How to find out my MTS tariff on my phone: various methods. How to find out your MTS tariff

To understand how to find out your MTS tariff from your phone or by number, just follow 1 of the 6 proven methods that are described in this material. Options for obtaining data through a USSD request, account service and mobile application, as well as additional ones, are described.

A tariff plan is a specially developed set of options and services for a region or country, serviced by the operator for a set fee, which can be charged daily or monthly. On the "" page you can find up-to-date information about the cost, advantages and disadvantages of Mobile Telesystems tariffs.

Accurate information about the tariff allows you to rationally manage all connected services and competently control the costs of mobile communications. The most important thing is that this information will help you decide to change the tariff to the optimal one that will suit your conditions.

How to find out your tariff for MTS

You can find out your MTS tariff from your phone using several proven methods. It is enough to follow the steps step by step according to the instructions.

4 relevant options for checking:

  • The first and simplest is to perform a short USSD request *111*59# and the Call button. This is a free solution that does not require calling technical support and waiting for a response from a chat consultant. After executing this command, you will receive an SMS notification about the name of the tariff plan.

Attention: in case of technical difficulties with reading the message (strange symbols instead of Russian letters), MTS recommends changing the language for incoming messages from the automated support service to Latin using the USSD request *111*6*2# and the Call key or to Russian using combinations *111*6*1#. You will be informed about the successful completion of the operation by a message.

  • If you have a Mobile Assistant connected, use the following request: 111 + Call button, then press the number 4. The robot will inform you by voice about the current tariff.
  • A call to a mobile operator will help you find out which tariff is connected and active using a short number within the MTS network 0890. To make a call in roaming you need to use the multi-channel direct number 8 800 250 0890, and in roaming +7 495 766 0166. This is far from a quick way to do this procedure . We recommend using prompts rather than waiting for a connection with an operator.
  • "MTS Service". From your mobile device, dial the combination *111# and the Call key. Then you need to go to the “Tariffs” section with number 3 and find out your tariff by entering number 1. The request is processed quickly, within a minute you will receive an SMS message with information about the active tariff plan.
  • The “ ” service will help if you have access to the Internet and the company’s official website. This is a free site that allows you to control all services and options, including fine-tuning the tariff plan on the subscriber’s number. Log in to your personal account and find the “My Account” block on the first screen, where information about the balance status will be indicated, and below the current tariff. If you want to find out how to switch to another MTS tariff, then simply go to the “Number Management” section and select “Change Tariff” in the “Actions with Number” subcategory.
  • "" is a free application that is convenient and contains all the features of a personal account on a smartphone. We recommend downloading it to your phone for complete control over your number and services. After entering “My MTS”, on the first screen there will be a “Tariffs” button, where two tabs: “My tariff / Available”, the first will display the current tariff plan, and the second will display all those available for connection in your region.

Checking from a router, modem or tablet

There are two options. The first, simple method, which is suitable for new routers or devices with the latest firmware version and the function of performing USSD requests: dial the combination *111*59#. If this is not possible, go to the second.

Most modems do not have modern software and useful utilities for managing a SIM card from a computer or laptop. In this case, a free service from your mobile operator, Internet Assistant, will help. Using it you can find out the current tariff plan and its cost.

Lifehack! This is not a new method and many users guessed about it. To find out the MTS tariff on the SIM card used in the router or 3G / 4G modem, just pull it out of the device and insert it into your mobile phone. Next, use a USSD request or one of the above methods.

Tablet. If you have a subscriber identification module (SIM) slot, you can download the “My MTS” application, log into your Personal Account through the official website, or perform a USSD request directly. Today, a smartphone is practically no different from a tablet computer and adopts all its useful characteristics. Also, many people use a tablet for video conferencing, calling through free instant messengers via Internet access, so these two devices have many similar functions and only one difference in the form of different dimensions.


Dial the number: *111*59#. Some time after the operator accepts the request, you will receive an SMS with information about the tariff plan.

Call the customer service toll-free (for MTS subscribers) number: 0890. The dispatcher will tell you the information you are interested in.

Activate the “Internet Assistant” service on the operator’s website. Log in to the service management page. Information about the current account status, tariff and tariff plan will be indicated in the first lines.


  • how to check what MTS tariff I have

If a subscriber of any telecom operator wishes to familiarize himself with his tariff plan(its parameters, cost of connecting services, and so on), then he will be able to use special services. They are provided by the operator and allow you to get all the information you need about the tariff.


MegaFon customers can subscribe to a connected tariff plan if they contact one of the communication shops or the subscriber technical support center. An employee of the center (sales consultant, if you go to the salon) will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of your tariff, and explain how you can activate certain services. It will also help you set up a new tariff plan if the previous one is not very profitable and convenient for you. You can obtain information about the location of communication stores through the official MegaFon website (to do this, visit the corresponding section).

In addition, subscribers of this operator have access to the “Service Guide” self-service system. With its help, you can also find out about the parameters of your current tariff plan. However, to use the system, you must log in (that is, log in with an individual username and password). After this, the subscriber must click on the “For contract subscribers” tab. Don’t forget about the short number 500, it may be useful for obtaining information about the tariff.

Another system that MegaFon provides is called “Interactive Assistant”. It allows you to familiarize yourself not only with your own, but also with other existing tariff plans, receive up-to-date information, learn about services, and also use the Service Guide system. The “Interactive Assistant” is an information kiosk equipped with a 3G modem. The system can be found in the company's communication stores. By the way, using it is free.

Telecom operators such as MTS and Beeline also provide their customers with numbers with which you can find out more about the current tariff plan. In Beeline this number is the USSD request *110*05#. MTS subscribers can obtain the necessary information through the contact center or through the Internet Assistant system.

Currently, there is quite a lot of competition in the world of mobile communications. New ones appear almost every day new plans that actively attract customers with their profitability and low cost. As a result of frequent switching between tariffs, you can get confused about which tariff is your current one. Different operators have their own methods for determining this information.


Use short telephone commands to determine the current Beeline tariff. Dial *111# and press the call button. As a result, you will be taken to the help menu, listen to all the information provided until you hear the phrase “My tariff plan.”

Press the appropriate button and the robot will tell you the required information. In some cases, it happens that this function is not available or the necessary information is missing. In this case, try dialing *110*05# and pressing call. As a result, a message with the parameters of the current tariff will appear. You can also dial the number 067405, after which after a certain time you will receive an SMS with the necessary information.

Subscribers' communications expenses depend on the terms of the tariff, so each user must know what tariff plan is installed on his SIM card. The easiest way to check the conditions is to look at the box from a previously purchased SIM card. But, if you can’t find it anymore, you should use other options. Those who are wondering how to find out their MTS tariff from their phone for free will have to use the following methods:

  • special USSD command;
  • visiting your personal account;
  • mobile application;
  • using a special telephone service;
  • by activating the mobile assistant.

How to view the MTS tariff from your phone using the Russia command?

The most convenient and simplest method of checking tariffs is to enter a special USSD command. To use this approach, you need to dial the special combination *111*59# on your cell phone and press the dial button. After a short time, a message will be sent to your phone with information about the conditions used by the subscriber.

The main advantage of the described method is its versatility.

The combination is available anywhere in the world: in your home region, in Russia or abroad.

Wherever the user is, the result will be positive.

Checking the MTS tariff from a mobile phone through “MTS service”

MTS service is a special interactive menu available on each SIM card. Its use is simple and accessible. To obtain the information the subscriber is interested in, you will need:

  1. dial *111# on your cell phone;
  2. press dial;
  3. click button 3, which allows you to go to the tariffs section;
  4. select item 1, which provides SIM card owners with information about current prices and available packages and options.

After completing the steps described above, you will have to wait for an SMS message with a full description of the connected tariff plan.

How to check what tariff is on MTS using a mobile assistant?

The mobile assistant is a kind of voice menu that allows customers using it to listen to information about the tariff used.

To get a certificate, just dial 111 and call, then the answering machine will list the acceptable information sections that anyone can use. To switch to the appropriate item, you will need to select 4.

It should be noted that the described procedure is suitable for those users who are uncomfortable reading the text sent to them.

In this case, it is enough to listen to the automatic recording, which tells about the connected conditions.

View in your personal account

The next way to find out “my tariff” of MTS is to visit the official website of the cellular company. Here you need to go to the login page to your personal account and log in. If the user does not have a personal account, you should go through a short registration procedure that will not require time or effort. Next, all you have to do is enter your password and login and open the desired section of your personal page. All information will be in the most visible place.

The main advantage of this method lies in the mass of opportunities that open up after creating a personal account.

In the "My MTS" application

The use of the “My MTS” mobile application is also close to the previous approach. This method consists of gaining access to personal information through a special mobile online service. To use this method, you must have access to the Internet, without which virtual services will be unavailable.

By calling the operator

Calling the support operator is just as effective as the previous options. Contact the mono contact center using service number 88002500890 or short telephone number 0890. The main disadvantage of a call is the possible wait for an answer, and the advantage is the quality and completeness of the information offered.

Many subscribers are interested in the answer to how to find out the tariff plan for MTS. This information is useful to know in several cases. The main thing is to be aware of how much money is generally spent on mobile communication services. You can find out all the charging parameters of your tariff plan, i.e. the cost of making calls, sending SMS and MMS messages.

In addition, once you know your tariff, you can compare it with others. Then you can choose the most favorable conditions for yourself. Since each tariff has its own advantageous aspects, each subscriber will be able to choose the best tariff.

How to find out the tariff plan for MTS via USSD commands

A convenient way to determine the tariff plan is to use the USSD command. To do this, from your mobile phone you just need to type a certain combination of characters on the phone keyboard. MTS company uses the following USSD code * 111 * 59 #.

This method is very convenient and is absolutely free. The service can be used while within the coverage area of ​​your home network, as well as in roaming.

How to find out MTS tariff plan Via SMS

Using the code combination, the subscriber thus sends a request to the mobile operator. The answer to which should come within a few minutes.

After this request has been sent, after a short time an SMS message will be sent to your mobile device, which will contain the name of the tariff plan that is connected to your phone number.

Find out your tariff through the Service number

For those subscribers of the MTS mobile operator for whom it is easiest to make a call to get information, there is a service from the subscriber service center.

The service number by which you can communicate with an employee of the MTS operator is quite simple: 0890. By calling this number, first you need to select the required category, then press the number 0 on the phone keypad and only then wait for the consultant to answer.

The company specialist will require some data: passport details, the subscriber’s code word, his home address. However, it is worth remembering that this procedure may take several minutes, because... you need to wait for a free operator who will answer your question.

Other ways to find out your tariff

Those who like to use Internet services are also provided with a convenient way to obtain information regarding the tariff plan. Subscribers can use the Internet Assistant. By using this service, you can not only find out about your tariff, but also compare it with others, and, if desired, you can change to another.

In order to use the Internet Assistant, you must visit the company's official website. Then in the menu you need to select the “Tariffs and Services” section. When you go to this page, information with your tariff plan will be displayed on it. In addition, you will be able to see the balance in your account.

To log in to the Internet Assistant, you will need a password. To install it, you need to send a message to the short number 111. The message must contain the following text: 25 [space] subscriber password.

The password must be 6-10 characters long, contain at least one number, as well as lowercase and uppercase Latin letters. If the password has been forgotten, the easiest way is to set a new one.

MTS customers will be able to find out the tariff plan using any of the above methods. For each subscriber there is the most suitable way to receive information.

After the tariff has been determined, you can get acquainted with complete information regarding tariffs, as well as additional services that you can activate if desired.

Mobile operator Megafon provides a huge number of tariffs and tariff options throughout Russia, and each region has its own separate list of services. Among such diversity, users often have the question of how can they find out their tariff on Megafon?

And if earlier we had to call the support service and wait for 5-20 minutes, and sometimes not wait for a response from system operators, today the situation is resolved much faster and more efficiently.

We will tell you about each method that will allow you to find out the tariff, and, in general, all the information about your number from the mobile operator Megafon.

And so, below is a list of available methods:

  • Dial USSD command
  • Call the service center
  • Log in to the Guide service
  • View in Android, iOS app on phone

All presented methods are absolutely free for subscribers and differ only in actions.

How to find out your tariff on Megafon via USSD command

Using USSD commands involves sending notifications to your phone number via message. In this case, you can also find out your number in several ways.

  • Dial the command with the combination * 105 #, and then press the call button. On the screen of your mobile phone you will see a window in which you will need to select the “Tariffs” tab. To do this, press key 3. Next you need the “About tariff” tab. To do this, press key 1. After pressing, an SMS with complete information about the tariff plan will be automatically sent to your mobile phone.
  • Dial the command * 105 # and press the call key. After a few seconds, a window with various menu items will appear on the smartphone screen. Select “My account” (key 1), then “My tariff” (key 2), and finally “SMS with description” (key 1). After clicking, a message with tariff information will be sent to your mobile phone.
  • There is another way where you don’t need to read and view the tabs of the built-in assistant. Just dial the command * 105 * 3 * 1 # and make a call or * 105 * 1 * 2 * 1 # and make a call.

As can be seen from the commands, the third method is almost identical to the first two, since all the numbers correspond to the control menu items, but the user spends much less time on these operations.

Attention! Commands in the service menu may change over time, so we recommend that novice subscribers use one of the first two methods.

How to find out what tariff is connected to Megafon through the service center

One of the easiest ways is to call Megafon customer support. Dial 0500 from your phone and press the call key. You can wait for the operator to respond (live person) or use the services of the built-in assistant in automatic mode (robot). In the second case, you will just need to press the keys 1, 1, 3, 1. A message will be sent to your phone number containing the necessary information about the current tariff.

Find out your tariff through the Guide service

The Guide Service is a separate free service from Megafon, which is a virtual personal account that displays complete information about your number, tariffs, connected options and services, and balance. There you can change and delete some services, order full details of data and balance, and much more.

To access the Guide service, you need to launch any browser and open the official Megafon website - The system will automatically detect your city. Click on the “Personal Account” tab. You will be redirected to the login page. If you do not yet have a login and password, then from your phone dial the command * 105 * 00 # and the call button. An SMS notification with data (login and temporary password) will be automatically sent to your phone number within 1-5 minutes.

Enter your data on your personal account page. When you log in for the first time, the system will require you to change your one-time password to a permanent one. As soon as you change your password, you will be redirected to the main page of your personal account. This page displays information about your tariff in the upper left corner. In the settings you can view complete information about the services provided and the cost of each option.

How to find out the connected Megafon tariff on your phone through the application

In essence, this is the same method as in your personal account, you just enter the data not on the website, but in a special application. In Google Play and the Apple Store, you can download programs to your phone for free, with which you can view complete information about the tariff for any connected mobile number.

You will need to enter your data (username and password). You can also get them by dialing the command * 105 * 00 #. The response message contains the data that you enter in the application. The only negative is that sometimes after updating the program, your data may be reset, and therefore you have to re-enter your login and password.

If you are unable to access the Internet, send a message or request information using a USSD command, for example, when the SIM card is simply lost or is not in your hands, you can contact one of Megafon’s offices. You can view a map with offices and addresses in any navigator, on a special page on the company’s official website. You will be provided with data only if the SIM is issued in your name and you have an identity document with you (driver's license, passport).

Finding out your tariff on Megafon is quite simple! If, for example, you are not satisfied with the design of your personal account on the site, you can switch to the old version. It is also worth noting that the Guide service is displayed correctly in current versions of browsers with Flash player installed (install the free Adobe Flash Player).