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When a phone or tablet starts to slow down—applications launch more slowly, delays appear when flipping through screens or when switching between items in a menu—it starts to become annoying and even annoying. And if this happens at a time when you need everything at once, then you want to smash the phone against the wall.

Degraded performance is a problem that we encounter not only on phones. They begin to brake after prolonged use and personal computers and laptops, this is normal. Good news The fact is that the speed of Android can be restored.

Remember the moment when you just bought your Android smartphone. It was also slow and glitchy when executing simple actions? If not, then we will try to return the former performance to your phone or tablet.

Cleaning Android from unnecessary applications

So, the first step you need to take is to review all your applications. Each installed application takes up space in the system and therefore negatively affects its performance. Feel free to delete application if you don’t remember the last time you used it! After all reinstallation application, if necessary, will only take a few minutes, and removal unnecessary applications This will speed up your Android device and possibly save your nervous system :)

Cleaning your smartphone or tablet from debris

The second step to Android cleaning smartphone or tablet will clean the device of debris.

Photo and video

Go to the gallery and view media files, delete unnecessary photos and video files. In the gallery, before deleting, you can review all files so as not to accidentally delete what is really necessary.


Go to downloads, usually there is a whole bunch of them too unnecessary garbage because of which Android slows down. Review the files in your downloads and remove what is not needed.


Go to settings and select the “memory” section. Here we are interested in the “Cache” or “cached data” item. Cache is information preloaded into the device memory different applications- for example, gallery thumbnails, screensavers, application media files. This data in large quantities can also slow down the device. Therefore, feel free to click on this line and confirm clearing the cache.

In the “Memory” section there is also an item “Other” or “Miscellaneous”, you should be careful when cleaning it, you can go into it, but if you are not sure whether to delete any of its items, then it is better to leave everything as is.

Cleaning the memory card of an Android device

Let's move on - a memory card. On the memory card with active long-term use a lot of unnecessary files are also collected. The system takes longer to scan them, which slows down your Android phone or tablet.

It is better to clean the memory card with backup copy data. To do this, if your computer or laptop has a card reader, then turn off the Android device, then remove the memory card and insert it into the computer. Create a folder on your computer disk and copy all the contents into it microSD cards our Android device. After copying, check whether everything was actually copied; this can be done by comparing the size of the information on the SD card with the folder that contains the copy.

Next, insert the memory card into the Android device and turn it on. The following steps will lead to To complete removal all data from the memory card. Go to settings, memory item, look for the line “Clear memory card” or “Clear SD card” and start cleaning.

What is Hard Reset

None of the above helped? Well, there is still the most radical, but at the same time the most effective remedy. You might have heard its names such as Wipe (wipe) hard reset ( Hard Reset) full reset Android, general reset Android, return to factory settings Android. All these names reflect the essence of this solution - a complete reset and return Android to the state when the phone was turned on for the first time. All data that was on your Android phone or tablet will be irretrievably destroyed!

How to do a Hard Reset (read carefully)

As a result of a hard reset of Android, all photos, videos, applications, Accounts, contacts, therefore Before executing it, make a copy of the necessary data!

So, if Android has gotten so bad that a full reset is the only way out, then do the following actions: Go to settings, go to recovery and reset, select “master reset” or “factory settings”, scroll down the screen, check the box “Clear” internal storage" and click the "Reset phone settings" button.

The process has begun, we do nothing until it is completed!!! After the reset, the phone will turn on and start initial setup— choice of language, etc.

Should I change my phone?

If even after a complete reset the Android phone slows down, then perhaps it is simply outdated and no longer meets your requirements, it’s time to change it! 🙂

There are special applications to evaluate the performance of the phone, for example. Install and run this application and test your Android device, if your faithful friend scores less than 6000-7000 points in the test, then you should seriously think about a new device.

When choosing a new device, it is desirable that it scores at least 15,000-20,000 points in Antutu, this minimum required For comfortable work and launching most games. But that's a completely different story.

I hope these tips will help speed up your Android and save readers’ nervous system :)

P.S. By the way, while writing this post I almost suffered from tomoses Acer laptop Extenza 5235 👿

Articles and Lifehacks

A mobile phone not only makes life easier, but sometimes also becomes a cause of stress for most of its owners, since not everyone knows what to do if the phone is faulty.

You don’t always have time to take it to a service center, but trying to figure out the breakdown yourself takes a few minutes.

Common phone problems

To the most common reasons for a phone glitch include:
  • Network loss.
  • Refusal to accept the SIM card.
  • Stuck.
  • Shutdown.
  • Slowness at work.
In most of these cases, you can cure your phone by simply rebooting it. For example, if the device often loses the network, then reboot it.

If this does not help, perhaps the problem is the operator who has poor network reception in a given area or location.

How to troubleshoot your phone

If you're tired of your phone constantly glitching, then do the following:
  1. If the signal is lost, switch your mobile phone to autonomous operation, selecting the mode " In airplane". After this, return the device to normal mode.

    Network loss is due to the fact that the device was in a searching state for a long time, for example, if you were in the subway or in a place where the signal is not available.

  2. In cases where the phone no longer sees the SIM card, you should remove it from the slot and return it back. Usually this is enough to get the device working again.
  3. But an antivirus program will help you cope with sluggish work.

    If you often surf the Internet from your phone without an antivirus program installed, be prepared for the fact that your mobile phone will be attacked by various malware.

    Download, for example, free Dr. Web and check your phone with them. This may help bring the device back to normal.

  4. If your device freezes, resetting it to factory settings will help. You can find this option in your mobile phone settings.

    Be prepared for the fact that most of your files will be lost, so it is advisable to periodically transfer them from your phone to another medium.

  5. Check your cell phone memory. If it is not enough, it will cause a glitch in the device. Free up space by deleting unnecessary files, or additionally use removable memory cards.
The tips may seem trivial at first glance, but usually they are the ones that solve problems with the slow operation of the device. If none of this helps, it is better to seek help from specialists at a service center.

Every owner of a smartphone or tablet immediately after purchase is very happy with the speed at which his device works. All operations are performed quickly, touch responses are timely and without glitches with pictures. But over time, everything changes and performance deteriorates. Why is Android slow?

Among the reasons why Android slows down or freezes, there are several main ones:

  • slowdown may cause a large number of simultaneously running applications, albeit in the background;
  • due to a recent update, a smartphone that previously did not slow down may begin to do so;
  • any device can freeze even when it starts to run out of free space;
  • small volume random access memory may even cause spontaneous reboot gadget;
  • Sometimes the phone may glitch due to problems with the touchscreen.

What should you do if your phone starts to slow down for one of the reasons listed above?

Solutions to the problem

Cleaning apps

When the phone starts to slow down a lot due to power-hungry applications and background processes, then to correct the situation you need to:

  • hold down the menu button, a list of recent ones will open running applications, select “Delete all”;
  • in the Application Manager, view the list of running ones (opposite each one the operating time and the amount of RAM it occupies are indicated) and forcefully stop each one that is not needed at the moment;
  • Additionally, you can remove live wallpapers and widgets, which also greatly affect the productivity of the device;
  • It is better to remove applications that the owner of the gadget does not use altogether in order to avoid running their processes in the background in advance.

Rolling back an update

Why does my device slow down after the update? The fact is that over time, any smartphone or tablet becomes outdated, and each a new version Software or Android with its additions requires increasingly powerful hardware.

In this case, you will have to reflash your gadget and return to the previous, working version. You can do this in two ways:
  1. Via Recovery. You need to download it to your phone first the required version firmware and save it on a memory card. Then enter Recovery (usually using a combination of the power button and the volume rocker down). Next, install the downloaded update and reboot the phone.
  2. Via a computer. To do this you need to download installation file from the manufacturer’s official website and using the software supplied with the phone (usually on a disk) install it on a gadget connected to a PC.

After this, it is advisable to disable the function on your phone automatic update system so that the procedure does not have to be repeated. You should also remember that after flashing the phone, all data may be lost, so it is better to make a backup first.

Free up internal memory and storage space

When a device runs out of RAM, it tries to replenish it by using internal memory. If its volume is too small, the phone may refuse to perform any actions. In this regard, you need to periodically perform the following actions:

  • clear system and application cache;
  • resorting to special applications, clean the system itself (this will complete background processes);
  • synchronize media files on the cloud or with another drive and clean them from your device;
  • do not forget to carry out the same actions with a flash drive, because... small volume free memory it also affects the performance of the device.

Sometimes when you run out of RAM, it’s enough to simply reboot your phone.

Screen calibration

What to do if the sensor on your phone is faulty? In this case, you need to configure the problematic display to correctly execute commands after shaking your fingers or stylus. Otherwise known as screen calibration.
This need arises more often after mechanical damage or contact with water. And to be sure that it is the sensor on Android that is problematic, you need to:

  • remove the film;
  • Try to enter any character on the keyboard.

If a different number or letter pops up, the touchscreen will have to be calibrated. You can configure the sensor sensor using special programs (for example Touchscreen Repair), or manually. In the Play Store you can find a large number necessary applications, and free.
Self calibration carried out like this:

  • In your phone settings, go to the “Display” tab;
  • find the item whose name will say “calibration”;
  • put the phone on a flat surface and press calibrate (in some models the phone will offer a target, the center of which must be hit at least 3 times);
  • reboot the gadget and check the response again.

Similar problems are typical for any modern gadget, be it a tablet or a smartphone, regardless of the manufacturer and price segment. What to do if your phone starts to freeze, what are the causes and how to avoid such troubles will be discussed in this blog.

The phone started to glitch (freeze)

The more complex the equipment, the more factors influence its proper functioning. Still 6-8 years ago, frozen for some reason mobile phone you could just turn it on/off or, as a last resort, take it out and put it back battery. WITH modern gadgets everything is a little more complicated and such procedures do not always bring the desired result.

As with any other digital technology, the reasons for the phone freezing can be both hardware and software in nature, caused by software malfunctions. Falls, shocks, and other mechanical impacts can damage internal components, although there may be no external damage to the case. So you shouldn’t count too much on solid aluminum cases and tempered impact-resistant glass. In the event of a serious fall, they are more likely to mask the problem than prevent it.

Of course, most often such problems arise due to software glitches, which are much easier to fix than, for example, mechanical damage. In this case, the issue can be resolved by removing resource-intensive applications that cause excessive consumption of RAM and place an increased load on the processor. Sometimes it is enough to simply unload applications from memory using the task manager.

Phone freezes when turned on

If your phone freezes when you turn it on, the cause of this problem may be software glitch operating system or firmware failure caused by incorrect termination work due to complete discharge devices. Freezing may also occur due to the memory card. In this case, you need to remove the card from the slot and try to turn on the device without it. Long loading times may be the result of an incorrectly installed update.

Possible causes of malfunction

As mentioned above, such malfunctions can be both hardware and software in nature, but most often mobile phone owners encounter the following problems:

  • mechanical damage to internal components electronic boards caused by shocks and falls of the device;
  • incorrect installed updates operating system, use of third-party, malicious software and firmware failures;
  • launching resource-intensive applications that create a load on the processor and RAM;
  • short circuit due to moisture getting under the housing;
  • attempts to gain root access to the device.

Like any other technology, a mobile phone requires careful attitude and compliance with operating rules. Experts recommend periodically clearing the memory of accumulated files and unused applications. For this purpose there are special programs, deleting temporary files, as well as optimizing the operation of the system.

Installation of updates should be carried out exclusively from the manufacturer’s official website. Use is highly discouraged third party resources, since in this case there is a high probability of incompatibility between the software and your model. In addition, do not forget about the risk of infection by virus applications.

Modern smartphone models are equipped with fairly powerful, efficient processors and large amounts of RAM. However mobile applications They also do not stand still and, as they develop, they become more and more demanding of resources. Simultaneous use of several “heavy” applications can significantly reduce the performance and speed of the gadget.

It often happens that the phone starts to freeze after getting wet, especially in rainy or snowy weather. Water causes the contacts to close and the system eventually freezes. In this case, you should immediately turn off the power to the device and contact a trusted service center for help.

How to restore your phone if it's frozen

You can restore your phone using the task manager by removing the frozen application. If the entire system freezes, a reboot is required. Most models reboot by holding down the power key. If rebooting doesn't help, the only way to get your phone working again if it's frozen is to remove the battery. It is more difficult for owners of devices made in a monolithic, non-separable case with a non-removable battery. Many people leave the gadget frozen until it is completely discharged, but there is another method (for devices running Android OS). Pressing the power button and volume rocker at the same time will access the boot menu.

Also in an effective way is a complete reset, which allows you to restore the device to its original factory settings. For each specific model There is a special way to reset the settings, which can be found in the included instructions or on the manufacturer’s website.

What to do if your phone is frozen

It is highly not recommended to try to fix the problem yourself without having the proper experience and skills in repairing mobile devices. Unskilled intervention in the electronic or software filling can significantly aggravate the existing malfunction, which will subsequently lead to more expensive repairs, and in the worst case, the functionality of the device cannot be restored.

The best way out of this situation is to entrust the work to qualified specialists service center 24MASTER (Odessa). Experienced professionals will conduct comprehensive diagnostics, identify and eliminate the causes of the problem. Modern equipment and tools allow the shortest possible time cope with any kind of malfunction. If you want your gadget to serve properly for many more years, trust real professionals.

There are precedents when on the 3rd day of operation it froze xiaomi smartphone, but I won’t touch on individual situations here, but only typical ones - what to do if your Android smartphone freezes.

Which smartphones don't freeze? Everyone can freeze: Samsung, Lenovo, LG, Asus, Xiaomi, HTC, Fly, ZTE, Sony, Nokia Lumia, Alcatel and so on.

Why? There are several reasons. After purchase, usually the speed is normal and there are no glitches, but over time it often slows down and freezes - it does not respond to anything.

This can happen on the logo when you turn it on, on the screensaver, when watching a video, when loading applications, or your favorite game or the Internet freezes.

Most of these problems are not difficult to fix on your own - with a minimum of knowledge (you need to be able to navigate the settings).

Of course, hardware problems cannot be excluded - then you cannot do without a service, since it may not be possible to make an accurate diagnosis without special equipment.

How to turn off your smartphone if it's frozen

I'll start with emergency assistance. Perhaps right now your smartphone is frozen and does not respond to anything - it does not turn off or reboot.

If the battery is removable, it’s great - take it out, insert it, turn it on, that’s all you need to do, but what if it’s not removable?

All you need to do is force a reboot (the developers are well aware that the smartphone can freeze and have provided such a function).

For forced reboot Press the power button + volume down at the same time and hold for about 10 seconds.

Sometimes you may need to long press on Power, Home and Volume Up. Also, sometimes it is enough to hold down just one power button.

What to do if your smartphone keeps freezing

This can happen for several reasons, including the firmware itself (Android OS). Immediately after purchase, the smartphone works fine.

As a rule, you bet various programs, and the manufacturer is working on improvements and releasing a firmware update.

Usually it is installed automatically (one click is required to confirm), but the programs installed remain old and one of them may begin to conflict with the firmware.

Although this is rare, it does happen. Much more often, the smartphone freezes due to memory, or rather, there is not enough memory.

Inexpensive devices usually have very little RAM and internal memory. Therefore, make sure that there is always free place(minimum 25%) otherwise freezes will not keep you waiting.

The second common reason is background processes. If you install dozens of applications running in the background, especially live wallpapers and widgets, then expect surprises.

Therefore, try to delete unnecessary things or at least transfer them to a memory card and regularly clean the cache and temporary files (you can use the CleanMaster program).

Why does my smartphone freeze in a game or the Internet?

If it freezes in the game, then the reason may be the requirements - the device is weak, the game is gluttonous and is not able to handle it.

If on the Internet, then try to reset network settings, or an option from the section below.

How to identify the reasons why your smartphone freezes

Not everyone knows and uses such a function as safe mode in Android smartphones.

How to launch it. What will this give you? You will determine the reason: it is a matter of firmware or installed programs.

IN safe mode Only built-in programs, drivers and nothing personally installed are launched.

If you see that your smartphone does not freeze in safe mode, then the problem is with the applications you have installed.

If it freezes even in safe mode, then the problem may be in the hardware, although before taking it to the service for diagnostics, be sure to try Success.

NOTE: each smartphone has its own “individual habits”, so if you haven’t found a solution here, write the model name in the comments. Good luck.