Indoor homemade TV antenna circle made of metal-plastic. Vertical and horizontal polarization of digital TV signal. DIY digital antenna

Today there is a large selection of different antennas for TV, you can always purchase exactly what you need. But there are cases when such a device is needed very urgently, for example, after a thunderstorm or at the dacha, but you still need to get to the store.

Then skillful hands, ingenuity and a certain amount of source material come to the rescue. To watch TV shows, it is better to connect the TV to a satellite TV antenna. In the city, cable television is considered an alternative.

There are times when it is impossible to pay for services that can be obtained for free, only in worse quality, as well as in a smaller volume. The realization of this desire is possible by connecting the TV to an individual antenna.

Making at home

As an example, let's try to make a car TV antenna with our own hands. The difficulty lies in the fact that the car body is constantly in motion.

The task is to make a car antenna such that it:

  • did not cause any complaints from the traffic police due to the modification of the body;
  • could stand right in the salon;
  • ensured reliable reception on the radio frequency;
  • had high efficiency.

So, you can use a frame structure laid under the rear window seal of the car. Naturally, it is slightly narrowed at the top and does not have exactly the dimensions that are needed, so a capacitor is located in the center, which tunes the antenna to resonance on the required channel.

The cable is soldered on the side where the wire is cut. A gap on the opposite side is not allowed.

The antenna is connected through the connector used by the communication equipment. The cable should be short in length and should be used as little as possible. If it is possible to place the equipment near the rear window, then this should be done.

The simplest UHF model

First you need to make a quarter-wave vibrator from coaxial cable. To do this, the reception frequency is found. The resistance of a quarter-wave vibrator approaches 40 ohms. This is taken into account during coordination or simply plugged into the digital television receiver, having previously attached an f-connector or other necessary connector.

Only the outer shell and screen are cleaned. The quarter-wave vibrator is positioned horizontally for best reception. This design is easy to manufacture and even a schoolchild can do it.

This is the simplest UHF antenna that you can make yourself. You shouldn’t expect great feats from it and you don’t need to install one on the roof. This device is not for external use, but it is capable of enhancing reception on a regular receiver.

If you don’t have time to make anything for a long time, it’s worth trying this simple method.

Room type

From this video, you will learn how to make a simple UHF antenna with your own hands. Enjoy watching, enjoy watching!

If you live far from a television tower, then an indoor television antenna is quite suitable for receiving a television signal. The design of this type is simple and does not require special knowledge to manufacture.

To make this version of the signal catcher, you will need 70 cm of copper wire (diameter 2-3 mm), double-sided fiberglass, coaxial television cable (1.5 m) and an F-plug.

It is necessary to select a piece of copper wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm and a length of 70 cm. A single-core copper wire is suitable for laying electrical wiring.

If there are several conductors in the cable, you need to carefully cut one conductor along the groove, being careful not to damage the insulation. Insulation is not needed for the antenna to work; it is left only for aesthetic appearance. Aluminum wire is also suitable, but it is connected to the board contacts using a threaded connection.

It is worth paying attention that the nut should not touch the shielding foil of the transformer, otherwise it is necessary to lay an insulating washer or trim the foil. When using a wire without insulation, you can put a vinyl chloride tube on it for beauty.

Then the wire should be bent into a ring with a diameter of approximately 220 mm. In this case, high accuracy is not required. A mandrel in the form of a paint bucket or another round container of approximate size is suitable for this.

Once you have a ring for the antenna, you can begin producing the transformer PCB. It is made from fiberglass or getinax foil-coated on both sides.

Example of an indoor TV antenna

If it is impossible to make a printed circuit board chemically, then you can make it mechanically.

For this purpose, it is necessary to remove excess sections of foil, leave only the contact pads, lay out the current-carrying paths from copper wire with a diameter of 0.3-0.5 mm, and glue it to the board.

For an aesthetic appearance and to increase the mechanical strength of the antenna, the transformer is placed in a box made of plastic or metal, in which holes are made for the ring and the antenna cable.

After preparing all the antenna parts, you can begin assembling the device. To do this, insert the ends of the ring into the box and bend it at a distance of 3 mm at a right angle.

Next, a television cable is threaded into the hole in the box. A television F-connector is pre-installed at one end, and the second is cut and its ends are soldered onto the antenna circuit board. Then the central core of the cable is soldered to the right end of the ring, and the shielding braid is soldered to the board foil.

To ensure reliability, solder or fasten the cable in the following order. It is important to remember that the shielding winding is soldered first and the cable is pulled well to remove the slack, and only then the central core is soldered.

As a result, when moving the antenna, as well as pulling the cable, the central core will not break. If the cable screen is made of aluminum foil, it is pressed against the foil of the board using a metal clamp, which is put on a screw and secured with a nut.

All that remains is to close the box with a lid. As a result, the indoor television antenna is completely ready to receive a TV signal. You need to insert the connector into the TV and tune the channels to the desired programs.

For image quality with minimal noise, you need to move the antenna around the room to find a place with the optimal television signal strength.

, price, as well as the principle of operation, are described in full on our website!

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Only here you can find out from this how much tabletop dishwashers cost.

If you want to make an antenna for a TV with your own hands at home, you should take into account the fact that today there are 2 completely elementary methods. You will need regular wire. Please note that it is not recommended to use aluminum as it is susceptible to rapid oxidation.

Copper or brass wire is excellent for such purposes. The surface of the wire must be cleaned from both ends of the insulating material, then one end must be attached to the battery or pipe, and the opposite end must be inserted into the television connector.

You will immediately notice that there is a signal as the pipe runs through most of the house and exits upward. It is considered an amplifier of the desired frequencies. This method allows you to “catch” about 5 channels.

The second option is available only to those people who have a balcony. In this case, you will need the same wire, only longer, to connect the TV and the balcony area.

The wire is stripped on both sides, one end is connected to the TV in the cable socket, and the second is wound to the stretched strings on which the laundry is hung. This method not only helps to add channels, but also improves the image quality.

Despite the rapid development of the Internet, television remains the main source of information for the majority of the population. But in order for your TV to have a high-quality picture, you need a good antenna. It is not at all necessary to buy a television antenna in a store, because you can make it yourself and save a lot of money.

You can find out how to make high-quality antennas for various broadcast bands and what materials to use by reading our article.

There are many types and forms of television antennas, the main ones are listed below:

  • Antennas for receiving a “wave channel”.
  • Antennas receiving a “traveling wave”.
  • Loop antennas.
  • Zigzag antennas.
  • Log-periodic antennas.

  • Array antennas
  • Array antennas.
  • Antennas for digital television reception

    The whole world, including our country, has switched from analogue to digital broadcasting. Therefore, when making an antenna with your own hands or buying it in a store, you need to know which antenna is best suited for receiving DVB-T2 format:

    If you live not far from a TV tower, then you can easily make a simple antenna for receiving a signal in DVB-T2 format with your own hands:

  1. Measure 15 centimeters of antenna cable from the connector.
  2. Remove 13 centimeters of outer insulation and braid from the cut edge, leaving only the copper rod.
  3. Referring to the TV picture, point the rod in the desired direction.

The antenna is ready! It should be noted that such a primitive antenna is not capable of providing a high-quality and stable signal at a distance from the TV tower and in places with sources of interference.

DIY antennas

Let's look at several options for television antennas that you can make yourself from scrap materials:

Beer can antenna

An antenna from beer cans can be made in literally half an hour, using the materials you have on hand. Of course, such an antenna will not provide a super-stable signal, but for temporary use in a country house or in a rented apartment it is quite suitable.

Beer can antenna
To make an antenna you will need:

  • Two aluminum cans of beer or other drink.
  • Five meters of television cable.
  • Plug.
  • Two screws.
  • A wooden or plastic base on which the jars will be attached (many people use a wooden hanger or mop).
  • Knife, pliers, screwdriver, insulating tape.

After making sure that you have all the above items in stock, do the following:

  1. Strip one end of the cable and attach the plug to it.
  2. Take the other end of the cable and remove 10 centimeters of insulation from it.
  3. Unravel the braid and twist it into a cord.
  4. Remove the plastic layer from the insulating rod of the cable to a distance of one centimeter.
  5. Take the jars and screw the screws into them in the center of the bottom or lid.
  6. Attach a rod to one can and a braided cable cord to the other, screwing them onto screws.
  7. Attach the jars to the base using electrical tape.
  8. Attach the cable to the base.
  9. Insert the plug into the TV.
  10. Moving around the room, determine the location of the best signal reception and attach the antenna there.

There are other variations of this antenna, with four and even eight banks, but no obvious effect of the number of banks on the signal quality has been identified.
You can also learn how to make an antenna from beer cans from the video:

Kharchenko zigzag antenna

The antenna received its name in 1961, after the name of its inventor Kharchenko K.P., who proposed using zigzag-shaped antennas to receive television broadcasts. This antenna is very well suited for receiving digital signals.

Antenna Kharchenko
To make a zigzag antenna you will need:

  • Copper wire with a diameter of 3-5 mm.
  • TV cable 3-5 meters.
  • Solder.
  • Soldering iron.
  • Plug.
  • Insulating tape.
  • A piece of plastic or plywood for the base.
  • Fastening bolts.

First you need to make an antenna frame. To do this, take the wire and cut off a piece of 109 centimeters. Next, we bend the wire so that we get a frame of two parallel rhombuses, each side of the rhombus should be 13.5 centimeters, make loops from the remaining centimeter to fasten the wire. Using a soldering iron and solder, connect the ends of the wire and close the frame.
Take the cable and strip its end so that you can solder the rod and cable shield to the frame. Next, solder the rod and cable shield in the center of the frame. Please note that the screen and the rod should not touch.
Place the frame on the base. The distance between the corners of the frame at the junction with the cable should be two centimeters. Make the size of the base approximately 10 by 10 centimeters.
Strip the other end of the cable and install the plug.
If necessary, attach the antenna base to a stand for further installation on the roof.
You can watch more detailed instructions for making the Kharchenko antenna in the video:

Coaxial cable antenna

To make the antenna you will need a 75 ohm coaxial cable with a standard connector. To calculate the cable length required for the antenna, you need to find out the digital broadcasting frequency and divide it in megahertz by 7500, and round the resulting amount.

Cable antenna
Once you have the cable length, do the following:

  1. Strip the cable on one side and insert it into the antenna connector.
  2. Step back two centimeters from the edge of the connector and make a mark from which you will measure the length of the antenna.
  3. Having measured the desired length, bite off the excess with pliers.
  4. In the area of ​​the mark, remove the insulation and braiding of the cable, leaving only the inner insulation.
  5. Bend the cleaned part at an angle of 90 degrees.
  6. Set up your TV with a new antenna.

You can visually consolidate the information by watching the video:

Satellite antenna

It’s worth mentioning right away that to receive a satellite signal you need a tuner and a special set-top box. Therefore, if you do not have this equipment, then creating a satellite dish with your own hands will not be possible, since you yourself can only make a parabolic reflector:

All of the methods listed above can be considered seriously only out of sporting interest, since making a parabolic reflector by hand is a very labor-intensive and expensive process. In addition, it is very difficult to accurately calculate the parameters of a satellite dish at home. Therefore, we advise you not to be original and buy a complete satellite dish.

Antenna amplifier

If the place where you live has a weak television signal and a conventional antenna cannot provide a high-quality picture on your TV, then an antenna amplifier can help in this situation. You can make it yourself if you have a little knowledge of radio electronics and know how to solder.

Amplifiers should be installed as close to the antenna as possible. It is better to power the antenna amplifier via a coaxial cable through a decoupler.

Isolation power circuit
The decoupler is installed at the bottom of the TV and is supplied with 12 volt power from the adapter. Two-stage amplifiers consume a current of no more than 50 milliamps; for this reason, the power of the power supply should not exceed 10 watts.
All connections of the antenna amplifier on the mast must be made by soldering, since the installation of mechanical connections will lead to their corrosion and rupture during further operation in an aggressive external environment.
There are times when you have to receive and amplify a weak signal in the presence of powerful signals from other sources. In this case, both weak and strong signals enter the amplifier input. This leads to blocking the operation of the amplifier or switching it to a non-linear mode, mixing both signals, which is expressed in the overlay of the image from one channel to another. Reducing the amplifier supply voltage will help correct the situation.
Please note that UHF amplifiers are greatly influenced by signals in the meter range. To weaken the impact of meter signals, a high-pass filter is placed in front of the UHF amplifier, which blocks meter waves and transmits only signals in the decimeter range.
Below is a diagram of a VHF antenna amplifier:

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the circuit of the decimeter amplifier:

You can see the operating principle of the antenna amplifier in the video:

Now, having familiarized yourself with the diagrams and armed with a soldering iron, you can safely begin making an antenna amplifier.

We hope that our article about television antennas was useful to you!

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In the modern world, there is a significant range of high-tech and functional antennas for installation at home. But there are times when the TV has stopped showing in a country house. Some craftsmen find a way out of this situation and make something that helps correct the situation. Moreover, they give recommendations to others: how to make an antenna with your own hands for a TV. Let's look at simple methods that may be useful to you.

Homemade devices are especially good when they are needed for temporary use

The simplest and most unusual option to construct an antenna is from beer cans. And according to experts, as many as seven channels will be shown. To build such a structure, prepare:

When deciding how to make your own antenna for a TV, keep in mind that the gap between the end parts of the cans should be about 75 mm. And the best location of the structure is near the windows.

The stick that will be used for the antenna should be made of wood. You cannot take aluminum or titanium options. Cable parts can be soldered. Instead of tape, you can use electrical tape or even a band-aid. Containers for creating the device must be thoroughly washed and dried. To improve image quality, you can “play” with the distance between the banks.

Table 1. Antenna made from beer cans


Prepare the cable. To do this, make a cut on one edge and remove the insulation layer. Then the middle layer is cut off. A plug for the TV antenna is mounted at the other end.

Stock up on cans. Their capacity should be 1 liter!

Make contacts. One end of the twisted cable is mounted to the can, and the other with a copper core to the other. Fastening is carried out using a screwdriver and a soldering iron.

Assemble the antenna. A trempel is used as a supporting device.
Set up your device.

Related article:

In the article we will look at the application features, types of devices, secrets of selection and installation.

Is it possible to make a homemade antenna for digital television from wire?

A good way is to use copper wire to create an antenna. For such a mechanism you will need an amplifier, wire, sheet of metal, drill, bolts, metal pipe, cable and hammer.

To make such a homemade home antenna for a TV, we perform the following operations:

  • At the first stage we make a catcher. To make it, the wire must be bent so that all sides have a length of 45 cm;
  • Next, we fix the wire on the plate. In this case, a connection is made to the plate;
  • cable is connected;
  • A mast is made from a metal pipe. Its foundation needs to be buried.

Helpful information! All details should be painted over. This will protect the product from corrosion and aggressive operating conditions.

DIY antenna option for digital TV HDTV

There are various methods for making a TV antenna with your own hands. The first two methods we considered operate at a frequency of 270 MHz. And the next option has great possibilities. In this case, the picture will be of higher quality, since the signal can reach 490 MHz. You will definitely need a special transformer, which is unlikely to be found among the materials at hand. Such a device should be purchased in advance. There are also methods for making a transformer yourself, but they are quite complicated. The materials you should prepare are cardboard, tape, foil, stapler, marker, tape measure and glue.

  • First, you should print a special diagram for installing such a device. According to the diagram, all structural elements are cut out, as well as all the necessary foil parts. Then you need to make a butterfly out of cardboard and paint over individual parts with a marker.
  • The next step is to build a reflector, the size of which is 35-32.5 cm. One of the sides is glued with foil.
  • Rectangles of the same size are cut out in the middle. They are needed to construct a catcher for the structure. The length of the plate should be about 35 mm. This product is designed to maintain the distance between additional elements and the reflector.
  • The individual parts are glued to the rectangular element. Then recesses for the cable are drilled.

The correct instructions will tell you how to make an antenna for a TV with your own hands. A transformer must be connected, and the cable must be installed in the plug. This method is only suitable for indoor use, as the paper will quickly become unusable outdoors.

The table details all stages of installing such equipment.

Table 2. DIY antenna for digital TV HDTV

ImageStages of work
Prepare the necessary material.
Print the template and cut it out.
Cut out a reflector from cardboard and then cover it with foil.
Cut out rectangles in the middle.
You also need to cut out all the necessary parts from cardboard. This applies the template.
It's better if you make all the details in color.
Foil is also cut using stencils.
To create a bend, a small undercut is made on the dotted line.
Foil is glued to individual antenna elements.
The antenna is being assembled. At the same time, measure 35 mm from the reflector and glue the butterfly.
A hole is made in the middle of this element for the passage of the cable.
A suitable transformer is installed and the antenna is ready.

Related article:

This article talks about what parameters a high-quality TV stand has, and photos and descriptions will help you choose the best option for your interior.

Nuances of the apartment option

When making some types of structures, you can make an antenna amplifier with your own hands. Try to make a high-quality amplifier from scrap materials that can be used for both outdoor and indoor use.

To carry out the work you will need the following materials:

  • copper wire, the length of which is 4 m and the diameter is about 4 mm;
  • board of any thickness with a width of 70 mm and a length of 550 mm;
  • screws and screwdriver;
  • plug and soldering iron;
  • pencil and ruler.

Follow the drawing. Start by drilling holes in the surface. The parameters from the diagram are transferred to the board, and drilling is performed in certain places. The copper wire is measured and cut into 8 equal sections. In the middle of each segment you need to remove the insulation.

Cut two pieces and roughly divide them into three parts, and remove the insulation layer at the bend points. In bare areas you need to bend the wire. On these elements the distance between the edges should be about 75 mm. This is the optimal distance for good signal reception. You need to attach a plug to the prepared homemade product, and then connect the cable to it. Then you need to find a suitable place to mount the device.

If the receiver is located at some distance from the generator, then its power weakens. To correct this shortcoming, special amplifiers are used.To secure a homemade device, you need a special mast, which you can do yourself. In this case, steel pipes will come in handy.

Select two pipes and bury them in the ground. It is necessary to drill recesses on the sides of the highways and install steel rods. Then the prepared pipe from the sleeve is put on them. With its help, you can install a different number of pipes. Attach them with a special steel cable. By using additional pipes you can make the mast longer. Making such a design is not difficult.

To make some antenna options it will take no more than 30 minutes. This will create a mechanism for receiving a television signal.We hope that our instructions will help you make an antenna with your own hands. You can find many other interesting instructions. After all, a homemade structure can be made from electrodes, aluminum disks and copper tubes.

Today the store has a large selection of all kinds of antennas for a TV, and you can always buy what you need. But there are times when an antenna is needed very urgently, for example, after a thunderstorm or in the country, but you still need to walk to the store. Then skillful hands, ingenuity and a little source material will come to the rescue.

This is the most popular television antenna, which is made by craftsmen with their own hands. The secret of its popularity is the simplicity and availability of materials. Such an antenna can be made at the dacha and at a picnic. And in an apartment, where reception from a store antenna is not always ideal. Experts say that it only takes 10 minutes to make such an antenna yourself, and it receives many more channels than a stationary one.

To create a receiver from empty tin cans you will need:

  • antenna cable;
  • a couple of tin cans for beer or other low-alcohol drinks;
  • self-tapping screws – 2 pcs;
  • plug;
  • insulating or adhesive tape;
  • screwdriver;
  • stick.

Instructions on how to make a TV antenna yourself:

The antenna made from empty beer cans is ready, all that remains is to connect it to the TV and configure it. You can improve the design and make an antenna from several sections from beer containers.

Simple TV antenna

If you don’t fancy yourself a great master, but still want to try to make an antenna with your own hands, you need to try to make the simplest design. To do this, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. To make a simple antenna with your own hands, you need to connect the antenna input to the TV with any pre-insulated metal circuit.
  2. The circuit must be installed on a stand made of plastic or wood, and placed on the TV itself or on the balcony.
  3. You need to connect the TV to the antenna using a plug and a cable, from which you need to cut the insulation about 5 cm in length.
  4. The opened winding must be divided in half and folded back.
  5. Also carefully cut the inner winding to the same length and expose the cable core.
  6. Secure the core with winding in the plug using screws. If your plug does not have room to attach the winding, then you need to cut it off.
  7. Fasten the other edge of the cable to the circuit, before stripping it in the same way, making a ring from the core and securing it.
  8. The connection points must be wrapped with insulation to ensure the reliability of the structure.

To improve the signal on your home antenna, you need to use electronic signal amplifiers.

Powerful homemade antenna

In order for the antenna to work as well as the purchased one, or even better, you need to improve its receiving circuit.

  1. Buy a signal amplifier that connects directly to the antenna; be sure to wrap the cable at both ends with electrical tape so that there is no interference in the signal.
  2. To ensure high-quality reception, you need to make a screen - this is a metal mesh that is isolated from the TV and placed behind the receiver. You can use a metal mesh from a fence as a screen.
  3. The reception area should be increased if possible; to do this, metal rods can be attached to the screen, paying attention that the entire structure is made of the same metal, so that oxidation does not occur over time. The rods must be connected to the screen symmetrically to create the largest possible area.
  4. In the center of the structure you need to place another amplifier, soldering the contacts to the receiver.
  5. This type of antenna is not installed in the house; usually they are placed on the roof, turning towards the nearest TV tower.

Antenna with a minimum of materials

There are two completely elementary methods on how to make an antenna for a TV at home:

  1. You will need the simplest wire, but you don’t need to take it from aluminum, as it is subject to very rapid oxidation. Copper or brass wire is perfect for these purposes. Strip the wire from both ends of the insulating material, attach one end to the battery or pipe, and insert the opposite end into the television connector. You will notice that a signal immediately appears, since the pipe, passing through most of the house and exiting upward, is an amplifier of the desired frequencies. In this way you can “catch” about five channels.
  2. The second option will only be available to people who have a balcony. In this case, you need to take the same wire, only longer, so that it connects the TV and the balcony area. Strip the wire on both sides, and connect one end to the TV in the cable socket, and wind the other to the stretched strings on which the laundry is hung. This method will not only help to add the number of channels, but will also make the image quality an order of magnitude higher.

Satellite antenna

With your own hands you can make not only simple antennas for a TV, but even satellite ones. This is especially true for those who live far from big cities and cannot buy a parabolic receiver in a store. It is good if the TV tower is located 35 km from the building so that the signal is strong enough. And if there is a tall building nearby, the task will become even easier.

Necessary materials:

  • unnecessary umbrella;
  • foil;
  • antenna cable, preferably made of copper;
  • empty beer can;
  • signal amplifier with power supply.

Work progress:

Today we are sharing life hacks on how to make a TV antenna with your own hands. An antenna is a device for emitting or receiving radio waves. There are transmitters, receivers and transceivers. The editors learned that a simple design can be made using copper and brass wire, copper tubes, wires, and even tin cans.

TV antenna made from tin cans

You can make an antenna for a TV yourself, from scrap materials, even from empty beer cans. This method is the fastest and easiest. You can make a structure from electrodes and disks. The maximum number of channels will be seven.

You will need:

  1. can;
  2. plug;
  3. antenna cable;
  4. screwdriver;
  5. adhesive tape or insulating tape;
  6. wooden trempel;
  7. self-tapping screws (2 pcs).

The indoor design guarantees reliable reception of an analog signal within the city and without cable coordination (with a length of up to 2 m).

Distance between banks:

where λ is the wavelength. There should be no more than 3-4 dipoles. If there are fewer of them, the gain will be insignificant; if there are more, there will be problems with cable matching.

The signal quality will noticeably improve if you place a metal mesh screen on the back.

Distance between screen and main structure:

How to make a design:

How to improve the antenna?

An amplifier is needed if the broadcaster is located far away. With an amplifier, the design receives the signal more reliably, but the “do it yourself” option may not work here.

You can use a magnet onto which several turns of television cable will be wound (collected both near the TV and on the antenna).

If the question is how to strengthen the signal of a home structure so that instead of 7, 20 channels are clearly broadcast, you need to:

  • buy a special TV signal pre-amplifier;
  • find the location of ideal signal reception;
  • get rid of interference caused by metal objects.

How to quickly make an antenna:

How to assemble an antenna for digital TV?

A homemade design should be:

  1. carefully manufactured with a high degree of precision without loss of signal power;
  2. strictly directed along the axis of the electromagnetic wave emanating from the transmitting center;
  3. targeted by type of polarization;
  4. have protection from side interference signals of the same frequency emanating from any sources: electric motors, radio transmitters, generators.

How to make your own antenna for digital TV (DVB T2):

Simple digital TV antenna: what are your options?

It will require a piece of coaxial cable with a characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms and a plug to connect the structure.

The algorithm is like this:

  1. use a regular knife to cut off the outer shell from the free end;
  2. take the length with a small margin, since it is easier to bite off a small piece during setup than to run for a new cable;
  3. the shielding layer is removed from this section of the cable, the inner core is exposed and the insulation is removed;
  4. insert the plug socket into the connector on the TV signal set-top box, direct the exposed wire of the inner core across the incoming electromagnetic wave;
  5. remember horizontal polarization;
  6. the on-air digital antenna should be fixed on the windowsill or with a piece of tape on the glass;
  7. interference and reflected signals are shielded by a strip of foil located a short distance from the central core;

Types of antennas and which ones can you make yourself?

There are “Polish”, “eight” and “square”. Digital antennas for the TV tuner and set-top box must be set to the same frequency.

IMPORTANT! Both the set-top box and the tuner must be able to decode the signal.

"Polish" antenna and digital TV

It provides high-quality and reliable reception of analog television (+ UHF), but is completely unsuitable for receiving modern digital TV.

"Eight": manufacturing algorithm

A simple design for DVB T2, which can be made from Ø 3 mm copper wire. The reflector is not used in this case. The upper side of the segments is 14 cm, the side is 13 cm.

We measure the wire 112 cm long and begin to bend:

  1. We bend the 1st segment to a length of 14 cm (for the antenna - 13 cm and 1 cm - for the strength of the loop);
  2. 2nd and 3rd, like 6 and 7 – 14 cm;
  3. 4th and 5th – 13 cm;
  4. 8th – 14 cm – 13 cm and 1 cm – with a strength loop.

We clean the loops, tighten them and solder them - they will become contacts for connecting the cable. For soldering, we strip the cable from the antenna side by 2 cm and 1 cm from the plug side, the joints are sealed with any elastic hot-melt adhesive.

What is a “square” and is it worth taking on it yourself?

A modification of the “three square” design with 6 elements and a transformer confidently receives digital and analogue channels at a distance of up to 10 km of line of sight.

  • Double square

Behind the main frame is a reflector, the side of the main frame is 0.254λ, the side of the reflector is 0.278λ, the distance between the frames is 0.089λ.

Another option for a double square is two rings.

Butterfly antenna

A short-wave, small-sized antenna, shaped like a butterfly. To make it, you need copper wire with a diameter of about 2 mm; for external use, 4 mm is allowed; for home use, a regular 75 Ohm TV coaxial cable.

Rectangular wire frame (length and width):

  1. for TV - 500x200 mm;
  2. for Wi-fi (omnidirectional) and Bluetooth - 90x30 mm.

We twist the frame crosswise and cut it with wire cutters so that two triangles are formed. We solder the coaxial cable and secure it with staples (adhesive tape) to an ebonite, wood or plastic dielectric.

Powerful TV Antenna: What should I know about it?

In order for the device to function like a regular antenna, its receiving circuit must be improved.


  1. we buy equipment to strengthen the signal;
  2. connect to the device to eliminate signal interference;
  3. wrap the cable at both ends with insulating tape;
  4. we make a screen for high-quality reception: a kind of metal mesh, which is isolated from the TV and fixed behind the receiver;
  5. for the screen, an ordinary metal mesh from an ordinary fence will do;
  6. add iron rods and connect them symmetrically to the screen to amplify the signal (it is necessary that the entire structure be made of the same type of metal to avoid oxidation)$
  7. We place another amplifier in the center of the installation and solder the contacts to the receiver.

IMPORTANT! This television structure is installed on the roof with a focus on the nearest television tower.

Universal design

Required tools and materials:

  • copper wire (length 4 m, cross section 4 mm2);
  • board of any thickness, but 7 cm wide and 55 cm long;
  • soldering iron;
  • wood screws;
  • tape measure or ruler;
  • screwdriver;
  • simple pencil.


  1. cut the copper wire into 8 parts, each length 37.5 cm;
  2. remove the insulating layer in the middle part of each of the resulting parts of the wire;
  3. cut off 2 more copper wires (22 cm each) and divide them roughly into 3 equal parts;
  4. at the points of inflection, remove the insulating layer;
  5. bend the wire in prepared (bare) places;
  6. the distance between the ends of the wire bent in half is 7.5 cm;
  7. secure the plug, connect the television cable.

How to make an antenna for digital TV (DVB T2) yourself:

Log-periodic (all-wave) design

This is a collecting line with halves of dipoles installed on it alternately. The length of the piece of wire forming the half-dipole will be equal to λ/4.

IMPORTANT! Do-it-yourself outdoor structures can provide a gain of up to 25 dB, and about 12 dB for indoor ones.

LPA is an ideal device for receiving both analogue and digital signals. To calculate the parameters, it is necessary to know the value of the progression index (from 0.7 to 0.9) and the opening angle α (30-60°). We take the proportion as a basis and calculate the necessary parameters:

τ=B2/B1=B3/B2=Bn/(B(n-1)) = A2/A1=A3/A2=An/(A(n-1))

The higher τ, the better the gain indicator. Reducing the angle α can increase directivity.

Calculation of parameters:

  1. determine the values ​​of B2 and A2;
  2. calculate B1 and A1 and other parameters.

What types of antennas are there? Home simple homemade antenna

The home structure is mounted from copper or brass wire. Aluminum is not suitable because it oxidizes quickly.

The wire is cleared of insulating material at both ends, one end is attached to a pipe or battery, and the opposite end is inserted into a television connector. The amplifier of the required frequencies is a pipe that runs through the entire house and goes upstairs. A signal appears immediately, the antenna picks up 5 channels.

  • For an apartment with a balcony

A longer wire is taken, since the TV and the balcony area will need to be connected. The wire is stripped on both sides, one end is connected to the TV in a cable socket, and the other is pulled out onto the balcony and attached to ropes or strings. Such an antenna gives a cooler image, and there are more channels with it.

Antenna for a summer residence

Passive structures are installed to ensure stable signal reception at a distance of up to 30 km in both winter and summer. For longer distances, more powerful designs are needed, preferably with an amplifier. For hilly terrain and ultra-long-range reception, the antenna must be raised higher using a mast.

For a classic garden design you will need:

  1. wire (Ø 1.5 mm) - at the rate of 1.5-2 m for the antenna and 5-6 m for the distance from the structure to the TV;
    2. the outer part is made of prepared wire (twist 1-1.5 m into a ring, Ø from 356 mm to 450 mm);
  2. the inner part of the antenna (make a second ring from wire, dimensions - 180 mm;
  3. the finished rings - the basis of the future antenna - are fixed on a piece of plywood (you can also use a piece of wood), but so that the wood does not overlap the rings and does not dangle;
  4. Orient the finished structure with rings in the direction of the signal source, and rotate the antenna to search for the best signal.

Antenna Kharchenko (biquadrat)

This is an external zigzag design with a reflector.

Z-antenna system with reflector provides the same parameters as
LP antenna. The difference is in the main lobe - it is twice as long horizontally, which allows you to catch a signal from all directions.

The UHF antenna is made of a copper tube and a 6 mm thick aluminum sheet.

Car antenna: internal and external

  • Internal

You will need a frame device, which is placed at the back under the glass seal. It is narrowed at the top, but the dimensions are not what is required at a frequency of 27 MHz. For this reason, a capacitor is installed in the center, with the help of which the TV antenna for a car is tuned to resonance on the required channel.

IMPORTANT! There are several receiving frequencies - 27 and 65 MHz, 28.2 and 68 MHz.

Manufacturing algorithm:

  1. we take wire MGTF 0.5, which is laid along the edges of the rear window in the form of a trapezoid;
  2. do the same with the upper part;
  3. the poles are positioned so that it is easy to add wires for the matching capacitor;
  4. to pick up the signal, use the RK-50 cable;
  5. 5-25 PF are fixed in the center of the rear window, to which both cables are directed strictly vertically.

Universal compact TV antenna for a car:

  • External

For a good signal, you need to attach a pair of telescopic antennas from the radio. The case can be taken from a Polish device.

Figure 11 - Polish design - the basis for an internal auto antenna

Power supply to amplifier:

  1. take the connector for the active TV antenna and solder the wire to it;
  2. We pass the cable from the TV antenna so as not to pinch it;
  3. screw it to the connector;
  4. the wire soldered to the connector is connected to output +12 on the radio to turn on the amplifier or active antenna.

There are active interior combined TV antennas with external elements for receiving MF/UHF.

In addition to the above, there are meter (crossed aluminum tubes) and fractal antennas.

DIY fractal Wi-Fi antenna:

IMPORTANT! All stories about the effective operation of a mercury antenna are a big misconception. Science does not know a single principle by which a mercury antenna could work. The editors warn that making a mercury antenna yourself is a so-so idea and a dangerous undertaking.

What is digital TV multiplex?

A digital multiplex is a set of channels of the same frequency. There are two multiplexes: the first is available in all cities with digital TV, but not all towers are ready for the second. For installation you will need a receiver and antenna supporting DVB T2.