of the government body to which you are sending the appeal in the form of an electronic document, or the surname, first name, patronymic of the relevant person, or the position of the relevant person to whom you are sending the appeal in the form of an electronic document; 2.1.2. your last name, first name, patronymic (the latter - if available); 2.1.3. email address to which the response and notification of forwarding of the request should be sent; 2.2.

Send an appeal to the president in the form of an electronic document

The reasons why Russians turn to the president vary, but most often it is:

  • a request for pardon for a relative wrongfully accused of a particular crime;
  • complaints about the incompetence of officials or their excess of their rights in relation to citizens;
  • a request for housing or the return of certain benefits;
  • questions regarding the timing of road repairs and the implementation of various government support programs;
  • ask for opinions on the creation of new institutions and reform of old government bodies;
  • issues related to the president's position regarding the country's international policy;
  • notifications about local corruption, etc.

Interestingly, despite the restrictions on questions on family topics, many Russians ask Putin about details of his personal life.

How to write a letter to Russian President Putin personally: three main ways

Despite all the actions taken, the municipal authorities still do not provide us with the opportunity to leave the housing, living in which now poses a threat to the lives of the residents. We attach a photo of our house and its individual rooms (in particular the attic, entrances, some apartments) to the letter. In connection with the above, we ask you to take action against the guilty officials and help us realize our rights.
Sincerely, Ivanov P.P.” Next, attach copies of the documents specified in your application and send. If any clarification is needed, you will be contacted at the telephone number or email address specified in the form. We hope that the sample we have provided on how to write a letter to Putin will allow you to avoid unnecessary mistakes.
If you send a complaint by Russian Post, do not forget to indicate your contact information.

How to send a letter to President Putin in

Absolutely every citizen has the opportunity to write a letter to the head of the Russian Federation, President Vladimir Putin, and there are several ways, including personal contact via video or telephone, the official website and contacting the Kremlin. The simplest and most accessible option is to send a letter. However, in order for the application to be considered, and especially for Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to respond in person, by letter or in electronic format, it must be written correctly.
Attention! Dear users, please follow the rules of the Russian language! The more competently you write your open letter, the greater the chances of its speedy consideration and publication! Send an open letter Legal advice If you are faced with injustice, or your problem is of a legal nature, we strongly advise you to contact our lawyers. Consultation is provided free of charge.

How to write a complaint to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin


Don't forget to also indicate the exact date of departure and add a personal signature. If the letter refers to the actions of any organization or official, the name and position must be clearly indicated. If errors or omissions are discovered, the law provides for the possibility of making adjustments, although in this case it will take much longer to receive a response.

There is a risk of not receiving an answer for those who:
  • asks vague questions;
  • informs that an illegal action will be committed;
  • complains about a court decision;
  • uses obscene expressions and insults in the text;
  • wants to receive an answer to a question already asked once, to which the administration of the President of Russia has already answered;
  • sends an anonymous letter;
  • requests confidential information;
  • writes illegibly.

Complaint to the President of the Russian Federation: drafting, sample, filing procedure

Send a letter" and select the desired option. The above-mentioned site also contains requirements for how to write to the President of Russia correctly. It is important to say that the rules for writing this type of letter are simple, and compliance with them does not present any difficulties.

  1. If you decide to write a letter to Putin, then, as in cases of appeals to other government agencies and power structures, you cannot use profanity or offensive expressions - such appeals are not subject to consideration.
  2. If a letter is written to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation or to him personally, then it is allowed to attach copies of documents, extracts and certificates to it.
  3. If you decide to write a letter to the President of the Russian Federation, then follow the rules of the Russian language and be sure to indicate the full and accurate address for the answer.
  4. The letter you send must be addressed to the president and not to other authorities.

In the format of an open letter A common practice for the media is to tell stories from letters published on thematic portals. Naturally, the most resonant letters are selected, but every Internet user has a chance to “reach out” through the media to the main person in the state. Below you can see a sample of a blank open letter.
The fields to be filled out are identical to those asked for on the official Kremlin website, so no difficulties will arise. The difference is that you don’t have to indicate your personal data (unless you want the Internet public to find out about them), describe the issue of concern in more detail and in a less formal style, and confirm that you are a living person and not a robot. For feedback, you can (but not necessarily) write your e-mail.

When connecting your equipment to the Internet via dedicated communication channels using ADSL, 3G, 4G, WiFi and other technologies that provide similar data transfer rates on the Internet, transfer and processing of file(s) with a total size of: up to 5 MB is carried out, as a rule, without a time delay; from 5 MB to 10 MB can be carried out with a time delay; over 10 MB may not be implemented. 6. If the text you sent in the form of an electronic document, contained in the text input field of the appeal in the form of an electronic document, does not contain a proposal, statement or complaint, but only a link to the application (file attachment) or to the content of the website, then in the response the procedure for its consideration established by Federal Law No. 59 of May 2, 2006 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation” is explained. 7.

How and where to write a letter of complaint to Russian President Putin