Filling in title description keywords. Principles for compiling a description. Title is not a meta tag, but it is very important for SEO

What are meta tags? Meta tags are special html tags located in the container and are designed to transmit information about the site to browsers and search engines. For example, when crawling your resource, search robots collect page titles, site descriptions, keywords, author information and other information contained in tags . Before showing the user’s website page, the browser does the same to understand in what form the site should be shown for a PC or a smartphone.

In this material, meta tags will be considered through the prism of . And you can learn the basic rules for filling them out, analyzing and checking them using webmaster tools.

Types of meta tags:

  • title (page titles);
  • description( short description pages);
  • keywords (keywords);
  • technical meta tags (responsible for the correct display of the page).

How to fill out meta tags correctly

From an SEO point of view, the main meta tags of a website are Title, Description and Keywords. Therefore, we will consider the correctness of filling them out. We repeat that all of them must be located between the tags and not in any other place in the code.


Meta tag is responsible for the page title and is displayed as a line of text in the browser tab.</p> <p>For <a href="">search engine promotion</a> site, it is necessary that <a href="">keyword</a> was located as close as possible to the beginning of the Title or was the very first. If the site is being promoted in any region, we write the name of the city or region. Next comes a selling or clarifying additive. Finally, to make the title unique, after the straight line we insert the name of the site or company</p> <p><b>For example:</b></p> <ol><li>For a commercial site: <i>“Buy a laptop in Moscow - prices from 19,990 rubles in the online store |"</i></li> <li>For the information site: <i>“How to properly grow aloe at home | Gardener</i>»</li> </ol><p>To ensure that the title is not cut off when displayed in search engine results, the title length must be no more than 65 characters.</p><p> <title>Page title


The Description meta tag is responsible for describing the essence of the information on the page in a few sentences. A regular search engine takes information from this tag to form a snippet in the search results.

The description should also include a direct occurrence of the keyword (if possible, supplemented by another word form), talk about the benefits of your offer, plus serve as a promotion for the main content of the page. Let's try to create page descriptions for the two examples mentioned above.


  1. “Buy a laptop in Moscow. Order a laptop at a price of 19,990 rubles in the online store. Delivery is free. 2 year warranty."
  2. “How to properly grow aloe at home. Gardener magazine shares the secrets of growing aloe plants at home.»

Length no more than 140 characters. On pure html, it would look like this:


The Keywords meta tag is a set of keywords by which the page is promoted. However, today this attribute is already is not mandatory and can be filled out optionally, so in the “golden era” of SEO it was overused and search engines practically do not pay attention to him. If you still decide to fill in the keywords, it is better to do this by simply listing the words in the initial form without commas:

“Buy a laptop in Moscow order price cost ruble online store catalog delivery guarantee”

Any length, but don’t be too zealous. In html it is correctly written like this:

You can parse competitors' meta tags in just a couple of clicks - using a parser.

Technical meta tags

  • Expires — document expiration date.
  • Pragma - a ban on the use of cached data; information must be loaded from the server.
  • Content-Type - content type and encoding.
  • Content-language — page/site language.
  • Cache-Control - Sets whether the document is cached or not, and if so, how.
  • Robots - is responsible for indexing individual pages.
  • document-state — indexing frequency.

The absence of meta tags can negatively affect the display, indexing and ranking of pages.

How to add meta tags to a CMS

Most often used to manage content on a website. various CMS and some of them require installation additional modules and plugins to set meta tags. To add meta tags to the CMS you need:

Though Wix and is not a CMS - it is just a constructor, here you can also make a meta description of the site and keywords that contain information about the site. For each page, when you click on three dots, a menu pops up where you can go to the SEO section and set the necessary parameters.

But if you are serious about promoting your site in search engines, it is better not to use Wix and choose, for example, WordPress.

Checking meta tags online + analysis

To check meta tags on your own website or to analyze meta descriptions from competitors, you can use services that quickly and online show the necessary information.

Here are a few such services:

  • https://site/prizyv-k-dejstviyu-v-reklame/

Why do people create websites? Some need to promote their company or company, others need a well-visited blog. The reasons may be different, but one thing is clear - the art of building and promoting a website requires time and effort.

And finally, you were able to build your first blog or website: you decided what topic it would be dedicated to, decided on the design and started filling it out. Now is the time to properly format the “description” and “keywords” meta tags. What are they and how to use them?

What is a meta description tag?

In short, description is a short description of the page that the user sees in the list of results as a snippet. Google search, Yandex, etc. Snipet - displaying description in search results. Although they are practically the same, in this article we will be able to see the difference.

IN source code page meta description tag is located at the head of the html code. It looks something like this:

How to fill out the description meta tag

Despite the fact that some people decide to use the same advertising passage for all pages of a site, according to most experienced site builders, it is important to write its own text for each page. Why? This affects the user's visual perception. In addition, if the description is written effectively, it will attract more visitors to your site. One important point Something worth considering is that the description should not be too long or too short - on average, at least 380 characters are desirable. And although, when looking at the search results, you may see 200-300 characters, in fact, Google uses the entire passage you wrote.

Thus, you must briefly and concisely describe what the user will find on your site. In addition, this needs to be done in such a way that he wants to come to you. Let's look at some examples of advertising excerpt design.

Examples of description texts

Meta description tag - how to fill? To find the answer to this question, let's look at some examples. If you are the owner of a website on psychology, as a description you could write something like: “Search for a psychologist, as well as tests, advice, family recommendations and much more.” On the other hand, you can briefly describe the purpose of the site if it is clear to most visitors what it is about. educational institution or the enterprise in question. It might look like this: "Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov".

If your site contains music or video content, then the description text should list what can be downloaded from your page. It may say: “Download movies and music completely free at good quality" or " Free classics V modern processing- 128, 196, 320. Download for free."

When writing a description, you can take the most “juicy” part of the article (for those who are too lazy to write a separate unique text for a promotional excerpt). In any case, it is important that the user receives on your site the information that he expects to find and that you promise him. To learn how to correctly fill out the description meta tag, examples can be memorized or written down.

Automatic website generation systems

If you are building a website using a constructor, then the description meta tag for the site must be entered into the appropriate field in the editor. Along with the subheadings "h1", "title" and "keywords", there is a cell labeled "description". As is the case with other automatic website building systems, the description opencart meta tag must be entered into the field specially designated for this.

Incorrect description

It’s better not to use advertising snippet generation systems that automatically work with the page. Why? It is unlikely that you will be interested in text compiled by a machine, because most often such systems use the first few sentences of the page, and this is ineffective. The first paragraph does not always reflect the essence of the material you offer.

How is it different from description

Unlike description, keywords are a list of basic words needed to describe your page. However, keywords are also not the same as the key queries of search engine users - those words that are entered into top panel Google or Yandex search. True, today Yandex almost never uses these words when issuing search queries. Google, as their representative said, does not pay any attention to them at all. But the advertising fragment description is much more important - users see it and use it. Therefore Special attention It’s worth paying attention to key queries and the description meta tag. If you still want to specify keywords for the pages of your site, then you need to enter a meta tag in the html code of each of them:

meta name="keywords" CONTENT="enter keywords for our page".

As with the description tag, it is located at the “head” of the page.

Key queries of the Yandex search engine

It’s good if your advertising fragment contains some words that users enter into the search bar. To determine the statistics of entered Yandex queries, you need to go to the website: To use the service you must register. After that, enter your service or product in the line at the top of the page. Let's say your site is about history. Enter the word "history". And in the results we see two columns: “key query” and “number of impressions per month”. For example, the words “history class” were searched more than one and a half million times a month. Among the most frequently entered phrases we can see: “history online”, “horror story”, “ American Russia", "download 6" and "story 5". In addition, in Yandex Wordstat you can select a region or locality for which to display statistical information. This is very convenient, because in different areas and cities, people may be interested in different products.

If you use the most popular search queries in the description, you can make your site appear on the first pages of search engines. To achieve this, you will have to work hard - this is the main objective every site builder.

Formation of snippets

As we already said, we're talking about about the same description text. Search engines Bing, Yahoo! and Google display a snippet for the Internet user, which is indicated in the description meta tag. But Yandex acts slightly differently. That is, what you write in the ad snippet tag will not be shown in the snippet area in search results one page or another. How to fix it? The text of this excerpt can be customized in the Yandex webmaster's account. However, there is information that we cannot influence, no matter how much we would like, for example, the number of stars of the hotel. To change some address information of a company or organization, you need to leave a special request. In most other cases, you can customize your ad copy yourself. There is such a significant difference in the Yandex search results. Why do you need to know this? Again, we will repeat this if we want to attract more visitors to our website.

What have we learned

So, as we have seen, everyone can correctly fill out the meta description tag for a site. Examples of how to do this have been described in detail in this article. In addition, you and I could find out what the difference is in filling out an advertising excerpt for the Yandex and Google search engines. We learned what users' key queries are for and how to select them, as well as the almost complete uselessness of keywords. By using all the tips in this article, you will be able to achieve complete success, and with some extra skill, your site may even rank in the top ten that users see World Wide Web. Remember one thing: once you promote your site, it is important to continue to improve it further so as not to lose the rating you have gained.

Optimization meta title tags and Description has two goals: to promote the page using specified keywords, and also to improve the site snippet in search engines. Therefore, special attention must be paid to optimizing these tags.

Watch a video on optimizing the meta title tag

Meta title tag

Yandex shows only 50 characters in its search results, and Google 60-70 characters. At the same time, search engines independently choose which part of the page title to show and which to cut off. In this article, we will look in detail at the nuances of creating a page Title in a section.

Let's look at an example of one of the pages of our test online store.

Title tag in in this case is about 90 characters, which means it needs to be shortened. At the same time, do not forget about the uniqueness of the title: it should be as unique as possible both for your site and for the Internet as a whole. And, of course, search queries in the title should be included harmoniously. We optimize this page for the main query “evening dresses” and several others from the selected group:

We enter the main request at the very beginning of our title: this has a positive effect on. Then we study the remaining group of keywords: we select unique ones from them, and then we compose a clear and attractive title from the resulting list (the further part). Ultimately it will look like this: “Evening dresses can be bought inexpensively in Moscow.” As you can see, there is only one sentence, but it includes words from all search queries for the group of evening dresses, as well as the main query, which is very important.

Of course, you have to pay attention to the meaning of the phrase. The combination of all words from must be adequately read. In our tutorial example we missed this stage.

Do not include various names, phone numbers, addresses, etc. in the Title tag. You only have 50-70 characters and you need to create a clickable headline and place all the necessary keywords in it.

If we return to the search, we will just notice the previously selected words from the group key queries from competitors:

All words that are part of the key queries of the three clusters must be included in the description text. In this case, we use the main query at the very beginning of the text (as well as in creating the title).

Since the number of characters for writing is very limited, try to use only keywords and what can attract the user's attention. Both points are equally important: the first affects SEO results, the second brings visitors to the site.

The part of the description that contains words from groups of search queries is highlighted in red. The remaining words describe the competitive advantages and overall attractiveness of the offer.

Since the search engine may ignore the information from this meta tag, we need to add our description to the page text itself. Add it at the very beginning of the content, but in such a way that it fits harmoniously with the rest of it.

Once your page is indexed by search engines, check the description snippet. If it hits well, then everything is fine. Otherwise, just change the text itself from administrative panel, which the search engine has decided to use as a description for the selected page.

Check and adjust them regularly: the description along with the page title most influence the click-through rate of your site in search.

Tag title and meta tags description And keywords- play an exceptional role in website promotion. The position of the page in search results largely depends on their correct composition. The title, description and keywords elements must be present on every page of the site and contain key phrases:

Search engine robots give great importance title and description content, especially the title tag to determine the relevance of the page - the correspondence of the user request to its content. But there is a second factor that needs to be taken into account, it brings additional effect in site promotion is the perception of users.

Tag Title

On how attractive it looks in the user's eyes title(this is the title content) and the page in the search results, their choice in its favor depends. Even if your site is in search results, say, in 7th place, then there may be more transitions to it than to a site in 4th place. Especially if its title and snippet are attractive, i.e. compiled correctly.

Example of search results on Google:

In order to correctly compose the title - this is the name of the page, you need to decide on two questions: how many occurrences can there be key phrases and its length - the total number of characters in the tag. For “ordinary” pages, the recommended number is one key phrase. For the main pages of sections and the index page, 2-3 occurrences of key phrases are possible.

The most important keywords should be placed closer to the beginning. Since the content title tag reflected in the search results, it should be informative and, I repeat, attractive to users. Now about the possible tag length. In the screenshot from Google results It’s not difficult to calculate the number of characters for the first site - 50.

Maximum length The title I found on Google is 59 characters with spaces. Now let's look at the Yandex search results:

A similar title in Yandex search results was 55 characters - the remaining words of the title tag were not included in it. But notice that the main keyword consists of capital letters. If the letters are lowercase, then the number of characters in the headers of the search results increases. Let's look at the following screenshot:

The result of the 5th position in the search results is 68 characters (this is the maximum). We conclude: the length of the title can be about 60-65 characters with spaces, the most important should be located closer to the beginning and, preferably, not exceed 55 characters.

Attention: you should not put words that are not on the page in the title, as well as in keywords.

Meta Description tag

Search engines compile the content of the snippet from the description or select a fragment of text from the page. The description meta tag provides a brief description of the web page. It is advisable to be more careful in its compilation, even if it will not be used by some search engine to create a snippet. The recommended length is 150-200 characters with spaces (the maximum Yandex snippet is 182, Google is 140).

It is necessary to place several key phrases in the description: the main one should be placed closer to the beginning, it can consist of capital letters. The text should be as attractive as possible to users.

Meta Tag Keywords

As for the keywords meta tag - this is a set of page keywords - the main search engines do not take it into account. However, its preparation should not be neglected. Search engine algorithms change from time to time, perhaps “tomorrow” keywords meta tag will again be an important link in search engine optimization.

Correct compilation of title and description- one of the significant factors influencing the position of the site in the eyes of search engines. For a complete and effective SEO website promotion, you need to pay due attention to this procedure.

No more need to use meta tags for keywords and descriptions. That in order to get a high place in natural search results, unique content and a well-written title are enough. It is possible that for certain keyword phrases this is enough, but this does not mean that you should ignore the keywords and description meta tags completely!

In fact, the page title and meta description are often used by search engines to form a snippet that appears whenever your pages appear in natural search results. Accordingly, the content that is available in these meta tags plays an important role in attracting visitors from the search results.

Based on the above, I will try to formulate the basic concepts of optimizing meta tags for search results.

Meta tags should be filled out as completely as possible

The first step to proper optimization meta tags, this is to use optimal quantity characters when filling. Think carefully about the title and description of your page, which you indicate in meta tags. This, one might say, is the face of your site and it directly determines whether new users will show interest in your resource, since they encounter exactly this information in a fragment (snippet) of your site in search results. As a general rule, when filling out meta tags, you should consider the following restrictions by the number of characters in each meta tag:

  • Page title (title) - 70 characters
  • Meta description (description) - 160 characters
  • Meta keywords (keywords) - no more than 10 key phrases separated by commas (I use no more than two)

Meta tags should include target keywords and phrases in a natural way

Now that we know about character restrictions when filling out meta tags, we need to pay special attention to how to properly include target phrases and keywords. It has long been clear to everyone that the practice of filling meta tags with keywords has long been unsuccessful, but this does not mean that this can be neglected. This simply means that you need to be more thoughtful when filling out your meta keywords tag. Indicate there only the promoted keywords of this page, and not from the entire site.

When creating a meta title tag, consider including the page's main keyword and your brand name, separated by a "|" or “::”. You should not fill the title, as many people do, with keywords.

Following this formula, let's look at an example of a proper meta title tag for an “About Us” page:

Correct title

«About us | Web studio Roza Vetrov - website creation and SEO promotion"

AND bad example same page:

Wrong title

“About us – web studio, website creation, SEO promotion”

Although both meta title tag samples were kept within 70 characters, in my opinion the first version is a more compelling option that uses possible target keywords in a natural way.

The same goes for your meta description. Use the same target phrases and keywords in this meta tag area. Thanks to this you will receive additional bonus, causing your phrases to be highlighted bold in natural search results. Provided that the user enters the exact wording of your keyword into the search. It’s clear that you want to include as many keywords as possible in the descriptions, but you shouldn’t do this; I recommend sticking to one or two phrases to prevent possible bans for over-optimization.

Finally, when it comes to meta tag (keywords) keywords, recommendations are mixed. While adding content in this area won't help your site rank higher in the SERPs, keywords here can play a role in how well your site ranks in less authoritative search engines than Google or Yandex.

Meta tags (description) descriptions must include a call to action

Now the fun begins...

Remember that your meta title and description tags are not just fields you fill out for the sake of SEO optimization. Search engines very often use them to formulate your snippet in natural search results. This means that they should be compiled as attractive and informative as possible!

Example of a snippet for the request “Website promotion”:

Correct description

« Web studio Roza Vetrov carries out website promotion - a full range of work on website promotion in search engines."

Wrong description

« That is why all companies that need website promotion should pay attention to adapting their resource for visiting...”

I guess there's no need to even ask which of these articles you prefer to read, right?

The conclusion suggests itself, write good meta descriptions using the principles of copywriting. It may take longer, but the reward will be large quantity clicks, increased natural search traffic to your site and possibly higher search rankings.

If you are not yet an expert copywriter, you should consider the following recommendations when it comes to creating your meta title tags and meta descriptions:

  • Add a call to action . Most people click on links subconsciously, taking note of the actions you asked for. Possible calls to action for your meta description could include “Learn How,” “Learn More About,” “Click Here,” or other variations.
  • Use a keyword . The first indicator of the meta description does not in itself provide an advantage. It must be used in conjunction with a phrase that includes the keyword of your page and which will become the real reason to follow the link to read the full article.
  • Write your own meta tags for yourself . Once you've come up with a few possible meta tags, ask yourself, "Would I click on a link based on this information?" If the meta tags don't seem compelling to you yet, rewrite them until you come up with something more enticing.

Don't forget, you can always change the content of your meta tags by changing the information stored in them. If you've noticed a spike in search traffic since making the change, it's possible that you've hit upon a winning meta tag combination.

Meta tags can be improved by using structured data (micro markup)

And the last thing you can do to improve your site’s snippet in search results is to use micro-markup in the page text, which allows you to add bolder fragments to the snippet.

Essentially, bold snippets enhance your site's rankings by providing additional information beyond your title and description meta tags. This Additional Information may include a picture, the number of people following you on Google+. There are also microdata for other industry data elements, such as recipes, books, films, cars, etc.

I have already mentioned the creation of such snippets in my posts about and

The following example (from search query"potato soup recipe") shows the difference between web pages with and without data markup:

As you would expect, users will be more willing to follow a link with a more informative snippet, and search engines will rank a site with such markup higher. Therefore, in the next article I will tell you in detail how to use micro markup when creating website pages.