Disk d disappeared after installing partition magic.


Today's topic is how to set up a local computer-to-computer network on Windows. This instruction is suitable for those who want to create an office or home network both wirelessly and traditionally using cables. The only difference will be how you connect all the devices to each other - via wifi or wires.

Local Network Computer A computer is...

To put it simply, a local network is several device connections connected into a single space to one router, each of which has access to another device. With its help, you can combine all devices equipped with a regular network card or wifi module - set-top box, TV, tablet, laptop, smartphone, webcam, and so on.

There are different ways to configure a local area network, called a “topology” or “architecture,” and there are four main types of radio frequency standards for wireless networks: 802.11, 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g. The main differences between them are the connection speed (802.11 and 802.11b are the slowest at 1-2 Mbps and 5.5-11 Mbps respectively). The actual data transfer rate depends on the number and size of physical barriers within the network and possible interference with radio transmissions.

Types of local networks

Based on the size of the area covered, wireless networks are divided into four main types.

The development of local area networks is unique and outstanding in the world of technology. They are easy to install and have a low cost; setting up a wireless local network through a router does not take much time, but with their help you can use the Internet through computers and mobile phones.

This article will discuss setting up a peer-to-peer computer-to-computer local network both using the example of the outdated, but still popular Windows XP, and the modern Windows 7 system. In this case, you can use both wireless and cable connection methods. If for the first you need to install a wifi network adapter on each computer, then in the second you either connect them directly (if there are 2 computers) via a cable crimped in a certain way, or purchase a special device - a switch, into the sockets of which patch cords coming from each computer are inserted.

How to connect a computer via a Windows XP computer?

So, after you have connected the computers to the router or to each other directly, we go into their operating systems and begin to make the necessary settings. First of all, you need to set the same time and date on all devices. otherwise it will be impossible to synchronize them.

The second step will be to set up the local network connection itself.
Go to “Start > Control Panel > Switch to Classic View > Network Connections”

Click on “Local connection” and go to “Properties > Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and manually set the parameters, as in the screenshot - ip, the mask is the one that pops up by default.

Click OK everywhere and save the local network settings. Also, in the second open window, activate the item “When connected, display the icon in the notification area” so that in the lower right corner of the Windows console we display the status of the local network connection in the form of two flickering monitors. After saving these settings, a pop-up window will appear informing you that the connection was successful.

In the fourth, there are options. If your computers are connected via a switch with Internet access, then select item 1. If the Internet is connected via a cable to a second network card or via a wifi adapter to this computer and you want to distribute it to others from this machine, then select the second one. I’ll choose the third one, since at the moment it’s not important for us - in this lesson we’re just setting up a local computer-to-computer network.

After this, we give the computer a unique name by which it can be easily recognized on the network, for example, by its user name.

And in the next one - the name of the working group. This parameter must be the same on all computers on the local network. I'll call it Homenetwork.

And in the next step, you need to check the first box, thereby allowing the built-in firewall to connect from the local computer network to shared folders and printers.

After this, the system will ask to reboot, which we will do. In the meantime, go to the second computer on the network and do the same thing on it, starting from the very first step. Only set the value “” as the IP address of the computer on the local network. And also be sure to set a PC name different from the first one and register the same workgroup (I have Homenetwork).

Computer-to-computer local network test

After setting up and rebooting all the computers included in the LAN, go to “Start > Control Panel > Network Connections” and in the left column we already know, we find the “Network Neighborhood” link and see the folders that are open for sharing over the network - from each of the computers .

These are the same folders that were created by default when installing Windows and are located in the “My Computer” section.

However, you can open any other folders for public access. For example, “My drawings”. To do this, right-click on it and go to “Properties”.

Open the “Access” tab and check the “Share” checkbox. You can also give it a name under which it will be visible to computers on the local network. If you also want to allow editing of its contents from other computers, then activate another checkbox in this window.

We save the changes by clicking on the “Apply” button and go there, to the network environment, to find this folder among the shared ones.

How to connect a computer via a computer on Windows 7 or 10 - Workgroup

The next substantive part of our instructions will be creating a direct Wi-Fi connection between computers on which Windows 7 is installed. When designing and organizing a peer-to-peer local network (that is, consisting of several equal workstations) with shared access, we will first of all turn to the concept of working group. If you want to create a local network between two or more computers, they should all belong to the same workgroup for security reasons, so that no third-party gadget that you don't want to include in your mesh can share files and folders.

First we do the following steps:

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During the conference, questions often arise about setting up network storage devices and connecting several devices for collaboration. However, information for beginners is rarely provided in articles. With this series of materials, we decided to fill the gap and help users configure their equipment efficiently and conveniently. It does not claim to be exceptionally complete and deep, but we hope it will be useful to a wide range of users.

So, you already have a computer or laptop, but you decided that this is not enough and it’s time to get a few more interesting devices - a wireless router, a network drive, a media player, an IP camera. The idea is certainly not a bad one, but if you have only worked with one PC before, reading numerous instructions will take a lot of time. Yes, and it may require certain preparation. But in reality, it's not all that scary. Many devices have built-in “assistants” for quick setup, and network settings are often set automatically.

General scheme

Let's start with a description of the participants and some general terms. We took the first illustration from the description of the ZyXEL NBG460. Here you can find a PC, network storage and printer, laptop, IPTV set-top box and smartphone. The only thing missing is a game console and a media player.

It is the router (also often called a router) that ensures the connection of all devices into a single home local network and its connection to the Internet. Internet connection options may vary. For example, via Ethernet (“Internet Beeline”, Net-by-Net and others), via Wi-Fi or 3G/4G modem, via ADSL technology via telephone (“STREAM”) or via cable modem (“AKADO”). The last two options require a special modem. It can be made as a separate device with an Ethernet port at the output or built directly into the router. In this case, the latter often has a corresponding prefix in its name.

The Internet connection port itself is usually called “WAN” - from Wide area network. That is, to connect to a “big” network. But the PC, network storage device and other wired devices are located in the local/home segment of the network and are connected to the “LAN” (Local area network) ports. Depending on the router model, there may be a different number of them, most often four.

In addition to wired connections using Ethernet technology, HomePlug can be used to connect devices - a network via standard electrical wiring or Wi-Fi - a wireless connection familiar to everyone (the combination WLAN - Wireless LAN is usually used to designate this network segment). They all differ in speed and other capabilities.

FastEthernetCable (two pairs), up to 100 m100 Mbit/s
Gigabit EthernetCable (four pairs), up to 100 m1 Gbit/s
HomePlug*Electrical wiring within an apartment or officeUp to 200 Mbit/s
Wi-Fi 802.11g*Radio, 2.4 GHz, 150 m in open space54 Mbit/s
Wi-Fi 802.11n*Radio, 2.4 or 5 GHz, 300 m in open space150/300/450 Mbit/s
* for these technologies, the operating range is not guaranteed, since it significantly depends on external factors, and the maximum theoretical speed is indicated, in practice it is usually 2-3 times less

Note that to increase the number of wired ports (in some cases, the standard four may not be enough), you must use network switches. By installing an additional model with 8 ports, you connect one of them to the router, and the remaining seven remain for connecting devices. That is, the total number increases by six, since two ports are required to connect the router and switch. The switch can be either 100-megabit or gigabit. The second option can be used if you have a working network and a router with Fast Ethernet that suits its speed, but you want to ensure fast communication between your desktop PC and network storage without changing the router.

In general, today, if we talk about wired ports, then of course it is desirable to use gigabit connections as much as possible (especially if we are talking about a cabling project during a renovation). However, this will not directly affect the “Internet speed” in any way. The only place where a higher speed can be justified is the cable connection of high-performance devices (and there must be more than one of them) that require the rapid exchange of large volumes of information.

As for wireless communications, we would recommend buying routers today that support 802.11n technology, which, compared to 802.11g, shows 2-4 times higher results in performance tests and usually has better coverage.

For providers working via PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP and having a developed network of their own resources, it will be useful for the router to support simultaneous work on the Internet and access to the provider’s network.

A similar note concerns working with IPTV - if you require it, the router must support it. True, there are too many options for implementing the service and this issue needs to be clarified for each specific provider separately.

As for the general comparison of performance in different connection modes, depending on the model and connection type, the user can expect speeds of up to 100 Mbps. Reviews on the site usually provide figures for test results in different modes (do not forget that with the release of new firmware they can change significantly).

In fact, the more significant issue when choosing a router is its compatibility with a specific provider. Unfortunately, it is impossible to answer this question with laboratory tests. In this case, we recommend that you turn to forums and recommendations from users of your network, but the most successful is to consider a purchase with the condition of testing the functionality in your specific apartment. The router option offered by the provider in this case has one undoubted advantage - if something does not work, the provider himself will deal with it. But they usually have a smaller selection of devices, the models themselves are less “interesting”, and the cost is higher.

Setting up the router

As an example, we use the ZyXEL NBG460N Internet center model, connected to the Beeline Internet provider. Before setting up any device of this class, it is advisable to check the manufacturer’s website for the availability of new firmware/firmware. The second important point is changing the administrator password to access the router.

We believe that the Internet itself is already configured on it. There are too many possible configurations to describe them here. We will mention only the main options:

  • direct connection with a fixed or dynamic address (usually you need to change the MAC address on the external interface on the router or inform the factory provider);
  • connection via PPPoE – username and password required;
  • connection via PPTP/L2TP – the address or server name, user name and password are required.

In particular, for ZyXEL equipment, the easiest way to set up is to launch the bundled NetFriend program, specify the region, provider name and account information. In a few minutes your Internet will be working.

What are the next steps to take? Perhaps the very first step will be to set up a secure wireless network. By default, routers usually have an open network radio enabled. This means that anyone can connect to it and not only use your Internet channel, but also possibly gain access to computers.

So we recommend changing the network name to something original and setting the mode to WPA2-PSK AES. This is the safest option today. And for 802.11n equipment, only it provides maximum performance. You should use other options only if some of your wireless equipment does not support it. Also, do not forget that WEP cannot be considered secure today and that the password must be complex - one and a half dozen random characters. Possible difficulties with entering it on mobile devices are compensated by the high level of network security. And for laptops and PCs, you can use WPS technology for a quick connection - you just need to press a button on the router and on the client, and in a few seconds a secure connection will be set up.

To improve 802.11n performance, it is recommended to enable the “40” (or “20/40”) mode in the access point settings, which means operation on two radio channels. You can select the most free channel using the inSSIDer program, launched on a PC with a wireless adapter installed.

Typically, the router has a DHCP server enabled. It “distributes” IP address settings to all devices connected to it. So there is no longer any need to specifically point out anything about them. Despite the fact that the system works automatically, we would recommend programming fixed MAC-IP matches on the router for those devices that will subsequently need to be accessed from the Internet. This is necessary so that their IP addresses are permanent and can be registered in the port translation rules.

Most often, the range of addresses that is used on a home network is 192.168.0.* or 192.168.1.*, where “*” is any number from 1 (usually for a router) to 254. You can check the current PC address with or in the status network connection or by typing ipconfig at the command line (for Windows systems).

Recall that a MAC address is a physical/hardware identifier that any network device has. Often they are even written on packages and cases. Formally, they are all individual on a global scale, but in many cases they can be changed through the device driver settings. It is represented as six bytes, written in hexadecimal digit format, for example 001020AABBCC or 00:10:20:AA:BB:CC.

The next point that is worth understanding is the permanent/external/white address. These concepts are often confused, so it is imperative to put things in order. If you use a router to connect to the Internet, its WAN interface has a specific IP address. All devices that are outside your home network see exactly this address and know nothing about your internal devices. The network address translation (NAT) technology operating in the router automatically and transparently for the user replaces internal addresses with external ones and vice versa when transmitting and receiving network packets.

In turn, this address, which is issued by the provider or required to be specified in the router during its configuration, can be permanent or dynamic. The only difference between these options follows from their names.

But of greatest interest is the question of the external/white address. These terms usually mean “an address accessible from anywhere on the Internet.” An example is an office PBX with a single external number. All its subscribers can communicate with each other by dialing an internal number. Outside the office, these numbers have no meaning. At the same time, they can call landline phones, but it is impossible to directly reach each specific subscriber simply by dialing a landline number. In turn, this office with its own PBX can be located inside an office building with its own PBX and another switch.

This example shows one of the reasons for using NAT technology - you can have a local network with Internet access of almost any size, but “waste” only one address from the general global list. With the transition to a new version of the IPv6 protocol, this problem may disappear, but no one knows when this will happen.

It would seem that if the Internet works like this, then why might you need an external address? The answer to this question is quite simple - if you want to have access to your local network from the Internet, its use is necessary. For example, you are planning to create an FTP server, host a Web server with a family photo album on your PC, or you want to have access from the office to files on your home network drive. Note that these problems can be solved in other ways, but they are much more complicated and more expensive.

How to determine which address your provider provided you with? First, you need to look at the external address of the router on the corresponding page of its Web interface, if it looks like 10.*.*.* or 172.(16...31).*.* or 192.168.*.*, then it is definitely “ gray" and it is impossible to access your network from the Internet using normal methods.

The second test that can be done is to go to the website and compare the address that this service shows with your address on the router. If they match, then you're in luck.

Many providers provide users with an external dynamic address. In this case, another problem arises - the address, although external, is not permanent and it is impossible to find it out while outside the network. To solve this, you need to use the dynamic DNS service built into most routers - it allows you to get a permanent domain name that will automatically be configured to the router’s IP address when it changes, and it can be used at any time to access your network.

You can use the DynDNS.org service completely free of charge - one domain name is provided to everyone. A working email address is required to register.

In addition to accessing the local network, an external address can be useful for improving the efficiency of certain services, such as messaging programs or p2p networks. Note that here we are only talking about the fact of the presence of an external address, and the use of DynDNS in this case is not required. However, there are some steps worth taking.

We are talking about broadcasting network ports. This is sometimes called "port forwarding" or "port opening". This setting allows an external recipient to connect to a specific program that is located on your PC behind the router.

Let us remind you that connection to network services occurs by specifying the IP address and port number. For example, for HTTP it is 80, for POP3 it is 110, and so on. But if we are not talking about standard programs, then the numbers can be almost any (from 1025 to 65535) and often they can be specified in the settings of the program itself.

Configuring port translation allows you to transmit a request incoming to the external address of the router and to certain ports to a PC located in the local segment. For example, you can create a Web server on a PC and “forward” port 80 for it. Depending on the router model, external and internal numbers may differ or must be the same. It is also worth mentioning that some of the ports (most often 80, 8080, 23, 25) are blocked by the provider for security reasons. After setting up port translation, the program installed on the PC begins to behave as if it has a direct connection to the Internet past the router. Check the operation of port translation in the program itself, if such an option is provided.

You may encounter the “protocol” parameter when configuring port translation. We are talking here about two protocols within TCP/IP - TCP itself and UDP. In most cases, the first one is used for Internet communications. The need for UDP is usually indicated in the program descriptions. If the router does not have such a parameter, then both protocols are broadcast at once.

Some programs support the UPnP protocol to automatically open ports for themselves. However, from a security point of view, it is better not to do this, since “simplicity” also has a downside - lack of access control.

In some cases, it will also be useful to set up regular sending of device operation log files to your email address. The truth here is that you need to understand that if there is no Internet connection, then nothing can be sent to an external server. To correctly display the date and time in the logs, the router has a built-in clock that can be synchronized via the Internet.

Another rather rarely used option is allowing access to the Web interface for configuring the router from the Internet. This should only be done if absolutely necessary and do not forget to set a really complex password for access.

Total at the moment we have:

  • router connected to the Internet;
  • secure Wi-Fi network;
  • service for distributing addresses on a local network;
  • configured DynDNS for accessing the network from the Internet;
  • translation of ports for running services on a PC or other devices.

In the next article we will talk about setting up network storage drives.

Just a few years ago, setting up a local network through the DIR 300 router in Windows 7 and Windows 8 could only be done by a specialist. Today, thanks to full automation, this simple operation can be performed even by an inexperienced user. All you need for this is a computer, accessible Internet and a router.

Connecting a router

When a common communication channel can be used for several home devices, but only one wire is available, in this case a router is simply irreplaceable.

A router is a device with an individual power supply, when connected to which, each computer, regardless of the number, receives free access to the Internet.

You can connect several devices to the router at the same time: an e-reader, a smartphone, a set-top box, a laptop, a computer and a tablet.

Connecting gadgets will provide each of them with Internet access and help quickly exchange information.

Connection to the router can be made using two methods:

  1. wired;
  2. wireless.

It depends on the router model (Wi-Fi availability) and the user’s desires. For example, setting up a local network through a dir 30 router is not a difficult job that even an inexperienced user can do.

Instructions for wired connection:

  • If necessary, properly crimp the UTP network cable;
  • connect the router to the power supply;
  • connect gadget cables to it;
  • configure network functions.

A connection through a router not only creates a network between several computers, but also protects them from some damage (for example: wear and tear of the provider cable, breakage of this cable, lightning strikes).

The cable from the provider is inserted into the corresponding socket of the router. Then the user’s IP address, secondary network mask, main gateway, two DNS servers (preferred and alternative) are specified in the router settings. Additionally, you can copy the repeat MAC address of the network card, password and network login.

Basically, router models are equipped with four sockets for connection. Each of them is carried out according to a single algorithm. Then you should check and configure network connections.

Video: How to connect a router

Checking physical connection

Having completed the necessary work, you should make sure that the switches and cables are working correctly, that is, there is a functional physical connection between the gadgets.

To do this, you will need a ping utility that checks the stability of the TCP/IP configuration and tests other host connections. The process consists of sending packet data of a limited volume to the address specified in the settings.

According to the rules, upon receiving an information packet, each network device immediately sends a response. The communication line between configurations is broken or missing if a response does not arrive within a certain time.

Before using the ping utility, you should:

  • computers that are being checked for connectivity must be turned on;
  • execute the Start/Run commands;
  • enter the data of the ping command, which allows you to check the functionality of the utility itself;
  • replace the address in the command with the address of the local computer, this will allow you to check the operation of the network card;
  • check the target computer (for example, ping, if the response is the line “Request timeout exceeded,” then this is a confirmation of a faulty switch or cable.

You can send a large number of packets to the network using the – t switch, separated from the ping command by a space.

How to set up a local network via a wi fi router

A Wi-Fi router is needed to unite two or more devices into one network, to open shared access to various folders, files, disks, and to be able to exchange information.

Having in stock:

  • Wi-Fi router connected to a virtual network, with an automated IP and DNS system:
  • a computer with a wired Internet connection;
  • a computer with an operating system similar to the first one, but with a Wi-Fi connection.

We start connecting via a wifi router in Windows 7

First, you should check the connection with the ping command. To do this, find the router settings in the browser. We perform the necessary transitions through the menu and search in a few clicks. If in the end, after pressing the “Enter” key, the exchange of packets between devices begins, then the connection is working.

It is necessary to disable your antivirus, Windows Firewall, and firewalls the first time you experience network connection problems. After this, you can begin to configure the existing network.

After checking the working groups of gadgets, we set the name or change it, which must be done, if any. You should also cancel the password request.

The work is done, the network is configured. All that remains is to restart all computers.

Local network in Windows 7

In order to configure the adapter parameters (mask and IP), we perform the necessary steps, after which the entire range of Internet connections is displayed on the screen:

  1. you should select one of them corresponding to the adapter of the connected computer;
  2. in Properties we find “Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”, which is used to connect;
  3. then you should enter the IP address.

You should pay attention to the fact that the last digit in it is the device number, that is, depending on how many of them are connected in a particular network, enter 1 for the first, 2 for the second, and so on.

The subnet mask is set automatically after pressing the “Subnet Mask” button.

Now all gadgets connected to the network will appear in the Network menu, but each of them will be accessed based on the settings specified in the Network and Sharing Center.

Document sharing

To open shared access to documents, on computer 1, select the desired folder and open access in the properties. To allow content changes by other network users, you must allow access again.

In the network environment of computer 2, find all the computers that are in the workgroup and click the link.

After these steps, a shared folder will be displayed on computer 1.

Two network routers

Sometimes it is necessary to connect two routers. You can also do this yourself.

First, let's prepare a network cable and decide what effect we want to get as a result of the actions: connecting existing local networks, a single Internet access point, connecting devices, wired and wireless, to a second router.

Using Wi-Fi or a network cable, you can connect two routers to the network.

When using a cable connection, one end is connected to the main device (LAN), and the other is inserted into the second (WAN). Having received the necessary data about the request, we complete the work by checking the box for automatically obtaining IP addresses in the second router.

Using a cable-free information transmission network to connect routers, you just need to enter the settings of the second router and, having started searching for wireless networks, join the Wi-Fi network created by that time by the first device. Next, you should do the same steps as during a wired connection.

Local network in Windows 8

The new Windows 8 system makes it possible to watch movies, play games, talk with friends, work in Office, and search for your favorite applications in a specially created Windows Store right from the screen.

To configure we go:

  1. in the Start menu, displayed on the gadget screen already when Windows 8 boots up;
  2. Next you should go to connections in a few clicks, for Windows 8 this is Ethernet;
  3. In the properties we find “Internet Protocol version 4 TCP/IPv4”;
  4. open the General tab;
  5. select “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS servers automatically.”

We agree with the “Ok” button, and with this action we complete the setup of the local network of Windows 8 OS. You can check the start of the connection and Internet access by simply clicking on the “Connection” icon.

It is striking that setting up a local network via a router in Windows 8 and earlier versions of the OS are similar. The only difference between them is entering the settings. But 8 users have already become comfortable with this item, using hotkeys and the search engine. Having coped with the search for the control panel, the owner of Windows 8 performs all other actions similarly to previous versions.

Connection and testing

When connecting and setting up a wireless connection, you should check the basic settings:

  • connecting the access point to the power grid;
  • checking its functionality using other gadgets (detection of the device, reports on its operation);
  • monitor driver installation;
  • turn on the network adapter if it is turned off;
  • Click the Internet access icon to check your network settings.

Network printer

To share a network printer over a local network, you should find the connected device in the “printers and faxes” folder located on the main PC. In the printer menu, we agree that the device is available to all computers and it will automatically be detected on all computers with a local connection.

To further use the equipment, which is in a single access, from computers connected by a common network, you must follow the step-by-step instructions of the connection wizard in the “printer installation” folder.

  • firstly, select the item that says about a network printer connected to another gadget;
  • secondly, you need to review printers;
  • thirdly, if we are confident in the frequent or constant use of the equipment, we agree to use it by default.

Having completed the settings, we connect the gadgets using network cards using the Network Bridge method.


Let's figure out how to set up a local network through a router and what it is, because many people in their apartment have several computers connected via Wi-Fi, and even more so, everyone has a gadget: a tablet, a smartphone, a desktop, with which it is convenient to lie on the couch. But how inconvenient it is when you want to transfer a photo or song from one computer to another, or from a phone to a tablet, for example, or to a desktop computer, because you can’t do it that easily over Wi-Fi. In this case, you have to struggle with wiring or flash drives, look for bluetooth, but the fact is that your WiFi router is essentially a single node, a server that connects these devices into one single local home Wi-Fi network! In this article I will tell you how to create a local network connection through a router, and you will no longer need to go for a flash drive and wires from your phone, you can do this while lying on your favorite sofa, transfer files from device to device via Wi-Fi File using shared network storage without making unnecessary movements.

Scheme of connecting various devices to the Local Network via a WiFi router.

Let's say a few more words about the local network and why we might need it. A wireless local network is essentially a kind of networked data storage, which is formed as a result of connecting several computer devices via Wi-Fi, a wifi router in this case as a server. Its purpose is not only to transfer files, but also to communicate with each other of all devices connected to it, you can communicate using it from neighboring rooms, play online games, for example Counter-Strike, and also connect other digital devices, for example create a connection to a network printer, scanner, camera and other devices that can connect to the router via Wi-Fi.


And so, we’ve figured out what, what, and why, let’s start setting up the local network. This setup is carried out in the same way on any Windows operating system, including the new Windows 10. It’s easy for us to make a local network connection, the fact is that if you use a WiFi Router, then you already have it and configured it, you just didn’t know about it! We only need to create shared access to all the necessary folders on computers, and they will automatically go to the network storage via Wi-Fi.

Open the Network and Sharing Connection Center.

Click on the network icon in the taskbar LMB or RMB (Right or left mouse button) to open the “Local Area Network or Sharing Connection Center”.

In the “Network and Sharing Management Connection Center”, we check that our active network is the “Home Network”, a house must be built:

The name of our WiFi network is indicated in bold at the top.

Another type of network may be specified: “Enterprise Network” or “Public Network”, in this case click on the link with the name and change the network type:

Save the Home Group password for yourself and click Finish.

Now our home local network has been created and we can connect to it via Wi-Fi.

Changing the LAN password

If you don't like remembering these scribbles, you can set your own password.

Sharing files

Our network storage is already configured, but we need to do an important thing, the fact is that by default access to all files and folders on computers is not granted and this must be done manually. There are two options, with and without password protection. For the home, of course, it’s convenient not to bother with passwords, so we’ll consider this option.

Disable password for files

Open changing homegroup settings, as described above.

Click “Change advanced sharing settings.”

Let's expand on both groups.

We filled out the parameters of the first group, in the “General” group, fill everything in the same way, this group is intended when you have several accounts on your PC.

Sharing folders

Now everything is ready, all that remains is to open public access to those folders on the disk that we want to use and will automatically be visible to all devices connected to the router via cable or Wi-Fi. I'll show you using my local drive as an example; you can do this with any folder on your computer.

We can see that there are no files available on our local network yet, to do this, open “My Computer” and select the “Network” tab on the left in the menu.

Click on the folder and select Properties.

In the "Properties" window, open the "Access" tab, click on the "Advanced settings..." button

Check the “Share this folder” checkbox and click OK.

Connecting devices to the network


After a local network has been created on one of the computers, on other computers in the “Network and Sharing Connection Center”, in the view of active networks, the opportunity to join it will appear “Home group: Can join”. Click the link provided. If there is not one, then in order to be able to join a home group, you must set the network location to “Home network”.

To change the network to Home, click on the “Public Network” link and select “Home Network”, after which the network type will change.

We mark the necessary elements that will be publicly accessible from this computer. Click the Next button.

Enter the password for our home group. Click the Next button.

We check whether the files that we expanded on the main computer are available on the laptop.

Similarly, you can allow sharing for all files and folders on any computer that is connected to the homegroup.


We've dealt with Windows, let's figure out how we can see our shared files over Wi-Fi, for example, from a tablet or phone for Android OS. First we need a special program. I recommend that you download the ES Explorer program.

Software launches.

After the scan is completed, we have our files located on other computers that we have placed in our HomeGroup.

Also not on the computer, we will see the files that are located on the Android device in the storage. The setup is complete.

Useful to watch


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