Error Windows 7 client does not have. Not enough rights: Windows requires administrator rights. Insufficient rights for a specific file or folder

Many of the users have probably encountered this situation. In a user account with administrator rights (and usually there is no other account on a personal computer), Windows, when trying to open a specific file, folder, and sometimes an entire directory (or even a volume), refuses to do so. Under the pretext that, supposedly, there are not enough rights:

pdf file cannot be opened due to lack of rights

and as a consequence:

And what’s most annoying is: how is this possible? I am an administrator, at least with a full set of administrative rights. And here again there are few rights...

Why are there not enough rights?

There are only two answers.

You did not create the folder or file. At least not ON THIS SYSTEM or this account. The current system therefore considered that you, again, are not the owner.

After certain manipulations with UAC trigger worked(erroneously or intentionally), now capturing some files. This is due to some file attributes stored in the metadata of files and folders. This picture appears especially often when the system has been reinstalled, and you are trying to access files and folders on another drive that was used as storage.


As can be seen from the description, the progenitor of the ban in both cases is the notorious UAC(Account Control) Windows. Therefore, the solution to the problem with rights lies in working with UAC. This means we can choose several methods that will help get rid of this “error”. But don't think that by turning off UAC in the settings User accounts, by rolling the notification slider down, you got rid of it:

It’s not that simple, and control in our case is not necessary.

Insufficient rights for a specific file or folder

If this problem has not become an eyesore and is not endemic to the system, you can try to get rid of it directly in the properties of the file/folder. Call up the file/folder properties menu and select the tab Safety:

open in new tab to enlarge

In the window Selecting “Users” or “Groups” Enter your account name or start typing and click Check Names. The user account will be detected and the button OK you will add it to the list of those who have the necessary rights to the document/folder. Your account will immediately appear in the middle window Group Permissions...

All you have to do is agree with the dialog boxes

Place a tick in the checkbox Allow. Apply and agree in all successively opened windows. A reboot is unlikely to be required. Try it right away. This option applies to all files, folders and even directories.

If the files still do not open, we will set the permissions to the accounts. In file/folder/drive properties change or set owners:

It is possible that in order for the problem with insufficient rights to disappear, you will have to try to assign rights or to the current user or administrator(as in the picture).

Adding a special item to the additional commands menu

There is a small hack for the menu of additional commands that appears after right-clicking on the selected one. With its help, you can add another item to the menu, which speaks for itself:

I have an article dedicated to this, everything is laid out on the shelves there. Or simply add the unpacked from . Check it out.

Remove the trigger in Group Policy: for the entire system as a whole

Rights are all right, but the UAC system itself and its accompanying functions are far from error-free. So there is an option to check the settings for User Account Control: whether some event has appeared there that causes UAC to “react nervously”. Enter the shortcut in the search bar


We are looking in the section

Computer Configuration-Windows Configuration-Security Options-Local Policies-Security Options

Scroll on the right with the mouse to the point User Account Control: All administrators work in…:

Double click on it turn off in properties.

Read: 3,224

In chapter Software to the question the Client does not have the required rights. What to do? given by the author Artem Bystrov the best answer is The client after installation by the administrator must have for the administrator
administrative rights, and for the user user rights.

If this is not the case, then it is written incorrectly, with the power task of reduced rights.
In short, the administrator must install it.

Answer from Alexander[guru]
Make it so that the client has rights

Answer from Valery Isaev[guru]
contact the administrator.

Answer from Zibin[guru]
Option 1 Disable UAC -- Start -- double click on Avtarka -- change User Account Control settings -- slider to the bottom Option 2 Enable the built-in administrator account 1) Launch the Local Users and Groups snap-in (Win+R -> lusrmgr.msc -> Ok) 2) In the left menu, click on the Users folder 3) Right-click the Administrator account and select Properties. 4) The Properties: Administrator window will open. 5) On the General tab, uncheck Disable account. or 1) Click the Start button 2) Type cmd in the search bar 3) Right-click the Command Prompt shortcut and select Run as administrator To enable the built-in Administrator account in the Russian version of Windows, use the command net user Administrator /active:yes In the system With English localization, the built-in administrator account is called Administrator, so the command will look like this: net user Administrator /active:yes To switch to this account: click on the Start button, click on the arrow next to Shut down and select Change user.

When performing any tasks on your computer, be it copying, moving, renaming, editing or something similar, you may encounter that the Windows operating system will not allow you to do this and will display error 0x80070522 The client does not have the required rights.

This error indicates that the user does not have sufficient rights for the operation being performed. I know two methods of how to remove or bypass the restriction of rights, let's get started.

We get rid of error 0x80070522 by disabling administrator approval mode.

1. Press the buttons simultaneously Win+R, thereby launching the dialog box " Execute".

2. Enter the command " secpol.msc" and press "Enter".

3. The "Local Security Policy" window will open. In it we go along the following path: Local Policies->Security Settings, and there among the list you need to find " User Account Control: All administrators work in administrator approved mode."

4. Double-click on this parameter and set the mode to “Disabled”.

5. Reboot the PC, after which previously unavailable actions should work.

You can also disable it using Registry Editor. To do this, also press two keys Win+R, enter the command “regedit” in the window, press “Enter”. The registry editor will open, in it you need to follow the path: , find the “EnableLUA” parameter, double-click on it and set the value to 0.

Bypass error 0x80070522 by running programs with administrator rights.

If you need to copy or move a file once and you don’t want to go into system settings, you can, for example, launch the “Total Commander” program by right-clicking on the icon, and in the dialog box select “Run as administrator”, all functions that did not previously work , will work as expected. If you need to edit a document, then launch any text editor in the same way.

I hope this instruction helped you in solving problems.