How to roll back an application update on Android 6. Step-by-step instructions for removing application updates on Android. Differences from the update

At turning on Wi-Fi On most Android devices, software and game updates are starting to download. The process is useful, but sometimes updating on Android causes the application to start working incorrectly. In this case, Android device users begin to wonder how to remove updates and return programs to a working state.

Uninstalling updates

You can only remove updates from built-in Android applications - Google Chrome, Play Market. If you are looking for how to uninstall an update third party program on Android, you will be disappointed. The only way that works is to uninstall the application itself, and then find and install it old version.

You can search for old versions on sites like 4pda - there you can find any popular program for Android. Download from other portals setup files more dangerous, but still possible, especially if the site has been verified by other users. To remote application after installation it was not updated immediately, you need to configure the order of downloading updates on Android.

If you don't like how one of the standard applications Android (for example, Play Market), then you can quickly roll back it to its original state:

  1. Open settings, go to "Applications".
  2. Find in the list the program whose updates you want to remove. Click on it to open a page with additional settings.
  3. Tap on the “Uninstall updates” button.

Deleted updates may be downloaded back when connected to Wi-Fi. To prevent this from happening, follow the recommendations for setting up app updates on Android.

Setting up an Android update

By default, programs begin updating when Wi-Fi is turned on. On mobile traffic updates are not downloaded because it has a limit - a specific number of gigabytes per month. Majority Android users I’m happy with this approach: I turned on Wi-Fi, the application was updated, and you don’t have to worry about the relevance of the programs. But if you want to completely control how it will load Last update, it is necessary to produce additional settings systems.

The first thing you can do is set a limit background processes. It will help fix the situation when the system freezes due to the simultaneous updating of several applications.

  1. Open settings, section "For developers".
  2. Scroll down to the Background Process Limit option. Click on it to change.
  3. Set the value that suits you - for example, no more than 2 processes at a time.

If you want to disable auto-updates altogether, the easiest way to do this is to use Play settings Market:

  1. Launch Play Market. Call up the control menu and go to settings.
  2. Click on "Auto update" and select "Never".

Some applications update without Help Play Market, so following the above steps will not be enough to complete shutdown auto-updates. To fix this flaw:

  1. Open your phone settings, go to the “About device” section.
  2. Select "Software Update".
  3. Uncheck the "Auto-update" option.

Android operating system, which is the brainchild of the Internet giant Google, is constantly being improved, and every six months the company rolls out new versions. First, updates go to the devices of the corporation itself, then the system is taken by manufacturers of other smartphones and remade for their own hardware, with its own additions, features and functions.

It's very good that the system is developing, but updates are good for a well-developed pure Android, which works flawlessly and updates are applied to it smoothly. As for other manufacturers, their modifications do not always work as we would like, especially for budget devices, for which OS modifications will account for the lion's share of expenses. Therefore, situations often arise when you need to abandon the updated version of the OS, but how to roll back Android 7 to 6? This is what we will look at below.

How to roll back firmware on Android

The problem, unfortunately, does not change with the click of one button, since rolling back an Android update is only possible by completely rewriting the system. That is, officially regular means such a procedure is not provided. There is logic in this; the developers don’t even think that users will use something other than the latest version of the software.

So, how to roll back the Android version to the previous one? Just reflash the device by connecting it to the computer. Some users think that they can return the old version of the OS through Recovery smartphone, However, it is not. Full reset or restoring factory settings does not remove updates to the firmware itself, and if you managed to update it, then resetting the settings via Recovery will reset the most latest firmware, since she is now the only one you have.

How to roll back updates on Android without a PC

On some devices, the recovery menu has a function to overwrite from an existing archive. In fact, this is the same as restoring a backup, only the firmware will be with the previous version.

  • When you are in the recovery menu and have already selected factor reset and deleting data, you will need to select through Install zip from sdcard/choose the file that contains the firmware of the old version that you want to roll back to.
  • Select it and click Yes - install
  • We are waiting for the re-recording and installation to take place. We do not interrupt the process, otherwise your device may turn into a brick, which can only be restored by a service for money.

How to roll back updates on Android from backup

Every user computer devices, be it a mobile phone, laptop or PC, must be aware of the fact that software environment does not last forever, and you need to regularly back up your data. In case of Android is better create copies of the entire system and this must be done immediately after purchasing the device. There are many applications that create backups, the most popular is Titanium Backup.

And remember, before you update your system to next version, first you need to wait for reviews about her work, find out about all the nuances, pros and cons. And only then decide to update Android.

Thanks to the service Google Play application developers for Android phones and tablets are able to efficiently distribute updates to their products. As soon as they update the application in the Google Play service, it is automatically updated for all Android devices where it is installed. In most cases, this is very convenient. For both developers and users.

But updates are not always successful. Sometimes after updating the application is not stable or contains errors. In such situations, the problem arises of how to remove an application update on Android and return its old version.

Uninstalling updates for Android applications

Fortunately, the Android operating system provides a mechanism using which you can remove an update that was installed on your phone using the Google Play service. To do this, you need to open the Android settings and go to the “ Application Manager" or simply " Applications"if you have a standard shell.

After this, you will see a list of all installed applications on your Android smartphone. Here you need to find the application whose update you want to remove.

Opening the right application, you will see a screen with information. Here you need to click on the “Uninstall updates” button, which will be located immediately below the name of your application.

After this, a warning will appear indicating that the system is about to remove updates and restore source application. Click on the “Yes” button to continue.

After this update, the applications will be removed and the application information screen will appear in front of you again. Here you can see which version you have rolled back to.

How to disable app updates in the future

In order to this application has not been updated again, it needs to be in the Google Play service. To do this, go to Google app Play on your Android phone and use the search to find the page for the application you need. After opening the application page, click on the button with three dots. It should be at the very top of the screen.

After clicking on this button A small pop-up menu will appear where you can disable the update for this application.

Once app updates are disabled, only your grandchild can update the app.

  1. Disable auto-update of the VKontakte application on Google Play;
  2. Delete new version of VK;
  3. Restore old client In contact with.

Disabling VK auto-update on Google Play:

  1. Run Play Store, go to “Options” by clicking on the corresponding icon (Alternatively, the icon with three horizontal stripes next to the inscription “Google Play”);
  2. Select "Settings" and uncheck "Auto-update apps" (in some versions of the application you need to check the box "Never").

After these steps, the VK application installed from Google Play will no longer be able to update automatically, and you will be able to use the familiar old version of VK for Android without worrying that the client interface may change at any time due to next update programs.

Uninstalling a new version of VK:

  • Go to "Settings", then to "Applications", then select the new VKontakte application that disappointed you and delete it from your Android device.

Restoring the old VK client for Android:

Download and install previous version official client social network VK for Android (you can find it by going to).

All. You have returned to your smartphone or tablet the familiar version of the VK application with an interface convenient for you, and it will not go anywhere again without your consent. Automatic updates there is no need to be afraid of the client of the social network VKontakte - you have blocked this opportunity.

A new version The VKontakte application allowed us to once again verify that not all changes intended to improve and increase the usability of the application lead to these improvements. The tastes, habits and needs of users are purely individual. Fortunately, you can almost always find a way to return to the old proven version of the program and continue communicating on a social network (in in this case) under normal conditions.

Information from 10/04/2017 : As a result of a change in VKontakte's audio recording policy in older versions of the client no longer available. Official response from VKontakte technical support on this matter.

There are probably several people who would delve into this issue after they tried to return the version themselves operating system to the previously installed one. But, if faced with any difficulties, we would decide to read online to figure out what these difficulties might be associated with. And then it turns out that there are many nuances that need to be foreseen in advance.

In addition from huge amount foreign names and abbreviations, instead of understanding the process, the information in the head turns into mush. And every sentence you read adds more and more misunderstanding to the overall picture.

Well, let's figure it out together!

Brief educational program

  • There is no universal algorithm of actions! This is the first thing you need to know about the return of Android OS to more earlier version. Each brand (and even model!) of device may have its own characteristics
  • Reverting the OS version is a process that affects the system kernel. Consequently, manufacturers make sure that only “advanced” users in this matter can get there. Root rights were invented for this. They are intended to give you administrator rights. There are both pros and cons to their use. Before you start doing anything, find out how to get them and what the use of Root rights on your device can promise!
  • If you are not scared by everything you read about Root rights and you are also full of confidence to return Android version 4.4, then another concept that you need to understand before starting the process is Backup. Speaking Russian - .

After returning the system, you can easily restore all contacts, applications, settings, etc. The main thing is to choose the right program that will perform Backup on your device as correctly as possible.

How to return Nexus

Operating room developer Android systems and manufacturer Nexus devices is one company - Google. Therefore, for Nexus devices, the return process remains as simple as possible and consists of 4 simple steps:

  1. Download and install the image on your device Android firmware, which you need;
  2. Run this firmware directly from the device and wait for the installation to complete;
  3. Load data from a backup.

How to return everything else

Devices from other manufacturers have their own characteristics when performing a system reset. But despite this, there are still general manipulations.

You will need a PC or laptop

Typically, to downgrade Android from version 5.0 to version 4.4 or similar, you will need:

  1. Required firmware;
  2. Program for creating a backup copy;
  3. Program for establishing Root rights;
  4. Personal computer or laptop;
  5. The device (tablet, phone) on which you want to make a return;
  6. USB cable.


The first thing you need to take care of is, of course, the firmware itself. You need to clearly understand and imagine what you want to see as a result of manipulations with Android. Decide what firmware you want, custom or official? Official firmware, as a rule, can be downloaded from the official website of the manufacturer of your device. Custom - search the forums, compare and choose. It is necessary that the firmware is suitable for your device and is known to be working, that is, tested. To find out, you will have to study more than one forum, read a lot of reviews and ask a bunch of questions. But this must be done, because otherwise you risk saying goodbye to your favorite device!

The selection of custom firmware should be approached responsibly


The main rule of any gamer or programmer is “SAVE!!!” And in our case, this rule has the same importance.

It has the function of creating a backup copy and saving it to your Google account. But in this case, you can only save contacts. Therefore it is necessary to acquire the necessary program. And then you can reserve almost everything: contacts, messages, system settings, and information about applications, thanks to which the system will automatically download them from Google Play and install them.

But, whatever one may say, you will again have to make a choice yourself. We will only list the most popular programs today:

  • Titanium Backup
  • GO Backup
  • HTC backup
  • Clickfree Mobile Backup.
Can be used various programs to save data

The backup process looks roughly the same for all devices:

  1. Install the memory card into your mobile device;
  2. Search, read reviews and download the Backup program you like on your tablet or smartphone;
  3. Install it and launch it;
  4. In the program settings, mark what you want to reserve. Don't forget to check in your settings if you have enough space to save your backup. Need this free place was on the memory card;
  5. You start the reservation process, wait for it to finish, and remove the card.

Now all important information is located on a flash drive and after returning your Android from version 5.0 to the previous one, it will be restored using the same program.


Required on your device additional program. You also choose, read reviews, ask questions, compare. Then download and install on your computer.

The process itself

So, you are all ready to start the process. Let us remind you that this process is individual for each device, so we will focus on manipulations that are the same in most cases. We present you the procedure:

  1. We do Backup (see above);
  2. We put the device into programming mode (may have a different name; see instructions);
  3. Connect the device to the computer;
  4. Launch the Root program;
  5. Launch the downloaded program and select its version;
  6. We start the installation process, wait;
  7. When finished, it is advisable to reset the settings to factory settings;
  8. Reinstall the program you used to make Backup, insert the memory card with backup copy, we start the data recovery process.


In conclusion, I would like to examine one more concept that you will definitely come across while studying the forums. This is the concept of "brick". A “brick” is a device that, after returning from Lollipop to Kitkat, stopped working altogether. To prevent this from happening to your Android device, you need to approach the matter as carefully as possible and carefully study all aspects. Only after the whole picture of the planned actions is clear and understandable can you be sure of a successful result.