Landing page with high conversion. Best Landing Page practices for high conversion. Traditional examples. Tests, tests, tests

Landing page (from the English landing page) - great way Present your business to the audience in a concise and interesting way. Unlike a standard website, it must grab the visitor’s attention, hold it with one offer, in order to lead to the final target action. U good internet project has its own distinctive characteristics. From this article you will learn what it looks like effective landing page page from the point of view of LPgenerator specialists.

Before you start working, you need to decide on the structure. It’s not for nothing that a landing page is called a one-page page. Indeed, in the literal sense, this is one page, divided into several “strips”, which contains diverse information that fully reveals the offer. Some developers place a navigation bar at the top, thus expanding the capabilities and at the same time simplifying the user’s interaction with the resource. The main thing is to distinguish between the concepts of “landing page” and “site” standard view(where you can make as many sections as you like).

The required components of a quality landing page are:

  • laconic, interesting header;
  • brief advantages of the brand;
  • lead form;
  • service descriptions;
  • price policy;
  • work examples;
  • social proof (reviews, certificates).

Another basic design rule is that the landing page is aimed at one target audience. An example would be a store project wholesale supplies honey You can see exactly which customers the website is designed for. You can make a portal that suits everyone - both retail customers and corporate clients, but it will be ineffective. Set your priorities.

Remember - a one-page website should convey only one idea to customers and pursue a specific goal. You cannot overload the portal with diverse offers.


Write simple, clear, concise offers. The decisive factor for motivating a potential buyer to take a conversion action is an attractive appeal.

Remember - a web resource visitor expects you to personalize communication, so it is recommended to narrow the audience of the commercial message, implying a specific client. An example is below, where the address “You” is written with a capital letter.

Use the “urgency effect” where appropriate. The proof will be that it has been proven that this factor, or effect, increases conversion.

Experts tested two header options. One offer option said “Get started now” for just$1” (Get started now for just a dollar). The second version used the phrase “Get started for just $1.” Sample headers are presented below.

The first option won, increasing the portal conversion by 12%. As you can see, the only difference was the word “now”, this proves the following hypothesis - words that convey urgency, the urgency of action, are a strong motivation for users.

Badly readable text- a mistake made by many web resource developers. The ideal landing page is one that doesn’t force your eyes to strain to read. necessary information. Make the color of the letters more contrasting, choose a suitable background, change the font, but do not mock your visitors. All LPgenerator projects comply with this rule, below is a sample of good, readable content.

Text structure

We recommend creating lists wherever appropriate. This design is much better perceived by readers. If you want to describe the benefits, then mark each item with bullets, this way it is easier to convey the necessary information to the consumer. If you understand that the text can be structured and use icons, then do just that. Whenever possible, make printed information easier to understand.

We present an example of good structuring of printed data.

Data volume

When designing a landing page, the task of the copywriter and designer is to maintain a balance of text/ visual elements. The graphic component must correspond to the volume of printed information.


The visual component is extremely important for the effectiveness of an Internet project. With the help of well-chosen illustrations, you can tell a lot more without using words.

Actually, that's what happened. Initial version The next two turned out to be much less popular. At the same time, employee images increased conversion by 45.5%, and car photos by 45.05%.

This doesn't mean you have to use real photos of your company. After all, we are fighting for aesthetic appeal as well. If the decision spoils appearance pages, it will only play into the minus. It is advisable to find compromises.

A landing page can be considered effective when the design “says” everything about the service. It must be associated with the business that is presented through the web resource. We present the header of the next layout from LPg - it is made according to the same principle.

Make a button that you want to press. The visitor should immediately understand that they need to click on it to immediately receive the service. Make sure that when clicked, the user goes where they need to go.

If we talk about the color of the CTA button, it is best to choose contrasting shades. According to neuromarketing research, this approach is the best for attracting users and motivating them to take targeted action. We can provide examples of landing pages with high conversion, corresponding to the described principle.

Regarding the conversion form, you need to follow several rules to achieve maximum efficiency. First of all, no extra fields. Visitors are intimidated by long forms, so leave only the fields necessary to continue communication with the user.

Take a look at the template contact form below presenting the webinar. Only name and email.

Secondly, the form needs to be bright, stand out, and attract attention. Here is a model of such a solution.

"Flat design"/"white space"

“Flat” certainly doesn’t sound too tempting. , but today it is one of the leading design trends. This principle is based on two-dimensional space - graphic elements are made without volume, the most simplified visual effects are used. The advantages of this approach are quite simple:

  • practicality - web resources load faster than animated sites, replete with designer “features”;
  • easy to “customize” the format to fit the screens various devices- Today Adaptive layout is extremely relevant, since such an approach is a sign of concern for the client (who has long become more “mobile”), but also meets the requirements of search engines;
  • aesthetic appeal " flat design"- many developers have already understood the advantages of this approach, one of them were representatives Apple who made a new operating system more "flat".

Of course, high-converting landing pages can combine flat and three-dimensional components. The main thing is user convenience and visual appeal. Below is an example good combination: Flat text/shapes, but 3D background image.

Now about the so-called “white spots”. This term refers to the free space between the elements of the resource (naturally, conventionally “white”; it can be any color). “Spots” are not used as separate design components, they serve as an addition general structure. Their advantages are aesthetic appeal and improved usability. Here's a good example.


The designer’s “golden” rule is two/three fonts for the entire site. It is important to choose options that combine well with each other and are relevant to the theme of your project. LPgenerator does its job professionally; fonts are carefully selected for each landing page that match the theme and overall style.

For more than 5 years now, in the practice of Ukrainian website development, the landing page has been almost the only way to effectively advertise a product or service using one page. And the popularity of orders for landing page creation confirms this. After all, even a small selling one-page website can bring a conversion of more than 25%, keeping the visitor with one offer and leading him to the coveted lead generation button.

In this article, we will give examples of high-converting websites that have already shown incredible returns in various topics, brought customers new clients and scaled their business. We’ll also show you some great examples of high-converting landing pages that we consider incredibly successful. Go!

An example of a high-conversion landing page for the design of private houses and luxury cottages

We have been conducting detailed analytics on landing pages for several years in a row and have come to a funny conclusion. Users are still not accustomed to one-pagers. At first glance, and often even at the second and third, it is difficult for visitors to realize that it is impossible to go to some page on the site. Therefore, they continue to click on everything that even remotely resembles a button. In this example of a high-converting website, we will demonstrate the result of click analysis, and also analyze each block that together led the company to growth.

Place a CTA button immediately after the banner. Showed good results. Looks like a call to action, value + value. The call in the button should be the same as the call in the header to get high conversions.

The next conversion block is social proof + CTA. The most powerful block in the landing page.

In the next block we show our expertise. We place a CTA button at the very bottom with a very ambiguous call to action. However, the form has become one of the most effective.

Of course, the main and main proof of professionalism in the construction field is the work of the company. In the most effective block with "juicy, interesting projects“In order to attract the hottest clients who are ready to take action right now, we are placing an important call to action to “sign up for a viewing.”

The next example of a high-converting landing page is the industrial theme “ventilation and air conditioning”

The two services are dependent on each other, so an effective landing page should answer the potential client’s questions as much as possible and put pressure on his fears.

Banner with USP, motivating second headline and lead generating button

An analysis of the client’s business showed that the customer company has a very wide target audience. Our goal is to reveal the company's capabilities by indicating the types of businesses that can order ventilation and air conditioning services. Places a lead-generating button under each type of business entity, personalizing the potential client and his type of activity.

The following blocks are benefits, advantages and manifestation of the company's expertise. We work to address consumer fears, eliminating them and confirming that the company is a true professional. When demonstrating benefits and benefits, it is important to use factual language. Therefore, it is necessary to go as deep as possible into the business of your client-customer and find out its competitive advantages.

CTA with a call to action. The call contains motivation for a free estimate of equipment and work. We talk about consumer safety, pointing out confidentiality.

Block social proof- the most important block on the landing page. We talk about facts that build his confidence in the company and lead to targeted action.

CTA with a call to action. We give the potential client a choice: fill out the form feedback and get a free consultation from an engineer or contact the contact number.

We introduce the consumer to other services of the company with the opportunity to get acquainted in detail and receive a discount.

Finally, there is another lead-generating button for a group of target audiences who want to get answers to individual questions regarding their business.

An example of a high-conversion landing page for heating system organization services

It’s a very competitive niche in Ukraine, so our landing page should not only motivate the client with information about the company and its service, but also place a strong emphasis on its expertise so that the consumer understands that this is a professional who can satisfy requests and make a very profitable offer.

The first spread immediately declares the professionalism of the company. We focus on experience, guarantees and adequate pricing policy.

A call to action contains a personal message - an important marketing ploy.

For target audience who wants to get to know the company better and draw conclusions for herself, we offer a list of services

We talk about the company’s experience, list the tasks that the company can handle. We play on the visitor's fears.

The next few blocks are benefit blogs. We offer consumers to save on services. And, in order not to be unfounded, we indicate ways to save. At the end of the second block there is a CTA with benefits that motivates action.

The social proof block increases consumer trust. A very important block from a motivational point of view.

We offer a unique service from the company - a comparative calculation of the heating system, which can show the difference in cost between the estimate that has already been presented by a competitor. Such services “kill two birds with one stone.” Firstly, the visitor is given the opportunity to save money and, if there is a difference in the calculations, then choose a more economical one, but no less quality option. Secondly, the company receives a potential client who can be “pressured” with cold calls or additional benefits. However, the form does not oblige the consumer to place an order. This shows respect for the visitor.

Next, we talk about the stages of cooperation with a lead-generating button and below it places a CTA + form with a calculation recommendation, which does not oblige the visitor to anything. From our experience, we can say that such offers are very convertible. Both the consumer and the company benefit. In the first case, this is a calculation and an opportunity to save money; in the second, it is a hot client who needs a heating system.

The next turn is a manifestation of the company’s expertise through its experience. With the information provided, we protect potential clients from charlatans and provide recommendations. This move helps the visitor understand that the company is aware of his fears and guarantees transparent cooperation, given facts and guarantees.

At the very bottom of the landing page in the form of brands of equipment used by the company.

A striking example of an effective website with high conversion is a landing page for a children's festival

Volumetric, interesting job and an excellent result in the form of a very high conversion. The purpose of this landing page is to attract maximum amount participants of the children's festival. The purpose of the landing page is to tell the visitor about the festival and provide him with the opportunity to become a participant.

Banner - unique trade proposal indicating the main information - the date of the holiday

They did not place CTAs, because on this moment the visitor knows nothing about the event. Instead, they indicated its value in the next block.

To motivate the participant, they offered a gift for reposting. The result was amazing! A separate feature is the visitor’s motivation in the form of the child’s “desire”.

We reveal the advantage of the festival and place a lead-generating button with an interesting CTA. We call the child an “entrepreneur” to enhance the desire.

We answer the question about the participants, not forgetting the adults

We motivate landing page visitors with reasons to become a festival participant

Increasing desire by showcasing speakers and special invited guests

We talk in detail about the structure of the event. We divided each service into blocks, adding a lead-generating button with a CTA to each

We talk about the goals of the project. This block is designed to provide the visitor with an understanding of the main objectives of the event and to provide the opportunity to become a volunteer to help children in need.

The last block is a CTA form with an offer to repost for a gift and a small motivation for the visitor, with the help of which the visitor has a desire to identify his child’s talents and become a participant in the festival.

An example of a cool, in our opinion, effective landing page with high conversion

Rating this landing example page, we came to the conclusion that it is doomed to have a very high conversion rate. Judge for yourself.

The first banner contains unique photo company work + USP + list of services + advantage of indicating the price + lead generating button. In fact, the visitor already has all the information on hand to place an order or get advice.

Attracting the visitor's attention with a catchy and motivating headline, detailed description tasks and professional solutions + photo of the kitchen set.

The next block works great for conversion. Placing and constructing a price sample with a demonstration of offers for the selected price category introduces the visitor to the company’s catalog. Below, the developers suggest contacting the company if the consumer has not found a suitable option. I would like to note the very bright, stylish and cool design. The color combination was chosen perfectly!

The company’s advantages are presented in a fairly standard manner, but the highlight of the block is the emphasis on guarantees. The content is really interesting to read.

For "hot" clients, we invite you to fill out a form and get a consultation with additional benefits, which are also indicated in the CTA.

Social proof comes in the form of showcasing customers that everyone knows

The next block is a powerful marketing move. The title of the spread motivates the visitor to choose the type of facade by clicking on the lead-generating button. After clicking on the button, the visitor has no choice but to fill out the feedback form and become a client of the company. Bravo!

For those who have not decided to choose their future kitchen, it is proposed to calculate the project, indicating the visitor’s fears of overpayments. And a solution is immediately proposed: calculation of the headset by a specialist with minimization or optimization of costs.

The trust block combines the most powerful components: real photo specialist

as well as customer reviews and video messages.

Last block - short description stages of cooperation, an offer to familiarize yourself with the company’s services and a form with a call to action.

This example of a high-converting website deserves admiration. Every detail in design, functionality is carefully thought out, calls to action and content motivate the visitor as much as possible. It is not surprising that such sites have high conversion rates.

Another example of a high-converting landing page

This example of a high-conversion landing page is distinguished by its laconicism and sufficient modesty, which makes it very stylish. The developer paid special attention to headlines and selling texts. By the way, it is the copywriting services that this one-page website advertises.

The second spread helps the visitor understand the essence of the offer. A smart move, since not every visitor understands the “power” and capabilities of the selling text. Thus, the block fuels attention to the company. Read more about the rules for writing sales texts if you want to learn how to create ultra-converting content.

Next is getting to know the performers. The consumer should know their heroes by sight :-) Photos of real specialists increase trust in the company. At the bottom of the block there is a lead-generating button with an offer to get a consultation.

Demonstration of the company's expertise. The block is played out in an interesting way - the unusual title attracts attention and motivates scrolling

A separate feature in this block is a demonstration of the company’s work and two buttons. Both are lead generating, which again allows the company to capture the target audience.

For clients who still doubt their choice of contractor, they are invited to download a checklist that reveals the company’s expertise.

Trust block demonstrates last job companies. The client can get acquainted with the work of specialists. The block also contains a lead generating button that allows the client to check the quality of the text that he already has. Such an offer helps a potential client draw conclusions about the professionalism of the former performer and get more quality work, and the company - to get a new client.

The next block is a demonstration of experience. The list of topics that the company has already met increases its rank in the eyes of the consumer. This same block eliminates the fears of a potential client, who can be sure that the contractor will cope even with complex topics.

The penultimate block is informational. The site visitor is invited to find out answers to the most frequently asked questions.

We have already discussed what a landing page is, why they are good and for what purpose. basic principles lean. But despite the fact that there are a number of rules and techniques that will ensure the success of your website, it is wrong to think that developing a landing page is a template job, and a well-functioning page can be made in 5 minutes, just know, insert pictures and change texts. Of course it is creative process, and imagination, supported by an understanding of the behavior of your target audience, is only encouraged. Below we will present ten examples of non-trivial landing pages, as well as pages that provide high conversion.

1.Nest Thermostat

A very interestingly designed landing page dedicated to the sale of a room thermostat. Despite the presence of all kinds of technical data and descriptions of convenient functionality, the landing page is focused on the visual component - several photographs of the interior, as well as a brilliantly conceived and executed animation in the middle of the page evoke the feeling that after purchasing this device, your home will be no worse, than in the pictures on the Internet. Thus, Land sells not a thermostat, but comfort in the home, which is the client’s ultimate need.

2. Boy-Coy

The website of a design studio, after which you are unlikely to even want to look for offers from competitors. A four-screen landing page can convince you to contact these guys, even if you don’t read any reviews or a list of companies with which the studio has collaborated. Most likely, you will just scroll through, admiring the parallax effect, and before you know it, you will start entering your data into a nice feedback form.

3. Vodka “Valenki”

One more example beautiful landing page with parallax effect. A purely image page that does not force you to immediately make a purchase, but creates a positive image among the target audience. Please note that information about the quality of the product is presented in sufficient volume, but you can miss it while watching how beautifully the ice cubes float. Nevertheless, desired effect has already been achieved. This site is too beautiful to offer something of poor quality - this is the subconscious conclusion that every visitor to any tasteful site will have.

4. Online store of teddy bears

Truly interesting landing pages can attract the attention of even people far from the target audience. See the example of a store selling huge teddy bears. The site is literally filled with interesting ideas and seems to be conducting a dialogue with the visitor, which ultimately, with a high probability, means a purchase.

5. Smart Progress

Beautiful landing page for a popular service for setting and achieving goals. First, go in and see how it works, and second, appreciate the design that represents movement towards the goal. Together with the very competent filling of the blocks, it really motivates you to do everything that was planned, but was put on the back burner.

Examples of selling landing pages with high conversion

1. Production and installation of wooden windows

As you know, a landing page should not overload the visitor, but immediately give him something to grab hold of and fill out an application. We won’t argue, but some products require careful selection, and you can’t get away with just one or two blocks. The landing page for this window manufacturer followed the program to the maximum and touched on details that we don’t even think about when choosing windows. And although it seems to us that there was an information overload in a couple of blocks, this page is still good example big landing page.

2. CASCO insurance

Another landing page with high conversion. The principle of converting a visitor into a lead is used here similar to the previous example - a calculator. We propose to evaluate how many parameters can be entered to select a policy, and how tirelessly this is done. The same can be said about the rest of the content of the landing page - it is extremely simple and clear, and all the benefits that a car owner wants to receive by insuring his car are described.


3. Franchise of amusement aquarium machines

A good example of a selling landing page that ensures high conversion due to the fact that it clearly explains the benefits to a potential client, but also leaves intrigue and a desire to learn the details of a business plan that promises passive income. Our special praise goes to the designer.

4. Laptop repair

A good example of a landing page where relatively a large number of text (including the space it occupies on the main screen) does not create any difficulties for the visitor, but on the contrary, it looks organic and successfully describes all the advantages of the repair organization. Laptop repair services are urgent, so you should not give potential clients too much information: a few blocks are enough, but worked out as beautifully and informatively as possible, which inspires trust.

I am still collecting a collection of examples of good landing pages. Russian-speaking. All three pages belong to the same studio. This studio’s portfolio included video reviews from site owners, from which it follows that these landing pages have a high conversion rate of 11-16%.

I don’t indicate the studio only because I plan to scold them a little and they might be a little ashamed :)

As usual, if you click on the landing page thumbnail, you can see the entire captured page. Nearby is a link to original page, but it may already be changed.

Claims to visual design no page. Everything was done well. She, perhaps, can even be used as an example. And use it as a template.

But there are serious complaints about the studio’s understanding of the essence of the landing page. The potential buyer is offered a choice All Nokian tires available in stock.

That is, no traffic segmentation is supposed to be done. At least on the page itself. While it is obvious to anyone that owners of Daewoo Matiz and Toyota Land Cruiser Prado are interested in different tires.

Essentially, the buyer is asked to make a choice based on price and serial number: which is better than Nokian Tires Hakkapeliitta 7 for 3,030 rubles or Nokian Tires Hakkapeliitta 8 for 3,250? The landing page does not answer this question, which means the conversion of this page suffers.

Well, completely unacceptable grammatical errors on landing pages:

Errors undermine the credibility of the business, and therefore worsen the conversion rate on the landing page. Speaking of trust. The landing page designer completely forgot that a company without a physical address is less trustworthy.

But the promotion is well designed: the size of the discount is clear and the reason for the deadline is transparent – ​​it’s the season.

Example of a landing page for a consulting company

Example of a landing page for a consulting company

I don’t want to comment anything here. It's simple visual material how No need design the first screen of the landing page and how necessary select facts to fill it with information. I don’t understand how the same studio can allow such variation in quality.

A tracing paper with a free call within Russia indicating the usual, i.e. toll number, is incredibly upsetting.

Example of a landing page for selling bean bag chairs

Example of a landing page for selling bean bag chairs

Almost perfect landing page. I’m not afraid of this word – a masterpiece of emotional marketing. When visiting this page, the only emotion that arises is: wrap up two, maybe together with a model girl :) This is despite the fact that I absolutely certainly did not plan to buy a pear chair.

Of course, this page is not without its shortcomings. I won’t repeat myself about mine.

And I won’t even repeat the idea about the inadmissibility of multiple choices on the landing page. I said everything I wanted when reviewing the landing page with tires at the beginning of this note.

I'm talking about something else now. Look at the photo of the bag that is on sale and is called the Camedy XL chair best price. And now to a photo of a bag with the name “Oxford” pear chair:

Bag, what's your name: Pear Oxford chair or Camedy XL chair?

There is no visual difference, but the names are different! Emotional marketing turns off the logical perception of information, so the conversion of the landing page is quite high. But such puzzles still make a picky buyer wonder: is it worth opening your wallet?

And now the most important mistake of this landing page. I bet you didn't even notice it during a quick inspection. Take a closer look at one of the options for using the advertised product and at the product itself being sold at the promotion. For your convenience, I have placed them side by side:

The advertised product on the landing page does not match the product being sold!

It is not difficult to see that the girl is sitting on a huge cushion chair. But they sell a bean bag chair at a special price. And it is quite obvious that it is physically impossible to sit on a pear the way a girl sits on a cushion chair. Moreover, this pillow is not among the 5 other options for frameless chairs offered to choose from on this page: there are only 3 more options for a pear chair, a round ball and a square ottoman.

This means that some attentive page visitors will notice the difference immediately. And they won't buy a pear. Or they will buy it, realizing that it is not a pillow.

But some buyers will only be able to detect the substitution when they unpack the ordered product. As a result, the store's reputation will suffer.

But the landing page itself is very, very good!



What is a landing page and what are its features? How to quickly make a cool landing page with high conversion? Which landing page builders are popular now?

Hello, dear readers! With you is one of the authors of the business magazine “” Alexander Berezhnov.

And I decided so - I’ll tell you about landing pages, about the main techniques that I used to create them. I will give examples of good one-page sites. And each of you will draw conclusions for yourself. Agreed? Then let's begin.

The topic of creating a landing page is not an easy one, but it is very relevant and interesting. Knowing how to do this will help you make money. different ways, for example, like . Understanding this, you can start your own small business by simply selling goods or services through a landing page.

1. What is a landing page - an overview for beginners

Hundreds of articles have been written on the topic of creating landing pages. It’s difficult to cram all the advice and all the experience into one material. But I will still try to tell you about the most important thing regarding the landing page.

Landing is a one-page website or just a page, the purpose of which is to induce users to take some action: buy, subscribe, call, leave a request.

Landing page is literally translated from English: “target” or “landing page”.

You've probably seen such one-pagers on the Internet.

Why do they make landing pages:

  1. They motivate well visitor to take the desired action.
  2. They are quickly constructed. And they often cost less than a regular website. Another plus: you can create a landing page yourself.
  3. Landing page is easy to redesign– improve, change, add missing information.

Landing pages are created for:

  1. Product sales. For this purpose, calls are used: “buy”, “leave a request”, “call”.
  2. Collection of information. Here visitors are offered: “subscribe”, “find out more”.
  3. Software distribution- software sales.

Landing page and sales funnel

Funnelsales is the process of selling a product/service. At each stage of this process, a portion of people are eliminated - potential clients of a commercial company. We have a separate article on our website about.

The landing page sales process looks something like this:

  • 100 people saw a link to the landing page;
  • 40 users followed the link;
  • 10 people submitted an application;
  • 2 people bought the product.

Out of a hundred - two sales. Return – 2%. This is a good option. Not perfect, but not a failure either.

A sales funnel looks like an inverted kitchen funnel: a wide base and a narrow neck.

The widest part is the transition to the page. At this stage, we test the operation of contextual advertising, messages on social networks, and publications on other sites. Determining CTR.

CTR– the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions. Measured as a percentage.

The middle part is the application. We analyze the effectiveness of the landing page - its design, text part.

The narrow part is processing applications and sales. Here we evaluate the work of living people - operators, managers.

When analyzing a landing page, another indicator is calculated - EPC.

EPC– this is the average earnings from one thousand landing page visits.

The higher the return rate, the higher the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.

In what cases is it necessary to create a landing page?

Below we will consider a number of cases when you may be faced with the need to create your own one-page website.

Case 1. Low conversion (sales) of the company’s main website

When a website shows a low conversion rate, that is, customers leave without purchasing anything. And there is no money to create a new working large website.

Calculation example: 300 people visited the site in 24 hours. Subscribed to the newsletter - 12 users. The conversion will be: 12 / 300 * 100% = 4%.

The average conversion of sites in zone.RU is 0.5%. Landing conversion rate is 5–10%. These numbers hide the whole truth about why entrepreneurs love to sell their goods and services through one-page websites.

Case 2. New product launch

When you run New Product and want to show it in the most at its best. When you need to focus contextual advertising on a new product.

Case 3. Solving a specific problem

When you need to solve a specific marketing problem. And the company’s main website is not suitable for this.

Creating a landing page without in most cases will help increase sales.

Just having a landing page will not attract a ton of customers right away. In fact, landing is just a tool. Even the most sophisticated drill will not drill a hole in the wall until you pick it up. So it is here.

For the page to work, you need to “turn it on”.

To do this, you can take the following steps:

  1. Launch contextual advertising to your one-page website.
  2. Launch e-mail newsletter based on a pre-collected subscriber base. In the letter, briefly describe the properties of the product and add a link to the landing page.
  3. Advertise a product on forums, partner sites, message boards. Add a link to the page everywhere.

It is a mistaken belief that a landing page can be the only place of communication between business and audience. If a company does not blog, does not develop its presence on social networks, or does not use email marketing, the landing page will be ineffective.

Case Study

The young man became interested in the offer of the Kverti company. The guy has never heard of this company before, and therefore is looking for evidence of its existence. Visits the company’s website and blog, joins a group on social networks.

He was convinced that the company was working. The blog content is constantly updated. On social networks, admins quickly respond to user questions. The client returns to the one-page page and makes a pre-order.

Now ask yourself a question: what would the guy do if he didn’t find traces of “Kverti” on the Internet? If the entire existence of a company began and ended on one single landing page. Would he order their product?

Takeaway from this example: use auxiliary tools to enhance the effect of sales through your one-page website.

2. How much does it cost to create a landing page and what does the price of a one-page website depend on?

The price of creating a landing page depends on whether you order one-pager or do it yourself.

  • The first option is expensive. Freelancers charge from 100-200 USD. for work, design studios – from 1,000 USD Cool agencies – from 5,000 USD
  • The second option is “almost” free. If you involve a programmer or copywriter in the development, if you use a paid template as a basis, the price of this method will be from 20 to 1,000 USD. and even higher. For a better understanding of prices different types websites and landing pages, read our article.

If you decide to order a landing page, you will be asked to fill out brief– a special questionnaire: answer questions about what you would like to see on the site.

Your answers will be the basis for the contractor when determining the price for the work.

The more “tricks” and “bells and whistles” you want to see on your one-page website, the more expensive the landing page will cost.

The price will depend on:

  • unusual structure and unique design will cost 7 00 USD;
  • contextual advertising and its setup – from 100 USD per month;
  • text from a good copywriter - 50-100 USD, from an excellent commercial writer - from 1,000 USD;
  • unique pictures and icons (not downloaded from stock) – that’s at least another 100-200 USD.

In addition, the price of a landing page is influenced by analysis of the target audience, selection of key phrases, testing of the page structure, constant monitoring, etc.

I've come across landing pages whose conversion rate was 50–60% . That is, every second visitor left their details or sent an application to purchase a product. The secret to such great returns was two factors:

  1. The page was visited mainly by the target audience - that is, people who were interested in this product.
  2. The developers adhered to the traditional rules of creating an effective landing page.

I will tell you about these rules.

Tip 1. Place one product on your landing page

If they fail to hook you, the reader will not reach the treasured “buy” button.

Follow these rules:

  1. Focus the client's attention on one thing.
  2. Tell him about the benefits of only this version of the program.
  3. Offer him a discount on one product.
  4. Get him interested in sending out newsletters on a specific topic.

If you place ten products within one screen, the visitor’s attention will be scattered. He will scan the entire page. Perhaps he will pay attention to a huge discount or some funny picture. And then closes the tab. In five seconds he will have forgotten about your existence.

The user visits the site. The first thoughts that come to his mind are: where did I end up, why am I here? If he doesn’t find an answer in the next few moments, you will lose the client.

According to statistics, 80% of potential buyers leave the page in the first fifteen seconds. And here are the main reasons:

  1. They didn't find what to do here. The site does not have a specific call to action: “subscribe”, “order”, “find out more”, etc. Remember, if there is no “big red button” on the screen labeled in a simple word“buy” - this is a bad landing page.
  2. Visitors do not understand what is offered to them here. They are irritated by dozens of details splattered on each other, flashy gifs and continuous Caps Lock. Awkward elements compete for the visitor’s attention, distracting him from the main thing – making a purchase or subscribing.

These tips will help you increase sales of your product:

  1. Our everything– a rectangular red button with a capacious verb in the center. Place it not only at the end, but also at the beginning of the page.
  2. Be clear. Speak directly: what the user must do and what he will get for it.
  3. Remove everything that distracts from the main idea. Incomprehensible graphics, neutral pictures, stupid headings, left buttons, huge banners advertising other people's products.
  4. Convince the visitor with an example of the exclusivity of your product. When praising a product, use more numbers, comparisons. Place a red button next to the belief.
  5. Show specific benefits, that the client will receive from using your offer.

But don't be overly passionate in your desire to intoxicate the client. Excessive pressure and an overabundance of advertising conditions only makes readers nauseous.

Tip 3. Use selling headlines

Do you sell fluorescent lamps? Here's the headline: "Save energy 4 times more efficiently."

Do you invite fatties to the fitness center? Hit the heart: “Who else wants a TV star figure?”

When laying out headings, be sure to use h1 and h2 tags. If possible, include key phrases in them - those words and phrases by which clients will find you through a search engine.

Tip 4. Write high-quality selling text

The text is the first priority. Until you have a fully formulated proposal, don’t even think about ordering a landing page design.

For the text to be first-class it is necessary:

  • First- know who the person is who needs your product. Create a portrait of your “ideal buyer.”
  • Second- read books about marketing and sales psychology.
  • Third- be able to involve the client in a conversation. Even if this conversation is actually a monologue. Imagine what questions arise in the interlocutor’s head. Write your answers logically into the text. Write until you tell everything about the product. And don't get hung up on the number of characters.

I noticed how internet marketing gurus like to criticize big landing pages. If you take a closer look at the object of criticism, it will become clear that they condemn tedious and uninformative texts. For some reason, critics avoid interesting and worthwhile long landing pages.

Don't be afraid of large texts if:

  1. The product is complex and unfamiliar. The client will have to chew on every advantage of the product. Provide many examples to prove its benefits.
  2. The product is expensive. To get a response, you will have to use all the superpowers of the landing page - reviews, guarantees, cases, discounts, post-warranty service, gifts.


70% visitors won’t even read the halfway point of your tortured landing page. Don't blame yourself. Try to grab the attention of others 30% – that’s not bad either.

Tip 5. Avoid aggressive advertising!!!

How do you like three exclamation point at the end of a sentence? Maybe we should have added CAPS LOCK?

These things are a sign of aggressive advertising. A normal person looks capital letters and three exclamations causes panic attacks: “They want to sell me some nonsense,” “This again intrusive adware!”, “I always said that the Internet is a garbage dump.”

And for good copywriters, editors, content managers, this is also a sign of parochialism, unprofessionalism and sometimes, excuse me, idiocy.

I also recommend excluding the following cliches from the text: “flexible system of discounts”, “leader in the field”, “high quality and low prices", "vast experience", "individual approach". Without regret, delete all crude and unsupported phrases.

This stage is very important for the successful promotion and sale of goods and services.

Let's get straight to the rules:

  1. Readable font – 16 point. I recommend: Georgia, Open Sans, PT Sans, Arial, PT Serif, Clear Sans, Garamond.
  2. Up to 80 characters per line.
  3. Every 3-5 lines – a new paragraph.
  4. Every 2-4 paragraphs – a new subheading. Subheadings should be composed in such a way that the reader, after skimming over them, can easily understand what is being said.
  5. Required: lists, quotes, tables.

Consider which path the visitor’s gaze will follow. When all the elements are in place, a person easily perceives information. And if the client understands your product, there is a chance that he will immediately buy it.

Use visual navigation: arrows, icons, pictures. Attract attention with contrasting shades: highlight the headings in color, use a red (yellow, orange, green) button.

A relevant landing page is a page that meets the user’s expectations.

Another example

If the user clicks on the banner “buy new iPhone with a 10% discount”, then on the landing page there should be an offer specifically to buy this phone and with this particular discount.

Create your own landing page not only for each marketing campaign, but also for each traffic source. For example, clients come from the social network VKontakte - this should be reflected on the website.

90% of buyers think before they buy something. People are afraid of fraud and fear for their safety. Many people do not want anyone to know about their purchase. Fears give rise to objections: “I’m afraid of losing money,” “I don’t believe that the price can be so low.”

Since you cannot personally reassure the client, take care of the answers to their objections in advance. Formulate convincing arguments and insert them into the text.

I'll give you some hints:

  1. 1-2 week money back guarantee."If you don't like the product, we'll refund your entire investment."
  2. Offer to try the product for free.“A 2-week trial period will help you decide.”

Such marketing moves have been and remain relevant when creating landing pages.

Be careful with deficits. Few people now believe in countdown timers. Moreover, when the counter is constantly updated when the landing page is reloaded.

Be smarter. Indicate the quantity of remaining products. Constantly and manually update information. The user must see that the goods are being dismantled.

Make the buyer think so

“Yesterday there were 74 microwaves with a 50% discount, this morning there were 23, and by lunchtime there were only 7 left. We need to take it urgently!”

Tip 11. Convince the user that you are reliable and safe

Place trust elements close to the call to action.

  1. Use the buttons social networks – tweet feed, likes on Facebook, list of subscribers in a group on VK.
  2. Post reviews with links to people or the company that left them.
  3. Display awards and certificates. Documents should open in full size and easy to read.

Tip 12. No complicated forms to fill out.

The data entry form itself does not cause unpleasant emotions in visitors. The majority of your target audience is ready to interact with you. If necessary, they will write their name, occupation and e-mail.

The difficulties begin when, at the registration stage, users are asked to talk about their lives in more detail. I advise you to postpone the moment of closer acquaintance until later - when the visitor confirms the fact of registration.

Another problem is a complex captcha.

Captcha- a pop-up form in which the user enters a set of characters (numbers and letters in blurry pictures), confirming that he is not a robot.

Everyone is stuck over deciphering symbols, solving puzzles and riddles. Therefore, not everyone passes the test - about 30-40% will close the tab and immediately forget about your offer. Forget about captcha. Leave it to your competitors.

This advice brings the essence of all previous paragraphs. Order a simple Landing page.

The page should be:

  1. Without unnecessary graphics and text
  2. With a proposal to perform only one action: buy one product, subscribe to one newsletter, and so on.
  3. Looks free, spacious and not overloaded

The ideal landing page is a logo, a clear title and a button. If your product allows you to create a one-page website in a minimalist style, use it.

4. What is better: order a landing page from professionals or make a landing page yourself?

The command needed to create a landing page from scratch:

  1. Marketer. Develops a strategy. Forms a proposal. Tests the results. Creates a website prototype.
  2. Copywriter. Writes texts. Creates headers.
  3. Web Designer. Based on the prototype, he makes a layout. Implements special effects.
  4. Front-end developer. Programs and typesets. Tests the landing page display on different devices. Sets up a feedback form, call button, etc.
  5. Director, specialist contextual advertising. Analyzes semantic core. Picks up keywords. Sets up contextual advertising.
  6. Manager. Supervises the work. Calculates the payback of the project. Makes key decisions.

The services of six specialists will cost you from 3,000 USD. This is the price for a landing page that will work.

If you plan each stage of work correctly and find in advance good people– the landing page will be ready in 2-3 weeks.

Now let's move on to the second one - "independent" option .

If you are an “ordinary” person, you will most likely fail in programming, design and layout tasks. There is nothing left to do but download the finished one free template or use a paid landing page constructor.

You will have to take on the work of a copywriter, manager, contextual advertising specialist and marketer. Here rough diagram actions:

  1. Come up with an idea. Formulate a proposal - a message to the audience who needs your product or service.
  2. Break your idea down into logical blocks. If you ask a question in the first block, the second or third block should be the answer.
  3. Develop a teaser*– picture or text. Make it catchy and concise.
  4. Work on the main text. Here you will act as a copywriter.
  5. Come up with headlines. It is desirable that they are not heterogeneous and form a story.
  6. Call to action. On your selling website you should have the phrases and words “order now”, “call”, “subscribe”.
  7. Get into design. Choose a suitable landing page template. Edit it to fit the structure you came up with. Look for photographs and illustrations in stocks. Or take a camera and shoot the material yourself.
  8. Launch the landing page. Set up contextual advertising.

Hard? But it's free! True, you will spend a lot of time on this: probably no less than 4-5 weeks.

Let's look at a table of ways to get a ready-made one-page website.

5. Popular landing page designers - TOP 3 best

The popularity of landing pages gave impetus to the emergence of a number of website builders. I will now tell you about several - Russian-language and the most popular.

Constructor 1. “Flexbe” (

- a very simple and reliable landing page builder. Free version valid for 14 days - enough time to understand whether the designer is convenient and suitable for your business.

Most cheap tariff– 750 rubles per month. This amount includes: one domain, 10 pages, 250 SMS notifications, technical support, your own mailbox and other “goodies” up to free domain in the zone.RU.

The most expensive tariff is 3,000 rubles per month. This is an unlimited number of domains, as many pages as you like, 1,000 SMS notifications, and so on.

The downside is that you won’t be able to create something incredibly cool. A no-frills Flexby tool set.

The advantage is incredible speed. In 10 minutes I created an acceptable one-page website. It looked good on mobile device screens.

Constructor 2. LPgenerator (

Let's imagine that you have already downloaded the template you like. That you have hosting and a domain name. What to do next?

Landing page installation instructions

Some simple steps how to install a one-pager:

  1. Go to your hosting provider's website. Go to your account control panel.
  2. Find the site's root folder (it should be empty). The name of this folder is the domain you purchased in advance.
  3. Click the download button, in the window that appears, select the archive with the template.
  4. When the archive is copied to the domain folder, click the “Unpack” button next to it.
  5. Wait 20 seconds for the operation to complete. Refresh the page.
  6. Landing page installed!

To edit the landing page, go to the root folder of your domain and search for required file. Change text, pictures, insert videos. You can learn this: read a couple of articles on the topic - and go ahead, make money.

7. Real examples of working landing pages

About 15-20 years ago, landing pages were created for impulse purchases. In the old days, people were still influenced by acidic colors, crazy GIFs and other rubbish. Now we have become more discerning: we pass by empty promises, we trust a calm tone and convincing evidence.

“Those” days have passed, but there are still people who believe that a landing page should be “screaming.” I created this section to convince them otherwise. Here are examples of landing pages. Let's look at their pros and cons and understand why they work.

Example 1. Master Climate - a company for the installation and sale of climate control equipment - we made this site with a friend when we were still studying.

The site has clear structure, nice design in the style of “ventilation and air conditioning”. Also, this landing page has an adaptive layout, that is, the site adapts to any screen size, including mobile devices.

Example 2. Alfa-Bank vacancies - we scroll through the site and see how a young man’s career starts at Alfa-Bank. After some time, having looked at the tempting visualization, site visitors finally see the letters. The page contains decent text – its quality is no worse than an animated picture.

A description of new vacancies is posted right on the surface, and an opportunities section is published. For applicants - a small and very simple form.

Action button: at the top there is a small and barely noticeable “send resume” button - this is a minus; at the very bottom of the page there is a bright link “view vacancies” - this is a plus.

Globally, you can make money on landing pages in three ways:

  1. Creating landing pages to order, that is, being a web studio, designer or manager of the entire project, having found the right team.
  2. Using one-page sites as intended, that is, sell goods and services through them.
  3. Doing lead generation. Leads - contacts of potential clients. These are “warm” applications that can be sold to target companies. For example, you can create a landing page “Sliding wardrobes in Samara”, drive traffic to it and sell the generated applications to the companies that manufacture these cabinets.

Which method to choose is up to you to decide. In the first case, you will receive money from clients who need the sites themselves, and in the second - the money that landing pages will bring from sales to end consumers.

9. Conclusion

The truth is, people are tired of landing pages. They are tired of the same techniques - countdown timers, crazy discounts, “unique offers”, static reviews that have not changed for 2-3 years.

To prevent visitors from closing your landing page, make it unconventional. No, you can use templates, but fill them out wisely. Don't lie, don't chase fleeting benefits. Think about the client and his needs.

Let's summarize:

  1. Landing– this is an excellent tool for attracting new subscribers and buyers.
  2. Don't rely only on the landing page. To communicate with your audience, develop other areas - blog, main website, groups on social networks.
  3. You will always have time to order a landing page. So try to do it yourself first. They will help you with this ready-made templates and designers. All that remains for you is development marketing strategy, writing text, setting up contextual advertising.

At the end of the article, there is a video on the topic of making the perfect landing page:

I wish you good luck in business, launch your landing page and increase your sales!