How to choose a radar detector? Which radar detector is best to buy? About terminology and operating principles. Important parameters and functions of the radar detector

It is known that those drivers who have radar detectors installed in their cars are much less likely to get into emergency situations. That is why the use of such devices is even encouraged in some countries of the world. After all, the work of radar detectors has a positive effect on the safe movement of vehicles on the roads. That is why it is desirable for everyone to have such a device, even for those who violate the speed limit unintentionally and rarely.

Main purpose of purchase

What are radar detectors? These are devices that are designed to warn of the presence of police speed detection devices ahead. Thanks to the information received, fines can be avoided, because the driver already knows for certain that an inspector or an automatic complex equipped with video and photo recording is standing nearby.

Radar detectors are mainly designed to detect speeding. However, the latest models can do much more. For example, their functions include lane change warning.

Principle of operation

A car radar detector is a conventional receiver that detects the frequency transmitted by traffic police radars. The police device sends a wave of a certain frequency directed towards the car selected by the inspection officer. However, this wave does not die out very quickly. Its echoes continue to spread further, fighting off obstacles along the way. Such a wave can be detected by a radar detector in a car. A good device can even indicate the location of the traffic police not only in front, but also on the side, as well as behind.

Selection criterion

What is a high-quality and correct radar detector? Of course, this device must determine in advance the presence of police radars on the road. And if traffic police devices are capable of reading speed at a distance to the car of 800 m, then a radar detector should also detect them at the same distance.

A high-quality device will warn the driver already 1000 m away, and some models are capable of doing this several kilometers before the police checkpoint. Much will depend on the weather and the load on the track, as well as on some extraneous factors, the main of which are noise. The operation of such devices is sometimes interfered with by television and radio transmitters, because their waves are transmitted at adjacent frequencies. Most often, this situation occurs in urban areas.

What is a radar detector?

What concept does this term include? Very often this name is considered synonymous with radar detectors. However, such a statement is incorrect. Radar detectors and radar detectors are different devices. On the one hand, a radar detector can be considered an inactive radar detector. But classifying a radar detector as an active radar detector is fundamentally wrong. The purpose of the first device is to jam the waves of the police device (in other words, to cause harm, which is illegal). However, there are models of so-called shifters, or laser radar detectors. Their operating principle is to distort the laser wave or reduce the speed leader of the machine. This type of radar detector is legal only in some countries.

As for radar detectors, they do not harm anyone. In addition, in many countries they are noted by traffic police officers as very useful devices. There is an opinion that such devices do an excellent job of reminding people that they should not exceed the speed limit on a particular section of the road.

The parking radar also receives good reviews from drivers, since in some cases it becomes an indispensable assistant.


How to choose a radar detector? To do this, you should study its operating ranges. If quite a lot of them are written in the characteristics of the device, then this will indicate that the device will most likely be detected by the police radar. However, in Russian conditions, you can get by with the main range. This is what the domestic traffic police uses for the most part. Let's look at all ranges in more detail. After all, the quality of the device’s operation will depend on the correct choice of this characteristic.


It is the most popular in Russia. The operating frequency of this range is 24150 MHz. It is in this mode that, as a rule, almost all police radars operate. Among them are “Iskra-1”, “Berkut”, “Robot”, “Strelka”. That is why anyone who is thinking about the question of how to choose a radar detector needs to find out whether the model supports K-band reception. It must be present.

Ka band

It operates at 34700 MHz. But it is worth keeping in mind that in Russia there are practically no police radars sending such waves. The presence of this range is important for devices used on American roads.

Kc range

Its operating frequency corresponds to 13450 MHz. This range is also not needed in Russia. In addition, its presence in the model is undesirable in Moscow conditions. Indeed, in the capital, car radar detectors operating in the Kc range are automatically triggered due to existing inconsistencies with digital TV. However, for those who travel on the roads of European countries, as well as Ukraine and Belarus, it is advisable to have such radars. After all, Kts is often found on the roads of these states.

Range X

Those who are deciding how to choose a radar detector should pay attention to models operating at a frequency of 10525 MHz. The most popular police radars “Falcon” and “Barrier” send waves in this range.

Range Laser

How to choose a radar detector? The simplest and most promising devices are those that operate in the so-called leader range. These include, for example, the Amata and LISD-2M laser radars. Their working wavelength ranges from 700 to 1100 nm. Today, almost all radar detectors are protected from such devices.

However, due to the fact that the laser radar beam is narrowly directed, devices detect it very late. Sometimes a warning signal comes to the car when nothing can be changed.

Price categories

Anyone who has decided to purchase this device will certainly ask the following question: “Which radar detector should I choose?” The answer in this case should be sought in the tasks assigned to the device. It is important to balance them with the financial capabilities of the buyer.

How to choose a radar detector for a driver who is prone to frequent traffic violations, but does not want to pay large fines to the inspector? For such people, it is necessary to start looking for device models that are in the average cost category. For those who practically do not violate the speed limit, it will be enough to pay attention to the budget option.

Inexpensive devices

How to choose a car radar detector that is in the budget niche?

Such devices must meet certain requirements:

  • high range of reception of the wave emanating from the police radar;
  • noise immunity.

The second criterion is very important. Indeed, if a radar detector, in addition to police speed meters, responds to signals emitted by automatic doors of gas stations, as well as those coming from motion sensors and other equipment, such a device will only be annoying.

How to choose the right radar detector, the price of which is in the budget niche? To do this, it is important to find out whether it has the ability to alert about laser radars that operate in POP and Instant-On mode. The second of these two technologies allows traffic inspectors to keep their radars on standby mode, turning them on in those moments when there is a clear violation of the speed limit. POP-based devices emit a short pulse. With its help, the speed of the car is measured. Such a pulse is perceived by most radar detectors as interference.

Which radar detector should I choose so that it meets all the basic requirements listed above? Such a device is offered by the Playme line. These radar detectors are produced by a Russian manufacturer. Products are assembled in factories in South Korea. This company has been known in the automotive gadgets market for more than fifteen years. Consequently, she has already acquired some experience in such developments.


Which radar detector should I choose so that I don’t have to shell out an impressive amount of money for it? In this case, user reviews recommend the Playme-TENDER model. This is a budget device that is highly sensitive in detecting traffic police devices operating in the X, K and Ka bands. It can also detect laser radars. The device responds to the work of such police systems as Strelka-ST and Robot. To eliminate automatic false alarms, the Playme-TENDER model is equipped with a digital noise suppression system. The device also has VCO modes, which are responsible for filtering received signals. According to user reviews, this is especially convenient when driving on city streets.

On the highways, the device emits a sound signal, which is a warning that speed controls are approaching. The model provides for disabling laser radiation ranges, which are currently used very rarely.

Radar detectors with built-in GPS modules

Which radar detector should you choose for someone who travels around the city all day? In this case, the budget version of the device will fully justify itself. But for those who like to drive at high speed along the highway, such a device will not help in all cases. This is explained by the fact that today the police have speed meters that do not emit signals. That is why they cannot be detected. Using such systems, the average speed of a car on a certain section of the road is calculated. According to user reviews, having a budget radar detector cannot save the situation. However, such police systems have one significant drawback. They are stationary devices. That is why it is easy to add them to the information database of the GPS navigator built into the radar detector.

If we consider the Playme line, then a similar model here is Playme-HARD. Such devices provide built-in GPS navigators that allow the driver to determine on which sections of the road police stationary complexes that do not have radar emissions are installed (“Avtodoriya”).

The GPS navigator module already has a database indicating the location of traffic police radars, as well as recording and speed cameras. According to user reviews, this information can be easily updated using a computer. In addition, coordinates indicating the location of traffic police complexes can be entered manually. The capabilities of this GPS module include:

  • determination of the permitted speed limit and cameras;
  • muting warning signals when driving at a set speed;
  • ability to switch the audio message of the radar detector and GPS navigator.

The Playme-HARD model is able to determine the range of radiation appearing along the path, as well as its mode of operation. The device informs its owner about this in Russian.

Demanding car owners

How to choose a radar detector? Reviews from those who place increased demands on this device say that today many manufacturers offer gadgets that have more sophisticated technical equipment. For example, this applies to the Playme-QUICK model. It is equipped with an OLED display on which the driver can see all the information he needs.

This line also includes the most advanced radar detector to date. Reviews from owners of such devices indicate that its color OLED display has a diagonal of 1.3 inches and automatic brightness adjustment. On the screen the driver can see the following information:

  • calculation and indexation of average speed on those sections of roads on which Avtodoriya speed control systems are installed;
  • warning about exceeding the speed limit.

In addition, drivers respond positively to the presence in the model of several filtering modes necessary for detecting radiation, as well as three adjustable sensitivity levels. Using this device, you can control the voltage level available in the vehicle network.

The Russian market offers vehicle owners a wide selection of such devices. In addition to the models described above, the domestic buyer is offered their products by a variety of brands that have reached the global level. How to choose a radar for a car and not get confused in the variety presented? To do this, you need to carefully study all the main characteristics of the device and choose for yourself one that will efficiently perform the task assigned to it and is in a cost range acceptable to the buyer.

Updated: 01/06/2019

Sooner or later, every driver faces the question of choosing a radar detector, naturally the best one for his car. In order to choose the best radar detector for a car, you need to decide on the desired basic characteristics, the presence of a GPS module and additional functions, and build quality.

First, it's worth understanding the terminology.

The role of the radar detector is to inform the car owner about the presence of speed meters (radars) ahead. The sale and use of radar detectors is not prohibited by law in all CIS countries.

A radar detector is an active suppressor of any radiation to which it is tuned. As soon as a signal of the desired frequency is detected, the suppression mode automatically begins to operate, emitting a very strong signal with noise and interference. When the radar detector is turned on, the traffic police inspector will not be able to record the speed of the vehicle, since its measuring device will not work correctly. The use of this device is prohibited by the laws of many countries, and in Russia it is punishable by a fine of several tax-free minimums and confiscation of the device.

In the CIS countries, the use of only radar detectors, popularly called anti-radars, is officially permitted. They are the ones that will be discussed in this article.

A radar detector is a detector of radar radiation signals, informing you that within its operating radius it sees signals from the frequency ranges it is focused on. In other words, a radar detector is a passive receiver of signals of a certain type that warns of their appearance on your way. The radar detector is capable of detecting signs of operation of both mobile and stationary traffic police posts and reporting it with sound or light.

Radars are created using the Doppler effect. The frequency of the signal reflected from the vehicle is compared with the outgoing frequency.

The advantage of an antiradar over radars is that the second processes the reflected signal, and the first processes the direct signal. That is, the radar detector detects the radar much faster than it can detect the speed of the car.
Also, the advantage of radar detectors over radars is the measurement distance.

Radars are able to operate at a distance of 400-800 meters, and a radar detector can detect a signal at a distance of 1-5 km.

A good detector should support all bands of modern radars and be able to detect laser waves and short pulses from radars operating in POP mode. It would be useful for the radar detector to turn off certain ranges to reduce false alarms.
In addition, it is useful to purchase models with a USB service port to update the device software.

When choosing the best detector, you should pay attention to:

  • processor performance, which affects the processing speed of received data;
  • automatic muting functions (when approaching the radar, the sound signal decreases and turns off);
  • adjusting the display brightness (for convenience at night);
  • equipped with Russified sound effects;
  • attractive design.

The price of a device directly depends on the number of functions included in it and on the popularity of the manufacturer’s brand.

Signature radar detectors

differ from standard ones in their ability to process the incoming signal. The received signal is analyzed by the number and length of pulses, duty cycle, frequency and other characteristics and compared with the data (signatures) stored in the device.

While anti-radar manufacturers keep false alarms to a minimum by reducing the sensitivity of the sensors, signature devices are designed to detect only specific radiation sources. Simply put, these models respond specifically to radar.

Another difference between signature models stands out - this is the ability not to work like a radar detector at all, but to navigate through loaded databases of cameras and radars using GPS. This completely eliminates false alarms, but will not alert you to a mobile radar post. In addition, on many signature devices it is impossible to independently update the firmware, only in service centers. These models are also relatively expensive.

Main characteristics and parameters of models

To accurately select a good radar detector, you need to pay attention to the following data:

  • number of supported frequencies;
  • the ability to detect “robot” and “arrow” radars;
  • ability to capture POP and F-POP signals;
  • city-highway mode switching function;
  • the ability to detect Instant-On mobile radars;
  • Availability of GPS satellite navigation system.

GPS function in radar detector

The GPS module built into the device is capable of recording interference locations and blocking their coordinates in the future. It is also possible to enter the coordinates of interference and stationary radars, video cameras and cameras manually or download from the Internet via a USB port. This feature is standard in all.

Range designation

Radar detectors operate in several ranges. To operate effectively, the gadget must pick up the same frequency at which the traffic police checkpoints operate.

The first models sold operated in the X-band. In the modern world, this range is already outdated, since most traffic police radars operate in and Ka. However, several detector companies produce devices that support both the modern K-band and the legacy X-band.

K-band is a newer, modern invention with a frequency of 24150 MHz. Models operating at this frequency have much smaller dimensions and a range that is 1.5-2 times greater than the range of a detector operating in the X-band.

Ka-band is used in the latest models, which are rarely found in Russia. Their parameters are similar to the K-band, but more advanced. The influence of household or other interference on the device is also excluded.

Ku-band is popular in European countries, but is absolutely not in demand in Russia. In almost all of Europe, most radars operate in this range. It was planned to introduce such devices in Russia, but problems arose with satellite television operating on the same frequency. As a result, there are no detectors operating in the Ku-band in Russia and there never will be.

L-band is a device that allows you to detect the operation of a laser device from traffic police officers. Laser radar (lidar) is a nightmare for a motorist. It records information at such a speed that it is quite difficult to protect against it on the road. The operation of such devices is detected by radar detectors of any range, but, unfortunately, it is too late. The radar detector will warn about the operation of the laser when it has recorded the readings, and it no longer makes sense for the car owner to reduce the speed. Only a model operating in the L-band can effectively resist lidar.

Companies producing radar detectors

There are many companies producing radar detectors. It is worth choosing the most well-known ones with optimal price and quality indicators.

Company nameDescription
Cobra The largest company producing mobile devices. Occupies more than half of the European and American markets for the production of radar detectors. The company is constantly developing new and improved devices and is not going to stop there.
It has a huge range of models, which includes both expensive devices and cheaper models. The devices are of excellent quality, have an impressive range, are balanced and compact. A model adapted for work in Russia is currently being implemented.
Sho-me A well-known Korean company in Russia. Many drivers know it as an excellent manufacturer of xenon lamps. Several years ago, the company began producing radar detectors, many models of which became very popular in Russia.
The products of this company pleasantly surprise with their quality and functionality at a fairly reasonable price.
Orion St. Petersburg Russian manufacturer. Their radar detectors are of good quality, but are slightly limited in functionality. At the same time, minor shortcomings are more than compensated for by the extremely low price. They are not leaders among radar detector manufacturers. The company's products are not particularly in demand among Russian drivers.
Escort An American company specializing in the production of automotive electronics. Created over 25 years ago. The radar detectors of this company are recognized among the best manufacturers in the world. It is slightly disappointing that the products of this company are very expensive and have practically no budget options.
Beltronics A pioneer in the creation of devices that are now commonly called radar detectors. The best devices produced by this company have repeatedly received prestigious awards at world exhibitions. All radar detectors from this company are manufactured only in Canada.

Rating of the best radar detectors:

ModelBest FeaturesRangesRadar detectionGPS, stationary base radarsPrice from (RUB):
SHO-ME G-700STRaccording to owner reviewsK, Ka, Ku, X, Ultra-K"Strelka", "Robot"Yes3 400
TrendVision Drive-700with GPS navigatorK, Ka, X, Ultra-K, Ultra-X"Strelka", "Robot"Yes5 350

In the world of motorists, radar detectors, also called radar detectors, are in quite high demand. They are designed to detect radiation that comes from police radars and warn the motorist about it. A similar scheme of operation of the device is required to provide advance warning to the motorist of approaching a traffic police patrol with a stationary radar.

In this article we will tell you how to choose the right radar detector that will effectively and efficiently perform its functional tasks.

Criterias of choice

One of the key criteria that experienced car enthusiasts take into account is the range of operating frequencies distinguished by the radar detector. There are five ranges in total, but in Russian practice they are not all used. In our country, only the K- and X-bands are used, so there is no need to purchase a radar that detects other frequencies. You will simply be wasting your money and not using all the features of the device.

If you want to buy a radar detector, you need to know that devices are divided into two categories:

  • capturing laser radiation;
  • capturing pulsed radiation.

The second type of radar detector is capable of distinguishing between pulsed devices that transmit radiation in the form of short pulses. There are not many models of such equipment, since police radars emit waves of different lengths and different time periods, so they are not easy to notice.

Many radar detectors detect such emissions incorrectly, mistaking them for errors. Only the most advanced models perform this operation correctly, warning the motorist in advance about the danger.

Another category of radar detectors detects laser radiation produced by police radars. The disadvantage of these devices is that the laser beam is very narrow, so if the device does catch it, the speed of the motorcycle or car, depending on the vehicle, will be recorded.

It is noteworthy that the radar detector detects a laser reflected from another car and informs the driver about it. In other words, this type of radar detector is a good buy when you spend a lot of time on busy highways.

Question of price

If you have not decided on the radar detector model for your car, answer yourself the question: how much money are you willing to spend on the purchase? Like any other technology, radar detectors can be expensive or budget-friendly, so products of different categories differ greatly. For example, inexpensive models have one drawback: they detect not only police radar emissions:

  • they detect radiation from other motorists' radar detectors;
  • power lines;
  • automatic doors;
  • cell towers;
  • radio stations, etc.

For this reason, there is a high sensitivity of budget radar detectors to various interferences that interfere with the effective operation of the devices.

As for more expensive models, they cope much better with the tasks they face, filtering out unnecessary interference and highlighting the really needed signal. At the same time, these devices have many additional functions that may never be useful to the car owner and for which there is no point in overpaying.

Operating range

This parameter is another important characteristic. Of course, the further the radar detector sees the danger, the more profitable its use becomes for the motorist. When the radar detector detects the action of the radar at the moment the speed is recorded, its need simply disappears.

Additional functions

Additional characteristics that must be taken into account when purchasing include the following:

  1. Build quality. It is possible that when the car is moving, the device is subject to mechanical stress and sometimes even falls, so it must be made of high-quality materials that can withstand shocks and vibrations.
  2. Switching modes. Radar detectors can be used on highways and city streets. Thus, it is better to buy devices with the ability to switch operating modes, which will allow you to create the most favorable working conditions.

Let's sum it up

Finally, I would like to note that when choosing any equipment, you should always carefully study the instructions. It should contain information that describes a specific model, so you can more fully imagine what a specific model is capable of.

Be that as it may, the instructions do not always answer the motorist’s questions when purchasing, so it is more advisable to contact specialists. Professionals always provide the most complete information about which model is best suited for you in certain operating conditions of the car. Also, an experienced person will give you comprehensive answers to questions that are not covered in the instructions.

It’s better to use different sources of information so that the picture about choosing a radar detector is as complete as possible, and the purchase does not bring sudden disappointment.

Even the most law-abiding citizens in our country can unwittingly become violators of law and order by exceeding the speed limit on public roads. For example, it is quite unfortunate for this to happen - right in front of a road patrol post or the location of a stationary radar - to overtake the vehicle in front. But you can avoid such unpleasant situations by using a radar detector or, as it is also called, a radar detector. However, not all devices in this segment are equally effective, and therefore, before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with the main nuances of choosing a good radar detector.

What are car radars and their weak points?

To better understand the operating principle of a particular radar detector, you must first understand the types of radars themselves that record the speed of a moving vehicle.

Constant beam radar

Constantly irradiates objects in its field of observation, highlighting from the general flow of vehicles cars that exceed the permitted speed. Operates primarily at 10.47-10.57 GHz (X-band); 24.05-24.25 GHz (K-band) and 33.4-36.00 GHz (Ka-band). Brands common in the Russian Federation: Barrier 2M, Sokol, Speedgan, Inoforser, Iskra, Binar, Arena, Vizir, Chris, Berkut, Radis, PKS-4, VKS.

Pulse radar

Unlike its ancestor, it determines the speed of objects with an accuracy of 95% by sending short-term (about 60 ms) pulses. Operates in the Ultra-X and Ultra-K bands.

Video on how to choose a radar detector

Laser radar

The so-called La-range (800-1000 nm). It is considered the most modern and accurate device in its segment, although it is rare. Generates a highly focused and highly accurate beam directly onto the vehicle. Common brands in the Russian Federation: LISD, Amata.

The main vulnerability of mass-produced radars is the ability to find their radio signals. Moreover, good models of radar detectors do this within 1-1.5 km, which allows you to reassess the situation in advance and calmly reduce the speed to the norm allowed by the rules and road signs in this area. That is, while an inspector or fixed installation is checking vehicles far ahead, you are already aware of the impending risk.

Another thing is laser radar. Due to the specifics of the beam, it can be determined at a critically short distance, when slowing down is sometimes pointless. And even then, only “advanced” models of radar detectors can do something like this. However, in practice, even their effectiveness against a laser usually does not exceed 30%. Therefore, when choosing a suitable radar detector, you should not prioritize the detection of laser signals.

Laser radar - the most accurate and modern in its segment

In addition, there are other systems that, in fact, are not radars. For example, stationary equipment for photographic recording of the AVTODORIA type, when several cameras are installed in a row, alternately taking pictures of the car and determining the speed based on the time interval between them. You can combat such complexes by purchasing a detector with a built-in GPS module and an updated database of their installation locations. This is also relevant for permanently installed laser radiation generators.

Which is the best radar detector for a car?

The main criteria for choosing a good radar detector include:

  • “ability” to detect the full spectrum of used radio signals;
  • the actual detection range of the radar;
  • efficiency of information processing;
  • percentage of cases of real detection of radars and false alarms (protection against interference);
  • presence of a GPS module;
  • screen readability, ease of use of buttons and controls, fastenings;
  • clarity of voice signaling;
  • the presence of additional functions, for example, switching between “city” and “highway” modes, the ability to manually set response thresholds, recognize road limit signs, etc.;
  • price-quality ratio (the degree of overpayment for the brand name of the product).

It makes sense to go through some of the above points in more detail. Thus, the nominal and real indicators of radar detection can differ significantly due to the manufacturer’s dishonesty with the consumer, the lack of normal tests in Russian conditions, and the use of data on the operation of the radar detector outside the city as indicators for city driving.

An equally important factor in screening out outsiders can be considered protection from interference, that is, the degree of probability of idle operation of the radar detector in the area of ​​gas stations, signals from automatic supermarket doors, mobile phones, truckers' radio stations, cell phone towers and even power lines.

Sometimes models in the mid-price range can be guilty of being “omnivorous,” but for cheap devices, poor resistance to interference is almost the norm. As a result, the radar detector in an urban area works often, but in reality the danger of running into a fine is relevant only in one out of ten cases of beeping.

Experts recommend paying attention to the possibility of setting the sensitivity thresholds of the radar detector depending on the speed. For example, you can set settings in which the device will always remain silent below 70 or 80 km/h. It’s convenient when the program itself can intuitively calculate where the vehicle is moving. Roughly speaking, when detecting a speed of up to 80 km/h, the radar detector believes that the car is located within the city limits (accordingly, a mode of increased noise filtering is in effect). If the car begins to move steadily at cruising speeds, say 90-110 km/h, the algorithm of the radar detector changes (sensitivity increases, the speed threshold rises). This adaptive technology can be called by different names, such as “Smart” mode.

But it’s worth remembering that all tricks related to determining speed are possible only with a GPS module. Without communication with the satellite, the radar detector is simply not able to determine the speed of the car. In addition, the GPS system is indispensable in detecting “invisible” complexes such as AVTODORIA, which do not emit anything at all. As a rule, this is permanently installed equipment, and radar detectors use a coordinate base, based on which you will always know where to slow down. In addition, a good detector will notify you when you enter the coverage area of ​​photo recording cameras, tell you the average or maximum speed allowed for this area, and give you a signal to leave the area of ​​potential risk.

Along with technical know-how, no one has canceled the basic requirements in terms of ergonomics and design. For example, the types of fasteners included in the kit may differ: suction cup bracket, Velcro, adhesive mats. The most common format is a bracket with two or three suction cups that are attached to the windshield. In this case, there are usually no special complaints, other than those related to a slight limitation of visibility. Mats are often offered by manufacturers of expensive equipment and are designed for installing a radar detector on the front panel. It is convenient and very aesthetically pleasing; if necessary, the device can be quickly and easily removed out of sight. However, it all depends on the body of the radar detector; for example, some models have a speaker on the “belly”. Velcro is rarely used, although it also has its advantages.

Today, the Russian market is filled with radar detectors from the following brands:

  • Autofun
  • Beltronics
  • Cobra
  • Crunch
  • Escort
  • Inspector
  • Mystery
  • Neoline
  • ParkCity
  • Prology
  • RT Pilot
  • RadarTech
  • Sho-Me
  • Silver Stone
  • Sound Quest
  • Stinger
  • Street Storm
  • Supra
  • Whistler.

Budget segment (up to RUB 5,000): what reviews say

Pros: low cost.

Common disadvantages:

  • poor noise immunity (radar detector only works correctly on highways)
  • poor recognition of low-power pulse radars
  • lack of a GPS module and related functions
  • short signal detection distance
  • insufficient reliability.

Popular models:

  • Mestery MRD-410VS
  • Sho-Me 1785
  • Sho-Me STR-525
  • Silver Stone F1 X330ST
  • Crunch Regular 2160
  • Supra DRS-i69VST.

Advice to the consumer: give preference to more recent models, as outdated technologies may not recognize signals from new radars.

A good radar detector for a car “golden mean 2016” (5,000 - 10,000 rubles)


  • The optimum ratio of price and quality
  • you can choose basic offers from “expensive” brands
  • many models with a GPS module and the ability to automatically update the coordinate bases of stationary installations
  • support for the algorithm for identifying short-pulse radio signals in the K and Ka bands - POP
  • effective operating radius up to 1.5 km
  • improved selectivity when filtering signals
  • the ability to switch modes and disable some ranges.

Common disadvantages:

    • low voltage shutdown
    • Not all models can boast of good noise immunity
    • complexity and instability of updates.

Popular models:

  • Mystery MRD-705GVS
  • Neoline X-COP 7500
  • Neoline X-COP 8500
  • Sho-Me G-800 STR
  • Silver Stone F1 Z77 Pro
  • Street Storm STR-7010GPS
  • Supra DRS-iG68VST
  • Whistler 559ST Ru.

Advice to the consumer: pay attention to radar detectors designed for driving in Russia and the CIS; also in this price range it is not advisable to buy a radar detector without a GPS module.

How right is it to choose the premium segment (from 10,000 rubles)


  • high quality materials
  • application of advanced, often unique patented technologies
  • range of reliable radar detection up to 3.5 km
  • “advanced” signal filtering systems
  • stable detection of radars used in other countries (Europe, Asia)
  • highest possible sensitivity to laser radars
  • The radar detector can be combined with other gadgets, such as a compass, navigator or car recorder
  • interesting appearance
  • high quality, easy to read display.

Common disadvantages:

  • overpayment for image
  • complexity of settings and use
  • lack of Russification of the menu.

Popular models:

  • RT Pilot 21RS
  • Whistler Pro-99ST Ru
  • Whistler Pro 3600 Ru
  • Cobra S 150R RU
  • Beltronics RX968S-B
  • Escort PASSPORT 9500ix
  • Valentine One V1.

Advice to the consumer: it is worth talking about the payback of such a radar detector only in the case of regular trips over long distances, including abroad.

Which hybrid radar detector-recorder (combined with a video recorder) to buy?

A very interesting and convenient solution that will reduce the number of wires in the cabin is combined or hybrid radar detectors combined in a candy bar with a DVR. As a result, the user receives a single interface for two devices and more aesthetics without loss of efficiency.

Popular models:

  • Sho-me Combo No. 1
  • Cobra VRD 3000CT
  • Inspector Shark
  • Mystery MRD-815HDVS.
  • News
  • Workshop

Roads in Russia: even children could not stand it. Photo of the day

The last time this site, located in a small town in the Irkutsk region, was renovated 8 years ago. The children, whose names have not been named, decided to fix this problem on their own so that they could ride bicycles, the UK24 portal reports. The reaction of the local administration to the photo, which has already become a real hit on the Internet, has not been reported. ...

Billions of rubles were again allocated to the Russian auto industry

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree that provides for the allocation of 3.3 billion rubles of budget funds for Russian car manufacturers. The corresponding document is posted on the government website. It is noted that budget allocations were initially provided for by the federal budget for 2016. In turn, the decree signed by the Prime Minister approves the rules for providing...

New flatbed KamAZ: with automatic transmission and lifting axle (photo)

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Demand for Maybachs has increased sharply in Russia

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Video of the day: electric car reaches 100 km/h in 1.5 seconds

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Mercedes owners will forget what parking problems are

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A Moscow State University professor will star in the new Pirelli calendar

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Citroen is preparing a magic carpet suspension

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Toyota factories shut down again

Toyota factories shut down again

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Which sedan to choose: Camry, Mazda6, Accord, Malibu or Optima

A powerful story The name “Chevrolet” is the very history of the formation of American cars. The name "Malibu" beckons with its beaches, where numerous films and television series have been filmed. Nevertheless, from the first minutes in the Chevrolet Malibu you can feel the prose of life. Quite simple devices...

The cheapest car in the world - TOP 52018-2019

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The most stolen car brands in St. Petersburg

Car theft is an age-old confrontation between car owners and thieves. However, as noted by law enforcement agencies, every year the demand for stolen cars changes noticeably. Just 20 years ago, the bulk of thefts were made from products of the domestic automobile industry, and in particular from VAZ. But...

The most stolen cars in Moscow in 2018-2019

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HOW to choose a rental car, choose a rental car.

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The device and design of the car rack

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Radar detectors appeared on the Russian market quite a long time ago and are still quite popular. If previously it cost a lot of money, now it can be purchased for just a few hundred rubles. What should you pay attention to and how to choose a good radar detector so that you don’t regret your purchase later?

About terminology and operating principles

It’s still worth starting not with the usual description of the radar itself, but with terminology. Because by it we must mean an active device, the action of which is based on the generation of false signals sent to the radars of traffic police officers and preventing them from determining the speed of a car equipped with this device.

But if we take the standard term “radar detector”, then we must take into account that we are not talking about exactly the device that we would like to talk about. In fact, this is a radar detector, which is a passive device that picks up a signal from a police device and notifies the driver about it. And the car owner must decide for himself whether to slow down or not.

Differences between the two devices

Therefore, how to choose a radar detector must be taken with great care so that the device works as expected. There is a big difference between these two terms, not only in how they work, but also in certain features that may result in penalties. For example, if a conventional radar disables police equipment, then the detector, on the contrary, only detects it, allowing the driver to decide for himself what to do in this situation.

To understand how to choose the right radar detector, you need to understand how it works. The main task of these two devices is to capture radar signals from the traffic police station, which measures the speed of cars. But if the device works when the device is already aimed at the car, then there is no point in talking about its effectiveness. For proper operation, the radar detector must detect the device at the moment when it reads the speed of the cars ahead, then the driver will have time to orientate himself and avoid a fine.

Two important requirements for radar

The device must also filter radar signals and distinguish it from walkie-talkies, mobile radios, and various automatic systems that modern cars are equipped with. Therefore, before choosing a radar detector, you need to make sure that it meets two main requirements regarding the range of signal capture and good filtering. For example, let's take a situation in good sunny weather. If the driver is driving on a flat road, the device should detect a traffic police post several kilometers before the car, but in the city this distance is reduced to a kilometer, sometimes even to three hundred meters.

Police radar ranges

Often, police radar signals have radio signals that travel to a specific frequency. Now there are several of these ranges: X, Ku, UltraX, Pop-K, Ka, UltraK, POP-K & K. At the moment, X, which has a frequency of 10.525 GHz, is practically not used; there are radars operating at latitudes K and Ka with frequencies from 24.150 to 34.700 GHz, it operates a device known to all drivers called “Vizir”. In principle, there is no point in considering any more ranges, because even the most budget modern radar detectors are capable of detecting all latitudes, including lasers. Therefore, before choosing a car radar detector, you need to take into account all these parameters.

You also need to take into account that even budget radars have a protective system that resists detection, and modes that signal an approaching danger. Then why pay more if you can buy a budget option, but since technology does not stand still, it is already a little outdated and has been replaced by a laser, which is now the future.

Laser technology one step ahead

When the first devices that measured speed, which drivers called “hair dryers,” began to be used, they could calmly demand that the traffic cop prove that the speed was indeed exceeded. But after the Vizier appeared, measuring speed, taking photographs and recording video, this not only did not solve the problem, but made it even worse.

But why did this happen? And all because the radar had a scattered signal, and if the distance was large, it simply moved to the side a couple of meters. This means that the Vizier’s camera does not record the desired car, but a car, for example, driving in a different lane from the one being recorded - eighty or more meters away.

A video recorder with a radar neutralized the Vizier

To avoid problems and unnecessary fines, a radar detector with a video recorder was released to make life easier for drivers. This device has made the life of car owners much easier. You can consult the seller about how to choose a DVR with a radar detector, or you can take into account all of the above information, supplementing it with information about the DVR. It is nothing more than a mini camera that records the necessary moments. Therefore, the DVR parameters will depend on the personal preferences of the driver.

Successor to "Vizir" - TruCam

Realizing their mistake, the traffic cops replaced the usual “Vizir” with the TruCam radar, which is no longer so easy for drivers to cope with. In its design, this device resembles the notorious “Vizir”, but unlike its predecessor, it has a built-in camera and a laser “speedgun”, the speed of which is measured by a thin, invisible laser beam. And the speed of such a radar, unlike previous versions, is only 0.5 seconds, which is a big breakthrough. These are the radars that traffic cops now use.

Radar detector with laser beam recognition - a reliable assistant to the modern driver

From all of the above, it is necessary to conclude that in the past, any radars with average ranges could cope with the devices tested by traffic cops. But now only a device that can recognize and capture a laser signal can cope with the police novelty. Therefore, before choosing a radar detector, you need to consider whether it works with a laser beam. Such devices recognize waves whose length is about 900 nanometers, so the choice must be made on such devices. But again, not all of them can detect the laser signal. Then the question is how to catch it?

The answer to this must be obtained before choosing a radar detector. A car device of this format must be equipped with a wide-angle lens with 360-degree coverage, capable of capturing and tracking the laser beam of a police radar; only this configuration of the device can ensure success in its use.

About additional features

Before asking yourself how to choose a radar detector, you need to study its functionality, which often delights the user with additional useful features. The first such “trick” can be considered the “highway/city” mode, on which the sensitivity of the device depends. In the city it should be smaller so that there is no interference, but on the highway, on the contrary, it should be larger in order to detect the “enemy” radar several kilometers away.

The second such function is IntelliMute, thanks to which the mode is automatically turned off with warnings that distract the driver on the road. It should be used in traffic jams, when driving past shops, gas stations and other things, when the radar detector can pick up a pseudo-signal.

The third function is a function that allows the device to operate without using a power source. It will be useful for those who have to be on the road for a long time and take turns connecting different devices to the cigarette lighter to recharge.

And the fourth function is GPS. Such a transmitter contains any modern recorder with a radar detector. How to choose such a device will depend on the required functionality. This may include recognizing the location of a police radar due to fixing coordinates, monitoring the real speed of the car displayed on the device screen. If necessary, maps can be downloaded from the Internet, and then there will be no problems with detecting the radar. All these functions are very useful, so before choosing a radar detector, ask the seller for instructions for the device.

Some secrets for choosing and operating a radar detector

Now you know everything about this wonderful device. Now there is a huge range of these devices on the Russian market. Each manufacturer boasts more than a dozen models. The question arises of how to choose a radar detector so as not to regret your purchase in the future.

Choice is a difficult thing

It is difficult to recommend any specific model, because the selection criteria depend on preferences, goals and, of course, the price of the device. And each driver will decide for himself.

The last question remains about how to operate a radar detector for a car, how to choose which one was described above. These are the rules:

  • First. Do not leave the device in the car if you are leaving for a long time. It can cause your car to be broken into by petty thieves or be damaged by frost or heat.
  • Second. If you have tinted windows in your car, the radar may work much worse, so when choosing, give preference to sensitive models.
  • Third. Do not forget that the radar detector only warns of a possible meeting with traffic police officers, and the rest is up to you. Please note that a quiet ride has not been canceled.

Choose the right one, study all the information, know how to operate the device - all these factors will help you not only in handling the radar detector, but will also make you a more disciplined and careful driver.