How we work: blocks are ready for the landing page. Landing page structure. Classic arrangement of main elements

What should the landing page structure be so that you receive more orders and spend less money on advertising? Over the years of practice I have deduced simple formula of 9 blocks. It will help you quickly write out a scheme and get a ready-made selling landing page.

In this article we will look at different variants one-pagers - from “classic” to “modern”. The most interesting thing is that the elements will be almost the same everywhere.

In short, warm traffic is when people purposefully search for what you offer. Or if you are recommended to them by someone they trust. If these two options are combined together, then the traffic becomes simply “fiery”.

If we show our advertising to those who know nothing about us and have never thought about buying our product, then we are dealing with cold traffic. For example, we set up a VKontakte target, which is shown to all members of the group “You’re showing off, I’m in heels.” And this advertisement leads to a landing page with an offer to urgently buy women’s perfume “Brave Bitch”.

Yes, theoretically, this product may be of interest to members of the above group. However, they don’t trust us at all because they come from regular commercial advertising. And besides, five minutes ago they didn’t know anything about the “Brave Bitch” perfume. Accordingly, here we are dealing with “icy” traffic.

So, returning to our sheep. The more traffic you bring, the shorter the landing page should be. And vice versa - the colder the audience, the longer the landing page should be made. With the second, I think it’s clear. If the audience doesn’t know us or our product, then it’s harder to sell to them.

Accordingly, we need to write more text and give more arguments to convince them to place an order. In the case of warm traffic, any Additional Information It will only get in the way.

If you make a long landing page for a warm audience, you risk losing more than half of your customers. People will scroll and fall off, scroll and fall off. To prevent this from happening, you must immediately provide the minimum information that is necessary to place an order, and limit yourself to 1-2 screens.

What is this “minimum required to place an order”? This is what we will talk about now.

Four required home screen blocks

The main screen of your landing page is what visitors immediately see as soon as the page loads. If we ignore the talk about the temperature of traffic, then the conversion of your landing page depends 80% on how it is made main screen. By the way, short landing page he will be practically the only one.

Ideally, a visitor should get all the information they need right on the home screen. And place your order directly from there.

What does a person need to place an order?

  • Confidence that he is offered exactly what he was looking for
  • Something that will put you above other competitors he was considering
  • Contacts for communication

These are the three elements you need to place on the main screen of your landing page. The main place - the headline in large letters - should be a short and clear description of what you offer.

If your visitors need iPhone repair, just write “iPhone repair in Moscow”. If they are looking for sushi delivered to their home, then there is also no need to insert your company’s logo and name in the most visible place.

I understand that you spent a lot of money and time on this logo. That you lovingly nurtured the idea of ​​a logo and pecked at the designer’s brain to make him do it the way you wanted. That the name of your sushi delivery company “Shining Path” was also chosen for a reason. That it symbolizes light on the one hand, and the path on the other.

But your potential clients don’t care. First of all, they are interested in the question - WHAT can I get here. WHO is offering this to me is the second question, and it must be answered later.

Therefore, leave the main place on the main landing screen for the answer to the question - what we offer. When I was looking for examples of good landing pages for this article, I searched great amount one-pagers.

Almost all of them are either poorly or very poorly made. Here's an example of how a landing page opens for the request “courses” in English in Moscow".

As you can see, there is a lot of information here, which is easy to get lost in. In the center of the page there is a message that recruitment is underway for courses Chinese language. There is no indication that the courses are held in Moscow. And in general, almost all the information on the main screen is in this example- superfluous.

Theoretically, it should “involve” them in reading, and then somehow convince them to take courses with us. But in fact, a person would rather not waste time figuring out all these menus and go look at competitors. It doesn’t just open your site, right. A person enters a query, then immediately opens 3-4 suggested sites, and jumps between them, making a choice.

Here's an example a little better than the previous one.

There is we're talking about only about English, there is nothing superfluous, there is a call to action and contacts for communication. True, there is also no clear description of the services offered. And also red text and a red button on a green background - “blood from the eyes.” Otherwise everything is fine.

By the way, there is one more mandatory element of the main screen - a visual image of your product. This also works as an explanation - what we offer. If we were selling the same sushi, then it wouldn’t be difficult to depict it visually. Finding a good and understandable picture for “English language courses” is more difficult. This is where the suspiciously smiling man with a heart made of a British flag came from. It's better than nothing.

Here's another example that I liked more than the others:

There is a clear description of what we offer, there is an image (albeit on background). There is a contact for communication, and there is an offer - a discount. Let's talk a little more about the latter.

Let me remind you that we have 4 required elements for home page. We have already discussed the first three: 1. A clear description of what we offer; 2. Image of our product/service; 3. Contact for communication.

The fourth mandatory element is “detuning from competitors.” Thanks to this block, your potential clients should understand that working with you is more profitable than with your competitors. The classic version of the offer is to give a discount and write about it on the main screen. It almost always works well.

But there are other options. You can focus on delivering the product/service faster than others. Write specifically what/for what/how quickly you can do it. You can also offer a gift for placing an order right now.

To summarize everything that has been said about the main screen, look at this example.

Here the author of the landing page also clearly doesn’t really understand what he’s doing. Everything seems to be in place - there is a specific description of what is being offered. There is a visual image of the service (some kind). There is even an offer. Even two offers. No, even three... This is where the mistake lies. There are three offers/tunings here:

  1. 40-60% cheaper than dealer
  2. Maintenance of Renault warranty
  3. We fix it quickly/We work efficiently/It’s profitable to work with us

The last one is clearly unnecessary. In general, I am sure that there is a separate cauldron in hell for copywriters who write “we work quickly, efficiently, inexpensively.” These are completely empty words that do not carry any meaning for the reader. And here they also take up precious space on the main screen. Accordingly, there is no longer any room left for contact and calls to action.

I’m sure that if you just remove this “fast/high quality” and instead insert a phone number and “Call now”, you’ll get a lot more conversions.

So, with the main screen, I think it’s clear. Let's now deal with those who still decided not to call us right away, but scroll through our landing page below.

Three blocks for trust

Trust is everything and more. If you fail to inspire the required level of trust, they will not buy your product or service from you, no matter how profitable your offer is. Imagine that a shaved man with shifty eyes comes up to you on the street and offers to buy a red iPhone 7 for one thousand rubles? Super advantageous offer. However, you will most likely refuse it.

There are three blocks you can use in your landing page structure to create trust. This is how they are arranged according to the level of impact:

  • Regalia
  • Reviews
  • "How we are working"

The strongest trust comes from “regalia” - official achievements that prove that you can be trusted. A little weaker - “reviews from our clients.” People don’t believe reviews because they too often see the same photos of people on different landing pages.

The weakest option for building trust is “how we work.” This is when we schematically depict - “Step 1 - You call us; Step 2 - You transfer money to us; Step 3 - We disappear in an unknown direction..." and so on.

Many people do not understand why this block is actually needed. And it is needed to show that every step of yours is thought out, calculated and verified. That is, actually in order to potential client I started to trust you more.

So, immediately after the main screen, insert the strongest block on trust - your credentials. This is where it’s time to answer the question “WHO is offering this to us?” And official regalia are quickly created maximum level trust.

But this is only if you choose them correctly, of course. It is most convenient to arrange regalia in the form of a horizontal list with infographics. Many landing page builders know that there should be drawn circles with numbers under the main screen. But they don’t know why exactly they are needed.

As a result we get the following:

Where there are circles with drawings inside, that’s where the regalia should, in theory, be located. But what we see in the example above is not regalia. These are all offers. “30% discount” and “from zero to Upper-Intermediate in 8 months” are not official achievements. This information would look great on the home screen.

And here good example of what a block with regalia should look like:

We have been working since 2007 - this is already a serious achievement. Although I would write “10 years on the market” so as not to force readers to count (and then I would also tie the offer to a unique event - our company’s anniversary year). But overall everything was done well. The regalia really inspires confidence.

Here's another good example:

Here the “100% result” only let us down. This is also not a regalia, but an offer - “We guarantee 100% results or return your money.” But the first two regalia do their job.

Further along the landing page, you can additionally insert a block with reviews of your clients and the very same “how we work.” And if you successfully used the regalia, then these are more weak blocks will work much better. And if you used the regalia incorrectly, then no reviews will help you. It’s not the era, the wrong period of time for people to believe reviews.

Above, we talked mainly about working with warm traffic - when people more or less know exactly what they need when they come to your landing page. What if they are completely cold? That is, they don’t really understand why they need what you offer? Then we need one more important block.

Requirement creation block

This element in the selling structure of the landing page is designed to “warm up” the audience if they don’t really want to buy what you offer. And let's look at some examples right away.

If you don’t bother at all, you can simply write down in text why what you offer is needed. Like this screenshot of a landing page selling tickets to some business forum:

Formally, this is a block for creating a need. However, it is poorly executed. A landing page works much better if every piece of information is beautifully designed with graphics. Here we have simple text that 90% of landing page visitors will simply scroll through without reading.

In addition, the description of the benefits itself is incorrect. Here's what we have:

  • Speech by strong and successful Russian entrepreneurs
  • Unique cases and practices and only from practice Russian companies that we can be proud of
  • Living stories of ups and downs
  • 2 days in a circle of like-minded people, people with wide open eyes

In short, complete nonsense. But the worst thing is that here we only have a description of the technical characteristics without indicating the benefits that these characteristics provide.

It's like writing "150 liter dual freezer fridge" and leaving it at that. But after each technical specification, we need to give an explanation - “And this means that there is enough space for all the products, and you don’t have to cram them in with your feet.”

The same goes for the characteristics from the example above.

  • Unique cases and practices - which means you will get a real plan on how to act in your situation
  • 2 days among like-minded people - which means you will find new partners who will help your business double this year

Well, or something like that. The main thing is to provide an explanation of why this or that characteristic is needed. Well, ideally, arrange it all graphically. For example like this:

Here, however, points are given for different products. And you will need to make 5-7 circles with drawings + technical characteristics + explanation of the benefits for one of your products. Then the demand creation block can be considered complete. And we will end our landing page with a “pressure” for those who still doubt whether to order or not.

"Boost" block

After reading our landing page, people will probably still have some questions and objections. We physically cannot describe everything on one page for everyone. To answer the main objections, it is convenient to use the “FAQ” block, that is, “Answers to frequently asked questions.”

Question/answer information is easy to read because it creates a sense of dialogue. Remember, in books, dialogues are always easier and more enjoyable to read than descriptions.

However, it is important not to fall into one common trap. Your “FAQ” is not needed to answer “questions”. It is needed in order to close objections.

Formally, this is a FAQ. There are questions - and there are answers. But most of the issues here are organizational. Good question only at number 3. This is the real objection - “Why should I choose your courses if I can study with a tutor?”

There is no need to turn the FAQ into a technical support forum. For all organizational matters you can answer the phone or make a separate block on a large multi-page website. The task of the landing page is to sell and sell.

Prepare a list of 9-10 main objections of your potential clients and post the answer to them in the form of an FAQ. Then the “boost” block can be considered completed.


Let's now summarize all 9 blocks of the landing page sales structure.

  • Block 1 - Explaining WHAT exactly we offer (in the most visible place on the main screen)
  • Block 2 - Visual image of the product/service (also works to explain WHAT we offer)
  • Block 3 - Offer/detachment from competitors
  • Block 4 - Contact for fast communication and a call to action (“Call now”)
  • Block 5 - List of regalia, decorated horizontal list with icons
  • Block 6 - Creating a requirement ( specifications+ benefits)
  • Block 7 - Reviews (creating a secondary level of trust)
  • Block 8 - How we work (creating a secondary level of trust)
  • Block 9 - Boost (answers to the main objections of clients, packaged in the FAQ).

Save this article to your bookmarks to use when it’s time to create your next landing page. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (extract from personal experience in 10 years =)

What should a landing page look like in terms of efficiency? What blocks should it contain and what should these blocks look like? After reading the article, you will get answers to these questions and see what they look like best landing page.

1. Headline with USP

U perfect landing page, single screen or long, there is always a catchy title that:

  • immediately lets the visitor know where he is;
  • shows him the uniqueness of your offer.

The headline is placed at the top of the landing page, at user eye level. Big, bright, intriguing.

The bounce rate depends on the title.

Here are examples of headlines for our company’s best landing pages.

2. Descriptor

The descriptor also affects the bounce rate, although less than the headline. Typically consists of a logo, company name, slogan or a few words about services or products. Placed in the top left or middle.

If the landing page has a headline with a USP, the descriptor is made modest - a logo plus a name.

The best landing pages always contain an original descriptor.

3. Block with contact information

Typically located in the upper right corner. A comprehensive contact block contains:

  • real phone number;
  • email;
  • "Call back" button.

An appeal must be used - please call.

4. Attractive image

By image we mean a background - a large picture, on top of which a title, capture form, and other blocks are placed.

In an ideal landing page, the image matches the theme of the site, is original and interesting. The background color scheme is different from the title font color to prevent them from blending together.

In the screenshots you see beautiful landing pages with attractive images.

5. Capture forms

A single-screen landing page contains one capture form, a long landing page contains 2 or 3 forms. The first form is adjacent to the heading - next to it or below it.

The capture form contains fields for entering your name and phone number. A call to action describes additional benefits(gift, discount, additional service), which encourage the visitor to immediately submit data.

If there is a promotion running on the landing page, the capture form contains a countdown timer.

These are the capture forms we equip the best landing pages of our clients.

6. Block with benefits for the client

This block ideally bypasses visitors’ objections. 3–8 points are placed in a block.

The block has the following structure: text describing the benefit and a thematic picture for each item. The location of the items is horizontal or vertical. IN perfect block all paragraphs have the same amount of text, and key offers highlighted in color or in bold font.

7. Customer reviews

The review block is key in the landing page.

The landing page should have real reviews from at least three clients. The ideal option is a scrollable window, such as a slider, that can accommodate 5-10 reviews.

Each review:

  • contains name and real photo client;
  • content with key details that will have a positive impact on landing page conversion.

Here are examples of blocks with reviews on best landing pages our studio.

8. Tariffs or service packages

Buyers like to choose from several alternatives. Therefore, the ideal landing page offers a choice of 2-3 tariffs or packages. It doesn’t matter whether the landing page sells goods or provides services, the site must have a block with tariffs.

Tariffs must be different from each other and contain detailed information about what is included in them. One of the tariffs is marked as the most popular among customers.

9. Landing Page Examples

This is one of the most important blocks of a landing page. It is after viewing the portfolio or cases that the visitor decides to take the target action.

A competent portfolio contains only best works, beautifully designed, does not take up much space. For design, it is better to use a slider with which visitors will scroll through the images.

After looking at examples of landing pages, the visitor should be convinced of the quality of the product or service.

10. Real contact details in the footer

The final trust trigger is a block with contact information about the company or author in the footer.

In the case of a company, there must be a card with specified location office. In the case of the author, all kinds of contacts.

This is also where the final capture form is located.

An ideal landing page contains all of the above elements. However, for a landing page to be truly effective, all its blocks must be correctly combined into one composition. And also add meanings thanks to which visitors perform conversion actions on our landing page.

All people are constantly looking for some tricks and know-how. They are looking for interesting moves so that the result increases tenfold.

And as our practice has shown, if all this increases profits, then only in small amounts. When only the basics can truly change the situation. And as a rule, such topics always remain behind the scenes. And in vain! Time to change priorities.

Today’s article will be devoted to the beginning – what is the correct landing page structure with high conversion.

I know that I know nothing

If you have read up to this point and still don’t know for sure whether you need a landing page or not, then our article will help you.

It’s no longer a secret that a selling site (also known as a one-page site) is created not by the will of one’s own imagination, but on the basis of clear data based on analysis. That is, it's not so much creative work, how much is the exact calculation.

Therefore, I will add a fly in the ointment to this ointment. Namely, what needs to be done before creating new document called “Site Prototype”:

  1. conduct ;
  2. identify expectations, stereotypes, fears, pains and objections;
  3. divide the target audience into segments and determine their selection criteria.

All these points are directly related not only to creating a landing page, they will be useful to you in many other aspects of your business.

Therefore, if you haven’t done this yet and, moreover, don’t know how, then run to study our blog as soon as possible.


Correct and selling landing page structure

After preparatory stage, the next thing our site will be built on is the “warmth” of traffic. Yes, well, everything will depend on it!

And content, and photos, and texts, and . Many people make a mistake at this point, but we’re not like that, are we? 😉

A real find for those who are thinking about creating a landing page will be the so-called “”. The diagram looks like this:

Hunt's ladder

According to this scheme, the client must “mature” and go through all 5 stages from lack of need to readiness to buy. Specific example We discussed how to use the Hunt Ladder in this video:

In order not to explain everything “on fingers”, everything below will be based on real events, namely landing example page of one of our clients – the carpet cleaning company “Clean Square”.

Conversion of the carpet cleaning company “Clean Square”

By the way, the average result of all traffic is 6% conversion to an application, which in their niche can be called a purchase. Is it a lot or a little? Read about it in our article

Well, let’s take a closer look at the “level of awareness” of traffic, after which you will understand why this is so important. Let's start with the first step, based on our client.

Stage 1: No problem

Clients do not know what a dirty carpet is and that it needs to be cleaned. Everything is great with them, like in a fairy tale, no problems.

To attract such customers and create a need in them, you will need to fork out money and be patient.

Most often these are customers who have just purchased it. Therefore, in this case, our entire site will be imbued with the PMPHS structure.

That is, your task is to heat up the atmosphere from the first sentence and tell them that the carpets need to be cleaned (treated after purchase).

Otherwise, bacteria appear there, which subsequently settle in your body and cause illness, even death.

In the context of carpets it sounds stupid, but in other areas it may well be appropriate.

Stage 2: Problem, no solution

People know that carpets need to be cleaned and that bacteria accumulate in them. But they don’t know any other solution other than washing it in the bathroom and drying it outside.

Use this information on your website that there is a solution to this unpleasant situation.

Namely, in the first half of the site, show your solution. It turns out that you can call a company that will come and do everything at home, or come, take it away and deliver it.

And here we show the solution only within the framework of our service. Not showing other solutions. What is the difference this stage from the third.

Stage 3: There is a solution, we compare options

If your potential client is not yet at this stage, which is possible provided that you are selling a new or rare solution that people have not heard about, then you need to return to stages 1 and 2. But if the client is already at this stage, then he knows that:

  1. You need to clean your carpet to extend its lifespan;
  2. Prevention is necessary to avoid the accumulation of bacteria;
  3. The carpet needs to be cleaned with special chemicals and equipment, and not with soap and a vacuum cleaner;
  4. Even the worst stains can be removed.

That is, for queries such as “where to have a carpet professionally cleaned,” we can make a landing page comparing the pros and cons of our product and a car wash, self-cleaning, home visits of workers.

Since in in this case the client chooses between different approaches to get rid of the tasks that I wrote above.

Comparison with competitors

But you need to understand that these people are not yet ready to buy, they are quite “cold” and are still thinking:

– Maybe we should go to a car wash or do it ourselves?

Therefore, we make the first part of the site proof that our method is the best, and we make the second part with a hint that we are the right company to contact. And by the way, there is more such traffic on the Internet.

Step 4: Product selection

The client has decided that he wants to use the services of professionals in the field of carpet cleaning, but he does not trust any of them.

At this stage, prove that your company is the best and provides best conditions among all others.

This means that from the first minute of entering the site, our task is to convince that our company is the best. What are our advantages to all the advantages. That our conditions are worse than a boiled egg. You can, for example, do this using the before/after result block (of our cases).

Result before/after

Stage 5: Confidence and Intent

Clients who come with queries such as “clean square carpet cleaning” are looking for a specific company.

If you are not yet very famous, there will either be very few such requests or none at all.

Such clients, as they say, are “hotter” than ever. All they need to provide is our contacts and...

Where are you from?

Your head is probably in complete chaos right now after reading it, at least that’s how it was for me the first time.

And I wouldn't pay so much attention to it if landing structure page did not depend on Hunt's Ladder.

And in order to understand what level of awareness your client is at, you need to determine the sources of traffic before creating.

When a landing page is created from scratch, the answer is very vague, in the style of “Yes, we’ll try everything... Although, probably one thing, either targeting, or... We haven’t decided yet.”

Why is this so important?


Briefly about the main thing

Now you know the most basic things about what the correct landing page structure is and how to approach its creation.

And now you know for sure that everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. For a logical conclusion, let's summarize everything we've learned. So.

When developing the structure, you need to: conduct, determine the level of traffic awareness and identify objections with client selection criteria. And only after that (not before) start development.

No matter how much you push your feet and hands, sooner or later you will be swallowed up by a wave of one-page sites. This is no longer a fashion, not a temporary phenomenon.


By the way, a screenshot from our website where you can order a landing page from our company. Interesting? .

17. Video


19. Comparison

It happens that clients choose between different solutions. And that’s normal, everyone wants to find the best solution for them.

And to help him with this, we do comparison table, where, as you already guessed, you show that your product is the best, but don’t make it too obvious.

People are not stupid, they can check. And then you will find yourself in an awkward situation if you suddenly did not listen to me.


20. Didn’t find the answer?/Need some advice?

Usually this is one of the final blocks of the site and it is needed so that a person who has not found the answer to his question knows where to write or call to ask it.

Didn't find the answer

It has become boring in the form in which it is usually implemented, and this stock photography with a girl in a headset from a call center and the inscription “Need advice?” If you change at least this girl here, then even after that it will work differently.

21. Map

It is important to show the client where you are, especially if when choosing a supplier of goods or services, the client pays attention to the location. For example, this applies to equipment repair.

This is also true when you need to convince a person that you real company, you have an office and if something happens, he can come and talk to you, the so-called, another plus to trust.


22. Warranty

Nowadays, it’s not enough to say that you have been on the market for 10 years and are generally great. People need guarantees that everything will be fine. And in this block you can show clients what guarantees you provide.


Moreover, in this screen you can make, for example, three guarantees at once in order to kill the client outright and while he is in shock, quickly run to complete the deal.

23. Prices/packages/tariffs

If you sell one competitive service or one product, then a priori you do not have a catalog in the classical sense.

But at the same time you have a price, which may even have several options depending on the configuration. That's why this block more important than ever in such cases.


By the way, do you think it’s worth showing prices on the website in open access or create intrigue? This question was discussed in detail in the video, see below:

24. Reviews

Every day reviews work worse and worse, and there are reasons for this. After all, even a video review can now be bought for 1000 rubles, in which they will tell you everything that your creative brain comes up with.

That's why the best solution there will be a text review in the form of a screenshot from social networks + video review + link to a person on social networks.

By the way, it will also be useful to know what it should be.

What should the structure be? good landing page that turns guests into buyers? This is not the simplest, but it is extremely important question. In the pursuit of powerful conversions, the structure of the sales page is critical. Let's talk about the main principles of building a Landing page , typical mistakes and main blocks.

Give the benefit in the title

Write simply and briefly

Blocks - blocks, but the text itself should be in moderation. People read little. Today, brevity has, in fact, become one of the selling elements of a landing page. A copywriter must be able to emphasize the advantages of a thing (or service) in a few simple words.

The web page guest will not be read. It will quickly scan the text! Write simply. A drawn-out, complex text will instantly work against the product, no matter how wonderful it may be.

Limit your choices

Again, the simpler the better. Maximum simplicity of actions is one of the ways to increase conversion. Correct structure landing page should take this into account key factor. Limit possible choice. Registration in 1 click. . One natural call to action.

Eat important principle: how more action you ask to do, the less likely they are to be done. People don't like difficult choices.

Show 2-3 possibilities - a person will easily choose something. Provide 8 options - the guest will feel discomfort and leave.

Remove unnecessary elements

Remove everything that doesn't work. Landing Page high conversion consists of iron-needed elements. Look at the prototype. Isn't there extra menus or buttons? Are there any left links? If you find it, remove it immediately.

The guest's precious attention should not be captured by anything other than the advertised product. The structure of the working landing site resembles a straight section of a railway - you can’t turn right or left.

Place a convenient subscription form

Another embodiment of simplicity. To subscribe you need a minimum of information - just your name and don't ask for anything more. People are reluctant to share their personal information. The structure of a sales text for a landing page usually includes a large, visual subscription form.

It should stand out well among other blocks on the landing page. If your landing page is quite long, duplicate this form again or place a scroll button at the very bottom of the page.

Don't forget about brand design

Developing landing page, we should not forget about the distinctive design of the brand. It is important. Corporate colors, fonts, logos - all this should be uniform. This way people will begin to recognize you faster. trademark.

Typical structure of a sales landing page:

  • A headline that attracts target audience. This also includes a subtitle that helps you understand the essence and benefits of the offer, as well as an image of the product itself and corporate logo companies.
  • Call-to-Action. This critical block is usually repeated several times. Call-to-Action is often given in the form of an extension across the entire width of the web page.
  • List with bullets (small schematic icons). Well illustrates the key advantages of a product (or service).
  • Carousel. A dynamic block used to display customer reviews or product design options.
  • Block for closing objections. This vital block is most often isolated. It is given in the form of answers to natural questions (concerns and anxieties) of the target audience.
  • Tariff block. Set if the buyer needs to choose from 2-3 different tariffs.
  • Form feedback. It is better if it contains no more than 3 fields to fill out.
  • Footer. The final element of the landing page, in which you can place general information About company.

with high conversion?

  • Navigable menu - the visitor must focus on only one offer.
  • Links to your corporate website - a guest may simply get distracted and forget about a specific product.
  • Distracting illustrations that are not related to the advertised product.
  • The font is too small and difficult to read for people with low vision.
  • Buttons and links like “click here to learn more.” The structure of a good landing page
  • implies scrolling instead. Scrolling down is always better than a button to go to the next page.

The volume of an ideal landing page follows from 3 main factors:

  • Buyer's level of interest. It's one thing when the client is already warmed up. A cold, weakly interested guest is something completely different.
  • The degree of trust in the brand itself and the products it produces. It is much easier to promote a long-known brand.
  • Prices of goods (or services). How more money need to spend, the longer it will take to persuade the buyer.

Short landing pages of 1-2 screens are better suited for relatively cheap, simple products, or products that immediately evoke strong positive emotions (for example, jewelry for women). It's much easier with them.

Longer landing pages are used for expensive and technically complex products.

Check the quality of your landing page

The structure of an ideal landing page is built on sufficient strict principles. They have been tested many times in practice. Of course, these are not the laws of the Universe. You can apply different schemes landing page structures and objectively test them. Real test- the best adviser.

However, before reinventing the wheel, it doesn't hurt to test your landing page against these principles. It is quite possible that such analysis will help increase conversion. Create your dream landing page and get big profits!