How to drag a page from Excel to Word. Instructions for transferring Excel tabular data to Word


To translate information from a file saved in Excel format in Word, open the spreadsheet file, select the required cells in it, click right button mouse and select “Copy”. Then, launch MS Word, create blank document(usually created automatically) and paste the fragment copied from Excel into it. At the same time, in the created document the number of columns required to represent the table will appear, and each row of Excel tables will be presented as a separate line in the document.
This method is the simplest, however, when using it, the formatting of the source document. In addition, further editing of such a pseudo-table created in Word will be very difficult.

To make the one prepared in Excel look almost the same in Word, paste the copied information into the one prepared in advance. To do this, count how many columns and rows the original table has. Then, select the “Table” and “Insert” menu item in Word. Specify the number of columns and rows in the window that appears and click confirm. All other (cosmetic) settings can be made later.

Now, as in the first case, copy the desired one. Then, use your mouse to select the entire table created in Word, right-click and select “Insert”. All data from the source table will be neatly distributed across the empty cells of the Word table. Using means Word formatting, correct incorrectly placed sections of the table.
This method is optimal for preparing reporting documentation, but does not allow saving, which will complicate subsequent recalculation of data.

To copy a table from Excel along with formulas and design, use “paste special” rather than simple. To do this, also copy the required fragment of the table, then select in Word menu“Edit” - “Paste Special” items. Then, select the line “ Microsoft Sheet Excel (object)".
Pay attention to the position of the point in the “Insert” and “Link” lines. To prepare standard documentation, leave this indicator in the "Insert" line.
If you need the information in the Word document to automatically change depending on the data in the Excel table, then select “Link”. However, it is necessary to ensure Word file permanent access to a file in Excel format.

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How to convert a Word file to JPG? Click print key, then open paint program, in the edit (or edit) menu, click paste, cut the desired place, make new file in the same way and save as jpg.

Helpful advice

Received graphic file can be saved in any format, including jpg. If necessary, repeat the operation several times to different pages document. The second way to convert pdf to jpg is to download Universal program Document Converter, which will help you convert PDF pages document in jpg.


  • how to translate word
  • How to Easily Move or Copy a Sheet in Excel 2013

Every sheet in a table editor Microsoft Office Excel contains work area to create spreadsheets. Totality sheet ov makes up a book, which is stored in one file. Each file can contain from one to 255 sheet ov of the document. The book sheet is an absolutely independent part of the document and allows you to enter information, process it and edit it, but despite this, saving options sheet and separately from the book in Microsoft Excel not provided.


Highlight sheet spreadsheet V separate document and save it as consisting of only this one sheet and, if you need to save only one sheet from several. To do this, launch a spreadsheet editor and load into it a book containing, among others, sheet, which interests you. The dialog for searching and opening a file in Microsoft Excel can be called up with the standard hotkey combination for the vast majority of applications: ctrl + o.

Right-click the shortcut you want sheet and in the lower left corner of the table editor window. In the context menu that appears, select “Move/Copy...” and the program will display a small window with three controls. In the top one (drop-down list), select “ A new book" After this the list sheet The window below will be cleared, so you won't need to select anything. Check the “Create a copy” box so that the original of the selected document will be included in a separate document. sheet but remained in this book. Then click "OK" and Microsoft Excel will create new document, which will only contain a copy of the one you selected sheet A. The new window will become the active document.

Save the newly created workbook. The save document dialog box can be called up by pressing the keyboard shortcut ctrl + s or selecting the appropriate item in the menu opened by clicking on the large round button in the upper left corner of the spreadsheet editor window.


Note that the worksheet you select may contain formulas that use data from other sheets in the workbook. In this case, a table saved separately, deprived of data sources, may display incorrect values.


  • how to save a document in excel

Operation copy Excel consists of three stages: selecting a table, copying it, and pasting it into the document text editor. There are three ways to perform these actions: through the context menu, using the keyboard, or through the toolbar.


Highlight table Excel. To do this, click once between the column and row designations or place the cursor on the first top cell and, while holding down left button mouse, move the cursor down and along the entire table, so the cells will be highlighted.

To copy an Excel table: place the cursor on the selected table. Click the right mouse button. In the context menu that appears, select the “copy” command or press simultaneously on the keyboard Ctrl keys+insert. To copy table using the main menu on the toolbar, call the “edit” command and click “copy”. In this case, the boundaries of the copied tabular part take the form of a running snake. After you insert table in the right place, does not disappear, the program allows you to insert table as many times as needed.

Open Text Document, into which you are going to paste the copied table Excel.

Right-click and select “paste” from the context menu that appears. Or insert using the Shift+insert keys. This can also be done through the main menu “Edit”, activate the “paste” command.


The snake highlight when copying an Excel spreadsheet will not go away until you complete the operation. To do this, press the Esc key or remove the selection double click mouse on the table.

When writing large quantity text may need to be inserted Additional information right in the middle of the current document. Or when designing, add a title page. To perform these actions, use the insert new function sheet.

You will need

  • - Word program (Microsoft Office package);
  • - source document.


Open the original document in Word format. If it has not yet been created, open the program via a shortcut on your desktop. Dial required text.

Determine the place in the document where you need to add . Place the cursor in this point. Be careful: a blank page appears at the location you designated with your cursor. If it is installed in the middle of the page, the text will be torn.

From the menu, select the Insert tab. In the functions that open, go to the first one – “Pages”. Use the down pointer to open additional options. Select the command " Empty page" A new one will be added to the location you specified. Blank sheet.

If necessary, add to an already created document title page with the original work data, also use the “Pages” tab. IN additional features select Cover Page. It will always be inserted at the beginning of the document, regardless of the current cursor location.

Beginning with Office versions Word 2007, you will be offered templates for the cover page. Select the design that best suits the current document. Replace the template text with your own. If you don't like the cover page you selected, use Insert > Pages > Cover Page > Delete Current Cover Page. Replace deleted page to a more suitable one.

Be careful when inserting the cover page. When you execute the "Cover Page" command, it replaces the existing one. A document created in more early version Word programs (before 2007), does not support title templates Word pages 2007 and later.

When copying tables from Excel to Word, as well as when transferring cell values ​​from Excel tables to Word tables, various troubles may arise in the form of mismatched formats, sizes, and simply incorrect insertion of copied data. To efficiently transfer data from Excel to Word, you need to know a few things.

How to transfer a sheet from a bookExcel to documentWord?

To transfer data from an entire worksheet to a Word document Excel workbooks, you need to go to the “Insert” tab and in the “Text” button group click the “Object” button. On the New From File tab of the Insert Object dialog box,

Using the “Browse” button, you need to find the workbook with the data to be transferred. It is worth noting that the active sheet in the workbook must be the one that contains the data to be transferred to the Word document. This inserts file data into a document so that it can be edited using the application in which it was created. In other words, an Excel application area appears in the Word document, which is activated double click left mouse button. This replaces the Word ribbon with the Excel ribbon, and you can make changes in this area of ​​the Word document using Excel tools.

In the Insert Object dialog box, if you select the File Link check box, the Word document will display automatic mode changes made to the source file.

How to transfer a table or range of cells from Excel to Word?

To transfer a table or any arbitrary range of cells with data from an Excel workbook to a Word document, you must: Excel application copy range of cells, go to Word application and on the "Home" tab in the "Clipboard" button group, open the "Paste" button menu and select one of available options inserts, such as, keep original formatting, use end fragment styles, save as picture, save text only and some others.

In addition to the listed options, the “Paste Special” item is available, with which you can paste a copied table or range as an object, as well as select other paste options.

How to selectively transfer data fromExcel toWord (automatically)?

In some cases, when there is a need to fill individual rows/columns of a table in a Word document with data from Excel, from execution multiple action The “Copy/Paste” add-in for Word will help you automatic filling Word tables with data from Excel.

For example, when filling out specifications for project documentation, you need to selectively transfer information from the Excel workbook database to a Word document. In this case, you do not need to transfer the entire Excel table, but only some of its rows, despite the fact that they are not located in the same range, which could be copied and pasted in one action. The add-in allows you to automate the process of selectively transferring data from an Excel table to a Word table.

After selecting the Excel workbook (database) and the worksheet containing the data to transfer to the table in the Word document, the dialog box displays the cell values ​​from the first two columns of the database worksheet. The user can regulate the number of displayed columns independently by changing the numbers of the first and last column. Depending on this, the contents of the dialog box change. The first row of the database file worksheet serves as headings for the columns in the dialog box. In order to transfer data from the dialog box, you need to select required lines, using the left mouse button and the Ctrl and/or Shift keys on the keyboard.

After starting the program, the values ​​of all the lines selected in the dialog box are transferred to the table cells of the Word document, starting from the cell in which the mouse cursor is located. The add-in allows you to selectively fill tables in the Word editor with data from Excel. An example of using this add-in is filling out specifications of equipment and materials for project documentation, when in order to fill out documents by section it is necessary to selectively transfer data from databases created on the basis of Excel workbooks to a table in a Word document.

For users using widescreen monitors, it is possible to resize the dialog box to fit the width of the Word application window.

How to transfer individual values ​​fromExcel toWord?

To autofill Word documents with data from Excel, you can use ready-made solutions(add-ins) for both Word and Excel. These solutions allow you to automatically generate Word documents based on data contained in an Excel workbook sheet. These solutions provide the ability to batch fill out documents (for cases when, based on one set of source data, you need to fill out several various documents, for example, contract, add. agreement, power of attorney, etc.).

If you ask any user which program is best to use to build tables, he will answer “Excel”. And that's exactly how it is. But no one will argue that in another office program- in Word - sometimes you also need to create tables. Fortunately, it is possible to move this element from one program to another.

This article will discuss how to transfer a table from Excel to Word. The three most popular methods of this operation will be discussed. They are all quite different from each other, so it is recommended to read the article to the end to determine for yourself which method is best to use.

Moving a table from Excel to Word

Before moving on to detailed analysis All three ways to transfer a table from Excel to Word, let's briefly go over their essence. Below are three methods:

  • normal copying;
  • copying using paste special;
  • insert from document.

The first method will allow you to fast deadline move a table from Excel to Word. However, to do this you need to open each program separately. There are also more significant disadvantages, which we will discuss directly in the analysis of the method itself.

The second method also uses two programs, but with its help you can link an Excel table with a Word table. How this is and why it is needed will be discussed in the analysis itself.

The third method, on the contrary, allows you to work only in Word and insert a table from Excel without opening the table editor itself. But it also has both advantages and disadvantages.

Now we will begin to analyze ways to transfer a table from Excel to Word, and you will find out which one is best for you.

Method one: normal copying

So, first of all, let’s look at the easiest way to transfer a table from Excel to Word:

  • First of all, you need to open the Word document into which you want to insert the table, as well as the Excel program with that very table.
  • Now in Excel, select the fragment that you want to move to Word.
  • It must be copied. There are three ways to do this. The first is to right-click (RMB) on the selected area and select “Copy” from the context menu. The second is to click the corresponding icon on the toolbar, which is located in the “Clipboard” area. His exact location you can see in the image below. The third method is the simplest - you need to press the key combination CTRL+C.

  • After the element has been copied, go to the Word document. First, left-click (LMB) in the place where you want to insert the table.
  • Now it needs to be inserted directly. This can also be done in three ways. Open the context menu by right-clicking and select “Save source formatting” from the menu. Click the corresponding icon on the toolbar. You can also see its location in the image below. The third involves using hotkeys, only this time CTRL+V.

As a result, the table will be inserted. This was the first way to transfer a table from Excel to Word 2007. By the way, this instruction will be suitable for other versions of the program, albeit with some changes.

Method two: copy using paste special

Now we will look at how to transfer a table from Excel to Word 2010. It’s also worth making a note that this method is also suitable for other versions of the program:

  • So, again you need to open two documents - Excel and Word. In Excel, select the desired area and place it on the clipboard using one of the methods described above.
  • After that, go to the Word program. You need to open the Insert tool drop-down menu. To do this, click on the arrow below it.

  • In the menu, select "Paste Special..." - a window of the same name will open. In it you need to switch to the “Link” item and in the “How” field select “Microsoft Excel Sheet (Object)”.
  • After completing the steps, click "OK" - the table will be inserted into the document.

You may notice that the table is inserted as a picture - this means that you will not be able to edit it by making any changes. Of course, this applies to the disadvantages this method. However, there are also advantages - the table will automatically shrink to a size that fits perfectly into your document.

Third method: paste from document

Using the third method, you can generally transfer a table from Excel to Word without using the Excel program itself. This is done very simply:

  • In Word, you need to go to the "Insert" tab.
  • In it you need to click on the “Object” icon, which is located in the “Text” area.

  • In the window that opens, go to the “Create from file” tab. There, click the "Browse" button and select the Excel file in the explorer that opens.
  • As a result, all that remains is to click on the “OK” button, and the table will be inserted.

This method has only one drawback, besides the fact that the table will be inserted in the form of a picture, it will be inserted entirely, that is, you will not be able to select the area you need.


As a result, there are three ways to insert a table from Excel into Word. They are all good in their own way and each has its own disadvantages and advantages. But which method to use is up to you.

Can link Excel and Word tables so that data from one table flows into another.Here we will consider, how to transfer from Excel to Word data tables. For example, we need to produce export table fromExcel to Word so that when you change data in an Excel table, the data in Word changes.
So, how to transfer a table from Excel to Word.
Let's make a table in Excel. Filled out the table Excel data– names of columns, formulas, etc. We’ll make exactly the same table in Word, with the same number of rows and columns, but empty. Column C contains formulas. Now you need to configure the relationship between table cells.
To do this, right-click on the first cell in the Excel table. From the context menu that appears, select the “Copy” function.
Let's go to the Word table. Click on the same (first) cell and on the “Home” tab, click the “Insert” function button. Select the “Paste Special” function from the list. In the dialog box that appears, check the box next to the words “Link”. In the “How” window, select “Unformatted Text”. Fill out the dialog box like this.
Click the “OK” button. It turned out like this.

In an Excel table, remove the pulsating frame of the copied cell using the “Esc” button. This is how we link all the table cells. The result is a table like this in Word.

To update data in Word table, when changing data in an Excel table, you need to select the Word table (click on the arrow sign at the top left of the table).

From the context menu, select the “Update connection” function.

Or the “Data” tab - “Connections” - “Update all”.
Let's check how the connection works. Let's change the numbers in the first column. Let's update the Word table. It turned out like this. The cells in the first column were updated and the data calculated using the formula in Excel changed in the third column.
Attention! This feature may not work in merged cells.
Also in the context menu (previously select the Word table) there is a function “Linked Worksheet object" ZHere you can open the Excel table that is linked to Word table. Make changes to an Excel table, etc.
Change connection– function in the “Communications” context menu - configure communication update parameters, etc.
Attention! When the table structure changes, connections are interrupted, e.g. You need to configure the connection in ready-made tables.
The function of transferring an Excel table to Word can be used when creating other documents and forms. For example, create a calendar in Word for many years, which will be automatically updated. See the article "Calendar in Word"

The most convenient editor Excel is used to create and edit tables. Besides, this program allows you to insert data that is calculated by a certain formula. This formula can be set directly in the editor. Having created a table and filled it with data, there is often a need to transfer it to a Word document. However, some users create the same table in Word and copy the values. This is a very labor-intensive process. Therefore, below we will look at how to insert a table from Excel into Word.

The entire demo will be shown in versions Word editor 2013. In other versions the sequence of actions will be exactly the same (the differences may be minor).

Before starting work, let's launch Excel and Word. Let the Excel spreadsheet editor have a table with data that we will insert into a Word document:

Next, move the mouse cursor to the left top corner table to be copied, left-click and drag the selection area to the lower right corner of the table and then release the pressed button. The result should be the following:

Thus, the copied table ended up in the data clipboard. Next we go to Word program. Place the cursor in the desired location, and then press the key combination Ctrl+V. Clicking will produce simple insertion, but an icon will appear in the lower right corner of the table that will allow you to determine the insert type:

Or you can do it the same way as Excel. Go to the “Home” tab at the top function menu and click the “Paste” button in the “Clipboard” section, selecting the paste type:

Note! Very often, when you create tables in Excel, they contain a lot of constantly updated data that you have to paste into Word every time. In this case, updating data becomes a routine task. However, you can insert a table from Excel into Word, while maintaining the connection between the programs. For this purpose it is used special insert. Copy your table from Excel:

When pasting into a Word document, go to the “Home” tab, in the “Clipboard” section, click the “Paste” button. You will see a drop-down menu like this:

In the “How to:” field, you must select the “Microsoft Excel Sheet (Object)” option and then click on the “OK” button. After these steps, the inserted table will look like this:

Double-clicking with the left mouse button on this table will allow you to edit it in the Excel interface, but directly in Word: