100 promotional minutes for 35 UAH. About Vodafon tariffs: conditions, what is important to know. Tariff line Red

In 2016, Vodafone introduced the “Year without subscription fees” service to the market, which became very popular among ordinary users.

Its essence lies in the fact that the user no longer needs to replenish the account monthly, but only make a single payment for one year. New tariffs Vodafone Ukraine 2018 “Year without a monthly fee” help you save up to 50% of your earnings, depending on the specific tariff. For example, when it comes to the Vodafone Light tariff, the “Year without subscription fee” service will help you save half the money, while in all other tariffs that allow you to activate the service, the savings reach 30%. In hryvnia equivalent, as of 2018, savings can range from 70 to 500 hryvnia (taking into account the recent increase in the cost of tariff plans).

Vodafone also held special promotions for new subscribers. For example, last year, when you activated the “Year without subscription fees” within a week from the moment you purchased a new starter package, you could take advantage of a special discount. It is worth noting that the service is activated using the USSD combination 369 #. Below we will consider all Vodafone tariffs in which you can activate the “Year without subscription fees”. It is worth noting in advance that this service covers almost the entire Vodafone tariff schedule (with the exception of two unlimited tariffs).

Along with the already familiar Red tariff line, Vodafone now offers new tariffs called Device, and is also expanding the Red line by adding the Red L tariff, where the list of services also includes an exclusive offer for watching television from the operator.

Perhaps, just looking at the name of the new tariff schedule (“device” translated from English means “device, gadget”) it becomes clear that the tariff is primarily aimed at users with modern smartphones and tablets who require a lot of mobile traffic. Thus, we can conclude that the tariff schedule is designed for active use of the mobile Internet. But tariff S, for example, at the same time offers a wide package of services that will help satisfy many of the subscriber’s communication needs, but this is achieved by significantly reducing the package of services (the user has only 50 MB per day, which can be used at maximum speed) .

Each tariff differs in the volume of minutes, megabytes provided and, accordingly, the amount of the subscription fee. The most expensive package L will cost 90 hryvnia (the same amount will have to be paid monthly for an unlimited tariff). For this money, the user receives 10 GB of free traffic at maximum speed (you can additionally get 500 megabytes for 15 hryvnia). A significant difference between the unlimited tariff and Device L is the absence of the so-called “fair use policy”, which does not allow the Internet to be distributed to other devices (whether it is a phone or a tablet). As for other conditions, they do not differ in M ​​and L tariffs.

Important! The cost of the “Year without subscription fees” service in Device tariffs is as follows:

  • Device S – 490 UAH;
  • Device M – 550 UAH;

The new tariff from Vodafone can now be activated by all subscribers (previously it was available only to those connected to the operator on a specific basis).

This tariff may be suitable for those subscribers who do not plan to actively use the mobile Internet, but at the same time they need to make outgoing calls and receive incoming calls.

Previously, the cost of the tariff was regional, that is, the monthly fee depended on the specific region of Ukraine where the subscriber lives. Previously, in five regions, the cost of the tariff was insignificantly higher (this is due to the fact that Vodafone has many more active subscribers in these regions). Now the tariff price is the same for all subscribers, regardless of which region of Ukraine the subscriber lives in.

  • For 50 hryvnia, subscribers who subscribe to this tariff can receive:
  • 2 GB of unlimited traffic for using high-speed Internet (if a megabyte is not enough, you will need to pay an additional 5 hryvnia for 100 every MB);
  • an hour for outgoing calls to any number of Ukrainian operators (if the free minutes are exhausted, then you will have to pay 50 minutes for each minute).

Important!The fee for connecting to the Vodafone “Year without Monthly Fee” 2018 service in this tariff is 480 hryvnia.

Is it possible to change the tariff?

In the event that you want to change your tariff plan, the service will be automatically deactivated without the possibility of a refund.

If the new tariff plan supports it, then it can be reconnected. However, in some situations, Vodafone can still provide a discount when changing the tariff plan, but here you need to look at the specific tariff plan individually.

Vodafone Red M and L tariff schedule

Now it’s worth considering Vodafone’s main line, which appeared immediately after the rebranding of the MTS-Ukraine operator, which thus wanted to demonstrate its desire to go to Europe.

The rebranding also coincided with the launch and expansion of the operator’s existing 3G network, so the new tariffs also included mobile Internet.

Important! To connect to the service, subscribers with Red tariffs need to pay 750, 1090 and 2180 hryvnia, respectively. You can also activate the service “Year without Monthly Fees” from Vodafone Light (the tariff is exclusively intended for calls (for this package the cost of the service is 320 hryvnia).

Problems with discounts

It was said above that Vodafone offers special discounts to new subscribers who have just managed to register a SIM card online.

It would seem that the receipt is very tempting, but to get a decent discount you need to carry out a whole series of calculations.

  1. Initially, the operator directly indicated the size of the discount (then it was 35 hryvnia), but as of 2018, information about the specific amount of the bonus cannot be found on the website, so the discount will have to be calculated on an individual basis. To understand whether Vodafone actually offers its subscribers a discount for quickly activating the service, it is worth considering three situations (using the example of the Vodafone Red XS “Year without Monthly Fee” tariff, the annual cost of which is 350 hryvnia).
  2. If you activate the service immediately after purchasing the starter package (its cost is 35 hryvnia), then the total cost of the “Year without subscription fees” will be 315 hryvnia. But here you need to take into account that the subscriber previously purchased the package, so there is no benefit.
  3. If you subscribe to the tariff from the 2nd to the seventh day from the moment the service is activated, you can save up to 30%, but, as you can see, the benefit is not very significant.

The worst option would be to connect on the eighth day after activating the package, since then the subscriber loses 80% of the cost of his first month. To minimize these losses, it is recommended to wait until the end of the month (the last day will be the most profitable). It is also important to pay attention to the current economic situation in the country in order to understand that it is profitable for the operator to immediately receive the entire amount and not wait for monthly receipts of money from subscribers (primarily this applies to such inexpensive tariffs as the Vodafone Light tariff plus “Year without Monthly Fee” ).

From the very name of the Vodafone Family tariff, it becomes clear that marketers relied on the need of many Ukrainians (from certain regions of our country) to communicate with loved ones who are outside Ukraine. The tariff plan is regional and is available for connection only in Vinnytsia, Lviv, Zhytomyr, Rivne, Ternopil, Khmelnitsky, Cherkassy regions, Krivoy Rog, as well as Artsyz, Belgorod-Dnestrovsk, Bolgrad, Izmail, Kiliya, Reniy, Saratsk, Tarutinsky and Tatarbunar districts of the Odessa region. Residents of these regions will be able to receive the following conditions:

Tariff name

Vodafone Family

Connection form

No contract

Subscription fee

35 UAH for 4 weeks


On-net calls


Calls to other networks 30 for 4 weeks in Ukraine and 30 minutes to other countries


100 MB for 4 weeks




Calls to other networks 0.50 UAH/min

Connection fee



per minute


100 MB for 4 weeks + free internet in Viber, WhatsApp, Skype, Telegram (text and pictures)

SMS within Ukraine

MMS within Ukraine

package 50 SMS/MMS for 1.50 UAH/day (based on use)
Other Favorable conditions for calls abroad

The subscription fee for the Vodafone Family tariff plan is 35 hryvnia for 4 weeks (28 days). For this amount for the specified period you will have access to the following conditions:

  • Unlimited on-net calls
  • Free Internet in instant messengers (text and pictures) Viber, WhatsApp, Skype and Telegram
  • 100 megabytes of Internet traffic
  • 30 minutes for calls to numbers of other operators in Ukraine, as well as for international calls to Poland (all operators), Italy (Wind operator and landline numbers), as well as to Russia to numbers of Beeline, Megafon, MTS operators and landline numbers. After 30 free minutes are used up, the cost of calls to all listed directions will be 50 kopecks per minute.
  • Possibility to connect 1 number for unlimited calls to Poland for 3 UAH/day and 1 number for calls to Russia under similar conditions
  • Possibility to call Moldova for 2 hryvnia per minute

If you don’t have enough free mobile Internet for 4 weeks, which is provided as part of the subscription fee for the Vodafone Family tariff, then it will then be charged in packages of 5 UAH per 100 MB. Calls within Ukraine are charged per minute, there is no connection fee. Sending SMS/MMS is also considered in packages: when you send the first message per day, 1.50 UAH is withdrawn from your account and by the end of the day you will have 50 free messages.

An extensive coverage network, high-speed Internet anywhere in the country and optimal packages for monthly use - these are the factors that users of the Vodafone Ukraine operator usually choose. But the company continues to develop, and over the past few months it has radically updated its tariff plans, which will please its regular customers.

Traditionally, the former MTS operator offers several packages for both prepaid subscribers and contract users. Tariffs offer a wide range of options, providing the optimal ratio of Internet traffic included in the subscription fee, minutes when calling to other networks and, of course, absolute unlimited within the network. Therefore, each subscriber can choose the option that best meets your requirements, volume of calls and use of mobile Internet access.

Among the most popular packages among consumers we can confidently name Red S and Light. Today these are the most affordable options that provide unlimited communication and the necessary minimum of Internet traffic.

Switch to Vodafone from MTS

Subscribers who purchased SIM cards from the MTS operator are often interested in the question of how to switch to Vodafone, because now the company provides services under this brand.

In fact, absolutely all MTS clients were automatically connected to the services of the Vodafone operator, because in essence the network remained the same, although the corporation made significant changes:

  • Rebranding allowed the company to reach a fundamentally new level: Mobile TeleSystems acquired a license to launch 3g Internet access.
  • At the same time, with the support of the British operator, a whole package of additional services is being launched.
  • The coverage map and technical equipment are being modernized and improved.

Obviously, the transition to Vodafone Ukraine allowed more subscribers to appreciate the new level of communication and Internet provision using the MTS network.

Subscribers of other networks had the opportunity to qualitatively change the use of mobile phones. In this case, switching or purchasing an additional SIM card is inexpensive: the cost of the package depends on the usual conditions of the monthly subscription fee.

Basic tariff plans

Today Vodafone offers tariffs according to a standard scheme: for prepaid and contract subscribers. Traditionally, prepayment allows you to choose one package from a wide range of packages, while contractual terms are designed to benefit the use of communications in large volumes.

Vodafone offers contract communication services in the Red package with a monthly payment of 150 UAH. or 1500 when paying for a year of use. As a rule, this option is chosen by businesses, since this tariff will benefit from conversations with communication users of foreign operators.

Prepaid communication has more options:

  • Light is the most affordable tariff for those who practically do not use the Internet.
  • Device is a profitable solution for active Internet users from various mobile devices.
  • Red – a wide range of different tariff options.
  • Unlim – unlimited Internet access using 3G technology, as well as conversations within the Vodafone network without any restrictions.
Vodafone tariffs

It is not difficult to switch to any of the tariffs of these Vodafone lines as a network user: the official website vodafone.ua (.com is an English-language portal for European subscribers) provides complete information about tariffs and methods of switching using a simple voice menu. A prerequisite is the presence of a sufficient amount in the account. All you need to do is top up your account with the required amount to quickly activate the desired tariff.

Tariff line Red

Vodafone - Ukraine - RED tariff line

The operator offers the widest range of tariff plans in the Ed packages. This year, the company has updated its price range and, starting October 30, offers subscribers 4 options. Tariffs will be as follows:

  1. XS– the cheapest tariff schedule, which requires a monthly subscription fee of 40 UAH. The package includes standard unlimited calls within the network, 1 gigabyte when using the Internet - both for logging into social networks and for other needs. Calls to phones of other operators will be free for 60 minutes. Cost 1 min. abroad will be 3 UAH. You can send 30 SMS at no additional cost.
  2. S– a more favorable tariff for prepaid subscribers with a small monthly payment. For 60 UAH. per month, the user of the new package will receive unlimited use of social networks, as well as 4 GB of Internet access. Call other networks at no additional charge for up to 75 minutes. Calls abroad are also included - 25 minutes, as well as 50 SMS messages.
  3. M– a profitable solution for a Vodafone mobile operator subscriber who actively uses all communication services. The cost of the subscription fee is 90 UAH. This price includes 8 GB of traffic, 105 minutes for calls to numbers of other operators, as well as 35 min. for conversations with subscribers from other countries. The same amount includes sending 70 SMS.
  4. L– the most complete package of services, the cost of which is 180 UAH/month. At the same time, the subscriber receives not only unlimited conversations on the Internet and use of social networks, but also an additional service - “Ether” with the ability to watch Ukrainian TV from Vodafone in the best quality from any corner of the country. In addition, the package includes 12 GB of Internet, 300 min. for calls to numbers of other operators in Ukraine and 75 min. – to telephone numbers of telecommunications companies abroad. The number of SMS messages included in the tariff reaches 150 pcs.

It should be noted that when the package minutes and traffic expire, the subscription fee will be charged every day of using the network services. Its amount depends on the specific type of tariff.

Device line updated

Vodafone Device tariff line 2017

A simple solution for economical communication is the line of affordable tariffs from the Device series. For a new subscriber or an existing one, the following options are available to choose from:

  • S costs 45 UAH/month. At the same time, the package includes 50 MB/day using 3G technology, followed by unlimited 2G. In this tariff plan, call up to 50 minutes a day for free on the Vodafone-MTS network. Calls to numbers of other operators will cost 0.50 UAH/min., but you can call abroad for 10 UAH/min. You can send SMS within Ukraine for free up to 50 times. per day, abroad – 3 UAH/piece.
  • Package M will allow subscribers to talk on the Vodafone network for 50 kopecks. /min. One SMS message to any phone number in Ukraine will cost the same. But the Internet is provided in a volume of 5 GB, although access to social networks will be unlimited. Calls and SMS abroad cost the same in all tariff plans of the Device line. In the first month of using the updated tariff, another 2 GB will be added as a gift to the 5 GB package, and you can save money on paying for additional traffic.
  • L – a package that will allow the subscriber to evaluate all the possibilities of extensive traffic and 3G technology. The price of 90 UAH/month includes 10 GB and unlimited access to social networks. The remaining tariffs are the same as the prices of the M-package version, whether you are calling within Ukraine or using other country codes.

In addition to standard packages, prepaid subscribers are usually interested in information about how communication services are paid when package data and minutes run out. Speaking about the Device line, it should be noted that they can actually only run out of Internet traffic, and you will have to pay 15 UAH for additional megabytes. for every subsequent 0.5 GB. The rest of the prices do not change, except for the cost of a minute of conversation within the network in the S package, in which after the end of the package minutes the price is 1 minute. will be equal to 0.5 UAH.

Tariff Light

Simple tariff Vodafone Light

The simplest and most affordable tariff in the Vodafone network today is the Light plan. It is presented in only two versions – Light and Light+. In the Donetsk region, for example, only the first option is available, which assumes the following conditions:

  • unlimited online;
  • calls to numbers of other operators - 1.5 UAH/min.;
  • only the days when you use the connection are paid - 2 UAH/day.

The second tariff plan requires a monthly subscription fee of 35 UAH. For this fee, the subscriber receives unlimited Internet using 2G technology, free calls within the network, as well as 30 paid minutes for calls to numbers of other operators. If there is no money in your account, you will be pleased with the free system of profitable calls - to activate services you need only 2 UAH/day and only on the day when you use mobile communications.

Tariffs for calls abroad

Calls abroad at Vodafone tariffs are today recognized as one of the best in Ukraine. In order to enjoy favorable terms of service, you do not need to activate any additional services or promotions: the cost of such calls is in any case affordable, but depends on your tariff plan.

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Vodafone has been providing Ukrainians with its services in the cellular communications market for a long time. In just a few years, this company was able to take a leading position and acquire an impressive user base. Clients of this mobile operator note not only the quality of services, but also good service, as well as a large package of opportunities provided. Vodafone provides not only high-speed Internet, but also television and high-quality mobile communications. The operator is trying to improve its list of services and expand its customer base. These are some of the few reasons why new Vodafone tariffs will be launched in Ukraine earlier and in the future.

Why do rates change so often?

The mobile operator offers several different tariff plans to choose from, but their list is constantly changing.

The fact is that Vodafone employees constantly analyze the market and try to better understand the needs and lifestyle of modern people. Needs are constantly changing and new tariff plans are being introduced based on them. If previously simple conversations on the phone were enough for a person, now clients have begun to actively use the Internet. Good and properly designed tariff plans allow you to attract a large audience. For the same purpose, special Vodafone Ukraine tariffs are being created for the Donetsk region.

Another reason for the sudden change in packages is the introduction of new standards in Ukraine. Not long ago, a tender was held, and cellular operators divided frequencies among themselves, which made it possible to introduce 4.5G Internet in Ukraine. For a long time, Vodafone customers used tariffs from the RED line.

Of the entire line, only the RED EXTRA L tariff plan remains available to customers. It costs as much as 170 hryvnia per month, but offers a considerable package of services. For this price you get standard unlimited calls on the network. The subscriber receives 300 free minutes of communication within Ukraine and 75 minutes for calls to other countries. The package comes with 150 free SMS messages, but they are already used occasionally. The main feature is 14 gigabytes of 4G Internet, which should be enough for everything. In fact, the conditions of this package are not as good as we would like. Now the company offers more profitable and flexible tariff plans.

Learn more about other tariffs

For those who simply cannot imagine their life without the Internet and literally do not let go of the phone, the operator has developed the Unlim 3G Plus package.

The package name can be a little misleading. If a person’s SIM card supports LTE, then he will be able to use high-speed Internet. As the name implies, the user is provided with complete unlimited trading. The package also includes 100 free minutes for calls to other Ukrainian networks. For other services you will have to pay extra. However, this is probably the best plan for those who constantly hang out on the Internet. The package costs exactly 100 hryvnia per month. The company also promises that new MTS tariffs in Ukraine for the Donetsk region in 2019 will soon be presented. For those clients whose relatives mainly live abroad, the FAMILY Plus tariff plan was specially invented. This is a new product among all the services provided by the company and it will cost 50 hryvnia per month. This package provides the user with unlimited calls on their own network, as well as complete unlimited calls to all popular instant messengers, including Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp and Skype. But the essence of the tariff plan is precisely that subscribers are provided with calls abroad at a reduced price.

For example, one minute of conversation with a subscriber from Moldova, Italy or Russia will cost two hryvnia. But for calls to other countries you will have to pay 5 hryvnia for 10 minutes. These are very convenient conditions in cases where you often need to call abroad.

Related news:

Device tariff line

  • Now there are not only single tariffs Vodafone Ukraine 2019. New lines have been invented and one of them is Device. There are three versions:
  • Device S.
  • Device M.

The difference in tariff plans lies not only in price, but also in the volume of services provided. The cheapest variation costs 45 hryvnia per month. For such little money, the user receives only 50 megabytes of Internet per month, as well as unlimited 2G. In addition, you are provided with 50 minutes per day for calls within the mobile operator’s network, but calls to other networks will cost 50 kopecks per minute of communication. The conditions are not very convenient and are suitable only for those who occasionally use a mobile phone.

The next variation is Device M, which already costs 50 hryvnia. But it differs significantly in the scope of services provided from the previous version. For that kind of money, the user receives 5 gigabytes of Internet per month and two gigabytes as a gift, as well as unlimited access to social networks. At the same time, for any calls, including within the network, you will have to pay 50 kopecks. This package is suitable for those people who often use instant messengers and social networks. The latest version offers users 90 hryvnia to get 10 gigabytes of Internet and a limit on social networks.

It is worth knowing that you can easily find new 2019 Vodafone tariffs in Ukraine; the official website even allows you to compare tariffs with each other. The most popular line of packages at the moment is called SuperNet and it is divided into three varieties:

  1. SuperNet Start – 65 hryvnia per month.
  2. SuperNet Pro – 85 hryvnia per month.
  3. SuperNet Unlim – 115 hryvnia per month.

The difference lies in the volume of services. Users are given high-speed Internet and unlimited communication within the network, at least 60 minutes for calls to other operators. But the peculiarity of the package is free access to many applications and services.

Mobile operator Vodafone Ukraine has launched the “Unlimited Abroad” service, which allows you to make unlimited calls to 3 selected numbers in international destinations.

Note that at the moment the Top 5 most popular international destinations are as follows: Poland, Russia, Italy, Czech Republic and Germany. So far, only 2 countries are available in the “Unlimited Abroad” service – Poland and Russia – but in the future the list of countries may expand.

The “Unlimited Abroad” service allows Vodafone subscribers to call abroad at the most favorable rates. The cost of the new service is only 35 UAH for 30 days, for this amount users will be able to make unlimited calls to 3 subscribers in Poland or Russia.

To activate the service, just dial *600*7# and the call key. The subscriber will receive a notification about activation of the service via SMS from the operator. To enter 3 selected numbers for calls abroad, you need to use the combination *600*71*# and the call key. Entering the first three numbers into the service is free, each subsequent number change costs 5 UAH, numbers can be changed an unlimited number of times.

“Vodafone Ukraine clients have long been accustomed to the opportunity to make unlimited calls within their operator’s network, and as part of the Winter Promotion, subscribers receive even more minutes for calls to other Ukrainian networks, mobile and landline. Moreover, most Vodafone tariffs include minutes for calls to 62 countries of the world,” Vladimir Vdovichenko, head of the roaming and international communications department at Vodafone Ukraine, comments on the launch of the service. “With the new service, subscribers of our network will be able not to limit themselves to minutes when calling abroad and not to think about the cost of these minutes at all, which is especially important on the eve of the New Year holidays.”